COVID is not over and even with the vaccines being distributed, we have many more months to deal with its effect on our society, so what are you going to do about it?
As far as our younger generation is concerned, they have definitely done something about it.
We are in a time when we are our most creative selves, so our desires to stay sane are resulting in finding new ways to keep ourselves entertained while we sit in these quarantined holes we call home.
In this article, we will focus mainly on the social aspects of COVID and the effect it is having on social media, as we visit the ongoing creativity of our millennial and Gen Z age groups. Here are 11 of the most popular social trends that have gone viral.
1. Tik Tok Videos
The world’s most popular video-sharing app became all the more popular during quarantine. One of the more common videos was ‘bored in the house’ by Tyga x Curtis Roach that got young people finding ways not to get bored and showing their creativity over social media.
It was interesting to see that families have partaken in this trend also, using it as a means to bond with each other as they stay cooped up at home.
2. Dalgona Coffee
This was probably the most viral trend of the COVID era. There was a time when it seemed that almost every single person in the world was indulging and sharing this coffee trend on social media, which only added to its popularity.
It originated in South Korea and became so big that coffee companies had a large increase in sales. What also helped is that it was pretty easy to make as it requires only four ingredients: coffee, milk, sugar and hot water.
3. Fitness Challenges
Fitness challenges took over social media by a storm during the early stages of quarantine. This was when people were more motivated to be their most productive. People got creative with these challenges and started tagging one another on Instagram to participate in them.
There were many different types, from the plank challenge to the football challenge to the more innovative upside-down challenge. Since there was no way anyone could go to the gyms at that point, this was a great way to motivate each other to work out at home.
4. Banana Bread

There was a time when we couldn’t get enough of it and Instagram feeds were nonstop! It was one of those trends that caused a domino effect and became super popular because everyone was making it.
We can’t deny how delicious it tasted especially straight out of the oven! At least, it was a relatively healthier option than other desserts so we can’t complain about that too much.
5. Zoom Hangouts

Whether it is game night, karaoke night or just a simple hangout, Zoom is the way to go! Having zoom parties has become a trend so much so that people would actually make an effort to dress up for them. And now, there are even proper etiquettes when attending a Zoom meeting, especially when attending a business meeting.
Since there are limited ways that you could meet your family, friends and co-workers, this is a great alternate. One that brings everyone together and keeps you connected.
6. Drive-In Cinemas
Since going to the movies wasn’t an option anymore, we had to find some sort of alternative. Drive-in movie theaters seemed to do the trick and after a while, they seemed to be the ‘in’ thing. It was the highlight of people’s quarantine where they got a chance to leave their homes and do something different. Personally, for us, the drive-in cinema had its own vibe, an old-school charm that many of us older folks still remember.
7. InstaLive
Ever noticed how Insta lives weren’t a thing before COVID-19? Of course, they existed but they really seemed to pick up during COVID-19 and it makes sense. People were bored in their homes, looking for entertainment and ways to connect with the outside world and what better way than an Insta or Facebook Live? From influencers to celebrities and your everyday person, everyone seemed to be conducting these sessions. We think that this trend is definitely here to stay and it’ll always be looked on as a way to interact with others.
8. Tie & Dye

We have to admit that this was our personal favorite. We just can’t get enough of all those delicious colors and designs. From T-shirts to hoodies and dresses and scrunchies, tie & dye took over the internet by storm. Suddenly all the top fashionistas and celebrities were posting pictures in tie & dye outfits and it just went viral. Maybe it was because it was the positivity that the world needed at that point or because it was a fun activity to do while being stuck at home. Either way, it was a brilliant and fun trend!
9. Pillow Challenge
This was popular with the ladies. It was a kind of fashion challenge where women created outfits with their pillows and accessorized them. It was a kind of creative outlet where they got to style their pillow outfits with funky shoes, bags and jewelry. Who says you can’t get dressed just because you have to stay home? Although this was a fun and innovative challenge, it was short-lived.
10. Nail Art

There’s only a certain number of ways in which you can entertain yourself at home and for women, this one was a quarantine hit. Many different designs of nail art became began to take over social media.
Once a particular one started trending and the rest just followed along. A popular one was the ombre trend in which every nail was painted a different color that made an overall ombre effect. This trend is still very much out there with new designs taking over.
11. Binge Watching
We spoke about this trend in a previous article. We are sure that Netflix, Hulu, Prime and all the other networks are building a huge profit from the quarantined people who need that exit into the world of fantasy, excitement, drama, comedy and sci-fi.
It’s interesting to note how each of these trends is unique in its own way. Some such as the dalgona broke the Internet, while others were there for a while and quietly phased out, but no doubt that as this pandemic continues to affect our lives, different trends will materialize to keep us busy in our homes. What do you think the next one will be?