Can You Replace Healthy Food with Supplements

Can Vitamins replace food for good health?
Photo by fikmik –

Most  Americans have a busy schedule and don’t have time to eat a well-balanced diet. In scenarios like this, popping a multivitamin can seem to be an easy way out to meet the nutrition requirements.  

Statistics show that around 68 percent of US adults take dietary supplements. What’s more, around 84 percent of the consumers show confidence in the effectiveness and safety of the supplements. Vitamin supplements seem to be the perfect solution to get the required nutrients and continue with the daily routine or are they?

However, the fact is that supplements can never compare to wholesome food.

According to a spokesperson for American Dietetic Association, D. Milton Stokes, a supplement cannot provide all the benefits of consuming food items. They simply are not food substitutes.  

Dangers of Relying on Supplements

Supplements can’t replace whole food. You should not replace meals by taking vitamin supplements. While supplements can be taken to meet vitamin deficiency, they should not be considered an alternative to whole food.  

Furthermore, contrary to what some people believe, supplements are not 100 percent natural. Side effects can occur if you try to meet the daily vitamins and minerals requirement by taking the pills. They are particularly harmful to children who can experience dangerous side effects.  

In order to fulfill the vitamin and nutrition requirements, it is important that you implement a well-balanced diet plan. Consider following these five simple tips to stay healthy:

  1. Include lots of vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  2. Consume rice, bread, and other food items high in starch. Prefer bread made of whole grain flour instead of white bread.
  3. Avoid or limit intake of refined starch foods. Also, limit intake of food items high in sugar and fat.
  4. Eat dairy food items such as yogurt and milk.
  5. Include fish, beans, and eggs, in your daily diet.

Vitamin supplements should be treated as nothing more than supplements. They should complement your diet instead of replacing wholesome food items. For instance, vitamin D supplement should be taken by all breastfeeding and pregnant women, senior individuals, and children. Also, taking folic acid supplement is recommended for pregnant women in order to prevent issues with the neural tube.  


You should adopt healthy eating habits to remain in good mental and physical shape. The diet should include healthy whole food items. A healthy diet and exercise are essential for a healthy body and mind. You should always cut down on salt, sugar and saturated fat. In addition, drinking about 8 glasses a day is essential. Other than that, you should take vitamins and minerals supplement only to meet the deficiency that is not fulfilled with the daily diet. Relying on the supplements alone is not a wise choice.  

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil Revealed

Cannabidiol OilPhoto by Wavebreakmedia –

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has a wide range of medical benefits. While it is extracted from the marijuana plant known as cannabis, it does not have any psychoactive effects that are commonly associated with the substance. In other words, you will not get ‘high’ when using the CBD oil.

By using selective breeding techniques, experts have been able to derive CBD oil from the cannabis plant. Due to the potent ingredients and health effects, the oil is now being used for various medical purposes. Here are five health benefits of using CBD oil.

Antiemetic Benefits

CBD oil reduces vomiting and nausea caused due to illness or as a side effect of taking certain drugs. The antiemetic benefits are particularly helpful during the treatment of cancer and other diseases that result in vomiting and nausea. The drug offers antiemetic properties without resulting in a side effect or any reaction.

The drug also contributes to improvement in the digestive health of the individual. It helps in improved digestion that in turn provides a beneficial effect in other important bodily functions.

Analgesic Properties

The analgesic benefits of CBD result in pain relief. The cannabinoid present in the CBD oil binds with the receptor in the human body that interferes with the reception and transmission of the pain signals. It is one of the safest pain relief substances, as it is not addictive or results in serious side effects.

Reduced Inflammation

CBD oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that reduced inflammation results in a speedy healing process as well as pain relief. Reduced inflammation in the human body may also prolong life. The CBD oil offers similar anti-inflammatory properties as Ibuprofen drug without the associated side effects.

Prevents Tumor Growth

A number of current researchers have also suggested that CBD oil may reduce the risk of tumors. Not only that, but the medication is said to result in shrinking and eliminating the existing tumor. Moreover, CBD oil prevents the growth of tumor-related cancer cells thereby reducing the risk of cancer in the humans.

Alleviates Mental Health Problems

CBD oil is also said to alleviate the symptoms of mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia. In contrast, using the cannabis plant or marijuana has the opposite effect aggravating rather than relieving the symptoms of mental problems.

With the continual increase in the mental diseases, CBD oil provides a safer alternative option for the treatment of mental maladies.

Despite the various benefits of the CBD oil, the legalization status is still being fought in certain states in the US. Tennessee has approved cannabis for medical uses in 2015. Texas had also followed suit legalizing the use of the oil. However, at present, only 16 US states have approved CBD oil for medicinal uses. When the ‘miracle oil’ will be legalized in other states, we can only wait and see.

Howard Fensterman is a professional attorney who has contributed to different charitable organizations in the US. You can read more topics related to health and wellness by clicking here.

