
What is Bird Flu?

”Band of chickens"

Bird Flu, which is also known as Avian Influenza, is a viral disease that affects birds primarily. Although birds are common carriers of the plague, the infection can also extend to other animals and human beings as well. The pathogen, which is also identified by the moniker H5N1, is a significant universal threat.


Although the earliest traces of bird flu can be traced back to the late 1950’s, it wasn’t until 1997 that humans began contracting the antibody. A handful of people in Hong Kong were diagnosed with bird flu, six of whom died as a result.

Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses
Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza. A H5N1 viruses (seen in gold) grown in MDCK cells (seen in green) (Wikipedia)
In fact, according to the World Health Organization, bird flu killed nearly 60% of those infected with the virus. More prevalent in East and South Asia, the contagion even found its way to North America, where a person who had traveled from China to Canada was suffering from this virus.


Signs of how bird flu manifests itself vary from one individual to another. Typical indicators include conventional symptoms such as high fever, coughing, sore throat, running nose, and exhaustion respectively.

The aforementioned signals occur in mild cases. In circumstances that are more severe, these symptoms can develop into considerable breathing difficulties, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).


The original outbreak of H5N1 in humans was linked with the handling of infected poultry. The epidemic is intrinsically connected to genus Anseriformes, which are a family of wild waterfowl, such as ducks and geese.

Bird flu can travel to land-based birds, which are found predominantly in domestic poultry farms. This is how humans come in contact with the deadly virus. Any physical contact with infected birds can disseminate the disease. However surprisingly, the consumption of bird produce like eggs, even if taken from infected birds, does not transmit bird flu. The same applies to meat as well.

For a more scientific explanation, the trains of the common influenza germ that have undergone an evolution can enter the avian cells. Influenza is broadly categorized in three types, namely A, B, and C respectively. Bird flu is caused by the A type, which is comprised of eight strands of RNA.

Moreover, two distinct proteins called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are located on the surface of the bacteria. The mainstream outbreak of bird flu, H5N1 owes its title to these proteins. The numbers actually indicate the number of each protein in the pathogen. Similarly, the bird flu eruption witnessed in 2013 was called H7N9, indicative of its protein quotient.

Bird flu is not the only influenza that affects animals. In fact, there are various kinds which impact animals. Likewise, take swine flu (SIV) for example, which is contracted from pigs and the like. Pathogen called Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or as it is widely known, Mad Cow Disease also broke out in the late 90’s. Similar to bird flu, it was transmissible from cows to humans.

Furthermore, influenza viruses can spread easily since their mutation is quite rapid.

A concern for patients, doctors, and scientists is that mutations in the virus allow it to avert the body’s immune system, rendering old vaccinations futile in the process. Something similar occurred in 2011 when an existing cure was no longer sufficient in treating avian flu.


As mentioned, humans acquire bird flu when they make contact with birds or their excretions. This represents the highest risk of developing it. Unfortunately, the H5N1 pathogen is able to endure and can gestate for long periods of time. In fact, birds which are affected may secrete the virus in their salivation and feces for almost ten days. This means that any poultry that is prepared and dispatched to retailers and consumers is naturally at risk as well.

All in all, personnel who are running the greatest risk include poultry farmers of course. Beyond that, a person who travels from one destination to another may potentially incur the virus too. Additionally, people exposed to blighted birds and those who undercook their meat or eggs can also develop bird flu. Last but not least, health care workers may also catch the disease from patients they are treating.


Given the fact that the predominance of bird flu in humans is sporadic, researchers have not been able to conduct sufficient research in order to develop a cure. Dealing with an outbreak likely requires extensive and rigorous medical trials and tests before an antidote is available.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the ideal way to prevent bird flu is to simply avoid exposure to the carriers of this disease. For example, bird feces are not just limited to poultry farms. A lot of birds discharge their waste on roads, buildings, and vehicles. It is not entirely outlandish to presume that a person could come in direct physical contact with it.

Furthermore, governing bodies such as the CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) suggest that antiviral medication such as Tamiflu and Relenza can be taken if a patient shows signs of avian influenza. Countries such as the United States are even stockpiling vaccinations in case of another outbreak.

Discolored chicken legs
“Hemorrhaging of the skin and legs is just one of the signs birds might exhibit when infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus.” (Wikimedia)
As it stands now, there is no vaccine available for the H7N9 bird flu type. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) announced years ago that a vaccination to prohibit humans from developing bird flu was in development. It has since reached fruition and has been procured by the US government should the need for mass distribution arise in the future.


Although there is currently no cure for bird flu, you can take precautions to limit getting infected.

  • As a general rule, good health starts with washing your hands, so one should be vigilant when handling food as well.
  • Also, as a general rule, do not go to public places if you feel ill.
  • Avoid contact with dead birds, birds that are ill and birds in the wild. Contact local authorities if you see birds that are dead or ill.

Treating Children with Asthma

Treating Kids with Asthma
A child using an inhaler for help with her asthma
Adults who are prone to developing asthma can be the result of various determinants. The condition can develop because of a variety of reasons and can get aggravated easily. Where adults can tend to their own needs and tailor their lifestyle or diet to improve their health, children, on the other hand, are more vulnerable when exposed to conditions like asthma.

In fact, research indicates that the median age of children diagnosed with asthma has decreased, which underlines the importance of being careful when they are young. Our aim is to comprehend what asthma entails, its symptoms, effects, and treatments, all from the perspective of a child.


Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs. This condition makes the tubes in the respiratory system highly susceptible to bouts of laborious breathing. An episode where a patient is suffering from difficulty in breathing can be attributed to asthma (although there are many other reasons for this) and if it is asthma, the condition is called an asthma attack.

Conventional triggers include allergens and colds. For instance, you may have witnessed certain individuals refraining from occupying the same space as domestic animals. This may transpire since they are asthmatic and exposure to feline fur can provoke an attack immediately.

In order to contain asthma attacks, a combination of pharmaceutical drugs are required. Patients are also inclined to use specific inhalers, which is a common sight when they encounter an asthmatic patient.

If we focus specifically on children, particularly those under the age of five, it can be an arduous task to diagnose and administer asthma. The first signs of potential asthma development will be excessive coughing, which can be attributed to other ailments such as the common cold.

