
The Benefits and Risks of a Vegan Diet

Approximately 3.3 percent of adults in the US claim to be a vegan or vegetarian. People become vegans for different reasons such as health concerns, religious beliefs, and distress over the killing of animals or use of hormones or antibiotics in livestock. Some people become vegans as they simply can’t afford to buy meat.

Whatever the reasons for being a vegan, the trend is growing in the US partly due to increased availability of fresh vegetable and fruit products and dining places that offer vegan-only food items. While there are many benefits of a vegan diet, there are also certain risks that you should know about the plant-based diet.

In this article, we will take a close look at both the health benefits and the risks of adopting a vegetarian diet.

Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diet offers great benefits to the individuals. Vegans are less likely to suffer from obesity as compared to people that eat meat-based diet. Studies have shown that vegans are at a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases as compared to non-vegans. The unsaturated fats that are present in seeds, soybeans, avocados, olives, nuts, and other plant-based food items reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They are rich in fiber and contribute to an increase in the good cholesterol levels, also known as high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).

Apart from a lower risk of high blood pressure, Vegans also tend to have a lower risk of developing hypertension (low blood pressure) as compared to people that eat mostly meat. This is because the vegans are able to maintain a healthy body weight that helps them in maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Health Risks of a Vegetarian Diet

The foremost risk of a plant-based diet is that it increases the chance of developing health disorders due to lack of essential nutrients and vitamins. A number of vitamins and minerals including omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, and others can be obtained from eating animal-based food items. Lack of these essential nutrients increases the risk of various health disorders.

In addition, people can’t fulfill the daily calorie intake through a vegan diet alone. Trying to meet the daily calorie intake requirement through a vegetable or plant-based diet can lead to unpleasant health effects.

In the end, a vegan diet can offer various health benefits such as reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other serious health maladies. However, the major risk of a vegan diet is complications due to lack of essential nutrients. That is why it’s extremely important to consult with a dietician before adopting a vegan diet. The dietitian can recommend a healthy diet plan that consists of all the essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the dietitian may also recommend intake of supplements for vitamins and nutrients that cannot be obtained from a plant-based diet.

Four Key Benefits of Nursing Homes for Senior Parents

Howard Fensterman has been instrumental in helping nursing homes maintain high quality health care for their patients. Most nursing facilities provide private accommodations and personal care to a majority of folks that are elderly individuals; hence, the decision to move to a nursing home can be emotionally taxing for both the immediate family members and the senior parent.

Most often, family members try their best to take care of the individual. But the demands of the work involved or the illness can become difficult at times, especially if the family member is not well versed in medical care. Sooner or later, it may become mandatory to seek outside help. In such a situation, nursing homes are a viable option.

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Here are four main benefits of nursing homes for senior parents

Social Experiences

Nursing homes provide the best social experiences for the elderly individuals. They can take part in activities with other senior persons and share their life views and experiences.  Some of the nursing facilities also organize social events where all the residents of the nursing home can mingle together and share experiences.

As a result, the senior parent won’t succumb to the feelings of depression or melancholy due to being isolated. Most of the senior individuals that reside at nursing homes enjoy a quality time having fun with people of their own age group.

Assistance with Chores

Performing simple daily chores becomes difficult during the old age. Several senior individuals lose their ability to perform such simple tasks. Nursing home care professionals assist the senior individuals in performing activities such bathing, changing clothes, eating and drinking, driving, administering medicine, and using the restroom. What’s more, the help is offered to the senior individuals as a premium service and not as assistance due to being handicapped. This ensures that the senior persons don’t feel invalid in any way due to not being able to perform simple daily chores.

Round the Clock Medical Help

Nursing homes provide 24/7 medical help to the elderly individuals. Many nursing facilities have medical professionals onsite at all times. Living in the home will ensure the perfect safety of the senior patients and can offer immediate medical assistance in case of an emergency. This will ensure that your loved one is under the proper care and able to lead a good life without much physical or emotional pain.

Safety and Security

Another key advantage of a nursing home is that they offer a greater level of security as compared to home care or when the individual is living alone. Imagine the horror if the senior parent forgets to turn off the gas after cooking, or forgets to lock the door at night. Placing senior parents in a nursing home will offer a peace of mind in knowing that the loved and dear one is provided maximum protection and security, both during the day and night.

