
Energy Draining Foods

”Man with energy level meter"
Photo by graficallyminded –

It has been a widespread perception that all foods help in increasing our energy levels, which in turn aids our bodies in performing our daily activities more efficiently. But that is not the case in today’s world.

Have you ever felt lethargic after devouring certain foods and imbibing certain drinks? If yes, this languid feeling is an indication that your energy levels have dipped considerably following the ingestion.  There are certain foods and drinks that can lead to this feeling.

Today, with the commercial food establishments vying towards creating more and more processed foods, we must be vigilant in selecting the right foods that will effectively aid in strengthening our metabolisms and energy levels. Let’s take a look at what foods we should avoid:

Processed Grains

Variety of whole grains
Variety of Grains

We all know the bad effects of that processed grains have on weight and the digestive system. But the negative effects don’t end here. These grains, highly enriched with carbohydrates, are also responsible for draining the stamina out of our systems. Even though this food is packed with energy in the form of high caloric content, in actuality, the processing in the body results in contrary results.  

There are two important factors to which bread, rice and pasta made of processed grains are energy drainers.  

They Quickly Raise the Blood Sugar Level

Processed grains lack the outer fibrous layer called bran. The insufficient amount of fiber in the processed flour makes them easily digestible and consequently, the glucose content is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

This happens in a very short time window and raises the sugar levels in the blood. To regulate this and to revert the glucose levels back to their healthy state, insulin is secreted from the liver cells. All this activity needs energy and as a result, the person may feel drowsy once the blood sugar gets in its normal range.  

Make sure you look for the label that confirms the grains inside the food item contains the bran and germ nutrients required for healthy digestion, sufficient antioxidants and energy level support.

Devoid of Nutrients Help in Increasing Energy Levels

The germ of a grain is also removed during processing. It contains several beneficial micronutrients that act as catalyzing elements in the physiological reactions to yield energy. For instance, Vitamin B plays an integral role in harnessing energy in the body but this vital nutrient is absent from processed grains because no germ is present in them. Learn more here.

Alcohol-based Drinks

Alcohol-based drinks are usually consumed for their relaxing effects. The concept of sipping wine while having dinner entails that consumption of alcohol helps with better sleep. However, this is a half-truth.  Consumption of alcohol, if it goes beyond a certain level, can make you feel restless and drained throughout the next day.

Alcohol increases the sleeping hours of the body from what is actually healthy and enough. Therefore, getting too much in your system, particularly during night can ruin the following day.  

Food Items with Added Sugars

Added and excessive sugar can be detrimental to human health in many different ways. One of the least known facts about the consumption of foods with added sugar is their draining effects on the energy levels of the body. They affect the energy level the same way that we have discussed in the section of processed grains.

Most of us have a habit of starting off our day with breakfasts containing packaged fruit-based cereals. People think of it as a healthy dietary routine. However, that’s not quite the case. Many of these off-the-shelf cereal products are rich with added sugars in the form of artificial fruit flavors. The amount of fiber present in such products is at an insignificant level. Therefore, these cereals do more harm than good.

Similarly, flavored yogurt and fruit juices are also considered healthy but they drain energy in the same manner as with any food item with added sugar. Sugary foods are also known to increase the craving for more meals. So, consuming all these foods and drinks items that are supposed to be healthy can trap the body into an endless cycle where you would constantly feel drained.

Excessive Consumption of Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee are the most popular caffeine-based drinks. Caffeine is a psychoactive substance known for its stimulant effects. It also helps in temporary spiking the energy levels in the body. However, over-relying on such drinks to make you feel energized can become counterproductive.

If you are not taking care of your diet and sleep and just trying to maintain your energy levels with coffee and tea, then you are making things difficult for a long run. With excessive administration of caffeine in one form or the other, the body can develop a tolerance for its effects. Therefore, when an individual doesn’t get her coffee on time, she may suddenly start to feel exhausted. Furthermore, over-dependence on caffeine can disrupt your sleep cycle, another factor which also plays a part in draining the energy from the body.

Fried foods

Fried foods particularly the junk ones that we always love to munch on contain attributes that make the digestive system perform its function at a slow pace:

  • They are rich in fats
  • Fiber content is non-existent

This decelerated activity of the stomach gives way to a delay in the delivery of energy usually anticipated after a meal. Fried foods are also devoid of ample amount of micronutrients, which are a precursor of many bodily reactions that produce energy.

Fried junk foods are not just heavy on your pocket and make you fat. They are also not good if you have to indulge in the activities that need energy after consuming the food.

Low-calorie dietary choices

Food items with low caloric values are very popular among people who want to eat well and maintain a healthy BMI. However, getting overboard with such foods can impose negative effects on your body. Depriving your body of the number of calories necessary for everyday activities can have detrimental effects on the hormonal mechanism and metabolism, resulting in drained energy levels.  


Try to stay away from processed grains and look for the label that confirms the food items have the required nutrients. Avoid sugary items whenever possible and stay away from fried food items.

A Short Guide for the Use of Antibiotics

Open bottle of pils
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Antibiotics, the ‘cure all drug’. Or is it? Today it is a household name. Everybody is aware of this class of drug and we all have used them at some point in time. Even a vigorous, healthy individual can’t claim that he or she hasn’t taken an antibiotic sometime in their lives. But what do you really know about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are necessary but their excessive and non-recommended use can be harmful. In this article, we will discuss the different aspects associated with the use of this wonder drug. Let’s start with a simple and precise definition of the term antibiotic.

