A Short Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Checking WaistlineObesity has become a worldwide concern due to the multiple health complications associated with it. People living in the developed countries are especially affected by the problem of weight gain. To address the issue of obesity, nutritionists have introduced many different diets and eating patterns. There are experts advocating to adopt the eating habits of the Stone Age in the form of paleo diet. Then there are some who are in favor of fat-based diets to curb the malevolence of obesity.

The one common denominator with all these eating plans is to eat healthily. Among all these diet programs, intermittent fasting* has gained much popularity among the weight loss aspirants. However, it seems as if many people still don’t know exactly what intermittent fasting is and therefore, they hold certain reservations and misconceptions about the concept.

What is intermittent fasting?

Simply, it is an eating model in which an individual goes through alternative cycles of eating and fasting. Intermittent fasting is not about what you eat, rather it’s concerned with when to eat. There are several sub-categories of intermittent fasting, all of which depend on the duration of fasting and eating periods.

Misconceptions regarding intermittent fasting

Misconceptions often hold us back from adopting the right habits. Here are some of the widespread misconceptions about the functioning of intermittent fasting.

You are allowed to binge eat during the eating period

Many people think that intermittent fasting is all about going extreme with your eating routine i.e. for a period you have to starve and then for a time slot you are entitled to non-stop eating. That’s not the case at all; otherwise, you won’t be able to get any benefits from this eating pattern.  

Only water is allowed during the fasting period

This is another false fact associated with intermittent fasting that you are only allowed to drink water during the fasted phase. You can consume caffeine products (green, black tea and coffee) during the fasting period. Supplements and other drinks with zero calories can also be used during the non-eating phase.

Longer fasting periods are better

No, this is not true. Fasting for more than 20 hours can become counterproductive. Remember that a fasting phase doesn’t entail starving yourself.

Feeling hungry is bad for health

There isn’t any substantial body of research behind this claim that feeling hungry is harmful to your health. So don’t get worried that a mere feeling of starvation will result in the loss of vital mass (muscles) of the body, no such thing happens during the fasting period.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

Now let’s’ delve into some of the proven benefits of perfectly carried out intermittent fasting.

Losing abdominal fat

Losing abdominal fat in order to reduce weight and to get back into shape is the primary reason many start intermittent fasting. There are certain characteristics of intermittent fasting that helps in losing excessive fat:

  • Overall, you consume fewer calories during the complete cycle of fasting. Fewer calories mean there will be less amount of residual fats produced from the excessive calories.
  • Fasting helps in enhancing different beneficial hormone functions of the body resulting in revved-up metabolic rate which also helps in burning more calories.

It means intermittent fasting is a two-pronged method of reducing weight. It limits the average calorie intake of an individual while simultaneously increasing the metabolic rate.

Preventing and lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes

In recent years, type 2 diabetes has become one of the most prevalent diseases all around the world. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where blood sugar or glucose levels exceed their normal limits in the bloodstream due to lower insulin levels in the blood. A research study indicates that intermittent fasting can improve insulin resistance which helps in reducing blood sugar levels.

Health concerns related to intermittent fasting

While with its benefits for the people facing obesity and type 2 diabetes, there are certain downsides of intermittent fasting as well that can affect certain individuals.


In some instances, the fasted phase can result in dehydration. It usually occurs because people practicing intermittent fasting are not getting the fluid portion of the solid food items.

High-stress levels and headaches

During the initial phase of intermittent fasting, one can experience increased stress levels resulting from disturbed sleep pattern and headache.

If carried out properly, intermittent fasting can provide you with its benefits. However, it is always better to consult a nutritionist before adopting a new eating pattern.  

* Note: You should always confer with a health professional prior to beginning any weight loss program!

Why are Whole Grains Preferred Over Refined Ones?

Man Eating Biscut
Maintain a healthier lifestyle by being vigilant as to what are processed foods and what is not.

With a prevalence of obesity in this country, where complications of diabetes and other health ailments occur, as a result, people look for ways to control their dietary habits and are more inclined to focus on dietary items that are raw and less refined.

Among these natural healthy food options, whole grains top the list in terms of popularity. However, many experts suggest that there is still a long way to go.

A worrying statistic indicates that nearly 60% of calorie consumption is from ultra-processed food; that is, extra ingredients that are placed into the food in order to make it taste better and sometimes “to disguise undesirable qualities of the final product,” as per a study by Carlos Augusto Monteiro, a professor in the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health at the University of São Paulo in Brazil.  These foods contain high amounts of sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, which can present such medical dangers as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. 

