
The Health Benefits of CBD Oil Revealed

Cannabidiol OilPhoto by Wavebreakmedia –

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has a wide range of medical benefits. While it is extracted from the marijuana plant known as cannabis, it does not have any psychoactive effects that are commonly associated with the substance. In other words, you will not get ‘high’ when using the CBD oil.

By using selective breeding techniques, experts have been able to derive CBD oil from the cannabis plant. Due to the potent ingredients and health effects, the oil is now being used for various medical purposes. Here are five health benefits of using CBD oil.

Antiemetic Benefits

CBD oil reduces vomiting and nausea caused due to illness or as a side effect of taking certain drugs. The antiemetic benefits are particularly helpful during the treatment of cancer and other diseases that result in vomiting and nausea. The drug offers antiemetic properties without resulting in a side effect or any reaction.

The drug also contributes to improvement in the digestive health of the individual. It helps in improved digestion that in turn provides a beneficial effect in other important bodily functions.

Analgesic Properties

The analgesic benefits of CBD result in pain relief. The cannabinoid present in the CBD oil binds with the receptor in the human body that interferes with the reception and transmission of the pain signals. It is one of the safest pain relief substances, as it is not addictive or results in serious side effects.

Reduced Inflammation

CBD oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that reduced inflammation results in a speedy healing process as well as pain relief. Reduced inflammation in the human body may also prolong life. The CBD oil offers similar anti-inflammatory properties as Ibuprofen drug without the associated side effects.

Prevents Tumor Growth

A number of current researchers have also suggested that CBD oil may reduce the risk of tumors. Not only that, but the medication is said to result in shrinking and eliminating the existing tumor. Moreover, CBD oil prevents the growth of tumor-related cancer cells thereby reducing the risk of cancer in the humans.

Alleviates Mental Health Problems

CBD oil is also said to alleviate the symptoms of mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia. In contrast, using the cannabis plant or marijuana has the opposite effect aggravating rather than relieving the symptoms of mental problems.

With the continual increase in the mental diseases, CBD oil provides a safer alternative option for the treatment of mental maladies.

Despite the various benefits of the CBD oil, the legalization status is still being fought in certain states in the US. Tennessee has approved cannabis for medical uses in 2015. Texas had also followed suit legalizing the use of the oil. However, at present, only 16 US states have approved CBD oil for medicinal uses. When the ‘miracle oil’ will be legalized in other states, we can only wait and see.

Howard Fensterman is a professional attorney who has contributed to different charitable organizations in the US. You can read more topics related to health and wellness by clicking here.

Nursing Home Doubles As Student Dorm

A nursing home located in Portland, Maine has taken on an innovative approach to connecting with its senior residents. Saint Joseph’s Rehabilitation and Residence has started a program called the Intergenerational Living Project. The program is a first of its kind in the area and adopts the concept from a program in the Netherlands that combines seniors, their families, and students in a shared living community.

The program has six students from Saint Joseph’s College, University of Southern Maine, and Southern Maine Community College, not only working at the nursing home but also living there for free. Each student must work a minimum of 16 hours a week as either a Certified Nursing Assistant or a Neighborhood Assistant and pays around 12$ an hour. The housing for the students is more spacious than any dorm and can fit a double bed, desk, bookshelves, television, and also boasts a private bathroom.

The program allows students to provide comfort and assistance to patients 24/7 and has patients teach the students valuable lessons. Resident Pat Flagg explains, “People are human; they have a day when they’re not very good and I hope they learn to live with that and look beyond it to see the person who is maybe unhappy or hurting and finding that out and relating to that problem.”

Administrator Peggy Farrington says she modeled the intergenerational living program after the same one in the Netherlands. Social isolation and loneliness in older men and women are associated with increased mortality. In the Humanitas retirement home in Deventer, Netherlands, six students from nearby universities share the building with about 160 seniors.