What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotic is a generic term used for a wide variety of antibacterial medications, although Amoxicillian is probably the most widely known. These drugs are prescribed and used to treat the symptoms of diseases that occur due to bacterial infections, but they remain ineffective against diseases initiated by viruses.

What is the difference between bacterial and viral infections?

Both are living organisms, called microbes and both can cause diseases, although viruses are more known to do so. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot live without attaching to a host (human, animal, insect, etc.).

With that said, the most important distinction between the two is that antibiotics will not be effective against viruses; henceforth, other means of medical attention is necessary if you have a viral infection. Your physician will make the final decision as to what you are infected with and most likely, it will be after a blood or urine test. You can learn more about the distinction between viruses and bacteria here.

Overuse and Antibiotic Resistance

Even in our healthy state of being, we get attacked by bacteria all the time. This detrimental bacterial activity is taken care of by the white cells of the immune system. But in some cases, the bacteria can expand to an extent where the immune system has difficulty fighting alone. In such cases, antibiotics can assist the body’s natural defense mechanisms to fight these bacterial invaders. But how much antibiotic medicine should you take?

As one wise man once said, “Too much of anything is not good for you”. And subsequently, even excessive use of these beneficial products is not considered healthy.

Over the years, antibiotics have been used extensively for even minor bacterial infections. People have become self-experts in the use of these drugs. Some stores sell antibiotic medicines without prescriptions. Even physicians dash out antibiotic prescriptions without much consideration. Consequently, this high usage has resulted in some bacteria becoming more resistant.  

A report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is very eye-opening in connection with the overuse of antibiotics. According to the report, in 2015 alone, around 270 million prescriptions were doled out from different outpatient establishments.  Among this number of prescriptions, 30% were unnecessary. That means around 80 to 90 million prescriptions shouldn’t have been dispensed.  

Downsides of Antibiotic Resistance

pills in human hand
How Much is Too Much?

All this unneeded use of antibiotics leads to the development of increased bacterial resistance. Antibiotic resistance is not a good thing and can culminate into many problems:

  • With increased antibiotic resistance in the body, many prescribed medicines fail to work against a disease
  • Disease can prolong in the presence of antibiotic resistance because bacteria are stronger than ever

Both of the above-mentioned complications result in more visits to a physician. Through all of this, you have to continually suffer from the effects of the disease and have to spend more on your healthcare treatments.  

Side Effects of Using Antibiotics

Aside from the major issuer of bacterial resistance, excessive use of antibiotics is also bad for many of its side effects. A constant feeling of sickness, disruption of the digestive system and fungal infections are some common side effects associated with its use.  

In rare cases, blood clot irregularities, stone formation and increased skin sensitivity also occur as the side effects of administering too much of this drug continues.

Antibiotics can also provoke allergic reactions in individuals with some peculiar health conditions. These reactions are demonstrated by swellings, difficult breathing and rashes. Patients with reduced renal and liver activity often experience allergies with the use of antibiotics. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can also make expectant mothers more vulnerable to such allergies.

Sensible Use of Antibiotics

Antibiotics were invented with the intention of curing diseases. Although for these drugs, in general, a couple of pointers can be stated here (but consult your physician if you are unsure):

  • Complete the entire course of antibiotics administration as prescribed by your physician. Leaving it in the middle as the symptoms disappear is not a good habit because it can make the remaining bacteria resistant to the drug which can lead to the relapse of the condition.
  • Follow the exact instructions of consuming antibiotics. Some have to be ingested after meals while others have to be administered with an empty stomach.  

Regardless of the possible side effects of antibiotics, they are still the top choice in fighting bacterial infections and diseases and complying with the instructions is important to increase the effectiveness.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle where a strong immune system can naturally take care of most of the bacterial invasions. When it comes to antibiotics, the main idea is to avoid them if you can by keeping yourself healthy. This, in turn, will help to reduce the risk of building drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

Start with washing your hands frequently.  As per the CDC, “Reducing the number of these infections by washing hands frequently helps prevent the overuse of antibiotics”.  But don’t just stop there. Have you walked your 10,000 steps today? If not, what are you waiting for?  Exercise can play a major role in keeping yourself healthy.  Additionally, look into taking the vitamins that help build a strong immune system and don’t forget to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is well known for helping to maintain a healthy immune system.

Most importantly, if you do have to take antibiotics, make sure you have consulted with your doctor first and follow all instructions.

Some Unfiltered Facts About Raw Water

Running water through a mountainPhoto:

It has often been said that at some point in time, life goes full circle. We often witness this phenomenon where people go back to basics. Whether it’s about adopting a paleo diet or using domestic products made without any industrial step involved, we try to mimic our prehistoric ancestors in some manner.

In this informal movement of transiting to a more primitive lifestyle, another fad has been trending, i.e., imbibing raw water. Let’s start with getting to know what raw water actually is.

What is Raw Water?

