Perils of Eating Too Much Salt

Salt on a set of spoons
Sea salt on a spoon

Salt is the central ingredient in the preparation of almost every food item but too much salt can be dangerous. Even though it can be satisfying to our taste buds, we should be aware of a food’s salt content, especially in our later years in life. 

The sodium component of salt is important for the underlying mechanism responsible for muscle contraction and movement. Moreover, sodium also controls the chemical part of the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium and potassium channels maintain the balance of different fluids within the body. In short, the use of salt has many medical implications.

But under and over-consumption of salt are not healthy for the human body and the latter has more detrimental repercussions. In this article, we will discuss what health dangers are involved with the excessive use of salt. We will also talk about the signs that indicate that you are eating too much salt.

But before we move on, it would be apt to talk about the healthy levels of daily salt intake.

Healthy Daily Salt Consumption

Medical professionals and health authorities have been advising people to limit their salt consumption for a long time. It has been estimated that an adult body needs around 200 mg of sodium every day for healthy functioning.

However, it’s nearly impossible to consume this small amount of salt while maintaining the other nutritional requirements of the body. For that matter, the National Academy of Medicine prescribes that healthy adults can consume 1500 mg of sodium every day to prevent any pertaining adverse effects.

The Academy along with the US Department of Health and Human Service also recommends that people should not exceed their sodium intake of 2,300 mg. This recommendation came after several studies that proved that continuous sodium consumption above 2,300 mg can lead to cardiovascular complications.

Unfortunately, the adult US population is consuming way more than the recommended limit. According to figures established by the federal Department of Health, an adult US citizen on average consumes 3,400 mg of sodium in their daily dietary intake.

To be safe, focus on vegetables. Most vegetables are sodium-free or close to it. In addition, the same goes for fruits, but there are some that have some high sodium levels. For information on how to control your sodium intake, click here.

Dangers Involved with Eating Too Much Salt

Excessive use of salt entails many health risks. Let’s have a look.

Cardiovascular Complications

An extensive research body has substantiated the dangers of excessive salt consumption for cardiovascular health. High sodium intake is linked to high blood pressure, which eventually affects every organ of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the affected person suffers from different cardiovascular conditions.

Deteriorated Brain Health

Hypertension also has an adverse effect on brain health. Scientists believe that the excessive use of sodium can also lead to strokes in the affected people. Some studies have also indicated that the excessive use of salt is detrimental to the cognitive activity of an aging brain. In other words, the neurological perils of excessive use of salt start showing up in old age.


Oedema is a condition in which swelling occurs on joints and limbs because of water retention in body cavities and tissues. It has been studied that high sodium diets lead to the development of this condition. Oedema caused by excessive salt intake usually affects knee joints, hands, and feet. Oedema depends on other medical conditions as well. Nevertheless, physicians recommend oedema patients cut down their salt use regardless of the underlying factors.

Kidney Problems

Kidney is a vital organ responsible for many vital physiological functions. It produces red blood cells and filters out toxins from the bloodstream. Increased sodium intake combined with hypertension also affects the filtration activity of kidneys. Excessive sodium in the bloodstream weakens the kidneys’ ability to get rid of toxins from the body.

Apart from these major health problems, excessive salt intake also increases the risk of stomach cancer. Moreover, it is responsible for occasional bloating.  

Signs of Excessive Sodium Consumption

Salt is the primary source of sodium present in our bodies. There are multiple signs that indicate that you are consuming too much salt or sodium.

Feeling Thirsty All the Time

As mentioned earlier, sodium plays a crucial role in regulating body fluids. The excessive sodium in the body activates a homeostatic response that signals the brain to drink more water to balance the excessive level of sodium. This is the reason why we feel thirsty after eating salty foods. If you feel thirsty all the time, then it is a sign that an excessive amount of salt is part of your daily dietary intake.


When there is too much sodium in the bloodstream, water leaves the cells, causing it to swell. This is shown in the form of belly-bloating. If you encounter this problem frequently, then you may be eating too many salty foods.


Consuming too much salt on daily basis can cause vasodilatation within the brain, which often appears in the form of headaches. If you are feeling heavy-headedness for no particular reason, then excessive salt consumption might be responsible for this.

Another Dangerous Aspect of Excessive Sugar Consumption

Eating too much salt also affects the receptive characteristics of taste buds. They adapt to the excessive use of salt. In this condition, even salty foods are perceived as regular intake by the brain and thus push people to further increase the salt content of their meals. People only come to know about this harmful pattern when it starts affecting their health in any of the above-discussed ways.

Therefore, always remain vigilant regarding your salt consumption so that your taste buds can continue to detect the varying salt levels in foods.

Nearly all processed and junk foods are rich in salt. Relying on these foods to fulfill daily dietary requirements can considerably increase your sodium consumption. Make sure that you eat more home-cooked foods where you can maintain some control of salt consumption. Moreover, try to consciously lower the amount of salt you ingest. In the beginning, you might not like this change, but in a couple of weeks, your taste buds will get accustomed to it and your future self will thank you for it.

In general, if you feel like something is wrong with your health, contact your medical provider. Don’t put it in delay mode!


Climate Change and Its Impact on Our Health


Illustration of the effects of climate change, showing grass and then barren ground
Photo: iStock

Climate Change – An Overview

The phenomenon of climate change has existed since the beginning of time. However, the way it has evolved since the late 19th century is really

On the one hand, the industrial revolution has truly transformed how we live today, but on the other hand, it has affected our climate. The exponential rise in greenhouse emissions was caused by rapid industrialization, which is the main culprit behind climate change, also termed global warming.  

The progression of technology has helped us to better discern the evidence of this environmental effect. We are now able to see a clearer and bigger picture of the consequences of climate change, all thanks to Earth-orbiting satellites and many other similar technological developments. This is posing a real threat to the existence of life on planet earth and it is substantiated by a compelling body of evidence.

Heat map of the earthGlobal Temperature Rise:  The average temperature of the planet has risen about 1 degree Celsius in the last 100 years or so. Scientists have inferred that most of the warming has predominantly occurred in the last four decades. The rise of a single degree Celsius might not sound bad when we consider it as a localized temperature change. But globally, this temperature rise has already instigated many problems.

For instance, the ice covers in Antarctica, Northern Hemisphere, and Greenland are now shrinking at exceptional rates. In the last decade only, the rate of ice mass loss in Antarctica has increased threefold. On the other hand, glacier territories everywhere in the world are quickly receding. Whether it’s the Himalayas, Alps, Alaska or Andes, glaciers are melting at rapid rates.

All this snow melting has exacerbated flooding events. Moreover, the sea level has increased by 8% in the last hundred years due to that. The continuously increasing sea levels are posing a direct danger to many coastal parts of the world. It is estimated that if global warming continues at the same pace, then the entire country (Islands of Maldives) will be completely submerged in the water in the next 30 to 50 years. Climate change has also disturbed the acidity levels of oceans which has put marine life in great jeopardy.  

