What are Free Radicals and How to Counter Them with Antioxidants?

Antioxidant Red Banner
Wordcloud illustration of antioxidants. Bigstock

You might have heard about the negative effects of free radicals and how antioxidants are used to remove them. However, very few of us know what free radicals are and how they work against the human body to inflict harm.

In this article, we discuss how free radicals affect our health and how we can alleviate their harmful effects with the help of antioxidants.

What are Free Radicals?

Chemical Illustration of an atom with a missing electron
Chemical Illustration of an atom with a missing electron, causing it to become a free radical. Photo: CC Wikipedia

Electrons, when not paired in their atomic orbits are highly unstable. A free radical is a name given to an atom that possesses an unpaired electron, meaning a missing electron, and subsequently, produces unstable cells that can damage our cell membranes.

 The process by which atoms lose electrons is called oxidation and this is not a healthy process for us humans (or any animal) and it can result in a variety of illnesses. When the free radicals are successful, they set off an oxidative chain reaction that can affect hundreds of millions of molecules and consequently, inhibits the cells that work to keep our bodies healthy.

Let’s see how free radicals operate.

Reactions of Free Radicals in Our Body

As mentioned. when free radicals are formed, they try to obtain electrons from different molecules, be it proteins, fats, cell membranes, or genetic molecules; in other words, they try to steal electrons from the atoms of the nutrients that work to keep us healthy. The removal of an electron from any such molecule changes its basic state and triggers an oxidative chain reaction. This phenomenon caused by free radicals is known as oxidative stress.

What is the Free Radical Theory of Aging?

According to the free radical theory of aging, organisms age because their biological cells accumulates oxidative damage of free radicals over time. Even though the debate on the authenticity of this theory is still ongoing,  research studies have agreed on the fact that oxidative stress can lead to this degeneration.

For instance arthritis, heart problems, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, and many other health complications can be caused by the prevalence of free radicals.

According to the free radical theory of aging, if oxidative destruction caused by free radicals can be capped, then it can provide longevity to any living being.

So, have we found the fountain of youth?  Most likely not, but have we found a way to keep us healthy to the point that we may live longer? Absolutely.

Sources of Free Radicals

To counter the effects of free radicals, it is imperative to know how they originate. They can be produced within the body or we get exposed to them from external sources. Whatever the case, knowing where they come from, holds the key to getting rid of them!

Internal Sources of Free Radicals


      • The human body needs the energy to survive and grow. This energy comes from breaking down the food that we eat into ATP molecules with the help of oxygen. This chemical reaction also produces free radicals as a byproduct.
      • Free radicals are also produced when the body undergoes severe stress levels or inflammation (the process by which the body moves to protect itself against harm; e.g. cutting yourself while shaving – white blood cells run to protect from the injury).
      • There are a host of other ways that free radicals can occur. Our job is to keep them at bay by exercising, eating the right foods, and avoiding unnecessary stress.

Sources of Free Radicals


nicotine cigarettes in ashtray
Do you really want this kind of nicotine in your body? Photo: Pxhere

What should we stay away from? Let’s start with fried foods. Not only are they bad for your weight, but how they are cooked causes free radicals to develop. 

There are lots of harmful external resources that can expose the human body to free radicals as well, as indicated below.

  • Industrial pollution (including chemicals and smoke)
  • Radiation
  • Pesticides
  • Toxic Metals
  • Cigarette Smoke

It is practically impossible to get rid of external free radicals altogether since they are all around us, in the air we breathe and in the food and water we consume. The best practice is to try and minimize their levels in your body.

How to do this? Read on for more information.

Antioxidants: Crusaders Against Free Radicals


Illustration of how Antioxidant Works Against Free Radicals
Antioxidant donates a missing electron to a Free radical. Now all electrons are paired. Photo: Bigstock

As the name suggests, antioxidants are substances that inhibit the process of oxidation. Introducing antioxidants in the body means that you can stop the oxidative process, officially called oxidative stress.

How Do Antioxidants Inhibit Free Radicals?

Antioxidants stop free radicals from inflicting damage by donating the electron they are looking for.

Like free radicals, some antioxidants are produced within the body, while others can be consumed through dietary products and supplements. Fruits and vegetables are some of the best sources of antioxidants, but there are other foods as well.

There are several other antioxidants, which although not as vital as the ones mentioned above are also necessary for combating the negative effects of free radicals.

    • Lycopene
    • Vitamin C and E
    • Anthocyanins
    • Selenium
    • Polyphenols
    • Curcuminoids

What Foods Contain the Highest Amounts of Antioxidants?

Assortment of Vegetables
Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to gain antioxidants. Photo: Maxpixel

Coffee has been known to contain high levels of antioxidants, but here’s a short list of some other foods that contain antioxidants:

  • Green Tea
  • Dark chocolate
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Potatoes

Making Sense of It All

Antioxidants are free radical killers. They reduce the formation of ions or free radicals and work towards donating an electron. Once the cell has its missing entity – the electron, the free radical is neutralized. The idea is to maintain the availability of antioxidants by eating the right foods and avoiding external resources such as smoking and alcohol.