“The students bring the outside world in, there is lots of warmth and contact,” says Humanitas head Gea Sijpkes. The students can come and go as they please as long as they adhere to one rule: Don’t be a nuisance to the elderly residents. The students live in their rent-free apartments and are required to spend at least 30 hours per month acting as good neighbors. They do a variety of activists with the seniors including watching sports, celebrating birthdays, and offering company when the older residents fall ill. This helps decrease the seniors from feeling disconnected and alone, helping to ward off the negative effects of aging. Students also help teach residents new skills such as email, social media, and even Skype.

This integrated program is also gaining popularity. Two more nursing homes in the Netherlands opened with the same program and a similar program was recently introduced in Lyon, France. This new type of arrangement benefits everyone and brings warmth and love to a much-needed aging population while keeping costs down. Could this be the future of retirement homes? We’ll see.

Better Nursing Environments Provide Better Value for Patients

Hospitals with a better nursing environment, judged by such factors as nurse-to-bed ratio and nurse mix, is associated with lower mortality with similar costs compared with hospitals that don’t have nursing environment recognition.

A study published in JAMA Surgery analyzed data from Medicare fee-for-service claims for elderly patients admitted for general surgery in Illinois, New York, and Texas. The purpose was to determine if selecting hospitals based solely on excellent nursing environments could identify hospitals with better outcomes and value.

Excellent nursing environments were defined by having both national peer-assessed recognition and above-average nurse staffing. As the recognition indicator was a voluntary accreditation program, the authors identified this as a limitation, but past studies have shown that hospitals in general with accreditation have better work environments than those without accreditation.

“While there is considerable evidence that a better nursing work environment is associated with better outcomes, the question of value has remained uncertain,” the authors wrote.

The researchers found that hospitals with a better nursing environment had a 4.8% 30-day mortality rate compared with 5.8% in the control hospitals. Patients in the highest risk quintile saw the greatest mortality benefit if they were treated in hospitals with better nursing environments.

Hospitals with better nursing environments also had dramatically lower rates of intensive care unit (ICU) use, according to the study. The authors attribute this to better nursing care on the floor, which acts as a substitute for ICU care and leads to a lower use of resources.

“While better outcomes and value may be owing to other features of hospitals with good nursing, excellent nursing environments appear to provide a strong signal to patients and referring physicians for better quality, lower cost, and higher value,” the authors concluded. “This is especially true for higher-risk patients, where the value of a better nursing environment appears to be greatest.”

Study: Viagra Pills Can Help Reduce Heart Risks

Viagra is an anti-erectile dysfunction medication that was developed by Pfizer and approved by the FDA in 1998. The drug works by enhancing increased blood flow towards the penile region resulting in an erection during sexual arousal.

Now a number of clinical studies published in reputable journals show that the little blue pill can also reduce the risk of heart diseases in healthy individuals.*

An article published in the BMC Medicine Journal had found that Viagra can prevent the thickening of the heart muscle and thereby reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Viagra contains the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate that is a phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE5i). It’s not surprising that the researchers had found that Viagra could reduce the risk of heart disease considering the fact that it was originally tested for angina pectoris – a heart disease – during the early clinical trials. However, the medication’s effectiveness in treating the disease was found to be modest.

The focus of the drug had shifted once patients had reported side effects of improved erections. Soon after, the drug was approved by the drug regulatory authorities for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

It is only now that the benefits of the pill in reducing the risk of a heart attack are being revealed by the clinical studies. Apart from that, some studies have found that the drug can also reduce the symptoms of urinary tract infection as well as pulmonary arterial hypertension.

The medical interest of the drug is thus growing in the field of urology and andrology for the treatment of bladder disorders, pulmonary hemodynamics, Raynaud’s disease, and also in its properties to protect the brain in case of an ischemic injury.

The studies conducted on animals have shown that Viagra prevents thickening of the heart muscles. The drug is said to provide antifibrotic and antihypertrophic ingredients that can protect the heart against different types of disorders.

