
Prostate Cancer – The Most Common Type of Cancer Among Men


The prostate is a small gland located in the lower abdomen of male mammals. It is a small-sized gland located at the neck of the bladder and is responsible for secreting fluid for the nourishment of sperm. The gland is regulated by testosterone, which is the male reproductive hormone.

Malignant growth of cells in the prostate gland is known as prostate cancer. Cancer is this region can quickly spread into other parts of the body, including the bones.

According to the American Cancer Society, the number of prostate cancer patients in the US is expected to be 174,650 in 2019. It is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in American men.

How Can We Prevent Prostate Cancer?

There are two types of prostate cancer and are categorized according to how fast they can grow.  

  • Aggressive Prostate Cancer
  • Non-aggressive Prostate Cancer 

Aggressive cancers grow very quickly and can spread easily into other organs. Aggressive prostate cancer can affect bones in very little time. Non-aggressive prostate cancer, on the other hand, does not grow very quickly. 


Prostate cancer mainly affects men older than 65 years of age. Around 60% of the reported cases are diagnosed in men over 65, but that is not always the case. In April 2000, 55 year old former New York City mayor Rudolph Guiliani announced that he had prostate cancer, but it was found in the early stages and the tumor was successfully removed.

Causes of prostate cancer are still not known. However, doctors agree that genes, obesity, and diet are some of the most important contributing factors. 


Woman stretching pants showing loss of weightMen who consume large amounts of red meat and animal fat cooked at high heat are more prone to developing prostate cancer. Research has shown that men in countries where meat and dairy products are a staple diet are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

However, the results are different in countries where a basic diet, like vegetables, fruits, and rice, is consumed. In general, a good diet along with exercise can defintitely help in lowing the chances of getting this disease.


Checking WaistlineOne of the most important causes of prostate cancer is obesity. Fats stimulate the production of the male reproductive hormone called testosterone. High levels of testosterone may increase the production of prostate cancer cells.

This shows that people with a high Body Mass Index (BMI) are more prone to developing this illness. 


A DNA adduct (at center) of benzo[a]pyrene, the major mutagen in tobacco smoke

Mutations in certain genes can also cause cells to grow abnormally. The abnormal growth of cells can cause a tumor. These mutated cells can continue to live and grow even when other cells die. They might also spread into other organs. 

If men in your family have a history of prostate cancer, you are also likely to develop this disease. Just like breast cancer, prostate cancer can also be inherited. 

Early Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can grow silently without causing any apparent signs and symptoms. The disease can go unnoticed for years. This is the reason why regular screening for prostate cancer is very important after you cross the age of 50. 

Most signs and symptoms of prostate cancer appear after the tumor has spread. These early signs and symptoms may include difficulty in urination, burning sensation in urine, blood in urine and stool, pain in ejaculation and pain in the lower back, hips thighs and pelvis.

Some of the symptoms of an advanced-stage tumor include loss of appetite, a drastic reduction in weight, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, severe lower body aches, and bowel problems. 


Doctor reading medical computer dataMen over 50 are recommended to go for regular screening for prostate cancer.  This cancer is more common than other cancers, but successful treatment is high if caught early and there are numerous methods now with regards to how to treat it.

Diagnosis of prostate cancer can be done through one or both of the following methods.

Digital Rectal Exam

During DRE, a doctor physically examines the prostate to find any abnormalities in shape, size, and texture of the gland. 

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test 

This is a blood test where a blood sample is drawn and examined for the presence of PSA. PSA is naturally produced by the prostate gland. Higher ranges of PSA in blood levels may indicate an infection, inflammation, or even cancer. On one case, a 57 year old male was diagnosed with a high PSA but the urologist determined that he has not developed any signs of cancer.

The man is now 63 and still shows the same high PSA but is still free and clear of any dangers to his prostate. Now this might be rather unique so it is still recommended that men over 50 should visit a urologist yearly or more often if needed as a precaution. 

Depending upon the results of DRE and PSA tests, your doctor may recommend further tests, including ultrasound, MRI scan, and a biopsy. Tests are also conducted to find out whether the cancer is aggressive or non-aggressive. 


The treatment of prostate cancer is dependent upon the stage and whether it is aggressive or non-aggressive. Treatment also depends upon the overall health of an individual and severity of symptoms. 

One or more of the following methods may be used to treat prostate cancer. 


Surgery for prostate cancer usually involves removing the prostate gland and some of the surrounding tissues. The surgery can be done using robotic assistance. A microscopic instrument is inserted to facilitate more precise removal of the affected tissue.

More conventional surgery involves an incision in the lower abdomen, and the prostate gland is taken out through the incision. 


Radiotherapy uses high powered energy to kill the extra growth of tissues. Treatment for prostate cancer can be provided using two methods.

  • Radiation from Outside – The affected area undergoes the external radiation to kill cancer cells.  
  • Radiation from Within – A small sized radioactive seed is placed in the prostate tissue, which continues to deliver small doses of radiation over a period of time. 


Powerful drugs are injected into the body to kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be used in case cancer has spread to other areas of your body. The drawback of this therapy is that it can also kill healthy normal cells along with fast-growing cancer cells. 

Other treatments include hormonal therapy, biological therapy, and freezing of prostate tissue. Only your consultant can suggest the right treatment after analyzing your condition. 

Will Getting the Right Medical Information Online Reduce Your Visits to the Doctor?

Doctor with StethoscopeYou are what you eat. If you eat healthily, get adequate sleep and exercise regularly, chances are you will stay healthy. But part of staying healthy also requires you to visit a doctor. Be it a routine checkup or an emergency, visiting a physician’s office is inevitable. For many people and not a wise choice to do, they don’t visit a doctor until there is an emergency or a serious medical condition that materializes. 

In this era of technology, Google can help you find just about anything. Medical treatments are no exception. If you are sick, you might want to check your symptoms online and find out the cure, similar to what you are probably doing with this article. 