In general, you can make sure that your body has access to antioxidants by adjusting your dietary habits around fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods are one of the richest sources of micronutrients and antioxidants, and both of these substances are necessary to rid the body of free radicals.

Bottom Line

Cells that have missing electrons in the body are bad news. If these guys are allowed to accumulate, they can become very harmful to us. There are many ways that oxidation can occur within our bodies. But there is a hero – Antioxidants – molecules that search for and neutralize these free radicals. We can obtain antioxidants by consuming foods and drinks rich in antioxidants daily.

Why are Whole Grains Preferred Over Refined Ones?

Man Eating Biscut
Maintain a healthier lifestyle by being vigilant as to what are processed foods and what is not.

With a prevalence of obesity in this country, where complications of diabetes and other health ailments occur, as a result, people look for ways to control their dietary habits and are more inclined to focus on dietary items that are raw and less refined.

Among these natural healthy food options, whole grains top the list in terms of popularity. However, many experts suggest that there is still a long way to go.

A worrying statistic indicates that nearly 60% of calorie consumption is from ultra-processed food; that is, extra ingredients that are placed into the food in order to make it taste better and sometimes “to disguise undesirable qualities of the final product,” as per a study by Carlos Augusto Monteiro, a professor in the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health at the University of São Paulo in Brazil.  These foods contain high amounts of sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, which can present such medical dangers as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. 

Health risks of refined grain

Wheat Grain in a FieldMany of us have become overly reliant on ready-made food items, such as products that are processed with refined wheat, rice, and barley. Flour, for example, is crushed into fine powders, which then form the basis for many types of bread and a large variety of processed foods, from cereals, crackers, and pizza dough to cookies and cakes.

Apart from having less nutritional value, refined grains also pose significant health risks to the people consuming them on a daily basis.

Following is a list of just some of the health hazards that can be acquired when eating refined products.

Accumulation of abdominal fat leading to heart problems

Refined grain, as the main source of getting nutritional values in your diet, accumulates layers of adipose tissues (fat) around your organs. It results in inflated waste along with complications of heart health.

Development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which artery walls get thickened. Thick arteries can result in hypertension and in worse conditions culminates in heart attacks. It has been found out that consumption of refined grains for a long time can lead to this ailment. 

Diabetic conditions

Due to its lack of fiber, minerals, and other micronutrients, refined grains can make the human body more vulnerable to acquiring diabetes, especially in people with a genetic history of the disease.

How Do We Know Which Foods are Ultra-Processed?

The decision to buy non-processed foods can be confusing if you don’t know what to look for.Whole Grain Stamp Foods with the whole grain stamp label on their packaging indicate that the bran, germ, and endosperm are still present in the grain.

Read the label. If it says the food contains artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, there is not much doubt they are processed with ingredients that can be harmful to your health.

Conversely, foods that still contain the bran, germ, and endosperm, and subsequently, the nutrients that accompany them will have a label on their packaging indicating that the food within contains whole grains.

Those foods that have been processed organically will have a clear label indicating this.

What are whole grains?

Whole grain breadSimply put, whole grains are natural grains present in their untreated form. They are edible plant seeds usually known as the term ‘kernel’. The grain kernel consists of three distinctive edible parts that are enclosed in a shell, natural protection for grains from excessive sunlight, insects, and crop diseases.  Let’s break down the three individual parts of whole grains to understand the nutrients within them.


Bran is the outermost layer of the kernel and consists of many layers.
Nutritional Benefit: It is full of fiber, vitamin B, and vital antioxidants.


Germ is the nucleus of the kernel and acts as the plant’s embryo.  Nutritional Benefit: The germ of the whole grain is loaded with proteins, healthy fats, and micronutrients in the form of minerals and vitamins.


Endosperm is the area of the kernel surrounding the germ. It provides the plant’s energy through its abundance of nutrients.

Nutritional Benefit: Endosperm contains almost all of the carbohydrates of the kernel, with a portion of proteins and some micronutrients.

Whole grain is more nutritious because the germ and bran, which is part of the kernel are not destroyed and excluded in the process refinement, but make sure you select 100% whole wheat products, (whether whole wheat, which contains all the nutrients in the kernel or whole grains which also contains the entire kernel but has additional nutrients)’

To get yourself more acquainted with the use of whole grains, the following are some of its advantages:

Pure Whole Wheat Bread
Pure Whole Wheat Bread

Improved digestion

We all know that how much of our adult population is bugged with digestive issues. The rich fiber content present in whole grains improves bowel movement which means you don’t have to rely on laxatives. The presence of lactic acid in whole grains helps the growth of good bacteria in the large intestine. The presence of good bacteria in the intestine helps in rapid nutrient absorptions and a strengthened immune system.