A small number of studies have also shown that the Pfizer’s blue pill can also improve the cardiac performance and the geometry during the clinical conditions that include myocardial infarction, heart failure, and diabetic cardiomyopathy.

The results of the clinical studies show that Viagra has the potential to improve the quality of health of millions of people all over the world. The studies about the effects of the drug are ongoing and it is expected that more insightful information about the drug will be determined in the future.

It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before taking Viagra for treating heart or sexual disorders. The doctor can assess the health condition and prescribe the right dosage of the drug. Taking more than the recommended dosage is dangerous that can result in serious side effects.

* This article is for information purposes only and is based on a research study. It is not advice of any kind recommending to take Viagra or any anti-erectile dysfunction medication. Always consult with a medical professional before taking any medications.

Paperfuge – Portable and Cheap Device for Diagnosing Anemia

Commercial devices that are used for the diagnosis of anemia are expensive and bulky. Scientists have developed a very low cost (20 cents) and light (2 grams) device known as ‘paperfuge’ that is designed based on the theoretical model of a 5,000 years old ancient toy known as the whirligig.

Whirligig is an ancient pinwheel-like toy whose circular motion is made possible using two twisting strings. The paperfuge is made using the same concept that represents a major breakthrough in the modern scientific world. It can separate the blood quickly similar to some of the commercial centrifuges – medical devices used in diagnosing the anemia.

Apart from diagnosing blood disorders, the device can also prove useful in diagnosing malaria and HIV diseases.

The revolutionary device consists of nothing more than a string, paper, and glue. The simple model of the device allows it to be made at a much less cost as compared to the traditional centrifuges, which costs hundreds to thousands of dollars.

When the device is given the green light by the regulatory authorities, the paperfuge could prove to be an extremely cheap and convenient alternative to the commercial devices.

The traditional centrifuges consist of rapidly spinning machines that can cost up to $6,000. The device is not always within the reach of poor regions of the world. Some of the regions don’t have the electricity to keep the system running.

In the past, scientists had tried different types of human-powered devices including salad spinners and egg beaters. But they did not even come close to the speed of even the low-end centrifuges, which can spin for more than 100,000 revolutions per minute (rpm).

A team led by bioengineer Manu Prakash of the Stanford University of Pao Alto had decided to take a systematic approach to inventing a cheap device that could diagnose anemia in patients. The team examined different spinning toys including yo-yos, tops, and gyroscopic wrist exercises. They then used a high-speed camera to measure the speed. They discovered that the whirligig that twisted the strings into clumped coils was able to achieve the required speed. Over the course of the study, the team had optimized the toy to create a prototype that worked by pulling the sticks that are attached by strings to a paper disk holding tiny tubes of blood. The repeated winding and unwinding of the strings allowed rotational speeds of up to 120,000 rpm. The device successfully reduced the plasma from the blood samples in less than 1.5 minutes.

While the paperfuge has shown promising results during the course of the study, the real test will come during the testing conducted by the regulatory authorities. Once it is approved, the device can greatly help in reducing the medical costs of diagnosing anemia, and a host other blood-related maladies.

Wearable Sensors Can Help in Diagnosing Disease

The innovation in electronic health care is changing the way doctors monitor and diagnose diseases. A number of innovative biomedical devices have been introduced that extends the capabilities of the medical staff in diagnosing diseases.

One the technological innovations in the health care system include smart wearable sensors that are capable of pre-operative monitoring. With the advent of miniature circuit chips, microcontroller functionality and wireless data transmission, wearable sensors are now a common health care community that people can wear on their wrists or around their neck. The smart sensors can monitor skin temperature, heart rate, blood glucose levels and other variables that can determine what is going on inside a person’s body.

Devices such as the smartwatch can monitor many vital signals when attached to a person’s wrist

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine had found that the smart sensors are particularly effective in diagnosing the onset of infection, insulin resistance, and inflammation. The research team had examined nearly 2 billion measures from about 60 people. They had also collected continuous data from the wearable biosensors of the participants and compared them with the laboratory tests of the blood chemistry and other traditional measures.

