
What About Bed Bugs?

Bed bug, Cimex lectularius
Ugly thing isn’t it?
You must have heard the phrase “don’t let the bed bugs bite” in everyday parlance. However, bed bugs are more than just part of a commonly-used phrase. In reality, they are nothing short of a nuisance.

Bed bugs are tiny, but visible, flat and wingless insects with half a dozen legs. Like mosquitoes, they feed on the blood of humans and animals. Other characteristics include their color, which may range from white to different shades of brown. They also turn scarlet in the aftermath of feeding. The average bed bug does not grow beyond 0.2 inches in size, which means they generally escape the attention of most people.

Feeding Patterns

Image of a bed bugPhoto by

As their name implies, they seek refuge in beddings and tapestry and in so doing, they wreak havoc with a priority to feed upon human blood. These nocturnal insects are in hiding during daytime and feed on humans overnight. Their optimal activity is carried out just before the break of dawn.

Once they get their fill, bed bugs detach themselves and retreat to their hiding places to digest their meal. Upon not finding a human host, they rely on their innate capability to survive weeks without feeding. They may emerge weeks later, which makes them even a bigger threat.

Infestation Risk

Bed Bugs in Scale
As you can see, these creatures are tiny, so you need to pay special attention for them when traveling or at other places where you may suspect they are roaming. 

Bed bugs are commonly found in areas that attract plenty of visitors, such as hotels, hostels, and apartments. They can easily conceal themselves in crevices and cracks of furniture and may emerge from their hiding spots at the right time.

These insects are a global phenomenon, most notably in developing countries. Their presence was thought to be a novelty in the United States in the past. However, owing to their increase in other parts of the world, they have gradually found their way into American homes. They are able to do so by latching onto objects like luggage, apparel and the like.

For the most part, these insects are not harmful, except for the itching of course, but in rare cases, diseases can materialize.

Signs of Bed Bugs

Bed bug on a person's backWe’ve already mentioned the difficulty of locating bed bugs. It is important to note that despite their size, or lack thereof, they are detectable by the naked eye. Equipment such as a microscope is not required. Also, their prevalence notwithstanding, most people are still unaware of how a bed bug might be in appearance, due to their varying forms.

The various stages of their evolution include molting repeatedly in their infancy and changing color when they feed. Another contributing factor which explains why they remain undetected for long periods is that residents often mistake their bites for those made by mosquitoes.

However, those who know precisely where to look are able to locate them. Generally, checking your bedside tables, ceilings and paneling can lead to the recognition of these pests. Additionally, any crease in proximity to where a person sleeps is susceptible to infestations, including baseboards, mattress seams, and sundry objects also.

Also, there are ways to gauge the physical presence of bed bugs. They often leave a trail which can be traced back to them. For instances, clues which indicate the presence of bed bugs are shells or carcasses that they leave behind as they molt.

Moreover, they may leave fecal spots on your mattress or bedding. If you see stains of blood on your sheets or clothing, it may be another indicator that bed bugs are at play. To corroborate any suspicion, occupants must remove their bed sheets, examine the edges of their furniture and closely monitor the crevices of their tapestry.

Unfortunately, bed bug bites may resemble bites sustained from any other insect. Thus, their bites are not the ideal indicator of their infestation. For instance, their bites may resemble rashes which are the result of eczema or fungal infections or reddish marks that are the consequence of mosquito bites.

Individuals should understand how exactly a bite from bed bugs would look. Typically, they appear in the form of red welts. The victim also experiences a burning or itching sensation. They sustain a rash across the localized area and these bites often resemble straight lines. One indication would be that there may be a line across your body (as shown in the picture above). In addition, they may last longer than your average mosquito bite. If these signs are discernible, then it is a sure shot signal that bed bugs are active.


Treating the advent of bed bugs is imperative since the presence of a solitary pregnant female can lead to the emergence of more than 300 adults and over a 1000 larvae in just a three month period! If anything, this emphasizes the importance of entirely exterminating bed bugs for a sanitized household.

Typically, bed bug treatment begins with a conscientious cleansing of objects that were affected. This means any area or object where bed bugs resided should be cleaned thoroughly. Inhabitants should look to clean their bedding, linens, curtains as well as their apparel in hot water and then set these items out to dry either outdoors or expose them to the highest degree of the dryer setting. Extreme heat will kill them.

Another technique they should employ is to scrub mattresses with rigid brushes since this is likely to eliminate bed bugs as well. These accessories should then be vacuumed just to be sure. The surrounding areas should also be vacuumed.

Another precautionary measure is to encase the mattresses and box springs in tight zip covers since this would keep the bugs from entering and/or escaping. Last but not least, cracks that may appear on the walls or any crevices on tapestry should be amended at the earliest instance as well.


Ensuring that busy areas of your household remain clean is pivotal in controlling bed bugs and essentially eliminating the chances of an infestation. In case they succeed, then their extermination may require chemical treatments. As opposed to using a DIY method, it is better to consult professionals for doing the needful. It is the safest and also the most effective option. Pest control services have the requisite skills and knowledge to execute wholesale eradication of these blood-sucking hemipterans.



What is Esophageal Cancer?

X-Ray view of a person with  esophageal cancerPhoto  by

Cancer is defined as an abnormal distribution of cells in the body. The advent of these cells disseminating on to tissues is what causes cancer and its cells spread through the blood and lymph systems of the body.

In total, there are more than 100 different types of cancers, each named after the organs or tissues it affects. Common examples include lung cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer to name a few.

Esophageal Cancer

Another type is called esophageal cancer. As the name implies, it transpires in the esophagus, which is a protracted and arched tube that extends from the throat on to the stomach and as such, makes it part of the body’s digestive (gastrointestinal) system.

The central function of the esophagus is to carry food once it is swallowed to the stomach where the process of digestion takes place. Cancer occurs in the malignant cells that are found inside the esophagus. Esophageal cancer is the sixth most common reason for cancer deaths worldwide.


One of the primary indications of potential esophageal cancer is that patients may have trouble swallowing. They may get the feeling that food is stuck in their throat or along the esophagus. They may also experience choking in some cases.

Also called dysphagia, the sensation begins with mild discomfort and may worsen gradually if the cancer is proliferating. Naturally, the cancer narrows the passage, which is why the function of swallowing becomes difficult.

Although patients may alter their diet or take smaller bites, it makes no difference to the cancer. The larger the cancer becomes, the greater their predicament. The body reacts to the glitch by creating excess saliva but that is only a short-term solution.

If you observe, all the symptoms of esophageal cancer are connected. The esophagus is a passage that carries food, which means areas that are involved are also subject to pain. One of these is the patient’s chest. They may struggle with a burning sensation or extra pressure in their chest. This is because the cancer grows which means the food that is carried by the esophagus will encounter the tumor on its path. The friction is what incites the pain.