Instills the feeling of satiation

Whole grains are famous to keep your appetite low with their satiating effect. It takes longer for the digestive system to digest whole grains which means your brain will not signal you for untimely eating. This innate quality of whole grain can help people who are striving to lose weight.  

Blood sugar regulator

Whole grain helps in controlling the spiked-up levels of blood sugar. With its low glycemic index as compared to refined grains, less glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, helping in maintaining blood glucose levels.

Whole grains are also proved to be beneficial in reducing the inflammation within the body and medical sciences tell us that inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Antioxidants present in whole grains can reduce the risk of different types of cancers. In general, increasing the number of whole grains in our daily diet can help ensure a healthy lifestyle.

A Perfect Breakfast for Nutritional Health

To begin, let’s start with two slices of 100% whole wheat toast. This bread is loaded with bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran provides B vitamins, as well as iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants, which keep unwanted free radicals at bay. They destroy your body’s healthy cells, so free radicals are substances that your body can definitely do without.  As free radicals increase in your system, you increase the risk of acquiring a variety of different diseases, including cancer. In short, antioxidants fight these free radicals to keep your body healthy. In general, we can say that they are a great and needed requirement in keeping your immune system strong.

For a spread, let’s not add butter, margarine or cream cheese. Instead, how about some dark chocolate hummus! Yes, dark chocolate hummus. It is said that middle-eastern food contains some of the healthiest foods and hummus is one of the best middle-eastern foods you can consume.

Can’t Go Wrong with Hummus

Chic Peas
Chic Peas contain nutrients that help in keeping your bones, muscles, skin, and heart healthly.

Hummus is made up of chickpeas, which is rich in many nutrients; such as, iron, which keeps your blood healthy. If you don’t have enough of this nutrient, then your body won’t be able to create the healthy red blood cells it needs. Folate decreases the risk of birth defects and helps to reduce depression. Phosphorus keeps your bones strong and improves digestion.

Chickpeas also contain B vitamins, together, they are known as the Vitamin B Complex, which allows us to stay energized, promotes healthy skin and helps avoid memory loss. Then there is protein, an ingredient that most of us are familiar with. It’s called a macronutrient – a requirement that our body stores a large amount of it. Protein also assists in maintaining strong bones and builds muscle. It is also a building block for our skin and blood. Hummus also contains fiber, a super nutrient for your digestive system and helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Dark Chocolate – A Chocolate Lover’s Health Dream!

Add dark chocolate as a bread spread (you can get hummus dark chocolate at a variety of supermarket chain stores). The seeds from the cocoa tree are extremely rich in antioxidants. Dark chocolate, called the antioxidant superfood is also beneficial for blood pressure, the heart and helps towards cancer prevention. And believe it or not, dark chocolate is actually good for your oral health!

Beets Addition

If all these healthy nutrients and antioxidants are not enough to put on your bread, how about adding some beet and roasted garlic dip to your hummus sandwich?  Beets supply vitamin C, fiber and potassium to your body and garlic is a great addition to your overall health. Just to name a few benefits, garlic is considered a heart-healthy food as it helps to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. And garlic also contains antioxidants.

Whole wheat bread with dark chocolate hummus, beets, and garlic! Now, this is what I call a healthy sandwich and it is not even the main course!

An Egg Omelet a Day!

Egg Yolk with Egg White on sandwich
The common egg contains many nutrients

Now, to the entree of breakfast health. Do you like omelets? Most omelets contain some amount of eggs as one of their major ingredients, so let’s delve into the benefits of eating eggs. In a nutshell, eggs increase the good cholesterol (HDL), they reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, reduces blood pressure and helps to maintain good eye health, but the bulk of the nutrition is in the egg whites, which contain protein, sodiumcalciummagnesiumphosphorus, and potassium. Consumption of potassium is very good for the heart and blood pressure, as well as helps relieve anxiety.

Let’s not stop with just an egg omelet. How about one rich in healthy vegetables; such as spinach? Spinach contains generous amounts of antioxidants. It also contains vitamins A, another free-radical fighter, but spinach also plays an important role in the maintenance of the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Spinach has vitamin B2 and vitamin C, rich in antioxidants and helps to strengthen the immune system, but most importantly, it also contains vitamin C, which is a super nutrient for bone health. The vitamin K* in spinach contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium, and potassium.

Add an assortment of mushrooms, which decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Kale – A Super Veggie

SJM Graphicstock 111117 Kale
baby kale salad leaves

Saving the best breakfast ingredient for last – kale (and doesn’t only have to be for breakfast). A super veggie that contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which maintains healthy vision, neurological functionality, healthy skin and a ton of antioxidants. Kalea also contains vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium. We have already spoken about the benefits of vitamin C. Vitamin B6 helps maintain a healthy nervous system. Manganese supports bone health and helps prevent Osteoporosis. Calcium, also a great bone benefactor and studies have shown that most people do not get enough of it. Copper is a brain stimulant and helps cure Arthritis. Magnesium assists in the prevention of migraine headaches and is also an anxiety reducer.

