
Health Benefits of Plain Baked Potatoes

Plate of Baked PotatoesPhoto by
Contrary to what many people believe, potatoes are one of the most healthy diet options. They have gotten a bad reputation due to the popularity of Paleolithic diets and low-carb diets. However, the fact is that as long as you watch the portions and number of carbohydrates contained in the potatoes, they won’t harm your body.

In fact, due to the various health benefits, potatoes should be a staple part of your diet. Here we will shed light on some of the great health benefits of including potatoes in your diet.

Nutritional Facts
1 cup of baked tomatoes (173 grams)
Calories: 161
Vitamin B6 32% DV
Potassium 26% DV
Copper  22% DV
Vitamin C  22% DV
Manganese  19% DV
Phosphorus 17% DV
Fiber  15% DV
Vitamin B3  15% DV
Vitamin B5  13% DV

Fat Free

Plain potatoes contain no fat content. This makes them a much healthier alternative to French fries, butter-roasted potatoes, and fried potatoes. You can eat to your full without worrying about getting fat. You can add tomatoes, onions, peppers, and garlic to make them more tasty and appetizing.

Good Source of Fiber

Potatoes are a good source of fiber. A single potato can fulfill 8 percent and 12 percent daily fiber needs of men and women, respectively. Fiber is essential for absorption of nutrients in the food. What’s best about baked and boiled potatoes is that they have both insoluble and soluble fiber that are great for health. Insoluble fiber  allows waste to easily pass through the digestive tract, while soluble fiber helps control cholesterol levels.

High Mineral Content

Potatoes are a mineral powerhouse. They contain dozens of minerals that are required for proper functioning of the body. They are a rich source of potassium, copper, vitamin B6 and C. They also contain manganese, phosphorous, vitamin B3, and B5.

Lower Blood Pressure

A team of UK scientists at the Institute of Food Research had found that potatoes contain a compound known as kukoamines. This compound is beneficial in reducing blood pressure. It works at a physiological level in reducing blood pressure. Thus, consuming potatoes reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Potatoes are a great source of many essential minerals and vitamins. Consuming boiled, mashed, or baked potatoes can provide a number of health benefits. Like any food item, you should avoid consuming large portions of potatoes. While the potatoes have low calorie content, they are high in carbohydrates. Diabetic patients are particularly recommended to watch their intake of the vegetable.

Lastly, you should avoid baking or frying potatoes for a long time. The reason is that starchy food items like potatoes release acrylamide when cooked for too long. This compound is harmful for the body. It’s recommended that you limit the baking time to less than 20 minutes to avoid any adverse health effects.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Revealed

Coconut Oil

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Various studies have highlighted the importance of coconut oil. Whether you want to reduce the risk of deadly diseases, shed weight, or desire good looking hair, it’s worth taking a look at coconut oil. In this article, we will reveal six great benefit of using coconut oil.

Improved Skin Health

Coconut oil can be used as a massage oil as well as a moisturizer. The oil is suitable for both oily and dry skin types. Antioxidants present in the oil can help combat degenerative diseases including premature aging. Regular use of the oil on skin can prevent a number of skin infections including eczema and dermatitis.

Better Brain Health

Another vital ingredient in coconut is medium chain triglycerides (MCT). As compared to long chain fatty acids, MCTs are transported from the digestive system directly to the liver. They do not pass through the blood due to which they are completely harmless to the heart. They are either converted into ketones or used as a source of energy. Ketones are said to have a therapeutic effect on diseases of the brain including epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. They are found to reduce the risk of seizures in people suffering from brain disorders.

Burn More Fat

Coconut oil can help you to burn more fat fast. MCTs present in the coconut can increase the rate at which the body burns calories. A study had found that around 15 to 30 grams of MCTs in a day helped in burning about 120 calories in the 24 hours period. Regular consumption of coconut oil can lead to significant weight loss in a few months.