Health risks of refined grain

Wheat Grain in a FieldMany of us have become overly reliant on ready-made food items, such as products that are processed with refined wheat, rice, and barley. Flour, for example, is crushed into fine powders, which then form the basis for many types of bread and a large variety of processed foods, from cereals, crackers, and pizza dough to cookies and cakes.

Apart from having less nutritional value, refined grains also pose significant health risks to the people consuming them on a daily basis.

Following is a list of just some of the health hazards that can be acquired when eating refined products.

Accumulation of abdominal fat leading to heart problems

Refined grain, as the main source of getting nutritional values in your diet, accumulates layers of adipose tissues (fat) around your organs. It results in inflated waste along with complications of heart health.

Development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which artery walls get thickened. Thick arteries can result in hypertension and in worse conditions culminates in heart attacks. It has been found out that consumption of refined grains for a long time can lead to this ailment. 

Diabetic conditions

Due to its lack of fiber, minerals, and other micronutrients, refined grains can make the human body more vulnerable to acquiring diabetes, especially in people with a genetic history of the disease.

How Do We Know Which Foods are Ultra-Processed?

The decision to buy non-processed foods can be confusing if you don’t know what to look for.Whole Grain Stamp Foods with the whole grain stamp label on their packaging indicate that the bran, germ, and endosperm are still present in the grain.

Read the label. If it says the food contains artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, there is not much doubt they are processed with ingredients that can be harmful to your health.

Conversely, foods that still contain the bran, germ, and endosperm, and subsequently, the nutrients that accompany them will have a label on their packaging indicating that the food within contains whole grains.

Those foods that have been processed organically will have a clear label indicating this.

What are whole grains?

Whole grain breadSimply put, whole grains are natural grains present in their untreated form. They are edible plant seeds usually known as the term ‘kernel’. The grain kernel consists of three distinctive edible parts that are enclosed in a shell, natural protection for grains from excessive sunlight, insects, and crop diseases.  Let’s break down the three individual parts of whole grains to understand the nutrients within them.


Bran is the outermost layer of the kernel and consists of many layers.
Nutritional Benefit: It is full of fiber, vitamin B, and vital antioxidants.


Germ is the nucleus of the kernel and acts as the plant’s embryo.  Nutritional Benefit: The germ of the whole grain is loaded with proteins, healthy fats, and micronutrients in the form of minerals and vitamins.


Endosperm is the area of the kernel surrounding the germ. It provides the plant’s energy through its abundance of nutrients.

Nutritional Benefit: Endosperm contains almost all of the carbohydrates of the kernel, with a portion of proteins and some micronutrients.

Whole grain is more nutritious because the germ and bran, which is part of the kernel are not destroyed and excluded in the process refinement, but make sure you select 100% whole wheat products, (whether whole wheat, which contains all the nutrients in the kernel or whole grains which also contains the entire kernel but has additional nutrients)’

To get yourself more acquainted with the use of whole grains, the following are some of its advantages:

Pure Whole Wheat Bread
Pure Whole Wheat Bread

Improved digestion

We all know that how much of our adult population is bugged with digestive issues. The rich fiber content present in whole grains improves bowel movement which means you don’t have to rely on laxatives. The presence of lactic acid in whole grains helps the growth of good bacteria in the large intestine. The presence of good bacteria in the intestine helps in rapid nutrient absorptions and a strengthened immune system.

Instills the feeling of satiation

Whole grains are famous to keep your appetite low with their satiating effect. It takes longer for the digestive system to digest whole grains which means your brain will not signal you for untimely eating. This innate quality of whole grain can help people who are striving to lose weight.  

Blood sugar regulator

Whole grain helps in controlling the spiked-up levels of blood sugar. With its low glycemic index as compared to refined grains, less glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream, helping in maintaining blood glucose levels.

Whole grains are also proved to be beneficial in reducing the inflammation within the body and medical sciences tell us that inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Antioxidants present in whole grains can reduce the risk of different types of cancers. In general, increasing the number of whole grains in our daily diet can help ensure a healthy lifestyle.

How a Pregnant Mother’s Diet Affects the Baby’s Health

What a mother eats during pregnancy directly affects the child’s immune system. According to the findings of scientists at the Medical Research Council (MRC) the diet of the mother during of pregnancy can permanently change the gene function of the child. The mother’s’ nutrition can affect the child’s cancer risks and immunity against other diseases.