If a person loses weight without making a cogent effort to do so, it usually means there is an issue at play. In some cases, it could mean that they have malignant cells in their body, which are introducing a cancer. Nearly half the patients who have esophageal cancer shed considerable weight. The inability to ingest or consume adequate meals is why they become weaker. The cancer compels the body to encourage a diminished appetite and heightened metabolism rate.

Although scientists have been unable to determine the root cause of esophageal cancer, it is common knowledge that there are determinants involved that increase the risk of developing this type of cancer. With that said, there has been positive strides to pin down where this type of cancer originates from. Various trials and tests have demonstrated that factors such as drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes are two habits that can provoke traits of esophageal cancer. When individuals consume either of the above, they can damage their DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) in the process. The DNA is attached to their cells, which in this case are on the inside of the esophagus.

DNA is the chemical compound in the cells that constitutes the genes of a person. Genes are instructions for how the cells in the body function. This is basically the reason why a child resembles either parent since the latter are the source of the DNA. Science has deduced that genes are not responsible for esophageal cancer and genes do not increase the risk of developing this type of cancer.


The possibility of esophageal cancer increases as an individual grows older. Roughly 85% of patients are 55 or older. There is also a gender imbalance as men are more likely to develop this disease compared to women.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases (GERD) or reflux is when acid escapes the stomach and finds its way on to the esophagus. Conventionally, the stomach creates certain acids and enzymes that assists in the process of digestion. This negative reaction can incite heartburn and aches in the middle of the chest. However, most people with GERD do not go on to develop esophageal cancer.

Barrett’s Esophagus

Another condition that is considered a precursor to esophageal cancer is known as Barrett’s esophagus. If acids continue to enter the lower section of the throat, then the linings of the esophagus can be permanently impaired. The squamous cells, which are usually found in this part of the body are then replaced with gland cells.

Prolonged periods of reflux cause Barrett’s esophagus. With the passage of time, these gland cells can deteriorate. This condition is called dysplasia, which is the stage before cancer. The cells appear abnormal when seen through a microscopic. When the damage is severe, then those patients are at greater risk of developing esophageal cancer.


Obesity, which is the state of being corpulent to an extent that it impacts a person’s health and wellbeing is a common trait that can lead to various diseases. Overweight individuals can develop adenocarcinoma in their esophagus.

The consumption of certain foods can also expedite esophageal cancer in people. It is suggested that an unhealthy diet comprised of processed foods and meats increases the chances of cancer. On the other hand, a diet rich in fibers has the opposite effect.

Plummer Vinson Syndrome

Last but not the least, Plummer Vinson syndrome is another cause of esophageal cancer. Also called Paterson Kelly syndrome, it is a rare affliction where webs develop in the upper portion of the esophagus.

A low red blood cell count i.e. anemia also accompanies this syndrome. This ailment can transpire owing to diminished iron levels, glossitis or large thyroid glands. One in ten patients with this syndrome eventually develops squamous cancer cells in their hypopharynx.

Bottom line: Stay away from cigarettes. Avoid alcohol consumption. Eat healthy foods and exercise. This not only helps avoid esophageal cancer but also helps avoid a whole list of diseases that humans can be subjected to. 


Taking a Look at Parasitic Infections and Diseases

Gastrointestinal parasites in seven primates of the Taï National Park - Helminths(a) Ternidens sp., (b) Anatrichosoma sp.,(c) Subulura sp.,(d) Ancylostoma sp.,(e) Oesophagostomum sp.,(f) Chitwoodspirura sp.,(g) Strongyloides sp., (h) Dicrocoelium sp.,(i) Trichuris sp.,(j) Capillariidae Gen. sp. 1,(k) Protospirura muricola,(l) Trichostrongylus sp.,(m) Capillariidae Gen. sp. 2,(n) Strongyloides stercoralis (rhabditoid larva). Scale bars: a–m = 10 μm; n = 25 μm.

The human body has thousands of different bacteria and microorganisms living inside it. The wonderful part about this is that they work on a mutually beneficial relationship by aiding the functions in the body, and in turn, being able to survive with ease.

However, there can be times when the microorganisms that come into the body aren’t so gracious. Parasitic infections occur because of a negative relationship between the microorganisms and the body of the host.  In this case, these parasites rely on the host in order to survive, but they also cause great harm by invading organs, reproducing, growing and releasing toxins within the body.

The Major Parasitic Organisms

Helminths Parasite

There is a wide range of parasitic organisms which can infect the human body. Despite this diversity, they can be classified into three major groups, namely:

  • Protozoa – These are single-cell microorganisms that multiply and live inside the body. They are hard to detect with the naked eye. A common example of a protozoa infection includes giardiasis. This is caused by the protozoa microorganism, Giardia, which enters the body through infected water.
  • Helminths – These are multi-cell organisms, which can live either outside or inside the body with ease. They usually enter the body through ingestion of their eggs. Examples of helminths include flatworms, tapeworms, roundworms and more.
  • Ectoparasites – These are also known as multi-cell organisms but they largely live or stay on the outside of the body. Ectoparasites are also found on other hosts such as cats, dogs, livestock and more. Common examples of ectoparasites include fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, mites and more.

All three of the organisms mentioned above can cause infection of one form or the other, which can harm the host. Certain parasitic microorganisms also appear to work together which makes them easier to spread. For example, Mosquitoes are ectoparasites that can carry the bacteria which causes malaria. Malaria is a parasitic protozoan and easily gets transmitted to the humans that the mosquitoes come in contact with.

Protozoa and helminths, in particular, can also be spread when they become foodborne. These microorganisms are easy to spread to other people from different sources such as contaminated soil, waste matter such as feces of animals or humans, undercooked or raw food, contaminated or polluted water and even blood from an infected person. Even fruits and vegetables grown in infected soil can spread the microorganisms to someone.

Risk of Getting Parasitic Infections

Parasitic infections are more common in tropical or subtropical regions, but they also thrive in the United States. The risk that people face with parasitic infections is dependent on various factors, including the kind of parasite a person has come in contact with.

The overall health of a person (specifically, the health of their immune system), travel history and hygiene habits make a marked difference here. While some people might not be at risk at all to parasitic infections, others might be more susceptible to them based on these factors.

The following are various scenarios which increase the odds of a person developing a parasitic infection:

  • If a person is already ill or they have a compromised immune system.
  • If a person travels a lot in the subtropical and tropical regions of the world.
  • If a person consumes food which is improperly prepared and made from infected ingredients.
  • If there is a lack of clean drinking water and non-filtered water being consumed regularly.
  • If a person swims frequently in ponds, lakes or rivers that are infected and can contain more than one kind of parasitic microorganism.
  • If a person works with soil or indulges in farming of fruits and vegetables regularly.
  • If a person works in child-care. Children are not always the most hygienic and can pass on the eggs of ringworms, pinworms or more. Same is true for nursing homes.
  • If a person has an outdoor pet such as a cat which can pass on the parasite to their owners.