Climate Change and Our Health

Apart from affecting us indirectly, climate change, if not abated, will soon start to impact us directly by inflicting different health problems. Scientists believe that the fallout of climate change has already started affecting our health in multiple ways. Let’s have a look at the impending health threats posed by climate change.

Cardiovascular Health

Heat waves have already become an element of peak summers in many parts of the world. Moreover, its effect is compounded by increasing environmental pollution. For instance, Ozone is a toxin that protects our ecosphere from harmful UV component of sun rays. This toxin has now permeated into breathing air in the form of smog.

A new research study has substantiated concerns regarding the lethal combination of pollution and high temperatures. The research suggests this rising temperature in the resultant ozone effect might be acting in tandem to worsen cardiovascular health in the US. The study has concluded that the heart rate of US citizens variably drops during those high-temperature summer months.

The decreased heart-rate might not have immediate implications, but it increases the chances of a heart attack. Scientists haven’t found a direct link between rising temperatures and heart-rates; however, the ozone and high temperature likely affect the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for heart-rate regulation.  

Allergies are on the Rise

It has also been noted that allergies are on the rise in every part of the world. Experts believe that rising carbon dioxide levels in the environment combined with warming temperatures are the main reason behind the prevalence of allergies.

The increased instances of allergies are also linked to the detrimental effects of climate change on botanical growths. Multiple studies point out that plants are flowering earlier than normal. Moreover, the total pollen production has increased in the last couple of decades. These distorted patterns have subsequently aggravated human allergy symptoms.

Vector-Borne Disease Spread

Vector Deseases are caused by insects and microorganisams

The propagation of different vector-borne diseases is facilitated by climate change. Increased temperatures and rising rainfall rates have created an ideal landscape for many vector-borne diseases to proliferate all across the globe. It is a scientifically proven fact that many insects responsible for spreading vector-borne diseases nourish better in hotter temperatures and damp environments.

Food Safety 

Food safety is directly threatened by climate change. Warm air temperatures promote the growth of food-related bacteria. This means the instances of food poisoning will only increase over time. Additionally, the high traces of carbon dioxide can have adverse effects on the levels of macro and micronutrients in staple crops of rice, wheat, and potatoes. Lastly, the acute droughts derived by global warming will make the availability of food a big challenge in different parts of the world.

Global warming has increased sea surface temperatures. It is believed that warmer sea surfaces eventually culminate into increased mercury levels in marine life. In other words, if the recent climate change continues, then very soon we will no longer be able to devour on favorite seafood. A fish naturally contaminated with a high mercury level is not edible.  

Climate Change also Affects Mental Health

Rising temperatures also worsen the condition of individuals who are already suffering from mental illness. A study has found that having a pre-existing mental ailment increases the risk of death during heat waves by three times. People on medications with disturbed temperature regulations are more at risk of fatal results of heat waves.

It is blatantly clear that climate change is affecting our existence on this planet from many aspects. It is high time that we change our lifestyles in individual and collective capacities to minimize greenhouse emissions. Increasing our dependence on renewable energy and recycled material can bear fruits through the means of reducing the effects of destructive human activity on the climate.

Simple Ways to Tackle Stress and Depression – Part I

Stressed businessman
Both internal and external circumstances can cause stress

Some people have or will have experienced stress and anxiety at least once in their lifetime. For others, it may be a frequent occurrence. Maybe it’s because of ongoing issues at home or on the job or it may be physiological, as you might be suffering from a lack of certain chemicals in the brain.

The quick pace of modern times has also made this problem a more prevalent one, especially now during this COVID crisis. More people are now victims of stress and its consequences. Here, we will try to help you with a small yet effective guide on how to deal with stress and we will be applying some suggestions that you usually won’t see on psychology websites when dealing with depression.

Longtime stress can lead to more hazardous health conditions, such as anxiety attacks and depression, so it is best if your situation can be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. Let’s take a look at what you can do to help alleviate your anxieties.

How Can I Cope?

DepressionAlthough you might think it is the end of the world, it is not. Below are some suggestions that have been proven to work. All it takes is a simple tryout and then you can see which ones will work for you. The idea is to find something that will stop you from worrying and subsequently give your body some rest from feeling anxious, which can lead to numerous physical issues. You can stop it and if there is one factor to emphasize, it is don’t give up!

Meditation Helps in Any Situation

Young asian man meditatingOne woman explained how she was able to feel calmer by just going into a quiet room, sitting down, and closing her eyes. She was able to clear her mind and just relax. It is a natural remedy to relieve the tension that builds up during the day. This is meditation and it is a common method many people use to simply unwind.

Some people may go a step further and put on some soft music. If you are at work, take a break, go somewhere quiet, just close your eyes and clear your mind. Too crowded at work? Make a mental note that you will meditate at home tonight (and every night if you can).

There are lots of online health websites that provide complete instructions on the proper way to meditate. Have you tried yoga? Whatever technique you use, give it a shot! Your mind and body will thank you!

What Did You Accomplish Today?

Happy people in front of a laptop

Here’s a nifty idea that many people do not think about. Build a To-Do list of daily accomplishments! 

Having a daily list of things you want to achieve not only gives you the momentum to reach that goal (or goals) but also gives you something to look forward to.

Once completed, you will feel a sense of achievement, which lifts your spirits and helps you to forget or at least diminish your concerns about your negative issues. It can also give you additional self-esteem. Overall, achieving results daily will exhilarate you.

What daily items can you put down? What are your passions?

Woman writing on a notepad
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

One unemployed woman who was inundated with financial issues, including getting letters from the IRS for defaulting on her installment loan applied this therapeutic system and it helped her to remain more tranquil with her life’s daily issues.

One of her lists was to create a dinner for close friends whom she invited over to her house for a dinner and social gathering. She loved cooking, so that fit right in. This not only gave her something to look forward to but put a smile on her face knowing that the dinner she would be cooking would continue to a nice gathering of friends afterward.

Other daily routines she set her mind on were to jog every morning, then stop in the local bagel store for a bite and coffee, but she didn’t stop there.

Happy woman in front of a laptop
What did you accomplish today? iStock

When she returned home, she would go through hundreds of photographs that were taken of her family throughout the years and digitally scan them so that she could have a digital recording of all the fun times she had when her children were young. She would then pick out the best ones and email selected ones to her children daily.

The above example is just one of an indefinite number of things you can do if you put your mind to it. Just find things you like doing and set them as your daily goals! We’re sure many interesting ideas can come to mind.

Whatever your passion, make a note of it and look back at your list periodically. Maybe you’d like to change it? Never give up hope!

Taking the Accomplishments Even Further!

