
Five Valuable Lessons to Learn from Florence Nightingale

If there is a person who could be credited for making nursing a legitimate profession in the healthcare sector, it is Florence Nightingale. The Lady with the Lamp, an advocate of the fundamental healthcare rights of war veterans and wounded soldiers, she was truly a golden ray of light in the war-stricken era of the 19th century. Nightingale embarked upon her nursing career within the Crimean War, tending to the injured soldiers on the battlefield.

In addition to caring for the troops, she also provided designs for better sanitary conditions of the patients in hospitals. In this regard, Nightingale was a remarkable hospital administrator. Even to this day, in the highly evolved healthcare industry, we can trace back many of the medical innovations in hospitals back to Florence Nightingale.

Here are five valuable lessons that we can learn from Florence Nightingale:

Valor and Audacity

Florence Nightingale was born to an aristocratic British family, but her affluence did not come in the way of her work. She was full of valor and quite audacious whenever the situation demanded. She was courageous enough to ask the Queen of England for political backing, or the public for funding, and succeeded in these endeavors. Nightingale really understood the essence of the word privilege – she made use of her advantages to fight for the rights of the deprived.

Logic and Discipline

Florence wasn’t the sort of a person who would make an argument without sufficient facts. One cannot possibly eliminate the role Nightingale played at Scutari, Turkey. In order to make people realize the horrifying conditions of the British army hospitals in the war zone, she charted out death rates and infections amongst the soldiers. Her discipline and logic are notable, for she proved her point with facts. Her revolutionary action plan depicts that common sense and discipline are essential to be effective.


She was a compassionate individual – she understood that patient care involves empathizing with them. Her intrinsic compassion wanted her to do something more for her wards at the barrack hospital than just drinking. Therefore, she decided to lay the foundation of a patient library, so that the wounded would be able to occupy themselves with something substantial.  Her compassion and empathy, today, make us realize the importance of truly interacting with the sick for their wellbeing.

Just and Fair

Quite contrary to the radical mindset of Victorian England, Nightingale was a firm believer that to perform triage, medical conditions of the patient held more value than the rank of the militia. Even though her methods are outdated today, her just and fair ways are important lessons that need to be highlighted.


Florence Nightingale wasn’t a person who believed in giving up. She took initiatives and was not hindered by obstacles. When she was informed that there was no funding to refurbish a demolished hospital wing, she somehow managed to finance it and hired a Turkish crew to accomplish the task. Today, we can tackle challenging situations if we follow the path of Florence Nightingale and not find excuses for our shortcomings.

How to Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Dementia Patient
Photo: Pixabay


Microsoft CEO Bill Gates recently donated $50 million to Alzheimer’s research in the hope that a cure can be found within our lifetime. Gates said, “It’s a terrible disease that devastates both those who have it and their loved ones,”.  He should know, as he has had relatives who have suffered from and succumbed to the disease. This alone should make us vigilant of the risks of dementia.

His donation is going to the Dementia Discovery Fund.  A private-public organization that consists of a team of neuroscientists and field experts devoted to dementia research. The DDF has offices in England and the United States and collaborates with major drug companies and other research institutions.

What Exactly is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Synapse in the Brain
The synapse is the space between the neural connectors

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia in humans and was first described in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer.

It is the result of amyloid plaque buildup between synapses. Synapses are the spaces between the connection of the neurons. These connections between neurons form our cognitive process and maintain our memory.

Under normal circumstances, the plaque dissipates and our brain continues to process our thought patterns as they normally would, but as we age, the plaque can stubbornly remain between the synapses; subsequently, it will interfere with cognitive functioned memory and become one of those brain functions that is affected. Amyloid protein is toxic to neurons and if not removed, it can eventually cause their death. The loss of neurons is called brain atrophy and loss of memory is one of the consequences.

What Can Be Done to Avoid Amyloid Plaque Buildup Between Synapses?

The Neural Network in the Human BrainThe primary objective is to avoid protein buildup between synapses. Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, we can take some precautionary actions to help fight against stubborn plaque that won’t go away.

Can Drugs Help?

Today it affects almost 36 million people with scientists working hard to find ways to prevent, treat and cure this debilitating illness. Recent studies have shown that gene mutations play a role in the disease. In the last 20 years, progress has appeared hopeful. The FDA approved the first Alzheimer’s combo drug Namzaric in 2014 and an array of other drugs are currently in development; however, more research needs to be done before it is proven that these drugs are helping.

Also, studies have shown that the compound Huperzine A may help enhance memory. It comes from the Chinese club moss plant, Huperzia serrata, and may be used for patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Huperzine A can be found in brain cell supplements currently on the market.