Now let’s discuss vitamin K. Studies have shown that this nutrient helps brain functions, bone health, assists in the reduction of blood pressure and is excellent in preventing blood clotting. Don’t leave your home without it!

Add some potatoes and a little bit of tasty melted cheese. Most cheeses contain an assortment of nutrients; such as calcium. Cheeses also contain protein, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12.

To wash it down, gobble down some 100% fresh-squeezed orange juice. I like it with pulp. When the pulp is there, you know you are getting it fresh-squeezed. You will benefit from high levels of vitamin C and vitamin D.  Both vitamins are essential for your daily health!

* Those who are taking blood thinners or other medications might want to consult with a doctor prior to consuming foods that contain vitamin K.

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Blueberries over plate of cottage cheese
Fruits such as blueberries are great antioxidant foods

A side dish of your favorite fruits is highly recommended. How about some blueberries, which supports the skin, heart, fights cancer and provides more antioxidants to your body; strawberries, another cancer fighter, support the eyes and regulates blood pressure; grapes, the fiber, and potassium support your heart; and cantaloupe, which contains potassium, vitamins B1, B3, B6, and folate, as well as vitamin K, magnesium, and fiber. Place it over cottage cheese for a healthy antioxidant super fruit combination. Yummy.

Coffee – The Most Misunderstood Drink for Your Health

HotcCoffee on a plate
Yes, coffee can keep you awake – and that’s a good thing, but coffee also protects against diseases.

Your breakfast would not be complete without brewing a nice hot cup of coffee. Yes, coffee, one of the most misunderstood drinks when it comes to the subject of health.

Just for starters, coffee can help reduce the potential of acquiring dementia and subsequently, Alzheimer’s Disease. It also protects against Parkinson’s Disease – the second most common neurodegenerative disease and its caffeine inducer also assists in strengthening the liver. Coffee is a benefactor in lowering the risk of Type II Diabetes. If that’s not enough to get your blood warming for coffee, it helps to burn fat and increases energy levels, due to the caffeine. Some of coffee’s nutrients are Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium, and Niacin (B3).

But coffee is not without some downfalls; however, we believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

While your heart and bones are loving every minute of your nutritious breakfast, there is one more healthy liquid that you should drink besides juice and coffee. And that is the most natural ingredient your body will ever need. H20, otherwise, known as water! Drink an abundance of water, not just at breakfast time, but throughout the day. You can’t go wrong with water and you can’t go without it!

Whether you are cooking breakfast in your own kitchen or going to the local diner or restaurant, be sure to order these antioxidant fighters of diseases and have peace of mind that the vitamins and nutrients in a complete breakfast like this will be the start of a great day!

Risks of Excessive Consumption of Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is the bad constituent of our daily diet. This is a fact, established by numerous studies. Scientists have extensively researched on the matter and found out that processed sugar is linked to rapid aging, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and even some strains of cancer. Regardless of its adverse effects for health, sugar has been an important part of many dishes and meals all around the globe.  

Due to its widespread use, health experts are divided into two groups regarding the consumption of sugar. Some of them are calling to cut the amount of recommended sugar intake while few are of the opinion that excluding sugar completely out of diet is necessary to maintain a healthier lifestyle.  

What is Refined/Processed Sugar?

Processed sugar is usually extracted from sugar cane. Sugar canes are rich in sucrose, which is a combination of two primary carbohydrates, namely glucose and fructose. Raw sugar cane syrup was boiled, cooled and solidified in the form of sugar crystals. This refined and processed crystalline sugar is used as an added ingredient in numerous foods and drinks.

Natural Sugars are not that Harmful

Glucose, lactose and fructose are considered natural sugars because they are found in fruits and certain vegetables. They are considered more suitable to consume than the processed crystalline sugar.

Modern Dietary Lifestyle is Crammed With Added Sugar

Sugar has earned bad reputation due to its excessive use in popular contemporary foods and drinks. Soft drinks, chocolates, baked desserts and many other dietary items contain tons of sugar. It is a wide known fact that a glass of fizzy drink have up to 7 tablespoon of processed sugar and a standard-size chocolate bar contains around 6 tablespoon of added sugar. Both of these items are equally popular in every age group and demographic all around the world.  

Grave Health Risks of Excessive Sugar Consumption

There are two major health concerns that have their roots in the excessive use of refined sugar.

Cardiovascular Diseases

There is a study published in the health journal which concluded that added sugar probable make your body more prone to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases than dietary sodium found in table salt. It has been measured that consuming 24-ounce of fizzy drink can increase blood pressure and heart rate up to 15/9 mm Hg and 9 bpm respectively.

It is worth mentioning that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of premature deaths in the developed world. According to the statistics provided by CDC, hypertension is one of the primary contributing causes of more than 360000 deaths in the US.