Many showing happyness
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The above does sound appetizing, doesn’t it? Just the thought of achieving you’re sought-after desires is enough to make anyone feel happier!

But why stop at a daily list? How about a weekly to-do list? Can you jot down things you want to get done by the end of each week? Did you want to fix those kitchen cabinets or paint the living room by week’s end or maybe go to that Broadway show you’ve been thinking about for the last three weeks? Perhaps a weekend getaway?   That broken bicycle is just waiting for you to make it work again. Does your backyard need some flower planting?

One person said he started a Facebook group about country music. How many likes can you get each month? Build on it and check it off as you complete each task toward your accomplishments.

Wait a minute! If we have a weekly bucket list, what about a monthly one? Stressful times at work? Go ahead and add job items you’d like to complete. You can even mix and match things to do between the job and home each day. Write it down and check it off!

If you want to do some things to look forward to in the future, one suggestion is to do some web searches for vacations or pick up some booklets at your local travel agency. Where do you want to go? How about a cruise?

One person said he had the following things piling up and so he set aside a Saturday to take care of them all:

      • Speak to a contractor about installing a deck in the backyard
      • Oil change for the car
      • Open a new bank account for his business
      • Go shopping with the wife (yes, some men despise this, but hey, it’s just another daily bucket list to check off as an accomplishment!)
      • Complete some business items on the computer so that they are ready for Monday

He woke up early that Saturday and asked the contractor to come at 8:00 AM, then he brought his car into the shop for the oil change and walked across the street to open the bank account.

When he came home, the wife was waiting for them to go shopping, and shopping they did. The man was home early enough to complete his business items and still had time to relax for the rest of the night.

Oh, what a nice set of accomplishments that was! Maybe they’re not the most fun things for you to do on a Saturday, but it sure makes you feel good that you completed them all, doesn’t it?

So don’t put off what you want to do tomorrow and do it today. As Santa says, make a list and check it twice! But don’t wait until Christmas to get it done. Do it today!

Dream On!!

Woman sleeping with blindfoldThere is nothing wrong with fantasizing about better times or thinking about things you might like to do in the future, so long as you keep it in perspective and don’t lose sight of the fact that it is not your reality just yet.

It has been proven that for some people, thinking about fun and happy times before or in the future can calm your nerves and make you feel less anxious, even if it is just for a short while.

Are You Angry?

Angry emojiAnger can no doubt bring along stress and anxiety. One thing that should be done is not to keep that anger within yourself. Talk to someone about it. If they can’t help, at least you have an outlet to vent your frustrations.

Abraham Lincoln stated that when he would get angry, he would write a letter to the person he is annoyed with, but he would never send it out because just the fact of writing his frustrations down was enough to quell his agitations.

Besides letting it out, some people turn it into a positive factor and (as mentioned above) will do things to make their lives better, even if it is for a day that they ordinarily would not have done. One person stated that when he would get angry or stressed, he would clean the house, whether that be just ordinary cleaning or throwing out stuff he had accumulated for years and didn’t need anymore. This was his way of dealing with anxiety.

Try dropping your pride and make up with the person you are yelling at or at least work out a compromise. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel. You can go back and pick up your pride tomorrow.

The Right Foods Can Make a Difference


So maybe you’re feeling a little better now? If the answer is yes or no, let’s discuss the most natural way to diminish stress. Without further discussion, here is a list of some of the most anti-anxiety foods you can eat. 

Cashew Nuts

Cashew nutsZinc deficiency in the body can bring several psychiatric disorders, and stress is one of them. You can maintain the appropriate levels of zinc by adding cashew nuts to your diet. Cashew nuts can be used in different recipes. They can also be consumed exclusively as a snack.

Dark Chocolate

Sweet Candy Chocolate Delicious Dark Chocolate

According to a research study conducted by the University of Bern in Switzerland, the use of dark chocolate can alleviate the effects of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which are associated with anxiety-prone conditions.

Dark chocolate also has antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals – the elements that may be responsible for heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. It contains a variety of minerals, but this chocolate with less than 70% cocoa contains dairy and sugar. Excessive use of it might lead to weight gain.


Green-bio-asparagus-buds-healthy-low-calories-sodium 1920x1080 99-hdThis spring vegetable is high in folic acid, which is considered good for cognitive health and stress conditions. Use steamed asparagus in salads. You can also roast asparagus stalks for a crispier texture. 


If you are experiencing a stressful situation for a long time, then your immune system will also bear the brunt of it. When using different food items to relieve the consequences of stress, garlic can come handy in by boosting your immune system, since it is packed with many antioxidants. Garlic is an all-season vegetable and can become a part of nearly every meal.

Make these a part of your daily lifestyle which will help you to feel happier and more stress-free. In our next section, we will explore how physical actions along with the proper medical assistance can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain calm. 

Five Common Digestive Issues and How to Manage Them

The human body is comprised of several systems such as the circulatory system which disseminates blood and the muscular system which enables the body to move.

The digestive system is another structure which is responsible for two processes: a) provision of nutrients which travel from our mouth into our stomach and intestines and b) discharge of waste from the body.  The digestive mechanism involves the stomach, liver, and intestines, which means it is significant.

Given its central location and function, it is imperative that major issues are averted. However, humans are prone to developing digestive disorders and afflictions which can prove particularly painful. We will examine the most common ailments which can put the digestive system in disarray.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The issue of an irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a number of ways. Patients may experience pain in their abdomen on a regular basis. Alternatively, they may excrete substantial stool one day followed by watery excrement the next day.

According to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, this syndrome is quite prevalent and affects between 10 to 15 percent of people worldwide. Additionally, it is estimated that at least 25 million of those affected reside in the United States.

The precise cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known. However, a common countermeasure is to improve your diet and consume foods rich in fiber like fruits, while avoiding trigger foods like spicy meals.

A known cause of irritable bowel syndrome which is not linked to our diet is stress. A patient’s psychological health is all the more significant since it can affect their digestive system as well. Traits like depression and anxiety can be particularly detrimental. In fact, according to statistics, around 60% patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome have some form of a cognitive issue as well.


The subject of issues affecting our digestive system shows some compelling numbers. For instance, people in the United States spend 725 million dollars annually on laxatives. These are pharmaceutical drugs that relieve constipation by flexing the patient’s stool. These are meant for short term usage and allow the stool safe passage through the intestinal tract.

The overwhelming use of these stimulants is a damning indictment of how reliant patients can be on medication. It would lead to the digestive system becoming dependent on medication, which would render it futile if taken in high doses. Furthermore, minor issues like constipation can lead to issues that are long-term in nature, such as hemorrhoids.

Much like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation can be evaded by adhering to a healthy diet which consists of fruits and vegetables and the appropriate intake of water.