The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Explored

Apple Cider offers various benefits that go beyond improving the taste of the food. It is considered to offer a number of health benefits from improving blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, and even reducing weight.

Here we will take a close look at some of the benefits of Apple Cider that are confirmed by studies published in reputable journals.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider

A Japanese study examined the effect of acetic acid on obese individuals. The researchers carried on a double blind trial on the individuals that had the same waist measurement and body weight. Their study concluded that people that drank half an ounce of apple vinegar drink for 12 weeks gained less body fat as compared to those that did not consume it.

Also, a study published in Diabetes Care found that taking two tbsp. of apple cider before going to bed with a snack can lower blood sugar levels in diabetic individuals. The researchers examined men and women suffering from diabetes type 2. They found that people who consumed apple cider with a snack such as one ounce of cheese had improved blood sugar levels. The results were found to be significant when they paired the snack with two tablespoons of water instead of the apple cider.

In another study that examined the effects of apple cider, it was found that people that had a high risk of diabetes were able to reduce the blood sugar level by half, while the diabetic people were able to reduce the blood sugar levels by nearly 25 percent.

Apart from reducing the blood sugar level, apple cider can also help in maintaining a healthy weight. One study published in a reputable journal found that the mice that were fed a diet containing acetic acid developed 10 percent less fat as compared to those that were not fed acetic acid. The findings of the study suggest that acetic acid trigger enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fat and prevent accumulation of excess fat.


Apple cider offers several health benefits that have been proven in various studies. Including acetic acid in the diet not only results in reduced risk of diabetes, improved cardiovascular health, and better weight control.

You can also include apple cider in your diet as the main ingredient to main dishes or salad. A simple recipe is adding one tbsp. of apple cider and lemon juice each, a half tsp. of chopped garlic, black pepper, and chopped basil leaves. You can also drizzle over broad beans, fresh leafy greens, and chilled or cooked potatoes for a more flavorsome dish.

However, keep in mind that consuming apple cider alone won’t offer health benefits. Consider it as one of the pieces of a health and wellness jigsaw puzzle, and not a cure for diseases. It’s better to implement a well-balanced and healthy diet for optimal health benefits.

Do Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Really Help?

Vitamins out of bottle
Photo by Kitch –

Billions of dollars are spent on supplements in the US. These include herbal supplements, minerals and vitamin products. The supplements are marketed rather touted as the best cure for diseases caused by deficiencies of essential minerals and vitamins.

However, a number of studies have raised a question about the benefits of taking a supplement for the majority of the individuals.  Here we will take a closer look at the findings of the study about the dietary supplements.

Are Supplements Beneficial for Your Health?

In an article published in the JAMA journal titled “The Supplement Paradox: Negligible Benefits, Robust Consumption”,  Dr. Pieter A. Cohen who works at the Cambridge Health Alliance and Somerville Hospital in Massachusetts said that most people do not benefit from taking dietary supplements.

According to the researcher, supplements are important in treating mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Moreover, they also help in the treatment of age-related diseases such as macular degeneration. However, he also added that most of the individuals do not benefit much from taking supplement tablets.

Dr. Cohen also stated that despite a number of studies that have indicated doubt over the benefits of taking daily supplements, their use has continued to climb in the US. Most of the people use the supplements for reasons such as improving or maintaining overall health or better cardiovascular health. In addition, the use of supplements is higher in older people and those belonging to the lower socioeconomic status.

Additional studies apart from Dr. Cohen also have found that taking supplements offer little benefits. The US Preventive Services Task Force that consists of a group of independent physicians, opted not to recommend regular use of multivitamins tablets by people that were not nutrient deficient.  VegetablesFor those who are not deficient in vitamins, eating healthy foods is one of the best ways to go and nutrition specialists recommend getting the required minerals and vitamins from a natural diet.

The bottom line is that supplements are not a good replacement for nutrient-rich foods. A supplement does not contain all the essential items found in wholesome foods. For instance, the fiber present in vegetables and fruits that are essential for health is not present in any of the supplements.

Apart from that, there is a risk of side effects if people that do not face any nutrient deficiency take dietary supplements. The presence of too many vitamins or minerals in the body results in various side effects that range from mild to serious health complications.

In the end, the best advice is to take a wise and cautious approach when taking supplements. Avoid taking a supplement if your blood tests show there is no mineral or vitamin deficiency. Also, do not take the supplement as an alternative to a healthy diet. The supplements should only be taken on the advice of a professional medical expert when facing a deficiency.

Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only and should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional! 

Saturated Fats Not Always Bad for the Health

Saturated fats are fat molecules that are saturated with hydrogen molecules. The high amount of saturated fats in the body has been linked with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Consuming saturated fats increase the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level in the blood. This result in blockage of the arteries that increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other heart-related complications.

One study conducted by researchers at the University of Bergen, Norway found that saturated fats are not always bad for the body. Moderate amount of these fats in the body can, in fact, be beneficial for the body.

