
Five Health Risks of Being Overweight

Obsese Man
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America is blessed with about 324 million individuals of different races, religions and cultures. About one-third of these or 118 million Americans suffer from a serious health disorder that makes them susceptible to several diseases.

One of these health problems is on the increase every single passing day. Yes, we are talking about obesity that is a growing concern in the US. Being obese or overweight is not just a cosmetic problem. If left unaddressed, it can lead to the development of many serious health disorders, some of which will be the subject matter of this article.

The Dangers of Obesity

Food is sometimes rightfully compared to a childhood friend. When treated well, you can experience great joy and delight. However, when abused, you should expect retribution that is anything but sweet. Overeating is nothing more than abusing the food due to which it literally turns into a silent killer.

Here are five deadly risks of obesity that will make you consider taking action to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Risk of a Heart Attack

Simply stated, the heavier you are, the more your heart has to work to perform its daily tasks. When you add more weight, your heart has to increase the blood flow in your body more than it had to do previously. One would think that this would equate to a faster beating heart, but instead, the heart enlarges slightly so it can pump the increased blood flow with each beat; however, this increased blood flow leads to high blood pressure, which is a major cause of heart disease.

Obesity also raises the chances of gaining the bad cholesterol levels (also known as low-density lipoprotein (LPL) that stick to the walls of arteries. 

Bottom line – Being overweight results in a heavier workload for the heart.


Being overweight raises the risks of several types of cancer including colon, breast, kidney, uterine, and stomach cancers. Studies have also shown that obesity increases the risk of ovaries, gallbladder, and pancreatic cancers.

It has been found that overweight people many times have chronic low-level inflammation, which can potentially cause DNA damage. This damage may then result in certain types of cancer. Obese people have a higher chance to acquire health disorders which are linked to chronic local inflammation, which subsequently increases the risk of getting cancer.


Excess body weight also results in increased risk of diabetes. This is usually caused by the excessive level of blood sugar in the body. The pancreas is the body produce a large amount of insulin to control the high blood sugar levels. Ultimately, the body organ fails to function properly due to which the individual becomes dependent on insulin medication.


Osteoarthritis is another common health disorder of the hips, knees and the lower back. The condition happens when excess weight puts pressure on the joints due to which the tissues that protect the joints wear away causing great pain.

Sleep Apnea

Obese individuals are at an increased risk of developing a sleeping disorder known as sleep apnea. The individual suffering from the condition experiences shallow breathing when asleep. As a result, the person is not able to achieve normal sleep at night. The condition develops when the excess fat around the neck constricts the airways making it hard for the individual to breathe. 

Sleep Apnea can lead to other issues as well, such as, feeling tired during the day and a greater risk of falling asleep at the wheel.

The above are just some of the serious health complications that result from being overweight. You can greatly reduce the risk of developing these disorders by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

A good way to start is to check you Body Mass Index (BMI), which is BMI is a screening mechanism that will tell you if you are underweight, overweight, obese or normal for your height and weight. It is a pretty good indicator of how much weight you need to lose (if any). Simply check any BMI calculator table and you can quickly determine where you are as far as body weight is concerned.

Eating a well-balanced diet and a moderate exercise routine can go a long way towards a healthy weight, but for those that need some extra support, there are many diet programs available. With that said, it is highly recommended to speak to your doctor who can direct you to the right diet plan.

Howard Fensterman is a managing partner of the New York-based law firm – Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara & Wolf, LLP. and has gained a reputation due to high-quality legal services as well as contributions to different charitable organizations in the United States.

Skinny Jeans are a Health Hazard, says Medical Experts

Are tight jeans a health risk?
Photo by marylooo –

The ubiquitous skinny jeans have been the legwear of choice among both men and women for years. However, it appears that the habit of wearing skin tight jeans can result in a host of health problems such as bladder weakness, twisted testicles, and urinary tract infections.

In this article, we will look at the recent studies that have criticized skinny jeans and deemed them a big health hazard. The fashionable denim may look appealing on a person as it accentuates the bulges and curves. But once you know about the health hazards of wearing jeans, you will think twice before wearing them.  

