
Little-Known Facts About Obesity

Photo by stevanovicigor –

Obesity is one of the most prevalent health concerns of the majority of the US population. According to the statistics furnished by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, around one-third of US adults are overweight. It is a root cause of many diseases. From cardiovascular issues to glucose levels in the blood, obesity contributes to the many health issues that we face in America today.

Being overweight is underlined by excessive fat accumulation in the body and the area which gets more traction than anywhere else is the abdominal region. People suffering from obesity are more worried about the numerous layers of adipose tissues around their abdomen, commonly known as love handles.

Obesity in general and belly fat, in particular, can also have negative side effects on your psychological health. Losing confidence and avoiding social interactions due to the concern of having an ‘imperfect’ body and appearance can affect your life in more than one way. In this article, we will outline some popular and little-known facts associated with belly fat to improve your understanding of the subject.

Belly Fat is the Most Dangerous Among All

Although all types of excessive body fats are bad for your health, it is comparatively more harmful than the others, because the abdominal adipose tissues are rich in chemicals and compounds that can aggravate the issues of diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure.

It’s Not Just About Cutting Down Your Calories

Many people try to shrink their waist by cutting down the intake of their daily calories and there are many ways to do this. Excluding the excessive amount of calories from your diet is important to remain fit and healthy, but it doesn’t ensure you will get rid of your belly fat.

The nature of the food you are consuming to fulfill your calorie needs also sets the course of belly fat reduction. Science has established that calories taken from whole grains are healthier than the ones taken from processed wheat and barley. So if you want to reduce your belly fat, reduce your calorie count not just by eating less, but also by consuming healthy food.

Condiments are Helpful in the Fight Against Belly Fat

Aside from enhancing the flavor of meals, certain condiments can also aid to shed your belly fat. For instance, apple cider vinegar has been studied for its effects on people striving to lose those extra pounds. A group of people who are regularly consuming apple cider vinegar along with their diet and exercise routine was successful in reducing more belly fat than the group that was not consuming it.

Lauren doing crunches

Belly Crunches are Not the Answer

There is a widespread misconception that crunches can help you in getting rid of belly fat. This routine is good for making your abdominal muscles strong. However, you would be disappointed if you are exhausting yourself by crunching to lose excess weight in your stomach area. Yes,the exercise in itself will help you to lose calories, but then try aerobic exercises instead of crunches if that is what you are looking to do. 

More Sitting Means More Body Fats

There’s an expression ‘Sitting is the new cancer’. If your lifestyle involves more sitting hours then it’s just a matter of time, you are more prone to acquiring additional weight. One can notice that many adults with desk jobs suffer from pot bellies, thanks to the fat accumulated around the abdomen. If you are entangled in a situation where you are required to sit for extensive hours, then add few minutes of aerobic exercises in your daily routine to offset the harmful effects of sitting.

Brisk walking, jogging, swimming or any gym activity can help you in maintaining this routine. Pick the one which you can easily accommodate in your everyday schedules.

Green Tea Aids in Losing Belly Fat  

Green tea is also a good catalyst for losing weight. However, make sure that you are not just relying on the benefits of green tea. A healthy, low-calorie diet and increased physical activity are essential to reaping the benefits of green tea for burning the fat off.

Obesity in the Abdominal Region Should be Measured in Length  

It sounds strange but if you want to effectively get rid of belly fat, then measure its reduction in inches instead of pounds. Measurement of your waist is a more precise way to gauge the success of your belly fat loss.

Number of Meals is not Proportional to the Amount of Belly Fat

Many people starve themselves in order to reduce the inches around their waist. However, the truth of the matter is that you can eat six meals a day and still shed abdominal fat. But these meals should be small in size and must be filled with healthy nutrients.

Stress is a Belly Fat Facilitator

Aside from taking its toll on your mental health, stress is also a facilitator in accumulating a layer of fat around your belly. It is physiologically underlined by the increased levels of cortisol in the blood circulation. This fight-or-flight hormone provokes untimely cravings for foods rich in fats and calories. For that reason, people with stressful lifestyles may suffer from obesity and pot bellies.

Is Belly Fat a Promoter of Metastasis?

Other than the above-discussed facts associated with belly fat, a recent research shows that it can also promote the development of cancerous tumors in the abdominal region. According to a study published in the Journal named Trends in Immunology, the layer of fat protecting vital organs in the abdominal region can turn into a threat in case of increased belly fat.

Greater omentum 1
This layer called omentum generally serves homeostasis by inducing inflammatory reactions to heal internal wounds. However, if omentum is covered by more adipose tissues in terms of belly fat then it might provide a sanctuary for cancer cells against the body’s immune response especially in case of ovarian and gastrointestinal cancers. Scientists are still working on the role of omentum and belly fat on the metastasis of cancer tumors. If this research gets substantiated further, then it will be another addition to the long list of detrimental effects of excess fat on the body.

Getting rid of belly fats is not an unattainable task. With the help of determination and effective measures to mend your unhealthy lifestyle habits, you can most certainly get in shape.

What Happens When You Contract Pneumonia

”Doctor with chart in hand"
Pneumonia is a condition where inflammation occurs in the air sacs of one or both lungs. These sacs are known as alveoli and may be filled with fluids such as water or puss. It can cause a glut of coughing, which is accompanied by phlegm. Phlegm is a thick substance secreted by the mucous membrane.

The infection predominantly affects children and adults aged five and above. Quite often, a bout of pneumonia can mean a visit to the hospital.

We will delve into the significant details of this disease, including what causes the inflammation, different types of pneumonia, symptoms that patients exhibit, risks involved, diagnosing the disease, and viable treatments.


Pneumonia is classified into different types by health care professionals. This categorization is based on how the ailment is acquired. First and foremost, two broad categories are identified by doctors. These are:

  • Community-Acquired Pneumonia

When the disease develops beyond the realms of a hospital, it is known as community-acquired pneumonia. It is a common occurrence, particularly in winter and affects more than four million individuals in the United States annually.

  • Hospital Acquired Pneumonia

The other broad category is called hospital-acquired pneumonia. As the name implies, this transpires when a patient is admitted to the hospital for reasons other than pneumonia. Being subjected to a ventilator, for instance, can augment the risk of developing pneumonia.

Furthermore, the advent of pneumonia can be broken down into categories based on how severe the lung tissue is damaged:

  1. Bronchopneumonia is a condition where deposits which cause the inflammation are dispersed in the lungs
  2. Lobar pneumonia follows an inflammation of one lobe of the lung, which includes all the air spaces in the specific lobe
  3. Lipoid pneumonia is simply the accretion of fats in the airspace

That is not all though. Pneumonia can also be divided into varying types depending on the germs that cause the disease. For example, bacterial pneumonia is caused by the presence of bacteria, the most common of which is known as streptococcus.

Respiratory viruses can also cause viral pneumonia, particularly in infants and the elderly. However, in majority cases, it subsides quickly. Mycoplasma pneumonia is a combination of both instances mentioned above while fungal pneumonia is the ill effect of soil and bird droppings.


