
How the Brain Affects Our Behavior – A Brief Overview

Illustration of the human brain

You may have heard in science class or in a casual conversation that we use only use 10% of our brain. People are often quoted saying “Imagine what you could achieve if you used the full capacity of your brain.” However, this is a myth that is even incorrectly attributed to scientists such as Albert Einstein.

Facts and Figures

While the exact percentage we use is not certified, the brain is a powerful and intricate organ which allows its host to perceive and control his/her functions. Its potency can be gleaned from the fact that certain individuals are blessed with an eidetic memory. This is known as the ability to vividly recount images and settings exactly as they were, almost with surgical precision.

Another interesting fact is that it is the largest brain in all vertebrates relative to its body size. This fantastic organ houses 86 billion neurons or nerve cells and are actually immune to pain, despite man’s ability to develop a headache.

Functions of the brain

No one will doubt that the brain is a marvel of evolution, so let’s delve into the discipline of biological psychology to better understand its principal functions. Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the brain in relation to its central functions and how its neurotransmitters and other biological factors influence human behavior.

Brain Motor and Sensory Perception

The human brain is an integral component of the central nervous system, which also includes the spinal cord. It consists of nerve tissues that govern the activity of our bodies. The outer region of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. This informs the cognitive, sensations and emotions of a person, which is yet another reason why the brain is such a vital organ.

A fully functional brain consists of four main lobes, which are listed below:

      • Frontal lobe
        This portion enables humans to exhibit motor skills, express language, and perform cognition.
      • Occipital lobe
        The occipital lobe is responsible for translating visual mediums into discernible information.
      • Parietal lobe
        This is the part that involves the sensibilities of a person. The sense of pressure, touch, and pain are processed in this component of the human brain.
      • Temporal lobe
        The fourth and final sector of the brain is the temporal lobe, which interprets the sounds and languages we hear. It also handles the memory of the person.


Neurons are highly specialized cells that are the fundamental building blocks of life. They receive and distribute information from one part of the body to another through neural pathways that are built as new information is acquired.


The way information travels through the neural pathways is known as neurotransmission. Chemical messengers are involved in the transmission of signals from one cell to another. This is how we interpret data and as we concentrate on more information, the neurotransmitters build more pathways so that we can successfully process the new information.

Science suggests that there are more than a hundred cells that perform this act of transmission. We can highlight some of the pertinent neurotransmitters, their effects, and potential disorders they are linked with it.

      • Acetylcholine
        This is connected to memory, muscle movement, and the ability to learn. A shortage of acetylcholine may result in Alzheimer’s disease.
      • Dopamine
        Dopamine is intrinsically linked to the thought process and feelings of a person. A lack of dopamine has been known to cause Parkinson’s disease and Schizophrenia. In case of scarcity, doctors recommend drugs to induce greater activity in the brain.
      • Endorphins
        A commonly heard term is endorphins, which revolves around emotions and the sensation of agony a person feels. When an individual experiences apprehension, their body releases endorphins in response.

Link to the Endocrine system

Suffice it to say, the anatomy of the human body is vast and complex. Any given part of the body functions in tandem with several other parts to inform the behavior of a person. The central nervous system is strongly linked to the endocrine system. The endocrine system includes the hormones and glands which transmit these into the circulatory system.

A network of neurons enables the movement of signals from the brain to various parts of the human body. The nervous system is comprised of almost a trillion of these neurons. They represent an intricate and regulated network.

The nervous system interacts with the endocrine structure in the human body in different ways. The brain consists of a portion called the hypothalamus. It is significant because it connects both the nervous and endocrine systems respectively. It is a small collection of nuclei that essentially control behavior.

They can be found in the front of the brain, towards its base, and coordinate basic requirements of the body, such as hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex. Additionally, it also manages the emotional and stress-related responses in humans, thus underlining how crucial it is to the body. These are essentially the two main functions of the hypothalamus.

Facts and Figures

Whether concise or extensive, we have discussed many attributes of the brain and what functions they perform. Our deliberation has included the cerebral cortex, four lobes, and the hypothalamus as well. We can now focus on the remaining aspects of the human brain.


First up is the cerebellum. Called the little brain informally, it receives signals from the ears, nerves, and auditory and visual systems. It makes up nearly a tenth of the entire size of the brain and also monitors a person’s motor movements such as posture and balance.

Limbic system

The limbic system is next. It includes regions like the amygdala, hippocampus, septal area, and parts of the limbic cortex. Together, they connect with the aforementioned constituents such as the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus.

Basal ganglia

Finally, the basal ganglia are a combination of nuclei that envelop the thalamus. These are also involved in the movements a person makes.

In conclusion, we can gather that the brain is an unbelievably intricate organ. However, its significance cannot be overstated. We only need to look at the number of parts of the brain that influences our movement or our feelings to know that this complex organ is actually a well-oiled machine.

Health Benefits of Hot Water


Cup of Tea
Photo by eskaylim –

Do you like your coffee hot? There may be more benefits to drinking hot beverages than you might be aware of! Aside from air, water is the most abundant element on planet earth. Every living entity on the face of this earth can’t survive without H2O (yes, even camels). For humans, drinking plenty of water is no doubt healthy, for many different reasons.

However, the debate over human water intake is not ending with the amount of daily water consumed, but also its temperature. For some years, there have been discussions by researchers on the benefits of drinking hot beverages. So, in this article, we will focus on the possible health benefits of drinking some H2O in the less than cooler side.

Before we move ahead, however, let’s discuss the ideal temperature and daily intake of hot water.

Recommended Temperatures and Daily Intake

Don’t get carried away by the term ‘hot’ and start drinking water at such high temperature that it burns your taste buds. The temperature of drinkable hot water should be in between 120 to 140 Fahrenheit. Water with temperature exceeding 160 Fahrenheit is dangerous for human ingestion, so keep in mind these readings if you are going to adopt the habit of drinking your liquids hot.

Regarding the amount of daily intake, it depends on every individual as to how to get the benefits of drinking hot water. Some people drink hot water as the very first thing in the morning.

Others have it periodically consumed throughout the day and few imbibe it before going to bed. You can even have your entire daily water intake with recommended warmer temperatures.

However, you only have to take care of one thing i.e. don’t exceed your healthy daily water intake. Adjust the consumption of hot water in your overall daily intake, instead of going extra.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water Aids Digestive System

Bowel movement is a major concern for a large chunk of the adult population, especially seniors. This problem can be addressed with a natural remedy of drinking more water, preferably hot. The small intestine absorbs the moisture content of solid food particles to fulfill the hydration needs of the body.

However, this homeostatic reaction results in difficult bowel movements leading to chronic constipation. Increased consumption of hot water prevents this dehydration of solid food particles in the small intestine.

Moreover, hot water is more beneficial than regular or cold water in breaking down food particles in the digestive system.