Furthermore, tests conducted may not be suited to children while certain asthma medication is only meant for adults and not children. These are the reasons that the health of children must be monitored carefully and precautionary measures be taken at the slightest sign of illness.

Asthma triggers
Environmental factors attributed to asthma attacks


We alluded to the fact that determining asthma in children can be difficult. Nevertheless, there are symptoms to deduce whether a child has developed asthma or not. As we mentioned above, these include perpetual coughing and a wheezing sound particularly when a child exhales. Chest congestion is another signal of the onset of asthma.

Furthermore, what makes it increasingly harder to gauge this illness in children is that these symptoms can emerge in trends. For instance, they may exhibit themselves at night. There might also be periods where the child has obdurate coughing followed by a lull.

Last but not least, asthma is subject to entities and events. A common cold may initiate asthma in children. Likewise, allergens such as dust particles, pollen, and pet fur (dogs and cats) may bring about an asthma attack in a child.

In particular, plenty of young children have intolerance when it comes to pollen and the hair of domestic animals, which can shed frequently and cause discomfort. The worst aspect is that this may transpire unbeknownst to the parents.


Despite the difficulty in diagnosing this breathing disease in children, it is imperative for parents to get their children tested at the first instance of irritation. With regards to treatment, there are several options available. First and foremost, it must be understood that any symptom of asthma, regardless of severity, must be considered serious. This is owing to the fact that asthma can quickly develop into a life-altering disease. Lack of management on the part of adults can be tantamount to emergency situations children may be unable to communicate.

Naturally, the prescription dosage depends on the frequency. Doctors may prescribe one of two measures. One instance is when quick relief is required. A quick fix will involve medication for rigid coughs and shortness of breath. These can trigger an asthma attack and the conventional method of combating that is with an inhaler. Whenever the child suffers from excessive coughing, their parents must ensure that they take the inhaler. Moreover, long-term management includes medication that impacts the inflammation of the tubes. It may be required on a regular basis in severe cases.

The inhaler can be supplemented with an instrument called a holding chamber, which is designed to ensure that the medicine reaches the lungs. The patient would put the inhaler through their lips and press the device that will allow the medicine to flow as they strongly inhale. Alternatively, a nebulizer is also an adequate device for treating asthma. A nebulizer is a machine with a compressor tube and accompanying mask, which helps deliver the medication.

Asthma medicines are also convenient and effective. Parents must follow the guidance provided by doctors. Allergy shots called immunotherapy are also a viable option if needed. Finally, whether medications do the trick or not, children must avoid exposure to asthma triggers at all costs.

If parents suspect that their child is asthmatic, they must consult a pediatrician who specializes in childcare or contact a dedicated allergist. Either or both of these individuals can help devise a plan, which can serve as a damage limitation exercise. The importance of knowing how to react to an asthma attack in your child simply cannot be overstated. Therefore, in cases of emergency, parents can administer the appropriate medication. The Center for Disease Control suggests that children with asthma should get an influenza shot annually.

Unfortunately, asthma in children has augmented in recent years. Research shows that children who are exposed to pollutants in cities are more at risk than children who reside in rural areas. The urban lifestyle exposes the former to all sorts of allergens and pollutants. In hindsight, parents must be careful in the first few years since their children may be susceptible to asthma and various other diseases.

Potassium Deficiency: Signs and Consequences


Children holding up potassium signs
Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

From cell signaling to muscle contractions and nerve functions, potassium plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the body.  But unfortunately, a majority of the US population is not consuming enough of this micronutrient in their daily diets. According to a national survey, 98 percent of US residents have potassium-short diet routines. One of the reasons why this large majority of the population is not getting their potassium is because of the diminution of plant-based foods in our lifestyles. You might not notice an immediate effect of potassium deficiency, but there are multiple health and everyday issues that are associated with the shortage of this mineral in the body.

Constant Feeling of Tiredness and Weakness

One of the initial signs of potassium deficiency is you start feeling tired and fatigued without any explicable reason (of course there are many other reasons for feeling fatigued. Check with your doctor to confirm the exact reason). Potassium along with calcium is responsible for regulating cell functions, which are deemed important for muscle contraction. With low potassium levels in the blood, muscles produce weaker contractions, which get highlighted by a constant feeling of exhaustion even when you haven’t been part of a rigorous physical activity.

Furthermore, deficiency of potassium can affect the physiological activity of other nutrients. Research has suggested that the production of insulin can be affected by a potassium deficiency which then spikes the levels of blood glucose. A sludgy blood circulation where cells can’t get enough necessary nutrition and oxygen also set off the feeling of exhaustion and weakness.

Frequent Muscle Cramps

A sudden, elongated contraction of muscles is known as a cramp or spasm. They are quite normal when the body is involved in an increased physical activity (sports, gym etc). However, people with acute potassium deficiency can experience these sudden muscle contractions more frequently.

Signaling of muscle cells that are involved in contractions are regulated by potassium channels. The nerve signals sent by the brain to end and start muscle contractions are actually relayed through potassium channels.

When there is an insufficient amount of potassium in the blood, it becomes difficult for the brain to effectively relay the signals regarding muscle contraction, which results in frequent cramps and spasms.

Cardiac Palpitations

Cardiac palpitations, which is one aspect of a condition called arrhythmia can be associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety where an individual feels that his/her heart is beating too fast or skipping beats. Besides the chest, this feeling of unrest can also be felt in the throat and neck as well.

Although there are numerous reasons a change in a heartbeat to occur,  a shortage of potassium cannot be ruled out. As mentioned earlier, potassium plays a crucial role in cell signaling within the body. So, when there is a potassium deficiency, the regulation of heart cells maintaining the rhythm of its beat can lead to these palpitations.

Stiffness of Muscles

Muscle stiffness and pain inculcated by rhabdomyolysis can also be prompted by the deficiency of potassium in the body. Rhabdomyolysis is a condition where the muscles break down and rupture due to a lack of oxygen. This usually happens when the blood vessels contract more than usual due to low levels of potassium in the bloodstream.

Digestive Complications

Contraction of the muscles of the stomach helps in the movement and propelling the food through the gut. This contraction is regulated by the cellular function of potassium which relays the brain signals to these muscles.