Symptoms of pneumonia
Signs of pneumonia can change depending on whether the condition is mild or extreme and also, the type of infection that the patient develops. The most common indicators of the ailment are abundant coughing. While coughing is a precursor to several health concerns, wheezing linked to pneumonia will generally be accompanied by the excretion of excess phlegm. This is dense, yellow material that originates from mucus. It can also be bloody in severe cases.

Similarly, high fever can be a signal that something worse is around the corner and the same applies to pneumonia too. It is often connected with the sensation of chills through the body. Sometimes, as was the case with a 15-year-old teenager, he acquired a chronic cough, but showed no other systems; however, after visiting the doctor, he was diagnosed with walking pneumonia.

Alternatively, other manifestations include chest congestion and agony, which worsens as you breathe. A disconcerting headache and a general loss of appetite. This can often lead to diminished energy and/or fatigue.


Although anyone can develop the condition, there are some who are at greater risk than others when it pertains to respiratory illness. Determinants which augment the element of risk include people with a compromised immune system, poor health, senior citizens and cigarette smoking, to mention a few. The adverse effects that smoking has on the human body are well known. The phrase ‘smoking is injurious to health’ is a common disclaimer that is often found on the packaging of cigarettes.

A respiratory infection can also lead to the advent of pneumonia. For instance, if a patient has recently suffered from a bout of influenza or laryngitis, it may well turn in to pneumonia. Also, those who experience difficulty in swallowing, which can happen because of various issues, are also prone to developing the disease.

Moreover, patients with bronchitis and fibrosis or any other lung oriented illness are increasingly vulnerable. Experiencing augmented stress or trauma can trigger pneumonia and so can live in a nursing accommodation. All in all, there are multiple risk factors associated with pneumonia.


Sometimes, doctors may encounter difficulty in diagnosing the infection. Like asthma and bronchitis, pneumonia shares many of the same symptoms. For example, coughing and chest pain are common indicators of several diseases, which is the main reason doctors are hard pressed may have to run a series of tests.

When you consult a physician, they may run tests related to your breathing and question you regarding how long you’ve had coughing and if it contains phlegm. Problems with inhaling and exhaling and checking your body temperature is another diagnosis that may arise.


In terms of treatment, there are different routes that patients can take. Conventional wisdom suggests that a doctor must be consulted primarily. This will lead to prescribed treatment of the disease. Antibiotics and antiviral medication may be given by doctors, subject to the cause and severity of pneumonia. Examples of suitable pharmaceuticals include ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Pneumonia can also be treated at home. This would ideally include plenty of rest combined with the prescribed medication and an abundance of water intake.

In extreme cases, hospitalization may be necessary. This happens when a patient has another condition which can cause complications and subsequently, the situation can worsen. Also, appropriate diagnosis is necessary to determine how the individual initially acquired these diseases. Doctors monitor your vitals, such as your heart rate while you are admitted. They will also inject intravenous antibiotics into the system and employ oxygen therapy to assuage the patient.

Bottom line is if you acquire severe coughing that doesn’t appear to diminish, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Breath: A New Indicator of Various Health Issues

Girl breathing Breathing is one of those homeostatic phenomena which occurs naturally. It is underlined by the involuntary movement of the lung muscles, which carries out the vital procedure of the oxygenation of the blood.

With advancements in the field of medical sciences, breathing is now being used as an indicator to diagnose different diseases and health complications. Now, anomalies in breath can reveal significant medical information about the examined individual.

In this article, we will outline all the diagnostic measures that can be performed through samples of one’s breath. Some of them are still in their preliminary research phase but might become part of conventional diagnostic practices in near future. Let’s take a look.

Bad Breath Can Indicate Stomach Cancer

Right now, screening of stomach cancer involves a difficult invasive procedure. Therefore, it is uncommon for people to get themselves screened for it.  However, this may get changed in a few years because research has shown us that the nanoarray analysis of breath can reveal information which can help in differentiating between various early stages of stomach cancer.

The test was conducted where participants had to fast for 12 hours prior to the test. The same test is now being performed on a large cohort of individuals to authenticate the initial results. If the test remains successful, then it will be a momentous development in the field of medical diagnosis.

Breath Test for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

For the diagnosis of lung cancer, diagnostic facilities carry out ultrasounds of lung and biopsies of the affected tissue. However, a study conducted a few years ago suggests that lung cancer diagnosis can also be made cheaper and non-invasive with the help of an electronic nose test.

A coded electronic device was used in the study to identify the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the exhaled air. This profiling of VOC was then used to diagnose lung cancer of a group with a mix of people having lung cancer and other lung-related issues.

The study showed that this electronic nose was successful in diagnosing lung cancer in around 90 percent of the cases. Scientists are working on improving the accuracy of this device so that it can be adopted as a standard apparatus for the diagnosis of this disease.

Heart Failures and Breath Tests

It is quite strange to determine the condition of your heart through breath. But as we know, science is all about committing such wonders. A research was conducted in this regard where 41 patients with cardiovascular complications went through a breath test. The breath samples of these patients were then studied for chemical and molecular signs of heart failure through spectrometry.

Breath tests to indicate the conditions of heart failure are not conclusive yet, but they have paved a way for non-conventional diagnostic measures for cardiovascular diseases.

For the Identification of Diabetic Issues

One of the side effects of diabetes is compromised oral health. Dry mouth, bad breath, and gingivitis are common oral health issues that occur with diabetic patients. But now, scientists have found that the oral odor of diabetes patients probably contain significant information regarding the severity of their diabetic condition.

Scientists have found out that fruity breath in the people suffering from diabetes indicates a critical condition called ketacidosis. This condition is usually reached when a diabetic person’s body starts to churn out energy through fat metabolism due to low levels of insulin. This energy generation mechanism can lead to a coma because of its detrimental byproducts including acetone which gives a tinge of fruity smell to the breath of the affected individuals.

Breath Smells of Ammonia Indicates Renal Issues

Breath, with traces of ammonia, smells like you have eaten fish meat lately. However, if you are noticing that your mouth smells like seafood when you haven’t consumed any then this might be an indication that your kidneys are not doing their job properly. Toxins which kidney fails to remove from the body can affect the adjacent vital organs including the respiratory system. This renal failure can lead to the condition where the affected person’s breath gets ridden with ammonia.

Bad Breath Can Indicate Digestive Issues

Many people are concerned with their bad breath because of its social implications. Acid reflux and overburdening the digestive system are the common underlying reasons for bad breath. However, it has been concluded by researchers that bad breath can also be indicative of some serious digestive problems such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This digestive disorder underlines the stomach’s inability to digest food in time which results in the decay of organic matter in the gut resulting in bad breath.

Allergies in Respiratory Tract and Bad Breath

There are various respiratory tract infections which can lead to the problem of bad breath. Therefore, stinky breathe can also be used as a diagnostic pointer for flu, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Science tells us that allergies and infections in the respiratory tract can lead to the development of cells and tissues which produces bacteria that cause bad breath.

