
How a Pregnant Mother’s Diet Affects the Baby’s Health

What a mother eats during pregnancy directly affects the child’s immune system. According to the findings of scientists at the Medical Research Council (MRC) the diet of the mother during of pregnancy can permanently change the gene function of the child. The mother’s’ nutrition can affect the child’s cancer risks and immunity against other diseases.

Various other studies have proved that the food that the mother eats during the nine months of pregnancy will impact the baby’s health. This raises the question: what should expectant mothers eat during pregnancy?

Here are five nutrition tips that can have a beneficial effect on the child’s health.

1. Get Adequate Amount of Folic Acid

Studies have shown that getting enough amount of folic acid during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of premature delivery. Also, an adequate amount of folic acid, particularly during the first few months of the gestation period, will decrease the risk of neural-tube defects by up to 70 percents. You should consider eating about 600 mg of folic acid daily when the pregnancy is confirmed. After delivery, the amount of folic acid should be reduced to 400 mg.  

2. Eat Seafood

Seafood contains ample amount of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Eating seafood can have an extremely beneficial effect on the health of the child. DHA is omega-3 fatty acid that can boost mental development of the child. It can also lead to improved memory, vision, motor skills, and comprehension of the language during early childhood.  Consider eating about 12 ounces of seafood in a week. If this is not possible, you should consider taking DHA supplement after consulting with your general physician.  

3. Avoid Intake of Alcohol

Alcohol is poison for a pregnant mother and her baby. Consuming the drink during pregnancy can negatively affect the baby’s health. No amount is safe for the pregnant mother. Consuming even small amount of alcohol during the pregnancy can result in causing cognitive dysfunctions, such as learning problems, behavior problem, attention deficit disorder, aggressive behavior, and hyperactivity in children.

4. Adequate Intake of Iron

Iron is essential for every woman. The mineral is particularly important for pregnant women as it plays a crucial role in healthy blood and transport of oxygen throughout the body. The baby will benefit from the extra amount of iron in the blood. You should intake about 30 mg of iron every day during pregnancy. After conception, the daily dose should be reduced to 15 mg.

5. Avoid Eating Unpasteurized Milk and Cheese

Unpasteurized milk and cheese harbor bacteria. The food items can contain Salmonella, Listeria, and E.Coli . Consuming them during pregnancy can result in premature delivery or miscarriage. So, in order to be on the safe side, you should avoid eating this food item during pregnancy. Other food items that you should avoid eating include poultry, undercooked meat, and eggs. Also, dump leftover food that is left on the table for more than two hours.   

The above food items when consumed during pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on the child. An important thing to keep in mind is that you should not eat too much. Some women ‘eat for two’ and gain a lot of weight. However, overeating won’t help in ensuring a healthy child delivery. Instead, it could increase the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and delivery of a premature baby. So keep the above five tips in mind and eat healthy!  


How AI Can Help in Improving Senior Health Care

Old Woman Senior CitizenIn the course of Mr. Fensterman’s continued endeavors to assist our seniors and the nursing homes he is affiliated with, it is important that we keep our audience up to date on the latest technology in senior health care. And in this 21st century, medical technology is advancing at  an unexpected rate.

Enter AI – Artificial Intelligence, and in health care, visions of robots diagnosing and treating patients on-site and from afar are not science fiction anymore. While advancements are consistently being made in the field of robotics, specifically, in the development of intelligent robots for elderly care, this technology is currently not affordable or practical, but prepare for that to change in the near future.

Far from a glamorous vision of a robot taking care of a patient, AI today involves a lot of computer coding that can help analyze data and recommend treatment options. According to Joseph Ferro – CTO of a health care tech company Mavens, AI has the potential to help senior individuals that live alone to better take care of themselves and live longer lives.

AI Technologies Promoting Better Senior Health Care

Robot touching computer screen
3D rendering 3D illustration medical artificial intelligence robot working in future hospital 

The number of senior individuals is projected to double from nearly 50 million today to about 100 million in the next five decades. While the population of elderly individuals is increasing, the amount of senior health care centers remains stagnant. This is where AI can help as it can ensure that seniors who live home alone are able to look after themselves without the need for a third (human) party.  

