Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Benefits, Sources and More

Illustration of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Source: Free Images


How many of us have heard our parents say “Eat your fish! It is brain food!”? Well, even if you were a spiteful kid and didn’t listen, take note – they are right! 

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids – a covalent bond that contains four electrons in the outer shell of the atom. They are found in sunflower, and flaxseed oils, as well as fish and walnuts, which are essential nutrients that play a vital role in the functioning of the human body, especially the brain, but your body cannot make these fatty acids. To nourish your body with these important ingredients, you need to eat the proper foods that contain them.

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about Omega 3 fatty acids, including their benefits, sources, recommended daily intake, and more. You will learn why they are essential for optimal health and how to incorporate them into your diet. 

With this information, you can make sure you are getting the most out of these nutrients and living a healthier life. Let’s get started!

Starting at the Beginning – What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Plate of uncooked salmon
Image by Piotr Eliasz from Pixabay

As mentioned, these are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in certain plants and marine animals.

They are considered essential nutrients for humans because the body is unable to produce most of them and consequently, we must get them from the food we eat. 

There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acids: 

      • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): ALA is found in plants, and is the only type of Omega 3 fatty acid that the human body can produce. However, the human body can only convert a very small percentage of ALA into EPA and DHA. 
      • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): Found in fish and fish oils 
      • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): Also found in fish and is an important nutrient for normal brain function in adults. Additionally and even more essential, DHA plays a significant role in the development of the brain of infants. Experts have repeatedly stated that consumption of DHA in your diet will improve your learning ability, and lack of it has been related to a deficiency in learning.

Plant sources are mostly ALA (Alpha-lipoic acid) – A naturally occurring compound, but very little is converted into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid)Therefore, it is important to consume more ALA foods that convert into EPA and DHA.  


Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential part of the function of the cell receptors. They have been shown to help prevent heart disease and stroke and may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis,

Besides improved brain health, these healthy fats have additional benefits that include improved heart health, possible reduced cancer risks, and other conditions such as mood and reduced inflammation. Let’s take a look at each of these benefits in more detail.

      • Improved heart health: Helps to reduce triglycerides, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. These three factors are important for heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
      • Improved mood: Helps to reduce the risk of depression and promote feelings of happiness, and as mentioned, they help to promote brain health and may assist in improving symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 
      • Reduces risk of dementia: Helps to reduce the risk of developing conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia. They also help to improve symptoms associated with depression, ADHD, and anxiety
      • Reduced inflammation: Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to reduced risk of diseases like arthritis. 
      • Other benefits: Helps to reduce blood sugar and blood pressure, improves skin health, and promotes weight loss.


Package of Flax Seeds
Seeds such as Flax and Chia can be found in any major grocery store. Photo: ©SMS

Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, fish, marine algae, and fish are some of the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Let’s take a look at the different sources of omega-3 fatty acids and their benefits.

      • Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are a great source of ALA, which can be converted into EPA and DHA. The seeds are also rich in fiber and have a nutty taste and texture. They can be added to salads, baked goods, or other dishes. 
      • Chia seeds: This is a great source of ALA and fiber. They can be mixed into yogurt or added to salads. 
      • Walnuts: Walnuts are a great source of ALA and also provide some protein and healthy fats. They can be added to salads or eaten as a snack.
      • Fish: Fish is the best source of EPA and DHA and can be eaten regularly. Fish is also a great source of protein as well. 
      • Marine algae: Marine algae is a good source of EPA and DHA, but it is much less common than fish. It can be consumed as a powder or in capsules. Marine algae are also rich in other minerals.

Best Fish for Omega 3

Salmon on a plate
Photo: Graphic Stock

Researchers have said that the following are your best sources of omega-3 fatty acids:

      • Salmon
      • light tuna
      • Sardines
      • Cod
      • Atlantic mackerel
      • Herring
      • Trout

Recommended Daily Intake 

The recommended daily intake (RDI) of Omega 3 fatty acids varies between different age groups. The RDI of Omega 3 fatty acids for infants is 0.5 grams, while it is 1.5 grams for adults. 

The RDI increases with age, which is important to remember. It is also important to note that these RDIs are based on ALA, not EPA or DHA. Although the RDIs are based on ALA, it is important to get enough EPA and DHA in the diet to promote health. 

Let’s take a look at how much Omega 3 fatty acids each age group should consume.

    • Infants: 0.5 grams
    • Babies are not able to consume fish, which is the best source of EPA and DHA. Breast milk contains some Omega-3 fatty acids, but it is important to supplement with additional Omega-3 fatty acids. Talk to your doctor about the best infant formula and infant formulas with added Omega 3. – Children: 1.5 grams
    • Children are growing and their brains are developing. It is important to ensure that children consume enough Omega 3 fatty acids to promote proper brain health. Fish is the best source of EPA and DHA and can be eaten regularly.
    • Teenagers and adults: 5 grams – As we get older, we are less able to convert ALA into EPA and DHA. It is important to get enough EPA and DHA in the diet, especially as we age. It is also important to eat a healthy and balanced diet during this time to ensure that the body gets everything it needs.
    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 6 grams – It is important to get enough Omega 3 fatty acids when pregnant and breastfeeding to ensure proper brain development in the baby. Fish is the best source of EPA and DHA and should be eaten regularly.

How to Incorporate Omega 3 Fatty Acids Into Your Diet

It can’t be emphasized enough that the best way to get these fatty acids is to eat more fish and marine algae. 

      • Eat more fish – Fish is the best source of EPA and DHA and can be eaten regularly. You can also eat other marine animals like shellfish, but it is best to limit these.
      • Eat more plant-based sources – Flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are great sources of ALA. You can add them to salads, baked goods, or add them to yogurt. – Eat more marine algae 
      • Marine algae is the best source of EPA and DHA. It can be consumed as a powder or in capsules. 
      • Take fish oil supplements. Fish oil supplements can be taken regularly to get the recommended daily intake of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Potential Risks

The main risk is consuming too much fish and not getting enough nutrients from other food sources. It is important to get nutrients from other foods to avoid an imbalance in the diet. Another potential risk is consuming too many marine algae and not consuming enough other nutrients. 

All in all, consuming too much Omega 3 fatty acids is not likely to cause any serious side effects. It is important to consume the recommended daily intake to get the benefits associated with them. Besides, marine algae are rich in minerals and vitamins, so it is unlikely to cause any side effects. Fish oil supplements, on the other hand, are not as rich in nutrients, so it is important to get enough nutrients from other sources to avoid an imbalance in the diet.