All these scenarios can contribute to a person developing a parasitic infection. Immediate medical attention is always necessary because by the time the symptoms become visible or known, the infection might have progressed to an advanced state.

Certain infections also have no proper cure such as toxoplasmosis. In this condition, a cured person might still possess non-dormant parasitic strains of toxoplasmosis which can be passed on to their children and create complications in pregnancy and child development.

Practicing Prevention

Due to the common prevalence of these infections, it is a good idea to practice precaution and adopt a few healthy habits that can reduce the chances of getting parasitic infections. The following are some simple habits that you can apply with ease:

  • Wash hands frequently, particularly if you have been playing with your pets, handling dirt and soil or after using the bathroom.
  • Always cook food at the recommended temperature so as to kill all the bacteria in the meat.
  • Wash all kitchen utensils, appliances and surfaces that come in contact with raw meat.
  • Avoid drinking unfiltered water and try to drink filtered or bottled water if you are traveling. The CDC has recommendations you should follow for just about every country in the world.
  • Do not go into lakes, pools, ponds or rivers unless you know that they are completely unpolluted. Even then, avoid swallowing any water.
  • When cleaning pet litter or feces, always use gloves and wash hands thoroughly
  • Always wash all raw fruits and vegetables, particularly the ones that are meant to be eaten with the skin on.
  • When eating raw meat in dishes such as sushi and Carpaccio, always go to a reputable restaurant.

Keep in mind that parasitic infections can occur even when you are practicing these healthy precautions. In this case, if you suspect that you or someone else might have developed a parasitic infection, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early detection can play a vital role in preventing the infection from becoming life-threatening and also help to stunt the spread of the infection to others.

Simple Ways to Tackle Stress and Depression – Part II

Did You Reach Your 10,000 Steps Today?

Graphicstock 052419 Woman on Treadmill Ah, the beauty of exercise! What can one say but only good things about this natural, physical full-body enhancement?

Workouts can stimulate just about every part of your body. But the organs that will love you most are your heart and your belly, however, don’t neglect what they can do for your brain and this is where we will focus our discussion today.

For stress reduction, you want to avoid the loss of neurons in the hippocampus. This is the area where learning, memory, and emotion reside.

Having anxiety can inhibit the natural progressive state of the assembly of your neurons, as well as the effective speed of connections between hippocampal cells.

Studies have shown that exercising, specifically aerobic workouts for a minimum of 20 minutes can promote healthy information processing and memory functions within the brain; thereby countering the diminishing loss of neurons when a person is under stress.

One person told us of her continuous anxiety, (due to personal issues she did not want to elaborate on). She would be stressed all day and had to take pills to sleep, but if there was one daily factor that gave her relief (at least for a while), it was exercise.

Feeling good after exercise is healthy and a valuable factor in stress reduction. In this article, we will not go into detail about all the benefits of exercise, but you can read more about it here. In short, it is a great natural way to keep your mind and body in shape. But remember, No pain, no gain. So put your all into it and watch your health steadily improve.

Can Learning Help Reduce Stress?

Let’s go back to the hippocampus. When two dendrites (the receiving end of neurons) get close together, electrical messages are transmitted from one neuron to the other. This is done through the contact points between the dendrites, called the synapse.  When you learn something new, you are growing topic-specific dendrites to connect neurons to particular synapses or said in another way, you are growing more neurons that communicate with each other so that the new information is intact.

The Anatomy of a Neuron
The Anatomy of a Neuron
As you continue to learn new things, you are growing new neurons. This can help counter the negative effects in the brain when under anxiety (as mentioned in the exercise section above), but another positive factor is the ‘feel-good feeling you get after knowing you have learned something new, so, from a cognitive standpoint, the more learning you can achieve, the healthier your mind will be.

Get a Massage!

Massages have been known to promote relaxation and help alleviate anxiety. But they are not cheap. If you cannot find one that fits your budget, try getting a partner who can do it for you.  For many people, this can work wonders, even for those who are not in stressful situations. Here is a video on how you can do it right.

Medical Assistance

Now we are getting into the heavy stuff, but also the most successful when it comes to helping people get relief from stress. Seeking the advice of a medical professional is commonplace for people with anxiety and depression and there is a correlation between the two, but we’ll focus on anxiety for now.

Therapy – A Positive First Step

One of the most common ailments that would cause someone to go to therapy is stress and the related problems that are associated with it. A counselor can help you manage your anxiety better than you are probably doing yourself. Having someone to talk to in privacy may be one of the most rewarding options for you, but for others, more assistance may be required, however, this would be a good start.


Pills on a tableAlways seek the advice of a medical professional before taking ANY medication.

Now we come to a path that many, many people pursue, and for good reason!

Prescription drugs can be a significant benefactor in managing your anxiety, as well as the subsequent negative effects it has on your body, but caution is highly recommended!

If you find yourself in constant anxiety, don’t go through it alone.

NOTE: A doctor or certified practitioner is the only one who can prescribe the appropriate medication for you!

There are so many drugs on the market and more are being tested. Some medical scientists are even studying the use of psychedelic drugs to help manage depression, but a physician needs to determine what would be best for you. You may be surprised how much better you could feel with the proper medication and respective dosage.

Case in point: A 45-year-old man lost his father to heart failure. For eleven months, the man blamed himself with the notion that he could have done things better while his father was in ailing condition, not realizing that guilt is a common issue for someone to feel when they lose a loved one; however, most of the time, it is completely unwarranted. “Why didn’t I do it this way” or “I could have done this differently” are common thoughts a guilty person may encounter. For many people who suffer guilt after a loss, the fact is that nothing would have been any different, and as they say “It is all in your head”. But in the mind of the person suffering from it, it was die-hard real.

The ongoing guilt and grief were causing this man to have episodes of depression and when not in depression, he would suffer from serious anxiety attacks. It wasn’t until he sought medical help that a prescription plan was provided to him and after a few weeks, his guilt began to dissipate to the point that one morning when he woke up and he felt entirely free of this feeling.

This happened because he was initially lacking the chemical serotonin in his brain, which caused him to think irrationally and once the proper medication was provided to him, his serotonin level increased to the point that his anxiety and depression were gone.

Referring to a popular metaphor, we can say that the man went from feeling that the glass was half-empty to the glass being half-full. In reality, this meant that he went from thinking negatively about how he could have done things better when aiding his father to think about all the great things he did for his dad.

If you plan to see your family doctor, you can visit him/her first who might be able to recommend some limited amounts of prescription drugs that could help you cope with a bad situation, but for the long term, it would best to seek the help of a therapist and/or a psychiatrist.