Sleep Well

Woman sleeping with blindfoldStudies have shown that good sleep habits are a primary booster for keeping the area between the neural connections clean, so make sure you get the recommended amount of eight hours per night. If you have trouble sleeping, see the advice of your medical professional, because poor sleep habits can weaken the neural network and have adverse effects on your daily activities, such as driving and working on machinery. In addition, lack of sleep slows down the process of healing from any ailments you may have.

Bottom line: Good sleep helps to rejuvenate your body and mind.


A cure-all for almost every disease. Exercise keeps the blood running and strengthens just every organ in the body. There are so many benefits to frequent exercise, it is beyond the scope of this article to get detailed. For this blog, let’s focus on the fact that proper exercise will help keep your neural network strong.

How About Some Mediterranean Food?

Consider a Mediterranean diet – Great for the heart and when the heart is healthy, so is the brain!.! Specifically, if you have heart ailments, ensure you are under the proper medical care and medication. Proper care of the heart helps not just the heart but also helps reduces the amount of plaque that could build up in the synapses.

Learn New Things

Not just crossword puzzles, as you are just refreshing what you already know. Better to learn something that you have not known before. This creates new neural connections, which is a healthy ‘food’ for your brain. Adding mentally stimulating activities in any form of learning is advantageous.

There is a case of one 62-year-old man who decided to pick up where he left off in math studies when he was in college so many years ago. He found an online course in Linear Algebra and diligently managed through it. He was successful and felt a great sense of accomplishment, but what went unnoticed was the addition of millions of new neurons that were created during his studies. A great model for the rest of us regarding how to keep our mind stay healthy!

Yoga Anyone?

Man practicing yoga on the beach

An additional lifestyle change that can be beneficial for brain health and reduce dementia risk is yoga. A recent study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that a 3-month yoga and meditation course may reduce older adults’ risk of mild cognitive impairment. The study was led by Dr. Helen Lavretsky from UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry. Her team found that participants who practiced yoga and meditation showed greater improvement in visual-spatial memory skills than the group that only participated in memory enhancement training.

The yoga meditation group also did better with coping skills, stress resilience, and levels of anxiety and depression. After the participant’s brain activity was assessed, the researchers found improvements in verbal and visual-spatial memory correlated with changes in brain connectivity.

These changes are important to note since mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has no currently approved medications to treat it. MCI can also worsen over time and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia-related diseases, therefore risk reduction is important in adults over the age of 65.

Studies have shown that drinking a few cups of coffee a day are have proven to be good for the brain. A review of evidence found that moderate coffee consumption, between three to five cups a day, may reduce Alzheimer’s risk by up to 20 percent.

If you want to help find a cure for this devasting disease, contact the Dementia Discovery Fund or the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.

Sleep well, eat wed exercise. Try yoga and meditation and don’t forget your daily coffee! 


Caring for the Hearts of Older Patients

Cardiovascular disease is one of the major causes of death around the world. This disease is more common in people who have diabetes or if the disease runs in the family.  Another high risk of heart diseases comes with the age. As people age, their heart becomes more susceptible to diseases or many might have already become a patient. Either way, old patients need care and prevention not just through medication, but with the help of a proper diet and a maintained lifestyle.

Here’s how we can take care of the old people around us and save them from heart problems:

Healthy Diet:

After reaching a certain age, the elders must not be given food that has a lot of sugar, has butter, ghee, shortening or any other ingredient which might affect their cholesterol level. Vegetables, fruits and fish must remain a major part of their diet with no grains in them.  All their food must be low fat.

Physical Activities:

Physical exercises must become a part of older people’s schedule. Even walking is very good for the health and heart. Elders must partake in aerobics, muscle strengthening exercises and balance improvement. All these physical activities will not only avoid the risks of heart diseases, but will also help them create better physical endurance and the ability to stay active. Many older people fall frequently because their muscles have started to weaken and they find it hard to balance their body.

Smoke and Alcohol:

Smoking is bad for health as it is but when old people do it, it becomes outright deadly. Smoking poses a danger to the lungs and might even cause a stroke.  Similarly, alcohol can make conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, liver problems and mood disorders worse. Thus, it is essential that elders stay away from both.


Alternative medications have allowed people to choose their own medicines and more often than not, they make the wrong decision. Alternative medicines might be natural but that doesn’t mean they are effective when it comes to saving lives. Also, there is no official release or research data about these alternative medicines by the FDA. Many elders, on their drive to use natural means, end up losing their health, or worse, as alternative medicines are not always trustworthy.