The Health Risks of Wearing Skinny Jeans

Most people admit that they wear jeans to look good sacrificing comfort for style. But now studies have warned that these clothes can cause serious damage to the muscles and nerves. According to a study published by TENA – a company that sells clothes designed to stay in control of urine leakage – one in 10 men surveyed had reported unpleasant effects of wearing tight jeans.   

The study found that wearing skinny jeans restricts the movement of the testicles. As a result, the spermatic cord that holds the testicles can twist leading to testicular torsion. This can cut off the blood supply to the region that may require immediate surgery – or even removal of the testicle.  

According to medical experts, people should leave adequate room around the groin area. The trousers should not feel tight or restrict movement of the testicles in any way.  

Apart from damaging the testicles in men, wearing skinny jeans might also be bad for the back. This statement was made by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA).  

Tim Hutchful, BCA chiropractor, most people don’t know that clothing and certain accessories can badly affect their posture and back health. Many people tend to decide their outfit choice based on fashion instead of comfort. However, popular and trendy clothing can have hidden impact on health.

Skinny jeans are known to restrict movement in areas such as knees and hips. The clothing prevents blood from flowing properly to these areas. As a result, the person may develop painful joint conditions.

In the End

It’s not the skinny jeans that increase the risks of painful health conditions. Any clothing or items such as heavy jewelry, oversized sleeves, large hoods, asymmetric hemlines, and others that restrict the movements in any way can have a negative impact on your back, neck, and posture. Large hoods make you strain the neck to clearly see ahead, while tight-fitting asymmetric hemlines restrict your movement.  

In order to avoid the health risks, individuals are advised to prefer comfort over style. Trying to look trendy and chic by wearing tight-fitting clothes can make you crippled in the long run. Sacrificing comfort just for the looks is not worth it in the end.  

The Benefits of Daily One-Mile Walks

Person Walking on RoadThe benefits of walking are similar to the apple – walking a mile a day can keep the doctor away! From reducing anxiety to helping you lower blood pressure and reduce weight, walking can help you in many ways.

Regular walks are, in fact, one of the easiest things that you can do for your health, according to the author of The Doctor on Demand Diet, Melina B. Jampolis, MD. Walking requires nothing more than a pair of tennis shoes or sneakers. However, the activity provides tremendous physical and mental health benefits.

A 2015 study by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress, followed 69 people between the ages of 30 and 60. The results were impressive. Those who participated in this study partook in daily walking or a similar exercise, as well as high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Researchers said that there were signs of anti-aging benefits and that could add an additional three to seven years to their lives.

Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy by walking just a mile a day every day.

1. Strengthens the Heart

smiling heartWalking, especially brisk walking is a great cardio exercise that strengthens the heart muscles. Probably the most prominent benefit of walking is the potential reduction of blood pressure and stroke which may reduce the risk by 20% to 40%. According to the Stroke Association, just walking half an hour every day can control blood pressure, and reduce the risk of stroke by about 27 percent.

Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder found that post-menopausal women who walked just one to two miles a day lowered blood pressure by nearly 11 points. And at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, a study concluded that women who walked 30 minutes a day reduced their risk of stroke by 20 percent and by 40 percent when they increased their speed.

What’s more, this nominal exercise can help reduce the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol from the body. Stable levels of cholesterol in the body further reduce the risk of heart complications.

2. Burn Calories

Walking just a mile of 15 minutes at a speed of two miles per hour can help you burn around 37 calories. Increasing your speed to three miles per hour will help you cut about 50 calories in the same time, while at four miles per hour, you will burn 75 calories. While walking in itself is not enough to drastically reduce the weight, when performed in combination to other exercise routines, it can provide a significant contribution.   

3. Lowers Risk of Deadly Diseases

Regular walking also reduces the risk of diabetes by as much as 60 percent. The American Diabetes Association says walking lowers your blood sugar levels and your overall risk for the disease. Also, due to the activity of walking, you will be about 20 percent less likely to develop womb, breast or colon cancer. In addition, walking can help in reducing the risk of memory-related illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

4. Boost Vitamin D

We all need Vitamin D for an improved immune system and bone health. Daily walking helps you get this required vitamin from exposure to the sun. This will reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis or other diseases such as the flu that can develop due to a weak immune system.

