Most Americans have a busy schedule and don’t have time to eat a well-balanced diet. In scenarios like this, popping a multivitamin can seem to be an easy way out to meet the nutrition requirements.
Statistics show that around 68 percent of US adults take dietary supplements. What’s more, around 84 percent of the consumers show confidence in the effectiveness and safety of the supplements. Vitamin supplements seem to be the perfect solution to get the required nutrients and continue with the daily routine or are they?
However, the fact is that supplements can never compare to wholesome food.
According to a spokesperson for American Dietetic Association, D. Milton Stokes, a supplement cannot provide all the benefits of consuming food items. They simply are not food substitutes.
Dangers of Relying on Supplements
Supplements can’t replace whole food. You should not replace meals by taking vitamin supplements. While supplements can be taken to meet vitamin deficiency, they should not be considered an alternative to whole food.
Furthermore, contrary to what some people believe, supplements are not 100 percent natural. Side effects can occur if you try to meet the daily vitamins and minerals requirement by taking the pills. They are particularly harmful to children who can experience dangerous side effects.
In order to fulfill the vitamin and nutrition requirements, it is important that you implement a well-balanced diet plan. Consider following these five simple tips to stay healthy:
- Include lots of vegetables and fruits in the diet.
- Consume rice, bread, and other food items high in starch. Prefer bread made of whole grain flour instead of white bread.
- Avoid or limit intake of refined starch foods. Also, limit intake of food items high in sugar and fat.
- Eat dairy food items such as yogurt and milk.
- Include fish, beans, and eggs, in your daily diet.
Vitamin supplements should be treated as nothing more than supplements. They should complement your diet instead of replacing wholesome food items. For instance, vitamin D supplement should be taken by all breastfeeding and pregnant women, senior individuals, and children. Also, taking folic acid supplement is recommended for pregnant women in order to prevent issues with the neural tube.
You should adopt healthy eating habits to remain in good mental and physical shape. The diet should include healthy whole food items. A healthy diet and exercise are essential for a healthy body and mind. You should always cut down on salt, sugar and saturated fat. In addition, drinking about 8 glasses a day is essential. Other than that, you should take vitamins and minerals supplement only to meet the deficiency that is not fulfilled with the daily diet. Relying on the supplements alone is not a wise choice.