Gallbladder (organ)
Gallstones are the formation of substantial deposits in a patient’s gallbladder. The gallbladder is a miniscule organ beneath the liver that stores and secretes bile for the purpose of digestion. More than 25 million Americans are affected by gallstones, which is yet another mystifying fact regarding their overall health. This is besides almost a million new cases are diagnosed yearly.

Gallstones are small pebbles created because of extraneous cholesterol in a patient’s bile. Since the gallbladder is full to the brim, it blocks the passage to the intestines which causes patients to suffer from severe abdominal pain. Other effects of gallstones include excessive vomiting and the sensation of nausea.

Although medication can be taken to solve the issue, some people will have the gallbladder removed. The removal of the gallbladder is a common surgical process in the United States. This becomes necessary since gallstones can adversely affect the pancreatic and liver regions by causing an inflammatory action. As one doctor put it: “It is a useless organ.”.

A slightly adjacent fact is that the western diet is enriched with fats, which may be why millions across the country suffer from issues with their digestive systems.


GERDThe occurrence of a reflux is when the patient experiences a sharp sensation such as heartburn after consuming a meal. Reflux is one of the more prevalent digestive issues which affect many patients. If you experience a reflux regularly, it may be a sign that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Other symptoms of reflux include hypersalivation and a constant bad taste in the patient’s mouth. The process of reflux involves the advent of stomach acids backing up into a patient’s esophagus. The ultimate result of persistent refluxes is esophageal cancer, although that is the worst case scenario.

Refluxes can be treated by taking medicines which lower the acidity levels in the digestive region. A healthy diet which avoids foods and beverages such as acidic drinks such as soft drinks is also recommended.

Celiac Disease

A less common infection that affects only 1 in every 133 Americans is Celiac disease, according to the foundation Beyond Celiac. The worrying notion is that 83% of patients with celiac disease may not be aware that they are suffering from it.

Celiac disease takes place when patients develop a considerable intolerance of gluten, which is found in wheat and barley. If patients suffer from celiac disease and still consume gluten, then their intestines may be in the line of fire. Symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting, all of which can be attributed to other digestive issues as well, which is why celiac disease must be detected in a timely manner.

Adults may also experience increased fatigue and seizures if they have this disease. In case of celiac disease, the apparent way to overcome it is to avoid gluten at all costs. Patients can turn their attention to alternatives like brown rice and lentils. If the human body is taken for granted and a healthy diet is not maintained, a person’s digestive system debilitates as a consequence, as well as a host of other diseases that may materialize. Regardless of the disease or condition affecting the digestive system, the bottom line is that a healthy diet can help people avoid multiple illnesses.

Are Mobile Apps the Answer to Contemporary Health and Fitness Issue

”Image of a smartphone displaying a health app"
Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

In the United States, where obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes are the leading health concerns, the significance of staying fit can’t be overstated.

Our physical movements are shrinking by every passing day, which proportionally leads to a greater prevalence of the above-mentioned diseases. The conveniences of technology have made our lives virtually stationary. However, such is the paradox that technology can also help in compensating for the conveniences it provides to us.

Ender smartphones, the most noteworthy placard of modern technology. They offer us many different health applications designed to facilitate our lifestyles and encourage us to maintain our health.

On face value, these apps look great and might help people with their benefits. However, at this current time, no reliable records are available that adequately can provide us with results of using these health apps. Therefore, some experts contest that these health and fitness apps are not helpful and consider them counterproductive, but the developers and corporations that produce these apps may differ. 

In this article, we will try to play the role of advocate of both points of views and then you can decide about the benefits of health and fitness apps on your smartphones.

Benefits of Health Apps

The proponents of health apps bring up several points to prove the benefits of these mobile applications.

Many are Free and Easy to Use

Most of the software applications available for smartphone users are free of cost and for that reason, this is the first benefit put forward by the ones advocating them. Others may cost just a few dollars, while other applications can be acquired after you join a diet group or health club. With these, the apps will most likely be free, but you will have to pay a monthly or yearly fee to join; however, these will be the best health apps you can use since they will provide you with many tools and recording features not found in free or almost free apps.

As far as the low-cost ones are concerned, you can still benefit greatly as they will help you with your daily workout and provide you with fitness ideas that are otherwise only available to people who can spend money on fitness books and professional consultancy.

All these programs have easy-to-use interfaces, which is different from the free-floating information available on the Internet. This feature of customization makes these health apps handy for every individual user according to his/her level of fitness and health condition.

Woman doing yoga


They Have Unlimited Scope

Many health and fitness apps are not limited to any particular niche and health regimen. This feature makes them very universal in their reach. For instance, there are specific programs only designed to guide and help you with everyday running and then there are others that can facilitate your yoga routine.

This flexibility of use definitely makes them popular among people with a preference for different fitness regimens. From a virtual gym to a yoga studio, these health mobile apps can come handy to implement different physical fitness routines.

Helps in Maintaining Diet Routines

To stay fit, maintaining a healthy diet is as important as a physical fitness routine and sometimes even more and there are apps that address this aspect. The nutritional information regarding your meals can be furnished and there are some which can break down the food you ingest into its nutritional components and guide you in tracking your weight loss mission. Some of these programs are very professional; such as, Weight Watchers, which provides you with powerful software where you can actually point the phone at a food item’s barcode and acquire the necessary information you need to process your diet with..

Heart Rate Variability Reading

Provide Best Tracking Mechanism

Have you completed your 10,000 steps today? How often have you heard that? With the help of navigation, mobile apps can perform a fairly accurate tracking of your fitness routine. They can also show you the number of calories burned during the activity. Moreover, you can schedule a complete fitness plan, track it and find your success ratio. There are even apps that can monitor your heart rate. 

Downsides of Health Apps

Many people blame these mobile apps for being unproductive and harmful to the efforts of achieving fitness goals. Let’s have a look at the most common critiques on these virtual health applications.

Lack of Precision

Health apps are often criticized for their lack of precision and inaccurate information and this criticism is not uncalled for. For instance, some researchers most of the apps that calculate heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels use sensors that are not manufactured and assembled to find out these measurements. They say this information is unproven, unreliable and therefore can’t be used for any inference.

No Involvement of a Healthcare Expert

The exclusion of healthcare professionals is a USP of many mobile apps, but this same feature is also criticized because unaided and unassisted use of health regimen can prove to be counterproductive.

Lack of Regulation

Another issue which doubts the benefits of health apps is the lack of regulation associated with them. Clinics, physical fitness centers, and physicians, in general, have to comply with the regulatory policies of the FDA, HIPAA, and other regulatory agencies. But mobile apps are not required to undergo that strict and necessary checklist, which makes their use untrustworthy. Developers are not liable if anything goes wrong by acting upon the advisory information provided by these apps.