With inadequate amounts of potassium, this communication gets disrupted resulting in irregular muscle contraction which often leads to constipation, bloating and other digestive issues.

Breathing Issues

Potassium also plays a crucial role in the contraction of lung muscles. With not enough of this nutrient present for the communication of nerve signals with lung muscles, this breathing pattern gets affected and culminates with a shortness of breath.

Some studies also link potassium deficiency with psychological disorders and mood swings. one study indicated that among a group of people suffering from mental issues, 20 percent were suffering from potassium deficiency. However, these findings associating potassium deficiency with psychological diseases is not conclusive.  

Increasing Potassium Intake Through Your Daily Diet

According to the Food and Nutrition Board, 4700 milligrams of potassium should be consumed through a daily dietary routine to ensure an optimal amount of potassium in the body. Increasing the number of fruits, vegetables and nuts can help you with getting sufficient potassium. Here, we are listing some of the daily food options that are rich in potassium and also considered healthy due to their other nutritional content.

Cooked Foods

Beet greens, clams, pinto and white beans in cooked form are good sources of potassium and other healthy nutrients.

Baked Foods

Baked potatoes (white and sweet) and yams are also a good option to fulfill your potassium needs. In addition, avocados and bananas contain a big percentage of the recommended daily intake of potassium, as well as horseradish.  

What About Potassium Supplements?

Nutritional supplements have become a rage among a large number of people. In some cases, they might help but they are not a permanent solution to the problem. Therefore, physicians usually don’t recommend nutritional supplements; however, a doctor may subscribe a prescription for this mineral, which would be much more potent than something from over the counter. If the doctor does prescribe it, it is most likely the result of a blood count reading that indicates a low potassium level.

Similar is the case of potassium supplements. Some studies have shown that taking such supplements can result in adverse medical conditions. Supplements with a high content of potassium can damage the digestive tract and cause cardiovascular abnormalities. Only take such supplements if they are recommended by your physician.

In a literal sense, not a single cell can do its work in the absence of potassium. Maintaining a balanced diet is the best solution to evade all the discussed health issues that can be prompted with the deficiency of potassium in the body. 

Five Common Digestive Issues and How to Manage Them

The human body is comprised of several systems such as the circulatory system which disseminates blood and the muscular system which enables the body to move.

The digestive system is another structure which is responsible for two processes: a) provision of nutrients which travel from our mouth into our stomach and intestines and b) discharge of waste from the body.  The digestive mechanism involves the stomach, liver, and intestines, which means it is significant.

Given its central location and function, it is imperative that major issues are averted. However, humans are prone to developing digestive disorders and afflictions which can prove particularly painful. We will examine the most common ailments which can put the digestive system in disarray.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The issue of an irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a number of ways. Patients may experience pain in their abdomen on a regular basis. Alternatively, they may excrete substantial stool one day followed by watery excrement the next day.

According to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, this syndrome is quite prevalent and affects between 10 to 15 percent of people worldwide. Additionally, it is estimated that at least 25 million of those affected reside in the United States.

The precise cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known. However, a common countermeasure is to improve your diet and consume foods rich in fiber like fruits, while avoiding trigger foods like spicy meals.

A known cause of irritable bowel syndrome which is not linked to our diet is stress. A patient’s psychological health is all the more significant since it can affect their digestive system as well. Traits like depression and anxiety can be particularly detrimental. In fact, according to statistics, around 60% patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome have some form of a cognitive issue as well.


The subject of issues affecting our digestive system shows some compelling numbers. For instance, people in the United States spend 725 million dollars annually on laxatives. These are pharmaceutical drugs that relieve constipation by flexing the patient’s stool. These are meant for short term usage and allow the stool safe passage through the intestinal tract.

The overwhelming use of these stimulants is a damning indictment of how reliant patients can be on medication. It would lead to the digestive system becoming dependent on medication, which would render it futile if taken in high doses. Furthermore, minor issues like constipation can lead to issues that are long-term in nature, such as hemorrhoids.

Much like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation can be evaded by adhering to a healthy diet which consists of fruits and vegetables and the appropriate intake of water.


Gallbladder (organ)
Gallstones are the formation of substantial deposits in a patient’s gallbladder. The gallbladder is a miniscule organ beneath the liver that stores and secretes bile for the purpose of digestion. More than 25 million Americans are affected by gallstones, which is yet another mystifying fact regarding their overall health. This is besides almost a million new cases are diagnosed yearly.

Gallstones are small pebbles created because of extraneous cholesterol in a patient’s bile. Since the gallbladder is full to the brim, it blocks the passage to the intestines which causes patients to suffer from severe abdominal pain. Other effects of gallstones include excessive vomiting and the sensation of nausea.

Although medication can be taken to solve the issue, some people will have the gallbladder removed. The removal of the gallbladder is a common surgical process in the United States. This becomes necessary since gallstones can adversely affect the pancreatic and liver regions by causing an inflammatory action. As one doctor put it: “It is a useless organ.”.

A slightly adjacent fact is that the western diet is enriched with fats, which may be why millions across the country suffer from issues with their digestive systems.


GERDThe occurrence of a reflux is when the patient experiences a sharp sensation such as heartburn after consuming a meal. Reflux is one of the more prevalent digestive issues which affect many patients. If you experience a reflux regularly, it may be a sign that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Other symptoms of reflux include hypersalivation and a constant bad taste in the patient’s mouth. The process of reflux involves the advent of stomach acids backing up into a patient’s esophagus. The ultimate result of persistent refluxes is esophageal cancer, although that is the worst case scenario.

Refluxes can be treated by taking medicines which lower the acidity levels in the digestive region. A healthy diet which avoids foods and beverages such as acidic drinks such as soft drinks is also recommended.

Celiac Disease

A less common infection that affects only 1 in every 133 Americans is Celiac disease, according to the foundation Beyond Celiac. The worrying notion is that 83% of patients with celiac disease may not be aware that they are suffering from it.

Celiac disease takes place when patients develop a considerable intolerance of gluten, which is found in wheat and barley. If patients suffer from celiac disease and still consume gluten, then their intestines may be in the line of fire. Symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting, all of which can be attributed to other digestive issues as well, which is why celiac disease must be detected in a timely manner.