A person once posted a meme on Facebook that said: “If you found it on the Internet, you know it is true!”. Well, that is obviously a sarcastic talking point, especially in today’s social environment, so is getting information online the right approach? How do we distinguish between correct and incorrect data? Will access to medical information online completely replace the need to visit a doctor in the near future? Let’s take a look. 

Online Medical Information Saves Time

Alarm clock showing time as 1:40PMOne of the most sacred resources of our generation is time. You never have enough of it. If you are a working individual or a stay at home parent, your daily routine is packed with tasks. In case you are sick, access to online medical information can help you save time and money. 

It is a benefit not only in scheduling an appointment and commuting to the doctor’s office, but it will also save time in the waiting room. 

If you access the right information online, it will help you save money as well. It will allow you to proceed with your day as planned rather than rescheduling it for the doctor’s visit. So if you have the right information from a credible source, you can move on with your day at work or school. 

Getting the right medical information online will also help you avoid any unpleasant experiences with your insurance company when scheduling an appointment with your doctor. Since you don’t have to pay anything, you don’t have to worry about informing your insurance company or paying out of our pockets, so as far as time is concerned, it’s a winner here.

The Credibility of Medical Information 

Doctor reading medical computer dataNow to a more significant factor. How true is what you are reading?

Before you use the medical information available, check the source of information. Always review who is providing or endorsing the content. Blogs, news articles, and website material are generally published for information sharing and might not be backed with research. 

Also, check the reviews and read the “About Us” page. How long have they been in business? Are they located in the US? What doctors are on staff?

Some companies provide biased recommendations about certain medicines and treatments, so be careful. The effectiveness of prescribed treatments depends on a number of factors. So when referring to online content, do thorough research before you go with medical advice.

If you are using a credible source, such as John Hopkins Medical Library, WebMD or the Mayo Clinic, you know you are reading reliable material, so make sure your sources are from a credible source by following the suggestions above.

Chances of Incorrect Diagnosis and Treatment 

hands-of-person-typing on a-computer-on a wooden-desk-backgroundIf you follow the conventional pattern of visiting a doctor and using the prescribed medicine, you can refer to the doctor in case of an incorrect diagnosis or side effect of a certain drug. But you lose this edge if you are only relying on online medical information. 

Self-medication is dangerous, but an incorrect diagnosis is worse. That too if you are doing it yourself. Since you are not a trained medical professional and Google is not a doctor, there is always a chance that you might end up with the wrong diagnosis. Not because the information available online is wrong but because it might not be right for you.

Check the relevance and date of the information available online. Data on the internet is limitless but only a very small percentage may be relevant for you. Make sure you only refer to information that can help you. 

Online Medical Information Does Not Take into Account a Patient’s Medical History.

If you are visiting a doctor’s office or if you are telecommuting (a more appropriate approach) with a doctor, he/she is likely to take all your medical history into account before suggesting a treatment for your problem. This process ensures that the current medication does not interfere with any other medicines which you are already using. It also ensures that the current treatment does not aggravate or trigger any other previous medical condition.

If you are referring to online medical information for the treatment, Google will ignore your medical history and an online treatment will ignore the reaction of new drugs with the ones you are already using; however, it might give warnings about mixing a subject medication with ones that you already have. With that said, these warnings only scratch the surface and when you are dealing with drugs, scratching the surface is not good enough. You must be vigilant of this! 

A patient’s medical history also includes a list of allergies and drug chemicals which might trigger or worsen them. This information might also be available online, but since you are not a trained professional, the chances are that you might simply overlook these facts. This small mistake can be a serious hazard to your health. Drug reactions and allergies can even be fatal. 


a-male-patient-smiles-while-holding-the-hand-of-a-friendAccess to online medical information comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you are getting information from a credible source, it is highly likely that you get the right medical information. Effective treatments for certain medical conditions like fever and flu can be easily accessed online but you still should see a doctor and for emergency conditions like burns or fractures, you must see a doctor. It is easier to identify more serious medical conditions like chronic kidney disease or cancer, but you have to see a doctor for the right treatment. 

With advancements in technology and access to information, your visits to the doctor are likely to decrease in the near future. But humans are social animals, and sick people always need emotional support. The social needs of a human being cannot be met by the internet. The human element in treating patients will always survive regardless of access to information. 

Eight Effective Ways to Prevent the Flu

The flu (AKA influenza) is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system. That is, your nose, throat, and lungs are affected. It is a very common disease. This is a significant concern because the flu is sometimes a symptom of a much more dangerous condition. 

When the flu gets worse, it can cause pneumonia or a secondary bacterial infection. Both of these conditions can be fatal. This is especially true for people who are in high-risk groups. These include the elderly, very young, pregnant women, people who have asthma, and those who suffer from other conditions such as immune deficiency. 

The flu can’t really be cured – it just goes away on its own, but it can be prevented. If you follow the given steps, you can reduce your chances of getting the flu and thus, can lead a healthy, happy life.

Take Flu Shots

Don’t listen to anti-vaxes. Getting a flu shot is harmless. These shots help you in defending yourself from bacteria and other flu-causing nasties that can cause you to get sick. When you go for a flu vaccination, your body develops antibodies that protect you from viruses.  Even after a flu shot, you can develop the flu, but it will not lead to something dangerous to your health. The peak season for the flu is from November to March. Therefore, it is ideal for you to get your flu shot in October.  You should plan all your health vaccinations today, so you do not forget it later. 

Stay Away from People with the Flu


The flu virus can travel much faster than you think. The infection develops as a parasite that hangs around your respiratory secretions. Then it moves through the air in the form of small droplets. In this form, it is easy for this virus to transfer through a cough or sneeze. 

This is how easy it is for a virus to get to you before you know it. Our advice is to build proactive behavior and maintain a distance from those who may display the symptoms of the flu. 