According to a research article published in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, only three percent of the top 100 apps used to gauge blood pressure are designed by different healthcare agencies and rest of them are developed by coding engineers and developers. This free flow of health apps without any regulations is only giving rise to more inaccurate medical data.

Compromise of Confidentiality

Doctor-patient confidentiality is an important part of healthcare practices. It is imperative to maintain them for the peace of mind of patients. But unfortunately, health apps are not bound to maintain any such thing. Even though many health apps clearly mention that they maintain complete confidentiality of the user’s personal information, but the opposite has been found to be true on certain occasions.

As per research study conducted by an NGO, nearly two-thirds of 43 analyzed health apps leaked the personal details in the form of dates of birth and other medical information.

From the above discussion, it can easily be deduced that the use of mobile health apps can be beneficial sometimes. But relying too much on them and excluding professional counsel can also make them perilous with their use.

Research these health applications before you download. One good way to determine how good they are is to read their reviews. For the ones where you have to join a club or health organization, you will most likely be using a much more reliable health program; hence the saying:“You get what you pay for!”


Health Benefits of Hot Water


Cup of Tea
Photo by eskaylim –

Do you like your coffee hot? There may be more benefits to drinking hot beverages than you might be aware of! Aside from air, water is the most abundant element on planet earth. Every living entity on the face of this earth can’t survive without H2O (yes, even camels). For humans, drinking plenty of water is no doubt healthy, for many different reasons.

However, the debate over human water intake is not ending with the amount of daily water consumed, but also its temperature. For some years, there have been discussions by researchers on the benefits of drinking hot beverages. So, in this article, we will focus on the possible health benefits of drinking some H2O in the less than cooler side.

Before we move ahead, however, let’s discuss the ideal temperature and daily intake of hot water.

Recommended Temperatures and Daily Intake

Don’t get carried away by the term ‘hot’ and start drinking water at such high temperature that it burns your taste buds. The temperature of drinkable hot water should be in between 120 to 140 Fahrenheit. Water with temperature exceeding 160 Fahrenheit is dangerous for human ingestion, so keep in mind these readings if you are going to adopt the habit of drinking your liquids hot.

Regarding the amount of daily intake, it depends on every individual as to how to get the benefits of drinking hot water. Some people drink hot water as the very first thing in the morning.

Others have it periodically consumed throughout the day and few imbibe it before going to bed. You can even have your entire daily water intake with recommended warmer temperatures.

However, you only have to take care of one thing i.e. don’t exceed your healthy daily water intake. Adjust the consumption of hot water in your overall daily intake, instead of going extra.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water Aids Digestive System

Bowel movement is a major concern for a large chunk of the adult population, especially seniors. This problem can be addressed with a natural remedy of drinking more water, preferably hot. The small intestine absorbs the moisture content of solid food particles to fulfill the hydration needs of the body.

However, this homeostatic reaction results in difficult bowel movements leading to chronic constipation. Increased consumption of hot water prevents this dehydration of solid food particles in the small intestine.

Moreover, hot water is more beneficial than regular or cold water in breaking down food particles in the digestive system.

So, consumption of hot water over a long period of time can result in a healthy digestive system with agile digestion and swift bowel movement*. Speak to your family physician to get a precise accounting of how much hot water is good for you.

Detoxification and Improved Circulation

Hot water can instigate certain reactions, which leads to detoxification and better blood circulation. Both these phenomena are associated with healthy beings. The ingestion of hot water actually increases the temperature of the body for a brief moment. The resulting sweating and dilation of pores at this increased body temperature help in extracting toxins out of the body.
With a daily habit of drinking hot water, you can actually set a detoxification routine for your body. A detoxified body means good hair, clear skin, and healthy organs.

Even though it’s inconclusive, hot water momentarily does vasodilation i.e. a physiological reaction where blood vessels get dilated to improve blood circulation. Better circulation helps in relieving the muscle stress which aids in getting rid of chronic pain.

A catalyst for Weight Loss

It has been an established fact for a long time that increased daily intake of water helps in shedding some pounds. There are two factors which make increased water consumption a weight losing activity.

Increased feeling of satiation:

With more consumption of water, a person can kill his/her untimely appetites and cravings to reduce excess calorie intake.

Revved Up Metabolism: Increased water intake also helps in the process of thermogenesis within the body.

Moreover, a research study shows that replacing cold or regular drinking water with hot water can increase the metabolic activity by 40 percent for good 40-50 minutes. A revved up metabolism activity helps in efficient burning of calories which ultimately helps in reducing the weight.

Pouring Tea into a Cup

Helps in Improving the Condition of Sinuses and Cold

Have you ever had a cold and drank some hot tea and felt a bit relieved? Regular consumption of hot water can help with better movement of mucus and congested sinuses. This healthy routine will ultimately help you in alleviating the symptoms of seasonal cold and flu. People with chronic sinus issues might also experience improvement in their aggravated condition*.

Might Help in Reducing the Consumption of Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee and tea are the two most popular global caffeinated drinks. They have also been studied for different health benefits. Nonetheless, the research only shows benefits with moderate consumption, but some people use them excessively which can incur the negative effects.

Risks or Side Effects of Drinking Hot Water

We have covered that drinking water that is too hot can have several repercussions. We are mentioning these side effects here so that one should carefully maintain the aforementioned levels of temperatures for healthy warm water.

Oral Scalding

In early days of enthusiasm, many people went overboard and drank hot water without caring much about its temperature. This reckless activity can lead to oral scalding and can affect your dietary routine for many days.

Injury to Inner Lining of the Digestive Tract

Consumption of hot water over a long period of time with temperatures exceeding healthy levels can damage the lining of the digestive tract. A damaged lining can lead to the onset of ulcer and other digestive complications.

So make sure that you are drinking warm water instead of boiling hot water. Don’t consider consumption of hot water as a medicinal remedy. However, if you are suffering from any serious medical condition, then don’t start drinking hot water without consulting your physician first to avoid any of its counterproductive effects.

*Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

The Mechanism of Eye Surgery


Vision represents one of the five basic senses we have been blessed with and the eyes are the second most intricate organs in the human body after the brain. Our eyes can get strained, infected and are prone to disease, so like all our organs, keeping the eyes healthy is of utmost importance.


You may have heard the megapixel capacity of the latest digital camera or smartphone camera being touted in its marketing campaign. A camera does not even come close to the equivalent of megapixels that naked eye can detect. If a person has 20/20 vision i.e. normal faculty of seeing and if they have a full perspective, it is estimated that their eye can see 576 megapixels. That dwarfs the capacity of any camera on the market and lays further emphasis that the eyes are a genetic wonder. In reality though, given the complexities of vision, the real measure could be much more.