So, consumption of hot water over a long period of time can result in a healthy digestive system with agile digestion and swift bowel movement*. Speak to your family physician to get a precise accounting of how much hot water is good for you.

Detoxification and Improved Circulation

Hot water can instigate certain reactions, which leads to detoxification and better blood circulation. Both these phenomena are associated with healthy beings. The ingestion of hot water actually increases the temperature of the body for a brief moment. The resulting sweating and dilation of pores at this increased body temperature help in extracting toxins out of the body.
With a daily habit of drinking hot water, you can actually set a detoxification routine for your body. A detoxified body means good hair, clear skin, and healthy organs.

Even though it’s inconclusive, hot water momentarily does vasodilation i.e. a physiological reaction where blood vessels get dilated to improve blood circulation. Better circulation helps in relieving the muscle stress which aids in getting rid of chronic pain.

A catalyst for Weight Loss

It has been an established fact for a long time that increased daily intake of water helps in shedding some pounds. There are two factors which make increased water consumption a weight losing activity.

Increased feeling of satiation:

With more consumption of water, a person can kill his/her untimely appetites and cravings to reduce excess calorie intake.

Revved Up Metabolism: Increased water intake also helps in the process of thermogenesis within the body.

Moreover, a research study shows that replacing cold or regular drinking water with hot water can increase the metabolic activity by 40 percent for good 40-50 minutes. A revved up metabolism activity helps in efficient burning of calories which ultimately helps in reducing the weight.

Pouring Tea into a Cup

Helps in Improving the Condition of Sinuses and Cold

Have you ever had a cold and drank some hot tea and felt a bit relieved? Regular consumption of hot water can help with better movement of mucus and congested sinuses. This healthy routine will ultimately help you in alleviating the symptoms of seasonal cold and flu. People with chronic sinus issues might also experience improvement in their aggravated condition*.

Might Help in Reducing the Consumption of Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee and tea are the two most popular global caffeinated drinks. They have also been studied for different health benefits. Nonetheless, the research only shows benefits with moderate consumption, but some people use them excessively which can incur the negative effects.

Risks or Side Effects of Drinking Hot Water

We have covered that drinking water that is too hot can have several repercussions. We are mentioning these side effects here so that one should carefully maintain the aforementioned levels of temperatures for healthy warm water.

Oral Scalding

In early days of enthusiasm, many people went overboard and drank hot water without caring much about its temperature. This reckless activity can lead to oral scalding and can affect your dietary routine for many days.

Injury to Inner Lining of the Digestive Tract

Consumption of hot water over a long period of time with temperatures exceeding healthy levels can damage the lining of the digestive tract. A damaged lining can lead to the onset of ulcer and other digestive complications.

So make sure that you are drinking warm water instead of boiling hot water. Don’t consider consumption of hot water as a medicinal remedy. However, if you are suffering from any serious medical condition, then don’t start drinking hot water without consulting your physician first to avoid any of its counterproductive effects.

*Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

The Mechanism of Eye Surgery


Vision represents one of the five basic senses we have been blessed with and the eyes are the second most intricate organs in the human body after the brain. Our eyes can get strained, infected and are prone to disease, so like all our organs, keeping the eyes healthy is of utmost importance.


You may have heard the megapixel capacity of the latest digital camera or smartphone camera being touted in its marketing campaign. A camera does not even come close to the equivalent of megapixels that naked eye can detect. If a person has 20/20 vision i.e. normal faculty of seeing and if they have a full perspective, it is estimated that their eye can see 576 megapixels. That dwarfs the capacity of any camera on the market and lays further emphasis that the eyes are a genetic wonder. In reality though, given the complexities of vision, the real measure could be much more.

Woman with GlassesLike all organs in the body, the eyes are also prone to disorders. The most common of these is a weak visual perception. This is when the eyes have a deficiency. In such cases, patients can either opt for glasses or they can avail the surgical route and undergo that procedure. We will analyze the basics of how the latter works.


Before we look at the popular methods of corrective eye surgery, we will briefly chronicle its history. Refractive eye surgery became prominent in America in the 1980’s. At the time, the procedure was called Radial Keratotomy. The mechanics involved slicing incisions to level the surface of the patient’s eyes in a bid to rectify their nearsightedness. However, the operation was still a work in progress and patients regularly faced issues in the aftermath of the surgery. In particular, those with weaker eyesight experienced fluctuating and night vision dilemmas.

With the passage of time, Radial Keratotomy became redundant as significant advancements were made. Most notably, Photorefractive Keratectomy was successfully performed in the 90’s. It changed the curvature of the patient’s cornea and is still in widespread use in the modern era.

The most common procedure in use today is called LASIK. The acronym means Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. When people refer to laser surgery for the eyes, this is what they mean. The process is essentially an expedited edition of Photorefractive Keratectomy since the patients feel negligible discomfort and is able to recover vision within hours of the operation. Both procedures are used today based on the individual case.

Photorefractive Keratectomy

Photorefractive Keratectomy is a refractive procedure that can fix myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (blurred vision) respectively. It is the predecessor to LASIK, which we will discuss further below.

Photorefractive Keratectomy is recommended when an eye specialist, usually an ophthalmologist, deems that the patient does not qualify for LASIK. The actual procedure lasts mere minutes and consists of the removal of the cornea’s outer layer. The laser then molds the exposed cornea to rectify the patient’s vision.

In terms of gauging the suitability of patients for the procedure, they must be evaluated with an eye test. This includes observation of the size of their pupils, moistness of their eyes, the corneal curvature and thickness as well as the medical history of the patient.

A benefit of Photorefractive Keratectomy is that more patients can be treated. For instance, a case of dry eyes or irregular astigmatism would not be entitled to LASIK surgery but can go for this instead.

The reshaping of the cornea is done through an excimer laser which enables light to enter into the retina properly. The narrow film of the cornea called the epithelium is discarded before the corneal tissue is adjusted. The reason it takes patients a few days to recover vision is that the epithelium grows back gradually.

An alternate of Photorefractive Keratectomy known as LASEK (Laser Assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy), not to be confused with LASIK, is also available. The only difference is that the epithelial layer is lifted and not removed. Surgical equipment called a trephine is employed to preserve the layer during the procedure.

There are several advantages of Photorefractive Keratectomy. For instance, there is a lesser depth of laser treatment relative to LASIK. Patients with a slender cornea can undergo the procedure and no risk is attached to the process. There are no corneal flap complexities involved. Finally, there is also considerably lesser chance of the cornea’s thickness being affected.


LASIK is a surgical method that also treats nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. A thin flap is created in the cornea using a microkeratome blade or femtosecond laser. The ophthalmologist who performs the procedure folds the flap backward to expel the corneal tissue found below the flap. This is executed using excimer laser technology.