Foul Breath and Oral Health

Last but not least, oral health and foul breath have a strong connection with each other. Tooth decay can lead to the development of bad breath. In tooth decay, the outer hard layer of teeth called enamel erodes, exposing the soft inner layer. This exposed inner layer of the teeth entraps food particles that can’t be removed through regular tooth brushing. In the acidic environment of the oral cavity, the trapped food particles pave the way for the production of bacteria that causes bad breath.

Aside from different health conditions, bad breath is usually caused by poorly a maintained dental health and lifestyle. Failing to floss regularly and not brushing your teeth before going to bed can lead to this unwanted condition.

Moreover, smoking is another one of the major reasons for bad breath. Xerostomia or dry mouth also encourages the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity that can cause bad breath.

A Comparative Analysis of Popular Diet Plans

Apple with tape measure around itFitness should never be taken for granted. People are inclined to follow the latest fad in hopes of shedding a few pounds. However, if they do not make wholesale changes, they are likely to gain weight again.

A better formula to follow is to improve your lifestyle. Ideally, this includes a good diet and reasonable exercise. While an adequate exercise regime is vital and can help reduce the risk of illness, the importance of a proper diet cannot be overstated.

“Abs are made in the kitchen” is a quotation you may have either read somewhere or heard if you’ve ever been to the gym or spoken to a fitness guru. The crux of this quote is that a diet is supremely significant, perhaps even more so than exercise.

Nevertheless, we can compare mainstream diet plans to decide if they are actually worth your time.



Woman showing how much far she lostThe concept of dieting is defined as a routine where you monitor and control what you eat in order to lose, gain or maintain your weight. You can set yourself targets in terms of potential weight and eat accordingly.

Before we proceed, we need to understand that in nutrition, there are three main classes: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Each of these can be discussed in detail but it is immaterial to the differences.

One popular diet ‘plan’ is Atkins. Coined by Doctor Robert Atkins in the 1960’s, it involves a meal plan that is heavy on proteins and fat but contains virtually no carbohydrates. The basic idea is to consume greater quantities of the first two, which will help you avoid carbohydrates. It is expected that this will diminish your appetite over time.

Plate of eggs, strawberries and blueberries

The Atkins diet is divided into four phases. The primary step also called the induction stage, is to set a limit and consume only 20 grams of carbohydrates in a day. On the other hand, you must increase the quantities of protein you eat. Protein-rich foods include red meat, fish, and eggs. Fats included in the plan include dairy products like milk. However, starch-heavy foods, nuts, and caffeine are all prohibited.

You must adhere to these principles for at least two weeks. Achieving this target helps to lose weight faster since the body is subjected to an abrupt adjustment. The other three phases involve gradually reintroducing carbohydrates back into your diet once you are close to your expected weight. You can expect to shed up to 15 pounds in the first two weeks and four to six pounds in the following phases.

One of the benefits of Atkins is that it keeps you motivated early on since the initial weight loss is significant. This encourages a person to remain disciplined in his/her approach. The diet also cuts your intake of processed food, which is better for your health. It can also reduce the risk factor for developing diseases like cholesterol, sugar, and blood pressure.

Potential disadvantages are that it may cause fatigue and headaches. It will reduce the amount of fiber in your body as well as decrease your calcium levels.



Adopting a prehistoric diet from the Paleolithic era millennia ago includes a reliance on basic foods. This also explains how both names given to this diet are derived.

Our hunting ancestors were reliant on anything they could catch and make with their bare hands, for instance, meat, fish, fruits, and nuts. Alternatively, this also means processed meats; wheat, dairy, and sugar are off the menu.

This method is generally regarded as being high on proteins and low on carbohydrates.  Since there is no fixed plan, variations can be made to include a greater quantity of carbohydrates.

Omitting processed meals from your diet means a reduction in your calorie intake, which immediately helps in losing weight. The diet includes more foods that have ample nutritional value. If you abide by the Paleo diet, it will allow more flexibility since users generally follow an 80/20 rule, where they should follow the diet eighty percent of the time.

Moreover, there are no fixed meal plans, since the diet of cavemen was never accurately recorded. Paleo is not ideal for vegetarians since it has high portions of meat. Dairy products like milk are essential parts of a balanced diet but this plan discourages their consumption.



Named after its creator, a French doctor named Pierre Dukan is another low carbohydrate and high protein diet. Like Atkins, this is also split into four stages.

Phase one, which is known as the attack phase, lasts for ten days when followers must consume lean proteins from a premeditated list. A small intake of oat bran and a minimum of six glasses of water is obligatory. However, unlike Atkins, the Dukan diet bans vegetables outright and narrows fat intake in the first stage.

The remaining three steps are called cruise, consolidation, and stabilization respectively. How long you stay in each will depend on how much weight you intend to lose.

Users’ weight level drops quickly like Atkins, which can encourage them to carry on. Dukan is easy to follow and there is no need to count calories. Additionally, a vast number of foods are permitted, especially in the first phase of Dukan.

On the other end of the spectrum, it can be hard to sustain the diet since it causes exhaustion and nausea since you are cutting a majority of carbohydrates, which means the body may need time to adjust.

Weight Watchers


This plan is based on an exchange or points system called SmartPoints. Foods are assigned points value and carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are factored in.

Weight Watchers is basically a calorie control measure where no limitations are placed on followers, as long as they remain below the point threshold determined by the system. The process is more thorough as meetings and weigh-ins are scheduled regularly. The diet can help you lose about two lbs a week.

The advantage of Weight Watchers is that no food is banned, which means no great adjustment needs to be made. The plan is not restrictive and advocates balance. The concept of safety net points means you can make exceptions and indulge in your favorite food without guilt.

The drawbacks of the diet are that in the beginning, understanding and following the points system can be as taxing as counting calories. People may be unable to attend frequent meetings as well. Also, Weight Watcher branded foods are suggested, which are more expensive than other value brands.

A Mixed Approach to Losing Weight


You might want to consider a holistic approach. This plan involves the discipline of the mind and body and is usually managed by a doctor or nutritional professional. Many people have succeeded in using this plan. You can learn more about holistic medicine here.

In conclusion, it is obvious that every diet plan has its benefits and shortcomings. A significant aspect of such plans is that excessive weight is lost in the short term, but if you’re not careful in the long term, you may regain it. Therefore, above all, a healthy and balanced lifestyle is encouraged.

How About DIY – Do It Yourself?


An alternative to all of the above is DIY. All it takes is a schedule of healthy foods to eat each day, exercise, and the proper discipline and you’re in! Follow these steps to ensure you’re on the right track!

The Case of the 67-Year-Old Man

In one case, a 67-year-old man, 5’6″ in height and weighing 187 lb, decided to not follow any diet plans. Instead, he decided to simply adapt to a natural routine of eating the right foods and avoiding the bad ones.


Previously he was eating for breakfast high-calorie cereal and sometimes a bagel with it and coffee with regular milk with a sweetener. He also had some fruit with the cereal, such as blueberries and/or strawberries.
Now he bypasses the cereal and just has a low-calorie toasted English muffin with low-calorie butter and Stevia for the sweetener, which has zero calories.