Woman with GlassesLike all organs in the body, the eyes are also prone to disorders. The most common of these is a weak visual perception. This is when the eyes have a deficiency. In such cases, patients can either opt for glasses or they can avail the surgical route and undergo that procedure. We will analyze the basics of how the latter works.


Before we look at the popular methods of corrective eye surgery, we will briefly chronicle its history. Refractive eye surgery became prominent in America in the 1980’s. At the time, the procedure was called Radial Keratotomy. The mechanics involved slicing incisions to level the surface of the patient’s eyes in a bid to rectify their nearsightedness. However, the operation was still a work in progress and patients regularly faced issues in the aftermath of the surgery. In particular, those with weaker eyesight experienced fluctuating and night vision dilemmas.

With the passage of time, Radial Keratotomy became redundant as significant advancements were made. Most notably, Photorefractive Keratectomy was successfully performed in the 90’s. It changed the curvature of the patient’s cornea and is still in widespread use in the modern era.

The most common procedure in use today is called LASIK. The acronym means Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. When people refer to laser surgery for the eyes, this is what they mean. The process is essentially an expedited edition of Photorefractive Keratectomy since the patients feel negligible discomfort and is able to recover vision within hours of the operation. Both procedures are used today based on the individual case.

Photorefractive Keratectomy

Photorefractive Keratectomy is a refractive procedure that can fix myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (blurred vision) respectively. It is the predecessor to LASIK, which we will discuss further below.

Photorefractive Keratectomy is recommended when an eye specialist, usually an ophthalmologist, deems that the patient does not qualify for LASIK. The actual procedure lasts mere minutes and consists of the removal of the cornea’s outer layer. The laser then molds the exposed cornea to rectify the patient’s vision.

In terms of gauging the suitability of patients for the procedure, they must be evaluated with an eye test. This includes observation of the size of their pupils, moistness of their eyes, the corneal curvature and thickness as well as the medical history of the patient.

A benefit of Photorefractive Keratectomy is that more patients can be treated. For instance, a case of dry eyes or irregular astigmatism would not be entitled to LASIK surgery but can go for this instead.

The reshaping of the cornea is done through an excimer laser which enables light to enter into the retina properly. The narrow film of the cornea called the epithelium is discarded before the corneal tissue is adjusted. The reason it takes patients a few days to recover vision is that the epithelium grows back gradually.

An alternate of Photorefractive Keratectomy known as LASEK (Laser Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy), not to be confused with LASIK, is also available. The only difference is that the epithelial layer is lifted and not removed. Surgical equipment called a trephine is employed to preserve the layer during the procedure.

There are several advantages of Photorefractive Keratectomy. For instance, there is a lesser depth of laser treatment relative to LASIK. Patients with a slender cornea can undergo the procedure and no risk is attached to the process. There are no corneal flap complexities involved. Finally, there is also considerably lesser chance of the cornea’s thickness being affected.


LASIK is a surgical method that also treats nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. A thin flap is created in the cornea using a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser. The ophthalmologist who performs the procedure folds the flap backward to expel the corneal tissue found below the flap. This is executed using excimer laser technology.

Once the tissue is removed, the flap is placed back in its original position. For those struggling with nearsightedness, LASIK flattens the cornea, which is too steep. Patients with far sight are the opposite since they require a steeper cornea. Finally, astigmatism issues can also be resolved since LASIK can fix an irregular cornea also.

Like Photorefractive Keratectomy, LASIK also requires an assessment of the patient beforehand. A specialist will evaluate the patient’s eyes, what procedure is best suited for them and the extent of laser ablation i.e. the removal of the corneal tissue needed. Additionally, the doctor will run a conscientious background check which will entail your medical history to ensure that you are the ideal candidate for LASIK. There are multiple cases where patients are not deemed fit for LASIK but they can undergo a Photorefractive Keratectomy instead.

Moreover, LASIK is an outpatient surgery, which means that patients are not required to stay in the hospital for a number of days. In fact, the actual procedure takes minutes since the surgeon uses a machine to adjust the laser for your particular prescription. While a patient looks at a specific target, the laser emits pulses of light which perform the operation. The patients are only exposed to the laser for mere minutes and do not feel any pain whatsoever. LASIK has a high success rate when it comes to patients. They recover their vision in a few moments and do not warrant any bandages or stitches at all.

Tips for Healthy Hair

Female Model with CombEach constituent of the human body warrants different levels of care and it is not just for health reasons. Hundreds of millions of people spend sometimes hours at grooming themselves and as such, we will devote some time as well regarding how to look your best every day and conditioning. Every attribute of the skin to the nails requires attention. 

In order to be properly be groomed, A person must devote adequate resources, such as time and money to ensure that their cosmetic needs are met.

We can gauge an idea of how important skin care is by looking at the statistics. In 2018, the global skincare market is was valued at an astonishing 135 billion dollars. This is projected to ascend to 180 billion by 2024! These breathtaking numbers are in part due to a shift in demand from older consumers to younger and more conscious ones.

Hair Care

Hair Grooming UtensilesThe hair care market is not far behind as well. It is also a thriving business and it’s with an estimated, anticipated worth is of 88 billion dollars in 2018 and is this is expected to grow annually. The terminology signifies the sanitation and cosmetology of the hair.

Individuals can grow their hair to different lengths, ranging from a bald look to actual floor length hair. This encapsulates everything from a buzz or crop cut in men to shoulder and hip-length hair in women. Furthermore, people use a variety of equipment such as hair brushes, blow dryers, and hair straightening irons. They can also style their hair using products namely hair gels, conditioners, and sprays.

The Environment and Your Hair

Exposure to hair products infused with chemicals,  the environment, and the changing seasons can often leave the hair in damaged condition. For example, females are known to struggle with trichoptilosis or split ends, as they are commonly known. Split ends occur when there is excessive fraying due to heat or chemicals.
Beyond that, individuals may also suffer from conditions such as dandruff, which is the phenomenon of flakes and mild itching on the scalp. Also, individuals, some people may have to endure a dry scalp or expedited hair loss as well. This brings us to useful tips and tricks which people can treat as gospel to protect their hair.


Given the flimsy nature of our hair, it is imperative to safeguard it from such environmental factors such as sunlight, strong winds, and rainfall. Also, exposure to pollutants like dirt and smoke affects the hair adversely. If dirt it accumulates on your head, it can lead to dryness in your hair and scalp, which leaves both increasingly prone to potential infections for instance. It is advisedExperts suggest to cover your hair when you are outdoors. Women can use accessories like a scarf or an umbrella as well, particularly when weather conditions are dire.

Gentle Handling

Female Showing her HairAnother effective technique is to be tender when you are managing your hair. Quite often, people tend to take their hair for granted. A brisk shower is followed by quick drying or lack thereof, especially if the concerned person is in a hurry. This is one habit that can prove to be damaging in the long run.