If you are having trouble incorporating enough Omega 3 fatty acids into your diet, supplements can be a great option. 

Four Most Common Cardiovascular Diseases

What are Cardiovascular Diseases?

Graph of a heart rate
Heart Rate Vector Design Element Over White. Bigstock

The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to the entire body. The blood vessels act as a transporting agent, carrying oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to and from the heart to our other organs. When the organs receive this oxygen-rich blood, they can perform their respective functions. 

Cardiovascular diseases are a category of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels and encompass various conditions, but the most common ones are highlighted below. 

Heart Attack

Also known as myocardial infarction, is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. Every year, around 0.7 million Americans suffer from this debilitating ailment. It is one of the leading causes of death globally and causes one in every four deaths in the US. 

The heart muscles need a constant flow of oxygen-rich blood, providing adequate blood supply to the body’s organs. In the case of cardiovascular diseases, the blood vessels are narrowed and consequently result in a higher risk of blood clots. A heart attack occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is suddenly stopped due to these clots and this problem can seriously damage the heart muscle. 

Not all heart attacks are due to blood clots, however. A heart attack can be a result of a spasm of blood vessels carrying blood to the heart. During a spasm, the blood vessel is unable to perform its function normally. As a result, the heart is deprived of oxygen-rich blood and the heart muscle suffers permanent damage.

This heart muscle deterioration depends upon the period the heart was deprived of oxygen. The muscle can begin to heal right after a heart attack and full recovery can take up to eight weeks. In case of serious damage, a heart attack can be fatal.  

Coronary Artery Disease 

Coronary artery disease is a specific medical condition related to the arteries, which are the blood vessels for carrying oxygen-rich blood to the heart. The heart then pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. 

Coronary artery disease occurs when the arteries become too narrow, due to a thick lining of fatty deposits. This is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a diet rich in fats. The fatty deposits, called plaque, exert pressure on the arteries and result in damage to the vessel’s inner layers. This injury causes inflammation within the artery and the plaque further deposits in the artery; subsequently, pressure is exerted on the blood vessel and this may cause it to rupture. It also increases the risk of clot formation. 

Congenital Heart Defect

This condition is associated with a defect in the structure of the heart or major blood vessels. A congenital heart defect is one of the most common birth abnormalities. Every year, around 1% of babies in the US are born with congenital heart defects. This birth defect either causes blood to flow through the heart irregularly or it may restrict the flow of blood in the heart or other blood vessels. Previously, children born with congenital heart defects were unable to survive. However, with advances in technology, it is possible to successfully treat some of these birth defects. 

There are over 30 different types of congenital heart defects. Medically, these defects can be divided into two categories. 

Cyanotic Heart Disease 

This condition is often characterized by low oxygen levels. This can cause breathlessness, fatigue, and fainting in infants. There may also be blue skin and lips, as well as fever, nausea, or vomiting. 

Acyanotic Heart Disease   

The oxygen levels in this condition are normal, but there is a flaw in the structure of the heart. This restricts the heart’s ability to pump blood to all the other parts of the body effectively. 

Most of the patients suffering from congenital heart defects have a higher than normal blood pressure. This means that the heart needs to work harder to transport blood throughout the body. This can weaken the heart muscles over time and may lead to heart failure. High blood pressure also increases the risk of other medical conditions, including stroke and kidney failure. 


Some changes in the heart rate are normal. When a person sleeps, the heart rate drops and increases during exercise or stressful situations. However, an abnormally high or low heart rate can be a sign of a dangerous cardiovascular disease. 

Arrhythmia is a cardiovascular disease related to the rhythm of your heartbeat. People suffering from this condition experience irregular cardiac rhythm. There are two common types of arrhythmia. Either the heart beats too slowly. This condition is referred to as bradycardia. Or the heart rate is too high. This is known as tachycardia and occurs when you have more than 100 heartbeats per minute. 

Though the condition is not related to blood vessels, it is categorized as cardiovascular disease. This is because it is associated with the heart and the electrical impulses of the heart. The condition is particularly dangerous because if the heart is beating too fast or too slowly, it cannot effectively pump blood to all other organs. Ineffective blood supply to vital organs like the lungs, brain, and other organs can damage them. 

We are just scratching the surface here to give you a quick overview of heart ailments, but there is an amazing abundance of heart-related websites on the Internet. Be sure to read up on cardiovascular diseases for more detailed information, but make sure the information you find is from a reliable source.

As far as prevention is concerned, there is no guarantee that you will not acquire a cardiovascular disease sometime in your lifetime and there is also the possibility that you will never have a heart-related issue, but good exercise and proper diets can always reduce the odds. Of course, if you feel that something is wrong, contact your doctor immediately. Don’t wait! 



Perils of Eating Too Much Salt

Salt on a set of spoons
Sea salt on a spoon

Salt is the central ingredient in the preparation of almost every food item but too much salt can be dangerous. Even though it can be satisfying to our taste buds, we should be aware of a food’s salt content, especially in our later years in life. 

The sodium component of salt is important for the underlying mechanism responsible for muscle contraction and movement. Moreover, sodium also controls the chemical part of the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium and potassium channels maintain the balance of different fluids within the body. In short, the use of salt has many medical implications.

But under and over-consumption of salt are not healthy for the human body and the latter has more detrimental repercussions. In this article, we will discuss what health dangers are involved with the excessive use of salt. We will also talk about the signs that indicate that you are eating too much salt.

But before we move on, it would be apt to talk about the healthy levels of daily salt intake.

Healthy Daily Salt Consumption

Medical professionals and health authorities have been advising people to limit their salt consumption for a long time. It has been estimated that an adult body needs around 200 mg of sodium every day for healthy functioning.

However, it’s nearly impossible to consume this small amount of salt while maintaining the other nutritional requirements of the body. For that matter, the National Academy of Medicine prescribes that healthy adults can consume 1500 mg of sodium every day to prevent any pertaining adverse effects.

The Academy along with the US Department of Health and Human Service also recommends that people should not exceed their sodium intake of 2,300 mg. This recommendation came after several studies that proved that continuous sodium consumption above 2,300 mg can lead to cardiovascular complications.