The Link Between Saturated Fats and Heart Health

Intake of saturated fats is the only way to boost good cholesterol level, also known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in obese individuals, according to the researchers at the University of Bergen. The study observed 38 individuals with abdominal obesity. Participants on the high-fat diet had significant improvements in different cardio-metabolic risk factors including blood pressure, ectopic fat storage, and blood lipids (triglycerides).

In addition, people that were administered diet containing saturated fats did not suffer from abnormal blood sugar levels. This means that people that eat a diet containing the saturated fat have decreased the risk of developing diabetes.

According to one of the researchers, Vivian Veum, the study team had examined the effects of saturated and total fat on persons that were administered a healthy diet that consisted of vegetables, rice, and fat sources such as cream, butter, and cold pressed oils. He said that the alleged health risks of the intake of saturated fats have been largely exaggerated.

The findings of the research indicated that saturated fats are not always bad for the health. Intake of saturated fats from lowly processed or natural sources can offer great health benefits resulting in reduced risk of cardio-metabolic diseases and diabetes.

Most people can tolerate intake of saturated fats as long as they are sourced from natural or lowly processed food items. The researchers, one of whom is a cardiologist, have found that intake of ‘quality’ saturated fats was good for the health even at high total energy levels.

The researchers at the University of Bergen had analyzed participants by measuring the fat mass in the abdominal region, liver, and heart. This provided accurate results about the effects of a fat-rich diet on the body.

Individuals are advised to follow the American Heart Association’s recommendation aiming 5 percent to 6 percent of calories from saturated fat sources. So, a person with 2000 calories a day diet should intake no more than 120 calories from saturated fat sources. This corresponds to an intake of around 13 gm of saturated fats in a daily diet.

The Benefits and Risks of a Vegan Diet

Approximately 3.3 percent of adults in the US claim to be a vegan or vegetarian. People become vegans for different reasons such as health concerns, religious beliefs, and distress over the killing of animals or use of hormones or antibiotics in livestock. Some people become vegans as they simply can’t afford to buy meat.

Whatever the reasons for being a vegan, the trend is growing in the US partly due to increased availability of fresh vegetable and fruit products and dining places that offer vegan-only food items. While there are many benefits of a vegan diet, there are also certain risks that you should know about the plant-based diet.

In this article, we will take a close look at both the health benefits and the risks of adopting a vegetarian diet.

Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diet offers great benefits to the individuals. Vegans are less likely to suffer from obesity as compared to people that eat meat-based diet. Studies have shown that vegans are at a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases as compared to non-vegans. The unsaturated fats that are present in seeds, soybeans, avocados, olives, nuts, and other plant-based food items reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They are rich in fiber and contribute to an increase in the good cholesterol levels, also known as high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).

Apart from a lower risk of high blood pressure, Vegans also tend to have a lower risk of developing hypertension (low blood pressure) as compared to people that eat mostly meat. This is because the vegans are able to maintain a healthy body weight that helps them in maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Health Risks of a Vegetarian Diet

The foremost risk of a plant-based diet is that it increases the chance of developing health disorders due to lack of essential nutrients and vitamins. A number of vitamins and minerals including omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, and others can be obtained from eating animal-based food items. Lack of these essential nutrients increases the risk of various health disorders.

In addition, people can’t fulfill the daily calorie intake through a vegan diet alone. Trying to meet the daily calorie intake requirement through a vegetable or plant-based diet can lead to unpleasant health effects.

In the end, a vegan diet can offer various health benefits such as reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other serious health maladies. However, the major risk of a vegan diet is complications due to lack of essential nutrients. That is why it’s extremely important to consult with a dietician before adopting a vegan diet. The dietitian can recommend a healthy diet plan that consists of all the essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the dietitian may also recommend intake of supplements for vitamins and nutrients that cannot be obtained from a plant-based diet.

Food for Your Bone Health

Calcium and vitamin D are well known for strengthening your bones, but if you eat a well balanced diet with plenty of dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables, you should get enough of the nutrients you need every day.

If you have osteoporosis, Dr. Paul Mystkowski, endocrinologist at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle and clinical faculty member at the University of Washington in Seattle says “With osteoporosis, the general advice is to take three doses of 500 milligrams of elemental calcium a day”.

Why limit to three separate doses? Because 500 milligrams is all your body can absorb at one time. So for strong bones, get your calcium throughout the day via your meals, then, if necessary, add a calcium supplement to make up the difference.

What foods are good for your bones?

Olive oil, soy beans, blueberries and foods rich in omega-3’s, like fish oil may have bone benefits. Additional research is ongoing regarding linking these foods to bone health, the many overall health benefits of these foods make them excellent choices to add to your diet.

Believe it or not, research has shown that a moderate intake of certain alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages may also be good for your bones. Wine, beer and tea seem to be advantageous for bone density. More research is needed though, but if you drink, at least you will be content with the idea that these drinks, absorbed moderately may be helpful for your bone health.