5. You’ll Get More “regular”

There are benefits to your digestive system. Walking at regular intervals can greatly improve gastric mobility, says Tara Alaichamy, DPT, a physical therapist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Dr. Alaichamy states that “One of the very first things an abdominal surgery patient is required to do is to walk, because it utilizes core and abdominal muscles, encouraging movement in our GI system,”.

6. Makes You Happy

Happy People Walking in a Park

Walking is a true mood booster. Various studies have shown that the simple act of walking is as effective as antidepressant medications that are used to treat mild cases of depression. The activity releases the feel-good endorphins and reduces anxiety and stress. So, if you want to ensure a mental well being, consider making a one-mile walk your daily habit. 

In conclusion, walking will allow you to improve both your mental and physical health. It can add years to your life and improve your quality of life as well. Consider walking in the morning or during the afternoon an hour or two before the sunset or if you live in or near a city, make a day out of it and walk from one attraction to another. One family makes it a point almost every weekend to go to the city (New York in this case) and walk from the downtown area to midtown, as well as other locations in New York.

Going on a vacation? Don’t just sit at the beach. Take a long stroll along the boardwalk or walk a distance in the sand. Whatever it is you do, make sure you get that heart pumping! The more you walk, the more your body will thank you in the later part of your life.



The Beneficial Effects of Taking Novartis Entresto Drug for Heart Attacks

Are you suffering from a cognitive heart problem? Are you so hobbled by chest pain that you are unable to manage the daily activities of life? If the answer is yes, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about the latest heart drug released by Novartis, sold under the brand name of Entresto.

The FDA has approved Entresto for the treatment of heart failure problem. Cognitive heart failure is the most common heart issue. This disorder is characterized by the inability of the heart muscle to provide blood to the tissues of the body.

Common causes of heart failure include high blood pressure, congenital heart defects, lung disorders, alcohol/drug abuse and high LDL-cholesterol levels. Patients that suffer from heart problems experience fatigue and severe shortness of breath.

Novartis’ Entresto drug is one of the latest to hit the market that specifically addresses heart problems. The persecution drug is available to patients whose conditions are categorized as NYHA class II and IV. It contains two active ingredients – Valsartan and Sacubitril – that work differently in reducing the risk of heart failure and repeated hospitalization.

The decision to approve the medication came after a large clinical trial known as Paradigm-HF that was based on the examination of about 8,400 individuals. The study had found that people suffering from heart diseases that took Entresto were at significantly less risk of dying due to heart failure.

What’s more, the study had found that people that took the medication were less likely to require repeated hospitalization. About 20 percent or more of patients today require re-hospitalization after 30 days of being hospitalized. So, the drug can help reduce the burden of health care costs for the affected individuals.

According to Dr. Milton Packer, the professor and the chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the University of Texas, the highly effective results of the Paradigm-HF clinical trial should persuade the physicians to consider prescribing Entresto to patients instead of the angiotensin receptor blockers or ACE inhibitors.

Final Piece of Advice

The introduction of the drug Entresto represents a significant breakthrough for heart patients. The drug works at a physiological level in reducing the risk of a death due to a heart attack. The medication is considered safe for most individuals. However, you should not take the medication prior to consulting with a doctor if you suffer from liver or kidney disorders, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take any prescription or OTC medication, herbal or vitamin supplements.

Howard Fensterman would like to see the elimination of health disparities and promoting healthy living. The philanthropy of Mr. Fensterman has helped in uplifting the lives of thousands of people. He has contributed to numerous charitable organizations that focus on offering affordable medical treatment, as well as finding cures for debilitating diseases.

Important Facts about Guillain-Barré Syndrome

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People who tend to keep up with the news might have come across the report of a 63-year old former mayor of White Bear Lake Minnesota, being hospitalized for a strange disease in January this year. According to the news report, Paul Auger who was in good health suddenly woke up in the middle of the night unable to speak or move. He was paralyzed from the neck down and was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit where he had a tracheotomy to help him breathe.  