Therapists are great ‘listeners’ and can help you cope with your situation. Psychiatrists are medical professionals whose specialty is your mental health as opposed to your physical health. They will be able to diagnose your condition and prescribe the appropriate medications that could help you. Many people choose to see both a therapist and a psychiatrist. is a great website for obtaining a lot of information on how to get the best therapy for your condition.

To go any deeper would be beyond the scope of this article, but we hope that these suggestions will help improve your state of mind toward the right direction to follow and live a more enjoyable and happier lifestyle.

Happy people jumping

Simple Ways to Tackle Stress and Depression – Part I

Stressed businessman
Both internal and external circumstances can cause stress

Some people have or will have experienced stress and anxiety at least once in their lifetime. For others, it may be a frequent occurrence. Maybe it’s because of ongoing issues at home or on the job or it may be physiological, as you might be suffering from a lack of certain chemicals in the brain.

The quick pace of modern times has also made this problem a more prevalent one, especially now during this COVID crisis. More people are now victims of stress and its consequences. Here, we will try to help you with a small yet effective guide on how to deal with stress and we will be applying some suggestions that you usually won’t see on psychology websites when dealing with depression.

Longtime stress can lead to more hazardous health conditions, such as anxiety attacks and depression, so it is best if your situation can be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. Let’s take a look at what you can do to help alleviate your anxieties.

How Can I Cope?

DepressionAlthough you might think it is the end of the world, it is not. Below are some suggestions that have been proven to work. All it takes is a simple tryout and then you can see which ones will work for you. The idea is to find something that will stop you from worrying and subsequently give your body some rest from feeling anxious, which can lead to numerous physical issues. You can stop it and if there is one factor to emphasize, it is don’t give up!

Meditation Helps in Any Situation

Young asian man meditatingOne woman explained how she was able to feel calmer by just going into a quiet room, sitting down, and closing her eyes. She was able to clear her mind and just relax. It is a natural remedy to relieve the tension that builds up during the day. This is meditation and it is a common method many people use to simply unwind.

Some people may go a step further and put on some soft music. If you are at work, take a break, go somewhere quiet, just close your eyes and clear your mind. Too crowded at work? Make a mental note that you will meditate at home tonight (and every night if you can).

There are lots of online health websites that provide complete instructions on the proper way to meditate. Have you tried yoga? Whatever technique you use, give it a shot! Your mind and body will thank you!

What Did You Accomplish Today?

Happy people in front of a laptop

Here’s a nifty idea that many people do not think about. Build a To-Do list of daily accomplishments! 

Having a daily list of things you want to achieve not only gives you the momentum to reach that goal (or goals) but also gives you something to look forward to.

Once completed, you will feel a sense of achievement, which lifts your spirits and helps you to forget or at least diminish your concerns about your negative issues. It can also give you additional self-esteem. Overall, achieving results daily will exhilarate you.

What daily items can you put down? What are your passions?

Woman writing on a notepad
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

One unemployed woman who was inundated with financial issues, including getting letters from the IRS for defaulting on her installment loan applied this therapeutic system and it helped her to remain more tranquil with her life’s daily issues.

One of her lists was to create a dinner for close friends whom she invited over to her house for a dinner and social gathering. She loved cooking, so that fit right in. This not only gave her something to look forward to but put a smile on her face knowing that the dinner she would be cooking would continue to a nice gathering of friends afterward.

Other daily routines she set her mind on were to jog every morning, then stop in the local bagel store for a bite and coffee, but she didn’t stop there.

Happy woman in front of a laptop
What did you accomplish today? iStock

When she returned home, she would go through hundreds of photographs that were taken of her family throughout the years and digitally scan them so that she could have a digital recording of all the fun times she had when her children were young. She would then pick out the best ones and email selected ones to her children daily.

The above example is just one of an indefinite number of things you can do if you put your mind to it. Just find things you like doing and set them as your daily goals! We’re sure many interesting ideas can come to mind.

Whatever your passion, make a note of it and look back at your list periodically. Maybe you’d like to change it? Never give up hope!

Taking the Accomplishments Even Further!

Many showing happyness
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The above does sound appetizing, doesn’t it? Just the thought of achieving you’re sought-after desires is enough to make anyone feel happier!

But why stop at a daily list? How about a weekly to-do list? Can you jot down things you want to get done by the end of each week? Did you want to fix those kitchen cabinets or paint the living room by week’s end or maybe go to that Broadway show you’ve been thinking about for the last three weeks? Perhaps a weekend getaway?   That broken bicycle is just waiting for you to make it work again. Does your backyard need some flower planting?

One person said he started a Facebook group about country music. How many likes can you get each month? Build on it and check it off as you complete each task toward your accomplishments.

Wait a minute! If we have a weekly bucket list, what about a monthly one? Stressful times at work? Go ahead and add job items you’d like to complete. You can even mix and match things to do between the job and home each day. Write it down and check it off!

If you want to do some things to look forward to in the future, one suggestion is to do some web searches for vacations or pick up some booklets at your local travel agency. Where do you want to go? How about a cruise?

One person said he had the following things piling up and so he set aside a Saturday to take care of them all:

      • Speak to a contractor about installing a deck in the backyard
      • Oil change for the car
      • Open a new bank account for his business
      • Go shopping with the wife (yes, some men despise this, but hey, it’s just another daily bucket list to check off as an accomplishment!)
      • Complete some business items on the computer so that they are ready for Monday

He woke up early that Saturday and asked the contractor to come at 8:00 AM, then he brought his car into the shop for the oil change and walked across the street to open the bank account.

When he came home, the wife was waiting for them to go shopping, and shopping they did. The man was home early enough to complete his business items and still had time to relax for the rest of the night.

Oh, what a nice set of accomplishments that was! Maybe they’re not the most fun things for you to do on a Saturday, but it sure makes you feel good that you completed them all, doesn’t it?

So don’t put off what you want to do tomorrow and do it today. As Santa says, make a list and check it twice! But don’t wait until Christmas to get it done. Do it today!

Dream On!!

Woman sleeping with blindfoldThere is nothing wrong with fantasizing about better times or thinking about things you might like to do in the future, so long as you keep it in perspective and don’t lose sight of the fact that it is not your reality just yet.

It has been proven that for some people, thinking about fun and happy times before or in the future can calm your nerves and make you feel less anxious, even if it is just for a short while.

Are You Angry?

Angry emojiAnger can no doubt bring along stress and anxiety. One thing that should be done is not to keep that anger within yourself. Talk to someone about it. If they can’t help, at least you have an outlet to vent your frustrations.

Abraham Lincoln stated that when he would get angry, he would write a letter to the person he is annoyed with, but he would never send it out because just the fact of writing his frustrations down was enough to quell his agitations.