Raw water is a commodity which is not treated like bottled or tap water and comes directly from rivers, streams and lakes of fresh water.  According to its advocates, it contains all the minerals and micronutrients which are removed in the treatment process of domestic water supplies. In so doing, it is claimed that raw water doesn’t have any contamination and extra chemicals added from the treatment of public water supplies.  

Raw Water: A Lucrative Industry

Within a very short time period, the supply of raw water has transformed into a lucrative industry. 2.5 gallons of untreated spring water is available for around $37 and comes along with fancy packaging. Affluent strata of big urban cities are the major consumer of this new booming industry, which is selling this essential commodity at such inflated rates.  

Fulfilling the Idea of Independent Living?
The trend of consuming raw water is also getting traction because it demonstrates the illusion of independent living where one is not reliant on the ‘system’. The trend is very similar to the idea of going ‘off the grid’ where households generate all the energy they need on their own.

Alleged Benefits of Raw Water

There are some supposed benefits of raw water which are extensively marketed.

No Lead Contamination

Since raw water doesn’t pass through the municipal pipelines, it’s free of any lead contaminants.

All Natural

Raw water is also being sold with a USP that it contains only those nutrients which nature supplies, in the form consumed by our forefathers.  

No Chlorine, Fluoride

Chlorine and fluoride is used in the treatment of the water supply, while raw water is entirely free of them.

Refutation of the Benefits and Harming Effects of Raw Water

A strong refutation of the benefits of raw water has come from different quarters and terming it as a product of pseudoscience with no significant research to make a solid conclusion. For instance, water supply lines are now properly sealed and no lead content seeps into the supply. Insignificant amounts of fluoride in the water doesn’t have any detrimental effects on the human body and fluoride-treated water helps in the prevention of tooth decay.  

Some other harmful aspects of consumption of raw water are also being highlighted by the experts. Let’s look into some of them.

No Natural Source of Fresh Water is Free of Contaminants

According to the Director of waterborne disease prevention of the CDC, even the purest spring in the country can’t be free of contaminants. Moreover, not all natural ingredients are always beneficial for human consumption.  

Therefore, no natural source of water can be directly supplied to the households without rigorous testing and quality assurance. There is a reason why the Environmental Protection Agency imposes a stringent quality guideline for domestic water supply.  

Moreover, there are chances that groundwater might be exposed to the poisonous elements of radon and arsenic, present naturally in soil and rock formation in many geographical places. Raw water can look crystal clear to the naked eye, but prior to lab tests, one can’t be sure if its free of viruses and bacteria.

What’s the Need?

According to a report from the CDC, the domestic water supply in the US is safest in the world. Three basic steps of water treatment are employed for public water supplies across the United States:

  • Sedimentation: A procedure through which heavy particles of dirt and soil are filtered
  • Filtration: Removal of every harmful microparticle
  • Disinfection: Killing of waterborne bacteria through chlorine and other chemical treatments

Apart from these treatment steps, local municipalities employ their own measures of making domestic water healthy to drink. So, what’s the point of spending large sums of money on a potentially harmful commodity when you can get the safest type from your own tap?   

One man who lived a healthy 100 years in New York City had this to say about the municipality’s water “There is nothing cleaner than New York City water”.  Well, when you hear words spoken from a true centenarian, maybe, just maybe we should take heed of his comment!  

Continue reading “Some Unfiltered Facts About Raw Water”

Sleep Apnea and Its Consequences

Have you been feeling tired at work, losing concentration or having memory issues? These are signs that you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Although these symptoms could also be the result of a variety of ailments, we should not rule out this sleeping disorder.

If you get an hour or two less sleep than your normal routine, then you may be spending the rest of the day in a bad mood with an exhausted body. Consequently, fatigue affects your work performance and interaction with others and clouds your thought processes, not to mention that your driving ability can become severely impaired. Bottom line: Sleep disorders can be detrimental to your health.

One experience’s these negative effects whenever he or she is subject to a reduction in the quality or quantity of their sleep.  The specific amount of mental and physical issues that a person will be affected with would be the result of the amount of lost sleep, diet, lifestyle and the individual’s own metabolism.

We all experience loss of sleep at one time or another; whether due to staying up late to study for final exams, going out until the wee hours of the morning or an anxiety-prone issue that keeps you awake at night. But there are also medical disorders that can keep us awake. Sleep apnea is one of them. It is the result of a disrupted breathing pattern while you are asleep. This pause in breathing is called apnea. On average, affected individuals experience around 30 apneas within an hour and most of us will not even be aware that we have it until we see a medical professional who needs to conduct specific apnea tests to confirm this is what we have.

Student falling asleep by computer
Are you sleeping during the day because you are staying up late cramming for finals or is it something else? If you think it is something else, you might want to get checked out by a physician.

As per a report from the American Sleep Apnea Association, there are more than 22 million US citizens suffering from this illness. Among these cases, 80% of them go unnoticed.

Physicians and researchers classify sleep apnea into two categories.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when the air passage within the respiratory system gets blocked. There are several reasons which result in a partial or full blockade of the airway:

    • Expanded and relaxed muscles of the tongue and throat
    • Enlarged tonsils as compared to the windpipe
    • Obesity is the other reason which blocks the air to lungs because being overweight constricts the inner diameter of the windpipe

A blocked air passage means the lungs are not able to oxygenate the blood. This anomaly activates a homeostatic response of the body which directs the brain to stir up the affected person from sleep in order to resurrect the air passage.