Artificial intelligence algorithms can be used to help people make the necessary changes required to reduce the risk and treat obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, to mention a few. It can ‘coach’ the individual to adopt healthy habits that reduce the risk of developing diseases, or lower the severity of the symptoms of existing diseases.

What’s more, smart sensors controlled by AI algorithms can monitor vital health statistics. In case any aberration is detected in the person’s vital signs, the system can be programmed to automatically call the nearest health care professional.

Experts say that AI can perform manual tasks that are carried on by health care nurses. It can analyze the patient data and take appropriate actions. The companies that develop AI algorithms capture the inputs of various health care experts. This results in a holistic health care treatment at an affordable cost for the individual.  

The traditional health care costs amount to thousands of dollars for the individuals. Also, many senior individuals have to travel to clinics or the doctor’s office for getting treatment which can be a great inconvenience to them, but new technologies are making it easier to communicate with their medical professional, and with an AI program, seniors will be provided the required health care in their own home and also at a fraction of a cost. The cost savings of the AI will greatly help in reducing the overall costs of senior health care services.  

Bottom Line

When it comes to radical health care, AI is certainly an important technology. It has the potential to greatly reduce senior health care costs and make elderly care more convenient.  

In the near future, great advancements are expected in the real of artificial intelligence and a lot of it is related to eldercare. Whether it’s keeping senior individuals healthy through preventive care, mobile communication, or informing medical personnel about emergencies, the impact of AI technology will be far-reaching.    

Genomics and the Future of Health Care

Medical Technology
Photo by photosearcher –

Genomics is an emerging field of genetics that deals with analysis and sequencing of the individual’s’ genome. A genome contains the entire genetic coding in the form of DNA. Professionals in genomics perform genetic mapping to find out the complete DNA sequences and better understand the diseases.

The genomic information can help in providing improved clinical care. Better understanding of the disease through genetic mapping can also lead to improved health outcomes and therapeutic decision making capabilities.  

While genomics is a relatively new field to the public, innovations in the field had started to make waves  over two decades ago when scientists developed and improved genetic sequencing techniques. The human genome project was first started in 1990 with the aim of mapping all the genes (about 25,000) in a human genome.

Genomics: Today and Beyond

Today, the field of genomics has advanced to a great degree. Complete genomes of a number of deadly diseases including cancer have been sequenced. The genomic data can help in finding improved treatment of the different diseases including malignant tumor, lung cancer and influenza.

Access to Personalized Genomics

Today, anyone that wants to gain better understanding to one’s health can gain access to the personal genomic data. The cost of personalized genomics is affordable that is likely to fall in the future due to development of more advanced sequencing technologies such as the Whole genome sequencing (WGS).  

Recently, a company named Veritas has launched the My Genome project that allows individuals to sequence the entire genome for just $999. Access to the personal genome can pave way for more improved personalized health care. It will help in the treatment of diseases that are not treated using conventional drugs.

Advanced Genomic AI Algorithms

Data provided by genomics is nothing unless they are used for deep learning of the diseases. A number of new companies are pushing the boundaries with AI genomic technologies such as iCarbon X and Deep Genomics. These programs make use of complex AI coding for better knowledge of the human genetic sequence. While it may take some time for this type of analysis to become mainstream in clinical research, the fusion of AI and genomics provide great opportunities for breakthrough medical advancements.

Cloud Based Genome Sequencing Service

Advancements are also being made in cloud based genome sequencing technology that can help research firms located in different parts of the world collaborate in bioinformatic genomics. Some of the companies that are developing cloud genomic application based on software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform include Intel, Cloudera, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM.  

Using the knowledge of a person’s genome to diagnose and treat health problems is a revolutionary medical practice that is making waves in the field. The breakthroughs in the field will continue to open up a large number of opportunities for treatment of untreatable diseases.  A tidal wave of genomic testing and sequencing information will continue to both answer questions about medical conditions, and raise new ones.  

Contributing to the Jewish Pride at Port Washington

Every man for himself.  That is the mantra of the fast-paced American life. However, for some Jewish people, finding a relatable community and living as a part of a group is probably ingrained in our DNA. 