Besides letting it out, some people turn it into a positive factor and (as mentioned above) will do things to make their lives better, even if it is for a day that they ordinarily would not have done. One person stated that when he would get angry or stressed, he would clean the house, whether that be just ordinary cleaning or throwing out stuff he had accumulated for years and didn’t need anymore. This was his way of dealing with anxiety.

Try dropping your pride and make up with the person you are yelling at or at least work out a compromise. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel. You can go back and pick up your pride tomorrow.

The Right Foods Can Make a Difference


So maybe you’re feeling a little better now? If the answer is yes or no, let’s discuss the most natural way to diminish stress. Without further discussion, here is a list of some of the most anti-anxiety foods you can eat. 

Cashew Nuts

Cashew nutsZinc deficiency in the body can bring several psychiatric disorders, and stress is one of them. You can maintain the appropriate levels of zinc by adding cashew nuts to your diet. Cashew nuts can be used in different recipes. They can also be consumed exclusively as a snack.

Dark Chocolate

Sweet Candy Chocolate Delicious Dark Chocolate

According to a research study conducted by the University of Bern in Switzerland, the use of dark chocolate can alleviate the effects of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which are associated with anxiety-prone conditions.

Dark chocolate also has antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals – the elements that may be responsible for heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. It contains a variety of minerals, but this chocolate with less than 70% cocoa contains dairy and sugar. Excessive use of it might lead to weight gain.


Green-bio-asparagus-buds-healthy-low-calories-sodium 1920x1080 99-hdThis spring vegetable is high in folic acid, which is considered good for cognitive health and stress conditions. Use steamed asparagus in salads. You can also roast asparagus stalks for a crispier texture. 


If you are experiencing a stressful situation for a long time, then your immune system will also bear the brunt of it. When using different food items to relieve the consequences of stress, garlic can come handy in by boosting your immune system, since it is packed with many antioxidants. Garlic is an all-season vegetable and can become a part of nearly every meal.

Make these a part of your daily lifestyle which will help you to feel happier and more stress-free. In our next section, we will explore how physical actions along with the proper medical assistance can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain calm. 

Hearing Aids: What it Means and the Different Types Available on the Market

Hearing Aids
Photo by oksix –

The picture above shows devices called hearing aids. These are small electronic apparatuses attached to the back of the ear or on the inside. A person with a hearing impairment can use hearing aids to vastly improve their hearing faculties. Besides overcoming their impediment, it allows users to communicate and participate in mundane activities like a casual conversation. In the United States alone, there are almost 38 million individuals who suffer from hearing loss. Using this instrument can greatly enhance the quality of life for those who live with this defect.

How They Work

A hearing aid has three fundamental components:

  1. Microphone: picks up the sound in proximity
  2. Amplified: makes the sound resounding
  3. Receiver: Transmits these sounds into the ear

The microphone converts the sounds waves in the environment to electrical signals which are circulated to the amplifier, which augments the potency of these signals and sends them to the receiver, which completes its main purpose.

Just how effective hearing aids vary from one patient to another. It is estimated that only 1 in 5 experience considerable improvement if they wear these. In most cases, the hearing aids are sufficient for those who have endured damage to their nerves which connects their ear to the brain. Reasons this can happen include old age, regular exposure to deafening noises and a number of diseases.

There are scenarios where corrective surgery can rectify the damage. For instance, if the damage is sustained on the ear canal or the eardrum, which is also called conductive hearing loss, then a surgical procedure can remedy the situation. However, that is only possible for a fraction of patients which is why the vast majority use hearing aids.

Furthermore, individuals who are born sans ear canal or external ear can’t make use of a traditional hearing aid. Instead, they can use gadgets which emit signals via the bone of their skulls.

When Do You Need One

If a person regularly experiences difficulty or complication in hearing normal dialogue or is unable to make sense of pedestrian noises, then they may have to consult a doctor promptly. Known as otolaryngologists or ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) doctors to most, they are physicians who will run diagnostics before it can be determined whether a hearing aid is mandatory.

Furthermore, an audiologist (hearing health professional) may be consulted to corroborate that these supplements are absolutely necessary. Following their assessment, a hearing aid may be recommended. The ideal circumstance is to acquire these from your doctor and not purchase in-store or give in to online purchases.


There are two types of hearing aids in general. The first kind is an analog hearing aid. They collect and convert sound waves into electrical signals and increase their volume in the process. Analog aids are standard gear which is why they have simplistic controls and are cost effective as well.

The other class of hearing aid is digital ones. They also convert sound waves and interpret these into numerical codes before intensifying these sound waves. Essentially, they function how computer codes do.

The code contains details about the origin, volume, and pitch of the sound respectively. This feature allows users to adjust the sound based on the environment they inhabit. For example, they can alter the sound if they are in a rambunctious restaurant or a prayer area since both will have varying degrees of noise. They are also equipped with automatic adjustment attributes, which is another unique proposition of the product.


With regards to the variety of hearing aids available, there are three distinct types, which vary according to size, placement, and settings.


This is an in-ear accessory that fits inside the ear and is not instantly apparent to others. An in the ear canal (ITC) aid is customized to fit properly inside your ear canal while a completely in canal (CIC) aid is minuscule and is virtually invisible once it is worn inside the ear.

Both can compensate both mild cases of hearing loss and more severe instances also. Their size or lack thereof means they can be slightly harder to accommodate and modify. These are also better suited for adults since children may find it difficult to manage given their miniature size. Finally, an invisible in canal (IIC) aid is the smallest of all.

In The Ear

This type of hearing aid fits well on the outside of the ear and can address all kinds of hearing concerns, whether it is mild or severe. The case which encapsulates the electronic elements of the hearing aid is made of hard plastic, which makes it facile to use and does not break instantly.  Some ITE aids have additional features, such as a telecoil. This is a small magnetic coil that enables users to receive sound waves through the circuits of the aid, as opposed to its microphone.

This makes the process of hearing exponentially easier. This component also assists people with a hearing disability to hear better in public domains where special sound systems are installed. These are also called induction loop systems and are located in several schools and airports, among other places.

Behind the Ear

Finally, behind the ear hearing aids are the third kind that patients can avail. They are the most common and easily observed since they are placed behind the ear. The casing is also made of durable plastic and linked to the ear mold that fits on the outer ear.

The electronic parts of the aid are also held tightly behind the ear. Any sound that is heard by the user is transmitted from the hearing aid and into the ear through the mold. Similar to the other two classifications, BTE aids can help with benign and serious cases.

Recently, a new version called the open fit aid has been coined. These are smaller and easier to fit behind the ear and only a narrow tube is inserted inside the ear canal, which still allows it to stay open. If patients have excess ear wax, this type is better suited for them since it is not easily damaged.