However, this awakening is very instantaneous and short. One doesn’t remember it in the morning. The resumption of breath is usually highlighted with a choking sound or a snort.

Central Sleep Apnea

This is a rare type of sleep apnea where the nervous system fails to communicate with the muscles responsible for breathing. Central sleep apnea can develop as a side effect of other health complications such as cardiovascular diseases, brain stem damage, and Parkinson’s disease.

Very few patients suffer from both of these simultaneously. This rare condition is called mixed sleep apnea.

Signs of Sleep Apnea

During Sleeping Hours

There is a widespread misunderstanding that snoring is the main sign of sleep apnea. However, this is not the case. Snoring can be the result of other issues, but sleep apnea should not be ruled out, especially if other symptoms materialize such as those listed below. Moreover, gasping and choking are also signs of sleep apnea. Frequently waking up during the night to urinate might be another sign of this sleep disorder; although this could be the result of other conditions, such as an enlarged prostate.

Post-Sleeping Hours

Businesswoman feeling fatigued. Getting tired at work or during the day could be the result of sleep apnea.

There are some other symptoms of sleep apnea that can be experienced throughout the day.

    • Fatigue
    • Severe headaches in the morning
    • Failing to concentrate on any given task
    • Feeling a sore throat and dry mouth after waking up

People who suffer from central sleep apnea suddenly wake up from sleep, feeling shortness of breath.

Many times sleep apnea goes undiagnosed because its symptoms appear at a time when it’s difficult to notice them.

Professional diagnosis of the problem is possible through a lab and home-based tests. If you are frequently encountering any of the aforementioned symptoms, then consult with a physician for better guidance.

Treatment is Available*

Woman Sleeping
If you are suffering from moderate levels of sleep apnea then you may be able to manage it by making some lifestyle changes or improvements to your lifestyle. Let’s find out the self-help measures you can take to get reduce these interruptions of your sleep. *

    • Maintaining a healthy BMI index is important for many reasons and protecting yourself from sleep apnea is one of them.
    • Eating healthy food containing only good fats and carbs, lean proteins and regular physical activity prevents obesity to kick in.
    • Smoking affects the muscles responsible for breathing. By reducing and quitting this habit, one can experience a decrement in the severity of sleep apnea.
    • Sleeping on the side instead of the back also helps in preventing obstructive sleep apnea.
CPAP Device
CPAP Device (Looks a lot scarier than it really is)

For severe cases of this disorder, a device is usually recommended by physicians called continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). It pushes air through the nose and/or mouth via nose plugs or a mask, opening up the airflow to the lungs during sleep. There are other devices that can be used, but they are not for everyone. Medical technology is constantly changing and we recommend to Google sleep apnea devices (or equivalent search terms) to find out the latest state-of-the-art devices that can be used for helping you with sleep apnea.

*Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!






Direct and Immediate Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

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Air pollution might appear to be a temporary inconvenience when you are outside and soon as you get inside your home or any other building, you forget about it. This has been our attitude towards these toxins for a long time and subsequently, due to our negligence, we are now witnessing a variety of world-wide effects not seen in our previous history. 

Air pollution has a direct and immediate impact on human health in multiple ways. Lethality of outdoor contaminants can be gauged by the fact that it causes approximately three million deaths annually around the world. In this article, we will discuss the different short and long-term implications of what some of these toxins can do to our bodies.  

Loss of Bone Density

Bones with thin density are more prone to fractures. In medical terms, the condition is called osteoporosis and usually affects elderly people. But a recent study indicates that there might be a link between osteoporosis and air pollution.

Car Emissions can Reduce the Levels of Parathyroid Hormone

Researchers have noted that individuals (regardless of age), who are more exposed to automobile emissions, experience a drop in their parathyroid hormone levels. This hormone is responsible for the construction and protection of bone mass.

A direct measurement of bone density also indicates that people living in a heavily polluted neighborhood, such as in some communities in China and India, experience rapid drops in their bone densities as compared to the residents of less polluted areas. In the U.S., pollutants from vehicles are more controlled due to the high set of federal regulations placed on the automotive indstry.

Poor Quality of Sperm

According to a research published in the Occupational and Environmental Medicine, air pollution is somehow linked to lower quality sperm. Scientists have found out that solid matter particles suspended in the outside air have adverse effects on the shape and size of human sperm. Low sperm quality can lead to infertility. It is worth mentioning that these toxins from the air can affect the male reproduction activity within the span of 90 days.  

Renal Issues

Air pollution also has an adverse impact on the physiology of kidney. According to a study conducted in the domain of Nephrology, kidneys are even sensitive to low levels of pollution which is often not classified as hazardous by Environmental Protection Agency.

The research also looked into the pollution level in the areas where the veterans had previously served to find the effects of increased level of pollution. The report concluded with a very alarming verdict that no level of air pollution can be called safe for kidneys health.

Risk of Stroke

According to CDC, strokes are one of the leading causes of deaths in the U.S. It also results in a large number of long-standing disabilities. Scientists have gone through a large medical record accounting more than six million deaths in different countries over the course of 66 years to find a correlation between air pollution and stroke.