Obesity itself is a basis of many life threatening diseases. Nearly one-third of American population is facing the problem of obesity and ingesting too much sugar is the one of the reasons. According to a published study, the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is causing weight gain in children and adults alike.

Sugar Consumption has Transformed Into Sugar Addiction

According to one study, the consumption of diets, with rich content of sugar, showed signs of craving and withdrawals in rats when their sugar intake was reduced. Conclusion of this research highlights the fact that sugar works in the same manner as drugs in reward pathways of mammals’ nervous system.

Statistics from CDC points towards the alarming situation of excessive use of sugar in the US. Refined sugar is 13% of total daily calorie intake of American adults. Cutting the entire consumption of sugar is neither advisable nor possible. However, reducing it to the possible minimum levels and replacing the refined sugar with natural options can prove to be good for healthier life. Following are some of the organic substitutes for refined sugar that you can add in your daily diet.


Raw, unprocessed honey is best to use for its sweetness, antioxidants and nutrients. Honey can be added in tea instead of sugar and coffees. There are many dessert recipes that can be made with honey and without using processed sugar.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut has many health benefits. Its water and milk has been used for years due to their healthy properties. Coconut is also used to made sugars with low glycemic index and high mineral content. It can also used instead of refined sugar in the making of different desserts.  

Foods to Improve your Daily Diet for Better Hair Health

Photo of Hair and Brush
Eating the right foods can be very helpful in maintaining good hair

Many of us take our hair for granted when it comes to improving its health. Virtually all of us have seen commercials advertising shampoos and conditioners, which can make a difference, but there are many other ways to ensure great health of your hair. Since  there are around 150,000 hair follicles on the human scalp and you should treat them as part of the body for better care.

A healthy diet is one sure way to keep your hair in good standing. According to dermatology experts, having a protein and iron enriched diet can provide your hair with the necessary boosts for healthy growth. In this article, we will discuss some different food items that should be included in your diet for better hair health. Making these foods a permanent part of your diet routine can also prevent non-inherited baldness and premature graying.

Red Meat (Lean)

According to researches, iron deficiency can lead to hair loss and eventually to baldness. Some examples are: top sirloin, top loin roast and pork tenderloin. Notice how the names of meats that are lean have an ‘oin’ associated with their name. Choose these cuts in order to get the leaner options. You may also consider bottom round steaks, which is the “round”, rear leg of the cow.  Treating iron and protein deficiency with the consumption of this type of meat in your daily diet will help your hair to regrow.

Almond Butter

Almond butter is full of different beneficial macro and micro nutrients. Proteins, good fats and vitamin E are the main constituents of almond butter. Studies have proven that Vitamin E gives hair a sheen look and boosts volume.


Adding eggs in your daily diet is the most economical way of getting an adequate amount of biotin. Biotin is a vitamin B derivative that assists hair growth and boosts scalp health. A deficiency of biotin can cause brittleness of hair, which ultimately leads to hair loss.

Green Veggies

It is well known that vegetables are high in nutrients for many parts of your body and there are many different green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard and broccoli that will help your hair as well. These vegetables are full of vitamin A and C, which help in producing sebum from sebaceous glands on the scalp. This acts as a natural hair conditioner, so keep it going with the veggies. Nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is full of proteins and vitamin B5, and both have proven health benefits for hair. Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, improves blood flow to the scalp which is necessary for better hair growth.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are filled with beta-carotene which is then converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is a natural protector against dry skin and hair. Dry skin condition is a major cause of dandruff. Apart from carrots, kale and squashes, sweet potatoes also contain beta-carotene. If you want to provide your hair with a natural sheen, add these organic food items into your diet.


Lentils are packed with iron, zinc, protein, biotin and folic acid. Folic acid provides strength to red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for providing hair and skin with oxygen, which improves their health.


Barley is a good source of Vitamin E. This vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin and scalp from the damaging effects of UV light. The sun damage on the scalp can lead to thinning of hair, and if not treated on time, can also lead to baldness. Making barley part of your dietary routine can provide you with sufficient amounts of vitamin E.


Physiological inflammations are not good for the human health due to many reasons and hair shedding is one of them. Therefore, adding foods in your diet that are rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients can help you maintain the health of your hair. Cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. They are anti-inflammatory and help you to restore hair health.

Salmon’s efficient insulin processing mechanism will also prevent balding and hair loss by reducing the insulin resistance in the body.


Taking sufficient amounts of vitamin C in your daily diet can prevent thinning hair. A research conducted in this domain noted that taking oral supplements of vitamin C encouraged significant hair growth in women who were suffering from the issue of thinning hair. Instead of taking extra supplements, you can consume sufficient amounts of vitamin C by adding guavas in your daily diet.  


Oysters make great meals. Increase their servings in your meals since they are considered to be a rich source of zinc. Zinc is an important mineral nutrient that ensures healthy skin, nails and hair. Consuming diets rich in zinc help hair growth and reduce hair loss.