When the Chabad of Port Washington opened its doors to the local community, there was much enthusiasm. The two-acre campus has quickly become home away from home for many of the Port Washington inhabitants. It is open to everyone, but its primary focus is learning about Jewish identity and culture. The Chabad of Port Washington is a buzzing center with a huge variety of activities and programs for attendees of all ages and backgrounds.

Happiness: A Work In Progress

With the motto “Everything Jewish for Every Jew”, the Chabad is ambitiously expanding the current campus by 13,000 sq. ft. And to achieve their goals, they need all the help they can get.

The founders, board of directors, trustees and staff of the Chabad are actively involved in creating a beautiful, fun, family-friendly environment that invites everyone in wholeheartedly.

To help achieve the Chabad’s aims, Howard Fensterman, a member of its Board of Directors, carries out significant philanthropic and fundraising activities. He has managed to contribute considerably to the goals of Chabad, in financial and other more intrinsic ways.

In his professional life, Howard Fensterman works as the Managing Partner of Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara & Wolf, LLP, based in Long Island.

He represents corporations, partnerships, LLCs and LLPs, as well as other business entities. Howard is often the first choice for individuals looking for help with asset-based lending, litigation cases, settlement negotiations, shareholder and partnership agreements, purchase and sale of business entities and a whole range of real estate matters.

A Little Bit of Kindness Goes a Long Way

Mr. Fensterman is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America Long Island Chapter. To learn more about his many charitable ventures, click here.

Working with his son, Jordan Fensterman, Howard has primarily contributed to the Chabad Shul, Preschool, Day school, Hebrew School, Camp, Mikvah as well as the Adult Education programs prevalent at the Chabad.

The spiritual leader of Chabad of Port Washington Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel, describes the duo as “A father and son team for the ages!”

Under the guidance and philanthropic leadership of Howard Fensterman and other directors, the Chabad continues to achieve its aims of strengthening the local Jewish community. And we hope other synagogues will follow suit.

You can learn more about Howard Fensterman and other members of the BoD here on the Chabad website.

Top Challenges in the Addiction Recovery Process

Do you know that more than 100,000 people lose their lives every year because of alcohol dependence and drug addiction?

Drug addiction has become a serious issue in the United States. The alarming rise in the number of people, including both youngsters and adults, who are becoming drug dependent, especially with opioids, calls for immediate, widespread and effective measures to be taken across the country in order to overcome this issue before it gets out of control.

But, as they say, there is always a little ray of sunshine even in the darkest night. The good news is that addiction is not incurable. Thanks to medical science, there are multiple treatment options available to help drug addicts overcome their disease.

Yes, addiction is a disease, in fact a chronic one!

As per the American Society of Addiction Medicine, “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.

This explanation has noted that addiction is a chronic disease due to which a person could not hold himself away from substance abuse. The disease causes a lack of control in the patient due to which he/she could not stop drug usage.

Like all other chronic diseases, addiction also affects a person in various ways. Not only does it negatively affects a patient’s physical health, but also leads to various emotional, biological, social and behavioral issues. Thus, recovering from addiction is a long and difficult process that needs a lot of determination, commitment, motivation, support and professional help.

Denial – The Greatest Hindrance in Addiction Recovery

The first and the greatest obstruction in the process of addiction recovery is the State of Denial.  

Since the majority of addicts do not consider addiction as a problem, they do not look for solutions. What makes this situation even worse is the fact that when others try to convince them to abandon their drug habit or to seek help, they contrarily look for ways to justify their dependency.  

Even after addiction patients realize that they have a problem that needs to be properly addressed, there is an uneasiness that can hold them back from getting medical help. These include:

Fear of Abandonment

A lot of people refrain from openly accepting their addiction problem because they have a fear of being rejected by their loved ones and by society at large. This also highlights one of biggest problems of the society we live in. Rather than encouraging addicts to face their problem and supporting them, a majority of people abandon them. This apprehension of abandonment and rejection is one of the greatest challenges in addiction recovery.  

Fear of Failure

Not only addicts, but many of us experience a fear of failure at some point in our lives. Whether it be in the workplace, within the family unit or under pressure to be successful in a sport, it is normal for us to be apprehensive at some point in our lives, particularly when a situation demands us to leave our comfort zone. The problem begins when we allow this trepidation to overpower our decision making ability, which subsequently prevents us from pursuing a constructive effort to achieve our goals. This fear then leads to self-doubt.