Better Immune System

Coconut oil contains lauric acid. The compound contains antimicrobial lipids that can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungal infections. Consuming coconut oil can reduce the risk of many diseases that are caused by natural pathogens.

Healthy Hair Growth

Regular massaging of coconut oil on the hair can result in healthy hair growth. It can give a shiny appearance to the hair and prevent protein loss that makes the hair dull. Also, using coconut oil on the hair can prevent dandruff problems.

Prevent Heart Problems

Coconut oil is extremely good for the heart. Lauric acid present in the oil prevents heart problems such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. Intake of oil can decrease LDL levels that will decrease the chances of a heart attack.

There are many benefits of using coconut oil. You should consider using coconut oil when preparing food. You can also use the oil on the face and hair as part of your daily grooming ritual. Regular use of the oil can result in a healthy body and mind and add years to your life.


Host Charity Events at Your Workplace or Neighborhood!

How to Host Charity EventsAre you up to doing something good and rewarding for your community? How about a charity benefit? There are a variety of fundraising events you can choose from and while they are rewarding, they can also be a lot of fun! Whether you are honoring a loved one or celebrating a special occasion, it would be nice to include your causes in your celebrations and ensure that the event leads to long lasting change. However, it doesn’t have to be a grand affair.

It could be something simple like a huge yard sale or a golf tournament if you are planning something on a larger scale. Hosting fundraisers is fun and highly rewarding and pretty much anyone can be a part of it.

Fundraising Ideas That Everyone Can Enjoy

Howard Fensterman is a New York lawyer and philanthropist who works with a variety of charities within his community and throughout the country. He has seen firsthand the huge impact a little bit of your contribution can make. Raising money is great way to reach out to others and help them in their time of need.

Whether you plan to give more books to your local literacy program, your local church or synagogue or want to gather funds for Haiti, Africa or other disaster stricken places, give it a shot!

Here is a list of some low-cost fundraising ideas that are designed to help build your community spirit, while also raising the necessary cash for a good cause.

Some examples of events you and your friends can host include:

  • Benefit Walk
  • Car wash
  • Bake sale
  • Poker tournament
  • Golf tournament
  • Neighborhood BBQ
  • Fashion show
  • Battle of the Bands
  • Happy hour
  • Garage sale
  • 5k walks or run

Host a Fundraiser in Your Community

Whether you are planning on starting a fundraising in your neighborhood or at work, make sure that everyone involved understands the stakes, and willing to contribute constructively to the chosen cause.
Clearly define the cause and specify the desired outcome of the event to everyone. Set the date and time-frame first thing. This will help you ensure that there aren’t any scheduling conflicts or availability issues for the attendees. Next make sure the venue you select is big enough for the number of attendees expected.

Know that you will need some sort of seed money to get the fundraising venture off the ground. Do a neighborhood pool, or ask your boss to contribute; approach other local businesses; if they’d like to give.

And finally, don’t forget to make sure you are raising funds for a legitimate charity. Double-check the validity of the organization and who the money will be forwarded to. Keep coming back to learn more about Howard Fensterman, his latest charitable venture and his latest advice on the donating money and raising events that do really well!


A Look into the History of Opioids

Opioids are unique and strange compounds. On one hand, they are feared because of the possibility of abuse, addiction and the worst consequences; while on the other hand, they are one of the most effective compounds when used as painkillers.

Although the use of opioids in some form can be traced back to ancient times (the cultivation of opium poppy plants can be traced back to about 5000 years), its widespread use began in late 1800s when morphine addiction was one of the gravest concerns of various societies. Later, ‘heroin’ was marketed at a huge level as an alternative for morphine that was used in treatment of pain and used often for injuries of Civil War veterans. Its usage as a cough suppressant was also promoted.

After the initial clinical trials, heroine was labeled as a ‘wonder drug’, which lead to its commercial production and sale.