Keep Your Environment Clean

It is crucial for you to be in a clean environment at all times. If you take all the necessary measures to keep your place clean, then there is less than you need to worry about when it comes to airborne viruses. 

It is a different case if you are someone who rarely cleans his or her surroundings. In such circumstances, the chances for you to get the flu are high if you do not wipe down the surfaces that are commonly used, like your phone, door handles, and switches. 

Always Wash Your Hands

You’ve probably heard since your childhood that washing your hands is essential. Yet you choose to ignore it, thinking that it does not make much of a difference. Well, that is not the case. Washing your hands is a habit that can help you prevent the flu.

Wash your hands with a bar of soap or antibacterial sanitizer for at least twenty seconds. Afterward, make sure you have a clean towel to dry up your hands. Alcohol is also a very good deterrent to use on counter surfaces and other such areas.

Stay Away from Infected Fluid

People in relationships can contract the flu from their partners if they kiss their partner while he or she is sick. So if your significant other is unwell and is exhibiting flu-like symptoms, it’s best to avoid direct contact for a while until they get better.

Maintain Distance from Infected People

business-woman-shakes-handsExpanding on the previous point, do not get too close to people who have been infected with the flu, even if it is your child or your partner. This makes sharing beds out of the question. If you know someone who currently has the flu, then do not offer to share your food with them.  The purpose of this is not to use the same utensils as the infected person until the virus has been dealt with completely. 

Do Not Compromise on Your Sleep

Getting inadequate sleep every night affects your immune system. Consequently, it increases your chances of getting the flu. This happens because your body cannot fight any virus on its own as it could with the right amount of sleep. While you sleep, your body organs get time to rest and prepare for another day, which is very important for your overall health.

As a rule, an adult needs to get anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Avoid Stress

The flu is already tough to deal with, and by stressing yourself out, your condition will only worsen. If you have psychological stress, then it is difficult for protective antibodies to develop. These antibodies usually help you deal with the flu and other similar viruses. Try to do things that relax your mind and make you a happier person. It will result in reduced stress and more positivity.

When you adopt all these ways mentioned above, you will realize that you are more able to deal with the flu (and any other disease) than before. You are not doing something extraordinary. In fact, you are just creating an enabling environment for your body to do what it is supposed to do. According to you, the flu might be one of the most manageable diseases. Little do you know that it can turn fatal if you do not take the necessary steps to prevent the flu. If you fall into the high-risk group, then you should be extra cautious about these factors.

Surround Yourself with Nature to Lead a Healthy Life

Life without nature is pretty dull. Do you remember those days when you would stay inside for so long that you thought that the walls would consume you? If this or similar feelings are something that you commonly go through, then it is time to get out of your house. Feel the fresh breeze rush past your face, walk on grass barefoot, and feel the grass beneath your feet.

There is a unique calmness about this experience. Spending time outdoors with nature also has essential health benefits, which work as a shield and protect you.  

Unfortunately, our lifestyle in today’s world tends to keep us inside more than outside. From your offices to your comfortable homes equipped with the comforts of 21st-century technology, much of our everyday activities involve spending more time indoors.

Well, because of this, you are missing out on a lot. Outdoor exposure is essential for human health. It is valid for both the physical and psychological aspects of your body. 

Florence Williams states in her book, “The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative” that there was an improvement in the health of people who moved from crowded places to mountainous areas. 

Not everyone can move to such areas. This is why you need to address this issue smartly by making time to surround yourself with nature, especially if you are in a busy city.

Being around nature is easy if you want to do it. You could go for a hike on your favorite trail or swimming in the sea twice in a month. Other than that, you could walk in your local park every day for thirty minutes. You can build a garden where you live. You can plant trees, so the air you breathe is clean.

Here are a few ways that being around the environment benefits your health.

Improves Your Memory

Photo of a waterfall with trees along sideDo you forget small things and blame your memory? If yes, then start walking today because it directly impacts your short-term memory.  

The brain consists of a part called the hippocampus, which is responsible for your memory. As you age, this part of your mind begins to shrink. You can prevent this by walking. Several studies have proven that walking does has a positive influence on your memory.

Consequently, it reduces the risk of dementia, which is one of the most common consequences of old age. To avoid this, make walking part of your schedule. Make it a part of your daily routine and make sure you do it in the open air.


Man in woods looking out at the mountainsThe reason why you feel light after spending time outdoors is that it changes and releases your stress. This is why many therapists suggest their clients go for forest therapy. When you surround yourself with nature, then you successfully reduce cortisol, a hormone that your body produces when it is feeling stressed. 

It is one of the reasons why offices now have huge windows. Even looking at nature refreshes your mind.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can lead to severe issues like autoimmune disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, and cancer. When you spend time in nature, then you keep all these problems in check. Since nature keeps you calm, your encounters with inflammation can decrease.

Alleviates Lethargy

The amount of work that each one of us has to do is insane. You are likely to feel tired or go through mental fatigue.  This is why you go on a vacation to places that have scenic beauty and are filled with nature. Nature is an instant mental boost!

Helpful with Anxiety and Depression

Nature does not solve all your mental conditions, but it appeases your anxiety and depression. If you went through any of these two conditions and consulted a professional, then you must have heard a lot about the importance of nature. Adopt habits like meditation and yoga in open spaces like beaches and parks. You will feel the difference!

Improves Vision

Children these days spend most of their time watching television or laying on their tablets or smartphones. It is no surprise that some children start to have weaker eyesight at such an early age.  It is recommended to encourage your children to engage in outdoor activities that connect them to nature and get them of those phones! 

This is true for adults as well. When you spend time outside, you restore your eyesight and may reduce the chances of myopia.

Better Focus

You are easily distracted by almost everything. Your attention span keeps on shrinking. It is a valid concern, but the solution is so easy that you can change this right away. 

