What is the Difference Between Natural Antibodies and Monoclonal Antibodies?
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
Monoclonalantibodies (mAbs) are similar to antibodies produced naturally by the body in response to an infection, but these guys are made artificially in a laboratory. That’s where the term monoclonal comes from. It means they are antibodies created in a lab and are cloned.
Same as natural human antibodies, monoclonal antibodies are designed to resist a virus by recognizing the spike protein in its cell’s outer coat. This makes it quite convenient for lab scientists and technicians to target a specific virus. In this case, Covid.
In doing so, the antibodies block the ability of the virus to replicate inside the body, giving the immune system more time to mount its response against COVID-19 infections.
Who Does Monoclonal Antibodies Help the Most?
Monoclonal antibody infusions are particularly helpful in patients with compromised immune systems, who would find it difficult for their bodies to naturally resist the virus, but it helps healthy people who have caught the virus also, as many have stated that then start feeling better after about 24 hours.
Are Monoclonal Antibodies Only Used for Covid?
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
No. Other monoclonal antibodies work as immunotherapies (treatment that helps the immune system fight cancer), as they allow your body’s immune system to react better, which then allows your body to more effectively find and attack tumor cells. Show Source Texts
Some monoclonal antibodies are attached to a chemotherapy drug to give treatment directly to cancer cells, avoiding healthy cells. Once attached, antibodies may cause other parts of the body’s immune system to destroy cells that harbor an antigen (molecules that induce an immune response).
Once attached, antibodies draw in immune cells to destroy the tumor cells. The antibody latches onto a particular molecule on the surface of a problem cell.
Are Monoclonal Antibodies Connected to Other Drugs When Infused into a Patient?
As previously mentioned, they are made in a lab to combat a specific infection. They can be injected naturally, called Naked mAbs which means that they are not attached to other drugs such as Brentuximab, which is a chemotherapy drug used to fight cancer cells.
How monoclonal antibodies can be injected into the body is broken down into essentially three categories:
Naked MonoclonalAntibodies: These work as a solo drug without any attachments or connections to other drugs. This treatment category is the most commonly used.
Conjugated Monoclonal Antibodies: An additional drug is added with the mAbs, such as with a chemotherapy treatment or a radioactive compound, both used mostly when fighting cancer.
Bispecific Monoclonal Antibodies: Used to target two different proteins at the same time.
Side Effects
When the antibodies are injected into the body, usually intravenous, an allergic reaction may occur, but these side effects are not life-threatening. Some of the effects a patient may incur are fever, headache, nausea, low blood pressure, and/or rashes.
Final Thoughts
Lab-designed antibodies are ongoing research, but what has been done so far has proven to be worthwhile and fairly successful. Most promising is that researchers can create the antibodies to target specific pathogens depending upon what disease they are working on, such as Covid or cancer.
Antibodies may be designed to attach to various molecules in the body, such as turning off an immune response when it is overreacting; this phenomenon, which has also occurred with some Covid-19 patients, is called a cytokine storm, which are proteins thatcontrol the growth of immune cells. They help the body’s immune system to do its job properly.
In our previous article, we discussed what human food our canine buddies like to eat. Now let’s focus on the healthiest meat products they can enjoy and you’ll be surprised to see that a lot of these foods are still the same food that we humans eat!
Dogs are natural carnivores, and that’s why their diet should consist mostly of meat. But not just any kind of meat. Dogs need to eat high-quality protein from animal sources to remain healthy.
The right diet can help your dog avoid common diseases such as hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, and even cancer. A dog’s diet should also contain the right amount of nutrients for optimal health. However, most commercial dog food doesn’t meet these standards because it contains too many carbohydrates and not enough protein from animal sources.
If you want to feed your dog a healthier diet to avoid chronic diseases and live a longer life, consider switching from commercial dog food to home-cooked meals with human-grade meat as the primary ingredient.
These are some of the best meats for dogs:
Consumption in moderation is the key!
Beef is one of the best sources of protein for dogs. It’s rich in iron and B vitamins and can help prevent anemia in dogs with low red blood cell counts. Since dogs can’t break down certain amino acids found in beef, over-consumption of beef can cause high levels of uric acid in the dog’s blood, leading to the formation of kidney stones. In addition to being high in protein, beef is also a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, and zinc.
Give the dog a bone! We didn’t make up that phrase, but it sure is popular. Maybe because bones are a dog’s favorite and a chicken bone is definitely on their taste list.
Chicken is a popular source of protein for dogs. Many commercial dog foods are made from chicken because it’s inexpensive and rich in amino acids and minerals. Chicken is also one of the best sources of protein for humans, so it’s a great choice for dogs too. It’s rich in vitamins B3 and B6 as well as selenium, a mineral that protects dogs against heart disease and certain types of cancer. Unfortunately, raw chicken is prone to bacterial contamination. Cooking it thoroughly can prevent this.