Although the negative effects of heroine soon became evident and The Heroine Act was passed by the US government in 1924 to prohibit the manufacture, import and possession of the drug, opioids continued to be used by a large number of people, illegally. Smuggling of heroin in the US reached its peak during the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

As awareness regarding the harmful effects of morphine and heroine spread, scientists tried to find alternatives to treat conditions of chronic pain. In 1937, ‘methadone’ was produced by German scientists in an attempt to find a painkiller that could be used during surgeries and is not as addictive as morphine and heroin. However, it was later claimed by many scientists and healthcare practitioners that methadone had more potential for addiction than the two opioids.

During the later 1900s, illegal production and trade of opium reached to such a high level that Southeast Asia alone was producing as much as 2500 tons per year. At the same time, some other synthetic opiates were introduced to the public as painkillers, with the approval of the Food and Drug Administration. The drugs included Vicodin, OxyContin and Percocet.

In late 1990s, as the pharmaceutical companies continued to formulate new opioid medicines and market them as effective for treating conditions of chronic pain, the medical community was hit by a storm. This coupled with some successes achieved in surgical, palliative and cancer procedures and treatments lead to the emergence of a new set of researchers that was comprised of pain specialists. They were of the opinion that opioid analgesics are highly effective for the treatment of chronic pain and can be used for that purpose.

The resulting increase in opioid prescriptions and their easy availability ultimately lead to opioid abuse, dependence, addiction and overdose deaths. The opioid epidemic that the US has been going through lately, does not only include the abuse of illegal drugs, but also the abuse of prescription opioid drugs.

The Use of Virtual Reality in Physical Therapy

Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

Virtual Reality (VR) has become common recreation in the arts and movies and now is successfully being implemented in the fields of medicine and psychology. This technology has also demonstrated potential in effective physical rehabilitation intervention. It can help physically handicapped individuals engage in activities via the VR’s safe environment.  

Although it is in its fetal stages, the use of VR has been increasing in facilities that provide physical therapies. The technology has proven successfully effective in patient rehabilitation techniques. In this article, we will look at how VR technology is helping to improve patient therapy in clinical settings.  

VR Technology and Advanced Patient Care

VR technology offers a virtual environment that is different from video screens. The main feature of the VR is physical interaction. The individual can interact with virtual objects within the virtual environment.  This interaction takes place through the use of pointers, joystick, or wearable mounted devices (WMD).

In some systems, additional aids, such as a body part (a hand or a leg) is displayed and help in interaction with the virtual environment. The viewpoint on the screen can be controlled by the individual through the VR application. Some of them also show a third person view of the individual that results in greater engagement with the virtual environment.  

According to Levac, a physical therapy professor at the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, the VR technology can help in movements of body parts that have been damaged by diseases or injured in an accident. The professor says that a number of challenging VR tasks are presented to the individuals that motivate them to improve. The virtual tasks are neither too difficult that makes them frustrated nor easy that makes them lose interest in the therapy.  

VR has been used for quite some time in physical rehabilitations. But the real question is, ‘have they been effective in providing the results?’

A study that was published last year in the American Physical Therapy Journal had examined findings of 13 different studies that measured stability and gain improvements of stroke patients using VR technology. A number of VR applications were evaluated including one that involved individuals walking on a treadmill while wearing a VR headset. The VR applications simulated real world trials, track, and sidewalk and contained virtual obstacles.  

The researchers found that most of the studies had found significant improvements in balance and gait using the VR applications. The improvements were found to be even more profound when they were combined with traditional physical therapy practices.  


VR gadgets are being successfully adopted in the clinical settings to aid in physical rehabilitation. The gadget helps in creating patient-specific physical training. The best thing about VR gadgets is that they allow variability in the training, which helps to maintain motivation levels of the individuals.

Whether the patient has suffered from amputation, joint replacement, arthritis, bone injuries, disc disease, and osteoporosis, VR physical therapy help in greatly accelerating the recovery process.  

