Eye Conditions that Should Not be Overlooked

”Close up image of the eye"Photo by Yellowjyayimages.com

The eye is one of the most sensitive organs of the body and is constantly exposed to the external environment, making it vulnerable to injuries and infections. According to a report from the World Health Organization, there are roughly 250 million people all over the world with visual impairment. More unfortunate, almost 80 percent of these cases could have been prevented if they were timely diagnosed and treated.

For that matter, it is always advised to have regular eye checkups because even a small eye condition, if not addressed, could lead to the loss of vision. In this article, we will share some eye issues which should not be taken lightly and require immediate consultation of an eye doctor.

Flashes, Floaters, and Shadows

Did you ever get a light or photo flash catch you (and your eyes) by surprise and then you see those little ‘stars’ floating around? Well, you have experienced floaters. Usually harmless when this happens. Flashers are similar and also usually harmless. As we get older though, we may experience them more often.

If you are experiencing frequent occurrences of these visual phenomena, then you might be suffering from a detachment of your retina. When the retina is moved from its natural position, an unexpected onset of flashes, shadows, and floaters can become common.

The retina sends nerve signals to the brain for image formation and its detachment can be caused by glaucoma, nearsightedness and/or due to a physical injury. If the detached retina is not addressed in time, then the affected person could lose complete vision of the infected eye.

Sudden Loss of Vision

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision in the senior population. In most of the cases, vision loss due to macular degeneration is gradual. However, in two cases, macular degeneration can be sudden.

  • When capillaries in the eye become porous and blood gets accumulated under the retina
  • Glaucoma can also lead to the sudden loss of vision where optic nerve gets ruptured with the buildup of aqueous humor in the optical chamber

Therefore, people suffering from glaucoma and seniors suffering from gradual loss of vision should not show negligence in their eye treatments.

Eye Injuries

Any eye cut or puncture wound should not be treated frivolously, particularly if the pain or swelling is persisting for a long time. Instead of treating it on your own, it is best to go to your physician for a better care. A serious eye injury, if not taken care of, can culminate into permanent optical damage.

Constant Discomfort

If you are feeling continuous discomfort in the eyes after doing any activity where there are chances that a tiny particle could have entered your eye, then don’t put up with this distressing situation. Constant uneasiness and distress might be an indication that the particle is still there. A physician checkup is necessary for this situation because a foreign particle in the eye can cause a serious eye infection.

Causes of Red Eyes

Eyes can turn red due to various reasons. When we get both of our eyes red in the conditions mentioned below, it is considered quite normal:

  • Allergic reaction to dust and other environmental pollutants
  • The onset of viral fevers and colds

In these situations, your eyes get back to their normal appearance once the pertaining health issue goes away. However, there are few instances where one of the eyes gets red. These cases demand an immediate consultation with a specialist because it either indicates two of these eye conditions:

Scleritis: This is an extreme case of inflammation of sclera (the white external coating of the eye). Chemical exposure, post-surgical inflammation, and other diseases are often the reason behind this condition of a single reddened eye.

Uveitis: This is another severe case of inflammation where the iris, choroid and ciliary body present in the middle layer of the eye get affected. Inflammatory diseases and eye injuries can be the causes of this rare case of ‘red eye’.

Discomfort in Wearing Contact Lens

There are many people who can wear a contact lens without any problem. However, there are others who feel the constant feeling of distress while wearing them. Don’t persist with this discomfort, pain or redness because it can lead to the development of an infection. Malfunction of the contact lens can also inflict a severe physical injury to the eyes.

So, whenever you are not feeling comfortable with your contacts, remove them and immediately consult an eye specialist.

Blurred Vision

Even if it is temporary or episodic, blurred vision indicates several eye problems. From glaucoma, AMD to uveitis or a ruptured retina, instances of blurred vision can be an early sign of any of these serious eye diseases.

Moreover, blurred vision in one eye can also be a sign of stroke. Stroke is a fatal medical condition where the supply of oxygenated blood to the eye is blocked. Blurred vision in a single eye might indicate that the carotid artery is blocked. This artery is the primary blood supplier of the eyes.

Postsurgical Complications

Don’t fall victim to the misconception that postsurgical complications are a part of the process. Patients who have had eye surgery in the recent past and experience pain, redness or loss and blurring of the vision, they must consult their physician or surgeon immediately instead of considering it a part of healing process.

Aside from keeping tabs on the above-discussed eye issues, it is imperative to maintain a good routine to ensure the health of your eyes.

  • Get an annual eye exam from a certified eye doctor or more often if prescribed
  • If you wear contact lenses, make sure you follow all instructions on how to keep them clean.
  • You must be aware of your family history regarding eye diseases. It will help in obtaining the appropriate precautionary measures to protect yourself from the same optical issues.

Make sure that you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy greens because they are rich in vitamins which improve eye vision. Furthermore, an addition of seafood in the form of salmon and tuna to your daily diet can also act as a vision improving supplement. These fish meats are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and these good fats are very beneficial for your eyesight. Your eyes are the optics of your brain and you only have two of them. Make sure you take all the precautions to keep them healthy.

Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

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