The former mayor had contracted a little-known neurological disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome. Here we will discuss the disease in a bit more detail that mostly affects senior individuals and strikes without any warning, often with fatal results.

Guillain-Barré syndrome: What is it?

Guillain-Barré is a rare disease that can affect anybody. The disorder occurs because the immune system of the body attacks the peripheral nervous system. Any individual that is afflicted with the disease initially experiences a tingling sensation and weakness in the legs. The sensation then spreads to the upper body and increases in intensity until a time comes when the muscles cannot be used at all.

The severity of the disease range from partial body paralysis to full paralysis as was the case of former Mayor Auger whereby a person cannot breathe thereby requiring surgery. After the surgery, the individual is kept on the ventilator and is closely watched until the condition stabilizes.

After the initial attack of the disease, the symptoms can persist for hours or even weeks. In most cases, the individuals have total recovery, but some continue to experience muscle weakness to one extent or another.

What’s Triggers the Disorder

The causes of Guillain-Barré disorder are not well known at the moment. The condition can develop after surgery. People infected with the Zika virus experience similar symptoms to the Guillain-Barré disorder. The sudden and unexpected onset of the disease makes it particularly devastating. Most often, the recovery is not quick.

At present, there is no known cure for the condition. Therapies can lessen the seriousness of the disorder and can accelerate the recovery process. In addition, certain medical techniques can be used to lessen the complication of the disease.  

Plasmapheresis (also known as plasma exchange) and immunoglobulin therapy are two effective techniques that can help lessen the intensity of the disorder.

In plasma exchange, the blood is removed from the body and then re-injected after separating the red and white blood cells. In contrast, immunoglobulin therapy consists of administering intravenous injections of the proteins. Injection of the protein in the body has found to decrease the severity of the immune attack. Both the techniques are generally used in conjunction to help accelerate the recovery process.  

Five Different Types of Care Facilities for Seniors

If you have a family member that needs a higher level of care that can’t be provided at home anymore, there are many different types of options available.

Retirement Communities

Retirement communities are also known as senior housing or independent living communities. In these types of facilities, senior residents have full control of their daily living. To live in this type of housing, a senior must be able to bathe and dress themselves, be mentally alert, able to walk, and use the bathroom independently. The housing styles of these facilities can range from single family homes, townhouses, and duplexes to condominiums and high rises. Many of these facilities offer police and fire protection as well as social and recreational activities. These facilities also provide meals, laundry service, and transportation.

Assisted Living

Assisted living facilities are similar to independent living communities. These facilities are usually two to three story apartments that also provide 24 hour daily living assistance such as help with eating, bathing, and using the bathroom. These type of facilities do not offer medical services. Services included in assisted living facilities include laundry service, meals, housekeeping, social activities, medication assistance, and also include security and emergency calls.

Sheltered Housing

Sheltered housing is also known as residential care facilities or board and care homes. These types of facilities are best for seniors that need help with personal and medical issues. Most of these residences have 24 hour staff and are state licenses. Seniors at these homes must be able to dress and feed themselves and use the bathroom independently. At residential care facilities, seniors eat in a communal dining room and only need moderate supervision. Seniors can live in shared apartments, studio or one bedroom apartments with private bathrooms. Services offered can include meals, laundry service, housekeeping, and social activities.

Continuing Care Facilities

Continuing care communities are also known as multi-level care facilities, lifetime communities, CCRC’s, and active adult community homes. These type of residences are the most expensive option but provide independent living as long as possible while also providing skilled nursing care and medical treatment whenever needed. These types of communities are best for couples with different levels of independence, allowing them to remain together longer. A variety of services are offered at continuing care facilities such as banks, libraries, hair salons, common dining rooms, activity centers, gyms, and swimming pools. These communities operate like campuses, with living spaces that can include cottages, townhouses, and apartments.