This is where the weight loss plan really takes the punch. The man used to have big lunches. Cheeseburgers he would make at home or high-calorie frozen dinners and sometimes, he would go out to a fast food restaurant or the local pizza shop. Not to mention he included a glass of soda with every meal!

Now that all stopped. He currently has a light meal consisting of some tuna with a vegetable salad he would make himself or with friends or just a nutrition bar or equivalent. And to drink, just water.

Friends making a salad together
Photo: iStock


Here he would splurge, but not a big-time splurge. Maybe just a small spaghetti dinner with a couple of meatballs or possibly a cheeseburger or go out to dinner with his wife for some turkey or chicken dinner, but watching the calories.
Other times, he would just have a vegetable salad, maybe some fruit with it, and just water to drink to accelerate the process.

Late Night Snacks

He would avoid this altogether or just have something light.


Illustration of man doing a plank exercise
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The man would exercise daily, but not extreme or even heavy exercising. He would simply walk around the block at a pace just above simple walking. Other times he would go to the mall and walk around, taking the stairs to go to other floors.

He also came up with a unique exercise. Since he is retired, he would pick up his nine-pound Maltese and walk with her around the house, as well as go up and down the stairs a few times.

He would do all or any of these routines for about 15-20 minutes or until he would feel his heartbeat increase, then work out a little more and then stop. He stops not because he has a heart condition, but because he knows that that’s when his metabolism is working at its best; however, he doesn’t want to overdo it due to his age. Of course, younger people could exercise longer if they choose.

Case Conclusion

The bottom line is that this person stopped eating those high-calorie meals and drinks, specifically, avoiding high-calorie meals for breakfast and lunch and sometimes for dinner. Avoided soda at all costs and drank water instead – he also increased his water consumption by three-fold.

He also exercised and made sure he had the required eight hours of sleep.

The result – He began losing between 1/4 – 1/2 pounds per day and is currently weighing 179 lbs just after four weeks. He believes that the weight loss is disproportional, meaning that he has been losing more because he is not eating high-calorie foods and drinks and less because he is eating the right foods, but he also knows that both are important!

The man has a simple expression for his weight loss:
It’s not about what you eat, it’s about what you don’t eat!

Note: The above true scenario is working for this gentleman, but might not work for everyone, as each person’s health condition, metabolism and age should be taken into account. It is best to talk to your medical professional if you are going to change your diet and/or exercise to be on the safe side.


Of course, there’s no guarantee that any of these will work if there are other factors involved with your physical or mental health; such as, if you are pregnant, elderly, or have an immune deficiency disorder. In cases such as these, you should consult with your doctor before proceeding.

Whatever diet you choose, any of them are worth the try and many people swear by them, so get your diet shows on and start running!


Alcohol: Society’s Social Enigma

Beer poured in a bottle Maybe Al Capone had it right. No, we are not talking about his hideous crimes. Still, his ingenuity in realizing that alcohol prohibition was not going to stop the average Joe or Jane from drinking this popular beverage, otherwise known to some as ‘booze’ or ‘happy juice.’

In chemistry, alcohol is an organic compound. Technically speaking, when a hydroxyl functional group is combined with a carbon atom, alcohol forms. Let’s explore this subject further and maybe shed some light on it. 


Ethanol is another name for this stimulant that is commonly found in alcoholic drinks. It is a biphasic drug, and different levels of dosage can have varying effects on a person.

It is produced when the yeast ferments sugar in food particles. Wine is a known example, made from sugar and grapes. Other instances include beer from sugar in malted barley, apple cider, and vodka from potatoes and beets.

The content of alcohol varies depending on the type of drink. Fermented drinks like beer contain between 2% and 6% alcohol, so if consumed casually, they do not make a person particularly inebriated. Wine has 8% to 20% alcohol, which makes it a stronger drink. 

On the other hand, drinks like vodka (40%-50%) and tequila (40%) are distilled and have considerably higher toxicity levels.


Consuming alcohol has an impact on a person’s state of mind. It is a depressant with sedative traits that affect the central nervous system, and if consumed in high doses, it can diminish one’s vital functions.

Most consumers associate alcohol with pleasure since drinking small quantities helps improve their mood. How it affects an individual’s frontal lobe can be detrimental to health if taken in large quantities. This begs the question, is alcohol bad for us?

We can examine the benefits and drawbacks of this intoxicant, which may help us understand what makes us want this inspiring beverage.


A commonly held belief among drinkers is that moderate consumption can positively influence our health. Research conducted at Harvard University supports this belief.

They accumulated data from over 100 independent studies and concluded that if consumed responsibly, alcohol can reduce the risk of diseases such as heart attacks by up to 40%. It also diminishes the possibility of clot-related strokes and other cardiovascular issues, but some drinks can have more positive health benefits than others.

Drinking alcohol increases good cholesterol in your body, which acts as a safeguard against heart disease. It contains high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which has a positive effect on our body.

Moreover, red wine contributes to a reduction in blood pressure since it contains polyphenols. Other health benefits include fighting the common cold. Many infants are given a teaspoon of brandy if they are suffering from influenza. This has been backed by a study at Carnegie Mellon University.

Researchers have also found that alcohol helps improve your sexual health and lower chances of getting long-term illnesses like dementia and diabetes but remember, these studies are based upon moderate drinking. Overdoing it, well, we all know the answer to that!


 drunk man on alcoholNow that we have elaborated on the benefits, we can look at the downside of drinking alcohol – and there are many.

First and foremost, caution is advised when drinking because the more you drink, the greater the chance of issues arising—or should we say, the greater the chance of just plain getting yourself in trouble, to say it mildly.

Many alcohol lovers are prone to heavy and binge drinking, which will be discussed later. If drinking sensibly can help avoid diseases, consuming overwhelming amounts can do the opposite. As the expression goestoo much of anything can negatively affect you.

For instance, drinking too much alcohol can lead to inflammation of the liver, a condition which is called alcoholic hepatitis. Typically caused by viruses, alcohol is identified as one of its primary causes. If you are not careful, your liver may also be scarred for life, an issue known as cirrhosis. In addition, jaundice is directly related to excessive alcohol drinking.

Harvard University claims that binge drinking can lead to cancers affecting the breast, colon, and, of course, the liver. Moreover, alcohol is a known reason for weight gain. One example is beer, a calorie-heavy drink with no nutritional value. If it is part of an unhealthy diet, it can cause drinkers to develop a ‘beer belly’ as well.

Drinking also affects your brain capacity. A frequent example is drunk driving. It is more commonly known as Driving under the Influence or DUI or DWI in the New York area. DUI can result in deadly consequences, and we probably know of someone or know someone close to us who went down this road (pun intended). It is not a pleasant experience.

Binge drinking, which we referred to earlier, is a habit of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. It is a dangerous trend that does not help. If you habitually consume multiple cans or glasses of alcohol in a short period, it damages the body and increases the chances of getting a stroke and high blood pressure. Teenagers and millennials are notorious for this, and many end up paying the price.