Why One Should Adopt Organic Eating Practices

Organic CarrotsIn the past few centuries, starting with the Industrial Revolutions, automation has found its way into just every type of lifestyle. In contrast to the earlier way of living, We have now accepted routines that can be unhealthy and dangerous for us personally and also for our planet. Included in this narrative is the making of our food. From vegetables to chicken to meat, automation and processed foods are commonplace. But there is an alternative. This post discusses eating organic food and why you should adopt to these practices.

What are organic foods?

Organic eating is the revival of dietary practices that don’t contain any tinge of industrial synthesis. Quite simply, it is food processed naturally. The purpose of adopting an organic routine is to provide us with a more healthy alternative and a better environment for us to live in. 

Properties of an organic food

For any food to be organic, there are several requirements that should be fulfilled:

  • It is necessary for organic crops to be grown without the use of any artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Even sewer sludge which is a byproduct of sewage treatment can’t be used to facilitate the growth of organic crops.
  • Any crop or livestock that is genetically modified with the help of biotechnology can’t be considered organic.
  • Crops and livestock treated with growth hormones to get rapid yields can’t be used to make organic food items.
  • Preserving and protecting crops from invasive pests through food irradiation also exclude them from the list of organic foods.
  • Using synthetic and artificial flavors and additives also make foods items ‘inorganic’.

Health benefits of organic food

There are several scientifically tested benefits of organic food items. Not the least of which are healthier for our bodies. But obtaining these natureal food items comes with a price (pun intended); that is, they are about 30% more expensive then the processed foods we are so used to purchasing. Enter the common expression – You get what you pay for!

Let’s take a closer look to see how beneficial organic eating is and then you can make the decision as to whether they are worth the price!

Organic foods are more enriched with micronutrients

Studies have confirmed that organic food contains more micronutrients and antioxidants. It has been estimated that organic food can have up to 60% increased oxidant levels. Since organic foods don’t rely on synthetic external sources of protection, i.e., pesticide sprays and food irradiation. Therefore, they produce chemicals for protection on their own. Majority of these produced chemicals are antioxidants.

Antioxidants are molecules that alleviate the effects of free radicals and prevent cell damage in the human body. Getting the sufficient supply of antioxidants in your daily diet through organic food items helps you to obtain a disease-free healthy life.

Organic foods also contain more micronutrients than regular dietary items. If you are consuming organic items in your diet then you will not need extra supplements of minerals and vitamins.

Organic foods don’t have high levels of nitrate

Regular crops and foods contain high level of nitrates because they are grown with the assistance of synthetic fertilizers. Organic vegetables and fruits, on the other hand, are grown with the help of natural fertilizers which means nitrate content in these products is low.  

High level of nitrates in food is linked to cause different cancers. It also causes newborn problem called methemoglobinemia which affects body’s ability to carry oxygen.

Organic foods contain good fats

More than 50 research studies conclude that organic meat contain more of omega-3 fatty acids and contain less saturated fats than regular meat. Saturated fats are considered bad and associated with various cardiovascular problems. While omega-3 fatty acids belongs to the family of polyunsaturated fat which is considered as good fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are studied for several health benefits including:

  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Reducing risk of cancers
  • Helps in alleviating the symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Prevents asthma in children and young adults

Organic milk and dietary products are also reported to have more omega-3 fatty acids.

There is another reason to prefer organic meat over regular meat. Regular livestock are injected with antibiotics for fast growth. Consuming the meat containing excessive amount of antibiotics causes our immune system to go weak.  

Apart from its health benefits, let’s look into some miscellaneous benefits of organic foods.

Organic foods taste better

It is a widespread perception that organic fruits and vegetables taste better than the regular ones. Since most of these fruits and vegetables are sold fresh without adding any preservative. It helps them to carry their natural taste and texture.

Organic practices ensure a better environment

Producing organic fruits, vegetables and livestock exclude all those practices that are harmful for our ecosystem. With organic eating, you are not only ensuring the optimal level of your own health, but you are contributing to secure a healthier ecosystem.

There are ways to determine if foods are prepossessed, also called refined or not and that is by simply reading the labels. For organic foods, they are usually and proudly displayed on the packaging.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Healthy Fat Option for Your Diet

Fat is considered the most controversial nutrient among all the macronutrients due to its health risks for human beings. But this so-called “fact” has been rightfully challenged, thanks to nutritional and food sciences that have discovered that not all fats are bad fats. There are fats that are essential for a healthy lifestyle and then there are fats that pose major threats to the physical well being in the long run.

As far as choosing food that provides good fats in abundance, it is difficult to look past extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil extracted using natural methods and free of any additives provides the best composition of healthy fats and other micronutrients.

What is the difference between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil?

Before buying olive oil for your daily consumption, it is necessary to know the difference between regular and extra virgin olive oil. You may have come across both sitting side-by-side on a store shelf, and never even bothered to find out the difference. These are two singular products and here’s why:

  • Olive oil can only labeled as ‘extra virgin’ if it is not treated with chemicals and high temperatures, and contains no more than 1% of oleic acid.
  • Regular olive oil is treated with temperature (it is heated) and other chemicals for refining purposes, and its oleic acid content is also more than extra virgin olive oil.