Nursing Homes

Nursing homes typically cater to seniors that are in need of some medical assistance, seriously ill or incapacitated and may need 24 hour supervision and care. Certified nursing assistants (CNA’s) assist residents with daily activities of living such as bathing, dressing, and using the bathroom. Many nursing homes also provide rehab services. Nursing homes are also called skilled nursing facilities. Much of the reimbursement of nursing homes comes from private pay, Medicare/Medicaid, VA, and private insurance.  

At skilled nursing facilities, the staff is made up of CAN’s, registered nurses (RN’s), licenses practical nurses (LPN’s), Doctors (MD’s & DO’s), Activities coordinators, Dietary staff, Cooks, and the Administrator. Many nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities offer medical care, pain management, feeding tubes, dialysis, memory care (Alzheimer’s), physical and respiratory therapy as well as help with daily living.

The Alarming Risks of Cigarette Smoking Many People Ignore

Diagram of cigarette smoking in the body
The amount of organs that can be damaged by cigarette smoke is extraordinary!

Of all the external entities that are bad for your health, nothing beats the act of consuming the ashes of cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds into your body. Cigarette smoking is the cause of about half a million deaths in the US every year. While the deadly effects of cigarette smoking on the body are well known, the irony is that many people tend to ignore this as if it’s a fabricated or paranoid delusional fact.  

If you are one of those who smoke cigarettes every day, you should seriously start thinking about quitting thise deadly habit. In this article, we will take a look at the some of the detrimental effects of smoking tobacco on your health that will make you think twice before reaching for a pack of cigarette.

The Adverse Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogenic fumes that when inhaled can increase the chances of deadly diseases. More than 80 percent of the cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is caused due to cigarette smoking. COPD is a painful and progressive disease of the lungs that can ultimately lead to death.   

The toxic smoke of the cigarette can damage the lung cells. It can lead to uncontrolled cell growth in the lungs that will ultimately lead to the development of lung cancer.

Apart from lung cancer, about 30 percent of the following cancers are due to cigarette smoking:

  • Mouth cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Uterine cancer
  • Esophagus cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Stomach cancer

Cigarette smoking can also lead to many heart ailments. Studies have confirmed that smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of heart diseases. The chemicals inside the cigarettes can damage the blood cells and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart attack and smoke.

Smoking can also adversely affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy, leading to increased risk of low birth weight and premature birth. What’s more, men who smoke a cigarette are at greater risk of developing fertility problems.

Why You Should Stop Cigarette Smoking Today

If you are smoking a cigarette right now, you should immediately throw it in the dustbin. Once you have got rid of the deadly cigarette, you should never ever pick another one again. While this may be hard for you at first, but the sacrifice that you make will be well worth it in the end as you can enjoy a quality life due to being in good health.

In case you are a habitual smoker, your chances of a heart attack will decrease significantly about 24 hours after quitting the bad habit. The nerve ending will begin to re-grow, and you will experience enhance the sense of taste and smell. Your blood circulation will improve about 3 months after quitting smoke and you will experience less wheezing and cough.  

In about 10 years after quitting smoking your risk of developing kidney, bladder, pancreas and esophagus cancer decreases significantly. After 15 years of not smoking a cigarette, your risk of developing a stroke will be similar to a person who has never smoked before.

So, unless you are hell bent on your own destruction, you should seriously consider quitting smoking and above all, consult with your physician about how to quit this deadly habit.

The Link Between Tooth Decay and Diabetes Explored

More than 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Today, about one-third of the Americans suffer from this serious health condition. The findings of recent research studies point to the fact that majority of the people that suffer from diabetes have periodontal problems.

So is there a close link between tooth decay and diabetes? Should you be worried about diabetes if you experience tooth decay? Is it a one-way or a two-way problem?  We will look at the answers to all these questions and more in this article.

Tooth Decay and Diabetes: A Close Look

Tooth decay is common in patients suffering from type-2 diabetes. Several possible explanations are put forward by medical experts for the link between the two health conditions. Tooth decay develops due to the interaction between plaque bacteria with sugars. Since, diabetic individuals have high blood sugar levels, they are more prone to periodontal diseases.  

People with diabetes are at a high risk of developing gingivitis and other serious gum diseases. They are more susceptible to bacterial infection and reduced ability to fight off the invasion of bacteria inside the gums.