Wet hair is specifically vulnerable to breaking. This explains why you may notice strands of your hair splintering when you are in the middle of a shower. It is not a major concern in isolation, but t. The hair reacts the same way your skin does. When you spend abundant time exposed to water, the skin on your fingers may appear differently. Likewise, your hair exhibits a reaction as well.

Therefore, it is advised to be careful when dealing with damp hair. Whether you are applying shampoo or drying it post-shower or brushing it before leaving for work, be placid with your hair otherwise it may sustain damage.


Besides shampooing, there is another way to improve the health of your hair. It is known as conditioning. Those who don’t know better may be forgiven for thinking they are one and the same. Separate conditioners are easily available in the market. It is better to apply a conditioner to your hair after a quick wash. This will shield your hair from becoming extra frizzy for instance.

Moreover, it is equally important to execute the conditioning properly. Conditioners are meant to seal the moisture content in your hair, which is why you should apply it 2 two inches away from your scalp. If you are not careful, then the conditioner may make your scalp oily.

Variety is Not Recommended

If a person is not satisfied with their current shampoo or conditioner, they may opt for a new brand. For example, if Head and Shoulders does not do the trick for you, then you may decide to purchase L’Oreal.

But, for the best quality of hair, it is suggested that you use a shampoo and conditioner with a similar formula from the same manufacturer. Of course, there are various shampoos available in the market. You can buy an anti-dandruff one or another that makes your hair voluminous and silky. However, you should guarantee that both are from the same label.

Exposure to Heat

Tip number five is to avoid exposing your hair to heat. Women in particular often use a hair straightening iron when they are preparing for an occasion. While the occasional flourish is alright, it should not be done on a regular basis. Naturally, heat eliminates the moisture from your hair, making it dry in the process. If you employ a straightening iron frequently, it may even burn your hair!

Tight Grips

The next advice on our list is to not tie your hair too tightly. This applies almost exclusively to women and the odd man with long hear as well. If you tie your hair in an extremely firm knot, it will tend to augment the friction in your hair. This can cause breakages.

When you are going to sleep, do not braid your hair tightly. A loose braid is better suited. You should not leave your hair open either since it will leave you in a mess in the morning.


The seventh and final instruction is to apply oil to your hair and scalp regularly. Follow this routine with proper shampooing and washing of your hair. Oil is essential for stronger and shinier hair. It as it strengthens the protein in your hair. Moreover, a good oil massage can provide you with an extremely soothing sensation. Oiling also eliminates flakes of dandruff from your scalp.

As far as health for your hair and scalp is concerned, we’ll leave this for another article, but in general, applying standard and recommended health procedures will help in keeping your whole body clean night and day.


Health-Related Myths and Truths

Road sign that says Reality Check Ahead Re: Myths
Reality Check Ahead sign on desert road

Health issues and myths have a long history together. Half-cooked information paddled by some often becomes a universal truth for the masses. In the age of the internet, when many such long-existing myths have already been busted, there are still some misconceptions in connection to the medical sciences and health that persist.

In this article, we will outline some of these health-related myths as well as those that are true.

We Can Get More Ill in Colder Weather vs Warmer Weather – True

Girl sneezing in a tissue in the living room
Photo: iStock

There is a case (one of many) in November, 2022 where a 67 year-old man who hardly ever gets sick and never got Covid got pneumonia. The nurses and doctors said that there is a n abundance of respiratory illnesses going around, but no one could determine why this healthy man came down with this disease. Fortunately, with his case, a string of antibiotics successfully brought him back to health, but that is not always the case with other people.

The bottom line is this: Your body’s immune system does not work as well in cold weather. When cold air enters  our nose and upper airways, our body does not work as effectively at fighting illnesses.  That’s why more people tend to get colds, the flu and yes, even Covid too.

In winters, particularly during freezing outdoor temperatures, we prefer to remain indoors. But with limited ventilation, no sunlight and more close human interaction, the chances of bacteria and viruses thrive amplify, resulting in more illnesses.

So cold weather itself doesn’t cause sickness or disease, but the effects of it do. Of course, if you stay go outside in 10-degree weather wearing a short sleeve shirt and summer pants, don’t blame us if you start sneezing (or worse)! 

You Can’t Get Covid If You Have Been Vaccinated – False

Not only through studies, but also through fact. If you have been vaccinated for the disease, you can still get Covid again. The vaccinations are beneficial in that your symptoms will be much less severe than if you were not vaccinated.

So with that said, you should still take precautions as if you never had it!

Humans Use Only a Fragment of Their Cognitive Ability – False


Illustration of the human brain
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

From motivational speakers to ‘psychiatrists’, many professionals have fed this myth to the masses that we don’t use our brain to its full capacity. One can say that it’s a way to persuade people to push themselves more, but there is no scientific evidence for this piece of information and advice.

In contrast, for some, this myth has become more of an excuse of consolation that they are not realizing their true potential because they are not using their full mental prowess.

EEGs (electroencephalogram) has been here for a long time and more modernized techniques have been developed to scan brain activity. So, if you still believe that you are only using a percentage of your brain, a neurologist can help you in busting this myth.

Dim Light Reading Affects Your Eyesight – False

Boy reading in low lit conditions
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This is one of the oldest health falsehoods. Reading in insufficient lighting surely makes it harder for the eyes to do their work, but no far-reaching consequences have been proven by science regarding reading in dim light.

Similar is the case of a misconception that sitting too close to the television can affect your eyesight. Of course, too much of anything is not good for you, so if you are a TV couch potato or your job involves constant work on a computer screen, you should take a break every 15-20 minutes and rest your eyes. With that said, you could experience a momentary soreness, but this should not be considered as dangerous.

Nevertheless, a good practice is to read in good light and watch the TV from a distance at regular intervals, because there is no good reason to push your eyes to overwork.

The 5-Second Rule Says Your Food is Safe to It – False!

Uh oh! You dropped your open candy bar on the floor. Quick – pick it up before 5 seconds and you can still eat it. Nope. This is entirely false. According to Kids Health, “Bacteria can attach itself to your food even if you pick it up super-fast.

Bottom line – You drop food on the floor, throw it away!

Ulcers are Caused by Spicy Food – False

Peppers and spicy foods
Photo by Timothy L Brock on Unsplash

This is another misconception. Spicy foods can certainly can aggravate the symptoms of existing ulcers, but the onset of the disease is not caused by spicy foods.

For many years, healthcare experts also believed that spicy foods are the main reason for developing ulcers. However, science has disapproved this principle when researchers found out that a bacterium called H. Pylori is the real culprit for damaging the inner lining of the stomach.

This bacterium is also present in many prescription medicines. For that reason, patients who take a greater administration of drugs for a long time period often develop ulcers as a side effect.