Unfortunately, the adult US population is consuming way more than the recommended limit. According to figures established by the federal Department of Health, an adult US citizen on average consumes 3,400 mg of sodium in their daily dietary intake.

To be safe, focus on vegetables. Most vegetables are sodium-free or close to it. In addition, the same goes for fruits, but there are some that have some high sodium levels. For information on how to control your sodium intake, click here.

Dangers Involved with Eating Too Much Salt

Excessive use of salt entails many health risks. Let’s have a look.

Cardiovascular Complications

An extensive research body has substantiated the dangers of excessive salt consumption for cardiovascular health. High sodium intake is linked to high blood pressure, which eventually affects every organ of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the affected person suffers from different cardiovascular conditions.

Deteriorated Brain Health

Hypertension also has an adverse effect on brain health. Scientists believe that the excessive use of sodium can also lead to strokes in the affected people. Some studies have also indicated that the excessive use of salt is detrimental to the cognitive activity of an aging brain. In other words, the neurological perils of excessive use of salt start showing up in old age.


Oedema is a condition in which swelling occurs on joints and limbs because of water retention in body cavities and tissues. It has been studied that high sodium diets lead to the development of this condition. Oedema caused by excessive salt intake usually affects knee joints, hands, and feet. Oedema depends on other medical conditions as well. Nevertheless, physicians recommend oedema patients cut down their salt use regardless of the underlying factors.

Kidney Problems

Kidney is a vital organ responsible for many vital physiological functions. It produces red blood cells and filters out toxins from the bloodstream. Increased sodium intake combined with hypertension also affects the filtration activity of kidneys. Excessive sodium in the bloodstream weakens the kidneys’ ability to get rid of toxins from the body.

Apart from these major health problems, excessive salt intake also increases the risk of stomach cancer. Moreover, it is responsible for occasional bloating.  

Signs of Excessive Sodium Consumption

Salt is the primary source of sodium present in our bodies. There are multiple signs that indicate that you are consuming too much salt or sodium.

Feeling Thirsty All the Time

As mentioned earlier, sodium plays a crucial role in regulating body fluids. The excessive sodium in the body activates a homeostatic response that signals the brain to drink more water to balance the excessive level of sodium. This is the reason why we feel thirsty after eating salty foods. If you feel thirsty all the time, then it is a sign that an excessive amount of salt is part of your daily dietary intake.


When there is too much sodium in the bloodstream, water leaves the cells, causing it to swell. This is shown in the form of belly-bloating. If you encounter this problem frequently, then you may be eating too many salty foods.


Consuming too much salt on daily basis can cause vasodilatation within the brain, which often appears in the form of headaches. If you are feeling heavy-headedness for no particular reason, then excessive salt consumption might be responsible for this.

Another Dangerous Aspect of Excessive Sugar Consumption

Eating too much salt also affects the receptive characteristics of taste buds. They adapt to the excessive use of salt. In this condition, even salty foods are perceived as regular intake by the brain and thus push people to further increase the salt content of their meals. People only come to know about this harmful pattern when it starts affecting their health in any of the above-discussed ways.

Therefore, always remain vigilant regarding your salt consumption so that your taste buds can continue to detect the varying salt levels in foods.

Nearly all processed and junk foods are rich in salt. Relying on these foods to fulfill daily dietary requirements can considerably increase your sodium consumption. Make sure that you eat more home-cooked foods where you can maintain some control of salt consumption. Moreover, try to consciously lower the amount of salt you ingest. In the beginning, you might not like this change, but in a couple of weeks, your taste buds will get accustomed to it and your future self will thank you for it.

In general, if you feel like something is wrong with your health, contact your medical provider. Don’t put it in delay mode!


I Have No Sleep Illnesses So Why Do I Feel Tired During the Day?

Student sleeping in computer lab
Photo: Graphic Stock

In our previous article, we discussed sleep deprivation and its associated symptoms. Now, let’s look at why you feel sleepy during the day if you don’t have sleep deprivation illnesses.

Other circumstances must be evaluated if this happens regularly and does not appear to be due to sleep-deprived illnesses or external situations (e.g., athletic workout, long day at the office, stress, etc.).

How is Your Heart?

Human heart, 3d rendering, medically accurate illustration of the human heart anatomy
 with venous system

Several heart conditions can lead to fatigue and affect energy levels. If your heart weakens, it will try harder to pump the blood. This reduces oxygen to your organs, leaving you tired even after minimal activity. 

If your fatigue is related to your heart, here are some of the common ailments that you may have:

    • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Blocked or narrowed arteries restrict blood flow to the heart, hampering this organ’s ability to function normally. This can lead to chest pain (angina) and fatigue, especially during physical exertion.
    • Arrhythmias refer to Irregular rhythms in the heart that can disrupt the normal flow of blood, depriving the body of necessary oxygen and nutrients and subsequently causing fatigue and possibly dizziness.
    • Congestive Heart Failure: Has your doctor ever looked at your ankles during your visit for a check-up? The reason is that he/she is checking to see if they are not swollen, which could be a sign of a heart defect. Congestive heart failure refers to the build-up of fluid in your lungs and lower limbs if your heart is not pumping blood properly, which can lead to shortness of breath and swollen legs. Consequently, this additional strain on your body can exacerbate fatigue.
    • Valvular Heart Disease is different from clogged arteries. It refers to leaky heart valves that can cause blood to flow back into the heart chambers, increasing pressure and leading to fluid build-up and tiredness.
Graph of a heart rate
Heart Rate Vector Design Element. Bigstock

In general, the severity of your fatigue, if it is related to your heart, can vary depending on your specific heart condition and how long the condition has progressed. Some people may experience general tiredness during the day, while others may feel sluggish after minimal activity. The condition can also worsen with exertion, emotional stress, or certain medications.

If you suspect your fatigue is related to a heart condition, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and proper management can significantly improve your health and energy levels.

Additionally, lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management can help to combat fatigue and improve your overall well-being.

It is important to emphasize that persistent fatigue should not be ignored, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or swelling.

Summary: There are constant advances in the study of heart health, but the bottom line is you should always consult a doctor who can help determine the cause and guide you toward appropriate treatment to boost your energy and address any underlying heart concerns.

Excessive Salt Intake and Disrupted Acid-Base Balance

Salt on a set of spoons
Sea salt. Bigstock

Your heart health is related to the food you eat, and salt can be a major culprit. Excessive salt use is often associated with the development of cardiovascular conditions.  