They have discovered some loose and tight pointers regarding the association of pollution and its adverse results of strokes (deaths and disabilities).

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

A study conducted in five European countries concludes that air pollution can be a reason behind more cases of hypertension and high blood pressure. All the 41,000 people who were part of the study were not suffering from any cardiovascular complication at the start of the study. But over a short time period, around 15 percent of the individuals who participated in the study had developed the issue of hypertension.

Complications of Pregnancy

A research study has been conducted on a mouse to find the impact of air pollution on pregnancy. Researchers have found out that particulates of burning fossil fuel can increase the risks of premature births and low birth weight. Even though the subject of the study was mice, it still provides another underlying reason for premature births in the human population.

Psychological Issues

A report indicates that air pollution also has its detrimental effects on our mental well-being. The study has taken a survey in different cities regarding mental health and matches it with respective air qualities. It indicates that, in the cities with increased levels of air pollution, more people have reported the instances of mental distress.

Air pollution is our collective problem and hence we can only tackle it through a joint effort. However, on an individual level, using air pollution masks while commuting through rush hours, having better air quality at home (through more vegetation around and different HVAC measures), a healthy diet and regular exercise might help in balancing out the toxic effects of these contaminants.

Perils of Chronic Inflammation

In general, inflammation is one of the human body’s first line of defense triggered by the immune system when it detects an anomaly in its physiology. From localized allergies to viral diseases to physical injuries, inflammation plays a crucial part in the healing processes. For that reason, this reaction is deemed healthy from a medical point of view, since it is considered a warning to the body. However, it is not considered healthy and beneficial anymore if it persists for an extended time period.  

The inflammation that we experience following an injury or disease, lasting for few days or a couple of weeks, is called acute inflammation. This physiological phenomenon is good or rather necessary for our well-being. On the other hand, the same bodily response is bad for your health if it lingers, which is termed as chronic inflammation.

Why is Chronic Stress Bad for Your Health?

Inflammation is the body’s high alert state where it’s trying to maintain the security and defense of the body by different physiological responses. But when this state continues to exist for months or years, then instead of doing any good it starts to act against one’s own body.  

Chronic inflammation can lead to different medical conditions. Arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s can commence due to persisting inflammatory state of the body. Chronic inflammation is not as evident as the acute type. Therefore, one should be aware of some of the signs that might indicate that you are suffering from chronic inflammation.  


Depression is one of the signs of chronic inflammation. Researchers have noted that cardiovascular patients, who are feeling depressed, show signs of higher and persisting inflammation as compared to the patients not having the same psychological turmoil.  

Disturbed Digestive System

Diseases related to the digestive system are one of the telltale signs of chronic inflammation. If you experience sporadic cramps and pain in your abdomen, suffering from constipation or diarrhea without any apparent reason, then it might be a sign of chronic inflammation. Intolerance for gluten-based food items and irritable bowel syndrome are also the subsequent health complications of chronic inflammation.

Exhaustion and Fatigue

Feeling tired after getting done with an entire workday is a regular phenomenon and every healthy individual experiences it. However, if you are feeling exhausted and fatigued all the time even after getting good sleep and a healthy diet then inflammation might be lingering within your body.  

Underlying Reasons of Chronic Inflammation

There are several reasons that might lead to the development of chronic inflammation.

Dietary Habits

Meals rich in processed oils, sugar and fats have become a staple diet in today’s lifestyle. However, the digestive system is not intrinsically designed to process this highly enriched food and has to work too hard to do its job. This increased burden on the stomach, the digestive tract, and metabolism provokes the immune system resulting in the onset of chronic inflammation.  

Physical and Psychological Stress

Stress is also body’s inherent tool that is there for its better survival. But persistent and heightened stress levels can be bad for health in many ways. Chronic inflammation is one of the detrimental byproducts of stress. Psychological stress is highlighted by the release of cortisol, a hormone which puts the body into flight or fight mode. The release of cortisol in blood circulation also put immune system on high alert.  

People with constant emotional stress inadvertently exhaust their immune system, which results in the development of chronic inflammations.

If you are skipping meals, not consuming sufficient nutrients then it moves your body into panic mode, internally causing an inflammatory response. But if you have developed a habit of neglecting your dietary needs and skipping meals, then a prolonged phase of physical stress can also bring about chronic inflammation.  

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance in the body for any reason could also lead to chronic inflammation. It has been often witnessed that menopausal women (imbalance of estrogen and progesterone) often develop the problems of obesity and acne due to chronic inflammation.  

Allergy to Synthetics and Chemicals

People working in an environment decked with different synthetic materials also experience inflammatory responses from their body. This is often caused due to a reaction to the synthetic materials. Moreover, cosmetic products and any airborne chemicals can also cause chronic inflammation.  

A good lifestyle adorned with a healthy diet, plenty of nutrients and stress-free functioning is very helpful in protecting yourself from a detrimental aspect of the immune system called chronic inflammation.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Its Sub-Types

Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, commonly known by as OCD, is classified under the family of anxiety disorders.  It has various sub-types that are prevalent across the world. In the US alone, OCD affects more than two million adults. It’s worth mentioning that this stat does not account for the majority of cases which remain unreported. Also the numbers of OCD cases in minors are also not included in this report.