Test it out for yourself. Spend thirty or more minutes in the park and perform your daily tasks after that. You will notice that you are now more capable of doing your responsibilities. Your mind is far more relaxed, so it does not wander here and there. 

If you develop this as a habit, your attention span will increase over time. 

Live Longer

According to a Dutch study of 250,782 people, there is an active link between green spaces and health. People who live close to green spaces had fewer diseases than those who did not. 

A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives stated that more exposure to greenness was associated with a 12% lower mortality rate. There was a reduced risk of death from cancer, lung disease, and kidney disease.

All these factors add up and reduce your risk of early death. You will live a long life if you make nature your friend.

By understanding the benefits nature has to offer you, you should reflect on your current lifestyle. Indulge in better habits like spending more time in the environment. Through this, you will develop a positive outlook on life and improve your health. Nature has a significant impact on your overall health; therefore, do not ignore its importance because as you age, you will regret it. Build your routine in a way that you get to spend some time outdoors and enjoy mother nature!

Top Foods for Boosting Your Memory and Brain Health

Brain Motor & Sensory Perception Illustrated

Before you cut into that big juicy T-bone steak, you should consider something: What we eat has an impact on how we think (cognitive processing) and use our memory, especially as we age.

Our brain is one of the most vital organs, responsible for day-to-day functions. It is in charge of ensuring that our heart keeps beating and our lungs keep breathing. That is why a healthy brain is essential for living a long, healthy life.

The foods we consume play a major role in regulating brain health, impacting mental tasks such as concentration and memory.

Listed below are some foods that are associated with keeping a brain healthy.


Blueberries over plate of cottage cheese Fruits such as blueberries are great antioxidant foods. Photo: Pexels Free

In addition to providing numerous health benefits, blueberries are specifically good for the brain.

Anthocyanins are a group of plant compounds that contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They are found in abundance in blueberries. Antioxidants deter brain aging and brain diseases such as dementia as they act against both inflammation and oxidative stress. Studies have shown that antioxidants in blueberries accumulate in the brain and improve communication by repairing neurons. Try blueberries for breakfast along with Greek yogurt. Add a few peanuts as well.

Fatty Fish

This category includes fish such as trout, salmon, and sardines which are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Approximately 60% of our brain is made up of fat and half of that fat is omega-3.

Omega-3 is used to build up nerve cells which are essential for memory and learning. It also has other health benefits as it helps in warding off Alzheimer’s disease by delaying age-related decline in cognition.  On the other hand, not getting enough omega-3 is associated with depression and hampers learning.

Gray matter is a substance that controls emotion, memory, and decision-making. People who consume broiled or baked fish regularly tend to have more gray matter in their brains and that is no doubt a good thing.


Hot Coffee

If drinking coffee in the morning is the norm for you, then you will be glad to know that it is good for your brain’s health.

The two main components in coffee that are beneficial are caffeine and antioxidants.

The benefits of caffeine are as follows:

    • Increased alertness. Adenosine is a chemical messenger that is responsible for making you feel sleepy and caffeine helps to block it.
    • Improved mood. Caffeine is associated with boosting the chemical serotonin which is responsible for making us feel good.
    • Heightened concentration. A study conducted on assessing the benefits of coffee found that people who drank it in the morning or kept taking smaller servings throughout the day were more effective at tasks that require concentration.



This spice has garnered a lot of attention in recent times. Most commonly used in curries, this dark yellow spice carries numerous health benefits for the brain.

Curcumin is an ingredient that is found in turmeric and can directly access the brain to benefit the cells. Apart from antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin has the following advantages:

    • Promotes the growth of new brain cells. It helps in boosting brain-derived neurons which is a growth hormone directly responsible for the growth of brain cells.
    • Eases depression. Serotonin and dopamine which are responsible for making us feel good are boosted by curcumin. One study found that it alleviated depression symptoms in under six weeks, similar to the effects of antidepressants but without the drawbacks of pharmaceutical drugs.

To utilize the benefits of curcumin, start using curry powder or add turmeric to tea or potato dishes.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate Almonds

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain elements that carry numerous benefits for the brain such as caffeine, antioxidants, and flavonoids (antioxidant plant compounds). The flavonoids in chocolate are particularly beneficial for memory and learning. These compounds are known to slow down age-related mental decline and also play a role in enhancing your memory.

In a study conducted to assess the benefits of dark chocolate, it was found that from a sample of 900 people, those who ate chocolate more frequently showed improved performance in several mental tests (some involving memory as well) as compared to those who consumed it sometimes.

Chocolate is also linked to boosting mood and is associated with positive feelings. Though for some people that is triggered because of the taste.


Almonds, in particular, are linked to having a sharper memory and contain antioxidants and vitamin E.  Vitamin E not only slows down mental decline but also shields cell membranes from damage. Walnuts are extremely beneficial as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating nuts has been linked not only to a healthy brain but also to improving cardiovascular health. Nuts boost your immune system to prevent neurodegenerative diseases as well as improve cognition.

The Bottom Line

You may not turn into an Einstein but eating the right brain foods can certainly help your concentration. Just as many foods can keep your brain healthy, some can hamper development and make you prone to mental diseases.

Steer clear of foods with saturated fats that are known to raise blood pressure and are associated with bad cholesterol. Processed meat, excess sugar, and other foods that contain trans fats such as junk food are bad for your brain.

You can help boost your memory and alertness by smartly (pun intended) including the above-mentioned foods in your diet, and it is always a good idea to get advice from your medical provider as well. 

Physical and Psychological Effects of Swimming

Man swimming in swimming pool

Health does not always mean taking medicines or vigorous exercise. It is also dependant on peace of mind and soul. Herein lays the dilemma. How can you find the balance between the physical and mental?