How do you overcome this fear? Be cognizant of how our emotions may override our reasoning.

Fear of the New Life

The fear of new life starts dominating a patient of addiction when he/ she is being told (or realizes himself/ herself) that in successful recovery demands them to make some tough decisions in their lives. These may include cutting off relationship with their close friends, some family members, neighbors (in case they are also addict or in any way negatively affects their recovery process), quitting an old job, relocation etc.

How to Overcome Fears?

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

– Nelson Mandela

The success lies in facing your fears rather than running from them. This applies to the fears that hinder the addiction recovery process. A great way to gain the strength to face your fears is to surround yourself with positive and supportive people who not only help you in realizing your problem, but also push and support you to seek help to overcome the problem. Once you realize that you have a problem of substance abuse or drug addiction, do not be afraid of accepting it. After acceptance, comes the phase of searching for the solutions. Find out the treatment options available to you and seek professional help as soon as possible. The earlier you start the treatment, the easier and shorter recovery process would be for you.

Preventing Relapse and Staying Sober

This is another huge challenge that drug addicts face during the later stage of recovery process. While it is true that a lot of people do relapse after coming out of a rehabilitation center, it is also an undeniable reality that a large number do completely recover from addiction disease.

According to a survey conducted in 2012, around 23.5 million adults were seeking treatment and hence, recovering from addiction and substance abuse. Keeping in view the increase in governments’ efforts (both at federal and state level) to counter drug addiction, advancements in medical science that have provided us with several new ways to deal with the problem, increase in the numbers of treatment facilities, easy accessibility, and efforts to increase awareness among the population, it can be easily said that the figure must have significantly increased.

According to research studies, 60% of people who struggle with substance abuse and 90% of people who are trying to overcome alcohol addiction relapse after coming out of treatment facilities.

While completing the treatment program at a rehabilitation centre is a great achievement on its own, it is only a phase in the long process of addiction recovery. Therefore, efforts need to be continued during the transitioning phase i.e. returning to normal life after coming out of a treatment facility.

While the post-rehab phase proves to be much more difficult than the rehab phase for most of the people because of the absence of support system and the presence of various triggers, complete recovery is not impossible.

Take following measures to make sure you do not lose the gains made at the rehab and to eliminate the chances of relapse:

  • Consider living at a half-way house
  • Continue attending counseling sessions or take regular refresher courses
  • Join support groups to avoid depression and anxiety, to express and to learn from others’ experiences
  • Cut off all negative energy from your life
  • Adopt positive and healthy habits, and surround yourself with supportive people to stay motivated and focused
  • Do not reverse the lifestyle changes you brought during the rehab period
  • Avoid emotional triggers by ensuring that you prevent yourself from experiencing the feelings of Hunger, Anger, Loneliness and Tiredness; called HALT by the professionals.


A lot of people assume that there is no need to continue the efforts for staying away from drugs and for preventing relapse once they come out of the treatment facility. However, according to both professionals and statistics, they are wrong.

National Institute of Drug Abuse stated that out of every 3 people, 2 relapse during the 6 months in post-rehab period. This tells us how long a patient needs to continue the efforts for staying sober. Addiction recovery is a really long journey.

Remember the old adage  – slow and steady wins the race?

While addiction recovery is not a race, this adage applies here as well. One needs to be slow but, steady to reach his/her destination.


Opioid Epidemic Update: The Gravest Threat Looming Over Today’s Society

Much is being done about opioid abuse? Photo by Raeky 

Do you know that drug overdoses have become the leading cause of death in the United States?

How is the Government Responding to the Opioid Crisis?

In response to the rapid increase in opioid misuse, addiction, and deaths in children, teens, and adults alike, the US government has been taking several measures to limit the prescription of these drugs.

This April, President Trump, via executive order has appointed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to lead an opioid commission to combat this public health crisis.

Crashing Down on Drug Dealers

Law enforcement agencies have been increasingly tightening the grip on drug dealers as well. Just recently, a large ‘pill mill’ was busted by DEA and other law enforcement agents. This illegal organization was responsible for producing over six million pills of opioid-related drugs.