Soft drinks

Other beverages have effects that can rival alcohol as well.

Soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Mountain Dew are usually composed of carbonated water, sweeteners, artificial color, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and artificial flavors. The sweeteners contain a high level of sugar.

It is crystal clear that this is not a healthy blend of ingredients at all. Soft drinks also have zero nutritional value. In other words, it is a hollow drink with empty calories and no apparent advantage. Caffeine is a diuretic. That means it causes a more significant occurrence of urine. This, in turn, means that the chances of dehydration are greater. Sodas are also weight gainers.

The only potential benefit of soft drinks is that they contain caffeine, as mentioned earlier, and sugar elements, which can lift you if you’re low on energy. However, it is better to have fruits such as apples, which have the same effect.

Furthermore, excess sugar intake is quite detrimental. People often read the nutritional value of foods and consume them without thinking twice if the fat percentage is negligible. In such cases, it is essential to note that the sugar level of such foods may be quite high, which is never a good idea.

A single 350-milliliter can of Coke contains 39 grams of sugar, equivalent to roughly nine teaspoons. Sugar is bad for your bones because it reduces the calcium level in your body.

Diet soda, advertised as having no sugar, is not a viable alternative. They have abundant sweeteners, leading to sugar cravings and potential weight gain.


William Hogarth - Gin Lane
Beer Street and Gin Lane, 1751 William Hogarth 1697 – 1764 Wikipedia
The most obvious caveat from our discussion is that both alcohol and soft drinks have multiple drawbacks. However, in the case of the former, it has several health benefits too.

We have discussed the attributes, advantages, and disadvantages of alcohol in detail, and the bottom line is simple. Be happy. Have fun and have a shot or two, but also be reasonable. Losing your cognitive abilities can put you in many places, none of which will make you proud. Additionally, you can become vulnerable to any number of crimes, including becoming a victim of sexual abuse. Other people’s lives may be put in jeopardy as well. Think about it. 

Are Mobile Apps the Answer to Contemporary Health and Fitness Issue

”Image of a smartphone displaying a health app"
Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

In the United States, where obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes are the leading health concerns, the significance of staying fit can’t be overstated.

Our physical movements are shrinking by every passing day, which proportionally leads to a greater prevalence of the above-mentioned diseases. The conveniences of technology have made our lives virtually stationary. However, such is the paradox that technology can also help in compensating for the conveniences it provides to us.

Ender smartphones, the most noteworthy placard of modern technology. They offer us many different health applications designed to facilitate our lifestyles and encourage us to maintain our health.

On face value, these apps look great and might help people with their benefits. However, at this current time, no reliable records are available that adequately can provide us with results of using these health apps. Therefore, some experts contest that these health and fitness apps are not helpful and consider them counterproductive, but the developers and corporations that produce these apps may differ. 

In this article, we will try to play the role of advocate of both points of views and then you can decide about the benefits of health and fitness apps on your smartphones.

Benefits of Health Apps

The proponents of health apps bring up several points to prove the benefits of these mobile applications.

Many are Free and Easy to Use

Most of the software applications available for smartphone users are free of cost and for that reason, this is the first benefit put forward by the ones advocating them. Others may cost just a few dollars, while other applications can be acquired after you join a diet group or health club. With these, the apps will most likely be free, but you will have to pay a monthly or yearly fee to join; however, these will be the best health apps you can use since they will provide you with many tools and recording features not found in free or almost free apps.

As far as the low-cost ones are concerned, you can still benefit greatly as they will help you with your daily workout and provide you with fitness ideas that are otherwise only available to people who can spend money on fitness books and professional consultancy.

All these programs have easy-to-use interfaces, which is different from the free-floating information available on the Internet. This feature of customization makes these health apps handy for every individual user according to his/her level of fitness and health condition.

Woman doing yoga


They Have Unlimited Scope

Many health and fitness apps are not limited to any particular niche and health regimen. This feature makes them very universal in their reach. For instance, there are specific programs only designed to guide and help you with everyday running and then there are others that can facilitate your yoga routine.

This flexibility of use definitely makes them popular among people with a preference for different fitness regimens. From a virtual gym to a yoga studio, these health mobile apps can come handy to implement different physical fitness routines.

Helps in Maintaining Diet Routines

To stay fit, maintaining a healthy diet is as important as a physical fitness routine and sometimes even more and there are apps that address this aspect. The nutritional information regarding your meals can be furnished and there are some which can break down the food you ingest into its nutritional components and guide you in tracking your weight loss mission. Some of these programs are very professional; such as, Weight Watchers, which provides you with powerful software where you can actually point the phone at a food item’s barcode and acquire the necessary information you need to process your diet with..

Heart Rate Variability Reading

Provide Best Tracking Mechanism

Have you completed your 10,000 steps today? How often have you heard that? With the help of navigation, mobile apps can perform a fairly accurate tracking of your fitness routine. They can also show you the number of calories burned during the activity. Moreover, you can schedule a complete fitness plan, track it and find your success ratio. There are even apps that can monitor your heart rate. 

Downsides of Health Apps

Many people blame these mobile apps for being unproductive and harmful to the efforts of achieving fitness goals. Let’s have a look at the most common critiques on these virtual health applications.

Lack of Precision

Health apps are often criticized for their lack of precision and inaccurate information and this criticism is not uncalled for. For instance, some researchers most of the apps that calculate heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels use sensors that are not manufactured and assembled to find out these measurements. They say this information is unproven, unreliable and therefore can’t be used for any inference.

No Involvement of a Healthcare Expert

The exclusion of healthcare professionals is a USP of many mobile apps, but this same feature is also criticized because unaided and unassisted use of health regimen can prove to be counterproductive.

Lack of Regulation

Another issue which doubts the benefits of health apps is the lack of regulation associated with them. Clinics, physical fitness centers, and physicians, in general, have to comply with the regulatory policies of the FDA, HIPAA, and other regulatory agencies. But mobile apps are not required to undergo that strict and necessary checklist, which makes their use untrustworthy. Developers are not liable if anything goes wrong by acting upon the advisory information provided by these apps.

According to a research article published in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, only three percent of the top 100 apps used to gauge blood pressure are designed by different healthcare agencies and rest of them are developed by coding engineers and developers. This free flow of health apps without any regulations is only giving rise to more inaccurate medical data.

Compromise of Confidentiality

Doctor-patient confidentiality is an important part of healthcare practices. It is imperative to maintain them for the peace of mind of patients. But unfortunately, health apps are not bound to maintain any such thing. Even though many health apps clearly mention that they maintain complete confidentiality of the user’s personal information, but the opposite has been found to be true on certain occasions.

As per research study conducted by an NGO, nearly two-thirds of 43 analyzed health apps leaked the personal details in the form of dates of birth and other medical information.

From the above discussion, it can easily be deduced that the use of mobile health apps can be beneficial sometimes. But relying too much on them and excluding professional counsel can also make them perilous with their use.