The participants had used commercially available sensors that displayed data on heart rate, weight, blood oxygen level, skin temperature, calories expended and even exposure to X-rays and gamma rays. The devices had collected the data during different activities including walking, sleeping, running, biking, and others.

According to one of the researchers, Eric Topol, who is also a professor of Genomics at the Scripps Research Institute, the data collected by the smart wearable devices were impressive. A lot of sensors are available in the market that can collect a large range of variables related to the individual’s health.

The study found that the smart devices can accurately track deviation from the base values. Some of the devices can also link the aberrations to specific environmental health disorders. The devices can examine distinct patterns of deviations and then correlate them with a health disorder. Algorithm of the devices can detect the changes in patterns that greatly help in diagnosing and treating the illnesses.

At the moment, a number of companies produce these sensors. Some of the sensors are also being produced for detecting disorders in the animals. The devices with a few modifications can accurately be used in detecting anomalies in the animal’s health.

The innovative smart wearable devices have made possible precision livestock farming techniques. By using the smart sensors, farmers can accurately monitor the health of the animals. The devices can help in determining whether the animals are afflicted with diseases. This can ensure that the meat or dairy products that are sold for human consumption are perfectly safe for consumption.

The smart devices can sense saliva, sweat, and analyze micro-fluids. The biosensors and wearable devices that are available in the market can be integrated to create an efficient tracking system that can display the health status in real time. This can offer a timely diagnosis of illnesses that can ultimately decrease the economic losses involved in medical treatment.

Ayurvedic Medicine: Does it Really Help?

Ayurvedic Medicine
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Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian holistic healing system. The technique has evolved over a period of more than 3,000 years. Contrary to what many people believe in the US, Ayurvedic Medicine is not solely in the form of drugs. Instead, it is a whole-body healing program that is based on the belief that the health of an individual depends on the balance between the mind, spirit, and the body.

The word Ayurvedic is derived from Ayurveda that is composed of two Sanskrit words ‘Ayu’ meaning life or health and ‘Veda’ meaning knowledge. So, Ayurveda means knowledge of health.

While the Ayurvedic medicine is widely used in India today, the ancient health practice is known only to a small percentage of the Americans. Due to the same fact, no noteworthy research work has been carried out till date that throws light on the effectiveness of the ancient medical practice.

What we know about Ayurvedic medicine is that it is a holistic approach consisting of special diets, herbal compounds, meditation, massage, and cleansing therapies. The people that practice Ayurvedic medicine claim that it prevents illnesses, treats serious health conditions and contributes to a healthy and long life.

The basic belief behind Ayurvedic medicine is that all illnesses originate due to the imbalances in the mind, spirit, and the body. If these elements are in harmony, you will remain in good health. However, if there is something that disrupts the harmony, you get sick.

The things that are said to disrupt the harmony include injuries, seasonal change, climate, age, and emotions. Moreover, people that practice Ayurveda state that the human body is also affected by external life energies or forces that are known as doshas. The chances of a person getting affected increase when there are imbalances in the doshas.

The doshas are responsible for different body functions such as the way the cells divide, food is digested, and many others. In other words, the doshas is said to also affect the breathing, blood flow, heart health, and the digestive system. The doshas are disrupted if the person stays up too late, overeat, or feel fear, anger, grief, anxiety, or other negative emotions.

Ayurvedic practices help in creating harmony between different vital elements that affect the body. As a result, they are said to bring relief from illnesses including heart problems, asthma, skin disorder, and arthritis.

In the end, you must keep in mind that Ayurvedic medicine consists of different practices and products. The efficacy and safety of the products that include minerals, herbs, and metals have not been proved by scientific studies.