Lamb is another high-quality source of protein that can help puppies grow larger and adult dogs maintain their ideal weight. Like other types of meat, lamb is rich in amino acids and minerals that dogs need to stay healthy. Lamb is also a good source of vitamins B3 and B12, which are important for healthy blood cell production. Like other red meats, lamb is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, so it’s best to feed it in moderate amounts.
Pork is an excellent source of protein for dogs, but it’s high in cholesterol, so you should feed it in moderation. Pork is also rich in B vitamins and minerals that are essential for a dog’s health. It also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that promotes relaxation. Pork is a good choice for dogs with certain allergies or sensitivities because it is less likely to trigger an allergic reaction than other types of meat.
Salmon is a great source of protein for our canine friends and an excellent alternative to red meat. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help prevent heart disease, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases. Salmon is also rich in vitamins B6 and B12 and minerals like selenium and zinc. Salmon is moderately high in protein, but it’s also high in mercury, so feed it sparingly and avoid feeding it to dogs who are pregnant or lactating.
While we’re on the subject of keeping your pet healthy, don’t forget about their mouth! As mother always said regular brushing is important, but start with the right foods such as bones, fruits, and vegetables (great for us humans also!), dental chews (ask your vet for them), and another human favorite – yogurt.
Canines should have meat in their diet, but it must be the right type of meat so that they can get the high-quality protein and nutrients they need. We hope this article will help you get a foothold on providing a healthy diet for your dog and one that he/she will love. But before you change any food sources for your best friend, make sure you clear it with your veterinarian first!
Joe was 95 years old when he was hit by a car while walking on the sidewalk in Queens, New York. The woman driving the car said she hit the gas instead of the brake while parking. Except for a fractured arm and being a bit stunned, Joe was ok, but he was taken to the hospital for the fracture and additional tests.
When the nurse came in, she asked Joe to take his dentures out. The senior politely replied, “I don’t have dentures”. The nurse, a bit took back didn’t believe him, so she put her fingers in his mouth to check if his teeth were genuine. To her surprise, they were. Not one tooth missing tooth.
Joe was in pretty good health for his age and was 100% cognizant of everything around him. The nursing staff asked him questions such as who is the president of the United States and what state do you live in?, All their questions were responded to without hesitation. But how did Joe did he get to be this healthy at such a grand old age?
Joe was very active when he was young. Photo: Oct. 3, 1925. Scanned 101023 – SS
Joe’s diet wasn’t anything special. He would periodically eat at fast food restaurants and have hot dogs, hamburgers, and/or pasta for dinner, as well as soda, but he never gained a lot of weight.
Joe was not a couch potato. He would go to the bus stop and commute to his senior center daily. When he would come home, he would read the NY Times almost cover to cover and make sure he did the crossword puzzles.
Additionally, Joe was active in sports in his early years. From tennis to swimming to boxing and hiking miles, he kept in shape!
In general, Joe was a typical active senior citizen. He would go to the doctor for routine checkups but was never put on much medication, as it wasn’t necessary.
The longevity of each human individual depends upon several factors, but we must include how a person’s metabolism deals with it all as in the case of Joe.
With that said, there are some basic guidelines that we can all follow that will help to keep us healthy just like Joe was when he reached his 100th birthday!
But let’s first acknowledge and celebrate National Centurions Day!
September 22nd of this year celebrated National Centenarian’s Day. It is a day to honor all of those who have reached the age of 100 and beyond.
Medical technology is advancing every day. In the 19th century, it was incredibly rare for anyone to live past 100 years of age. What was once a deadly disease 100 years ago, like polio, is now virtually nonexistent due to the successful vaccine developed by Joas Polk and others who followed in his footsteps. So with that said advancements in medical technology are better than ever before and those centurions alive today are being celebrated as they should well be!
Oldest Living People in the World
Currently, the United States has the largest number of known centenarians which totaled 53,364 according to the Census of 2010. A whopping 83% are female. At this rate, there could be close to 1 million people aged 100 or older by 2050 living in the US.
The amount of centenarians in Japan is currently lower than in the US, however, that number has quadrupled in the past 10 years and is likely to surpass the US by 2050.
It is nice to say that this list of people over 100 years old is a large one, but since the list is so large, we will celebrate the most seniors. That doesn’t mean that we should ignore others. We salute them as well and wish all these centurions the best of health going forward and a long life ahead of them!
The names below have been confirmed by the Geology Research Group to be factual and valid.
Lucile Randon
Lucile Randon – Oldest Living Person in the world.
This young lady from France is the oldest human being on earth, born February 4, 1904. A whopping 118 years, 235 days and still going.
Ms. Randon is a Roman Catholic nun and is currently living in a nursing home in Toulon, France.
We would say God bless her, but it looks like that has already been taken care of.
Maria Kononovich
It is believed that Maria was born on May 27, 1904, in Belarus, which would also make her 118 years young at the time of this writing, and is listed as a farm worker. Maria had two sons. One died circa 1939 and her other son passed in in 2012. Her husband died in 1988.