In conclusion, a nursing home is the best option when it comes to the care of the elderly parent. The senior individual can have a quality time socializing and engaging in fun and exciting activities. Also, the senior person would be offered round the clock medical help that will ensure maximum safety and protection of the individual. The decision to place in a nursing home care can be the best one you can make for your senior parent, particularly during the stage of life when the person can’t live without external assistance.





Is Daylight Saving Time Bad for Your Health?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) had raised controversy ever since it was implemented about a century ago in the western world. The practice of moving one hour ahead and back during the summer and winter months, respectively, was first implemented during the WW I by Germany to reduce the consumption of electricity.  

However, a number of studies point out that not only DST does not help conserve electricity, but it also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we will find out what research studies say about the effect of DST on health.

Man reaching for clock
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The Effect of DST on Health

Research is mounting about the bad effect of DST on health.  A number of recent studies published in reputable journals claim that the habit of moving one hour forward and backward has a negative effect on the sleep-wake-cycle, which is also known as the circadian rhythm.

A study that was presented at the Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology claimed that the incidence of the heart attacks increased on the day following the DST. The researchers found that there was about 25 percent increase in the incidence of a heart attack on the Monday following the DST as compared to other Mondays.

The researchers made the conclusion after examining 42,000 patient admissions in different hospitals in Michigan. They found that 32 heart attacks occurred on average during any particular Monday. However, this figure rose to an average of 40 heart attacks the Monday after the hours are moved by one hour each year.

A similar conclusion was drawn by a number of other research studies. For instance, a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 2013 found that the rate of heart attack increased the Sunday after the time was shifted by an hour.

Another study published in 2012 by researchers at the University of Alabama found that the rates of heart attacks increased by about 10 percent on the Monday and Tuesday after the change to DST.

Finally, a Swedish study published in 2018 found that the chances of a heart attack increased in the first three days after the shift to DST. The study found that the incidence of heart attacks increased by 10 percent on the first Tuesday and five percent on the first Monday after the change to DST.

How to Offset the Harmful Effects in Circadian Rhythm of DST?

Experts recommend that individuals can counteract the harmful effects of DST by taking a few simple measures. Individuals are advised to go to bed about half an hour earlier on Friday night that comes before Sunday when the clock is moved one hour forward.  In this way, the individual can undergo a natural transition to the time adjustment and avoid negative effects on the health.

Retired Baby Boomers Enjoy an Active Life in Nursing Care

There are around 75 million baby boomers in America. Also known as the World War II baby boomers, it includes persons that are between the ages of 52 and 70 in 2016.

Nearly 3 million baby boomers will retire in the coming two decades. Most of them will depend on their immediate family members for care. To meet the long-term care needs of these individuals, the best option is a nursing home.

Advantages of a Nursing Home for the Baby Boomers

Whether you are a baby boomer or an immediate family member responsible for the care of the elderly individual, you should consider nursing homes that serve as a silver lining in the cloud for baby boomers.

elerly people

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Nursing homes provide the perfect opportunity for senior individuals to participate in social activities. The activities provide the platform for the residents to come to know each other and have quality time together. It gives the senior person the opportunity to lead a highly satisfied and active social life.

Nursing homes schedule a lot of activities that allows the residents to mingle with each other. All the individuals that reside in the nursing home are encouraged to take part in the social activities. The best part about these activities is that it allows the elderly baby boomer to enjoy a quality time.

After retirement, the senior individuals have limited opportunities to interact with others. Most of the immediate family members are busy with their own work and social life. In such a situation, the elderly person feels left out and neglected.

In a nursing home, the retired baby boomers will have no time to feel depressed or abandoned. The nursing home care professionals make sure that every resident is offered the opportunity that makes them feel an active member of a society.

Every activity is performed under the supervision of the nursing care providers. They are there to offer immediate medical help in case of an emergency. This ensures that the elderly individual is able to enjoy a quality time while remaining perfectly safe and protected.


A nursing home is a perfect option for baby boomers that are nearing retirements. It is particularly a good option for retired baby boomers living alone. Instead of sulking alone in the home, the senior individual can lead a socially active life at the nursing home. The senior persons will find their hours filled with quality time mingling with other retired senior individuals.

The benefits of a nursing home, however, go beyond allowing the baby boomers to lead a satisfying post-retirement life. The individuals are offered round the clock care in dealing with both daily chores and coping with difficult health conditions. It would be better and much safer for the aging baby boomer to spend quality time in a nursing home as compared to assisted home care.

When is Nursing Home Care Recommended for Seniors?