The government is also undertaking several measures to protect people from opioid abuse and help them recover from their addiction and the courts have been giving severe punishments to the arrested drug dealers. If it is proved in court that someone has died by using the drug supplied by a dealer, he/she could be sentenced to an imprisonment of 20 years or more.

Restricting Fentanyl Usage

Fentanyl Pills

The Drug Enforcement Administration has labeled certain drugs as “Schedule I drugs” because they not only have the potential for abuse but also because they do not have any acceptable uses in the field of medical science. The list is comprised of different forms and types of fentanyl.

Fentanyl is a type of synthetic opioid painkiller that is 50 times stronger than heroin.

This step was much needed because of the huge threat fentanyl has been posing to US citizens recently. Between the years 2013 and 2015, a 600% increase was seen in death cases due to fentanyl overdoses.

Prescription Limitations

Additionally, various states have revised their laws with regard to prescribing opioid medicines and have put restrictions upon doctors to only prescribe if absolutely necessary and only for a short period i.e. 5 or 7 days. Also, the government has advised doctors to not prescribe narcotics during the earlier stage of treatments for pain relief.

Synthetic drugs are the most commonly misused opioids and heroin is gaining popularity because of the restrictions the government is putting on medical prescriptions, such as the prescription monitoring program known as I-STOP in New York State.

Immunity Laws

In response to the several research studies that reported that a lot of people do not call for help, even when someone from their family, friends, and/or acquaintances end up overdosing because they fear that it will create problems for them as well. This fear of getting arrested prevents a large number of people from obtaining immediate help due to drug mishandling.

To overcome this problem, many states introduced immunity laws to protect the people who report such cases from getting arrested.

Ensuring Easy Access to Treatment Programs and Facilities

Both federal and state governments have also been taking efficient measures to ensure people can easily access rehabilitation or treatment centers to get help. The fact that only 11.2% of those drug abusers who need professional help actually go to a treatment facility is alarming and has pushed the governments to increase the efforts to make sure people do reach out for help.

While governments have been increasingly implementing opioid-specific treatment programs in many states, affordable access is still lacking in areas where they are needed the most, particularly in the Southeast region of the United States, research studies found out. More steps need to be taken to make opioid treatment affordable for low-income Americans.

Halfway Houses

In addition to treatment facilities, Halfway houses also greatly help addicts in completely recovering from the addiction and also prevent the chances of relapse. Halfway houses help addicts not succumb to the post-rehab struggles and help them to not return to the drug usage after returning to normal life.

Development of Newer Techniques

Healthcare professionals have also been researching ways to deal with drug addiction in a better way and are coming up with newer techniques and methods. The approval of Probuphine implant by the FDA is a step in this direction.

Probuphine implant gets attached to the same nerve cells receptors as opioids drugs and slowly releases buprenorphine medicine into the patient’s body. The drug provides patient protection against the drug’s withdrawal symptoms for a period of six months, at least.

Training programs have been initiated for doctors to effectively use the lien of treatment to help addicts from relapsing after coming out of the rehabilitation center.

Latest Opioid Statistics

OpioidsAccording to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 23.5 million of 12 years or older Americans are involved in drug abuse to such an extent that they need proper medical treatment for that.

Within the category of drugs, opioid addiction and overdose have become the most prevalent problem and the gravest threat looming over the US. A report recently issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that cases of opioid overdoses and deaths, as a result, have greatly increased between the years 2010 and 2015.

In 2010, opioids were the cause of 57% of all drug overdose deaths, but the percentage reached 73% in 2015. According to CDC statistics, 91 Americans lose their lives every day as a result of opioids overdose.

Prescription drugs also contribute greatly to opioid overdose; they have caused four times to increase in numbers of deaths between 1999 and 2016.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has recently issued an alert that tells us how worse this problem of the opioid epidemic has become, in the country. It stated, “The United States is in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic. If you or your loved ones need help, know that treatment is available and it can help saving lives”.

Since now we know how widespread and grave the problem has become, it is highly important that we look into it and try to identify and understand the factors contributing to the issue in any way.