Adults may also experience increased fatigue and seizures if they have this disease. In case of celiac disease, the apparent way to overcome it is to avoid gluten at all costs. Patients can turn their attention to alternatives like brown rice and lentils. If the human body is taken for granted and a healthy diet is not maintained, a person’s digestive system debilitates as a consequence, as well as a host of other diseases that may materialize. Regardless of the disease or condition affecting the digestive system, the bottom line is that a healthy diet can help people avoid multiple illnesses.

The Causes and Stages of Breast Cancer

”Breast Cancer Ribbon"
Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

In our October 2017 article, we discussed some of the statistics related to BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer. Let us continue with a more elaborate discussion of the underlying causes of this terrible illness, as a better understanding of breast cancer can lead to more vigilance and awareness.

When cells in the breast tissue face an alteration or they mutate and keep reproducing is when breast cancer transpires. Cells which are an anomaly typically assemble to form a tumor.

A tumor can become cancerous or malignant when these cells infiltrate other segments of the breast or if they disseminate to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic systems. The latter is a network of vessels that are meant to combat infections in the human body.

In principle, breast cancer originates in the glands which produce milk in the breasts. These are called lobules and carry milk to the nipples. Although less likely, breast cancer may be traced back to the fatty connective tissues in the breasts.
Metastasis sites for common cancers


Breast cancer is launched by a genetic mutation that occurs in the Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of breast cancer cells. This occurs is not an exact science yet, but research has indicated that a deviation may develop arbitrarily in some individuals over a period of time, while others may inherit it from their parent. There are also instances where breast cancer patients may suffer from cancer because of environmental exposure or their choices and lifestyle. Breast cancer typically affects women who are 50 and above.

Despite not being able to declare the precise reasons for breast cancer, we will turn our attention to the risk factors and determinants that may lead to the emergence of breast cancer. For example, a predominant risk is the individual’s age and gender. An aging woman is more susceptible in contrast to a younger man – yes, men can get it too. The greater the age, the greater the chances of developing a mutation, particularly for women. The risk augments dramatically once women reach the forty mark and are more common in females who are in the seventies.

Lineage and hereditary factors cannot be underestimated when it comes to breast cancer. An individual’s family history may give a strong indication with regards to whether they may be prone to the ailment or not. If a mother has or had breast cancer in the past, there is a chance their daughter may also suffer from a mutation in the future. In fact, the chances of contracting breast cancer are twice as much if the mother has been affected.

Furthermore, speaking of the mutation, it may manifest itself and cause cancer, without having a family history. Almost 10% of all breast cancer cases are considered hereditary, caused by genetic alterations like the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Having the aforementioned genes is not conclusive evidence that the individual will definitely develop breast cancer, but it does indicate that the associated risk is greater.

There are various other potential causes as well. Women who have dense breasts or have a record of having lumps in their breasts and also females who have had breast cancer in the past and recovered are all at risk of suffering from breast cancer again.

A woman’s hormones may also indicate if they are susceptible to breast cancer. For instance, girls who have menstrual periods earlier than the average age (before 12 years) and also females who experience delayed menopause (after 55 years) are at high risk of breast cancer. Concerned professionals genuinely believe the notion that excessive exposure to the female hormone called estrogen is a deciding factor. This is due to the fact that estrogen stimulates the growth of breast cells, some of which may ultimately become cancerous. The same applies hormone therapy for postmenopausal, which may also augment cancer likelihood. Lastly, a woman’s weight may also influence their chances of breast cancer.  


Unlike other diseases and disorders, cancers are typically categorized by stages. More specifically, breast cancer is divided into five distinct stages.

  • Stage 0

The first stage, which is denoted by a zero, describes non-invasive breast cancers like DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ). At this phase, there is no tangible evidence of cancer cells or abnormal cells in the body. Hence, a potential break out in any part of the breast is not detected.

  • Stage 1

The next stage involves invasive breast cancer i.e. cancerous cells permeate through breast tissues. Stage 1 is further classified into two subcategories, namely IA and IB. The former delineates invasive breast cancer in which the specific tumor measures up to two centimeters in size but does not spread beyond the breast.

On the other hand, IB describes invasive breast cancer where a tumor is not present. However, there are small pockets of cancer cells in the breast, typically larger than 0.2 millimeters but not more than two millimeters in its entirety. Also, any instance which involves the presence of a tumor in the breast not larger than two centimeters also counts as IB type stage 1 breast cancer.

  • Stage 2

Moreover, stage 2 is divided into subcategories called IIA and IIB. IIA is invasive cancer where there is no tumor in the breast but the cancer is there in one or more axillary lymph nodes. These are typically under the arm or in proximity to the breastbone. Other factors include a tumor that is two centimeters or smaller and has spread as well. Also, ones which are larger than that but have not spread to the lymph nodes also count as IIA breast cancer.

On the other end of the spectrum, IIB is identified by a tumor that is larger than two centimeters in the lymph nodes, if it is between two and five centimeters and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes and also if the tumor exceeds five centimeters in size but is limited to the tissue.

  • Stage 3

Divided into IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC respectively. IIIA is invasive cancer where no tumor is located in the breast but the cancer is found in multiple lymph nodes near the breastbone. The tumor is larger than five centimeters in the lymph nodes or it has spread to multiple nodes also qualify as IIIA type stage three breast cancer.

IIIB transpires when the tumor can be of any size and disseminates on to the chest wall and incites an inflammation or an ulcer as well. It may spread onto several lymph nodes near the breastbone. Finally, IIIC is when there is no sign of breast cancer or if there is a tumor, it may spread to the chest and skin of the breast. IIIC type breast cancer can also disseminate on to the clavicle (collarbone) also.

  • Stage 4

As the numbers indicate, this is the final phase of breast cancer. You may have noticed two facts: the tumor increases in size in ascending order as it moves towards later stages. It began from less than two centimeters to more than five centimeters. Also, as we move towards later stages, the tumor spreads more extensively as well.

Stage 4 occurs when the cancer disseminates beyond the breast and onto other organs of the body, like the lungs, skin, bones etc. Doctors may use the terms advanced or metastatic to describe the severity of breast cancer.

Breast cancer can be treated if detected early. Women are encouraged to get a check up on a frequent basis, especially women who are in their later stages of life and/or have heredity factors that may indicate that they might acquire this disease.