Remember that the nutritional composition of both types of olive oil varies too. Therefore, insist on buying extra virgin oil for maximum health benefits.
Still not sure why you should choose extra virgin olive oil? These health benefits that you can get from the oil may change your mind.

Cardiovascular benefits

The Mediterranean diet has been found to reduce heart attacks and strokes by 30%. One of the underlying reasons behind this is the prevalent and excessive use of unrefined olive oil, which is a prominent part of the cuisine of the region.

There are various cardiovascular benefits that can be availed with the use of extra virgin olive oil:

  • Research suggests that monounsaturated fats help in improving the endothelial function of the arteries which is necessary for having a healthy cardiovascular system. Extra virgin olive oil contains more than 70% monounsaturated fats, thus its inclusion in your daily diet will strengthen your arteries like nothing else.
  • Olive oil helps in improving the LDL and HDL cholesterol balance in the body. Daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil also helps in reducing levels of triglycerides which are considered to be unhealthy fats.
  • People with the problem of chronic high blood pressure can maintain their systolic and diastolic blood pressure with olive oil.  

Prevention of cancer

Due to its rich antioxidant qualities, extra virgin oil can prevent the onset of cancer by reducing the oxidative damage in the body due to free radicals. With decreased free radical activity, a person becomes more resistant to the growth of cancerous tumors.

Provides relief from pain

Extra virgin olive oil contains a natural phenolic compound which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and provides relief for inflammation. Medicinal research has proved that inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases.

Obesity prevention

Feeling less satiated is one of the major reasons behind obesity in many people. People binge eat because they just can’t get that feeling of being full. Extra virgin olive oil is composed of healthy fats that don’t only fulfill the daily requirement of fats, but also makes you feel satiated. When that happens, you eat less, experience less cravings, and don’t gain extra weight.

Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

As far as neurodegenerative diseases are concerned, Alzheimer’s tops the list. It is one of the leading causes of dementia in the human population. Dementia causes a steep decline in mental abilities to the point where it becomes difficult for the person to function normally. Oleocanthal, a chemical found in extra virgin olive oil, improves brain function and arrests the declines of mental abilities with the aging process.

While we’ve focused largely on healthy fats in this article, virgin olive oil also contain adequate amounts of vitamins and trace minerals that are essential for many body functions. Introducing virgin olive oil in your diet can prompt a positive and healthy change in your lifestyle without compromising on the intake of fat.


Health Benefits of Plain Baked Potatoes

Plate of Baked PotatoesPhoto by
Contrary to what many people believe, potatoes are one of the most healthy diet options. They have gotten a bad reputation due to the popularity of Paleolithic diets and low-carb diets. However, the fact is that as long as you watch the portions and number of carbohydrates contained in the potatoes, they won’t harm your body.

In fact, due to the various health benefits, potatoes should be a staple part of your diet. Here we will shed light on some of the great health benefits of including potatoes in your diet.

Nutritional Facts
1 cup of baked tomatoes (173 grams)
Calories: 161
Vitamin B6 32% DV
Potassium 26% DV
Copper  22% DV
Vitamin C  22% DV
Manganese  19% DV
Phosphorus 17% DV
Fiber  15% DV
Vitamin B3  15% DV
Vitamin B5  13% DV

Fat Free

Plain potatoes contain no fat content. This makes them a much healthier alternative to French fries, butter-roasted potatoes, and fried potatoes. You can eat to your full without worrying about getting fat. You can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, and garlic to make them more tasty and appetizing.

Good Source of Fiber

Potatoes are a good source of fiber. A single potato can fulfill 8 percent and 12 percent daily fiber needs of men and women, respectively. Fiber is essential for absorption of nutrients in the food. What’s best about baked and boiled potatoes is that they have both insoluble and soluble fiber that are great for health. Insoluble fiber  allows waste to easily pass through the digestive tract, while soluble fiber helps control cholesterol levels.

High Mineral Content

Potatoes are a mineral powerhouse. They contain dozens of minerals that are required for proper functioning of the body. They are a rich source of potassium, copper, vitamin B6 and C. They also contain manganese, phosphorous, vitamin B3, and B5.

Lower Blood Pressure

A team of UK scientists at the Institute of Food Research had found that potatoes contain a compound known as kukoamines. This compound is beneficial in reducing blood pressure. It works at a physiological level in reducing blood pressure. Thus, consuming potatoes reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Potatoes are a great source of many essential minerals and vitamins. Consuming boiled, mashed, or baked potatoes can provide a number of health benefits. Like any food item, you should avoid consuming large portions of potatoes. While the potatoes have low calorie content, they are high in carbohydrates. Diabetic patients are particularly recommended to watch their intake of the vegetable.