Final Word

Although the opioid epidemic is severe and poses great threats to the citizens, the government has been efficiently responding to the issue and increasingly taking measures to overcome it.  

Best Exercises for Seniors

Palliative Care for Seniors

As we get older, our energy decreases. This is mostly due to the mitochondria, the energy powerhouse, of our cells. With age, our cells don’t regenerate as easily and become weaker due to the dwindling number of mitochondria.

A new study has found that certain workouts can undo the severe damage caused to the mitochondria in both the young and the elderly.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, conducted a study on the cells of sedentary men and women. One group was 30 years old or younger and the other group was older than 64. The study volunteers were randomly given different exercise programs: vigorous weight training, interval training on a stationary bike, moderate exercise on a bike and light weight lifting, and a control group that did no exercise.

The study made some surprising discoveries. All the exercise groups had improvements in fitness and blood sugar regulation. The group that did interval training had the best endurance while those that only lifted weights had more muscle mass and strength. The biggest surprise was the effect on the cells in the elderly group that did interval training. While the younger subjects of the study had activity levels change in 274 genes, the elderly group had almost 400 genes working differently. Compared to only 33 genes in the older weight lifters and 19 genes for those that moderately exercised.

Elderly couple jogging
Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash

All subjects that did the interval training showed an increase in health and the number of their mitochondria. This study showed that it is never too late to benefit from exercise. Interval training on a bike is quite simple, it requires pedaling very hard for four minutes, resting for three, and then repeating the sequence three more times. As endurance grows, the sequence can be repeated more times. Interval training exercises help strengthen muscles which in turn can decrease the risk of falling. Exercise is also a great mood lifter.

Other activities seniors should try is walking as much as possible. Walking 15,000 steps a day was found to decrease the risk for heart disease and help increase memory. Studies show that mixing short walks with two 30 minute walks can help you reach the 15,000 step goal. Strength training with weights can also be helpful with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s.



Three Different Types of At-Home Senior Care

For seniors that don’t require the medical care and attention of a nursing home or assisted living, there are options that cater to seniors that still live at home and only need the care to come to them. It is important to have an idea about the type of care you or your loved one will need now and in the future, as well as becoming acquainted with the terminology.

Skilled and Custodial Care

Depending on the location in which care is provided, there are two types of care of the highest level known as skilled care and custodial care. Skilled care is a service that can be given only by licensed or skilled medical staff. This includes help with wound care, injections, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and other medical needs.

Custodial care, which is also called non-skilled care, helps with activities of daily living, also called ADL’s, a healthcare term that refers to people’s daily self care including eating, bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, walking, and continence. Custodial care is typically provided for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Both skilled and custodial care can be provided at home, in adult daycare or in a residential care setting such as a nursing home, assisted living community or adult foster care home. 

Home Care and Home Health Care

Home care and home health care are terms used interchangeably, but there is an important difference between the two. Both of these types of care are provided in a senior’s home. Home care usually means that custodial or unskilled care is being provided. This includes help with bathing and dressing, as well as help with laundry, cooking and accompanying them to doctors’ appointments.

Home health care is a higher level of care that requires medical training. This includes assisting with artificial limbs and other medical equipment like a ventilator and also checking an elderly person’s vitals and respiration. It’s not that unusual for home health care providers to also provide custodial care during their visits to an elderly person’s home. 

Adult Day Social Care vs. Adult Day Health Care

Adult daycare and adult day health care are terms that are used interchangeably. Adult day social care provides seniors with supervision and care in a structured setting during daytime hours usually only on weekdays. This enables seniors to continue living at home with their families while allowing family members or caregivers the time to go to work or relieve stress from caregiving. Activities such as art therapy, exercise class, hair and beauty services, oxygen therapy and counseling are usually provided as well as meals.

Adult day health care usually provides everything social care does but it also includes medical services similar to those found in a nursing home and can include rehabilitation services and medication management. This sounds like an ideal alternative to a nursing home, however, there are only a few hundred of these facilities per state compared to thousands of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Elderly At Highest Risk for Dental Problems

Two seniors holding hands on a park bench
Photo: Shopify Burst Free Images

A few decades ago, losing your teeth and getting dentures was the norm. Today, with better hygiene and fluoridated toothpaste and water, older people have more teeth to preserve than ever before. Unfortunately, most Americans that retire or leave the workforce find themselves losing their employer dental insurance. 