Avoid Stress:

Stress, shock or any extreme trauma in older people can cause high blood pressure, heart attack or even death. If elders are sleeping properly, exercising daily, taking the proper diet and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle, then the above-discussed conditions can be avoided. However, people who make the elders anxious, worried or stressed out might trigger a negative effect on the health.

Stay Ready:

If the elder person is a heart patient and somehow ends up suffering from a heart attack, then the caregiver must know how to give emergency treatment. If the elder person is staying with their family, then the family members must learn how to conduct emergency treatment in case of heart failure. Immediate action could help save lives.

The hearts of elderly people is very vulnerable to diseases. Thus, it is important that we take care of them.

How Can Daily Aspirin Really Help Me?

Low-dose aspirin can cut the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and colon cancer for people between the ages of 50 and 69, according to a new recommendation from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). The USPSTF initially published draft recommendations in September 2015, and now it has released the final recommendations.

“Aspirin’s anticlotting effect is useful for primary and secondary CVD prevention because it potentially decreases the accumulation of blood clots that form as a result of reduced blood flow at atherosclerotic plaques, thereby reducing hypoxic damage to heart and brain tissue,” the task force stated.

Exactly how much benefit an individual can get out of daily use of low-dose aspirin will vary depending on their age. People between the ages of 50 and 59 saw a moderate benefit and people between the ages of 60 and 69 had a small benefit.

“Fortunately, the Task Force found that for 50- to 69-year-olds at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, taking aspirin can help prevent heart attacks and strokes as well as colorectal cancer,” said Douglas K. Owens, M.D., M.S., a former member of the Task Force who led the review.

There was not enough information for people younger than 50 years and for people older than 70 years.

USPSTF noted that the benefits of daily intake of low-dose aspirin for colorectal cancer prevention will not become apparent until 10 years after initiation of the preventive treatment. As such, younger individuals in the age groups noted will see the most benefit.

“Aspirin use is more likely to have an effect when it is started between the ages of 50 and 59 years,” according to the USPSTF. “Because of the time required before a reduced incidence in CRC is seen, older persons (that is, 60 years or older) are less likely to realize this benefit than adults aged 50 to 59 years.”

Heart attacks and strokes are responsible for 30% of all deaths in the US and colorectal cancer—the third most common cancer—was responsible for 50,000 deaths as per recent statistics.

The Importance for Seniors to Stay Fit

We all have this common misconception that too much movement and activities are just too dangerous for seniors. In all honestly, it is the opposite that puts them at jeopardy. Staying inactive for such a long period of time not only makes them a victim of many diseases, but also lowers their life expectancy.

As we begin to age, our bones become brittle and the muscles lean towards shortening; as a result, elderly people begin having trouble staying active, flexible, and simply, coordinating their movements. That is where all the exercises and physical fitness techniques come in handy.

In addition, keeping the blood flowing during exercise helps the mind stay active also. One senior that we knew well remained active his entire life, by making sure he exercised to what would equate to walking 10 or more city blocks a day, every day. Our patient lived till he was 99 years old, four months before he reached 100. In this case of course, he was totally independent and did not need the convalescence of a nursing home, but for those that are already residing in nursing homes, it cannot be more emphasised that the individual exercise everyday (of course, under a doctor’s guidance*).

Let’s discover the importance of exercising and how exercise can help people in their later years:


As we grow older, we begin to grow weak. Exercise is one of the most effective means of maintaining our strength. Sitting in the same spot for hours and avoiding any kind of physical exertion will not only make the seniors inactive, but will also bring several physical problems with it; one of them being atrophied muscles. Regular movements and even basic exercises, such as walking, could lead to better mobility and an active lifestyle.


David C. Niemen, a Ph.D. doctor and author, believes that the effect of physical activity on healing is so high that no medicine can even come close to replicating its effects. It was found that people who begin exercising early built up a better immune system which subsequently helped them deal with their injury faster.

Reduces Stress

It is not just physical fitness that can be achieved through exercises. In fact, it is our mental health that benefits from it too, just like most people run to get rid of their stress or play their favorite sports to release all that strain. Similarly, an elderly person too can have a positive effect on their mental health by doing exercises. Just taking a light stroll down the street on a bright sunny day can do wonders to lift their spirits.

Social Activity

Exercises are a solution to many of the senior problems and one of them includes loneliness and solitude. Joining group exercises and group activities will not only help seniors deal with all the rigidness in their bones, but will also give them an excellent opportunity to meet new people and have a positive impact on their life.