Swimming can be one of the physical activities that can give you peace of mind while providing physical benefits without burning yourself out. It’s not only a fun activity for kids but it is a good leisure activity for adults as well.  

A baby can start swimming as soon as he or she gains some control over their neck muscles and can continue to swim for years to come. If you don’t know how to swim, it’s never too late. You can learn at any age and continue to enjoy its benefits for as long as want.

How is Swimming Such a Powerful Exercise?

When you walk on sand or snow you notice you have to ‘push’ your feet to take the next step to move on. It is not like naturally walking against a clean floor with only air and gravity in your way, but you do not notice it. When on sand and snow, you surely do notice the additional exertion you must put out to go the same distance as you would if you were on a clean walking surface.

The additional factor that is exciting you is friction. With that said, water causes this friction too, and not just against your legs, but against your whole body! So in order to move (swim) through water, you have to ‘fight’ the friction and that is when your body exerts the necessary force to overcome it. The result – you are allowing your whole body to strengthen as you push your way through the resistance of water.

Swimming has the following benefits:

Physical Effects

As mentioned, swimming engages almost all the muscles in your body. It is a complete workout that can help you burn 200 calories in 30 minutes without tiring you out. It can have numerous effects on your physical health, some of which are discussed below.

Improved Sleep

Woman sleeping with alarm clock showing 7:00 AMAccording to statistics, around 25% of Americans develop insomnia each year and other studies show that around 50-70 million adults in the US have some form of sleep disorder. Swimming is a good exercise that helps you to relax your mind and body.

It entails controlled breathing which provides the right level of oxygen to your brain; thus swimming can help relax your muscles and improve your sleeping pattern.  

Good for Body Joints

Portrait of a muscle fitness man reaching for his knee Water provides soft resistance to your body by making it an exceptionally good exercise for people with injuries or arthritis. Water provides 12 times more resistance compared to air but it lessens the stress of gravitational pull. This is the reason why a 30-minute swimming session won’t tire you out. On the other hand, a 30-minute cardio session will not only tire you but can strain your joints and muscles.

This is the only exercise recommended to people with spine disorders like herniated discs and spinal stenosis. All other types of physical activities are stressful for people with spine issues. Swimming at least thrice a week can help such patients live a normal healthy life.

Protects Your Heart

Illustration of a heartRegular swimming can help you guard against most cardiovascular diseases. Swimming for 30 minutes at least three times a week can significantly lower your blood pressure. It can also help in controlling your cholesterol levels.

Any type of physical activity helps you burn calories also assists in reducing the bad cholesterol levels (LDL) in your blood. Exercise is particularly important in increasing good cholesterol levels.

Swimming is a high-intensity, low-impact exercise which can help you manage all types of cardiovascular diseases. It strengthens your heart muscles and is a great way to protect you from cardiac arrest.

Psychological Effects

Swimming thrice a week can significantly lower your stress levels, mood swings, and changes of anxiety and depression. Many psychological issues are related to poor sleep hygiene. One of the biggest advantages of swimming is that it helps improve sleep patterns.  

Once your body is well-rested, you will automatically be in the right state of mind to rest when the opportunity arises.

Swimming Helps in Boosting Mood

People having fun in a swimming poolWater exercises are a good way to engage with friends and the community. This great leisure-time activity can help you meet people, relax and share your thoughts. It provides a platform for social interaction. Since man is a social animal, such positive social interaction has a great effect on overall mental and physical health.  

Swimming in a community pool can also help feed your competitive spirit. If you are a Type A personality, you just don’t want to enjoy swimming. You want to excel in it. It is always good to have a healthy competition even in swimming pools. Fast-paced swimming will not just feed your competitive spirit but will have excellent effects on your cardiovascular system.

Helps Fight Depression

Solider with hands on his faceAccording to statistics, depression is one of the most common psychological disorders in the United States. It affects about 6.7% of the adult US population each year. Depression is more common in women than in men.

A good swim can affect your neurotransmitters like serotonin which influence mood and controls happiness. Swimming can also help in producing ANP, a stress-reducing hormone, which helps in controlling the brain’s response to stress and anxiety.

Managing Stress

Fun reduces stress. A well-rested body and mind are in a better position to deal with the daily stressors in life. Be it work or household, anxiety situations can be overwhelming. At work, it might be an excessive workload. At home, your kids might be sick. If you are a regular swimmer, your mind will be in a better position to tackle the daily stressors in life.

Swimming stimulates the brain to release neurochemicals that help in relaxing your body. Being in the water is fun because it gives your body a massaging sensation that relaxes all your body muscles.


Swimming is not only good for your mind and body but it is a great way to meet new people and create good memories. It’s one of those leisure activities that contain so many health benefits. Water exercises strengthen your heart muscles, toughens your musculoskeletal system, and improves your mental health. In short, it can help you live longer and happier.

The Dangers of Fried Food

Deep frying is commonly used for cooking at both home and fast food restaurants because it is a less expensive method of preparing a dish.

Besides the fact that fried foods cost less, they are also tasty and many people crave them, which is why all the fast food restaurants are still around today and thriving in revenue. Let’s face it. French fries and chicken strips are hard to say no to, but all this gastronomical enjoyment comes at a hefty price as fried foods contain a high amount of calories and trans fats which increase the likelihood of health problems.

Keep on reading to understand how having fried foods on a regular bases can take a toll on your health. No need to panic, as we’ll also share some safer snacking alternatives that are less harmful.

High in Calories

Relative to any other method of cooking, deep frying packs the highest amount of calories. So why does frying have the highest amount of calories as compared to other types of cooking?

It has to do with the preparation that takes place before the frying. The food item is coated with flour or batter. During the frying process, the food absorbs the fat from the oil and sheds water which adds to the calorie count. For example, a 100g baked potato contains approximately 93 calories and no fat content. The same potato when fried contains 17 grams of fat and 320 calories.