Lastly, you should avoid baking or frying potatoes for a long time. The reason is that starchy food items like potatoes release acrylamide when cooked for too long. This compound is harmful for the body. It’s recommended that you limit the baking time to less than 20 minutes to avoid any adverse health effects.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Revealed

Coconut Oil

Photo by yayimages.com
Various studies have highlighted the importance of coconut oil. Whether you want to reduce the risk of deadly diseases, shed weight, or desire good looking hair, it’s worth taking a look at coconut oil. In this article, we will reveal six great benefit of using coconut oil.

Improved Skin Health

Coconut oil can be used as a massage oil as well as a moisturizer. The oil is suitable for both oily and dry skin types. Antioxidants present in the oil can help combat degenerative diseases including premature aging. Regular use of the oil on skin can prevent a number of skin infections including eczema and dermatitis.

Better Brain Health

Another vital ingredient in coconut is medium chain triglycerides (MCT). As compared to long chain fatty acids, MCTs are transported from the digestive system directly to the liver. They do not pass through the blood due to which they are completely harmless to the heart. They are either converted into ketones or used as a source of energy. Ketones are said to have a therapeutic effect on diseases of the brain including epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. They are found to reduce the risk of seizures in people suffering from brain disorders.

Burn More Fat

Coconut oil can help you to burn more fat fast. MCTs present in the coconut can increase the rate at which the body burns calories. A study had found that around 15 to 30 grams of MCTs in a day helped in burning about 120 calories in the 24 hours period. Regular consumption of coconut oil can lead to significant weight loss in a few months.

Better Immune System

Coconut oil contains lauric acid. The compound contains antimicrobial lipids that can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections. Consuming coconut oil can reduce the risk of many diseases that are caused by natural pathogens.

Healthy Hair Growth

Regular massaging of coconut oil on the hair can result in healthy hair growth. It can give a shiny appearance to the hair and prevent protein loss that makes the hair dull. Also, using coconut oil on the hair can prevent dandruff problems.

Prevent Heart Problems

Coconut oil is extremely good for the heart. Lauric acid present in the oil prevents heart problems such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. Intake of oil can decrease LDL levels that will decrease the chances of a heart attack.

There are many benefits of using coconut oil. You should consider using coconut oil when preparing food. You can also use the oil on the face and hair as part of your daily grooming ritual. Regular use of the oil can result in a healthy body and mind and add years to your life.


Amazing Health Benefits of Mangos Explored

Photo by javiercorrea15 – yayimages.com

Mango is an amazing fruit that is packed with many essential vitamins and minerals. The fruit belongs to the drupe family—a type of fruit in which the shell surrounds the fleshy part with seeds inside. It is the most widely consumed fruit all over the world and one that you should simply not avoid.

This fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. It also contains a healthy amount of probiotic fiber, copper, potassium, and magnesium. A cup of mangos contain only about 105 calories making it a perfect fruit for maintaining a healthy weight.  

You should consider adding mango in your daily diet. Consuming the fruit has been linked to reduced risk of many chronic diseases. Here we will explore the various health benefits of including the fruit in your diet.  

1. Improve Immune System

Mango can fulfill about 76 percent of vitamin C and 25 percent of vitamin A requirements. Plus the fruit contains carotenoids. These minerals and vitamins help in keeping the immune system strong and healthy.  

2. Prevent Cancer

Studies have highlighted that mangoes can reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant compounds present in mango has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate, breast, and colon cancer. The fruit is abundant in enzymes and compounds that help in fighting cancer.  

3. Cleanses Skin

Mangos can also help clear clogged pores. This will prevent pimples to appear on the face. You can obtain the benefits both when you eat the fruit and also when you apply mango paste on the face.

4. Decrease Cholesterol Levels  

The presence of vitamin C, pectin, and fiber in mango help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. The enzymes and compounds are particularly helpful in reducing Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the body. This results in improved cardiovascular health.  

5. Boost Eye Health

Mangos contain ample amount of vitamin A. This vitamin helps maintain good eyesight. It prevents dry eyes and night blindness. Consuming only a cup of sliced mangoes a day will have beneficial effects on your eyes.  

6. Promotes Digestion

Mangos contain enzymes that help in synthesis of food. They break down protein and other vital elements in the food items. Eating a mango a day can improve your metabolism providing important nutrients from food to the body.

7. Prevents Heat Stroke

Consuming mangos is particularly recommended during hot summer months. Drinking mango juice helps in cooling down the body. Additionally, the fruit is said to help remove harmful toxins from the body that prevents overheating.  

In conclusion, mangos can serve as a great addition to fruit salads. It will provide you with a number of essential vitamins and enzymes that promotes body health. They contain an impressive amount of vitamin A, C and flavonoids including beta-cryptoxanthin, alphacarotene and betacarotene.

Consuming a mango a day can reduce the likelihood of a number of deadly diseases including cancers and cardiovascular problems. Just avoid eating excessive amounts of the fruit as it contains fructose that can be harmful to the body in large amounts.