Research these health applications before you download. One good way to determine how good they are is to read their reviews. For the ones where you have to join a club or health organization, you will most likely be using a much more reliable health program; hence the saying:“You get what you pay for!”


A Brief Discussion of Birth Defects

Baby being held by womanAh, the miracle of giving birth, the significance of which can never be overstated.

Motherhood is a gift, but it is also an enormous responsibility, both when carrying and during upbringing. Parenthood means you are responsible for someone else’s life and you are bound to protect and care for your children.

Childbirth Definition

Childbirth is already an arduous task. Unfortunately, it can become a complicated one as well. Due to any number of reasons, a
birth defect might arise. By definition, it is an unusual development of the fetus. The consequences of such anomalies include death, malformation, retardation, or functional disorders.

The statistics relating to birth defects in newborns are alarming. Nearly 150,000 children are born every year with some form of deficiency or deformity. Furthermore, roughly 3% of infants are prone to a malformation upon birth. Some of these adolescents do not exhibit signs until they are much older.


Despite their expertise, doctors are not always able to diagnose the actual reasons for birth defects. When it is possible, they cite the child’s genetic structure or environmental effects or a combination of both as justification for these congenital malformations. While the genetic makeup may mean the defect is hereditary, environmental issues can include exposure to chemicals or an infection while the child was developing in the womb.

Doctor Examining Woman Before Giving Child Birth
Doctor examining woman before giving childbirth. Bigstock

Let us elaborate on the science behind genetic causes. Each cell in the human body contains a chromosome that holds genes. Genes are the fundamental elements of a cell that determine the traits of a person. When a mother conceives her child, she bestows these genes to her offspring. Generally, a child receives one chromosome from each parent.

A failure or omission in the mechanism of this process is what causes birth defects. Either a child may have excess chromosomes or a scarcity of it. A familiar issue caused by a chromosome imbalance is the phenomenon of Down syndrome. If an extra chromosome is allocated to the child, they develop this condition.

Other genetic disorders include achondroplasia or dwarfism and Marfan syndrome, which is a disorder that affects the connective tissues in the body. There are rare cases where a child can obtain a disease directly from their mother. The female genetic code is called the X chromosome. Typical examples include color blindness and hemophilia, a condition where the blood doesn’t clot normally.

Then there is the environment. A mother’s health is paramount during pregnancy. Caution is advised for the nine-month duration since any mishap can affect the child as well. Even if a mother exercises extreme caution, she is still prone to an infection or illness. Sadly, this can prove detrimental to the health of the child she is bearing.

If a mother suffers from chickenpox during pregnancy, her child may develop a defect. Similarly, toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by a foreign parasite, can give the child a disorder. Thankfully, vaccinations are available which can improve the mother’s health and prevent the child from being harmed.

If a mother is particularly reckless in her pregnant phase and routinely consumes alcoholic beverages or indulges in recreational drugs, she will invariably cause damage to her child. It is better to be safe than sorry when you’re expecting a child.



Baby at Birth
Photo by Frank Alarcon on Unsplash

There are various forms of birth defects. One instance is a congenital heart defect. One in eleven children is likely to suffer from a heart illness. These are caused by a genetic disequilibrium during the chrysalis in the fetus. The worrying part of heart defects is that they can often escape detection. A child is likely to experience an accelerated heartbeat and respiratory issues. Feeding may also be an inconvenience and there may also be swellings in the lower half of the body.

Another disorder is called clubfoot. It is more prevalent in boys than girls and involves a physical deformity that affects the ankles or feet of the child. It is likely a consequence of genetic and environmental determinants and does not manifest itself until the child begins to walk.

Moreover, a cleft lip is another common abnormality. A cleft lip occurs when the hard palate (roof of the mouth), soft palate (tissues at the back of the mouth), or the upper lip are split during fetal formation. For some reason, It affects Asian children more than North Americans.

A child who suffers from this condition requires a speech pathologist to aid his/her delivery of the speech. The severity of cleft lips can vary. While some are mild, others involve the lip and floor of the nostril and part of the dental arch as well.

Another birth illness is known as spina bifida. It is a less common disorder that affects one out of every 2,000 children. A malformation of the child’s neural lobe, which is the basis of their brain and spinal column, prohibits their backbone from closing properly. Fortunately, if the issue is detected during pregnancy, cesarean birth is organized so that experts can handle the baby immediately.

Immature limbs are the final defect we will discuss. Some children are born with a limb deviation. The professional opinion is that this is likely the result of an environmental factor rather than a genetic one. Nevertheless, an orthopedic specialist and therapist must be consulted to help the child cope. Infants who are affected are also fitted with a prosthesis to aid their movement.

The concept of birth defects is a lamentable scenario that makes an indelible impact on the lives of children. Although they cannot be prevented entirely, science has given mothers and children plenty of hope. First, mothers should be extraordinarily careful during pregnancy. Second, on the off chance that they observe an issue post-birth, they should immediately consult a doctor.

That about sums it up for this brief explanation of illnesses during birth, but with the advancements in medical technology, it is only a matter of time when all these abnormalities will come to an end and that will be a site to see! 

The A-Z of Snoring

Woman in bed with snoring spouse
Photo by Wavebreakmedia –

Like the picture above shows, you may have had an unfortunate experience with snoring. If you share a bedroom with your spouse or had a sleepover with friends, chances are you may have heard one of those people wheezing while you’re trying to sleep. There is always the chance that you’re the one who really snores!

Although it may prove to be a nuisance, it begs the question. What does snoring actually entail and what causes it? We will delve into this issue in order to understand exactly what snoring is and what causes it.

Defining Snoring

Snoring is a hoarse, rattling noise a person exudes while sleeping. The science behind it is that the soft palate, uvula, tongue, tonsils, and muscles located at the back of the throat rub against each other. The resulting friction is what generates a rough sound during sleep. In other words, it is due to the obstructed air movement during breathing during sleep. The following video is a well-documented illustration of what happens if the muscles in the back of the throat contract too much. 

As a matter of fact, snoring is a frequent occurrence in men and women. One in five adults have chronic snoring while 45% snore sporadically. In addition, the chances of snoring are directly proportional to age. As we grow older, so does the prospect of snoring. More than half of adults aged 60 and above snore regularly.

Furthermore, snoring may be a significant precursor to a disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This phenomenon transpires when a portion of the airway is blocked when a person tries to inhale during sleep. This generally occurs on the back of the throat. The consequence is that breathing ceases for more than 10 seconds as a stretch before normal service is resumed.

The astonishing fact about obstructive sleep apnea is that it occurs several times during the average sleeping pattern at night. Naturally, patients with sleep apnea snore considerably and quite loudly for that matter. The contraction of the airways causes sleep apnea since the tissues of the throat are inflamed.

That is not all there is to snoring. The action may be connected to physical ailments or anxiety as well. One such case which may be hard to believe but truly exists is socially unacceptable snoring. This means that the snoring sounds are significant enough to inhibit others from sleeping.