Salt can also disrupt the acid-base equilibrium in the body, which scientists consider one of the reasons behind one’s sluggish disposition.

Processed and junk foods are inherently rich in salt because it enhances and preserves the taste. Most people today rely on these bad food choices to replenish their calorie count. Therefore, it has become common not to feel fresh even after sleeping enough hours.

Cut junk food from your diet and try to decrease the amount of salt in your home-cooked dishes. Cutting down the excessive salt in your diet is a gradual process, but once you succeed, you will feel more energetic and productive throughout the day.

Selenium Deficiency

Selenium is one of the micronutrients a human body needs in trace amounts. A person not eating a balanced diet might face a selenium deficiency. The trace amounts of selenium in the body are part of various physiological functions. An adequate amount of selenium is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid. Selenium is also vital for brain and immune functions.

Scientists have found that a selenium deficiency has a direct link with the feeling of exhaustion and cognitive confusion. A person not taking the recommended amount of selenium through their daily diet can develop this problem of feeling sleepy all the time. Seafood, nuts, beans, and eggs are rich in selenium. So ensure they remain part of your regular diet to prevent selenium deficiency. Selenium supplements are also available on the market, but we recommend you fulfill your selenium requirements from natural sources.

Zinc Deficiency and Slower Metabolism  

Zinc is another trace mineral with a more critical physiological role than selenium. It acts as a catalyst in various metabolic reactions so that zinc deficiency can slow down the normal progression of metabolic reactions. A slow metabolic regimen is not just bad for weight management; it also lowers the energy levels of the affected person, resulting in tiredness. The World Health Organization says over one billion people worldwide suffer from zinc deficiency.

Any person with acute zinc deficiency can experience the condition discussed in this article. Meat, dairy products, and legumes are good sources of the recommended zinc intake. However, please don’t go overboard with meat because it can lead to other problems. Similarly, make sure you use dairy products with minimal fat content.

Weight Gain

Sandwich with measuring tape around it

Gaining four pounds might not sound like a big deal. However, scientists have found that gaining this kind of weight can instigate a feeling of undefined exhaustion. If you can’t get rid of the atmosphere of tiredness after completing the recommended sleep amount, check your weight.  

Excessive Sugar and Slowed Down Metabolism

It is primarily believed that sugar intake restores our energy levels. That’s true. However, excessive sugar intake is counterproductive for the body. The surplus sugar stored in the body converts into acid, which lowers the metabolic rate. In normal circumstances, vitamin B1 neutralizes this sugar-driven acid. However, in the case of excessive intake, vitamin B1 can’t neutralize all of it. As a result, the person starts feeling low and drowsy.

Excessive Sugar Can also Affect the Quality of Sleep

Spoon spilling sugar onto a cup
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Some recent studies have suggested that excessive sugar in the bloodstream also increases the back-and-forth between REM and deep sleep stages. A sleeping duration with so many underlying disruptions doesn’t ensure quality sleep. Thus, the affected person can feel the lingering feeling of exhaustion even after sleeping for enough hours.

Protein and Amino Acid Deficiency

Protein is one of three essential macronutrients our body needs to perform its regular functions. People eating fewer proteins can eventually face their acute deficiency. In such cases, the homeostatic mechanism directs the body to fulfill its protein needs from muscles (muscle fibers are primarily made of proteins).

This protein redistribution within the body also uses metabolic amino acids. The depletion of amino acids in the metabolic subsystem can slow down its rate and give rise to the feeling of undefined tiredness.

A Cluttered Space and Overworked Brain

Not every undefined instance of tiredness is the function of physiological processes. Researchers at Princeton University have studied that the human brain is wired to sort everything in a particular order in the subconscious. When the brain perceives visual signals from cluttered and untidy spaces, it takes more time to categorize all the information.

As a result, the brain starts feeling tired even when it has not engaged in any cognitive activity.  This unproductive brain activity is also why many feel tired regardless of how much sleep they get.

Regular exercise can also help us combat the feeling of lethargy. Even 20 minutes of daily exercise can have an energizing effect on the body. Scientists also believe that listening to too much music can create physiological and psychological conditions similar to stress, leading to sleepiness and exhaustion for no apparent reason. A healthy diet that takes care of every macro and micronutrient need of the body can help eliminate the undefined feeling of exhaustion.


There could be many reasons why you feel tired. The first thing to do is to see your doctor and have him/her run a thorough workup to see where the problem exists. Standard blood tests can help determine why you are tired. If it is not an illness, the blood tests can determine if you lack nutrients or other factors, such as insufficient sleep habits. There can be many remedies to help you feel more alive and active again, so why wait? Do some homework and get lively again! 

The Best Foods to Eat to Minimize High Blood Pressure

Fresh vegetables

In our previous articles, we have discussed hypertension in great detail, with periodic mention of the right foods to eat. In this article, we will elaborate on the proper diet to follow that will help maintain good blood pressure levels.

According to the numbers furnished by the American Heart Association, more than 100 million US citizens are currently suffering from high blood pressure. Experts call the condition of high blood pressure a quiet pathway to death. Many people affected by this circulatory system irregularity don’t consider it a disease. However, it is a gateway to multiple illnesses of the heart and other organs, such as the kidneys. Stroke is also one of the possible outcomes of high blood pressure. So, treating high blood pressure as a non-issue is not a healthy move by any means.

Pressure greater than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 is considered normal levels. For anything higher, you should consult your physician, but as the commercial says: “The more you know, the better we look”, you can change that to The more you know, the better you will look (or feel), so let’s assemble some facts.

For starters, watch this great animated video of exactly what blood pressure is and what happens when it goes over the normal limits.

It is Not always in One’s Control (but could be)

It is important to mention that some of the risk factors associated with high blood pressure are not under our control. Age, genetics, family, and racial background play a key role in the prevalence of hypertension. However, aggravating this condition is surely in one’s hands. For instance, carelessness in dietary routine can make the matters worse for patients suffering from high blood pressure. Similarly, obesity and stagnant physical activity also add insult to injury.

Food to the Rescue

Here we will talk about how the right foods can help reduce your high blood pressure. As mentioned earlier, we can’t stop the process of aging. Nor do we have the capabilities to change our genetic makeup (at least not for now). Nevertheless, we can control and minimize high blood pressure through diet adjustments with the inclusion and exclusion of some food items. In this article, we will discuss some of these foods that can help in lowering high blood pressure.

Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens help reduce sodium in your body

Arterial blood pressure shoots up as sodium is being circulated in the blood. Therefore, try to consume foods that are not rich in sodium. With the inclusion of different leafy greens in your diet, you can get rid of excess sodium in circulation through urine.

Potassium, which is abundantly present in leafy green vegetables, actually helps in driving out extra sodium from the body. Kale, lettuce, spinach, turnip greens, beet greens, arugula, and Swiss chard are some of the easily available leafy greens that you can add to your staple diet to minimize high blood pressure. Try to get fresh greens instead of the canned ones because the latter are often processed with sodium for flavor enhancement. Leafy greens also help in weight management since they only contain good nutrients.

NOTE: It should be noted that people who are on blood thinners, such as coumadin and other medications should consult their physician if it is OK to eat these vegetables.


Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries look and taste good. But more importantly, their regular use also results in lowering high blood pressure. As per research studies, the pigment (flavonoids) present in berry fruits help in normalizing blood pressure. You can easily get any of the berries all through the year. Hypertension patients who are not suffering from type-2 diabetes can add fresh berries to their daily breakfast cereals or just eat them as a natural dessert for their health benefits.

Skim Milk

Dairy products are an essential part of our staple diets. A little adjustment in their consumption can prove to be beneficial in lowering down blood pressure. Instead of using full cream milk, opt for skim milk that is low in fat and high in calcium. It has been studied that the continuous use of skim milk can reduce the chances of developing the issue of hypertension by 20 percent in the female population.

Aside from its benefits against hypertension, skim milk is good against many other physical ailments including obesity. People who can’t consume milk in its pure form can go for yogurt as an alternative.


Oatmeal is widely used as a standard breakfast meal. It is rich in fiber, low in sodium and fats, and thus healthy for people suffering from high blood pressure. Its good satiety value also helps individuals who are embroiled in the bad habit of excessive eating.  


SalmonThere are many among us who love meat-based meals in our daily dietary routine. However, people suffering from hypertension shouldn’t go overboard with the use of red meat.  Excessive use of beef and pork is strongly linked to high blood pressure. So, all those individuals who are vying to lower their blood pressure, but also don’t want to stick to a vegetarian diet can include seafood in their meals.

There are some fish meats (Salmon and mackerel) that proactively help in reducing high blood pressure because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The addition of seafood to your daily diet will fulfill your need for proteins while maintaining lower blood pressure.


Cavendish banana from MaracaiboAs mentioned earlier, potassium-rich foods help in offsetting the negative effects of sodium in the body. So, the addition of any potassium-rich food item can eventually help in minimizing blood pressure. They are easily available and you can eat them at any time of the day.


Garlic is a root vegetable that is usually used as a flavor enhancer in the preparation of many meals. But some recent studies suggest that the constant use of garlic can indirectly help in reducing the condition of hypertension. Garlic contains traces of nitric oxide. Scientists have studied that the presence of nitric oxide in the body is attributed to vasodilatation. To put it in simple words, nitric oxide increases the arterial diameter which cancels out the increased value of blood pressure.

Olive Oil

Olive oil, in general, is considered a healthy substitute for palm and other cooking oil variants. In addition, the use of olive oil also results in lowering blood pressure with its polyphenol action. Polyphenols are compounds that can resist inflammatory reactions and in so doing, help in lowering blood pressure.

Besides leafy greens, berries, seafood, bananas, and garlic, unsalted seeds, and pomegranate are also known for their physiological effects in reducing blood pressure, but if you really want to remain healthy, put the brakes on the excessive use of salt and alcohol.

Preventing High Blood Pressure and its Related Health Consequences

Heart Attack





2025 Update

Personal hypertension management has made its way into the mainstream. Mobile apps such as HealthHeart and Braun Healthy Heart have made them into the mainstream. These are mobile devices that come with sphygmomanometers (those blood pressure cuffs we see the doctors use when we visit them). They use the latest technology to monitor your blood pressure. Check them out at the App Store or Google Play.


With no symptoms, high blood pressure (HBP) can sneak up on a person and escalate to any number of diseases that could result in death.

Without being tested for HBP, a patient might never know that HBP, also called hypertension, may be damaging his/her arteries, heart, and other organs.


A recent study from the American Heart Association found that keeping systolic blood pressure below 140 mm Hg reduces the risk of stroke for people aged 60 years and older. The study looked at the new systolic blood pressure target, which was 150 mmHg as recommended for older people who don’t have chronic kidney disease or diabetes, but determined that raising the target could put the population at a greater risk of stroke.

“We started this analysis very soon after [the JAMA paper] came out … because we were concerned about the recommendation’s potential effect on stroke prevention,” study author Ralph L. Sacco, MD, professor and chair of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, said in a statement.

Diagram of the Human Heart
The study looked at 1,750 people who were free of stroke, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. Participants with a systolic blood pressure of 140 to 149 mmHg had an elevated stroke risk that was equal to participants with systolic blood pressure greater than 150 mmHg. The risk of increased stroke was most notable among Hispanics and blacks.

According to Dr Sacco, more aggressive treatment of blood pressure, especially among blacks and Hispanics, is even more critical. He added that the findings support the American Heart Association’s guidelines for treating blood pressure above 140 mmHg.  

The findings suggest one should not liberalize or change the treatment threshold for blood pressure in people older than 60 without chronic kidney disease or diabetes,” Dr. Sacco said. “For stroke prevention, maintaining a blood pressure target of 140 mmHg is important.


Blausen 0486 HighBloodPressure 01HBP does not have any symptoms except in the extreme case of a hypertensive crisis. However, there are many misconceptions. For example, there is no actual evidence that HBP causes headaches.

In addition, nervousness, sweating, difficulty sleeping, and facial flushing are not signs of HBP either. Other symptoms that are sometimes thought to be signs of HBP but have no scientific link include nosebleeds, blood spots in the eyes, and dizziness.

Don’t wait for symptoms before taking care to prevent or get diagnosed with high blood pressure. Left untreated, hypertension can cause heart attacks, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, vision loss, memory loss, and kidney disease, among other health consequences.

Diagnosing is quick and painless—healthcare professionals use a blood pressure monitor, and a cuff is placed on the upper arm and inflated. The cuff momentarily stops blood flow, then slowly releases. Optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg.