Prevents Injuries and Accidents

Most fatal injuries in seniors are caused by falling, which incidentally happens because of their bad coordination. Due to aging, muscles begin to grow weak and the only way to stay up to date with their body is through exercising. It will reduce the chances of falling and ultimately, lead to fewer risks of deadly injuries.

Better Sleep

Sleepless nights are just a side effect of growing old and the best way to deal with it is to have enough physical exertion in the daytime that will enable them to sleep peacefully at night.

Do not wait until later to get your elders in the habit of exercising. At the first sign of weakness, visit a doctor for an exercise plan and then reap the benefits.

* Disclaimer. This article is for information purposes only and as such, we highly recommend that the patient or the patient’s guardians refer to a physician for the appropriate type and amount of exercise that should be recommended for the person in question.


Food for Your Bone Health

Calcium and vitamin D are well known for strengthening your bones, but if you eat a well balanced diet with plenty of dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables, you should get enough of the nutrients you need every day.

If you have osteoporosis, Dr. Paul Mystkowski, endocrinologist at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle and clinical faculty member at the University of Washington in Seattle says “With osteoporosis, the general advice is to take three doses of 500 milligrams of elemental calcium a day”.

Why limit to three separate doses? Because 500 milligrams is all your body can absorb at one time. So for strong bones, get your calcium throughout the day via your meals, then, if necessary, add a calcium supplement to make up the difference.

What foods are good for your bones?

Olive oil, soy beans, blueberries and foods rich in omega-3’s, like fish oil may have bone benefits. Additional research is ongoing regarding linking these foods to bone health, the many overall health benefits of these foods make them excellent choices to add to your diet.

Believe it or not, research has shown that a moderate intake of certain alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages may also be good for your bones. Wine, beer and tea seem to be advantageous for bone density. More research is needed though, but if you drink, at least you will be content with the idea that these drinks, absorbed moderately may be helpful for your bone health.

Nursing Organizations Push for Legislation to Reauthorize Workforce Programs

Nursing organizations around the country are lending their support for the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act, a bill introduced by Representatives Lois Capps (D-CA) and David Joyce (R-OH). The legislation would reauthorize and update nursing developing programs through 2020.

Deborah E. Trautman, PhD, RN, president and chief executive officer of AACN testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health on the need to reauthorize Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development programs.

“With over 3 million licensed providers, registered nurses are the largest healthcare workforce in America and essential members of the healthcare team,” Dr Trautman said in her testimony.

Overall, more than 55 professional nursing organizations back the measure. The coalition explained that Title VIII programs have helped meet the United States’ healthcare needs by helping to supply and distribute qualified nurses. Title VIII programs are the largest dedicated source of federal funding for nursing education.

“Our organizations’ members deeply rely on these programs to foster high-quality care delivery in the wide range of settings where they practice, teach, and lead in improving health care,” a written testimony from the 55 organizations read.

Dr Trautman pointed out in her testimony that the legislation being considered would modernize the Title VIII programs, which is necessary to create alignment with the transformations occurring in nursing and healthcare.

“As we continue to ensure that all communities have access to care, it is essential that the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development programs be reauthorized,” Dr Trautman said. “This will ensure a continued pipeline of support for the providers who spend the most time with patients—nurses.”

A Day to Celebrate Older Americans

Today, we honor our elderly and celebrate Senior Citizens Day in the United States. As our population increasingly ages, it is imperative that we recognize the importance of supporting senior citizens in our communities.

More than 40 million senior citizens live in the US, and that number will only grow as people live longer than ever before. Every Aug. 21 is a day to acknowledge the contributions and dedications of older people, and take the time to ensure we give something back. Ronald Reagan created Senior Citizens Day in 1988. Every year senior and community centers celebrate with special events. In addition, businesses, such as Arby’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Subway, often offer discounts for senior citizens.

The best way to celebrate today is likely the easiest: call up an elderly person you know and lend an ear. However, many people also choose to volunteer at nursing homes or the VFW.

If you missed this year’s Senior Citizens Day, don’t worry: you have another chance to honor the elderly on Oct. 1, the International Day of Older Persons. This global observance not only raises awareness of the achievements of older people, but also of such topics as:

• Aging populations and the provisions of adequate healthcare for the elderly
• Volunteer work
• Social care
• Ways to be more inclusive of older persons in the workforce

Minibrains Could Help in Treatment of Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer’s is an untreatable progressive brain disease that slowly devastates the memory and conceptual skills of the affected individual. The disease was first identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 after he noticed remarkable changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died after suffering from a mysterious mental disease.