Various other studies have proved that the food that the mother eats during the nine months of pregnancy will impact the baby’s health. This raises the question: what should expectant mothers eat during pregnancy?

Here are five nutrition tips that can have a beneficial effect on the child’s health.

1. Get Adequate Amount of Folic Acid

Studies have shown that getting enough amount of folic acid during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of premature delivery. Also, an adequate amount of folic acid, particularly during the first few months of the gestation period, will decrease the risk of neural-tube defects by up to 70 percents. You should consider eating about 600 mg of folic acid daily when the pregnancy is confirmed. After delivery, the amount of folic acid should be reduced to 400 mg.  

2. Eat Seafood

Seafood contains ample amount of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Eating seafood can have an extremely beneficial effect on the health of the child. DHA is omega-3 fatty acid that can boost mental development of the child. It can also lead to improved memory, vision, motor skills, and comprehension of the language during early childhood.  Consider eating about 12 ounces of seafood in a week. If this is not possible, you should consider taking DHA supplement after consulting with your general physician.  

3. Avoid Intake of Alcohol

Alcohol is poison for a pregnant mother and her baby. Consuming the drink during pregnancy can negatively affect the baby’s health. No amount is safe for the pregnant mother. Consuming even small amount of alcohol during the pregnancy can result in causing cognitive dysfunctions, such as learning problems, behavior problem, attention deficit disorder, aggressive behavior, and hyperactivity in children.

4. Adequate Intake of Iron

Iron is essential for every woman. The mineral is particularly important for pregnant women as it plays a crucial role in healthy blood and transport of oxygen throughout the body. The baby will benefit from the extra amount of iron in the blood. You should intake about 30 mg of iron every day during pregnancy. After conception, the daily dose should be reduced to 15 mg.

5. Avoid Eating Unpasteurized Milk and Cheese

Unpasteurized milk and cheese harbor bacteria. The food items can contain Salmonella, Listeria, and E.Coli . Consuming them during pregnancy can result in premature delivery or miscarriage. So, in order to be on the safe side, you should avoid eating this food item during pregnancy. Other food items that you should avoid eating include poultry, undercooked meat, and eggs. Also, dump leftover food that is left on the table for more than two hours.   

The above food items when consumed during pregnancy can have a beneficial effect on the child. An important thing to keep in mind is that you should not eat too much. Some women ‘eat for two’ and gain a lot of weight. However, overeating won’t help in ensuring a healthy child delivery. Instead, it could increase the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and delivery of a premature baby. So keep the above five tips in mind and eat healthy!  


Three Different Types of At-Home Senior Care

For seniors that don’t require the medical care and attention of a nursing home or assisted living, there are options that cater to seniors that still live at home and only need the care to come to them. It is important to have an idea about the type of care you or your loved one will need now and in the future, as well as becoming acquainted with the terminology.

Skilled and Custodial Care

Depending on the location in which care is provided, there are two types of care of the highest level known as skilled care and custodial care. Skilled care is a service that can be given only by licensed or skilled medical staff. This includes help with wound care, injections, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and other medical needs.

Custodial care, which is also called non-skilled care, helps with activities of daily living, also called ADL’s, a healthcare term that refers to people’s daily self care including eating, bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, walking, and continence. Custodial care is typically provided for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Both skilled and custodial care can be provided at home, in adult daycare or in a residential care setting such as a nursing home, assisted living community or adult foster care home. 

Home Care and Home Health Care

Home care and home health care are terms used interchangeably, but there is an important difference between the two. Both of these types of care are provided in a senior’s home. Home care usually means that custodial or unskilled care is being provided. This includes help with bathing and dressing, as well as help with laundry, cooking and accompanying them to doctors’ appointments.

Home health care is a higher level of care that requires medical training. This includes assisting with artificial limbs and other medical equipment like a ventilator and also checking an elderly person’s vitals and respiration. It’s not that unusual for home health care providers to also provide custodial care during their visits to an elderly person’s home. 

Adult Day Social Care vs. Adult Day Health Care

Adult daycare and adult day health care are terms that are used interchangeably. Adult day social care provides seniors with supervision and care in a structured setting during daytime hours usually only on weekdays. This enables seniors to continue living at home with their families while allowing family members or caregivers the time to go to work or relieve stress from caregiving. Activities such as art therapy, exercise class, hair and beauty services, oxygen therapy and counseling are usually provided as well as meals.