Once the tissue is removed, the flap is placed back in its original position. For those struggling with nearsightedness, LASIK flattens the cornea, which is too steep. Patients with far sight are the opposite since they require a steeper cornea. Finally, astigmatism issues can also be resolved since LASIK can fix an irregular cornea also.

Like Photorefractive Keratectomy, LASIK also requires an assessment of the patient beforehand. A specialist will evaluate the patient’s eyes, what procedure is best suited for them and the extent of laser ablation i.e. the removal of the corneal tissue needed. Additionally, the doctor will run a conscientious background check which will entail your medical history to ensure that you are the ideal candidate for LASIK. There are multiple cases where patients are not deemed fit for LASIK but they can undergo a Photorefractive Keratectomy instead.

Moreover, LASIK is an outpatient surgery, which means that patients are not required to stay in the hospital for a number of days. In fact, the actual procedure takes minutes since the surgeon uses a machine to adjust the laser for your particular prescription. While a patient looks at a specific target, the laser emits pulses of light which perform the operation. The patients are only exposed to the laser for mere minutes and do not feel any pain whatsoever. LASIK has a high success rate when it comes to patients. They recover their vision in a few moments and do not warrant any bandages or stitches at all.

Tips for Healthy Hair

Female Model with CombEach constituent of the human body warrants different levels of care and it is not just for health reasons. Hundreds of millions of people spend sometimes hours at grooming themselves and as such, we will devote some time as well regarding how to look your best every day and conditioning. Every attribute of the skin to the nails requires attention. 

In order to be properly be groomed, A person must devote adequate resources, such as time and money to ensure that their cosmetic needs are met.

We can gauge an idea of how important skin care is by looking at the statistics. In 2018, the global skincare market is was valued at an astonishing 135 billion dollars. This is projected to ascend to 180 billion by 2024! These breathtaking numbers are in part due to a shift in demand from older consumers to younger and more conscious ones.

Hair Care

Hair Grooming UtensilesThe hair care market is not far behind as well. It is also a thriving business and it’s with an estimated, anticipated worth is of 88 billion dollars in 2018 and is this is expected to grow annually. The terminology signifies the sanitation and cosmetology of the hair.

Individuals can grow their hair to different lengths, ranging from a bald look to actual floor length hair. This encapsulates everything from a buzz or crop cut in men to shoulder and hip-length hair in women. Furthermore, people use a variety of equipment such as hair brushes, blow dryers, and hair straightening irons. They can also style their hair using products namely hair gels, conditioners, and sprays.

The Environment and Your Hair

Exposure to hair products infused with chemicals,  the environment, and the changing seasons can often leave the hair in damaged condition. For example, females are known to struggle with trichoptilosis or split ends, as they are commonly known. Split ends occur when there is excessive fraying due to heat or chemicals.
Beyond that, individuals may also suffer from conditions such as dandruff, which is the phenomenon of flakes and mild itching on the scalp. Also, individuals, some people may have to endure a dry scalp or expedited hair loss as well. This brings us to useful tips and tricks which people can treat as gospel to protect their hair.


Given the flimsy nature of our hair, it is imperative to safeguard it from such environmental factors such as sunlight, strong winds, and rainfall. Also, exposure to pollutants like dirt and smoke affects the hair adversely. If dirt it accumulates on your head, it can lead to dryness in your hair and scalp, which leaves both increasingly prone to potential infections for instance. It is advisedExperts suggest to cover your hair when you are outdoors. Women can use accessories like a scarf or an umbrella as well, particularly when weather conditions are dire.

Gentle Handling

Female Showing her HairAnother effective technique is to be tender when you are managing your hair. Quite often, people tend to take their hair for granted. A brisk shower is followed by quick drying or lack thereof, especially if the concerned person is in a hurry. This is one habit that can prove to be damaging in the long run.

Wet hair is specifically vulnerable to breaking. This explains why you may notice strands of your hair splintering when you are in the middle of a shower. It is not a major concern in isolation, but t. The hair reacts the same way your skin does. When you spend abundant time exposed to water, the skin on your fingers may appear differently. Likewise, your hair exhibits a reaction as well.

Therefore, it is advised to be careful when dealing with damp hair. Whether you are applying shampoo or drying it post-shower or brushing it before leaving for work, be placid with your hair otherwise it may sustain damage.


Besides shampooing, there is another way to improve the health of your hair. It is known as conditioning. Those who don’t know better may be forgiven for thinking they are one and the same. Separate conditioners are easily available in the market. It is better to apply a conditioner to your hair after a quick wash. This will shield your hair from becoming extra frizzy for instance.

Moreover, it is equally important to execute the conditioning properly. Conditioners are meant to seal the moisture content in your hair, which is why you should apply it 2 two inches away from your scalp. If you are not careful, then the conditioner may make your scalp oily.

Variety is Not Recommended

If a person is not satisfied with their current shampoo or conditioner, they may opt for a new brand. For example, if Head and Shoulders does not do the trick for you, then you may decide to purchase L’Oreal.

But, for the best quality of hair, it is suggested that you use a shampoo and conditioner with a similar formula from the same manufacturer. Of course, there are various shampoos available in the market. You can buy an anti-dandruff one or another that makes your hair voluminous and silky. However, you should guarantee that both are from the same label.

Exposure to Heat

Tip number five is to avoid exposing your hair to heat. Women in particular often use a hair straightening iron when they are preparing for an occasion. While the occasional flourish is alright, it should not be done on a regular basis. Naturally, heat eliminates the moisture from your hair, making it dry in the process. If you employ a straightening iron frequently, it may even burn your hair!

Tight Grips

The next advice on our list is to not tie your hair too tightly. This applies almost exclusively to women and the odd man with long hear as well. If you tie your hair in an extremely firm knot, it will tend to augment the friction in your hair. This can cause breakages.

When you are going to sleep, do not braid your hair tightly. A loose braid is better suited. You should not leave your hair open either since it will leave you in a mess in the morning.


The seventh and final instruction is to apply oil to your hair and scalp regularly. Follow this routine with proper shampooing and washing of your hair. Oil is essential for stronger and shinier hair. It as it strengthens the protein in your hair. Moreover, a good oil massage can provide you with an extremely soothing sensation. Oiling also eliminates flakes of dandruff from your scalp.

As far as health for your hair and scalp is concerned, we’ll leave this for another article, but in general, applying standard and recommended health procedures will help in keeping your whole body clean night and day.


Health-Related Myths and Truths

Road sign that says Reality Check Ahead Re: Myths
Reality Check Ahead sign on desert road

Health issues and myths have a long history together. Half-cooked information paddled by some often becomes a universal truth for the masses. In the age of the internet, when many such long-existing myths have already been busted, there are still some misconceptions in connection to the medical sciences and health that persist.