Maria is cognizant and physically active, at least for a 118-year-old, but a nurse does stop by to see how she’s doing.
Francisca Celsa dos Santos
A native of Brazil, Francisa was born on October 21, 1904, and still going strong, well still going we should say. She is listed as a housekeeper and clothing merchant.
Francisca’s mental capacity is wailing, but physically, she is pretty good and doesn’t take or need much medicine. She married Raimundo Celso in 1935 and had six children. Francisca and her husband stayed together until Raimundo passed in 1979. As a good family should, Francisca is being looked after by her remaining children and grandchildren.
Honorable Mention
We felt we couldn’t conclude this article without acknowledging those that have reached the centurion landmark but have not yet hit the oldest category in the list, so let us now celebrate some that for sure deserve to be acknowledged!
Harold Nelson
Photo: Pfc. Bernabe Lopez III, US Army
Hats off to Harold Nelson, a 107-year-old World War II veteran who recently received the Silver Star. First Sgt. Nelson who was in the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was shot three times by German artillery.
He is from Denver, CO., and was given this long-awaited honorable medal at a ceremony at Fort Carson, Colorado Springs.
Phillip and Bella Maisel
A story for the history books and a heartwarming a that!17-year-old Phillip Maisel and his twin sister, Bella was holocaust 17-year-old, a teenager in Poland when the Nazis moved in. They were taken to separate concentration camps and neither thought they would ever see the other again, and most of their immediate family did not make it.
Surprisingly and happily these two holocaust survivors were reunited and celebrated their 100th birthday on August 22, 2022, where they currently live in Australia. Both have married and have families of their own.
Following a reporter’s question, Mr. Maisel acknowledged that this was a victory over the Nazi’s ‘Final Solution‘ and emphasized that after the war, he and his sister have been living a happy and fruitful life!
Norman Lear
Norman Lear at the Kennedy Center Honors Dinner. U..S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on December 2, 2017.
Probably the greatest screenwriter of all time, Mr. Lear just recently celebrated his 100th birthday on television with a host of admiring stars. Norman is responsible for such popular sitcoms as All in the Family,Maude, Sanford, and Son, One Day at a Time,The Jeffersons, and Good Times.
He has five Emmys and is a member of the Television Academy Hall of Fame. We congratulate Norman Lear who, without his creativity, society has been blessed with a cultural intellectualism that has sparked countless conversations, controversy, and sometimes arguments throughout the decades, but all boils down to one common denominator – laughter!
How Can We Live That Long?
We can all take a lesson from these centenarians by looking at what they all have in common. They show no signs of cognitive difficulties or dementia before age 92. They have not suffered from old age diseases or symptoms such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease and they have never smoked or abused alcohol. They also tend to have an innate ability to deal with stress as well as living in nonindustrial and less toxic environments, and most of all, they are all WOMEN!
Want to be like them? Here’s a breakdown of what you can do to live to 100 or beyond!
Eat healthily! Foods high in antioxidants are your best bet! They help fight off those bad guys called free radicals that roam your body looking to destroy your healthy cells. Free radicals are entities that develop naturally in your body daily. You can find high-antioxidant foods in fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, especially salmon.
Photo: CC G Maxpixel
Keep That Brian Functioning!
Those free radicals are everywhere in your body and that includes your brain! Keep reaching for foods that are high in antioxidants so that your brain cells will remain healthy.
Don’t be a couch potato! Find a part-time job, take some continuing education courses at your local university or senior center or volunteer at a hospital.
Do crossword puzzles or play other games that stimulate your mind. Do you watch game shows? Jeopardy is a good one if you like trivia. Trivia Today is a great website to join.
Don’t smoke! Must we have to even say that? And keep alcohol drinking to a minimum.
Photo: Pixabay
Keep your weight down. We know this one is probably the hardest to do, but obesity can lead to many diseases, with diabetes being the main culprit.
Try the many diet plans that are offered.
If they do not work, talk to your doctor and if you have extreme obesity, you might want to consider bariatric surgery, but only as a last resort.
The consumption of red meat should be done in moderation. Photo: CC G Pixhere.com
Many are also spiritual and actively involved in their religion. Centenarians are also very active throughout their entire lives even in old age. If you want to live to 100 and beyond, be sure to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Reduce stress and anxiety, and incorporate exercise into your daily routine, whether it’s Tai Chi, dancing, or an evening walk with a friend.
Saluting All Centurions!
This author is proud to say that his father lived a healthy lifestyle to the grand old age of 100 and the story above is about the senior who was hit by a car! That was him!
With that said, let us all give a salute to those who have made it to 100 and beyond!
When you see your doctor, a nurse’s assistant or nurse will first come into the office and provide the standard medical testing procedures, such as weight and blood pressure. He/She will then enter that information into the computer containing your medical record.
These records are very confidential; only the medical office, clinic, or hospital can access them, technically called Electronic Health Records or EHR. Medical providers have been required to use EHR since the Obama Administration administered this policy to keep our medical records safe and secure and bring administrative healthcare technology to the 21st century.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is the policy every medical provider must adhere to. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is the governing agency overseeing HIPAA and any violations.