A Close Look at Verily Life’s Health Tracking Watch

Verily Life’s Health Tracking Watch
Verily Life’s Health Tracking Watch

We are living in an era where unparalleled medical technological advancements have helped in improving the quality of lives of billions of people all over the world. Continuous advancements are being made that help to better understand the various diseases that still perplex us and to subsequently find their cure.

In this respect, Verily Life – a tech company owned by Google’s parent organization Alphabet—is at the forefront of bringing together technology and health care research in order to gain greater insights so that people can enjoy healthier lives.

Verily Life has recently developed a digital watch that tracks health data and has been designed specifically for use in clinical research.

Insights into the Digital Health Watch

The digital health watch developed by Verily Life is known simply as Study Watch. The watch represents a revolutionary new technology that can help medical researchers in gaining better a understanding of different diseases. The watch can detect sound and ambient light that allows it to measure electrodermal activity and heart rate. Also, the watch can measure movement and produce accurate ECG readings that can help reveal latent heart problems.

The watch looks similar to a wrist watch and features an e-ink type display. According to Verily Life, the watch can continuously and unobtrusively collect data from the study participants. Following are some of the key features of the digital heart watch:

  • Multiple environmental and physiological sensors
  • A powerful internal processor that can easily handle real time algorithms
  • Large internal storage that can allow the watch to store about a week’s worth of raw data
  • Robust firmware that supports user interface upgrades, new  algorithms, and over-the-air updates
  • Always-on display screen that shows the current time, date, and month

For the moment, Verily Life has not put the digital watch up for sale, but the team hopes that it will be used in large scale research projects in the future. Presently, the company will use the watch in conducting its own clinical research. The company’s baseline study aims to monitor about 10,000 individuals over the next five years. The research data will form the baseline of health data that can help in better comprehension of diseases. It is an ambitious project that includes tracking of glucose levels, heart attacks, cancer activities and much more.

Verily Life is not the only company that is working on a health watch that can measure vital statistics of the patients. Nokia that owns Whithings and Apple are both working on a similar health watches that can assist clinical research studies. These watches will probably not be put on sale for the public. Instead, they will be utilized in large research projects such as the Radboud University’s Personalized Parkinson’s Project and many others. It is hoped that the watches will play a pivotal role in introducing breakthrough treatments for various currently incurable diseases in the future.

Amazing Health Benefits of Mangos Explored

Photo by javiercorrea15 –

Mango is an amazing fruit that is packed with many essential vitamins and minerals. The fruit belongs to the drupe family—a type of fruit in which the shell surrounds the fleshy part with seeds inside. It is the most widely consumed fruit all over the world and one that you should simply not avoid.

This fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. It also contains a healthy amount of probiotic fiber, copper, potassium, and magnesium. A cup of mangos contain only about 105 calories making it a perfect fruit for maintaining a healthy weight.  

You should consider adding mango in your daily diet. Consuming the fruit has been linked to reduced risk of many chronic diseases. Here we will explore the various health benefits of including the fruit in your diet.  

1. Improve Immune System

Mango can fulfill about 76 percent of vitamin C and 25 percent of vitamin A requirements. Plus the fruit contains carotenoids. These minerals and vitamins help in keeping the immune system strong and healthy.  

2. Prevent Cancer

Studies have highlighted that mangoes can reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant compounds present in mango has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate, breast, and colon cancer. The fruit is abundant in enzymes and compounds that help in fighting cancer.  

3. Cleanses Skin

Mangos can also help clear clogged pores. This will prevent pimples to appear on the face. You can obtain the benefits both when you eat the fruit and also when you apply mango paste on the face.

4. Decrease Cholesterol Levels  

The presence of vitamin C, pectin, and fiber in mango help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. The enzymes and compounds are particularly helpful in reducing Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the body. This results in improved cardiovascular health.  