However, emerging research studies have found that tooth decay is not a one problem. In other words, not only people suffering from diabetes are prone to develop tooth decay, but those that have tooth problems can develop diabetes. Gum diseases have been found to affect the blood glucose level in the body. This contributes to the development of diabetes in individuals.  

So, it’s essential that you maintain good oral health. Poor dental hygiene will increase the blood sugar control problem causing serious health problems.

How to Maintain Good Dental Hygiene

Tooth diseases are preventable if you follow good dental practices. The gum diseases develop when the bacteria inside the teeth harden into tartar, which can only be cleaned by a dental professional. Accumulation of tartar inside the mouth can lead to gum inflammation, bleeding, swelling, and bad breath. What’s even worse is that the bacteria that are present in the tartar will break down the surrounding bone of the teeth due to which your teeth will break out and fall.

Brushing and flossing should be done regularly to avoid development of plaque inside the teeth. Make sure that you brush for at least two to three minutes two times every day. In addition, you should visit a dentist twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning.  

To reduce the risk of tooth decay, it’s also important that you keep sugary snacks to a minimum. Also, food items that dry out your mouth should be limited. Some of the food items that you should limit include carbonated soft drinks, alcohol, sweets and candies. Limiting the intake of these food items will not only prevent tooth decay but reduce the risk of developing diabetes as well.

Exercise May Help Reduce Risk of Several Cancers

Fit Brunette Woman Running on Treadmill with MusicWe all know how important exercise is to our health and new research just keeps returning with more proof of its significance.

ABC World News Tonight recently reported that “The National Cancer Institute confirms that moderate exercise, all the way up to intense exercise, lowers the risk of” cancer “in many forms.”

According to US News & World Report, investigators “analyzed data from participants in 12 US and European study groups who self-reported their physical activity between 1987 and 2004.” The researchers “looked at the incidence of 26 kinds of cancer occurring in the study follow-up period, which lasted 11 years on average.” The data indicated that “overall, a higher level of activity was tied to a 7 percent lower risk of developing any type of cancer.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated that “exercise is a powerful cancer-preventive.” Investigators found that “physical activity worked to drive down rates of a broad array of cancers even among smokers, former smokers, and the overweight and obese.”

So if you are exercising, keep it up. If you are not, please start. Two of the highly recommended are walking and swimming. Exercising is one of the most natural components towards a healthier lifestyle and a better life!

Positive Results From Phase 3 Stelara Trial for Crohn’s Disease

Data from Phase 3 of the UNITI-2 study showed that treatment with Stelara, from Johnson & Johnson, successfully induced clinical response and remission in patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease.

Patients who participated had previously failed conventional therapy and those treated with Stelara demonstrated higher rates of clinical response at week 6 compared with placebo. Stelara is currently approved to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and active psoriatic arthritis, but it is believed that the cytokines the therapy targets play a role in immune-mediated diseases, such as Crohn’s disease.

“Findings from this Phase 3 program provide an important first look into the efficacy and safety of Stelara induction therapy in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease—a disease where new therapeutic options are needed as the incidence continues to rise globally,” Brian Feagan, MD, professor of medicine, chief executive officer, and senior medical director at Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, and study investigator, said in a statement.

Participants in the trial received either a single intravenous infusion of placebo or Stelara 130 mg or 6 mg/kg (weight-tiered dosing). At week 6, 52% of Stelara 130 mg and 56% receiving the weight-tiered dosing had a reduction from baseline in the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index score of at least 100 points compared with 29% on the placebo.

The study also found that patients dosed with Stelara had significant improvements in signs and symptoms, in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire, and markers of inflammation.

Adverse events and infections reported occurred in similar proportions across the Stelara and placebo groups and no malignancies, deaths, opportunistic infections, cases of tuberculosis, or major adverse cardiovascular events were observed in Stelara patients.

“The Stelara Phase 3 UNITI-2 induction results are important findings, as induction of clinical response and clinical remission are important goals in the management of Crohn’s disease,” Newman Yeilding, MD, head of Immunology Development at Janssen Research & Development, LLC, said.