You can tell if your medical provider follows this rule when you visit your doctor’s office. If you still see rows and rows of paper charts, your doctor has not yet upgraded to EHR, but this would be a HIPAA violation and the physician or physician’s office can be placed under severe penalties.
Implementing such a system is expensive, and they also have a tedious learning curve that all staff, not just physicians, need to learn. Once implemented, keeping track of your medical records becomes faster, less prone to error, much more secure, and more organized; hence, more efficient.
The EHR process includes entering codes related to one’s injury or illness. Until recently, these codes were called ICD-9, but the last update is called ICD-10, where they added about 64,000 more codes to the system.
The medical staff does not need to remember every code, of course. All they need to do is run a search related to that particular illness or injury. For example, a boy in a little league fell and broke his arm. The staff member would look up a sports arm injury and get a code or set of codes that relate to that injury.
To get a more detailed understanding of the ICD-10 process, please see this chart from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).
Look how healthy Rover is! If you want him to stay that way, read on. Image by Denise coyle from Pixabay
Since humans and pets are different from one another, we think that both of them like to eat different foods, but that’s not entirely the case. Some human foodis loved by your pets, but it has to be the right one. Check out this list of mutual food items you and your dog love.
Note 1: It should be noted that, like humans, your pet could have allergies or other health issues when eating human-made food, so always check with your veterinarian before giving them any of the treats we love!
Note 2: If you are not already aware, chocolate can be deadly for your pet. NEVER give your dog chocolate or anything that contains chocolate of any portion! You can read more about this danger here.
Now let’s move on to what is considered healthy for your canine buddy!
Just like yogurt is good for human health, yogurt can also be a source of protein and calcium for dogs. It has vitamins that are good for the health of both humans and animals, which is why it makes sense for your pet to have too. But before choosing yogurt, you should pick the natural one with no artificial flavors without any sugars or sweeteners.
Also, it should not have any active bacteria because they will act as probiotics. In addition, if your dog is overweight, you should ensure you buy a fat-free yogurt, but not one with fat substitutes, such as olestra, simplesse etc. And when summer comes, why not treat them to some yogurt?
Rice is loaded with iron and vitamins B3 and D. It is best to boil the rice until it is well-cooked but sticks with white rice. Brown rice can cause issues for your dog if he/she is having gastrointestinal issues or other health problems.
White rice has a higher glycemic index than brown rice and can cause blood sugar levels to rise, but it is important to remember that white rice provides a source of starch that can be beneficial to ill dogs. Diabetic pets may still consume a small amount of white rice if they desire, but not regularly.
It is also suggested not to serve your pet rice alone, mix it up with portions of other food for a balanced diet. For healthy dogs, an appropriate portion of white rice should be fine; however, always check with your vet first.
Dogs love peanut butter. It is good if you treat them with a spoonful of unsalted peanut butter daily.
It is good for their health, but you need to purchase a good peanut butter brand that does not contain xylitol. This can be very dangerous for your pet!
If your dog is inactive, it is good to feed them peanut butter as it is a source of protein, minerals, and fats.
With Halloween coming, how can we leave out this seasonal squash fruit? Yes, fruit. Not a vegetable, although it may look like a vegetable.
Pumpkins are rich in vitamins and minerals that include. Protein, Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, and iron.
Humans and animals alike can reap the benefits of the delicious fruit.
Eggs can also be a food item that you and your pet can share. If you require proteins and energy, your doctor may recommend you eat eggs. Similarly, when it comes to dogs, eggs can also be a healthy snack.
Providing dogs with proteins and energy, they can make an unhealthy dog healthy and fat. However, you should keep the quantity small because feeding dogs eggs daily can make them fat and gain weight, making them inactive.
Now that you know how the people’s food items are also the favorite food items of your pet dogs, you should feed these foods to them too.
Although it is safe for Rover to have some human food, stick with what is recommended and don’t go off giving him/her anything not on the list from veterinarians and/or reputable internet sources. Especially stay away from foods that contain xylitol or chocolate! And always check with canine MD if you are unsure of anything that you want to feed your pet!
Our favorite is Maltese as noted by our photo of Casper. Playful and fun pets and cute as can be, but according to recent surveys, the five most popular breeds are listed below.
So let’s begin with today’s article on what dogs are considered favorites. (That doesn’t mean we don’t love all our pets!
These dogs are trendy and are great at dog shows and are known for standing up on their hind legs and using their front legs to compete against their opponent. Because of this, they were, unfortunately, used for dog fighting – a large competitive game in Germany back in the 19th century, but we are happy to say that this ‘game’ if you call it that has been ruled illegal.
They were the favorite choice for Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall who got one as a gift on their wedding day. People love keeping these dogs because they are active, fun-loving, great watchdogs, and have bright personalities.