Image of man snoring

Snoring Symptoms

We have already established that snoring may be linked to the disorder of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Now we can consider the signals of snoring that could potentially mean much more.

If an individual experiences breathing pauses while asleep and if they’re partner observes it or someone happens to witness it, then that could mean that they suffer from the condition. If a person is sleeping abundantly during the day then that could also mean that they might have OSA. The main concern that presents itself when trying to gauge symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea is that they can occur with countless other ailments and infections as well.

Nevertheless, if other symptoms exhibit, then they must be dealt with by visiting a doctor. If an individual has debilitating headaches and trouble focusing, that could also be a sign of sleep apnea. Restless sleeping patterns and impromptu choking, particularly when asleep are other clues. Fatigue, high blood pressure, chest congestion, dry mouth and extraordinary snoring round out a major list of symptoms. If any combination of these begins to manifest themselves, then a specialist must be consulted.
Anatomy of Human Nasal Path

Causes of Snoring

There are multiple determinants that are catalysts of snoring. One factor that induces snoring is the anatomy of the person’s mouth. Anatomy refers to bodily structures. In this particular case, having a low and dense soft palate can narrow the airways. Obese individuals are specifically at risk, since they may have extra tissues at the end of their throat. Also, if the triangular tissue which hangs from the uvula is elongated, it could barricade the flow of air.

Additionally, alcohol has the potential to engender a person with snoring. Most kinds of alcoholic beverages are a detriment to a person’s health. If they are habitual drinkers, specifically before bedtime, then that could incite episodes of snoring. This is because alcohol has the propensity to relax throat muscles and the natural defenses of the throat are weakened.

The position a person sleeps in can also be conducive to snoring. For instance, those who rest on their back are more likely to snore as gravity’s effect on their throats narrows the airways. The same principle applies to a lack of sleep. If you do not get sufficient sleep, it can relax the throat more than required, which can provoke snoring at night. Lastly, nasal allergies, especially of the chronic variety or even a crooked partition, referred to as a deviated nasal septum, between the nostrils can produce snoring in people.

Risks Associated with Snoring

Snoring has potential health risks. Those who do it chronically may eventually suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, which we discussed in detail above. The risks of OSA include interruptions when breathing. These delays can last anywhere from a few seconds to minutes, depending on severity. Obviously, this is caused by fragmented or total hindrance of the airways.

Sleep apnea can also initiate routine waking from sleep, which would involve the person not knowing the actual cause of why they suddenly woke up. They may just shrug it off without knowing that they could be suffering from a legitimate disorder.

Light sleeping is an extension of this occurrence. Individuals may awake several times during the night and often at the slightest sound even without a distraction in the room. This may impact their sleeping cycle as well. They will also be unable to have a deeper sleep and will spend their nights being disturbed.

Another risk brought about by snoring is that it could put a strain on the heart. Protracted suffering from obstructive sleep apnea can influence the cardiac organ. This would involve elevated blood pressure and greater risk of having a heart attack too.

Snoring does not mean you have OSA, but if you feel you might have it, speak to your doctor. He/She can recommend sleep studies (usually done at a hospital) to confirm if you have it and if you do, there are ways to correct it. If you don’t but you do snore, there are devices that may help you. Just Google snoring devices or a similar term to find a device that you think may work for you.

Dizziness and Vertigo Explained

Woman showing signs of dizzyness from veritgo
Woman suffering from vertigo and dizziness. iStock







Dizziness is a term used to describe the sense of feeling faint or unsteady. If you experience an augmented whirling sensation that makes it seem like your surroundings are spinning, that perception is called vertigo.

Both concepts are connected: dizziness refers to anything that makes a person feel like their head is spinning, while vertigo is a specific kind of dizziness related to a medical condition. In a nutshell, dizziness is a broad but loose term that includes vertigo (spinning), disequilibrium (imbalance), and lightheadedness (presyncope). Additionally, vertigo can cause a person to nauseate and vomit profusely, which is indicative of a severe form of dizziness.

Mechanism of Dizziness

We can further explore dizziness to comprehend the prospect. As mentioned before, dizziness can mean any likelihood, such as lightheadedness, imbalance, or motion sickness. Regardless of what causes the sensation, all of the perceptions, as mentioned earlier, are linked to balance or lack thereof.

An intricate interaction between multiple factors of the nervous system in the body upholds a person’s sense of equilibrium. These factors are listed below:

  • The inner ear, also known as the labyrinth, manages the directions of motion like forward, backward, side to side, and up and down
  • The eyes also facilitate the directions of motion and track the body relative to space, i.e., right side or left side
  • The joints, or more specifically, the pressure receptors located in the spinal cord, enable the body to realize which part of the body is in contact with the ground.
  • The proprioception or muscle sensory receptors inform which body part is immobile.
  • The central nervous system, which includes the brain and spine, processes the information and uses it to support balance.

In the event that the systems involved in this process give conflicting messages to the brain and spinal cord, the reaction is dizziness.

What Causes Dizziness

One of several sources of dizziness is when the brain fails to get sufficient blood flow. The consequence of this malfunction is an impression of lightheadedness. For example, some people are likely to experience this feeling if they are taking certain medications that have this side effect. The simple act of getting up quickly after lying down can incite this feeling.

A chronic deficiency in blood circulation can also cause dizziness. Arteriosclerosis, or inflammation of the arteries, is a frequent trait in patients suffering from ailments such as diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

In addition to defects in bodily functions, external determinants can also instigate dizziness. For instance, nicotine from tobacco or caffeine derived from coffee consumption are stimulants that can contract blood flow. Likewise, feelings of stress and trauma are also responsible for causing dizziness.

Neurological diseases are afflictions that affect the nerves connected to a person’s faculty of balance. Archetypes include multiple sclerosis and syphilis. Although it is less likely that such conditions can result in dizziness, it is known to happen in patients. Apprehension is yet another reason for dizziness. Hyperventilation is also linked to the feeling. If a person does not breathe properly for long periods, dizziness is a potential outcome.

Reasons for Vertigo

One version of vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), a condition in which there is a dramatic change in head position, such as looking up immediately. It lasts less than a minute and stops once the person is still. BPPV involves a displaced otolith entering the balance canals. It can typically last days or even weeks, depending on the particular case.

Meniere’s disease, one of the most common vertigo disorders, is another predicament that encourages attacks of vertigo in individuals. However, patients suffering from this disease may experience enduring attacks, which can last hours at a stretch as well. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Some patients acquire this illness after flying, as the change in air pressure severely affects them.

Yet another cause of vertigo is a migraine. In its simplest form, a migraine is a headache. However, patients who experience the plight of a migraine have excessive headaches sporadically. They range from mild to severe and can cause extraordinary discomfort when the severity increases. Augmented sensitivity brings about vertigo.

The Inner Ear

Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Infections are also a proponent of this disease, particularly those aimed at the inner ear. The ear’s nerve is connected directly to the brain, which are attacked by viruses. As a consequence, patients may have vertigo for days. Infections must be treated promptly since certain ailments like mastoiditis can actually obliterate a person’s ability to hear. Also, the ears play a critical role in promoting balance, which will also be eliminated under these circumstances.