Even healthier foods are affected adversely when fried. For example, a 100g baked cod has 105 calories and 1 gram of fat. The same cod when fried packs about 232 calories and 12 grams of fat!  

High in Trans Fat

Processed food makers usually hydrogenate fats in ingredients to increase shelf life. This process ruins the nutrition and quality of the food and hydrogenation also occurs in fried foods.

The process of frying chemically alters the composition of fats in foods, making it harder for your body to break it down. This has adverse effects on health. Trans fats have been linked to many diseases including cancer, obesity, and heart disease. Additionally, re-using oil to fry foods leads to an increase in trans fats.

It is easy to confuse trans fats that occur naturally in foods such as meat and dairy. However, contrary to the trans fats found in processed and fried foods, these do not have any negative implications on a person’s health.

Increases Risk of Disease

Several studies have found a link between adults consuming fried foods and the risk of developing a chronic disease.

Heart Disease

Eating fried foods contributes to an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in good cholesterol, and an increase in the likelihood of obesity. All these factors aggravate the likelihood of heart disease, stroke, and heart attack,

A study conducted on women eating fried fish found that one more serving of fried fish per week increased the chance of heart failure by 48% compared to those women who just consumed 1 to 3 servings in a month. However, consumption of the same amount of baked or steamed fish was linked with a lower risk. 

Studies have concluded that a higher intake of fried foods has been associated with a significantly higher risk of a heart attack.


Fried foods have been associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A study conducted on fast foods concluded that individuals consuming them more than twice in a single week were likely to develop a higher resistance to insulin relative to those who consumed fast food once a week.

People consuming fried foods between 4 to 6 times in a week faced almost 40% higher risk of having type 2 diabetes as compared to those who ate a single serving in a week. Furthermore, eating fast food more than seven servings per week increased the risk to 55%!


Fried food contains the highest amount of calories for the same amount of ingredients as compared to any other method of cooking.

Studies indicate that foods that are high in trans fat (like the majority of fried foods) play a vital role in weight gain, not just from the high amount of calories they contain but also because of their effect on hormones that regulate appetite and fat breakdown in the body.

A Safer Alternative

Eating fried food may not be bad if you use olive oil.

Experts have studied the diet patterns of the Spaniards who use extensive amounts of olive oil in their cooking. Their diet poses a lesser chance of developing heart disease.

However, the experts say that only olive oil is relatively safer and the results do not apply to the majority of oils found in the market, especially those used by fast-food chains.

Olive oil is much safer because it does not affect the trans fat composition of fried foods, leading to a lesser calorie intake than normally observed with fried foods.

Other safer methods include oven frying and air frying.

Oven-frying involves baking foods at extremely high temperatures which results in crispy snacks made with little to no oil.

Air frying involves “frying” foods in an air fryer that uses hot air to achieve the same result as frying with almost 80% less oil than conventional fryers.


It is extremely hard to alter or completely change your diet. However, for the sake of our health certain steps need to be taken in order to live a longer and healthier life.

By adopting the safer alternatives mentioned above, consumers can achieve the same taste as fried foods but at a lesser risk to their health.

How Yoga Can Improve the Quality of Your Life

Woman on beach doing yogaWe all know that exercise benefits us both physically and mentally, but there are so many types of exercising. Here we will discuss why so many experts are adamant about yoga’s advantages to our body and mind.

Yoga is one of the most ancient forms of exercise and was started in the Indian subcontinent. It is a practice of achieving the fusion of body and mind.

It consists of breathing routines, reflection through meditation, and body postures that are known to relax and reduce stress.

One of the best aspects of yoga is that you can start from the comfort of your own room with just a sweat mat. There are many online videos, some of them free, which you can use to initiate your path to yoga.

The article below discusses the many benefits of yoga which have been proven over the years by researchers and practitioners alike.

A Reduction in Stress Levels

Yoga has been known to reduce stress and relax both the body and mind.

The primary hormone responsible for increasing stress in the body is called cortisol. Multiple studies have proven the link between yoga and a reduction in cortisol levels. One particular study followed 45 women who experienced chronic mental stress. Researchers found that by adding yoga to their routine, these women were able to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue while lowering levels of depression in just 3 months.

Practicing yoga alone or in conjunction with other mindful practices like meditation can help the body reduce stress even more.

Reduces Anxiety

Many people who start yoga do so out of necessity. They want to deal with anxiety without taking medications.

Research has also proven the link between yoga and reduced levels of anxiety. In a recently published study, 34 women with an anxiety disorder were asked to participate in a two-month yoga program with two classes per week. At the end of two months, the women were noted to have significantly lower levels of anxiety.

Another involved 64 participants suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which induces anxiety and fear following a traumatic event. After 3 months, the general level of PTSD symptoms among participants had fallen to extremely low levels and 52% of the group did not even meet the criteria for PTSD anymore.

Improvement in Heart Health

Young man in shorts sitting and meditating on a beach bedA healthy heart is essential for good health as it cleans your blood, supplies important nutrients, and provides oxygen to the brain through the blood.

Yoga has been known to improve the health of your heart and reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Research conducted for assessing the health benefits of yoga found that participants over 40 years of age, who had been doing yoga for 5 years or more, lowered their lower blood pressure significantly than those who did not.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes behind issues related to the heart such as strokes and heart attacks. Lowered blood pressure reduces the chances of such issues and leads to a healthier life with a lower risk of heart problems.

A study on 113 people with diagnosed heart disease was conducted to find the effect of a healthier life by incorporating a diet along with yoga. After a year, participants of the study saw a reduction of 23% in total cholesterol and a 26% decrease in bad cholesterol. 47% of the patients saw a complete stop in the progression of heart disease.