Adult day health care usually provides everything social care does but it also includes medical services similar to those found in a nursing home and can include rehabilitation services and medication management. This sounds like an ideal alternative to a nursing home, however, there are only a few hundred of these facilities per state compared to thousands of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Elderly At Highest Risk for Dental Problems

Two seniors holding hands on a park bench
Photo: Shopify Burst Free Images

A few decades ago, losing your teeth and getting dentures was the norm. Today, with better hygiene and fluoridated toothpaste and water, older people have more teeth to preserve than ever before. Unfortunately, most Americans that retire or leave the workforce find themselves losing their employer dental insurance. 

Medicare covers dental care except for specific conditions. Medicaid varies by state and usually only pays for limited procedures. More elderly patients are going longer without seeing a dentist, leaving many vulnerable for periodontal disease.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 20 percent of Americans over 65 have untreated cavities. Among Americans over 75, 25 percent have lost all their teeth. 

Dental care gets more complicated as one gets older. Older people produce less saliva, leaving teeth vulnerable to decay. Receding gums also expose teeth to more decay and bone loss makes teeth less stable. Over 500 medications taken by the elderly, such as those for asthma, allergies, blood pressure, cholesterol, Parkinson’s or Alzheimers, produce the side effect of dry mouth. Dry mouth leads to an increase of cavities, mouth sores, and infections.

The best way to protect your oral health as you age is to plan for your dental expenses before you retire. Organizations like AARP offer supplemental dental insurance plans for their members. Discount dental plans are another option and they usually have lower monthly fees than traditional dental insurance. The best way to prevent dental disease is with preventative care. Having your teeth checked and cleaned twice a year has been shown to lower costs in the long run, according to researchers at the University of Maryland Dental School.

If caring for a disabled or elderly loved one, it is important to help them keep their mouth clean and remind them to brush and floss daily, as well as making sure they get to a dentist regularly. Nursing home residents that need dental care and are enrolled in Medicaid have access to a regulation called Incurred Medical Expense, that can help pay for medically necessary care as determined by a dentist.

Lifestyle and diet changes are also important for the elderly when it comes to their oral health. For those suffering from dry mouth due to medication, drinking plenty of water and chewing sugarless gum can increase flow of saliva. Using an alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash won’t dry out the mouth and can also help. It is also important to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, which dry out the mouth.

Skinny Jeans are a Health Hazard, says Medical Experts

Are tight jeans a health risk?
Photo by marylooo – yayimages.com

The ubiquitous skinny jeans have been the legwear of choice among both men and women for years. However, it appears that the habit of wearing skin tight jeans can result in a host of health problems such as bladder weakness, twisted testicles, and urinary tract infections.

In this article, we will look at the recent studies that have criticized skinny jeans and deemed them a big health hazard. The fashionable denim may look appealing on a person as it accentuates the bulges and curves. But once you know about the health hazards of wearing jeans, you will think twice before wearing them.  

The Health Risks of Wearing Skinny Jeans

Most people admit that they wear jeans to look good sacrificing comfort for style. But now studies have warned that these clothes can cause serious damage to the muscles and nerves. According to a study published by TENA – a company that sells clothes designed to stay in control of urine leakage – one in 10 men surveyed had reported unpleasant effects of wearing tight jeans.   

The study found that wearing skinny jeans restricts the movement of the testicles. As a result, the spermatic cord that holds the testicles can twist leading to testicular torsion. This can cut off the blood supply to the region that may require immediate surgery – or even removal of the testicle.  

According to medical experts, people should leave adequate room around the groin area. The trousers should not feel tight or restrict movement of the testicles in any way.  

Apart from damaging the testicles in men, wearing skinny jeans might also be bad for the back. This statement was made by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA).  

Tim Hutchful, BCA chiropractor, most people don’t know that clothing and certain accessories can badly affect their posture and back health. Many people tend to decide their outfit choice based on fashion instead of comfort. However, popular and trendy clothing can have hidden impact on health.

Skinny jeans are known to restrict movement in areas such as knees and hips. The clothing prevents blood from flowing properly to these areas. As a result, the person may develop painful joint conditions.

In the End

It’s not the skinny jeans that increase the risks of painful health conditions. Any clothing or items such as heavy jewelry, oversized sleeves, large hoods, asymmetric hemlines, and others that restrict the movements in any way can have a negative impact on your back, neck, and posture. Large hoods make you strain the neck to clearly see ahead, while tight-fitting asymmetric hemlines restrict your movement.  