In this article, we will outline some of these health-related myths as well as those that are true.

We Can Get More Ill in Colder Weather vs Warmer Weather – True

Girl sneezing in a tissue in the living room
Photo: iStock

There is a case (one of many) in November, 2022 where a 67 year-old man who hardly ever gets sick and never got Covid got pneumonia. The nurses and doctors said that there is a n abundance of respiratory illnesses going around, but no one could determine why this healthy man came down with this disease. Fortunately, with his case, a string of antibiotics successfully brought him back to health, but that is not always the case with other people.

The bottom line is this: Your body’s immune system does not work as well in cold weather. When cold air enters  our nose and upper airways, our body does not work as effectively at fighting illnesses.  That’s why more people tend to get colds, the flu and yes, even Covid too.

In winters, particularly during freezing outdoor temperatures, we prefer to remain indoors. But with limited ventilation, no sunlight and more close human interaction, the chances of bacteria and viruses thrive amplify, resulting in more illnesses.

So cold weather itself doesn’t cause sickness or disease, but the effects of it do. Of course, if you stay go outside in 10-degree weather wearing a short sleeve shirt and summer pants, don’t blame us if you start sneezing (or worse)! 

You Can’t Get Covid If You Have Been Vaccinated – False

Not only through studies, but also through fact. If you have been vaccinated for the disease, you can still get Covid again. The vaccinations are beneficial in that your symptoms will be much less severe than if you were not vaccinated.

So with that said, you should still take precautions as if you never had it!

Humans Use Only a Fragment of Their Cognitive Ability – False


Illustration of the human brain
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

From motivational speakers to ‘psychiatrists’, many professionals have fed this myth to the masses that we don’t use our brain to its full capacity. One can say that it’s a way to persuade people to push themselves more, but there is no scientific evidence for this piece of information and advice.

In contrast, for some, this myth has become more of an excuse of consolation that they are not realizing their true potential because they are not using their full mental prowess.

EEGs (electroencephalogram) has been here for a long time and more modernized techniques have been developed to scan brain activity. So, if you still believe that you are only using a percentage of your brain, a neurologist can help you in busting this myth.

Dim Light Reading Affects Your Eyesight – False

Boy reading in low lit conditions
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This is one of the oldest health falsehoods. Reading in insufficient lighting surely makes it harder for the eyes to do their work, but no far-reaching consequences have been proven by science regarding reading in dim light.

Similar is the case of a misconception that sitting too close to the television can affect your eyesight. Of course, too much of anything is not good for you, so if you are a TV couch potato or your job involves constant work on a computer screen, you should take a break every 15-20 minutes and rest your eyes. With that said, you could experience a momentary soreness, but this should not be considered as dangerous.

Nevertheless, a good practice is to read in good light and watch the TV from a distance at regular intervals, because there is no good reason to push your eyes to overwork.

The 5-Second Rule Says Your Food is Safe to It – False!

Uh oh! You dropped your open candy bar on the floor. Quick – pick it up before 5 seconds and you can still eat it. Nope. This is entirely false. According to Kids Health, “Bacteria can attach itself to your food even if you pick it up super-fast.

Bottom line – You drop food on the floor, throw it away!

Ulcers are Caused by Spicy Food – False

Peppers and spicy foods
Photo by Timothy L Brock on Unsplash

This is another misconception. Spicy foods can certainly can aggravate the symptoms of existing ulcers, but the onset of the disease is not caused by spicy foods.

For many years, healthcare experts also believed that spicy foods are the main reason for developing ulcers. However, science has disapproved this principle when researchers found out that a bacterium called H. Pylori is the real culprit for damaging the inner lining of the stomach.

This bacterium is also present in many prescription medicines. For that reason, patients who take a greater administration of drugs for a long time period often develop ulcers as a side effect.

Turkey Meat Causes Drowsiness – Possibly True

Curving a turkey
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Blaming feasting on turkey for long naps of Thanksgiving is common because there is a widespread misapprehension that turkey meat causes drowsiness.

However, there is no truth to that excuse of dozing off on turkey meals. The amino acid tryptophan is present in turkey meat which is known to cause drowsiness, but it’s in the similar amount as in beef or chicken; however, as per WebMd:

Consuming large meals stimulates the production of insulin, and insulin clears the bloodstream of all amino acids except for tryptophan. In effect, insulin clears a path that can flood the brain with tryptophan.” However, it is still unknown if tryptophan is the actual cause of drowsiness.

Some nutritional experts think that the overall festivity of the day might lead to those long siestas where average carbs and alcohol consumption is increased.

Pediatric ADHD Gets Worse by Sugar Consumption – Potentially True

Hyperactivity in children is sometimes linked to high consumption of sugar in the form of candies and chocolates in what is called a ‘sugar high’. There are studies that show that this could possibility be true.

With that said, parents should be vigilant on the amount of sugar they give their children regardless of whether it accelerates those with ADHD or not.

Excessive and reckless consumption of sugary items can harm oral health, add to obesity and be a potential risk for diabetes.

Brown Sugar is a Healthier Substitute for White Sugar – False


Spoon spilling sugar onto a cup
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Many people who want to eat healthy replace their staple food items. For instance, they replace fine grains with whole grains, red meat with white meat. In the same manner, they substitute white sugar with brown sugar because it is less processed.

Brown sugar indeed is less processed and contains a few more micronutrients, but it causes the same physiological effects of regular table sugar. This means you can’t control your blood sugar levels by substituting white sugar with brown.  

Understanding Hypertension

”Hypertension Warning Sign"
Photo by stuartmiles –

Have you ever felt your heart start to beat fast? You might have hypertension. Although a fast heartbeat can be the result of many things, let’s not rule high blood pressure as one of the reasons.

As the heart beats, it creates a pressure that pushes the blood through the arteries, veins, and capillaries.

This push, called blood pressure, is the result of two factors: The first force occurs as the blood pumps out of the heart and into the arteries. The second force is created when the heart rests between beats. 

Due to certain conditions, there are times when the heart must work harder to push the blood through the arteries, which subsequently results in less efficient circulation, as well as adding additional friction against the blood vessel’s walls.

One analogy is when you run water from a faucet down into a glass. If you turn the faucet higher, the water will run faster and if you are not watching what you are doing, the glass will overflow.

Now, what if the glass was covered except for the area where the faucet hits an opening at the top of the glass? At some point, something is going to happen and it won’t be a pretty sight. But what if you increase the water pressure? Whatever is going to happen is going to happen quicker. None of this is good.

Using a different analogy of water. Envision it falling against a set of rocks, if the water moves faster, over time, the rocks’ surface will become abraded. Similarly, blood moving through your veins at a faster than normal rate can cause unwanted damage to these vessels, not to mention that your heart has to pump harder and faster as well. This is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. 

