Genomics is an emerging field of genetics that deals with analysis and sequencing of the individual’s’ genome. A genome contains the entire genetic coding in the form of DNA. Professionals in genomics perform genetic mapping to find out the complete DNA sequences and better understand the diseases.
The genomic information can help in providing improved clinical care. Better understanding of the disease through genetic mapping can also lead to improved health outcomes and therapeutic decision making capabilities.
While genomics is a relatively new field to the public, innovations in the field had started to make waves over two decades ago when scientists developed and improved genetic sequencing techniques. The human genome project was first started in 1990 with the aim of mapping all the genes (about 25,000) in a human genome.
Genomics: Today and Beyond
Today, the field of genomics has advanced to a great degree. Complete genomes of a number of deadly diseases including cancer have been sequenced. The genomic data can help in finding improved treatment of the different diseases including malignant tumor, lung cancer and influenza.
Access to Personalized Genomics
Today, anyone that wants to gain better understanding to one’s health can gain access to the personal genomic data. The cost of personalized genomics is affordable that is likely to fall in the future due to development of more advanced sequencing technologies such as the Whole genome sequencing (WGS).
Recently, a company named Veritas has launched the My Genome project that allows individuals to sequence the entire genome for just $999. Access to the personal genome can pave way for more improved personalized health care. It will help in the treatment of diseases that are not treated using conventional drugs.
Advanced Genomic AI Algorithms
Data provided by genomics is nothing unless they are used for deep learning of the diseases. A number of new companies are pushing the boundaries with AI genomic technologies such as iCarbon X and Deep Genomics. These programs make use of complex AI coding for better knowledge of the human genetic sequence. While it may take some time for this type of analysis to become mainstream in clinical research, the fusion of AI and genomics provide great opportunities for breakthrough medical advancements.
Cloud Based Genome Sequencing Service
Advancements are also being made in cloud based genome sequencing technology that can help research firms located in different parts of the world collaborate in bioinformatic genomics. Some of the companies that are developing cloud genomic application based on software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform include Intel, Cloudera, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM.
Using the knowledge of a person’s genome to diagnose and treat health problems is a revolutionary medical practice that is making waves in the field. The breakthroughs in the field will continue to open up a large number of opportunities for treatment of untreatable diseases. A tidal wave of genomic testing and sequencing information will continue to both answer questions about medical conditions, and raise new ones.