Poodles are cute and fluffy canines with airy curls over them. But do not get confused with this endearing appearance, they may have curls but they are not just fluffy toys. Instead, they are very smart, clever, and very obedient. They are known to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds on the planet!
Poodles are loved mostly by women and girls because of their fluffy hair, obedient nature, and of course the variety of coat colors they come in. White, gray, black, and apricot – the ladies have a lot to choose from, and men do too!
People who do not want to own a huge bulldog can opt for the small and adorable French bulldogs, called ‘frenchies’. These little cuties are very friendly and social.
If you want to own a pet to sit with you on your couch, a French bulldog would be a smart pick. They have square heads, bat ears, and wide eyes and are well-mannered, affectionate, and loyal dogs, but they can’t swim, so don’t bring them to your backyard or community pool!
Their history goes back to the wealthy English in the 1800s and that status was maintained up to the early 20th century in the US.
Although they are called French bulldogs, we are sorry to announce that they don’t speak French.
Photo: iStock
The Rottweiler breed goes back to Roman times. They have a tough look, but they are extremely devoted, loving, and caring companions. Having a muscular build and size, Rottweilers are used by many for home security.
Interestingly, their personalities intimidate people and one must keep an eye on them when they are around children. These dogs have a habit of bumping which can harm kids, so a word of caution there, but if you are looking for pets that will help keep your house safe and lovable as well, then a Rottweiler would be a smart pick.
Beagles are famous for their intellect and intelligence. Many law enforcement agencies use Beagles to sniff as they are exceptional hound (hunting) dogs.
In addition to intelligence, they are friendly and social around people. This is why many people prefer keeping them as pets and kids love them. If you are looking for a friendly pet with intellect, then investing in Beagles is a smart choice. According to research, these dogs howl a lot but it can be controlled by training them.
What to Choose?
Dogs are known for their trustworthiness and faithfulness but don’t just go by these five breeds. Talk to friends and relatives who are dog owners and see what they have to say and then decide on which dog breed you would bring home for your pet!
Little Johnny was touching everything in the store and his mother wasn’t happy, especially during this period of coronavirus. Not so much for the fact that she had to repeatedly tell him to stop, but also because she needed to repeatedly wash his hands so that he doesn’t get infected with Covid and now, Monkey Pox as well.
So How Do Hand Sanitizers Work Anyway? What’s in it? Let’s take a look!
Making your hand sanitizer is simple and quick. Photo: Unsplash
Hand sanitizers kill germs on the skin using a high concentration of alcohol. When applied to the hands, the alcohol goes onto the skin and evaporates, but it leaves behind the disinfectant properties.
This process is called rapid evaporation. During rapid evaporation, the alcohol concentration on the skin is much higher than normal, which is why it kills germs so effectively. Normally, it would take much longer for alcohol to evaporate from the skin and be effective against germs. The alcohol in hand sanitizers is mixed with oil to slow down the evaporation time and give your hands a longer-lasting antiseptic effect.
Most hand sanitizers contain 60-90% alcohol as the primary active antiseptic ingredient, with other additives mostly being emollients, preservatives, and fragrances.
There are also some non-alcoholic hand sanitizers available, which use different active ingredients to kill bacteria such as ethyl vinegar, oils of lemon and eucalyptus, triclosan, and chloroxylenol.
Read on to know more about the ingredients in hand sanitizers.
Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), also known as rubbing alcohol is an antiseptic, which means that it prevents the growth of microorganisms that can cause diseases. And as so, is very effective against many viruses, including Covid.
IPA is a synthetic compound that is chemically similar to ethanol (alcohol), which is also an antiseptic but usage of IPA is more common. Neither alcohols are suitable for human consumption due to their toxic nature and consuming it can lead to death, and more caution should be made when buying these disinfectants that were manufactured outside the United States.
So they must be kept out of reach of children and any furry friends that you may have. With that said, both antiseptics are safe to use on the skin.
Other Ingredients
Additional ingredients in hand sanitizers are emollients, preservatives, and fragrances.
Emollients are substances that are added to hand sanitizers to make them less drying, so they don’t leave cracked, flaky skin. This can be useful for people who wash their hands frequently, such as people who work in healthcare or food services.
Preservatives are used to prevent bacteria, molds, and fungi from growing in the product. It is important to avoid using hand sanitizers that do not contain a preservative, as they can grow bacteria if you don’t close the cap after each use.
Fragrances are used to give the product a pleasant smell. It should be noted that not all fragrances are mild and some have been shown to have health effects on some people. It is best to look for a fragrance-free option or one with a scent that you do not have an allergy to.
Diethylene Glycol
Diethylene glycol is a synthetic liquid that is used in hand sanitizers as a solvent, or something used to dissolve other substances. It is also used in antifreeze and some engine coolants. Although diethylene glycol is not directly toxic to humans, it is a byproduct of ethylene oxide, which is a known carcinogen.