Minibrains in Minibrains Alzheimer’s

Her symptoms included language problems, memory loss, and erratic behavior. Today, persons showing these symptoms are said to be suffering from Alzheimer’s. Around 5.4 million people in the US suffer from Alzheimer’s. The majority of the affected individuals are aged 65 and older. Persons suffering from the disease have abnormally tangled bundles of fibers known as neurofibrillary and clumps called amyloid plaques in the brain. No cure for Alzheimer’s has been found yet. The drugs that had looked promising when tested on animals failed when used on humans at the great expense of money and time. While there are certain similarities, the human brains are not the same as mice or other animals on which the drugs are tested. In a bid to accelerate the development of a cure for Alzheimer’s and other mental diseases such as Parkinson’s, scientists at the John Hopkins University have developed ‘minibrains’ that imitate the functions of a human brain.

How Minibrains Can Help in Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

The Human Brain
The Human Brain

The minibrains developed by the researchers at John Hopkins consist of clusters of human neurons and other cells that mimic the structure and function of the brain. They are the tiny models of the real human brain that can help scientists in the ongoing research to provide a cure for the brain disorders including Alzheimer’s.

The miniature model of the brain that is about the size of an insect’s eye and could be produced on a large scale. This will make it easier for the researchers to test the effectiveness and safety of the new drugs in a laboratory setting.  The minibrains show evidence of electrical activity that the researchers can measure during clinical trials of the drugs for the Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers could obtain much better information about the effectiveness of the drugs through the minibrains as compared to testing them on rodents. These brains could one day replace the thousands of animals particularly mice that are used in the neurology laboratories.

The team that had developed the minibrains had said that brain cells of people with a particular genetic trait could also be taken to provide a model for examining different neurological diseases.

One thing remains is whether the public will accept the idea of growing ‘human brains’ inside the lab. But the researchers that had developed the minibrains said that there would be less fear of the use of these brains if people understood that the lab-grown miniature brains can never match the functions or structure of the real human brain.

The human brains have billions of cells while the minibrains stop growing after only about 20,000 cells. And these miniature clusters of cells have no way of becoming conscious or making decisions, according to the researchers that developed the minibrains; however, miniaturization is becoming a key factor in the advancement of the sciences and we hope that this will be a breakthrough in medical science that will take the cure for Alzheimer’s to the next level.

Visiting the Elderly – A Habit That Can Keep Them Young

Daughter with father
Spending time with your elderly loved ones keeps them busy and healthier

Your grandmother is in a nursing home with whom you used to stay all the time with when she was home; we often feel sympathetic towards our elders who are living in a nursing home, but that is the only thing we do for them. How come we never consider visiting them? 

Most of us have a perception of nursing homes being a depressing place or that visiting our elders is not just cool enough. We are hugely mistaken on both accounts. First-off, the nursing homes of today not only provide the most excellent care to their elders, but also have many activities and other things planned that keep the elders occupied. Moreover, senior citizens get to meet people like them and of their own age. The only thing lacking from their life is a visit from their loved ones.

There are many good reasons for you to visit your beloved elder. Here are some of them:

Keeping A Check On Their Health:

They are your own flesh and blood and it is your responsibility to keep a check on their health. Visiting them once a week is good and visiting them every other day is even better. You’d know how they are doing, how they are being taken care of and would result in you being kept in the loop about their well-being. The elder person too feels secure and safe in the knowledge that someone is looking after them.

Mending Severed Ties:

There is always someone in the family who we never liked much or we never had a good relation with. However, that doesn’t mean that we put them out of our lives forever. It’s a harsh reality but at any point of time, those elders could be taking their last breaths. You don’t want them to die without saying sorry to them or without actually getting on good terms with them. Visiting elders you never liked will not only be good for your conscience, but will also give you a sense of closure. You will be surprised to know how many people actually become good friends only after reaching a very old age. So, don’t put your non-favorite people off your visiting list.

Helping them Feel Loved:

Blood relations can never be replaced by anyone or anything else in life and that is why most elders become very lonely, despite being surrounded by many others. Visits from you can change their life. They begin to show positive behavior, smile more and they wait for your visits every day. Most elders who are left by their family get very quiet and their health deteriorates quicker than the others. Visiting family and friends keep them young, healthy and happy. So, even when their time is up, they leave the world with a smile on their face. Imagine you being the reason for that smile!

If you have any elder in a nursing home right now, then make it a point to visit them as regularly as possible. They don’t need much and just your presence is enough to add life to their numbered days.