Some patients are at a higher risk of developing HBP. Certain groups have a higher risk—for instance, African Americans have a higher risk than other racial groups, and after age 65, women are more likely to have HBP than men.

Risk factors for developing hypertension include family history, advanced age, lack of physical activity, poor diet and a diet high in salt, being overweight or obese, heavy and regular use of alcohol, stress, smoking, and sleep apnea.

However, some of the factors can be controlled. While there isn’t much that can be done about family history, race, or age, the other risk factors can be treated.

Wheat Grain in a FieldIf you are diagnosed with HBP, medication is not the only method that can reduce high blood pressure. Losing weight (even as little as 10 pounds); exercising regularly (at least 30 minutes multiple days a week); eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products; reducing alcohol intake; quitting smoking; and either limiting or better coping with stress are all factors that are under your control. So why wait? With a bit of willpower, you can make these changes!  

A Brief Guide to a Healthy Heart

Heart with Muscles

From the getgo, stay away from sodium. If you are overweight avoid sugar, specifically bread and soda, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. According to CDC statistics, more than 600,000 people in the US die due to heart-related diseases annually.  

With smart and healthy lifestyle choices, you can take care of your health. Let’s have a look at some of the measures which should be adopted by every individual to preserve the wellbeing of your heart and other elements of your cardiovascular system. 

Addition of Fiber-Based Foods

Many people refer to fiber-rich food when they are suffering from digestive issues. However, a better approach is to make fiber-based foods a part of your daily staple diets. There are two noteworthy benefits of fiber-rich foods.

  • They help in reducing the levels of cholesterol. It’s now a well-established fact that increased levels of cholesterol can lead to multiple cardiovascular issues.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber make you feel satiated, this means you will not get troubled by cravings every hour and consequently, will be protected from an ill habit of overeating.

Aside from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, chickpeas, and lentils are also a good source of dietary fiber. Also, munch on some raspberries and pears and cook some whole wheat paster while you’re at it.

Cutting Down the Consumption of Cholesterol

Cholesterol, an organic lipid molecule, is the main antagonist in heart-related health issues. Therefore, it is imperative to have a strict approach regarding its consumption. Cholesterol is found nearly in every animal-based food item so you have to take care of the consumption of all such dietary products.

From meat to dairy products to poultry and eggs, cholesterol is a constituent of all the meal items prepared from these ingredients. There is a widespread misconception that low-fat and lean cuts of meat are low in cholesterol. This is not the case whatsoever because you can get high levels of cholesterol from foods termed low-fat.

Therefore, it is always necessary to read and search the nutritional value of every animal-based food item before its consumption to keep the trail of cholesterol intake. In a healthy dietary routine, the daily intake of cholesterol must not exceed 300 milligrams.

Be especially wary of red meat, as there are a lot of health issues that can be associated with it.

Include Fewer Fats in Your Diet  

Tree of FruitIn the craze of losing weight, many people go on to refrain entirely from the consumption of fats. This is not a healthy behavior because fat is one of the three basic macronutrients that are needed by the human body.

However, keeping their levels low in your diet and grains differentiating good fats from bad fats is the key to remain heart-healthy.

Unsaturated fats are considered healthy fats while saturated and trans fats are termed bad due to their detrimental effects. There are several natural food items, which contain saturated fats. The inclusion of avocados, peanut butter (natural), salmon, olive oil and nuts in moderate levels can fulfill the healthy fat requirements of the body.

On the other hand, greasy cuts of meat, fat-ridden dairy products, and various processed foods are rich in saturated and trans fats. Keep in mind that trans fats are the most detrimental variant of this macronutrient, particularly for the heart. Try to exclude them completely from your diet. Sometimes they are labeled as hydrogenated oils on food packages. So, carefully read the labels of processed food before buying them.

More Seafood

Salmon Filet Salmon is an excellent choice for your diet routine; if you choose wild salmon, it’s even better.

Adding more fish to your diet on a weekly or semi-weekly basis is a smart move to maintain the health of your heart. On one hand, they provide a good substitute by replacing beef and lamb meat.

Moreover, seafood is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t get confused by the name of this unsaturated fat because it is actually very beneficial for the well-being of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Routine consumption of omega-3 fatty acids helps in lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood, which consequently decelerates the process of plaque accumulation in the arteries. With this improvement in your cardiovascular system, you are actually reducing the chances of sudden heart attacks. Fish oil supplements also help in maintaining your blood pressure at healthier levels.  

Weight Loss

Woman showing how much fat she lostEven though all the above-discussed measures ultimately help you to lose weight, you can also take a proactive approach to maintain your BMI.

Engrave it in your mind that obesity is a root cause of many critical diseases including heart-related illnesses. By adding more physical activity to your daily schedule and by having healthy food options, you can control your weight. It’s as simple as that.

Reduction of Alcohol Consumption

Happy friends toasting each other with beerAlthough red wine contains antioxidants that help in the detoxification of the body, most alcohol-based beverages are known for their detrimental effects on human health. Apart from the liver, the heart is the second most affected vital organ from excessive drinking.

Too much alcohol in your daily routine leads to hypertension (link alcohol article), it also increases the levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream. Moreover, your daily calorie count can also be disrupted by excessive drinking.

Therefore, try to cut down your alcohol consumption for the sake of your liver and your heart. An average-sized serving is deemed as moderate daily consumption of alcohol.

Smoking: Don’t Reduce, Quit!

Illustration of Cigarette onto of lung with heartbeatHere, we are just stating the obvious that smoking can compromise the health of your heart. Other than the frightening conditions of mouth and lung cancer, smoking can also inflict its detrimental effect on your cardiovascular wellbeing as well. And now with the addition of vaping devices, you are not much better off. 

Regular smoking leads to the construction of blood vessels which in turn makes it difficult for the heart to properly perform its vital function of pumping oxygenated blood to each and every part of the body.  

For the well-being of your heart, the well-being of your mind is equally important. High levels of stress are linked to high blood pressure and increased levels of blood cholesterol. Moreover, stressed individuals try to cope with their condition through unhealthy lifestyle choices, which also leads to negative effects on the heart and cardiovascular system.

Understanding Hypertension

”Hypertension Warning Sign"
Photo by stuartmiles –

Have you ever felt your heart start to beat fast? You might have hypertension. Although a fast heartbeat can be the result of many things, let’s not rule high blood pressure as one of the reasons.