Pros of Using Hand Sanitizer
They are portable, so you can clean your hands anywhere, from airport restrooms to the park, without having to find a sink
They are generally easier to use than hand washing, especially when you’re in a rush
May be less drying on the skin than regular soap and water
They don’t require hot water, so they can be used in cold weather when your hands are particularly dry
Useful for people who have skin allergies or conditions that make it difficult to wash their hands properly
Can help prevent the spread of many infectious diseases.
They are useful for kids who are in daycare or school
Cons of Using Hand Sanitizer
They may not kill all the germs on your hands
Doesn’t replace proper hand washing. Hands should be washed with soap and water as often as possible
Hand sanitizers can dry out the skin, leaving hands cracked and itchy
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause skin allergies in some people
Hand sanitizers are more expensive than regular hand washing
Tips for Choosing the Right Hand Sanitizer
When shopping for a hand sanitizer, look for one with an alcohol concentration of 60% or more
The higher the concentration, the more effective it will be at killing germs
Read the ingredients list on the label and make sure you understand what each ingredient does in the product
When choosing a fragrance, think about what you like. There is no evidence that one fragrance is healthier than another
When it comes to choosing a size, think about where you will carry it. If you will keep it in your purse, you may want a smaller bottle, while a larger bottle may be best for your car or desk drawer.
Keeping your hands clean with soap or sanitizer is one of the best protections against spreading diseases. Photo: Unsplash
Hand sanitizers can be useful when you can’t wash your hands properly and they are pretty good disinfectants; however, they don’t kill all the germs present on your hands, so they do not replace proper hand washing when you can.
It is important to choose the right-hand sanitizer for you. There are many different types available, with different alcohol concentrations and fragrances, but whatever you choose, each time you wash your hands with these disinfectants, it is one more time you can have better peace of mind that you are lowering your risk of getting ill.
Background concept word cloud illustration of antioxidants. Photo: Bigstock
Let’s start by stating that both antioxidants and antibodies are essential ingredients in keeping you healthy. But with that said, what exactly are the differences between the two?
Many people are not aware of what the differences are but they are quite substantial, but with that said, there are numerous similarities between the two as well.
They both protect your body from disease and illness and are necessary for maintaining good health, but that’s about where the similarities end.
This article will explore some of the main points about what antioxidants and antibodies are, what role they play in your body, and how you can increase your intake of each to maintain optimal health.
These are compounds found in foods that are designed to prevent oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is the process by which free radicals can run amok in your body and damage healthy cells.
What Do Free Radicals Do?
Free radicals are atoms that are missing an electron and by so doing, they look for other cells’ atoms to which they can attach so that they can steal that cell’s electron. This is a common occurrence in nature when atoms have missing electrons. They need to balance out their electron count. When they find a healthy cell to attach to, they will merge with it, subsequently changing the characteristics of that cell to the point where the healthy properties of those cells are diminished or non-existent.
When this happens and too many damaged cells exist, it could result in your body becoming a risk for such diseases as cancer and heart disease as well as many other illnesses.
Oxidative stress occurs during a normal day of activity, even when you are at rest. Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash
These bad guys are created during our normal lifestyle, which includes simply breathing and eating. In other words, oxidation builds up during daily metabolism – the energy that you exert daily.
Antioxidants – The Good Guys
Antioxidants are the free radicals’ worst enemy. They are molecules that will donate an electron to the free radical making it useless in damaging other cells.
Antioxidants are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. Some of the best foods for fighting off free radicals are berries, citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, broccoli, and tomatoes, but don’t stop there. Just about all fruits and vegetables will help build antioxidants.
They can also be found in smaller amounts in grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. The best-known antioxidants in vitamins are C and E, and beta-carotene.
When you eat foods that contain antioxidants, they enter your bloodstream and then proceed to neutralize the free radicals before they cause damage. This means that antioxidants can prevent oxidative damage and this is why antioxidants are so beneficial to your health.
Fruits and vegetables are your best fight against oxidative stress.
What are Antibodies?
Microscopic view of the COVID virus spike protein. The spikes are what attack the healthy cells unless blocked by antibodies. Photo: Pixabay
Antibodies are quite different in properties from antioxidants. Antibodies Are proteins. Proteins are molecules. Antioxidants are not proteins. Antibodies contain chains of amino acids which are naturally produced by your immune system when an infection is detected. They can recognize and identify harmful agents like bacteria, viruses, and other foreign agents. That is why you hear so much about antibodies regarding Covid but you don’t hear anything about antioxidants.
Antibodies are created by your white blood cells, called B cells, and bind to the glycoproteins – the enemy of antibodies, similar to how free radicals are the enemy of antioxidants. Glycoproteins are the carbohydrate portion of proteins that are found in bacteria and viruses. Once the antibodies bind to these bad proteins, they neutralize and remove them from the body before they have a chance to cause harm.
For Covid, the antibodies block the virus cells, called spike proteins from attacking healthy cells.
Your body will create antibodies when foreign agents such as a virus are detected, but vaccines can be injected to further the creation of antibodies if needed.
The Difference in a Nutshell
Antioxidants and antibodies are both designed to protect against disease and boost immunity. However, there are differences between antioxidants and antibodies that are worth noting.
Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that prevent oxidative damage. They don’t directly fight infections. They don’t recognize harmful bacteria and viruses.
Antioxidants also don’t circulate in the blood, as antibodies do. They are found in food, and can’t be detected in your blood. This means that antioxidants don’t boost immunity the way antibodies do.
What antioxidants do is help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals? These attacked cells can add up causing your body to become at risk of several dangerous diseases.
Antibodies detect harmful bacteria and viruses. They are created by our white blood cells and circulate through our blood vessels and look for bad proteins from bacteria. Once found, they block these bad proteins from attacking healthy cells.
More About Antioxidants
As we’ve already explored, antioxidants are compounds that prevent oxidative damage. They do this by neutralizing free radicals with their electron pairs before they can cause damage. This means that antioxidants protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals. They also protect a person’s DNA from being damaged.
In addition to providing general health benefits, antioxidants can also help boost your immune system. They can do this by preventing oxidative damage to healthy cells. This leaves your immune system with fewer cells to protect, which means it can put more energy into fighting against infections.
More About Antibodies
Antibodies are proteins that are created by the immune system to protect against disease. They can do this by binding to bacteria and viruses and neutralizing them. Antibodies are much more active than antioxidants when it comes to fighting infections. They circulate through the blood and can detect infections and bacteria in the blood. They then bind to the harmful pathogen and neutralize it.
Antibodies can recognize certain foreign bodies. This includes bacteria, viruses, toxins, and even allergens like pollen. Antibodies also boost immunity by preventing harmful bacteria and viruses from causing infections.
Below is a quick chart of the differences between antioxidants and antibodies.
What it vitamins
Vitamins C & E
Proteins that contain amino acids
How it is created
Fruits & veggies
In white blood cells when an infection is detected within the body
What it fights free
Free radicals (atoms with missing electrons)
How to fight
Eat fruits & veggies
Normal activity within the body but can also be created through vaccines
Antioxidants and antibodies have similar functions but are very different compounds. While antioxidants don’t circulate in the blood and are designed to prevent oxidative damage, antibodies circulate in the blood and are designed to bind to and neutralize bacteria.
Antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage and can boost immunity, while antibodies do both of these things.
Antioxidants are beneficial for your health, but you can only reap their benefits if you consume enough of them. This can be challenging because many people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. This is why it’s important to get your daily dose of antioxidants. Antioxidants can help you stay healthy, and make sure you don’t get sick.
Lisa has never gotten Covid, yet everyone else in her household has been infected, except her husband who seems to be in the same questionable situation as Lisa. We are saying ‘questionable’ because researchers have yet to determine the reasons why people such as Lisa and her husband appear to be immune to the Covid disease.
The Preliminaries
Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile from Pexels
Before we continue, as a reference point, let’s go over what the CDC has recommended that we all do to minimize Covid infection.
Get vaccinated
Wear a mask
Wash hands frequently
Stay six feet from others
Avoid crowded places
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Take immune booster vitamins
Do we follow all these guidelines? Some do, but many of us don’t adhere to all these rules and some items in this list are just not followed as diligently as they should be, and Lisa and Steve are no exception.
They both have been vaccinated and triple-boosted with the Pfizer vaccine and they take immune booster vitamins. Namely, vitamin D, C, and zink tablets daily, as well as making it a point to eat as healthy as they can. They do not wear masks religiously and have gone to social gatherings where no one else was wearing a mask.
The Covid Quandry of Infections and Non-Infections in the Household. But How Common is It?
Microscopic view of the COVID virus showing the spike proteins
It is not that hard to imagine that some folks are not getting infected as routinely as others, but here is the real dilemma. Lisa and Steve’s children, now adults, have both gotten the disease, and they all were living in the same house when the children got it. Yes, extra precautions were taken. The kids did wear masks and avoid close contact with their parents.
Even more troublesome for the researchers if they were studying this event is that their daughter’s boyfriend was living in the house as well and was PCR-diagnosed positive as well.
But the quandary doesn’t end there. The boyfriend didn’t even know he had covid until after their daughter started showing systems. That’s right. He was asymptomatic and never felt a thing.
Covid Immunity – Here’s What They are Saying
T-Cell Immunity
A study on 54 people released in January showed that a high amount of T-cells that were produced when people got colds helped support immunity from the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid) infection.
Dr. Rhia Kund, from the Imperial National Heart & Lung Institute, in London said “We found that high levels of pre-existing T cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against COVID-19 infection.”
A study is currently being conducted to determine how much genetic inheritance a person might have that can be an obstacle to being infected with the coronavirus.
There are specific criteria for those in the study, including confirmation via lab testing that the subject has never had COVID-19, that these individuals have had substantial exposure to the disease, and that they did not use any protection such as masks. Additionally, they were never vaccinated.
Members of the COVID Human Genetic Effort at Rockefeller University, part of an international conglomerate of researchers are working to discover the genetic influences that individuals may have that fight against the SARS-CoV-2 infection.