Heart diagram
By ZooFari [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
As this extraneous force continues without remedy, the friction of high pressure can damage tissues inside the arteries and veins, (remember the rock abrasion comparison), consequently, it causes additional cholesterol which has nowhere to go but to stick to the arteries. This is called LDL (bad) cholesterol and as you may have guessed, it reduces the blood flow which will ultimately form plaque along with the damaged tears in the walls and resulting in atherosclerosis.

The more the plaque and damage that increases, the narrower the arteries become, which in turn, increases blood pressure because the body wants that blood to keep flowing, but this develops into a cycle that can do more damage to your arteries, as well as your heart and the rest of your body. In turn, dangerous conditions can occur, ranging from arrhythmia to heart attack and stroke.

High Cholostrial Illustration
Artery and Atherosclerosis illustration. High cholesterol. Blood clot.

There are numbers associated with blood pressure and it is used as a standard reference to determine when a person has hypertension. An elastic band is placed around the person’s arm, called a cuff and a manual pressure gauge is used to read the blood pressure of the individual. A rate of 120 over 80 (120/80) is considered normal. The first number represents the pressure of the blood when pumped out of the heart (called systolic) and the second number (called diastolic) represents the pressure between beats. Anything above 120/80 is considered higher than normal and would require treatment, usually medication.

As mentioned, hypertension can result in a plethora of different health complications. It’s important to note that stroke and heart disease are the leading causes of death in the US.

According to a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of American adults, many of who are over 50 are suffering from this condition and nearly half of them are not aware of it.

Diagnosing High Blood Pressure
Doctor measuring blood pressure

Many people fail to control the issue of high blood pressure because they are not aware of the different attributes of the disease. For this reason, hypertension is also called a silent killer because most of its symptoms are not external in nature. A person may come to know of its effects after years that he/she has been suffering from it. However, by then, the significant irreparable damage might have already occurred.

Although high blood pressure can cause deadly occurrences, is can be easily controlled with the right medications and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will cover the important points regarding hypertension so that one can tackle this ongoing medical condition efficiently.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

To list a few: Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, stress, too much salt consumption, too much alcohol consumption, genetics and sleep apnea. Let’s take a closer look at how these health issues can cause your heart to pump harder.


One of the most (and popularly know) entities that cause damage to your body is smoking. As far as high blood pressure is concerned, it increases the risk of the buildup of plaque inside your arteries. In general, every time you pick up a cigarette, it can cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure. This applies to second-hand smoke as well.

Excess Body Weight

Obesity begets many different health complications and hypertension is one of them. Aside from increasing inches of your waistline, obesity also makes the arteries stiffer and thicker. This distortion of the circulation system consequently results in increased blood pressure.

Unlike stress, obesity is an ongoing physical condition, which means the affected person will also constantly suffer from the perils of hypertension. As mentioned earlier, persistent high blood pressure can lead to fatal diseases.

Stress and Anxiety

DepressionSadly, we are living in a stress-ridden world and sometimes there is no way around it. But for people suffering from high blood pressure, increased levels of stress are not just bad for your mental health, they also aggravate many parts of the body and increased high blood pressure is no exception.

Cortisol is the hormone responsible for the psychological effects of increased levels of stress. The fight or flight response provoked by the increased secretion of cortisol in the bloodstream also results in increased blood pressure counts. You can try to limit your stress by following these recommendations.

Sodium Consumption

Sodium is an important mineral for intracellular activities. However, excess sodium in the body can be very detrimental to human health, particularly for people suffering from high blood pressure. We consume sodium in different forms of salt. The sodium present in it aids the kidney to increase water retention, which consequently results in hiked-up blood pressure.

Processed dietary products are rich in salts; therefore, it would be helpful to limit their use. Try to maintain your daily sodium intake by not more than 1500 mg. This amount of salt equals slightly less than one tablespoon. Even if you are not suffering from hypertension, gradually reduce your daily intake of sodium to make yourself less susceptible to develop this cardiovascular condition later in life.

Cautious Use of Medications

Drug Addiciton

Whether you are using prescription or OTC medications, both of them contain several side effects. Therefore, their cautious use is very important, even for people who are not suffering from any serious health condition.

Be aware of OTC drugs, especially those available for seasonal flu, cold and decongestants, which can raise blood pressure. Similarly, the administration of some supplements can result in high levels of blood pressure. Never consume any medication or nutritional supplement without prior consultation with your doctor, particularly if you are already suffering from this condition.

Controlling High Blood Pressure

In many cases, particularly if incurred in later years, hypertension becomes a lifelong medical condition where affected individuals have to make certain adjustments to their lifestyle in order to minimize the detrimental effect of it. By taking care of certain things, you can make sure that you are living healthy even with the ongoing condition of hypertension.

Adoption of the DASH Diet

Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a diet routine recommended by the Institute of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for the prevention and control of hypertension. This diet plan recommends the addition of whole grains, fruits (especially bananas, because they are rich in potassium), vegetables, white meat and nuts in daily meals and discourages the consumption of red meat, saturated fats, artificial, processed sweeteners and fat-enriched dairy products.

Eating the right foods can’t be stressed enough. Fruits and vegetables alone are highly recommended to help fight free radicals, as well as providing an assortment of healthy nutrients for your entire body – and that includes fighting high blood pressure. In addition to these healthy nutrients, dark chocolate and garlic have been found to assist in keeping your blood pressure in a normal state.

So don’t just read these recommendations. Make it part of your lifestyle starting today!


Regular and increased physical activity helps in maintaining the well-being of the cardiovascular system. With more aerobic exercises, you can ensure that your heart’s activity remains unaffected in instances of high blood pressure. Fitness experts recommend that the inclusion of two and a half hours of moderate physical activity, which is spread throughout a week, can help in strengthening your cardiovascular system.

Furthermore, the increased physical activity also helps in reducing body weight, which can otherwise add to the aggravation of hypertension. Moderate physical activities can be performed in the form of brisk walking, cycling, swimming, gardening and any other aerobic exercise of your preference.

Using Medication

There is an abundance of successful medications that are used to control high blood pressure. Metoprolol, Losartan, and Amlodipine are some of the more popular ones, but let’s have a look at these and others and how they help to maintain a steady heartbeat and pressure. Please note, all of these drugs MUST NOT BE administered without the consultation of a qualified physician.


Diuretics are a class of drugs used to catalyze the production of urine. It is usually recommended for acute hypertension patients for lowering their blood pressure levels with the exclusion of sodium and water from the body through urine.


A beta-blocker is another class of drug prescribed to patients with abnormal heartbeat caused by increased levels of blood pressure. These drugs slow down heart activity to protect it from the detrimental consequences of hypertension.