5. Boost Eye Health

Mangos contain ample amount of vitamin A. This vitamin helps maintain good eyesight. It prevents dry eyes and night blindness. Consuming only a cup of sliced mangoes a day will have beneficial effects on your eyes.  

6. Promotes Digestion

Mangos contain enzymes that help in synthesis of food. They break down protein and other vital elements in the food items. Eating a mango a day can improve your metabolism providing important nutrients from food to the body.

7. Prevents Heat Stroke

Consuming mangos is particularly recommended during hot summer months. Drinking mango juice helps in cooling down the body. Additionally, the fruit is said to help remove harmful toxins from the body that prevents overheating.  

In conclusion, mangos can serve as a great addition to fruit salads. It will provide you with a number of essential vitamins and enzymes that promotes body health. They contain an impressive amount of vitamin A, C and flavonoids including beta-cryptoxanthin, alphacarotene and betacarotene.

Consuming a mango a day can reduce the likelihood of a number of deadly diseases including cancers and cardiovascular problems. Just avoid eating excessive amounts of the fruit as it contains fructose that can be harmful to the body in large amounts.  

Can You Replace Healthy Food with Supplements

Can Vitamins replace food for good health?
Photo by fikmik –

Most  Americans have a busy schedule and don’t have time to eat a well-balanced diet. In scenarios like this, popping a multivitamin can seem to be an easy way out to meet the nutrition requirements.  

Statistics show that around 68 percent of US adults take dietary supplements. What’s more, around 84 percent of the consumers show confidence in the effectiveness and safety of the supplements. Vitamin supplements seem to be the perfect solution to get the required nutrients and continue with the daily routine or are they?

However, the fact is that supplements can never compare to wholesome food.

According to a spokesperson for American Dietetic Association, D. Milton Stokes, a supplement cannot provide all the benefits of consuming food items. They simply are not food substitutes.  

Dangers of Relying on Supplements

Supplements can’t replace whole food. You should not replace meals by taking vitamin supplements. While supplements can be taken to meet vitamin deficiency, they should not be considered an alternative to whole food.  

Furthermore, contrary to what some people believe, supplements are not 100 percent natural. Side effects can occur if you try to meet the daily vitamins and minerals requirement by taking the pills. They are particularly harmful to children who can experience dangerous side effects.  

In order to fulfill the vitamin and nutrition requirements, it is important that you implement a well-balanced diet plan. Consider following these five simple tips to stay healthy:

  1. Include lots of vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  2. Consume rice, bread, and other food items high in starch. Prefer bread made of whole grain flour instead of white bread.
  3. Avoid or limit intake of refined starch foods. Also, limit intake of food items high in sugar and fat.
  4. Eat dairy food items such as yogurt and milk.
  5. Include fish, beans, and eggs, in your daily diet.

Vitamin supplements should be treated as nothing more than supplements. They should complement your diet instead of replacing wholesome food items. For instance, vitamin D supplement should be taken by all breastfeeding and pregnant women, senior individuals, and children. Also, taking folic acid supplement is recommended for pregnant women in order to prevent issues with the neural tube.  


You should adopt healthy eating habits to remain in good mental and physical shape. The diet should include healthy whole food items. A healthy diet and exercise are essential for a healthy body and mind. You should always cut down on salt, sugar and saturated fat. In addition, drinking about 8 glasses a day is essential. Other than that, you should take vitamins and minerals supplement only to meet the deficiency that is not fulfilled with the daily diet. Relying on the supplements alone is not a wise choice.  

Daily Walking Can Lift Your Mood

Woman Walking
Photo by ArtmannWitte –

The simple exercise of putting one foot in front of the other can have a miraculous effect on the mood.  According to researchers at the Iowa State University, the activity of walking in itself, regardless of where or how much you walk, can have a tremendous impact on the mood. Here are some interesting facts about walking and how it helps in boosting your mood and mental well-being.

1. Walking Helps Reduce stress

A study that was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) had found that walking outdoors can help reduce stress. The researchers had measured stress levels before and after walking. The study findings suggest that people who walk daily are better able to handle stress and frustrations in life.