It is worth noting that this is not the first time a pandemic of this magnitude has infiltrated human society, and yet, the whole human population did not cease to exist.
Such is the case with the Spanish Flu in 1919. Many died, but many more survived. Maybe this study will unveil some new data that scientists will show that genetics does play an important role in Covid (and other viruses) infections, as well as possibly additional knowledge on longevity. Indeed, Steve’s father, who was born in 1901 lived to the lively age of 100.
The ‘O’ Factor
Photo: Bigstock
According to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, individuals who have type ‘O’ blood may have more of an immune deterrence from the coronavirus infection. Other studies have concluded similar results.
The study covered over 225,000 patients and those in the O-blood category had a 2.1% chance of getting a covid infection, which was found to be the lowest probability of all the blood groups.
So What’s the Conclusion?
There isn’t any. At least not yet. These studies will probably go on for decades, but with said, one thing is a fact. That the worst of Covid is over and now, those that get it, provided there are no external factors that might compromise their health, such as an immune deficiency, will most likely just get a cold. And now, we can only hope for the best going forward.
Did you know that 50% of people say that the first thing they notice about a person is their smile? This is according to a recent study conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. If your teeth are discolored, chipped, damaged, or broken, this can affect your ability and willingness to smile. But don’t worry! A healthy, smile is attainable. You just need to follow these tips.
Eat a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is not only good for our bodies and total health, but also for our teeth! A healthy diet provides the nutrients and fiber we need to keep our teeth strong and free from disease. Eating foods that are high in sugar, starches, and carbohydrates, such as candy, juices, and smoothies can increase the production of plaque acids that attack the enamel of our teeth.
When it comes to a diet that’s great for your teeth, stick to fibrous whole fruits and vegetables, instead of juices or smoothies. The fiber in these whole fruits and veggies helps to naturally rinse away bacteria and food particles from the teeth. Leafy greens also help promote oral health. They are high in calcium and folic acid which may help treat gum disease in pregnant women according to the American Dental Association.
Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months
Visiting your dentist is incredibly important to the health of your teeth. A professional dental cleaning from your dentist every six months will help remove any buildup of plaque and tartar. Plaque is a sticky film that contains bacteria that hardens and becomes tartar. If tartar is not cleaned, it can start to produce acids that damage the bone that supports the teeth. This can cause periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss.
Your dentist will also be able to check for plaque, cavities, and any other problems during your checkup. When caught early, teeth and gum problems are much easier to treat, keeping your teeth healthy, pain-free, and sparkling!
Brush Your Teeth
Preventing gum disease starts with good dental health
For us baby boomers, you might remember the Crest commercial “I only had one cavity!” Well, a lot has changed since then and a target of zero would be the name of the game these days. But what Crest was trying to convey was that the more you brush your teeth, the better the chances of having fewer or no cavities.
Brushing correctly helps remove plaque. Toothpaste contains fluoride that helps teeth become resistant to decay and even helps remove early decay.
Be sure to gently brush your gums as well as your tongue to remove any food particles and plaque. Dentists recommend motorized brushes, but if you don’t have one, you can use a soft brush. “Hard bristles wear down your tooth structure,” says dentist Maricelle Abayon from Rochester, New York.
Don’t brush your teeth too hard either. The plaque itself is loose and soft, so you don’t need to scrub it. Next time you brush your teeth, tell yourself that you are massaging them, not scrubbing them. Most importantly, brush, and don’t rush! Try turning on the timer on your phone or putting on your favorite song while brushing your teeth. Make sure to brush your teeth between two to three minutes for optimal protection against cavities. According to the American Dental Hygienists Association, “it takes two minutes for the tooth enamel to take in the fluoride in toothpaste, making the tooth surface more resistant to bacteria.”
Floss Daily
Flossing twice daily, along with brushing, is very helpful in removing decay-causing plaque. It is a very important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Flossing regularly might seem like an annoyance, but it takes only a minute or two and helps remove food and bacteria stuck in the spaces between the teeth that brushing or mouthwash can’t remove. When these spaces between the teeth are left unclean, it can lead to plaque and tartar, as well as bad breath! Keep your teeth fresh and healthy by flossing two to three times a day, especially before bed and in the morning.
Stop smoking, including smokeless tobacco
Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health, including your lungs and your heart. Smoking is not just bad for your teeth, but it’s bad for your gums and mouth too. Smoking stains and discolors the teeth, making them turn yellow in just a short amount of time.
Long-term smoking can turn teeth brown, due to the nicotine and tar that’s in cigarettes. Smokeless tobacco can also wear down your teeth which can expose the roots of the teeth leaving them more susceptible to decay. Not only that, but smokeless tobacco such as chewing tobacco allows harmful chemicals to come into direct contact with teeth and gums, causing rapid tooth decay, gum disease, and even oral cancer.
Following these guidelines will help you to maintain a healthy mouth and avoid possible future complications. A little prevention now can go a long way later!