Leads to an Improved Quality of Sleep

Some sleeping disorders have been associated with depression, tendency to overeat, and even high blood pressure among other issues. Incorporating simple yoga exercises in your daily routine can lead to a better quality of sleep and help you avoid all the problems associated with a sleeping disorder. Of course if you have sleeping disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea, these would need to be addressed by a physician, but applying yoga techniques in the interim and during treatment certainly wouldn’t hurt.

Yoga practitioners may have no need (or a reduction) in sleep medication. This is because of a hormone named melatonin that regulates sleep. Yoga is known to increase the production of melatonin.

Improvement in Breathing

Man practicing yoga on the beach

Yoga lays a heavy emphasis on breathing exercises and breathing techniques. These exercises then lead to an improvement in breathing.

Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air that can be breathed out from the lungs. It is an important element for those suffering from heart disease, asthma, and lung problems. Yoga is associated with increasing vital capacity. This leads to better endurance (climbing stairs or exercising) and helps keep your heart and lungs healthy.

Improves Balance and Flexibility

One of the main reasons for people taking up yoga is that they want to improve their flexibility and balance. There is comprehensive evidence to support that yoga poses target flexibility and improves balance.

Yoga is known to be one of the most optimal exercises for improving flexibility, beating even intense bodyweight exercises such as calisthenics.

Doing just 15 to 30 minutes of yoga every day significantly enhances the prospects of getting a more flexible body.

Leads to an Increase in Strength

Athletes looking to build strength also benefit from yoga as it not only improves the flexibility of the body, but it also leads to an increase in strength.

Yoga has specific poses that are meant to build muscle and increase strength.

A study involving 80 participants (both men and women) found that performing 24 cycles of sun salutations (a yoga pose meant for warm-ups and beginners) for 6 days a week for 3 months. The participants saw a great increase in upper body strength and endurance while their body fat percentage also went down.

Final Thoughts

Multiple studies have backed the benefits of yoga that are both physical and mental.

Incorporating yoga in your everyday routine leads to better health, a stronger heart, a more flexible body, and improves overall mental health.

If you are not fond of going to the gym or getting expensive membership, you can start from the comfort of your own room with just a sweat mat.

When Time is Optimal for Exercise?

Woman exercising on the beachThe early bird catches the worm – a familiar term we’re used to hearing, especially when being woken up for school by our parents in the early hours of the morning.

But does this phrase hold true for physical fitness? Keep on reading to find out.

Importance of Exercise

The benefits of regular physical activity and exercise have long been proven and hold to this day. From strengthening bones to building muscle and burning body fat, physical exercise offers a wide range of advantages. Enhancing memory, improving blood flow, and building up a better immune system are just some to start with.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, an adult should get at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate physical exercise every week.

The Edge of the Early Worm

Smartwatch being set for time

Morning workouts, particularly on an empty stomach, is one of the best times for burning stored fat, making this time ideal for weight loss. This is mainly because the body’s hormones are set up physiologically to shed the most during that time. The same reason is attributed to the body being more energized during morning workouts.

Even if you hate early alarms, exercising as early as 7 a.m. may shift your body’s internal clock earlier, making you feel more alert during mornings. This habit also makes you feel tired at night so you go to bed early and get enough rest to get a fresh, early start and repeat the same process.

A morning workout has also been associated with better mental health, creativity, and productivity throughout the day since exercise is a great stress reliever. It is also easier to pick up and stick to healthier habits that you start with in the mornings.

However, if you are not a morning person, do not force the habit upon yourself as it could lead to an inefficient workout routine.

Afternoon Workouts are Just as Good

If you are doing an intense or rigorous routine, swinging in a workout at lunch is a good fall back option as well.

Morning workouts are best for shedding weight and losing fat. But workouts performed during the afternoon will be boosted by the energy received from the one or two meals you had eaten before starting out.

An afternoon workout is also a great way to get over the end of the day slump. Exercising between 1 pm and 4 pm can shift the body clock similar to morning workouts. Even a brisk walk can rejuvenate you and help you focus better.

Nighttime Perks

Most people only find time to work out in the evenings after work. Some people believe that exercising at night makes it difficult to fall asleep later. This is a common misconception.

As long as you are not exercising, showering, and immediately jumping into bed, you are still safe from this belief. But research conducted found that exercising between 7 pm and 10 pm does delay the body clock. Instead, other stress relieving activities performed at night can be more beneficial and help you fall asleep. These activities include meditation and yoga.

How to Make Your Workout More Effective

Two Men Exercising on MatNow that you know the advantage different workout times hold for you, check out the following strategies that can make you get the most from your training.

  • Don’t push your limits too much. If you have time constraints and are limited to a few hours each week, do not go for overkill within that short time frame. You should have a more patient approach and combine in other factors like sleep quality and diet if you are aiming for weight loss.
  • Shift the focus. Exercising, especially weight training, requires more focus on the quality of reps rather than the amount you do. Proper form not only leads to a better physical appearance but also prevents injury.
  • Keep challenging yourself. The progressive overload principle is a cardinal rule among trainers which states that in order for the muscle to grow stronger the body must be forced to bear greater work than it is used to. In other words, if you keep on doing what you do every day your body won’t change.
  • Learn to have fun and enjoy. Exercising for most people is just a means to an end and they only start because they feel obligated to. After a certain point, learn to have fun and enjoy instead of feeling obligated to performing repetitive tasks. If you feel the gym has become too monotonous, you can opt for other forms of exercise such as boxing or dancing which are more engaging.

The Bottom Line

Young asian man meditatingTo pick a time that is most optimal for exercise, experts recommend going for the morning sweat. Early workouts make the most of your physiology and biology and do wonders in the long run.

However, sticking to a strict schedule and time is not easy while living a demanding life that requires one to pay attention to friends and family. To get the most benefits from exercise, the best time to do it is when you will actually do it and not slack off.

Picking a time and sticking to it like a bee on honey, regardless if it is morning or evening, is the best approach. Exercising consistently at the same time each day develops a habit that is hard to lose.