Taking Ayurvedic medication without proper supervision of a trained practitioner can result in harmful effects. The herbal medications have a number of side effects when taken more than the recommended amount. Moreover, some of them can interact with traditional medications resulting in serious adverse effects. So, it’s best to take proper precaution when taking any Ayurvedic medication for treating any disease.

Why is Hand Hygiene So Important in Health Care?

lab-technician-washing-her-hands A mother of two children told us that she used to ensure her children washed their hands routinely. Not just when leaving the restroom, but when sitting down to eat, after petting animals, and after a host of other instances that she felt required additional hygiene.

Some thought she was overdoing it to the point that she would be called a germophobe. Although not a derogatory term, it does refer to people who are obsessed with hand cleaning, but she didn’t care. After numerous times of her children processing this cleansing routine, they started to put their hands out for anti-bacterial soap when they would go to a restaurant. The woman advised us that although her children still get colds, she believes they probably would have been sick more often if not for the constant hand washing.

And maybe this mother of two had it right. If you have ever been on a cruise ship, most, if not all of them do obsess about cleanliness, and for good reason. No one wants to fall ill in a place where there is no way out, let alone it will ruin their vacation. Many ships are spotless, with staff constantly cleaning door knobs, stair rails, and other objects that are handled often.

Other organizations follow in her footsteps as well. In many businesses and institutions these days, their policies are to stay home if you feel ill, so as not to infect coworkers and many of these same companies supply antibacterial soap in the lunchrooms, hallways, and by restrooms – definitely a worthwhile endeavor.

But How Do Hospitals Stack Up?

Doctor Examining Woman Before Giving Child Birth

In a CDC study on medical staff and hand washing, it was found that one in 25 hospital patients were subjected to Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Other studies (in the US and worldwide) have also found metrics similar to the CDC study.

Given this, The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided “Five Moments of Hand Hygiene” guidelines that hospital staff members should adhere to when working with patients and also for their own safety. Specifically, the WHO points out times when staff should ensure they have cleansed themselves from bacteria. They stress washing hands prior to touching a patient or aseptic procedures, after exposure to bodily fluids, and after touching a patient and/or the patient’s surroundings.

Although these guidelines are practical and make sense, enforcing them is another story. Enter new technology. General Sensing, a technology company that specializes in using sensor networks to help increase the quality of care in hospitals has developed sensor devices that can monitor hygiene among hospital staff. In addition, it will subsequently ensure compliance with WHO guidelines.

Called Medsense, it is a series of beacons that monitor when and how a staff employee washes their hands and transmits data to a central station for review by both the hospital administrator as well as the staff member. The employee wears a badge that contains a chip to monitor their hygiene.

According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Infection and Public Health showed that the WHO guidelines were followed 25% more in one month when healthcare employees utilized the MedSense network than those that didn’t.

Some employees may have abstentions from wearing the badge; however, it is part of the technological progress towards better health care and this will surely take priority as it is a known fact that employees perform better when they know they are being observed. A phenomenon known as the Hawthorne Effect.

With the advent of 21st-century techniques and technology, expect to see an accelerated advancement in the quality of care for patients and employees in the medical field.

In addition, washing your hands frequently whether in or out of the workplace will help you to avoid illnesses that you may acquire personally. So, it doesn’t hurt to maybe have a little germophobe in you after all.

How Nurses Play an Important Role at Nursing Homes

Nurses in nursing homes have tough jobs. They need to be appreciated more. There tends to be a bias against nurses when a patient complains. If an incident occurs, people (usually outsiders) will point to the staff stating that the nurses or other professionals are not doing their jobs properly, but case histories have shown that this is not always the case.  

Let’s examine the nurses’ functions at senior homes, which will help us get a better feel for what their daily responsibilities are and some of the difficult tasks they encounter when on the job.

Usually, as many of us are aware, good news and standard procedures that are not newsworthy never get top billing; subsequently, very little appreciation is shown for the staff when providing routine administrative and/or medical tasks at these homes.

Why Should Nurses be Appreciated?