Happy Senior CitizensA common question among family members with senior loved ones is when is the best time to move the elderly from the home to a nursing home? While most senior persons prefer to live the remaining years after the retirement in their own home, sometimes their health conditions necessitate moving to a nursing facility.

A number of factors should be considered when deciding on the best option for the senior person. In this article, we will discuss some of the situations where a nursing home is preferable for the seniors instead of a home care.

1. Problems in Performing Daily Activity

A nursing home is a right choice when the senior individual cannot perform daily activities such as bathing, dressing, driving, and shopping grocery items. Nursing home care providers can help the senior individual in performing the daily chores.  

The friendly and welcoming professionals at the nursing home will ensure that the senior person has no problem while performing their daily tasks. This is especially helpful for senior individuals that suffer from physical or mental problems that prevent them from performing the daily chores.

2. Suffering from Health Disorders  

Taking Care of the ElderlySenior persons that are in advanced stages of Dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease can greatly benefit from nursing home care services. The nursing home ensures that the elderly individual is offered round the clock assistance and surveillance that is not possible when residing at the home. So, if the elderly individual suffers from a serious medical condition, moving him or her to a nursing home would be recommended.

3. Reside in Remote Place

If the senior resides in an area where immediate medical assistance is not possible, then the best option is to move the individual to a nursing home. The nursing homes offer facilities that ensure that the senior person gets the immediate medical service whenever needed.

In the unfortunate event that the senior individual suffers a heart attack, the nursing home care personnel will make sure that the person receives immediate medical care to minimize the damage.

4. Alone at Home

Dementia PatientA nursing home is a right option when the senior who is leading a post-retirement life is mostly alone at home. Nursing homes offer plenty of opportunities for the residents to lead a socially active life. Residents of the nursing home lead a satisfying life while taking part in a number of activities that are organized by the nursing home administration.

Most people want to live the remainder of their post-retirement life full of fun, joy, and laughter. Nursing homes can offer an environment for the elderly to live an active and enjoyable life. The facilities offered at the nursing homes can ensure that the senior person has quality time without facing any hardships that manifest due to advanced age.

Treating Obesity Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Obesitiy Comparisions
Photo by adrenalina –

Obesity is a growing concern in the  world. Different factors can contribute to obesity such as hormonal, genetics, emotional and cultural factors or just not watching what you eat and/or lack of exercise. However, the chief reason for the increased incidence of obesity is the sedentary lifestyle that many of us are so accustomed to.

Overweight individuals have an increased risk of developing serious health complications such as diabetes, coronary disorders, and liver and kidney problems. Being obese is also linked to an increased risk of cancer.

So how do we overcome this? In this article, we will discuss the link between obesity and cancer as well as some of the steps that individuals can take to maintain a healthy weight.

The Link between Obesity and Cancer Explored

Man Eating a Biscut
Maintain a healthier lifestyle by being vigilant as to what are processed foods and what are not

Obesity is a health condition that refers to abnormally high levels of body fat, particularly around the belly. A study that had examined about 74,000 individuals found that for every decade that the individual is overweight, the risk of developing cancer increases by about 7 percent.

Another study published in The New England Journal of Medicine claimed that being overweight increases the risk of at least 13 types of cancer. Conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as part of an initiative of the World Health Organization, the study found strong evidence of the link between obesity and colorectal cancer, adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, breast cancer, kidney and uterine cancers.

What is the Link Between Obesity and Disease?

Several factors have been suggested that help to explain the link between obesity and cancer. The fat tissue produces a high level of estrogen hormone that has been linked to endometrial, breast and other types of cancers.

Obese individuals also have increased levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in their blood. Also known as hyperinsulinemia, this condition can promote certain types of tumors in the body. The fat cells also affect tumor growth regulators. Both these factors greatly increase the risk of cancer in the individuals.

How Obese Individuals Can Shed Weight Effectively?

Checking WaistlineThere is no one effective formula that can help in reducing weight quickly. Individuals have to take a number of measures to avoid accumulation of excess body fat. For many, a healthy diet plan coupled with aerobic exercise is the most effective way to combat obesity.

In addition, people that want to shed weight fast can take Xenical (Orlistat) pills. The tablet is one of the few medications that has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of obesity. Instead of suppressing the hunger, this medication works by slowing down the fat absorption capacity of the body.

If you are at present overweight, you should start by taking small steps to lose weight. Aim to shed about five percent of your body fat at the start. Research studies have shown that shedding even five percent to ten percent of the body fat can offer great health benefits. The important thing is that you stick to your commitment.