In order to avoid the health risks, individuals are advised to prefer comfort over style. Trying to look trendy and chic by wearing tight-fitting clothes can make you crippled in the long run. Sacrificing comfort just for the looks is not worth it in the end.  

The Benefits of Daily One-Mile Walks

Person Walking on RoadThe benefits of walking are similar to the apple – walking a mile a day can keep the doctor away! From reducing anxiety to helping you lower blood pressure and reduce weight, walking can help you in many ways.

Regular walks are, in fact, one of the easiest things that you can do for your health, according to the author of The Doctor on Demand Diet, Melina B. Jampolis, MD. Walking requires nothing more than a pair of tennis shoes or sneakers. However, the activity provides tremendous physical and mental health benefits.

A 2015 study by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress, followed 69 people between the ages of 30 and 60. The results were impressive. Those who participated in this study partook in daily walking or a similar exercise, as well as high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Researchers said that there were signs of anti-aging benefits and that could add an additional three to seven years to their lives.

Here are some of the benefits that you can enjoy by walking just a mile a day every day.

1. Strengthens the Heart

smiling heartWalking, especially brisk walking, is a great cardio exercise that strengthens the heart muscles. Probably the most prominent benefit of walking is the potential reduction of blood pressure and stroke, which may reduce the risk by 20% to 40%. According to the Stroke Association, just walking half an hour every day can control blood pressure, and reduce the risk of stroke by about 27 percent.

Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder found that post-menopausal women who walked just one to two miles a day lowered blood pressure by nearly 11 points. And at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, a study concluded that women who walked 30 minutes a day reduced their risk of stroke by 20 percent and by 40 percent when they increased their speed.

What’s more, this nominal exercise can help reduce the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol from the body. Stable levels of cholesterol in the body further reduce the risk of heart complications.

2. Burn Calories

Walking just a mile of 15 minutes at a speed of two miles per hour can help you burn around 37 calories. Increasing your speed to three miles per hour will help you cut about 50 calories in the same time, while at four miles per hour, you will burn 75 calories. While walking in itself is not enough to drastically reduce the weight, when performed in combination to other exercise routines, it can provide a significant contribution.   

3. Lowers Risk of Deadly Diseases

Regular walking also reduces the risk of diabetes by as much as 60 percent. The American Diabetes Association says walking lowers your blood sugar levels and your overall risk for the disease. Also, due to the activity of walking, you will be about 20 percent less likely to develop womb, breast or colon cancer. In addition, walking can help in reducing the risk of memory-related illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

4. Boost Vitamin D

We all need Vitamin D for an improved immune system and bone health. Daily walking helps you get this required vitamin from exposure to the sun. This will reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis or other diseases such as the flu that can develop due to a weak immune system.

5. You’ll Get More “regular”

There are benefits to your digestive system. Walking at regular intervals can greatly improve gastric mobility, says Tara Alaichamy, DPT, a physical therapist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Dr. Alaichamy states that “One of the very first things an abdominal surgery patient is required to do is to walk, because it utilizes core and abdominal muscles, encouraging movement in our GI system,”.

6. Makes You Happy

Happy People Walking in a Park

Walking is a true mood booster. Various studies have shown that the simple act of walking is as effective as antidepressant medications that are used to treat mild cases of depression. The activity releases the feel-good endorphins and reduces anxiety and stress. So, if you want to ensure a mental well being, consider making a one-mile walk your daily habit. 

In conclusion, walking will allow you to improve both your mental and physical health. It can add years to your life and improve your quality of life as well. Consider walking in the morning or during the afternoon an hour or two before the sunset or if you live in or near a city, make a day out of it and walk from one attraction to another. One family makes it a point almost every weekend to go to the city (New York in this case) and walk from the downtown area to midtown, as well as other locations in New York.

Going on a vacation? Don’t just sit at the beach. Take a long stroll along the boardwalk or walk a distance in the sand. Whatever it is you do, make sure you get that heart pumping! The more you walk, the more your body will thank you in the later part of your life.



Exercise May Help Reduce Risk of Several Cancers

Fit Brunette Woman Running on Treadmill with MusicWe all know how important exercise is to our health and new research just keeps returning with more proof of its significance.

ABC World News Tonight recently reported that “The National Cancer Institute confirms that moderate exercise, all the way up to intense exercise, lowers the risk of” cancer “in many forms.”