As the heart beats, it creates a pressure that pushes the blood through the arteries, veins, and capillaries.

This push, called blood pressure, is the result of two factors: The first force occurs as the blood pumps out of the heart and into the arteries. The second force is created when the heart rests between beats. 

Due to certain conditions, there are times when the heart must work harder to push the blood through the arteries, which subsequently results in less efficient circulation, as well as adding additional friction against the blood vessel’s walls.

One analogy is when you run water from a faucet down into a glass. If you turn the faucet higher, the water will run faster and if you are not watching what you are doing, the glass will overflow.

Now, what if the glass was covered except for the area where the faucet hits an opening at the top of the glass? At some point, something is going to happen and it won’t be a pretty sight. But what if you increase the water pressure? Whatever is going to happen is going to happen quicker. None of this is good.

Using a different analogy of water. Envision it falling against a set of rocks, if the water moves faster, over time, the rocks’ surface will become abraded. Similarly, blood moving through your veins at a faster than normal rate can cause unwanted damage to these vessels, not to mention that your heart has to pump harder and faster as well. This is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. 

Heart diagram
By ZooFari [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
As this extraneous force continues without remedy, the friction of high pressure can damage tissues inside the arteries and veins, (remember the rock abrasion comparison), consequently, it causes additional cholesterol which has nowhere to go but to stick to the arteries. This is called LDL (bad) cholesterol and as you may have guessed, it reduces the blood flow which will ultimately form plaque along with the damaged tears in the walls and resulting in atherosclerosis.

The more the plaque and damage that increases, the narrower the arteries become, which in turn, increases blood pressure because the body wants that blood to keep flowing, but this develops into a cycle that can do more damage to your arteries, as well as your heart and the rest of your body. In turn, dangerous conditions can occur, ranging from arrhythmia to heart attack and stroke.

High Cholostrial Illustration
Artery and Atherosclerosis illustration. High cholesterol. Blood clot.

There are numbers associated with blood pressure and it is used as a standard reference to determine when a person has hypertension. An elastic band is placed around the person’s arm, called a cuff and a manual pressure gauge is used to read the blood pressure of the individual. A rate of 120 over 80 (120/80) is considered normal. The first number represents the pressure of the blood when pumped out of the heart (called systolic) and the second number (called diastolic) represents the pressure between beats. Anything above 120/80 is considered higher than normal and would require treatment, usually medication.

As mentioned, hypertension can result in a plethora of different health complications. It’s important to note that stroke and heart disease are the leading causes of death in the US.

According to a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of American adults, many of who are over 50 are suffering from this condition and nearly half of them are not aware of it.

Diagnosing High Blood Pressure
Doctor measuring blood pressure

Many people fail to control the issue of high blood pressure because they are not aware of the different attributes of the disease. For this reason, hypertension is also called a silent killer because most of its symptoms are not external in nature. A person may come to know of its effects after years that he/she has been suffering from it. However, by then, the significant irreparable damage might have already occurred.

Although high blood pressure can cause deadly occurrences, is can be easily controlled with the right medications and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will cover the important points regarding hypertension so that one can tackle this ongoing medical condition efficiently.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

To list a few: Smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, stress, too much salt consumption, too much alcohol consumption, genetics and sleep apnea. Let’s take a closer look at how these health issues can cause your heart to pump harder.


One of the most (and popularly know) entities that cause damage to your body is smoking. As far as high blood pressure is concerned, it increases the risk of the buildup of plaque inside your arteries. In general, every time you pick up a cigarette, it can cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure. This applies to second-hand smoke as well.

Excess Body Weight

Obesity begets many different health complications and hypertension is one of them. Aside from increasing inches of your waistline, obesity also makes the arteries stiffer and thicker. This distortion of the circulation system consequently results in increased blood pressure.

Unlike stress, obesity is an ongoing physical condition, which means the affected person will also constantly suffer from the perils of hypertension. As mentioned earlier, persistent high blood pressure can lead to fatal diseases.

Stress and Anxiety

DepressionSadly, we are living in a stress-ridden world and sometimes there is no way around it. But for people suffering from high blood pressure, increased levels of stress are not just bad for your mental health, they also aggravate many parts of the body and increased high blood pressure is no exception.

Cortisol is the hormone responsible for the psychological effects of increased levels of stress. The fight or flight response provoked by the increased secretion of cortisol in the bloodstream also results in increased blood pressure counts. You can try to limit your stress by following these recommendations.

Sodium Consumption

Sodium is an important mineral for intracellular activities. However, excess sodium in the body can be very detrimental to human health, particularly for people suffering from high blood pressure. We consume sodium in different forms of salt. The sodium present in it aids the kidney to increase water retention, which consequently results in hiked-up blood pressure.

Processed dietary products are rich in salts; therefore, it would be helpful to limit their use. Try to maintain your daily sodium intake by not more than 1500 mg. This amount of salt equals slightly less than one tablespoon. Even if you are not suffering from hypertension, gradually reduce your daily intake of sodium to make yourself less susceptible to develop this cardiovascular condition later in life.

Cautious Use of Medications

Drug Addiciton

Whether you are using prescription or OTC medications, both of them contain several side effects. Therefore, their cautious use is very important, even for people who are not suffering from any serious health condition.

Be aware of OTC drugs, especially those available for seasonal flu, cold and decongestants, which can raise blood pressure. Similarly, the administration of some supplements can result in high levels of blood pressure. Never consume any medication or nutritional supplement without prior consultation with your doctor, particularly if you are already suffering from this condition.

Controlling High Blood Pressure

In many cases, particularly if incurred in later years, hypertension becomes a lifelong medical condition where affected individuals have to make certain adjustments to their lifestyle in order to minimize the detrimental effect of it. By taking care of certain things, you can make sure that you are living healthy even with the ongoing condition of hypertension.

Adoption of the DASH Diet

Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a diet routine recommended by the Institute of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for the prevention and control of hypertension. This diet plan recommends the addition of whole grains, fruits (especially bananas, because they are rich in potassium), vegetables, white meat and nuts in daily meals and discourages the consumption of red meat, saturated fats, artificial, processed sweeteners and fat-enriched dairy products.