A Brief Guide to a Healthy Heart

Heart with Muscles

From the getgo, stay away from sodium. If you are overweight avoid sugar, specifically bread and soda, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. According to CDC statistics, more than 600,000 people in the US die due to heart-related diseases annually.  

With smart and healthy lifestyle choices, you can take care of your health. Let’s have a look at some of the measures which should be adopted by every individual to preserve the wellbeing of your heart and other elements of your cardiovascular system. 

Addition of Fiber-Based Foods

Many people refer to fiber-rich food when they are suffering from digestive issues. However, a better approach is to make fiber-based foods a part of your daily staple diets. There are two noteworthy benefits of fiber-rich foods.

  • They help in reducing the levels of cholesterol. It’s now a well-established fact that increased levels of cholesterol can lead to multiple cardiovascular issues.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber make you feel satiated, this means you will not get troubled by cravings every hour and consequently, will be protected from an ill habit of overeating.
heart beating graph
Photo by get4net –

Aside from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, chickpeas, and lentils are also a good source of dietary fiber. Also, munch on some raspberries and pears and cook some whole wheat paster while you’re at it.

Cutting Down the Consumption of Cholesterol

Cholesterol, an organic lipid molecule, is the main antagonist in heart-related health issues. Therefore, it is imperative to have a strict approach regarding its consumption. Cholesterol is found nearly in every animal-based food item so you have to take care of the consumption of all such dietary products.

From meat to dairy products to poultry and eggs, cholesterol is a constituent of all the meal items prepared from these ingredients. There is a widespread misconception that low-fat and lean cuts of meat are low in cholesterol. This is not the case whatsoever because you can get high levels of cholesterol from foods termed low-fat.

Therefore, it is always necessary to read and search the nutritional value of every animal-based food item before its consumption to keep the trail of cholesterol intake. In a healthy dietary routine, the daily intake of cholesterol must not exceed 300 milligrams.

Be especially wary of red meat, as there are a lot of health issues that can be associated with it.

Include Fewer Fats in Your Diet  

Tree of FruitIn the craze of losing weight, many people go on to refrain entirely from the consumption of fats. This is not a healthy behavior because fat is one of the three basic macronutrients that are needed by the human body.

However, keeping their levels low in your diet and grains differentiating good fats from bad fats is the key to remain heart-healthy.

Unsaturated fats are considered healthy fats while saturated and trans fats are termed bad due to their detrimental effects. There are several natural food items, which contain saturated fats. The inclusion of avocados, peanut butter (natural), salmon, olive oil and nuts in moderate levels can fulfill the healthy fat requirements of the body.

On the other hand, greasy cuts of meat, fat-ridden dairy products, and various processed foods are rich in saturated and trans fats. Keep in mind that trans fats are the most detrimental variant of this macronutrient, particularly for the heart. Try to exclude them completely from your diet. Sometimes they are labeled as hydrogenated oils on food packages. So, carefully read the labels of processed food before buying them.

More Seafood

Salmon Filet Salmon is an excellent choice for your diet routine and if you choose wild salmon, it’s even better.

Adding more fish to your diet on a weekly or semi-weekly basis is a smart move to maintain the health of your heart. On one hand, they provide a good substitute by replacing beef and lamb meat.

Moreover, seafood is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t get confused by the name of this unsaturated fat because it is actually very beneficial for the well-being of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Routine consumption of omega-3 fatty acids helps in lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood, which consequently decelerates the process of plaque accumulation in the arteries. With this improvement in your cardiovascular system, you are actually reducing the chances of sudden heart attacks. Fish oil supplements also help in maintaining your blood pressure at healthier levels.  

Weight Loss

Woman showing how much fat she lostEven though all the above-discussed measures ultimately help you to lose weight, you can also take a proactive approach to maintain your BMI.

Engrave it in your mind that obesity is a root cause of many critical diseases including heart-related illnesses. By adding more physical activity to your daily schedule and by having healthy food options, you can control your weight. It’s as simple as that.

Reduction of Alcohol Consumption

Happy friends toasting each other with beerAlthough red wine contains antioxidants that help in the detoxification of the body, most alcohol-based beverages are known for their detrimental effects on human health. Apart from the liver, the heart is the second most affected vital organ from excessive drinking.

Too much alcohol in your daily routine leads to hypertension (link alcohol article), it also increases the levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream. Moreover, your daily calorie count can also be disrupted by excessive drinking.

Therefore, try to cut down your alcohol consumption for the sake of your liver and your heart. An average-sized serving is deemed as moderate daily consumption of alcohol.

Smoking: Don’t Reduce, Quit!

Illustration of Cigarette onto of lung with heartbeatHere, we are just stating the obvious that smoking can compromise the health of your heart. Other than the frightening conditions of mouth and lung cancer, smoking can also inflict its detrimental effect on your cardiovascular wellbeing as well. And now with the addition of vaping devices, you are not much better off. 

Regular smoking leads to the construction of blood vessels which in turn makes it difficult for the heart to properly perform its vital function of pumping oxygenated blood to each and every part of the body.  

For the well-being of your heart, the well-being of your mind is equally important. High levels of stress are linked to high blood pressure and increased levels of blood cholesterol. Moreover, stressed individuals try to cope with their condition through unhealthy lifestyle choices, which also leads to negative effects on the heart and cardiovascular system.

A Guide for an Easy Calorie-Burning Lifestyle

Burning Calories
Photo by roxanabalint –

Regulation of calories has arguably become the single most important issue for people suffering from weight issues and consuming excessive calories is one of the primary causes of weight gain. 

Therefore, in this article, we are going to talk about some simple and quick methods to burn more daily calories. All these calorie-burning measures can be adopted by making slight tweaks in our daily routine. Even if you are not suffering from the issue of overweight, these small adjustments can help you counter so many diseases that you might otherwise be subjected to.

Do Domestic Cleaning Yourself

What’s better than an activity that can make your abode more hygienic and clean while simultaneously help you to stay in shape? Cleaning kitchen counters, vacuuming the entire home space, doing dishes, and other related domestic cleaning activities can burn a good amount of daily calories without adopting any strict diet and rigorous gym activity.