An injury can also introduce vertigo to the equation, specifically those suffering from head wounds. A concussion or fractures are two cases where patients may suffer from debilitating vertigo. It is likely to be incapacitating and paralyzing for the patient. BBPV generally transpires in the aftermath of an injury. Moreover, allergies can also result in vertigo. If a person is allergic to pollen, it may incite an episode of vertigo.


You should always get diagnosed by your physician first, but, in general, patients suffering from a bout of dizziness or vertigo can take different routes. The most common method is to medication. For instance, if a patient has Meniere’s disease, then specialists may prescribe medicines like water pills (diuretic).

Antihistamines such as meclizine (Antivert) and anticholinergics can also curtail dizziness. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies develop medications for nausea and anxiety. Examples include diazepam (Valium), which is the go-to medicine when it comes to treating apprehension.

Other ways to alleviate dizziness and vertigo involve therapeutic measures. Head position maneuvers like the canalith technique can assuage victims of BPPV. The head is carefully positioned in order to make the patients comfortable. It is known to provide fast relief to patients.

Balance and psychotherapy are other means if patients use therapy as opposed to medication. The former involves learning exercises that improve your balance and gradually make you less susceptible to lapses in balance. It is also called vestibular rehabilitation. Also, the latter can be particularly useful for people who get anxiety attacks.

Regardless of the method(s) you use, consult with your doctor or medical professional before taking any medications. A doctor or certified practitioner are the only ones who can prescribe the appropriate medication for you!

The Urinary System: Description and Diseases

The human anatomy is a marvel of nature which consists of a skeleton made of bones and multiple organs, each designated with its own functions. Besides the various bones, joints and muscles, there are 11 main systems, each comprised of its own organs.

You may have read or heard about the nervous system (brain and spine), circulatory system (heart), respiratory system (lungs) and digestive system (stomach and intestines). Another system which evades much discussion is the urinary or excretory system. As depicted in the diagram above, it includes the kidneys, ureter, prostate, and bladder.


Also identified as the renal system or the urinary tract, the principal function of the structure is to dispose waste from the body and also to regulate the flow of blood. While the digestive system is responsible for the excretion of feces, the urinary system is in control of the urine discharge from the body.

Such is the mechanism of the human body that the urinary system works in tandem with the lungs and intestines to ensure that there is balance in the level of water and chemicals found in it. In fact, the average adult emits between 27 and 68 ounces of fluid. This is tantamount to 800 to 2000 milliliters per individual. This calculation is made under the assumption that they drink eight glasses of water daily. Furthermore, the urinary system also deals with the fluid which is lost to perspiration and respiration processes respectively.


The primary organ of the urinary system is the kidneys. A pair of bean-shaped organs, as shown above, they are located in proximity to the posterior wall of the abdomen. The left kidney can be found slightly higher than the right one since the liver on the right side is larger than that on the opposite side.

They are surrounded by a film of adipose which performs the dual functionality of supporting the kidneys and also safeguarding them from potential damage. Additionally, the kidneys carry out the filtration of metabolic waste, excessive ions and extraneous chemicals, all of which forms the urine.


The ureters are also evident in the given diagram. They are a pair of tubes which disseminate urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Once the kidney completes the refining process, the ureters come in to play and transport the urine on to the bladder.

In terms of length, ureters are almost a foot long and they run parallel to each other on either side of the vertebral column. The urine is carried smoothly through the muscle tissue in the walls. The ureters extend on to the point of entry of the bladder where they are sealed by the ureterovesical valves. These valves also ensure that urine does not travel backward to the kidney.

Urinary Bladder

Speaking of the bladder, it has a sac-shaped appearance and is imperative for maintaining proper storage of urine. You may have heard people speak about having an active bladder in jest. This signifies the central function of the bladder. For instance, the more water you drink, the more urine will end up in your bladder.

Located along the body’s pelvic region, urine enters the bladder from the ureters and gradually fills the capacity of the bladder. This stretches the walls of the organ slowly as well. At any given point in time, the urinary bladder can hold between 600 to 800 milliliters of urine.


A tube which allows the passage of urine from the bladder to an external destination is the urethra. When a male individual releases urine, it is the urethra which secretes the urine, thus completing the urinating process, which begins from the kidneys all the way to the urethra.

The female urethra is only two inches long whereas the male organ is eight inches in length and ends at the edge of their genitals. Additionally, for the male, the urethra also delivers the sperm out of the body, which makes it a part of the male reproductive system.

The actual circulation of urine through the urethra is governed by the internal and external urethral sphincter muscles. These muscles open when the bladder full to the brim. This movement creates the sensation of wanting to urinate. The external part of the sphincter is made of skeletal muscle which opens when urine passes through.


Urinary tract infection

There are several issues which affect the urinary system. For instance, urinary tract infection (UTI) transpires when bacteria finds its way into the urinary tract. This makes the urethra, bladder and the kidneys susceptible. Occurring more regularly in women, urinary tract infections are generally treated with the consumption of antibiotics. In the United States, approximately eight million people develop such an infection each year, according to the American Urological Association (AUA).

High PSA

For men, prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. This is normal and a standard measurement of PSA levels can determine if there may be an issue in the urinary system, such as prostate cancer, but a high PSA level can indicate many other conditions, some of which are not serious. A high PSA level might be considered even be considered normal for a particular individual. Only your urologist can make the appropriate determination.


A frequent disease of the urinary system is incontinence. This happens when individuals feel the need to urinate more often than usual. They may be required to urinate in the middle of the night which would result in the emptying of their bladder. This is courtesy of an enlarged prostate in the body and is common among our older population since the prostate tends to enlarge.

Interstitial cystitis

Also known as painful bladder system, it is a chronic condition which usually affects women. They experience considerable agony in their bladder, which is often accompanied by pelvic pain as well. If the case is severe, it can cause the bladder to develop scarring, which makes it less elastic as a consequence.

Kidney stones

The kidney is where the entire process begins and it is also prone to diseases, the most common of which are kidney stones. These are deposits of calcium oxalate which germinate in the urinary tract. When chemicals found in the urine are concentrated enough, they turn from liquid to solid form. These are called kidney stones. They cause excessive pain in the back and sides of the body. Blood may also appear sporadically in the urine. To treat the stone, patients may undergo minor therapy which disintegrates the stone with shockwaves or as the case with many patients, they will urinate them out.

Kidney failure

The final disease we will discuss is an extreme condition. Kidney failure or renal failure can be a temporary condition or become a permanent state of affairs. In case of the latter, the kidneys are unable to perform the filtration process. These may be caused by experiencing trauma or hypertension. Kidney failure requires the patient to undergo elaborate dialysis treatment and in the worst case scenario, a kidney transplant.

If you think you may have urinary problems, speak to your urologist or medical professional with equivalent expertise in this area. Don’t wait. Although the issue may not be serious, you will not know until you are diagnosed properly.