All About Lactose Intolerance

”Wariing sign of lactose intolerance"
Photo by gwolters –

Lactose intolerance is a common digestive condition where a person’s metabolism is unable to break down the disaccharide sugar (lactose) present in dairy products. This condition develops when there is an absence or deficiency of lactase, the principal enzyme responsible for digesting lactose in the small intestine.

The ability to digest milk sugars starts to deplete during infancy. According to reports, a quarter of the US population experience decreased lactose tolerance as soon as the phase of weaning begins. There are several underlying reasons behind the development of lactose intolerance and it can be developed at any point in time as one ages.

Are Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergies One and the Same Thing?

Many people confuse both of these digestive issues because of the common denominator of milk and dairy products. However, both of these conditions are absolutely dissimilar in many ways. Lactose intolerance occurs because of the absence of the digestive enzyme while a milk allergy is a digestive allergic reaction to the protein present in dairy products.

Moreover, milk allergies are more severe with its symptoms as compared to lactose intolerance and it is also less prevalent.

Causes of Lactose Intolerance

As we have discussed, the condition of lactose intolerance develops when the body is unable to develop sufficient amount of lactase. There are multiple reasons that can lead this deficiency.

Primary Lactase Deficiency

In the majority of the cases, primary lactase deficiency is the reason behind lactose intolerance. This type of intolerance happens due to a genetic mutation passing on through the generations.

Secondary Lactase Deficiency

Secondary lactase deficiency underlines the problem in the small intestine. This type of intolerance can occur at any age. Several medical conditions can lead to the development of secondary lactase deficiency.

  • Celiac disease:  Adverse reaction to gluten causing bowel issues
  • Gastroenteritis: Infection of the digestive tract and the stomach
  • Crohn’s disease: An enduring inflammatory condition of the lining of the digestive tract
  • Ulcerative Colitis: A disease affecting the large intestine

Chemotherapy and long-term administration of antibiotics can also lead to the development of secondary lactase deficiency.

Lactose intolerance caused by secondary lactase deficiency is often temporary in nature. Nevertheless, they can transform into a permanent condition if the underlying cause is severe.


The initial diagnosis of lactose intolerance is very simple. If someone experiences abdominal conditions such as bloating, cramps and pain within two hours of ingesting any dairy product then the chances of acquiring lactose intolerance is quite possible. To be certain about whether or not you are suffering from lactose intolerance, a simple clinical diagnostic test can be conclusive. It is called hydrogen breath test and is used to identify various complications of the digestive system.


Unfortunately, there is no definite treatment available to treat lactose intolerance. In most of the cases, patients have to cut down their dietary consumption to protect themselves from digestive disruptions. Nevertheless, there are two treatment methods that are used by some people to alleviate the symptoms.

Administration of Lactase-containing Medications

OTC tablets and pills are available that contain lactase. These medications can be administered before the consumption of dairy products to limit the detrimental effects of lactose intolerance. But this treatment is not a long-lasting solution and it is not equally effective for every patient.

Administration of Probiotics

Administration of probiotics can also help in alleviating the adverse effects of lactose intolerance. According to a research study on a group of volunteers with lactose intolerance, more than two-thirds of them reported reduced abdominal cramps and pain after taking probiotics for more than one month.

Reconditioning of the Digestive System

In comparison to the above-mentioned provisional treatment options, a better measure is to recondition your digestive system to tolerate some amount of dairy products. One study suggests that in three week’s time, a person can recondition his/her digestive system to tolerate up to 250 milliliters of milk.

Dietary Alternatives

American CheeseDairy products are rich in Vitamin D and calcium. Both of these micronutrients are essential for the vitality of the exoskeleton of a person. A study was concluded that people suffering from lactose intolerance experience low levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream because of a complete absence of dairy products from their diet.

Therefore, it is imperative to get the essential nutritional content of dairy products from alternate resources.  Here, we are mentioning some of the dietary items that should be considered by people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Lactase-added milk: They are easily available in some grocery stores. Lactose in these dairy products is already broken down. So, lactose intolerant individuals can easily consume it in order to intake all the nutrients of milk without incurring any digestive issues.

Soy milk: Calcium makes bones strong and this mineral is abundant in milk. To get sufficient supply of calcium, soy milk is a better substitute for people with lactose intolerance. However, it is not suitable for people with milk allergies.

Dairy products with less lactose: Yogurt is a good substitute for people suffering from lactose intolerance because it contains less amount of lactose. Fermenting bacteria in yogurt have already eaten most of the lactose. Similarly, cheese is also a better substitute to get dairy nutrition.

Calcium-rich non-dairy products: To compensate the deficiency of calcium, one can increase the consumption of calcium-rich plants in their diet. Spinach, broccoli and other green vegetables have sufficient amount of calcium in them to compensate. Moreover, fish is also a good source to fulfill your calcium needs.

Before adding any of these products in your dietary routine, it is always a sensible move to consult your physician if you are suffering from lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance is surely undesirable, but it doesn’t have disabling characteristics. By taking care of your diet and fulfilling your calcium and vitamin D needs from other food sources, you can make the negative effects of lactose intolerance more tolerable.  

Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

How Cooking Meat Can Affect Your Health

”Image of cooked meat on a barbecue"
Photo by kamchatka –

Among all the staple diets that we consume today, meat is the oldest one. Since the beginning of human history, we consume meat in one way or the other. The reason why meat never goes out of dietary choices is that of its enrichment of taste. In recent decades we have also come to know that it is packed with proteins i.e. one of the three basic daily macronutrients required.

However, with the growing body of scientific research regarding this editable provision, many new facts have come to the forefront regarding its consumption. For instance, excessive use of red meat has been linked to high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems. With that said, getting it completely out of your daily diet can lead to a protein deficiency.

Some of the attributes associated with health and nutritional implications is determined by the cut, type and the proportion of meat that you eat. In addition and just as important is the manner in which itsis cooked. Today, we feast on meat that is prepared through different cooking techniques.
In this article, we will discuss the variety of cooking techniques in light of their health and nutritional consequences after consumption.


Roasting SteakRoasting is a cooking method where the meat is prepared through dry heating. It’s quite different to wet meat preparation, where water and other liquids are served as a medium of cooking.  A pan which is usually used for the purpose of roasting has a holder to keep the dripping moisture away from the roasted item. It is important to do this to maintain the texture and taste of roasted meat.


Baking is very similar to roasting because it’s also a dry heating method which is carried out at the same temperature (usually around 300-400 F). However, it is usually used for the preparation of fish and poultry instead of red meat.

If we compare them with other cooking methods, roasting and baking are relatively healthy ways to prepare meat items.  But roasting it for too long at high temperatures can result in loss of its nutrition. A comparative chart tells us that roasting and baking meat at high temperatures can result in the loss of nearly half of its micronutrients (in the form of vitamin B) from the moisture dripped out during its cooking. In addition, well done cooked meat can contain more potential carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer). So if you are one of those that enjoys eating well-done meat, you might want to reconsider.