Tonsillitis: What Does It Mean?

Throat CultureWe’ve all been told by our doctor to say ‘Ah’ one time or another so that he/she can determine if there are any abnormalities in your mouth or throat. Looking at your tonsils (if you still have them) is one of the factors that they will look at.

Tonsils (palatine tonsils) are a couple of soft tissues that are found at the rear of the throat, which is also called the pharynx. These lymph nodes are located on each side of the pharynx and are part of the lymphatic system, which serves the purpose of tackling infections that a person might contract.

Tonsils work as a defense mechanism. Although they fight infections, they are prone to infection as well. A condition where the tonsils are affected is called tonsillitis. It affects children in their infancy all the way through their late teens.

What Causes Tonsillitis

Tonsils diagramThese glandular structures are a shield against microbes. They filter these germs and also produce immune cells to combat these pathogens. However, there are agents they are unable to stifle as well. An instance where the tonsils are affected by an infection is known as tonsillitis. The advent of tonsillitis is inaugurated by bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth and nose.

In terms of the actual process, the protective blood cells, which are called macrophages, envelop the infected organisms and discharge enzymes which decimate these microbes. If the severity is greater, it can induce pain and exhibit swelling which includes fever and redness. The immune function of the tonsils subsides post-puberty, which explains why tonsillitis is a rare occurrence in adults.

Furthermore, since children are more active outdoors and can be reckless, they are frequently subjected to bacteria, (as any mother or school teacher will tell you) and this subsequently increases their chances of contracting diseases such as tonsillitis.

The primary reason for tonsillitis is a viral infection. The tonsils themselves or adjoining areas may be affected. Bacteria which causes the disease include Group A streptococcal bacteria, which is tantamount to a strep throat, and Haemophilus influenza and Neisseria.

Moreover, the viruses which incite tonsillitis are adenovirus and influenza. Causative ailments include rhinovirus i.e. common cold, parainfluenza virus, enteroviruses which bring about cause hands, foot and mouth disease, measles and Epstein-Barr virus, which induces glandular fever.

Additionally, tonsillitis can also be precipitated by an aberrant reaction of the immune system to routine bacteria that invades through the mouth and nose and into the throat. An individual who develops a fever, which may be accompanied by relentless pain in the throat, may have bacterial tonsillitis, which is also known as strep throat. Streptococcus pyogenes is an innocuous bacteria which exists in 15% of humans although they exhibit no symptoms of an illness whatsoever.

There are triggers however that can initiate symptoms in a person. The immune system may be exposed due to increased stress or exhaustion, which would allow toxins originating from the strep organisms to cause symptoms such as a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, which is a common ailment associated with tonsillitis.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis

There are several symptoms that can be attributed to this disease. Unfortunately, many of them fall under the garden variety of signs that manifest themselves in the lead up to a number of infections and ailments. For instance, feeling pain in the throat is a common precursor to several diseases.

Furthermore, the discomfort felt in the throat can be severe in nature. It can last for a few days and patients also experience difficulty in swallowing any solid or liquid. In rare cases, the ache may extend to the ears as well.

Another certain symptom of tonsillitis is that the throat appears more red than usual. An individual may not be able to tell the difference and this signal can only be deduced by a doctor upon consultation. This will also mean that the tonsils are inflamed, which is a dead giveaway for tonsillitis. Lastly, there may be white spots on the pair of tonsils.

Yet another symptom is that the patient will have a high temperature, which is tantamount to a debilitating fever. High temperature can mean anything essentially. Only a specialist will be able to tell if combined with other factors, whether the patient has tonsillitis or not. Headaches are a common gripe in tonsillitis patients and so is the loss of voice or discernible changes in their voice.

Additionally, individuals can have a sore throat due to any number of reasons. If it is through a viral infection that there will only be mild indicators which are linked to a common cold. If Coxsackie virus is the reason, then blisters may be found on the tonsils. This can be particularly difficult for the patient since these blisters are due to erupt at one point or another. The tonsils exhibit varying traits when the person is suffering from a streptococcal infection. They swell as the patient’s body temperature rises and they feel sick as a consequence.

Tonsillitis Treatments

A physical examination is required first and foremost. An instrument with lighting capability will be used to study the person’s throat and ears, which is how tonsillitis can be caught.

The doctors will also gently feel the neck for inflammation of the glandular muscles i.e. lymph nodes. Breathing patterns will also be assessed and if the spleen is larger than usual, then that will be analyzed as well.

This is generally followed by a throat swab. The doctor rubs a sterile swab on the rear of the throat to obtain a sample of the fluids that are secreted. This sample is then sent to the laboratory for tests. The results are effectively delivered in a few days time.

A complete blood cell count (CBC) may be required, depending on the case at hand. A meager sample of the patient’s blood is taken through an injection and the necessary trial is conducted in a lab or clinic as per protocol. The results give crystal clear indications of whether tonsillitis is apparent or not. A CBC is particularly useful when it comes to strep throat.

Finally, there are home remedies also which can be undertaken to alleviate tonsillitis. Patients are naturally encouraged to rest, which facilitates their rehabilitation. Excess intake of fluids, primarily water is mandatory as well. Food and beverages which do not aggravate the condition are also preferred.

Many adults have had their tonsils removed at an early age. If you are an adult and have not had your tonsils removed, why not speak to your doctor for advice? As far as children are concerned, it is best for the parents to consult with the child’s pediatrician on a regular basis about this procedure.

Comprehending HIV and Aids

HIV and Aids are two correlated ailments which have serious consequences for patients. The aim of our discussion today is to understand what each entails and the issues that must be dealt with.

Defining HIV


First and foremost, HIV is a deadly virus that has a significant impact on the person’s immune system. The immune system is the all-important defense mechanism of the body. Its main objective is to protect the body from diseases. When the body’s natural armor against unfavorable agents becomes comprised, there is a definite cause for concern.

The acronym HIV, which means Human Immunodeficiency Virus, decimates the white blood cell count in the body. These cells are known as T-helper or CD4 and are replaced by HIV, which multiplies once it enters these spaces.

Gradually, the white blood cell count declines as the HIV spreads further. This results in the failure of the immune system to act appropriately. Therefore, an HIV patient would find it increasingly troublesome to deflect diseases since his/her body’s natural defense will fail to do so.

Thankfully, there are legitimate antiretroviral options available to combat HIV in patients, which can afford them a chance at a normal life again. Of course, treatment depends on the stage at which HIV is diagnosed. If the patient is lucky and the diagnosis is done relatively early, then doctors can work their way to better long-term health in patients. This is precisely why regular HIV testing is recommended.