It may look easy but caring for people in their old age can be quite of a challenge. They have their moods and preferences, their emotions are often heightened and meltdowns over the smallest of things can be an everyday routine; some also completely shut themselves up. They have health conditions that require constant attention and understanding in order to be handled well. Being in such an intense environment can often take a toll but a significant majority of nurses try to give their best to make the lives of the elderly and their stay at senior homes worthwhile.

Mental Illnesses

The most challenging part about senior living is dealing with mental illnesses. The life events and harshness of experiences often leaves them with a lot to deal with in old age. Additionally, the age and physical condition also take their toll. Many people fall victim to degenerative diseases in their old age. More often than not, they also face comorbid disorders and diseases which further worsen their condition. Disorders like dementia, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s leave them completely dependent on others and unable to manage their most basic needs as well. Depression, too, is very common in old age. Nurses play a very important role as a communicator, supporter, friend and even more in giving the elderly the kind of attention they need. Their presence is often the source of happiness for many. A lot of nurses go out of their way to make sure that they are happy and comfortable.

Physical Illnesses

Physical healthcare is very important in the old age. The healthcare system itself is burdened with the problem of under-staffing due to the increasing number of people in old age; which is expected to increase further in the coming years. Attending to their medical needs, keeping everything up to date and organized, and providing instant care in case of an emergency constitutes the regular job of nurses. However, there are times where things take a turn for the worse and their condition deteriorates even further. We need to consider how emotionally and physically stressful the job of a nurse is. It is not easy to see people fighting diseases, loneliness, disorders and heartbreak.

Nurses work beyond their capacity in many places. A little appreciation can lift up their spirits and encourage them to give their best in the future too. A few black-sheep should not malign the hard, laborious and selfless efforts of the many hardworking individuals that perform their daily duties every day.

The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Explored

Apple Cider offers various benefits that go beyond improving the taste of the food. It is considered to offer a number of health benefits from improving blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, and even reducing weight.

Here we will take a close look at some of the benefits of Apple Cider that are confirmed by studies published in reputable journals.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider

A Japanese study examined the effect of acetic acid on obese individuals. The researchers carried on a double blind trial on the individuals that had the same waist measurement and body weight. Their study concluded that people that drank half an ounce of apple vinegar drink for 12 weeks gained less body fat as compared to those that did not consume it.

Also, a study published in Diabetes Care found that taking two tbsp. of apple cider before going to bed with a snack can lower blood sugar levels in diabetic individuals. The researchers examined men and women suffering from diabetes type 2. They found that people who consumed apple cider with a snack such as one ounce of cheese had improved blood sugar levels. The results were found to be significant when they paired the snack with two tablespoons of water instead of the apple cider.

In another study that examined the effects of apple cider, it was found that people that had a high risk of diabetes were able to reduce the blood sugar level by half, while the diabetic people were able to reduce the blood sugar levels by nearly 25 percent.

Apart from reducing the blood sugar level, apple cider can also help in maintaining a healthy weight. One study published in a reputable journal found that the mice that were fed a diet containing acetic acid developed 10 percent less fat as compared to those that were not fed acetic acid. The findings of the study suggest that acetic acid trigger enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fat and prevent accumulation of excess fat.


Apple cider offers several health benefits that have been proven in various studies. Including acetic acid in the diet not only results in reduced risk of diabetes, improved cardiovascular health, and better weight control.

You can also include apple cider in your diet as the main ingredient to main dishes or salad. A simple recipe is adding one tbsp. of apple cider and lemon juice each, a half tsp. of chopped garlic, black pepper, and chopped basil leaves. You can also drizzle over broad beans, fresh leafy greens, and chilled or cooked potatoes for a more flavorsome dish.

However, keep in mind that consuming apple cider alone won’t offer health benefits. Consider it as one of the pieces of a health and wellness jigsaw puzzle, and not a cure for diseases. It’s better to implement a well-balanced and healthy diet for optimal health benefits.