Make Slight Changes in Your Daily Commute

Man bicycle riding on a city streetBy making little adjustments in your daily commute to the office, work or college, you can add an easy calorie-burning routine to your schedule. For instance, if your work destination is nearby your home and local traffic laws allow the bike ride on the roads then consider yourself lucky because an hour of biking with moderate speed can burn more than 500 calories!

Biking your way to work and back can help you burn a significant amount of calories without carving out any additional windows in your daily routine for workout activities.

If this option is not feasible, then some other tricks can also come handy in making your commute a calorie-burning routine. If you go to work in your own vehicle, then try to find a farther parking spot and walk your way to the office. Similarly, if you use public transit for your daily commute, you can get off a station or stop earlier to add some walk or brisk walk to your schedule.

All of the discussed measures are simple and easy to execute, you don’t have to do anything extra to burn calories through these little adjustments.

Walk the Dog

Woman walking a dogHaving a pet in the house can be great for your mood. It also helps in creating an amiable environment in the house.

Moreover, having a pet dog can become a part of your easy calorie-burning routine. Take a walk with your dog a little further than you usually do or go to the nearest dog park. You can burn a nice amount of calories (and is also a good calorie burner for your dog!).

Stairs Over Elevators

Patient at Walter Reed test next-generation prosthesis walking stairsBy walking upstairs, you can burn double the amount of calories as compared to regular walking. Some people walk up four and five flights when at work just to keep their ‘blood running’.
So, just make up your mind to prefer stairs over elevators wherever you go. By making this simple adjustment in your lifestyle, you can burn more calories on daily basis.

Get Your Gardening Done

Person tending to her lawnIf your home has an outdoor space, then you can also put it to use to burn some more calories. Set up a small garden there and take up all its maintenance and sprucing activities on your own. While providing you with a great environmental friendly hobby, light gardening activity (watering, weed removal etc) for half an hour can help you in burning more than 100 calories. You can also grow some seasonal vegetables to save some bucks on your grocery shopping.

Window Shopping

Many people find it very pleasing to roam around in a mall and just check out recent products and fashion articles on display. If you are one of those individuals, then there is good news for you. You can burn roughly 100 calories with just half an hour of window shopping.

Two-Minute Walk Breaks and Lunchtime Wander

Man walking on sidewalkWhile sitting at your desk at work, you don’t need to walk for more than a few seconds throughout your shift. You can make a simple amendment in this stagnant activity to add more of a whole body movement in your working hours.

Add a two-minute window of walking every hour because one research shows that by doing so can counterbalance the detrimental effects of excessive sitting. You can devise a two-minute round-trip from your desk for every working hour. It’s very doable and will help you to prevent in developing a pot belly.

Moreover, don’t spend your lunch break in the same position you sit all day at work. Go out, have some fresh air and take a stroll for 15-20 minutes. It will rejuvenate your mind and also burn few calories.

High Line NYC
Walking the 1.4 mile High Line in New York City is an excellent way to burn off calories and keep that blood pumping

Apart from all these easy daily activities that can help you burn some quick calories, there are some occasional (weekly or fortnightly) activities that can serve the same purpose.

Site seeing, outdoor games or a hike: Explore your surroundings in whichever way you want. Try to schedule any such activity on weekends which can be served as a recreational escape and a way to burn lots of calories.  If you live in or near a big city, why not play tourist and check out all the city has to offer. In addition, just going to the city and walking a good couple of miles is a great calorie burner. In New York City, the borough of Manhattan is designed in grids; that is, every block from north to south is 1/10 of a mile, so every 20 blocks equates to one mile.

Car wash: You can save money and burn calories by cleaning and washing your car on your own.

Bottom Line:

Exercising your body to do daily routines will help you to get rid of those extra calories and keep those vital organs running at optimum levels. 

Newly-Researched Factors that Might Increase the Risk of Dementia

Dementia Sign
Photo by 72soul –

Dementia is an umbrella term for all such instances where a person’s memory and ability of cognitive thinking gets severely damaged.

The effect of dementia is so severe that it can interrupt or halt the everyday activities of an individual. Statistics regarding the prevalence and healthcare expenses of this mental concern demonstrate the graveness of the matter.

According to World Alzheimer report, worldwide healthcare expenses on the treatment of different forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease will reach one trillion dollars this year. Statistics suggest that right now around five million people are living with dementia in the US and this number is projected to rocket to 14 million by 2050.

In the conventional healthcare domain, dementia is not considered as a preventable medical condition. Therefore, most of the healthcare expenditure exhausted in this domain goes to researching the underlying reasons which lead to this disease and to set out its prevention measure.

Due to the greater prevalence of dementia among our senior citizenry, many people think of it as a pitfall and unwanted consequence of aging. However, dementia can affect a person from any age group.

The fact that dementia is incurable makes it very vital to get oneself educated with all the factors that have been researched and studied for their role in increasing the chances of acquiring this mental illness in different forms.


For many years, snoring was just considered as an annoying involuntary habit of a sleeping individual. However, studies are now associating it with Alzheimer’s disease as well. 

According to a study published in the journal SLEEP, obstructive sleep apnea (a principal cause of snoring in many cases) is linked to slowed cognitive functions and increased risks of developing dementia.

The researchers have further substantiated this claim by analyzing the spinal fluid of the patients participated in this case study. This analysis has shown that people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea go through molecular changes in their spinal fluid which might become a precursor for the development of dementia.

Thus, people suffering from excessive snoring and obstructive sleep apnea must focus on the treatment of their condition to limit the risks of dementia.

Diet Soda and Artificially-Sweetened Drinks

Use of soft drinks and other artificially processed drinks is detrimental to health in general. However, a research study from the previous year suggests that people with the high use of such drinks become more vulnerable to acquire dementia.

The study was conducted on more than 3,000 participants aged 45 and above who shared their lifestyle details to gauge the risk factor of getting this cognitive degenerative disease.

According to the study, people who have increased average intake of diet sodas become two to three times more vulnerable to acquire dementia. Even though the study is not conclusive, it shows that people who are already suffering from unhealthy physiological conditions, drinking diet sodas become more vulnerable to this mental health problem as well.

For that reason, it is important for our brain health to eat and live healthily.