HIV can be found in a person’s semen, blood, body fluids and even breast milk in some cases. It cannot be transmitted through urine, saliva or perspiration. However, individuals must be extraordinarily cautious when they initiate sexual intercourse, as adequate protection is obligatory to avoid transmission of HIV (or any type of sexual disease).

There are other factors which pertain to HIV as well. A contaminated or used syringe can be the cause of HIV. This is why it is imperative to use a sealed and brand new needle to inject any drugs or execute a blood test. Last but not least, women who are expecting and develop HIV, unfortunately, must act promptly. Pregnant females must be aware of the fact that if the virus is situated in their blood, it can easily pass on to the unborn child. Alternatively, the virus may be carried into the child’s body through breastfeeding. Pregnant women must already exercise every caution in the book and this is amplified when motherhood is imminent.

Understanding Aids

Aids and HIV are frequently mentioned in tandem which begs the question: how are they different? Aids is actually the syndrome or symptoms that are caused by HIV.

Aids stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is also called advanced HIV or late-stage HIV by doctors. A person with Aids is said to have a weak immune system which is unable to stave off ailments and infections. Aids is essentially the final phase of HIV, which means the infection has manifested itself considerably. The consequences of this can be fatal.

Carriage of HIV

Now that we’ve shared the fundamental details of HIV and Aids, we can shift the focus to learning how it is transmitted from one person to another person.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus is disseminated through a number of ways. The most common theme is that a person may make contact with specific bodily fluids which emanate from a person who has HIV. Examples include the blood of a patient. For instance, if a person is subjected to a syringe which was used by another patient, then the blood of the former may already be contaminating the needle, which is how it could find its way into the bloodstream of the other. Semen can be transmitted through unprotected sex and so can pre-seminal lubricants. A mother may directly affect her infant child through the process of breastfeeding.  

The actual procedure is called HIV transmission. The most common of the aforementioned causes is sexual intercourse. In the US, it is the number one reason for contracting HIV. Obviously, to greatly diminish the likelihood of HIV, individuals must be responsible and use precautions. Condoms are a given and instructions on how to use these are provided with the packaging.

Moreover, agents which do not transmit HIV include basic contact between humans such as exchanging pleasantries or embracing another person. Coming in contact with commodities such as dishes or doorknobs does not mean HIV is transferable (although it is always advisable to wash your hands frequently in order to help avoid any number of other diseases, including the common cold). Foreign carriers such as mosquitoes and fleas, which are known to carry multiple diseases, also do not carry this virus either.

Treating HIV Patients

Antiretroviral therapy can assuage and alleviate is when medication is prescribed which tackles the HIV infection. People who undergo this therapy are required to consume a combination of medicines on a daily basis. They actively prevent the virus from multiplying and replacing white blood cells in the human body. Additionally, the medication vastly reduces the quantity of the virus in the body. Naturally, lesser HIV is tantamount to better health and a greater capability of the body to combat concerns is restored.

In terms of the actual diagnosis, there is a fixed criterion to determine whether a person is suffering from HIV. Tests may indicate that determining a person’s white blood cell. A low count can indicate numerous issues, HIV being one of them. A CD4 count below 200 cells per cubic millimeter is a sign that HIV is at play. The average or healthy count of CD4 ranges from 500 to 1600 cells per cubic millimeter. Alternatively, the other reason may be that the person develops an opportunistic infection, which brings about HIV.

There is no cure for AIDS, but it can be controlled and people can live a fairly normal lifestyle as former NBA star Magic Johnson can attest to. With that said, careful practices during sex and when using injections is paramount to avoid the possibility of contracting this disease.  


Rhinoplasty and Other Surgical Procedures Pertaining to the Nose


”Illustration of the human nose"
Photo by alexonline –

The phrase ‘nose job’ is often cited when it comes to celebrities. However, the surgical procedure is not just conducted for professional reasons but also personal ones. It may be required for any number of reasons, which we will discuss further below.


A nose job or rhinoplasty is a facial cosmetic surgery, which is ordinarily performed to enhance the physical appearance or simply as a reconstructive procedure. It involves adjusting nasal cartilages and the associated bones. Alternatively, it may also mean correcting the tissues of the nose to improve the aesthetic appearance.

Rhinoplasty may also be performed on a needed basis, such as rectifying nasal fractures. In this particular instance, the objective of the surgery is to revitalize the nose back to its original appearance.

Additionally, septorhinoplasty is a similar enucleation which is meant for people with nasal obstructions. In case an individual has any internal interference, then septorhinoplasty is the way to go. Besides, it also revamps the person’s physical appearance.

Pre Procedure Practice

Face ProfileGenerally, the procedure is performed as an outpatient at a hospital. An anesthesiologist is present to facilitate the process. Prior to undergoing surgery, patients must be examined i.e. their medical history must be studied and lab tests should be performed as well.

Other tips include avoiding aspirin in the days leading up to the procedure. The same applies to non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicines such as Advil and Motrin. In cases of confusion, a pharmacist can be consulted too.

Moreover, no solids or liquids should be consumed in the hours leading up to surgery. This is a common request made by doctors before trials or surgeries. Fasting before tests ensures that results obtained are accurate.

In this instance, if the stomach contains food then the chances of an anesthetic issue increase. Lastly, smoking should be avoided before the surgery and any infection or allergy must be treated.

Reasons for Rhinoplasty

If an individual’s nose size to facial balance is in disequilibrium or their nose width or the positioning of their nostrils is not right, then a rhinoplasty can be performed. Similarly, if there is a depression on the bridge of their nose or their nasal tip is either enlarged or pointed, then a nose job can be performed as well. Moreover, if the nostrils are too large or too wide and their nose is asymmetrical, then this surgery can be completed as well.

There are other explanations for the routine being executed. A cleft lip is one. This is a birth defect that involves a facial deformity close to the mouth and/or nose. This can cause those suffering associated with eating issues and will mean the individual will likely undergo corrective rhinoplasty.

Chronic sinus concerns are the second reason for the surgery. This can include anything from regular nasal allergies to sinus congestions. In most cases, an anatomical anomaly which is a structural issue that causes discomfort when breathing can be fixed with a rhinoplasty.

Injuries can also lead to this surgery. If a person suffers from a serious fall that damages their nose and requires surgery, then rhinoplasty is mandatory. Facial fractures or bruises are routine reasons for rhinoplasty. A plastic surgeon can fix issues such as breathing difficulties with a corrective surgery.

Finally, another actual reason for this surgery is low self-esteem. It is within the realm of possibility that a person may be dissatisfied with a part of their body. In the long run, this can cause diminished pride and the inability to cope with that overwhelming feeling and they may also become the butt jokes (bullying) which can lead to depression or other stressful ailments.

I addition, women who are not content with the size of their breasts can undergo breast augmentation or have breast implants inserted as well. Similarly, those who are willing can get rhinoplasty done too. Conventionally, this is the most common reason why individuals get rhinoplasty done.