2. Calms the Mind

The brain is basically a muscle. Similar to other body parts, it gets fatigued in case of heavy mental work. A study conducted by researchers in Scotland found that a leisurely walk can relax the brain. The researchers had used devices strapped on the heads of participants to measure their brain activity levels.  The findings of the study show that mental fatigue results in irritation and frustration. When the individuals take a walk, their brain becomes calm and meditative.   

3. Promotes Creative Thoughts

Nietzsche had once told that all great thoughts are conceived by walking. Also, Henry Thoreau had once remarked that the moment that his legs begin to move, his thoughts also begin to flow. Walking has been shown to boost the ability to concentrate, shift between thoughts, recover from mental fatigue, and improve memory. All of this results in a person thinking more creatively. Due to a calm mind, a person is able to make the connection and conceive new ideas.  

4. Boosts Happy Hormones

Studies have also shown that any exercise including walking can result in the release of ‘happy’ hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. It also blocks the release of stress hormones in the body. Walking will uplift your mood and make you feel happy, excited, and less irritable.  

5. Walking Can Treat Depression

Daily walking can also cure depression. A study conducted by the researchers at the University of Stirling had found that a brisk walk was found to be an effective intervention against depression. The findings show that walking had similar effects as compared to more vigorous forms of exercise.  

Walking is great for your heart and body. Consider walking a mile a day. You should start by walking for 20 minutes every day and then gradually increase the time span. In a matter of days, you will begin feeling a new you who is more contented, happy, and less concerned with the problems in life.  

The Dangerous Health Effects of Physical Inactivity

Our bodies have been engineered to perform at their peak when physically active. Lack of physical activity has been shown by studies to increase the risk of cardiovascular and many other diseases. A study of healthy and young adults by researchers at the University of Liverpool had found that as little as two weeks of being physically inactive can result in increased risk of chronic diseases.

Being physically inactive can reduce the years in your life. Here are some of the dangerous effects of not being physically active.

1. Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

Being physically inactive for just a few days can increase the risk of heart complications. The blood cholesterol level will increase when a person is physically inactive. This will result in inefficient blood flow leading to a possible heart attack or other heart ailment.  

2. Increased Risk of Hypertension

Another dangerous health effect of inactivity is hypertension. People who tend to spend most of their time on the couch watching TV can suffer from hypertension, which refers to high blood pressure and mental and physical strain. This medical condition can damage the arterial wall. This can result in increased chances of a stroke. Also, hypertension can cause damage to kidney, resulting in kidney diseases.  

3. Bone Diseases are Likely to Occur

When it comes to bones in the body, the appropriate term is ‘use it or lose it’. The bones of persons who don’t engage in physical activities become weak. This can increase the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. The bones will fracture easily causing a lot of physical and financial pain. Senior individuals are more likely to develop bone diseases due to remaining physically inactive.

4. Increased Risk of Cancer

Lack of physical activity can contribute to increased risk of developing breast and colon cancer.  Inactivity directly affects the bowel movement. As a result, the food moves slowly through the digestive system. This results in the waste from digested food spending more time in the colon. As a result, the colon might be exposed to possible cancer-causing chemicals.  

Also, physically inactive women can develop breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute has stated that hormone levels in women who don’t exercise are lower. This contributes to increased risk of developing tumors in the breast.   

5. Higher Risk of Gallstones

Gallstones develop due to hard deposits of bile in the gallbladder. The condition can result in nausea, fever, and abdominal pain. The waste takes more time to go through the intestines due to being physically inactive. This in addition to higher level of triglycerides can increase the likelihood of developing gallstones.   

Physical inactivity has many other dangerous health effects apart from those listed above. It’s important that you engage in moderate exercise every day. Also, avoid prolonged periods of sedentary actions. Simply by walking half an hour every day can have beneficial effects on the body.