Unhealthy Lifestyle and Behavior

Another interesting study has been conducted to identify the risk factors for dementia. A comprehensive piece of research suggests it might be possible that one-third cases of dementia are prompted by unhealthy lifestyles and behavioral choices.

For instance, the study has pointed out that hearing loss at a young age, social seclusion and lack of education after the 15 years stage can increase the chances of a person to suffer from dementia in later years.

Fruits and Vegetables
Of course, eating a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables is highly recommended as well as a good daily exercise routine.

All these mentioned conditions and situations have a strong connection with the brain. 

Calcium Supplements Can be Detrimental

Experts advise to not use nutritional supplements without any critical reason because scientific studies are constantly revealing harmful side effects of these OTC drugs. A study which underlines the detrimental effects of calcium supplements has established its link with dementia.

According to the study, people suffering from cerebrovascular diseases and have ever suffered from stroke become vulnerable to dementia with the administration of calcium supplements.

The study doesn’t provide a direct cause and effect of this phenomenon. However, it can be deduced that calcium can affect the supply of blood to the brain by altering the stiffness or contraction of vessels.

So, people who are already suffering from brain diseases must consult their physician prior to the administration of any nutritional supplement.

Compromised Cardiovascular Health

The field of medical science has already established a connection between the health of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system through different studies.

A research study, which was presented at International Stroke Conference last year, suggested that health issues such as blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking, which affect the heart’s health, are also responsible for increasing the risk of dementia. So, it can be said that by keeping your heart healthy, you can simultaneously reduce the risk of dementia.

Less Amount of REM Sleep

REM (rapid eye movement) is a part of sleep cycle highlighted by increased brain activity. Therefore, most of the dreaming sequences occur during REM sleep. Now, science tells us that this dreaming phase of sleep can also protect our brain from the torment of dementia. According to a research study from the last year, older people with less amount of REM sleep become more susceptible to acquire dementia over an extended time period.

The study has only established a connection between reduced REM sleep and dementia instead of furnishing the binary of cause and effect. However, initial inferences of this study suggest that increased activity of the brain during sleep can help in rejuvenating the neuropathways that become fragile with aging and can lead to the onset of dementia.

Cranial Injuries

Severe repetitive and non-repetitive head injuries can also be one of the risk factors for dementia. Studies have concluded that people who suffered from a serious head injury in the past are 60 percent more at the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

In Summary:

  • If you snore, find the cause. It might just be nothing (which is common) or may be the result of something that may need attention.
  • Soda tastes good, but for the most part, is not very healthy. Dring it sparingly if at all. 
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have daily fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly.
  • Be wary of calcium supplements.
  • Make sure you are getting your 7-8 hours of good sleep.
  • If you acquire a head injury. Don’t manage it yourself. Seek treatment from a medical professional.
  • See your doctor on a regular basis.

It is always best to consult with your physician regarding this disease and any diseases in order to better prepare for your underlying health, now and in the future.

A Formulated Opinion Behind Mass Shootings

Minute of silence at White House for Sandy Hook school shooting
Former President Obama gives a moment of silence at the White House for the Sandy Hook school shooting.

Gun Violence Overview

A glance at the list of gun assaults that have taken place on American soil is chilling. The earliest traces of a massacre was in Colonial America in the 18th century, and the number of casualties as a consequence of gun-related violence at schools has shown a sharp increase since then. It has increased gradually and now has come to the forefront of the minds of the populace and the media.

 The shooting at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida are just some of the high-profile cases of shootings at schools.

While the regularity and prevalence of these events are alarming and subsequent gun control demonstrations have resulted in endless debate, there is another intriguing factor of mass shootings that evades the attention of the average person and that is not often highlighted by the media.

The central question we will focus on is what drives a person to shoot innocent people? Specifically, what incites them to carry out school genocide? 

Our objective is to understand a person’s reasons for inciting a mass shooting, particularly those aimed at schools where the victims are innocent children and teachers.

Our conclusions were not designed to imply a defense for the actions of the attackers or condone their actions. There are scores of conclusions from experts and non-experts alike and our discussion is but one of them. 

Executive Partner and Director of the Mental Health Law Practice Group of the Abrams, Fensterman law firm, Carolyn Reinach Wolf’s Psychology Today article “Guardrails for the College-Bound With Mental Health Needs – What every worried parent should know to keep on-campus risks in check” was discussed on CBS Radio 880 by Dr. Steve Kussin.

Suggested Motives 

School shootings are the subject of raging debates in forums varying from media outlets to public demonstrations and social media. Nonetheless, the main impression that people gather from their discussions is twofold.

One prevailing notion is that these atrocious attacks are the result of the perpetrator’s psychiatric condition, but another popular rationale is that such deeds are the side effects of a dysfunctional social environment. 

High School Students Demonstrate in the March for Our Lives Protest (27126435158)
Students Demonstrate in the March for Our Lives Protest
Pretty much agreed upon by the experts and citizens alike is that these actions can be attributed to a combination of individual and societal determinants, not specifically one or the other.

For instance, the treatment meted out to Anders Behring Breivik, the antagonist who executed 77 people in two separate terrorist attacks on July 22, 2011, provides an interesting case study. Although he did not target a school, he did provoke genocide, which is exactly what a school shooting is: a bloodbath in the public domain.

In this particular case, the Norwegian media and the world at large concluded that the aggressor was concluded to be insane as a socially impaired individual; hence, the lone wolf narrative that is often attributed to such people. He was motivated by a radical right-wing ideology. Truthfully, both considerations are correct to varying extents. Simply attributing the attacker’s intentions to just one of the two would simply be a misnomer.

Part of the reason this stance is significant is that there is unlikely to be a single, definitive event that transpires in a person’s life that would make them feel the need to become a mass murderer. Rather, the impetus and incentive are far more likely to germinate over time due to their mental frailty and the negative impact on society.

We can assume that the assailant was free to make independent decisions which led to such a catastrophe and we can also yield to the notion that his surroundings played a part in his cognitive dysfunctionality.

The likelihood is that both the aforementioned factors supplement each other. Every individual harbors of angst and is inclined to be aggressive at one point or another. It is human nature; however, hardly any individuals are driven to vent their frustration with the aid of weaponry in a public venue.