Medicare covers dental care except for specific conditions. Medicaid varies by state and usually only pays for limited procedures. More elderly patients are going longer without seeing a dentist, leaving many vulnerable for periodontal disease.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 20 percent of Americans over 65 have untreated cavities. Among Americans over 75, 25 percent have lost all their teeth. 

Dental care gets more complicated as one gets older. Older people produce less saliva, leaving teeth vulnerable to decay. Receding gums also expose teeth to more decay and bone loss makes teeth less stable. Over 500 medications taken by the elderly, such as those for asthma, allergies, blood pressure, cholesterol, Parkinson’s or Alzheimers, produce the side effect of dry mouth. Dry mouth leads to an increase of cavities, mouth sores, and infections.

The best way to protect your oral health as you age is to plan for your dental expenses before you retire. Organizations like AARP offer supplemental dental insurance plans for their members. Discount dental plans are another option and they usually have lower monthly fees than traditional dental insurance. The best way to prevent dental disease is with preventative care. Having your teeth checked and cleaned twice a year has shown to lower costs in the long run, according to researchers at University of Maryland Dental School.

If caring for a disabled or elderly loved one, it is important to help them keep their mouth clean and remind them to brush and floss daily, as well as making sure they get to a dentist regularly. Nursing home residents that need dental care and are enrolled in Medicaid have access to a regulation called Incurred Medical Expense, that can help pay for medically necessary care as determined by a dentist.

Lifestyle and diet changes are also important for the elderly when it comes to their oral health. For those suffering from dry mouth due to medication, drinking plenty of water and chewing sugarless gum can increase flow of saliva. Using an alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash won’t dry out the mouth and can also help. It is also important to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, which dry out the mouth.

GOP Health Care Plan: Is it a Political Trap?

Health and the ACA
Photo by unikpix –

In this article, we will look at some salient features of the ACA health care plan and whether it will help or hinder the American public. 

A Close Look at the GOP Health Care Plan

Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), had proposed a joint federal and state Medicaid program. The plan had been put forward to offer insurance coverage to a large number of low-income families who previously did not have the means to buy an insurance plan to cover unexpected medical bills.   

In a way, the Obamacare is a socialist program at its core. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however. It is a public health care law that attempts to make health care more affordable for everyone.

Currently states operate the program and pay part of the cost while the rest is paid by the federal government. The new health care program has been consuming lately by right wingers as it has been consuming increasing share of many state budgets.  

The Ryan Care

The new GOP proposal that some people are calling Ryan Care does not intend to scrap the Medicaid program introduced by the Obama administration. Instead, the plan intends to replace the payments based on a formula that varies from state to state with a fixed payment.

Federal Savings of $880 Billion

According to a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) the new GOP health care law if enacted would result in a reduction of about 25 percent or $880 billion in federal spending over the next ten years.  

Obviously, this would result in a greater financial burden on some states. Add to this the fact that the proposal intends to end extended coverage of the program by 2020 will leave states to either drop enrollees or the pay a higher amount.

In addition, it would also jack up the premium paid by older individuals. While people under 21 years whose net income is about $26,500 would see a decrease in the premium amount from $1,700 to $1,450, those over the age of 40 would have to pay $2,400 instead of $1,700. The older individuals above 64 years would be hard hit as they would see their premiums go up from $1,700 to $14,600.

Will We Be Buying Less Costly Plans?

Health care experts predict that the older individuals will likely end up purchasing less costly plans with lower coverage. This is because the subsidies offered by the government will be replaced by a flat tax credit that does not take into account the local insurance prices or annual income. This could result in as much as 24 million people to become uninsured.


The GOP health care plan may seem simple and crisp, but in practice, it is incredibly complicated due to the profound effect it will have on the public. The plan is still evolving with lawmakers pressing for reduced impact on the older people.  Also, it will take time before the plan has been enacted.

A lot of different party factions, committees, activists, and powerful interest group have yet to agree on the specifics of the plan. In addition, at least eight Democrats would have to be won over as well. So, it will be time before the highly criticized GOP plan will in fact see light at the end of the tunnel.