Many people don’t consider OCD as a disease because its mild symptoms don’t affect the everyday routine of the affected individuals. But that doesn’t mean one should completely overlook the signs and symptoms of this problem.

If left untreated, although not prominent, it can transform into a full-scale mental issue where the affected individuals are unable to operate normally. To understand OCD in a better way, let’s break it down into its two parts i.e. obsession and compulsion.


Obsession entails the recurrence of unwanted thoughts and ideas which the affected person is not in control. These undesirable, recurring thoughts can be very radical in nature and bring about distress and discomfort.

These obsessions might involve endlessly thinking about highly unlikely and/or horrible scenarios. For instance, constantly thinking that something very bad will happen to your loved ones without any reason or imagining scenarios where you are meeting a sudden, unexpected death.

This obsession can also be an acute order without any rationale. Having unreasonable distrust and disbelief can also be the elements of the obsession part of an OCD case. Religious reservations, doubts and inappropriate sexual scenarios can also impinge on the affected individual.


The second part of OCD entails certain actions where the affected person acts impulsively for his/her survival. Compulsions for affected individuals are more important than any sacred ritual. If they remain unable to carry out those tasks, they get extremely disturbed and can’t operate normally until getting done with their compulsive actions. Repetition is one of the primary motifs of this compulsive behavior.

Connection of Obsession and Compulsion

People who are suffering from OCD often experience a crossover between obsession and compulsion. With the help of a very frequent example, we can understand the connection of obsession with compulsion.

Let’s assume you are ‘obsessed’ with the thought that you will get infected by a serious disease, then subsequently you might develop a ‘compulsion’ to repeatedly wash your hands. This is one scenario that is fairly common, especially these days when all news media continuously reminds us that we are in the midst of a flu epidemic.

People who do continuously wash their hands may be considered a germaphobe, associated with condition called Germaphobia. Although not always in the OCD class, as it is a healthy routine. Some famous people who are known to be germaphobes are Howard Mandel and President Donald Trump. Howard Hughes and Sadam Huesin were also known to be part of the germaphobia category, but others who allow their routine to get to the point that their lifestyles are affected, then they would fall the category of OCD. When the ritual, whatever ritual that may be becomes so daunting that the individual must change their routine to the point that it interferes with their life is when they would fall into the class of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

And if the OCD gets worse, people may ultimately refuse to shake hands with others and get severely disturbed if they touch any object they consider contaminated.

Types of OCD According to Symptoms

OCD can be classified in several sub-types according to the appearance of different symptoms. However, the primary elements of obsession and compulsion remain present in any of these sub-types.

OCD of Washing and Cleaning

We have discussed this sub-type in the previous section where people are obsessed with the fear of getting contaminated and therefore compulsively perform washing of the contaminated (supposed) body part.

OCD of Checking

In this type of OCD, the affected individuals become obsessed with unrealistic scenarios involving harm and destruction. To make sure that any such thing is not happening, they develop a compulsive ritual of checking. For instance, constantly thinking of a fire in somewhere in the house, then repeatedly checking the gas valves.

OCD of Inappropriate Thoughts

There are no visible symptoms of this type of OCD. It involves the obsession with unsuitable thoughts surrounding sexual, violent, and religious motifs. Affected people internally try to suppress these thoughts which results in a visible anxiety.

OCD of Maintaining an Order

It is one of the most common sub-types of OCD where people are obsessed with maintaining a symmetry which leads to the compulsion of arranging and ordering the things and objects around them without any reason. Many individuals consider this type of OCD a good thing because of the meticulousness associated with it.

Compulsive Hoarding

Hoarding is now also classified as a sub-type of OCD. It involves the collection of items and objects which don’t hold any importance in general. Collecting empty jars, cans and boxes, piling up old clothes which are not in use anymore are some of the examples of compulsive hoarding.

People with compulsive hoarding can cram their home spaces with unnecessary clutter. An unwarranted emotional attachment is often the reason behind compulsive holding.

In the next article, we will talk about ways to cope with different symptoms of OCD.

A Guide for Daily Water Consumption

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Studies have been quite harmonious about the benefits of drinking water and the daily need for this natural nutrient, but how much is too much? There have been ongoing debates regarding the amount of water our bodies should consume.  

Let’s start out with an unequivocal YES to the question – is drinking a lot of water healthy? Water is the healthiest nutrient you can consume and here is no dispute on the vitality of water for human existence and survival. Experts agree that the more water you drink, the better it is for you, but with that said, even for an average healthy adult, there are disagreements on identifying the right amount of water to drink every day.  So let’s take a more detailed look at just how much water the average individual should consume each day.

Prevalence of the 8×8 Rule and Its Shortcomings

Most of us have heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day and it is good advice, especially if you are looking to lose weight.  If we delve into the details of this recommendation a bit more, a single glass of water should be eight ounces (around 230 millimeters), hence the term “8×8”. This suggestion roughly equates to the consumption of around two liters of H20 on a daily basis.

Even though this recommendation is extensively boasted by drinking water companies in their marketing and promotion campaigns, the truth of the matter is that there is no substantial evidence and research to validate this widespread advice.

