Tonsillitis: What Does It Mean?

Throat CultureWe’ve all been told by our doctor to say ‘Ah’ one time or another so that he/she can determine if there are any abnormalities in your mouth or throat. Looking at your tonsils (if you still have them) is one of the factors that they will look at.

Tonsils (palatine tonsils) are a couple of soft tissues that are found at the rear of the throat, which is also called the pharynx. These lymph nodes are located on each side of the pharynx and are part of the lymphatic system, which serves the purpose of tackling infections that a person might contract.

Tonsils work as a defense mechanism. Although they fight infections, they are prone to infection as well. A condition where the tonsils are affected is called tonsillitis. It affects children in their infancy all the way through their late teens.

What Causes Tonsillitis

Tonsils diagramThese glandular structures are a shield against microbes. They filter these germs and also produce immune cells to combat these pathogens. However, there are agents they are unable to stifle as well. An instance where the tonsils are affected by an infection is known as tonsillitis. The advent of tonsillitis is inaugurated by bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth and nose.

In terms of the actual process, the protective blood cells, which are called macrophages, envelop the infected organisms and discharge enzymes which decimate these microbes. If the severity is greater, it can induce pain and exhibit swelling which includes fever and redness. The immune function of the tonsils subsides post-puberty, which explains why tonsillitis is a rare occurrence in adults.

Furthermore, since children are more active outdoors and can be reckless, they are frequently subjected to bacteria, (as any mother or school teacher will tell you) and this subsequently increases their chances of contracting diseases such as tonsillitis.

The primary reason for tonsillitis is a viral infection. The tonsils themselves or adjoining areas may be affected. Bacteria which causes the disease include Group A streptococcal bacteria, which is tantamount to a strep throat, and Haemophilus influenza and Neisseria.

Moreover, the viruses which incite tonsillitis are adenovirus and influenza. Causative ailments include rhinovirus i.e. common cold, parainfluenza virus, enteroviruses which bring about cause hands, foot and mouth disease, measles and Epstein-Barr virus, which induces glandular fever.

Additionally, tonsillitis can also be precipitated by an aberrant reaction of the immune system to routine bacteria that invades through the mouth and nose and into the throat. An individual who develops a fever, which may be accompanied by relentless pain in the throat, may have bacterial tonsillitis, which is also known as strep throat. Streptococcus pyogenes is an innocuous bacteria which exists in 15% of humans although they exhibit no symptoms of an illness whatsoever.

There are triggers however that can initiate symptoms in a person. The immune system may be exposed due to increased stress or exhaustion, which would allow toxins originating from the strep organisms to cause symptoms such as a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, which is a common ailment associated with tonsillitis.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis

There are several symptoms that can be attributed to this disease. Unfortunately, many of them fall under the garden variety of signs that manifest themselves in the lead up to a number of infections and ailments. For instance, feeling pain in the throat is a common precursor to several diseases.

Furthermore, the discomfort felt in the throat can be severe in nature. It can last for a few days and patients also experience difficulty in swallowing any solid or liquid. In rare cases, the ache may extend to the ears as well.

Another certain symptom of tonsillitis is that the throat appears more red than usual. An individual may not be able to tell the difference and this signal can only be deduced by a doctor upon consultation. This will also mean that the tonsils are inflamed, which is a dead giveaway for tonsillitis. Lastly, there may be white spots on the pair of tonsils.

Yet another symptom is that the patient will have a high temperature, which is tantamount to a debilitating fever. High temperature can mean anything essentially. Only a specialist will be able to tell if combined with other factors, whether the patient has tonsillitis or not. Headaches are a common gripe in tonsillitis patients and so is the loss of voice or discernible changes in their voice.

Additionally, individuals can have a sore throat due to any number of reasons. If it is through a viral infection that there will only be mild indicators which are linked to a common cold. If Coxsackie virus is the reason, then blisters may be found on the tonsils. This can be particularly difficult for the patient since these blisters are due to erupt at one point or another. The tonsils exhibit varying traits when the person is suffering from a streptococcal infection. They swell as the patient’s body temperature rises and they feel sick as a consequence.

Tonsillitis Treatments

A physical examination is required first and foremost. An instrument with lighting capability will be used to study the person’s throat and ears, which is how tonsillitis can be caught.

The doctors will also gently feel the neck for inflammation of the glandular muscles i.e. lymph nodes. Breathing patterns will also be assessed and if the spleen is larger than usual, then that will be analyzed as well.

This is generally followed by a throat swab. The doctor rubs a sterile swab on the rear of the throat to obtain a sample of the fluids that are secreted. This sample is then sent to the laboratory for tests. The results are effectively delivered in a few days time.

A complete blood cell count (CBC) may be required, depending on the case at hand. A meager sample of the patient’s blood is taken through an injection and the necessary trial is conducted in a lab or clinic as per protocol. The results give crystal clear indications of whether tonsillitis is apparent or not. A CBC is particularly useful when it comes to strep throat.

Finally, there are home remedies also which can be undertaken to alleviate tonsillitis. Patients are naturally encouraged to rest, which facilitates their rehabilitation. Excess intake of fluids, primarily water is mandatory as well. Food and beverages which do not aggravate the condition are also preferred.

Many adults have had their tonsils removed at an early age. If you are an adult and have not had your tonsils removed, why not speak to your doctor for advice? As far as children are concerned, it is best for the parents to consult with the child’s pediatrician on a regular basis about this procedure.

What is Bird Flu?