Non Surgical Nose Job
The surgical procedure can be conducted under general or local anesthesia, which varies case by case. Routine exercise may take an hour or two unless it is an intricate procedure, which may need an overnight stay at the hospital.

When local anesthesia is taken, the nose and the adjoining area become numb. The person may be slightly sedated during the surgery itself. In this state, a patient is completely composed and does not feel any pain whatsoever. On the other hand, general anesthesia puts the patient completely to sleep.

The surgeon makes a decisive incision inside the nostrils or from the outside, around the base of the nose. The cut is made to work on the nose if a cartilage graft is required. If the purpose of the surgery is to contract the width of the nose, then the incision might extend to the nostrils.

Furthermore, a splint, which is a metallic or plastic substance, may be placed on the outside of the nose. This regulates its shape once the surgery is complete, especially if the shape is modified. Also, tender plastic splints or a nasal pack may be placed inside the nostrils too. This is done to make sure that the wall that divides the septum is kept stable.

Post Surgical Care

Once the surgery is finished, patients are monitored during recovery. Once the effects of the anesthetic wear off, the patient is free to return home. They must rest with their head elevated, which can be done with extra cushions or pillows.

Swelling or bruising on several parts of the face is one of the after effects of rhinoplasty. For example, the nose itself, lips and cheeks can also be affected in the aftermath of this surgery. This usually subsides in a matter of days. Icing the face can help alleviate this issue vastly. As for the nasal splint that is placed during the operation, it can be removed a week or so after the surgery is completed. Once the swelling begins to lessen, naturally the splint will not fit. Once the gap increases and sufficient time has passed, it can be removed and a state of normalcy is resumed.   

Nasal Allergies

Photo by kaarsten –

The nose is an organ which is primarily used to breathe i.e. inhale and exhale. It forms an important cog in the respiratory system of the body and is also used to identify various smells as well. The nose allows the introduction of air into the body. During this process, specific cells communicate with the brain, enabling it to recognize an odor.

The hairs found on the inside of the nostrils have biological significance since they ensure that foreign particles are not transmitted into the body and only safe passage of clean air is executed. The air travels through the nasal zone before it reaches the lungs.

A nasal allergy is an inflammatory reaction to any number of irritants or allergens. Nasal allergies, which are also referred to as allergic rhinitis and hay fever, transpire when the immune system is affected by allergens in the atmosphere.


Allergies affecting the nose are quite prevalent, so much so that one in five adults in the United States suffer from a nasal predicament. Nasal concerns are not taken seriously since there is no chance of fatalities occurring because of such allergies. However, despite the general disregard, it causes considerable sickness in patients. The rapid sneezing, chest congestion, eye irritations, and a nose that is constantly blocked are all side effects of these allergies.

If left untreated, a niggling nasal nuisance can become much more, such as a sinus problem. Before such an unfortunate circumstance arises, patients must vigilant and nip their nasal concerns in the bud. If adequate treatment is availed in a timely manner, allergic rhinitis is definitely treatable.

Although patients have to endure an abject state, they fail to take the illness seriously. They treat the precursors mentioned above with disdain and negligence, which is not a sensible choice. They may be accustomed to concerns like regular congestion, sinus dilemmas, and mouth breathing.


Nasal Structure

Of course, we cannot discuss nasal allergies without expounding symptoms of the infection. Signals that require your attention include a runny nose which is perhaps the most common sign of allergic rhinitis. Naturally, the ideal way to avoid this instance is by avoiding allergy triggers. This forms a significant step to avert an overflowing nose.

Plenty of patients may exhibit an allergic reaction to pollen for instance. Although some triggers may be impossible to avoid outright, it is advised to decrease exposure. If pollen is an issue, then patients may opt to stay indoors when pollen is higher. Similarly, cat or dog hair may provoke an unfavorable reaction, which means those affected must refrain from making contact and wash their hands if a domestic animal makes contact.

The sinuses are small cavities that are found behind the forehead and eyes. These cavities may be laden with mucus in case an allergy (or other illness) develops. As a result, patients may sense pressure in their sinus area (aka sinus congestion). In order to reduce this condition, steam can be inhaled or a nasal spray can be used as well. In addition, there are numerous over the counter medications that can relieve sinus pressure, but it is recommended to speak to your doctor first to make sure you can take these meds, especially if you are taken other prescribed medication.

A bout of sneezing is another indication that an allergy is germinating. People can suffer from elevated episodes of sneezing, which can be cured with an antihistamine. The final symptom of a nose allergy is watery eyes and you may feel discomfort in your eyes. It is better not to rub the eyes profusely and wear glasses instead of contact lenses.


Conventionally, mild allergic rhinitis is treated with over the counter medicine. Prescription drugs are not required as standard medication but can be used to tend to nasal allergies. A mild condition may affect an individual once or twice a year. It is best to speak to your doctor if you feel you have these symptoms.

Examples of over the counter medication include steroid nasal sprays. As shown in the picture above, these sprays can be inserted into the nostrils for relief. They reduce the inflammation or swelling in the nasal passages. They are recommended by doctors worldwide as the most viable option since they are instantly effective and convenient as well.

Furthermore, alternatives are antihistamines, drugs which directly impact the histamine in the respiratory system. Histamine is a chemical which is known to cause several allergic symptoms. The drug allows patients relief from itches and sneezes. Examples of antihistamines include fexofenadine and cetirizine. Although they can sporadically cause a sense of drowsiness, they are suggested strongly by doctors.

Decongestants are also useful if a patient is suffering from congestion in their chest area. While antihistamines can only curb allergy symptoms, it does not assuage the concern. This is precisely why patients require decongestants. Drugs such as Phenylephrine can decrease the inflammation and open the nasal passage. Last but not least, there are other options available to patients. For instance, Cromolyn is a nasal spray which can soothe the irritation of discomfort in the chest and the nose.

In case consuming over the counter medication is in vain, patients can seek alternative means. For instance, a steroid heavy nasal spray may do the trick. These are the most common treatment pertaining to allergic rhinitis. It is an all-purpose medication that allows users to hit multiple birds with one stone. Examples are Budesonide and Triamcinolone. Nasal sprays affect the concerned area and provide instant relief.

In cases where the severity is higher than usual and conventional medication does not have the required impact, then patients can undergo immunotherapy. This is a procedure where the body is exposed to small quantities of the allergen so that it becomes accustomed. With the passage of time, significant amounts may be able to offset an allergic reaction. Such allergy shots work in 9 out of 10 cases. An injection or oral tablets can be administered and the immune system in the body performs its function.

As mentioned, it is highly recommended to speak to your physician to determine (1) if the symptoms you are experiencing are due to an allergy or some other condition and (2) get the appropriate medication you will need to combat it.