In contrast, studies suggest that drinking this much water might not be healthy for a majority of individuals. For instance, one of the major flaws with this claim is that it doesn’t account for the other ways to hydrate the body. We humans fulfill a significant amount of our daily water intake through other means.  

Water Intake Through Foods  

Strawberries in a pool of water
Strawberries and watermelons contain about 92 percent water per volume

Like every hard organic item, the foods we eat contain a proportion of water. Vegetables and fruits are particularly rich in H20, with some of them (strawberries, watermelons, in particular) having more than 90 percent of their weight contributed to the presence of water.  

Even though every food item differs in its water content, all of our daily meal plans contain a considerable amount of water. As per the data furnished by The National Academies of Sciences (Health and Medicine Division), the average US citizen consumes around 20 percent of his/her daily water requirement through chewable foods.

So, the “eight glasses of water a day” doesn’t take into consideration this one-fifth daily fulfillment of H2o consumption through meals.

Water Consumption Through Beverages

The 8×8 formula is also flawed because our bodies get hydrated with various other liquids other than pure water. Even if alcoholic beverages are excluded, we get a lot of H2o in the form of juices, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and milk. There is no truth to the belief that coffee induces dehydration in the body. Caffeine drinks certainly have other side effects on the human body, but dehydration is not one of them.

The Right Amount of Water Intake

Girl Drinking Water
Exercise certainly requires more consumption of water

It is quite clear that water should not be consumed through definite measured values because we continue to hydrate ourselves inadvertently through foods and other drinks throughout the day.

In addition, determining daily water consumption based upon our particular metabolism is another factor. In general, water needs of the body can be altered due to these factors:

  • Weather: Our body dehydrates profusely in hot and humid weather so we have to increase water intake in this type of environment.
  • Physical Activity: The intake of water varies with every individual depending on the levels of their physical activity.
  • Health Condition: Your health also dictates the amount of water you need to consume. There are some medical conditions (fevers, diarrhea, kidney stones, bladder infections, dry mouth, etc.) which require much more water intake.

Apart from these factors, age, weight, and lifestyle also differentiate the need for water. Don’t look elsewhere for the ideal recommendation of your water needs. Your own body can guide you better in this regard instead of some arbitrary suggestion, but to get a real determination of how much water your bodies needs, speak to your medical professional and for those who have health conditions, speaking to a qualified medical professional should be a requirement.

In a healthy individual, the body naturally starts to feel thirsty as its hydration levels drop. So drink whenever you feel thirsty. Furthermore, the color of your urine can also tell you about your water needs. Urine of darker yellow color indicates that you are dehydrated.

Sweating is another sign to hydrate yourself, even if you are not feeling thirsty. The crux of this discussion is not to exhaust yourself in counting the number of glasses of water you are imbibing every day. Follow your body and drink whenever you feel like it. You would be successful in hydrating your body.

In conclusion, even with the additional sources of water contained in foods, the 8×8 recommendation is still a good reference for the average adult, but consulting with a medical professional on the amount of water needed for your specific body requirement is always the best course of action to take!

Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

Daily Habits That Might Not Be Good for Your Well-Being – Part 1



Daily Sign
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Some of our daily habits and routines, which we think are harmless and possibly healthy, might possess hazards that we are just not cognizant of. Even though the health risks associated with these everyday routines are not of extreme proportion, since we, for the most part, are not often aware of them, they can potentially transform into full-blown health complications.  

In this article, we will shed light on some of these seemingly non-hazardous habits that might lead to some serious health concerns.  

Going Fully Gluten-Free

In recent times, adopting gluten-free diets have become a trend. For some people, avoiding gluten has become a part of their survival routine. However, that is not the case at all. Gluten-laden food does contain certain proteins which are essential for the human body and cannot be acquired from other foods.

So, if you are neither suffering from celiac disease or have a wheat allergy, then it is not prudent to cut off all the gluten-based foods. Even if you are wheat intolerant, eating the minor amount of gluten foods won’t significantly affect your digestive system.

If you are under medical supervision regarding associated with the consumption of gluten foods, speak with your medical professional before making any changes to your diet.

Taking Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin supplements are considered a healthy regimen by many and therefore we see over-the-counter vitamin products in great demand. The majority of the population consume vitamin supplements due to these reasons:

  • To compensate for the nutritional deficiency of daily diet
  • For the advance prevention of chronic diseases

A research study from a couple of years ago has concluded that taking micro-nutritional supplements won’t help in reducing the chances of getting chronic diseases. 27 clinical trials were conducted in this regard and it was found out that vitamin supplements didn’t have any significant effects on cognitive deterioration and other chronic issues such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The FDA has even issued a warning regarding the use of biotin, a vitamin complex, popular for its beneficial effects for skin and hair because it can distort the results of the lab tests conducted for diagnosis purposes.

There is no harm in taking vitamins, but don’t rely on vitamins only as your daily supplement for nutriential health. Nothing beats eating the actual foods that contain these nutrients!

Sitting for Long Hours

An expression that is becoming common these days is Sitting is the New Cancer. Today, desk jobs are one of the leading places where many white-collar employees spend their time. The majority of our urban population have jobs that require several hours of sitting behind a desk. It is a well-known fact that desk jobs add up to the prevalence of obesity along with other unhealthy lifestyle habits. Type 2 diabetes also comes into play by sitting for too long.  