The little effort on your part today can greatly increase the odds of living a life free of cancer, heart, kidney, or any other serious disorders. But speak to your doctor first! He/She will know best how you should lift those unwanted pounds off.

Three Reasons We Need to Give Importance to Psychological Counseling

We live in an era where not one or two but numerous things need our constant and exclusive attention. As a result of having such a demanding life, it is nothing but natural to get overwhelmed at times. In such situations, one of the best supports our healthcare system has to offer is in psychological counseling. There is a certain stigma attached to mental health, but here are 5 reasons to overcome it by seeking psychological counseling if and when you need it:

A Non-Judgmental Outlet

For many people who have bottled up a lot of negativity, hurt, and pain for a long time, psychological counseling can be a healthy option to vent out and express themselves. With the help of a professional, you will not feel that you are being judged. On the contrary, one of the most essential features of good psychological counseling is to give the client a space to express themselves without judging them for anything they bring forth. People avoid opening up to friends and family out of the fear of being seen as a problematic or abnormal person. With a professional, this fear goes away, or is minimized.

A Constructive Way to Deal with Problems

With the help of a professional psychologist, you can channel your energy in a positive way. Instead of doing something harmful, you can learn to use your own feelings and emotions to build something positive. For instance, a person having anger issues reacts very violently under the influence of his emotions. But with the right therapy and practice, the patient can find another way, like color ball fight which is a group activity conducted to let go of the intense emotions, to get better.

A Positive Perspective

With psychological counseling, you learn to see things from a positive perspective. Counseling is not just a chance to sit and talk; your whole mindset can be changed and refreshed by doing so. Instead of seeing the person as a problem, counseling focuses on seeing the problem as the object of attention. The association is made with the problem instead of putting a label on the doer of the action. As a result, one can come to find a reasonable and helpful solution instead of getting embroiled in a blame game. Someone dealing with mental disturbance does not need the additional burden of being labeled based on what they did. So, with counseling, people learn a healthy way to look at their problems and to cope with them.

As times are changing, people are speaking out and supporting the importance of psychological help. This is a healthy and crucial step given that mental health has enjoyed a stigmatized status for centuries now. A positive change is much needed and most welcomed. If you are going through something similar, don’t hesitate to speak up for yourself or someone around you who needs help.

Social Interactions Helps Maintain a Healthy Mind for the Elderly

Strong Mind = Strong Body!

Seniors taking classes
Seniors taking classes is a great way to keep the mind healthy

 Our work and our jobs are just obligations which we need to do in order to survive. On the other hand, it is our hobbies that shape us, define our personalities and the people surrounding us. At times, the prospect of these engagements is the only thing that gets us through the day. But what happens once we retire? What happens when we reach our 70’s and 80’s and stop meeting people that we used to meet every other day?

With no work and no social hobbies, seniors begin to have too much free time on their hands, which subsequently leads to loneliness, negative thoughts and an identity of loss. It’s time we understand that more social engagements mean better senior living.

There are several ways to achieve a Strong Mind:

Make New Friends

We are not asking these seniors to forget about their old friends. As a matter of fact, it couldn’t be better if they remain in constant touch with those friends. However, in most cases, older friends are not as frequently available as they used to be. Some might be having their own health issues, some might have moved out of state or some might have just disappeared. Regardless, new and positive people in our lives are like a breeze of much needed fresh air.

Get Out of the House

The world always feels like a much better place once we are out in the open. It helps to maintain a routine to keep yourself busy. For instance, just going for a walk every morning could open the doors of adventures and an excellent source of making  new friends. Just be sure to be generous with your smile.

Taking Classes

A great way to expand the mind and keep those neurons going, as well as finding new friends. Social meeting classes also gives the senior a new hobby to enjoy. Many nursing facilities offer classes in many subjects and if your elderly one is not in a home, they can take any number of interesting classes geared for their age at continuing education courses offered by many colleges and universities, as well as their local YMCA or YMHA.

Find Dining Partners

Invite people for tea or dining as frequently as possible. In fact, keeping an open invitation for tea will surely lead to pleasant surprises every now and then. Dining together provides an excellent time to talk and share your feelings with others.  Research proves that being social helps lower risks of diseases.

Take Part in Social Events

No matter where you live, there is always some sort of senior group activity going around. Becoming part of knitting circles and book groups help seniors not only socializing, but also provides them some sense of purpose in their life and prevents them from succumbing to off-putting thoughts.  