If you want to preserve the nutritional value of baked or roasted meat, then make sure that you are not discarding all the meat juice that has oozed out during the preparation of the meal. You can later use this juice to garnish the prepared meal.


Grilled Meat
Photo Wikimedia by ‘_BuBBy

Grilled meat is undoubtedly the most popular form of preparing meat-based foods. From steaks to burgers, grilling helps in preparing many delicious meat staples. It is a dry and direct-heat cooking technique where meat is heated without the use of any pan or chamber.

Nonetheless, the taste of grilled meat food items comes at a significant cost. There are a plethora of health complications that are associated with the consumption of grilled meat. Let’s have a look at some of the most reported and researched adverse effects associated with the consumption of this delicacy when grilled.

Formation of PAH

Meat contains fats and with its direct heating on a grill, a sizeable part of it melts and spreads over the metallic grill in the presence of high temperature. This activity gives way to chemical reactions, where Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) are formed.

PAH compounds can soak into the grilled meat and therefore can transform it into a harmful food item which has been researched for several detrimental effects on human health. Development of different cancerous tumors is linked to significant traces of PAH in the body. However, it has also been studied that removing the moisture of food while grilling it can reduce the amount of PAH by 90 percent.  

Formation of AGEs

Advanced Glycation End (AGE) Products are another organic byproduct formed during the grill cooking of meat. AGEs are linked to several harmful health implications. Increasing amounts of AGEs ending up in the body can raise its insulin resistance. Moreover, they are also known to aggravate cardiovascular problems.

A large number of precursor proteins, which react with sugar in the body to form AGEs, are activated during the grilling of meat. Therefore, the number of AGEs formed during grilling is the highest as compared to any other cooking method.

For people who don’t want to lose out on the taste of grilled meat, there are certain measures that should be taken during the grilling to limit the formation of harmful chemicals.

  • Try to reduce the cooking time. You can slightly pre-cook the meat to cut down it’s grilling time.
  • Be attentive during the preparation of grilled food items. Remove them from direct heat or change their direction as soon as they are transforming into a charred form.

In general, try to limit the consumption of grilled meat if you want to protect yourself from its potential detrimental effects.

Formation of PAH

Moisturized Cooking Methods

Stewing and poaching are usual meat cooking methods, which involve moisture. Since they are low-temperature cooking techniques, therefore the nutritional loss is less in their making. However, vital vitamin B can be lost if the food is stewed or poached for long time duration.

Formation of PAH


Frying is another popular form of meat preparation. In frying, meat is cooked at high temperature in oils. There are usually two types of frying which are used to prepare most of the meat foods:

Stir-frying: Meat is cooked in a moderate amount of oil through constant flipping and stirring. Since no meat juice is lost during stir-frying, it has better nutrition retention than other modes of cooking. However, heterocyclic amines are produced during stir-frying, which can lead to the development of cancer.

Deep-frying: Meat is immersed in oil while deep-frying. Deep-fried meat foods are undeniably tasty, but they are full of heterocyclic amines and AGEs.

From the above discussion, it is evident that roasting, baking, and stewing are the healthy ways to cook meat dishes. Try to add more meat, prepared through these cooking techniques in your staple diet in order to maintain a healthier dietary routine.


Eye Conditions that Should Not be Overlooked

”Close up image of the eye"Photo by

The eye is one of the most sensitive organs of the body and is constantly exposed to the external environment, making it vulnerable to injuries and infections. According to a report from the World Health Organization, there are roughly 250 million people all over the world with visual impairment. More unfortunate, almost 80 percent of these cases could have been prevented if they were timely diagnosed and treated.

For that matter, it is always advised to have regular eye checkups because even a small eye condition, if not addressed, could lead to the loss of vision. In this article, we will share some eye issues which should not be taken lightly and require immediate consultation of an eye doctor.

Flashes, Floaters, and Shadows

Did you ever get a light or photo flash catch you (and your eyes) by surprise and then you see those little ‘stars’ floating around? Well, you have experienced floaters. Usually harmless when this happens. Flashers are similar and also usually harmless. As we get older though, we may experience them more often.

If you are experiencing frequent occurrences of these visual phenomena, then you might be suffering from a detachment of your retina. When the retina is moved from its natural position, an unexpected onset of flashes, shadows, and floaters can become common.

The retina sends nerve signals to the brain for image formation and its detachment can be caused by glaucoma, nearsightedness and/or due to a physical injury. If the detached retina is not addressed in time, then the affected person could lose complete vision of the infected eye.

Sudden Loss of Vision

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of loss of vision in the senior population. In most of the cases, vision loss due to macular degeneration is gradual. However, in two cases, macular degeneration can be sudden.

  • When capillaries in the eye become porous and blood gets accumulated under the retina
  • Glaucoma can also lead to the sudden loss of vision where optic nerve gets ruptured with the buildup of aqueous humor in the optical chamber

Therefore, people suffering from glaucoma and seniors suffering from gradual loss of vision should not show negligence in their eye treatments.

Eye Injuries

Any eye cut or puncture wound should not be treated frivolously, particularly if the pain or swelling is persisting for a long time. Instead of treating it on your own, it is best to go to your physician for a better care. A serious eye injury, if not taken care of, can culminate into permanent optical damage.

Constant Discomfort

If you are feeling continuous discomfort in the eyes after doing any activity where there are chances that a tiny particle could have entered your eye, then don’t put up with this distressing situation. Constant uneasiness and distress might be an indication that the particle is still there. A physician checkup is necessary for this situation because a foreign particle in the eye can cause a serious eye infection.

Causes of Red Eyes

Eyes can turn red due to various reasons. When we get both of our eyes red in the conditions mentioned below, it is considered quite normal:

  • Allergic reaction to dust and other environmental pollutants
  • The onset of viral fevers and colds

In these situations, your eyes get back to their normal appearance once the pertaining health issue goes away. However, there are few instances where one of the eyes gets red. These cases demand an immediate consultation with a specialist because it either indicates two of these eye conditions:

Scleritis: This is an extreme case of inflammation of sclera (the white external coating of the eye). Chemical exposure, post-surgical inflammation, and other diseases are often the reason behind this condition of a single reddened eye.

Uveitis: This is another severe case of inflammation where the iris, choroid and ciliary body present in the middle layer of the eye get affected. Inflammatory diseases and eye injuries can be the causes of this rare case of ‘red eye’.

Discomfort in Wearing Contact Lens

There are many people who can wear a contact lens without any problem. However, there are others who feel the constant feeling of distress while wearing them. Don’t persist with this discomfort, pain or redness because it can lead to the development of an infection. Malfunction of the contact lens can also inflict a severe physical injury to the eyes.