The Connection Between Seafood and Mental Health


In the last decade, we have started seeing foods from the lens of a calorie count. Still, very few people consume anything in their staple eating by keeping in mind their mental health and wellbeing.

The growing body of research suggests that there are many foods that play a crucial role in maintaining our mental wellbeing. Many of them also cut down the possibility of mental conditions that are associated with aging (Alzheimer, Dementia). In short, one should also factor in the mental health effects while adding a certain food to the diet.

In this article, we are going to discuss an interesting food category that entails various benefits for mental health and development. On top of that, these foods are also considered healthy from a conventional standpoint i.e. they are packed with healthy nutrients and contain a moderate number of calories.

We are talking about seafood, which is now an essential part of many healthy and weight-losing diet regimens. Here, we will keep the focus of the discussion on the mental health effects of seafood consumption.

Seafood is Memory Booster

Neurons in the Brain
Neurons in the Brain

Our memory diminishes as we grow older, as a decline in our electrophysiological activity dissipates; meaning, the electrical activity of our neurons slows down.  Different studies have proved that manganese, a trace mineral, plays a central role in keeping up neuronal activity. Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral that can’t be formed in an organic reaction, which means our body can’t produce it.

So, we have to get the required manganese amount through dietary sources. Seafood, of all types, is rich in manganese. By making seafood a part of your daily diet, you can prevent a potential manganese deficiency. It is important to mention that manganese deficiency doesn’t happen with any telltale symptoms.

Salmon is rich in many other minerals; such as Fatty Acids, proteins, B Vitamins, Potassium, Selenium, Antioxidant Astaxanthin, and studies have shown it may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Mussels are good seafood that contains manganese. A few others are 83% DV in 20 small clams, 45% DV in 3 oz of oysters, and 19% DV in 3 oz of cooked crayfish. (Other sources of manganese are found in quinoa, pecans, oatmeal, and whole-wheat pasta.) By making seafood more frequent in your diet, you don’t have to worry about manganese deficiency and subsequent memory loss.

A standard blood test by your physician can determine your manganese level. These tests are usually given during your yearly physical, although, the doctor may require a special test if he/she determines that you might be missing the standard manganese requirement. This goes for all vitamins and minerals that would be tested.  

Seafood Is Good for Mood

Fresh Sea Trout on a plate Many people underestimate the significance of foods that uplift the mood. A good demeanor is not just a fleeting mental phenomenon. By keeping your mood good, you can mitigate the effects of chronic stress. Mood also helps alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. In short, how your mood fares affect your mental health and consequently dictates the quality of your life.

So, mood-boosting foods are important, and here’s some good news: fish is one such dietary option that uplifts our moods. Seafood is rich in tryptophan—one of the eight essential amino acids. This amino acid is special because it is the metabolic precursor of serotonin, commonly known as the happy hormone. Tuna is a good source of tryptophan as well as salmon, trout, and Mackerel.

Tryptophan helps maintain serotonin

With seafood being a part of your diet, you help maintain the serotonin levels in the brain.  

Seafood and Neurological Development

The neurological development of a fetus is really crucial for many reasons. To begin with, its abnormalities can affect the growth of other parts of the body. Secondly, insufficient neurological development can turn into some permanent brain issues. In order to ensure healthy neurological development in unborn children, it’s important that pregnant mothers don’t face the deficiency of nutrition that goes into the development of the brain.

The inclusion of seafood in the daily diet of pregnant mothers can facilitate the healthy neurological growth of the fetus. Some scientific studies have substantiated the beneficial impact of seafood consumption among mothers on the brain health of the newborn.

Seafood Prevents Mental Fatigue

Salmon on a plate

Zinc is another trace mineral that is considered central to mental health. It maintains the activity of the cognitive function of the brain by ensuring non-stop synaptic transmission. Nearly every seafood item is rich in zinc. By making seafood a regular part of your daily diet, you can make sure zinc levels don’t deplete within the body.

Zinc helps ensure non-stop synaptic transmission

Zinc is also believed to have remedial effects against depression. For that matter, it is a part of many antidepressant medications. Nevertheless, the studies regarding the antidepressant action of zinc are still inconclusive.

Seafood Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s

Dementia PatientFor many years, Alzheimer’s was considered an inevitable outcome of aging. However, scientists have put forward some theories and experimental results showing that Alzheimer’s is not always the side effect of aging.

In one similar study published in the American Medical Association (JAMA), it has been established that making seafood a regular part of your diet can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by half in the later stages of life. It is believed that the accumulative mental health benefits of eating fish actually erect a barrier against Alzheimer’s.

Healthy Seafood to Eat

There are some options that you can mull over to add to your daily diet to get all the mental health benefits discussed above. These dietary fish options are also healthy with their calorie count and nutritional composition.


Cooked shrimp

Shrimp is a great food source for iodine, a mineral that many people are deficient in. Iodine is a necessary ingredient for proper thyroid function and brain health.

Shrimp is also a great source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to be helpful for people with anxiety and mood swings, such as bipolar disorder and contains a number of other helpful nutrients for the body and brain.

Freshwater Coho Salmon

Freshwater Salmon is free of any harmful mercury traces. It is packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and trace minerals essential for mental wellbeing. Moreover, there are many delicious recipes that can be prepared with salmon. If you can’t easily find freshwater Salmon, get the canned one.


Sardines are inexpensive fish packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. This is another seafood option that can be added to the diet for its benefits for mental health.

Atlantic Mackerel

This dietary fish is good for many reasons. It contains all the ingredients to improve mental health. In addition, it is rich in proteins. So, you can also make it part of a weight-loss diet plan.

Eating more seafood is good for health in all aspects. They are packed with good fats and proteins. They don’t contain calories in excess. Also, they are easily available. To sum it up, seafood is a perfect dietary option for both physical and mental wellbeing.