Some new research studies have further highlighted the dangers of sitting for too long, especially for women. According to a research report from two years ago, sitting for more than six hours a day can put women at more risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer.

Another study indicates that sitting for long hours results in the development of destructive and unhealthy behavior.  

To shed the negative effects of sitting for too long, get up about once every 15 – 30 minutes. Walk around the office and at lunchtime, take a long stroll. This is also recommended as a healthy routine for your eyes and when you return to your desk, try working while standing, at least for a while. Make that blood flow!

Excessive Use of the Smartphone

Let’s address the elephant in the room by discussing the unhealthy effects of excessive use of a smartphone. Now, it seems impossible to function without these handheld gadgets. Just ask your kids and cutting out their use entirely is not even doable because many daily life chores now depend on the connectivity provided by them.

It has been found out that people who regularly use their phones in their bed find it difficult to fall asleep. The use of phones before falling asleep also affects the quality of sleep.   It usually happens because the light emitting out of the screen represses the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for good night sleep.  

Another study indicates that excessive use of a mobile phone also disrupts the neuronal chemical balance in young people. The production of GABA, a neurotransmitter, responsible for neuronal communication gets increased in teenagers with excessive use of the smartphone. Aside from sleep and neurological disorders, excessive use of smartphones is also linked to provisional vision loss.  

In next article of this series, we will further expand our discussion to some of the routine activities deemed harmless but contain a significant potential threat to the well-being of an individual.

Addressing the Misconceptions of Psoriasis

PsoriasisAny immunological reaction prompted against healthy cells, tissues, and organs of the body is called an autoimmune response. And any disease affiliated with this response is called an autoimmune disease. There is a wide range of these illnesses and psoriasis is one of the most prevalent ones.

According to a recent report, more than two percent of the US population is suffering from this autoimmune skin disease. Since many people, particularly the ones not suffering from it, don’t consider it a serious health concern, several misconceptions have spread about psoriasis.

It is important to address these notions regarding psoriasis because 60 percent of people suffering from this skin disorder consider it a major everyday nuisance.

Psoriasis is Infectious    

Due to a misconception that psoriasis is contagious and a healthy individual can catch it from an affected person, this skin issue has been transformed into a social stigma. It should be firmly understood that psoriasis is not contagious at all.

This autoimmune system has genetic roots. It can’t be transmitted through air or contact. It is important to spread awareness to dispel this false fact about psoriasis because many psoriasis patients avoid social situations because of that.  

Psoriasis is Incurable

The majority of psoriasis patients persist with the agony of this condition because of the preconceived notion that it is incurable. Even though the disease is a complicated one due to its genetic roots, that doesn’t mean it’s untreatable. Psoriasis of any degree can be treated through in-home and professional care.

Over-the-counter Psoriasis Treatments

For mild to moderate psoriasis conditions, several OTC topical products can come in handy. Topical corticosteroids, vitamin D ointments, emollients, and tazarotene are some of the easily available products used for the treatment of light psoriasis.  

Prescription Drugs for Psoriasis Treatment

If you are suffering from severe skin rashes and inflammation due to psoriasis, then it is better to get a consultation with a skincare specialist. There are several prescription drugs used to treat severe instances of psoriasis including retinoids, acitretin, and some other pharmaceutical physiological response modifiers. UV light therapy can also be recommended to people with severe psoriasis symptoms.

The crux of all this discussion is: that psoriasis can be treated and one should not overlook the symptoms of psoriasis just for this reason.

Sunlight Aggravates Skin Condition

This is another unsubstantiated fact widely spread about the disease. But in reality, there is no truth to it, even when it has been observed that exposure to the sun improves the skin. The formation of Vitamin D due to sunlight is the reason behind the improved skin condition of psoriasis patients.   

Psoriasis Always Transmits Genetically

There is another widespread misconception that psoriasis is always inherited by the children of affected parents. This is a myth. Even in the people with the affected gene, only two to three percent will actually develop the disease. Therefore, it is important to not get unnecessarily worried if your parents or one of them have ever suffered from this disease.

Bathing Worsen the Skin Condition

There is a widely spread myth that water can amplify the degree of psoriasis, hence affected individuals should avoid bathing as much as possible. This is also complete rubbish because oils and salts present in bathing soaps and lotions might help in reducing psoriasis-related irritation. However, using very hot water can result in severe irritation.  Moreover, swimming in chlorinated pools is not advised because chlorine is a known skin irritant.

There is More than Only One Type of Psoriasis

Not all psoriasis conditions are the same and hence their treatments and symptoms can vary. Some of the common psoriasis types are:

    • Erythrodermic
    • Guttate
    • Pustular
    • Plaque

The most prevalent psoriasis type is plaque. Symptoms of plaque are red skin patches and flares of dead skin.

Signs and Symptoms of Psoriasis are Superficial

It is important to note that psoriasis is not just an aesthetically unpleasing disease. There are several physical and physiological repercussions associated with it. Psoriasis can be painful and severe patches of it can lead to bleeding, making the affected individual more vulnerable to other bodily infections.

Similarly, people suffering from this autoimmune skin condition can develop major depressive orders and anxiety due to the stigma associated with it, so it is important to take care of this disease with the necessary diligence and knowledge available in the medical field.