With regards to the pressure that society has impaired on some individuals, a number of these murderers who executed this type of genocide showed symptoms that they felt that others were against them and this adversity led them to carry out such ill-conceived and unfortunate acts.

The guilty individual’s perception of society may shape and eventually trigger their need for violence. The extent to which they are affected determines if they are willing to take extreme measures. Therefore, we can conclude that the interaction of personality traits and external factors is what causes an individual to behave in such a way.

The Lone Wolf

Iberian WolfAs mentioned, individuals who engage in such drastic behavior are likely to suffer from a lack of social integration.

For example, in his studies, French sociologist Emile Durkheim concluded that cultural determinants can contribute to mental illness.

He also estimated that individualistic societies are far more likely to have cases of suicide, homicide, and genocide in contrast to societies that accommodate individuals.

A person who is considered a misfit or does not have the required social skills is likely to become a ‘lone wolf’. In time, the aggression and rage they feel towards the community that has shunned them may manifest as violent outbursts. 

These individuals may look for some group to identify with, especially if it is political. This could be the first red flag of which there may be many more.

On the other hand, an individual who has developed strong bonds with others in their environment is more apt to be free from such thoughts, this rationale bears a striking resemblance to many of the school shooters when it is learned that they exhibit lackluster social and interpersonal skills.


We are not saying that people who feel that they are social outcasts are going to exhibit such behavior or that those who get violent feel a lack  of being accepted. Their overwhelming emotional chaos can lead them down a path of violence, which becomes an outlet for the animosity they can potentially feel towards society; consequently, we should be vigilant in noticing such behavior, be aware of red flags, and take the necessary actions to prevent a full-blown tragedy. 

The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

A stigma refers to a sense of shame or a feeling of contempt attached to a particular person or a group based on their condition. The focus of our conversation will be the stigma that has consumed mental health.


There are more than 52  million Americans who endure some type of mental disorder and subsequently, many find themselves on the receiving end of condemnation.

Patients who suffer from mental illness embody one of the most widely stigmatized groups in the United States. 


Whatever the reason why a person is depressed, if that individual starts showing abnormal signs of behavior, he/she may face ridicule and taunts as a result, depending on the circumstances.

It should be noted that the reverse is also true. Those that are bullied are also prone to depression. Such is the case of the tragic situation with Adriana Olivia Kuch who committed suicide after an alleged attack by four teens in her New Jersey high school.

So whether it is that a student is depressed before or after the fact, displaying signs of depression can only lead to more issues when at school, since other students may see that person as ‘different’.

People who are not educated about the perception of depression are unable to comprehend that it may be more than a state of mind. It is certainly plausible to believe that this person may need medication or a psychological evaluation if he/she feels depressed continuously.

Individuals who suffer from a mental disorder are already prone to feeling disgruntled and disheartened. It is only logical to assume that upon encountering a negative attitude from others around them, they will feel more demoralized and discouraged. A stigma serves as a barrier for those who are already in considerable pain.

A new initiative has been launched in recent years where personalities wear custom shoes with pink laces to support breast cancer awareness or rainbow laces to support LGBT groups. This is not just a marketing gimmick to attract attention or stay in the good books of the public, but a way to enlighten others.

The Outcome

Girl Being Bullied Now, imagine if instead of such a move, people engage in jeers and mockery. Tormenting those who are experiencing a hardship of the mental variety will not have a favorable outcome and may even drive them to act recklessly. Its societal effects include being ostracized and excluded.

Also, low esteem is likely to abound from a prevalent stigma. The recent school shootings may be the result of bullying from a person with low self-esteem, at least to a point. Eradicating the stigma of mental illness may be one step in combating these violent tendencies or at least help to reduce or delay the chances of an extremely violent outburst. Like cancers, bullying an individual, especially based on any form of stigmatization is a curse that no one wants.

How to Fight It?

The statistics regarding mental health patients are alarming. They delineate that 1 in 5 adults in the USA, which is roughly 44 million people, suffer from a mental illness in a given year.

1 in 25 adults experiences a serious mental condition whereas 1 in 5 children is likely to suffer from a mental issue in their youth, and approximately 450 million people suffer from a mental health problem worldwide.

That is a damning example of how mental issues can manifest so early in our lives; hence, another means that should be addressed by the medical profession. Additionally, this type of stigma is to converse freely about mental health. People should be encouraged to discuss the problems they face and they should be provided with a forum to do just that.

For instance, there are therapy groups and even on Facebook and websites where people can discuss their mental health concerns openly using their moniker or with anonymity if they wish. A person who has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or a bipolar patient can write about their problems online and find a supportive audience in the process. This will give those who take mental health for granted an authentic, firsthand account of the trials and tribulations of people who suffer from mental issues.

An extension of the first method is to educate oneself about the types of mental conditions, what they entail, and how the illness affects patients. If you devote time to those who are suffering or give them a shoulder to cry on, you will learn much more about mental disorders. A small act of kindness will go a long way to eliminate the stigma of mental health. Any movement starts with one individual and if more people adopt the same approach, a positive difference can be made.

Another suggestion is to mind your language. Quite often, youngsters and even adults may use terminology such as ‘retard’ to describe someone who they consider an outcast. The person on the receiving end of their remarks may be actually suffering from a mental disease. Therefore, individuals should refrain from using such works as adjectives to describe others and show a modicum of respect and compassion.

Man who appears to be mentally ill

Speaking of which, it is encouraged that people show kindness to those who exhibit mental disorders. This is why schools often plan academic trips to mental facilities where gifted children reside. Interacting with them will represent a learning curve for students and ensure that they are a little more sympathetic and thoughtful in their daily lives.

These are just some of the ways we can combat the stigma affecting mental health. A little effort can hopefully signal a shift towards a more understanding society and that in turn can help to be an alternative to someone turning to violence.

Having sympathy and compassion for an individual who is mentally ill is of course encouraged, but we would be remiss if we didn’t address a contrarian viewpoint regarding people with mental issues. If there is any sign of a person showing potential violent tendencies, through verbal statements, social posting, or just a change of normal routine or behavior that you think may lead to violence, the proper authorities must know about it. It may be difficult for a family member to do this, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. It’s possible that the individual may not just be dangerous to others, but he/she may also be dangerous to themselves. As they say “If you see something, say something!”.