Eating the right foods can’t be stressed enough. Fruits and vegetables alone are highly recommended to help fight free radicals, as well as providing an assortment of healthy nutrients for your entire body – and that includes fighting high blood pressure. In addition to these healthy nutrients, dark chocolate and garlic have been found to assist in keeping your blood pressure in a normal state.

So don’t just read these recommendations. Make it part of your lifestyle starting today!


Regular and increased physical activity helps in maintaining the well-being of the cardiovascular system. With more aerobic exercises, you can ensure that your heart’s activity remains unaffected in instances of high blood pressure. Fitness experts recommend that the inclusion of two and a half hours of moderate physical activity, which is spread throughout a week, can help in strengthening your cardiovascular system.

Furthermore, the increased physical activity also helps in reducing body weight, which can otherwise add to the aggravation of hypertension. Moderate physical activities can be performed in the form of brisk walking, cycling, swimming, gardening and any other aerobic exercise of your preference.

Using Medication

There is an abundance of successful medications that are used to control high blood pressure. Metoprolol, Losartan, and Amlodipine are some of the more popular ones, but let’s have a look at these and others and how they help to maintain a steady heartbeat and pressure. Please note, all of these drugs MUST NOT BE administered without the consultation of a qualified physician.


Diuretics are a class of drugs used to catalyze the production of urine. It is usually recommended for acute hypertension patients for lowering their blood pressure levels with the exclusion of sodium and water from the body through urine.


A beta-blocker is another class of drug prescribed to patients with abnormal heartbeat caused by increased levels of blood pressure. These drugs slow down heart activity to protect it from the detrimental consequences of hypertension.

The Beneficial Effects of Taking Novartis Entresto Drug for Heart Attacks

Are you suffering from a cognitive heart problem? Are you so hobbled by chest pain that you are unable to manage the daily activities of life? If the answer is yes, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about the latest heart drug released by Novartis, sold under the brand name of Entresto.

The FDA has approved Entresto for the treatment of heart failure problem. Cognitive heart failure is the most common heart issue. This disorder is characterized by the inability of the heart muscle to provide blood to the tissues of the body.

Common causes of heart failure include high blood pressure, congenital heart defects, lung disorders, alcohol/drug abuse and high LDL-cholesterol levels. Patients that suffer from heart problems experience fatigue and severe shortness of breath.

Novartis’ Entresto drug is one of the latest to hit the market that specifically addresses heart problems. The persecution drug is available to patients whose conditions are categorized as NYHA class II and IV. It contains two active ingredients – Valsartan and Sacubitril – that work differently in reducing the risk of heart failure and repeated hospitalization.

The decision to approve the medication came after a large clinical trial known as Paradigm-HF that was based on the examination of about 8,400 individuals. The study had found that people suffering from heart diseases that took Entresto were at significantly less risk of dying due to heart failure.

What’s more, the study had found that people that took the medication were less likely to require repeated hospitalization. About 20 percent or more of patients today require re-hospitalization after 30 days of being hospitalized. So, the drug can help reduce the burden of health care costs for the affected individuals.

According to Dr. Milton Packer, the professor and the chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the University of Texas, the highly effective results of the Paradigm-HF clinical trial should persuade the physicians to consider prescribing Entresto to patients instead of the angiotensin receptor blockers or ACE inhibitors.

Final Piece of Advice

The introduction of the drug Entresto represents a significant breakthrough for heart patients. The drug works at a physiological level in reducing the risk of a death due to a heart attack. The medication is considered safe for most individuals. However, you should not take the medication prior to consulting with a doctor if you suffer from liver or kidney disorders, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or take any prescription or OTC medication, herbal or vitamin supplements.

Howard Fensterman would like to see the elimination of health disparities and promoting healthy living. The philanthropy of Mr. Fensterman has helped in uplifting the lives of thousands of people. He has contributed to numerous charitable organizations that focus on offering affordable medical treatment, as well as finding cures for debilitating diseases.

The Alarming Risks of Cigarette Smoking Many People Ignore

Diagram of cigarette smoking in the body
The amount of organs that can be damaged by cigarette smoke is extraordinary!

Of all the external entities that are bad for your health, nothing beats the act of consuming the ashes of cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds into your body. Cigarette smoking is the cause of about half a million deaths in the US every year. While the deadly effects of cigarette smoking on the body are well known, the irony is that many people tend to ignore this as if it’s a fabricated or paranoid delusional fact.  

If you are one of those who smoke cigarettes every day, you should seriously start thinking about quitting thise deadly habit. In this article, we will take a look at the some of the detrimental effects of smoking tobacco on your health that will make you think twice before reaching for a pack of cigarette.

The Adverse Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogenic fumes that when inhaled can increase the chances of deadly diseases. More than 80 percent of the cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is caused due to cigarette smoking. COPD is a painful and progressive disease of the lungs that can ultimately lead to death.   

The toxic smoke of the cigarette can damage the lung cells. It can lead to uncontrolled cell growth in the lungs that will ultimately lead to the development of lung cancer.

Apart from lung cancer, about 30 percent of the following cancers are due to cigarette smoking:

  • Mouth cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Uterine cancer
  • Esophagus cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Stomach cancer

Cigarette smoking can also lead to many heart ailments. Studies have confirmed that smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of heart diseases. The chemicals inside the cigarettes can damage the blood cells and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart attack and smoke.

Smoking can also adversely affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy, leading to increased risk of low birth weight and premature birth. What’s more, men who smoke a cigarette are at greater risk of developing fertility problems.

Why You Should Stop Cigarette Smoking Today

If you are smoking a cigarette right now, you should immediately throw it in the dustbin. Once you have got rid of the deadly cigarette, you should never ever pick another one again. While this may be hard for you at first, but the sacrifice that you make will be well worth it in the end as you can enjoy a quality life due to being in good health.

In case you are a habitual smoker, your chances of a heart attack will decrease significantly about 24 hours after quitting the bad habit. The nerve ending will begin to re-grow, and you will experience enhance the sense of taste and smell. Your blood circulation will improve about 3 months after quitting smoke and you will experience less wheezing and cough.  

In about 10 years after quitting smoking your risk of developing kidney, bladder, pancreas and esophagus cancer decreases significantly. After 15 years of not smoking a cigarette, your risk of developing a stroke will be similar to a person who has never smoked before.

So, unless you are hell bent on your own destruction, you should seriously consider quitting smoking and above all, consult with your physician about how to quit this deadly habit.