Tech Savvy

This advice is more for the people surrounding and taking care of the seniors rather than the seniors themselves. With technological advancement at the forefront, every single piece of equipment comes attached with it. So, why not let the seniors make use of it too? If an elder person is having trouble listening, then provide them with the latest hearing aid. Are they having trouble walking? Are they dependent on someone to push their wheelchairs? Then find one with automatic controls for them. Let technology make their life easier and positive.

Just being a senior and retiring doesn’t mean all the best things in their life have to end. If anything, this is the time to give them the most attention, care and company to spend their time with. Add in a hobby in the mix and you’ll be looking at a happy and a healthy senior.


The Risk of Bad Sleep Habits on Your Health

Humans require sleep just as they require oxygen, water, and food to survive. Adequate hours of sleep are vital for the health. However, the demands of the fast-paced city life make it difficult for many of us to get adequate sleep at night.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that an adult individual should get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep at night does not just result in drowsiness and fatigue. Various studies have shown that lack of sleep leads to increased risk of various health disorders.

Sleep Deprivation and Health Risks

Our sleep needs vary as we age. We require fewer hours of sleep as we age. However, the demands of the daily life make it difficult for most people to get the required hours of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation leads to increased risk of various health disorders some of which are briefly discussed below.  

1. Diminished Cognitive Process

Sleep plays an important role in improved cognitive process. Inadequate sleep at night impairs mental processes. This leads to reduced alertness, focus, and decreased problem-solving and reasoning skills. As a result, a person’s productivity is adversely affected while performing tasks during the day. Also, impaired mental functioning increases the risk of accidents when driving or operating heavy machinery.

2. Increased Risk of Health Disorders

Lack of sleep puts a person at increased risk of heart attack, heart failure, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), stroke, and diabetes. Around 90 percent of the people that have been diagnosed with insomnia, or chronic inability to sleep at night, also suffer from one of these health complications.

3. Reduced Libido

Lack of sleep also has been linked to reduced libido in both men and women. Sleep-deprived people show less interest in sex due to sleepiness, stress, and depleted energy. Studies have shown that men with sleeping problems also may have low testosterone levels that lead to reduced interests in sex with the partner.

4. Depression and Anxiety

A survey conducted in 2007 of 10,000 individuals found that sleep-deprived people were five times more likely to develop depression. People with sleep problems are more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders as compared to those that have adequate hours of sleep at night.

5. Premature Aging

Lack of sleep can also lead to premature aging of the skin. People that do not get adequate sleep at night develop fine lines and dark circles under the eyes. When persons do not get adequate sleep at night, it results in the release of the stress hormones. This hormone contributes to aging of the skin.

In conclusion, you should make sure to get 7 to 9 hours sleep every night. Consider consulting with a general physician for sleep therapies or medications for getting oversleep troubles. However, most of the people would benefit by making slight changes in the daily habits that result in getting adequate hours of sleep during the night.

New York Hospitals Rank Among the Best in The Nation

New York State has always maintained a high rating when it comes to the quality of care and expertise in using the latest, state of the art medical facilities and equipment. New York Hospital. New York Presbyterian Hospital and St. Francis Hospital (the ‘heart hospital’ to name a few.

In continuing coverage of the U.S News & World Report Best Hospitals 2015-16 report, New York Presbyterian Hospital again ranked high, coming in as seventh in the nation and the best in New York City.

New York Presbyterian CEO Dr. Steven Corwin said, “This acknowledgment validates our commitment to delivering world-class, compassionate care to all New Yorkers, by the finest practitioners, in state-of-the-art facilities.” The ranking placed NYU Langone Medical Center second in the area, and twelfth in the nation.

NYE Langone Dean and CEO Robert Grossman said, “We are so proud that the excellent work of our dedicated physicians, researchers and clinical staff at NYU Langone Medical Center has continued to distinguish our hospital as one of New York City’s best.” Other top-rated hospitals in New York were Mount Sinai Hospital, Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco; Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan; and St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn on Long Island.

Crain’s New York Business reported that “New York hospitals once again scored high,” noting particularly the Hospital for Special Surgery’s number one rating for orthopedics, and New York Presbyterian Hospital’s top rating for psychiatry, as well as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s number two ranking for cancer care. It also cited New York-Presbyterian and NYU Langone Medical Center for being on the US News “honor roll” as number seven and number 12 in the US.