According to US News & World Report, investigators “analyzed data from participants in 12 US and European study groups who self-reported their physical activity between 1987 and 2004.” The researchers “looked at the incidence of 26 kinds of cancer occurring in the study follow-up period, which lasted 11 years on average.” The data indicated that “overall, a higher level of activity was tied to a 7 percent lower risk of developing any type of cancer.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated that “exercise is a powerful cancer-preventive.” Investigators found that “physical activity worked to drive down rates of a broad array of cancers even among smokers, former smokers, and the overweight and obese.”

So if you are exercising, keep it up. If you are not, please start. Two of the highly recommended are walking and swimming. Exercising is one of the most natural components towards a healthier lifestyle and a better life!

Better Nursing Environments Provide Better Value for Patients

Hospitals with a better nursing environment, judged by such factors as nurse-to-bed ratio and nurse mix, is associated with lower mortality with similar costs compared with hospitals that don’t have nursing environment recognition.

A study published in JAMA Surgery analyzed data from Medicare fee-for-service claims for elderly patients admitted for general surgery in Illinois, New York, and Texas. The purpose was to determine if selecting hospitals based solely on excellent nursing environments could identify hospitals with better outcomes and value.

Excellent nursing environments were defined by having both national peer-assessed recognition and above-average nurse staffing. As the recognition indicator was a voluntary accreditation program, the authors identified this as a limitation, but past studies have shown that hospitals in general with accreditation have better work environments than those without accreditation.

“While there is considerable evidence that a better nursing work environment is associated with better outcomes, the question of value has remained uncertain,” the authors wrote.

The researchers found that hospitals with a better nursing environment had a 4.8% 30-day mortality rate compared with 5.8% in the control hospitals. Patients in the highest risk quintile saw the greatest mortality benefit if they were treated in hospitals with better nursing environments.

Hospitals with better nursing environments also had dramatically lower rates of intensive care unit (ICU) use, according to the study. The authors attribute this to better nursing care on the floor, which acts as a substitute for ICU care and leads to a lower use of resources.

“While better outcomes and value may be owing to other features of hospitals with good nursing, excellent nursing environments appear to provide a strong signal to patients and referring physicians for better quality, lower cost, and higher value,” the authors concluded. “This is especially true for higher-risk patients, where the value of a better nursing environment appears to be greatest.”

Study: Viagra Pills Can Help Reduce Heart Risks

Viagra is an anti-erectile dysfunction medication that was developed by Pfizer and approved by the FDA in 1998. The drug works by enhancing increased blood flow towards the penile region resulting in an erection during sexual arousal.

Now a number of clinical studies published in reputable journals show that the little blue pill can also reduce the risk of heart diseases in healthy individuals.*

An article published in the BMC Medicine Journal had found that Viagra can prevent the thickening of the heart muscle and thereby reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Viagra contains the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate that is a phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE5i). It’s not surprising that the researchers had found that Viagra could reduce the risk of heart disease considering the fact that it was originally tested for angina pectoris – a heart disease – during the early clinical trials. However, the medication’s effectiveness in treating the disease was found to be modest.

The focus of the drug had shifted once patients had reported side effects of improved erections. Soon after, the drug was approved by the drug regulatory authorities for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

It is only now that the benefits of the pill in reducing the risk of a heart attack are being revealed by the clinical studies. Apart from that, some studies have found that the drug can also reduce the symptoms of urinary tract infection as well as pulmonary arterial hypertension.

The medical interest of the drug is thus growing in the field of urology and andrology for the treatment of bladder disorders, pulmonary hemodynamics, Raynaud’s disease, and also in its properties to protect the brain in case of an ischemic injury.

The studies conducted on animals have shown that Viagra prevents thickening of the heart muscles. The drug is said to provide antifibrotic and antihypertrophic ingredients that can protect the heart against different types of disorders.

A small number of studies have also shown that the Pfizer’s blue pill can also improve the cardiac performance and the geometry during the clinical conditions that include myocardial infarction, heart failure, and diabetic cardiomyopathy.

The results of the clinical studies show that Viagra has the potential to improve the quality of health of millions of people all over the world. The studies about the effects of the drug are ongoing and it is expected that more insightful information about the drug will be determined in the future.

It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before taking Viagra for treating heart or sexual disorders. The doctor can assess the health condition and prescribe the right dosage of the drug. Taking more than the recommended dosage is dangerous that can result in serious side effects.

* This article is for information purposes only and is based on a research study. It is not advice of any kind recommending to take Viagra or any anti-erectile dysfunction medication. Always consult with a medical professional before taking any medications.