Turkey Meat Causes Drowsiness – Possibly True

Curving a turkey
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Blaming feasting on turkey for long naps of Thanksgiving is common because there is a widespread misapprehension that turkey meat causes drowsiness.

However, there is no truth to that excuse of dozing off on turkey meals. The amino acid tryptophan is present in turkey meat which is known to cause drowsiness, but it’s in the similar amount as in beef or chicken; however, as per WebMd:

Consuming large meals stimulates the production of insulin, and insulin clears the bloodstream of all amino acids except for tryptophan. In effect, insulin clears a path that can flood the brain with tryptophan.” However, it is still unknown if tryptophan is the actual cause of drowsiness.

Some nutritional experts think that the overall festivity of the day might lead to those long siestas where average carbs and alcohol consumption is increased.

Pediatric ADHD Gets Worse by Sugar Consumption – Potentially True

Hyperactivity in children is sometimes linked to high consumption of sugar in the form of candies and chocolates in what is called a ‘sugar high’. There are studies that show that this could possibility be true.

With that said, parents should be vigilant on the amount of sugar they give their children regardless of whether it accelerates those with ADHD or not.

Excessive and reckless consumption of sugary items can harm oral health, add to obesity and be a potential risk for diabetes.

Brown Sugar is a Healthier Substitute for White Sugar – False


Spoon spilling sugar onto a cup
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Many people who want to eat healthy replace their staple food items. For instance, they replace fine grains with whole grains, red meat with white meat. In the same manner, they substitute white sugar with brown sugar because it is less processed.

Brown sugar indeed is less processed and contains a few more micronutrients, but it causes the same physiological effects of regular table sugar. This means you can’t control your blood sugar levels by substituting white sugar with brown.  

Are Sugar Alcohols Really a “Sugar-Free” Substitute?

”Bowl of Sugar"
Sugar adds calories and has bad oral effects. Photo by sierpniowka –

Sugar alcohols are a type of organic compounds extensively used in the making of sugar-free products. The first thing which should be understood  is that the use of sugar alcohols as an ingredient is not entirely free of sugar.

Secondly, don’t get confused with the word ‘alcohol’ because there isn’t any in the conventional sense. It represents the organic group of the carbohydrates of these sugars. You won’t get drunk with the consumption of sugar alcohols.  

Like traditional processed sweetener options, sugar alcohol also comes from plants, fruits and berries. However, their carbohydrate structures are slightly different from table sugar (sucrose). In this article, we will discuss in detail about the reality of sugar alcohol, its benefit, downsides and difference from table sugar.

Difference Between Sugar Alcohol and Table Sugar

Calorie Count
There is a significant difference between the caloric values of both types of sugars. One gram of table sugar contains around four calories. On the other hand, different types of sugar alcohols can contain one to three calories in the same weight.  

Difference of Taste
Most of the sugar alcohols have an understated ‘sweet’ taste. This is another reason they are used in sugar-free food products because their addition doesn’t tilt the taste of the food towards extreme sweetness. However, there is a variant of sugar alcohol with the name xylitol which has nearly the same taste of sweetness as table sugar.

Rate of Absorption
Sugar alcohols are absorbed slower than the conventional table sugar in the blood circulation.

Types of Sugar Alcohols
There are more than half a dozen sugar alcohol variants available in the market. Let’s have a quick look on some of the most commonly used types of this sugar alternative.

Mannitol is naturally found in different plants and berries. It can be extracted from mushrooms, strawberries and even from the onion. It’s nearly half as sweet as the table sugar.

It is one of the most commonly used sugar substitutes available in the market. A mass-scale manufacturing of sorbitol is done by the processing of dextrose which is abundantly present in cornstarch. It also has the same sweetness level as of mannitol.  

Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysates

This sugar alcohol is also made of cornstarch and has very low sweetness level as compared to the aforementioned types above.


Xylitol chemical makeup diagram
Xylitol chemical makeup

Unlike most of the sugar alcohols, xylitol is made of the leftover organic material. For instance, used sugar cane stalks and corn cobs are used to manufacture this sugar alcohol. In sweetness, xylitol is similar to table sugar. Therefore, it is also a popular substitute for people who want to go sugar-free.  

Benefits of Sugar Alcohol

Even though sugar alcohols are not entirely free of the negative effects associated with table sugar, it is still better to use instead of the traditional sweetener. There are two significant benefits of sugar alcohols compared to sucrose (the chief component of sugar).  

Fewer Calories Mean Healthy Diet
Sugar alcohols have fewer calories than traditional table sugar and this attribute alone contain several benefits for human health. According to a research study, around 15 percent of the total calorie consumption of the US population consists of added processed sugar. All these extra calories pave the way for prevalent health complications such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and digestive issues.  

By substituting table sugar with sugar alcohol options, one can significantly cut the number of calories without compromising on the amount and quantity of their meals.

To Maintain Blood Sugar Levels
According to a report, around 90 to 95 percent of diabetic cases in the country are of type 2. This diabetes type is spotted by increased blood sugar levels. Use of the sugar alcohol can help the type 2 diabetic patients to maintain their blood glucose at healthy levels. Sugar alcohol gets absorbed into the blood at a very slow rate as compared to traditional sugar. This means that sugar alcohol can pass through the body without significantly disturbing the glucose levels of it. A small amount of glucose present in sugar alcohols can easily be absorbed by the insulin present in the blood circulation of diabetic patients. By gradually replacing normal sugar with these options, people suffering from type 2 diabetes can also enjoy the desserts and other sweet dishes.

Note: Diabetic patients should consult with their medical professional before changing any dietary regimen.

Better Dental Health

We all know how processed sugar plays its part in deteriorating oral and dental health. Sucrose sugar is responsible for the exponential production of oral bacteria. These bacteria secrete acids detrimental to the protective layer of teeth called enamel.  Eroded enamel causes tooth decay which can lead to further oral health complications.

On the other hand, sugar alcohols are not known to have the same reactions in the oral cavity. It means using them instead of table sugar can help in preventing tooth decay and teeth loss which is a major periodontal concern in the country.

Apart from these major health benefits, miscellaneous studies suggest sugar alcohols might help the healthy probiotic bacteria to grow in the GI tract. These friendly bacteria are known to improve the digestive functions of the gut. Xylitol is also studied in clinical trials for its benefits to the skin and bones.

One Side Effect: Digestive Issues

With all its benefits, sugar alcohols have one side effect. Taken regularly, it can lead to lead to diarrhea and bloating. Since most of the sugar alcohol is not absorbed by the blood, a large amount of it ends up in the large intestine. This overload on the gut can result in digestive issues.  

People who are already suffering from irritable bowel syndrome can experience their symptoms getting worse with the use of sugar alcohols.

It is quite apparent that sugar alcohols have more benefits than harm and it can become part of a healthy diet. Nevertheless, consult your physician before adding sugar alcohol to your dietary plan.