So, whenever you are not feeling comfortable with your contacts, remove them and immediately consult an eye specialist.

Blurred Vision

Even if it is temporary or episodic, blurred vision indicates several eye problems. From glaucoma, AMD to uveitis or a ruptured retina, instances of blurred vision can be an early sign of any of these serious eye diseases.

Moreover, blurred vision in one eye can also be a sign of stroke. Stroke is a fatal medical condition where the supply of oxygenated blood to the eye is blocked. Blurred vision in a single eye might indicate that the carotid artery is blocked. This artery is the primary blood supplier of the eyes.

Postsurgical Complications

Don’t fall victim to the misconception that postsurgical complications are a part of the process. Patients who have had eye surgery in the recent past and experience pain, redness or loss and blurring of the vision, they must consult their physician or surgeon immediately instead of considering it a part of healing process.

Aside from keeping tabs on the above-discussed eye issues, it is imperative to maintain a good routine to ensure the health of your eyes.

  • Get an annual eye exam from a certified eye doctor or more often if prescribed
  • If you wear contact lenses, make sure you follow all instructions on how to keep them clean.
  • You must be aware of your family history regarding eye diseases. It will help in obtaining the appropriate precautionary measures to protect yourself from the same optical issues.

Make sure that you are eating lots of fruits and vegetables, particularly leafy greens because they are rich in vitamins which improve eye vision. Furthermore, an addition of seafood in the form of salmon and tuna to your daily diet can also act as a vision improving supplement. These fish meats are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and these good fats are very beneficial for your eyesight. Your eyes are the optics of your brain and you only have two of them. Make sure you take all the precautions to keep them healthy.

Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

Are Sugar Alcohols Really a “Sugar-Free” Substitute?

”Bowl of Sugar"
Sugar adds calories and has bad oral effects. Photo by sierpniowka –

Sugar alcohols are a type of organic compounds extensively used in the making of sugar-free products. The first thing which should be understood  is that the use of sugar alcohols as an ingredient is not entirely free of sugar.

Secondly, don’t get confused with the word ‘alcohol’ because there isn’t any in the conventional sense. It represents the organic group of the carbohydrates of these sugars. You won’t get drunk with the consumption of sugar alcohols.  

Like traditional processed sweetener options, sugar alcohol also comes from plants, fruits and berries. However, their carbohydrate structures are slightly different from table sugar (sucrose). In this article, we will discuss in detail about the reality of sugar alcohol, its benefit, downsides and difference from table sugar.

Difference Between Sugar Alcohol and Table Sugar

Calorie Count
There is a significant difference between the caloric values of both types of sugars. One gram of table sugar contains around four calories. On the other hand, different types of sugar alcohols can contain one to three calories in the same weight.  

Difference of Taste
Most of the sugar alcohols have an understated ‘sweet’ taste. This is another reason they are used in sugar-free food products because their addition doesn’t tilt the taste of the food towards extreme sweetness. However, there is a variant of sugar alcohol with the name xylitol which has nearly the same taste of sweetness as table sugar.

Rate of Absorption
Sugar alcohols are absorbed slower than the conventional table sugar in the blood circulation.

Types of Sugar Alcohols
There are more than half a dozen sugar alcohol variants available in the market. Let’s have a quick look on some of the most commonly used types of this sugar alternative.

Mannitol is naturally found in different plants and berries. It can be extracted from mushrooms, strawberries and even from the onion. It’s nearly half as sweet as the table sugar.

It is one of the most commonly used sugar substitutes available in the market. A mass-scale manufacturing of sorbitol is done by the processing of dextrose which is abundantly present in cornstarch. It also has the same sweetness level as of mannitol.  

Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysates

This sugar alcohol is also made of cornstarch and has very low sweetness level as compared to the aforementioned types above.


Xylitol chemical makeup diagram
Xylitol chemical makeup

Unlike most of the sugar alcohols, xylitol is made of the leftover organic material. For instance, used sugar cane stalks and corn cobs are used to manufacture this sugar alcohol. In sweetness, xylitol is similar to table sugar. Therefore, it is also a popular substitute for people who want to go sugar-free.  

Benefits of Sugar Alcohol

Even though sugar alcohols are not entirely free of the negative effects associated with table sugar, it is still better to use instead of the traditional sweetener. There are two significant benefits of sugar alcohols compared to sucrose (the chief component of sugar).  

Fewer Calories Mean Healthy Diet
Sugar alcohols have fewer calories than traditional table sugar and this attribute alone contain several benefits for human health. According to a research study, around 15 percent of the total calorie consumption of the US population consists of added processed sugar. All these extra calories pave the way for prevalent health complications such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and digestive issues.  

By substituting table sugar with sugar alcohol options, one can significantly cut the number of calories without compromising on the amount and quantity of their meals.

To Maintain Blood Sugar Levels
According to a report, around 90 to 95 percent of diabetic cases in the country are of type 2. This diabetes type is spotted by increased blood sugar levels. Use of the sugar alcohol can help the type 2 diabetic patients to maintain their blood glucose at healthy levels. Sugar alcohol gets absorbed into the blood at a very slow rate as compared to traditional sugar. This means that sugar alcohol can pass through the body without significantly disturbing the glucose levels of it. A small amount of glucose present in sugar alcohols can easily be absorbed by the insulin present in the blood circulation of diabetic patients. By gradually replacing normal sugar with these options, people suffering from type 2 diabetes can also enjoy the desserts and other sweet dishes.

Note: Diabetic patients should consult with their medical professional before changing any dietary regimen.

Better Dental Health

We all know how processed sugar plays its part in deteriorating oral and dental health. Sucrose sugar is responsible for the exponential production of oral bacteria. These bacteria secrete acids detrimental to the protective layer of teeth called enamel.  Eroded enamel causes tooth decay which can lead to further oral health complications.

On the other hand, sugar alcohols are not known to have the same reactions in the oral cavity. It means using them instead of table sugar can help in preventing tooth decay and teeth loss which is a major periodontal concern in the country.

Apart from these major health benefits, miscellaneous studies suggest sugar alcohols might help the healthy probiotic bacteria to grow in the GI tract. These friendly bacteria are known to improve the digestive functions of the gut. Xylitol is also studied in clinical trials for its benefits to the skin and bones.

One Side Effect: Digestive Issues

With all its benefits, sugar alcohols have one side effect. Taken regularly, it can lead to lead to diarrhea and bloating. Since most of the sugar alcohol is not absorbed by the blood, a large amount of it ends up in the large intestine. This overload on the gut can result in digestive issues.  

People who are already suffering from irritable bowel syndrome can experience their symptoms getting worse with the use of sugar alcohols.

It is quite apparent that sugar alcohols have more benefits than harm and it can become part of a healthy diet. Nevertheless, consult your physician before adding sugar alcohol to your dietary plan.