Bird Flu, also known as Avian Influenza, is a viral disease that affects birds, primarily those of the poultry variety.  Although birds are common plague carriers, the infection can extend to other animals and humans. The pathogen, also identified by the moniker H5N1, is a significant universal threat.


Although the earliest traces of bird flu can be traced back to the late 1950s, it wasn’t until 1997 that humans began contracting the antibody. A handful of people in Hong Kong were diagnosed with bird flu, six of whom died as a result.

Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses
Colorized transmission electron micrograph of Avian influenza. H5N1 viruses (seen in gold) grown in MDCK cells (seen in green) (Wikipedia)
In fact, according to the World Health Organization, bird flu killed nearly 60% of those infected with the virus. More prevalent in East and South Asia, the contagion even found its way to North America, where a person who had traveled from China to Canada was suffering from this virus.


Signs of how bird flu manifests itself vary from one individual to another. Typical indicators include conventional symptoms such as high fever, coughing, sore throat, running nose, and exhaustion respectively.

The aforementioned signals occur in mild cases. In circumstances that are more severe, these symptoms can develop into considerable breathing difficulties, pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).


The original outbreak of H5N1 in humans was linked to the handling of infected poultry. The epidemic is intrinsically connected to the genus Anseriformes, which is a family of wild waterfowl, such as ducks and geese.

Bird flu can travel to land-based birds found predominantly in domestic poultry farms. This is how humans come in contact with the deadly virus. Any physical contact with infected birds can disseminate the disease. However, surprisingly, the consumption of bird products like eggs, even if taken from infected birds, does not transmit bird flu. The same applies to meat as well.

For a more scientific explanation, the trains of the common influenza germ that have undergone an evolution can enter the avian cells. Influenza is broadly categorized into three types, namely A, B, and C, respectively. Bird flu is caused by the A type, comprised of eight RNA strands.

Moreover, two distinct proteins called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are located on the surface of the bacteria. The mainstream outbreak of bird flu, H5N1 owes its title to these proteins. The numbers actually indicate the number of each protein in the pathogen. Similarly, the bird flu eruption witnessed in 2013 was called H7N9, indicative of its protein quotient.

Bird flu is not the only influenza that affects animals. In fact, there are various kinds that impact animals. Likewise, take swine flu (SIV) for example, which is contracted from pigs and the like. A pathogen called Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or as it is widely known, Mad Cow Disease, also broke out in the late 90’s. Similar to bird flu, it was transmitted from cows to humans.

Furthermore, influenza viruses can spread easily since their mutation is quite rapid.

A concern for patients, doctors, and scientists is that mutations in the virus allow it to avert the body’s immune system, rendering old vaccinations futile in the process. Something similar occurred in 2011 when an existing cure was no longer sufficient in treating avian flu.


As mentioned, humans acquire bird flu when they contact infected birds or their excretions. This represents the highest risk of developing it. Unfortunately, the H5N1 pathogen is able to endure and can gestate for long periods of time. In fact, birds which are affected may secrete the virus in their salivation and feces for almost ten days. This means that any poultry that is prepared and dispatched to retailers and consumers is naturally at risk as well.

All in all, personnel who are running the greatest risk include poultry farmers of course. Beyond that, a person who travels from one destination to another may potentially incur the virus, too. Additionally, people exposed to blighted birds and those who undercook their meat or eggs can also develop bird flu. Last but not least, healthcare workers may also catch the disease from patients they are treating.


Given that the predominance of bird flu in humans is sporadic, researchers have not been able to conduct sufficient research to develop a cure. Dealing with an outbreak likely requires extensive and rigorous medical trials and tests before an antidote is available.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the ideal way to prevent bird flu is to avoid exposure to the carriers of this disease. For example, bird feces are not just limited to poultry farms. Many birds discharge their waste on roads, buildings, and vehicles. It is not entirely outlandish to presume that a person could come in direct physical contact with it.

Furthermore, governing bodies such as the CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) suggest that antiviral medications such as Tamiflu and Relenza can be taken if a patient shows signs of avian influenza. Countries such as the United States are even stockpiling vaccinations in case of another outbreak.

Discolored chicken legs
“Hemorrhaging of the skin and legs is just one of the signs birds might exhibit when infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus.” (Wikimedia)
As it stands now, there is no vaccine available for the H7N9 bird flu type. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) announced years ago that a vaccination to prohibit humans from developing bird flu was in development. It has since reached fruition and has been procured by the US government should the need for mass distribution arise in the future.


Although there is currently no cure for bird flu, you can take precautions to limit getting infected.

    • As a general rule, good health starts with washing your hands, so one should be vigilant when handling food as well.
    • Also, as a general rule, do not go to public places if you feel ill.
    • Avoid contact with dead birds, birds that are ill, and birds in the wild. Contact local authorities if you see dead or sick birds.

For updated information, visit our article Bird Flu – A Follow-Up.

The Urinary System: Description and Diseases

The human anatomy is a marvel of nature which consists of a skeleton made of bones and multiple organs, each designated with its own functions. Besides the various bones, joints and muscles, there are 11 main systems, each comprised of its own organs.

You may have read or heard about the nervous system (brain and spine), circulatory system (heart), respiratory system (lungs) and digestive system (stomach and intestines). Another system which evades much discussion is the urinary or excretory system. As depicted in the diagram above, it includes the kidneys, ureter, prostate, and bladder.


Also identified as the renal system or the urinary tract, the principal function of the structure is to dispose waste from the body and also to regulate the flow of blood. While the digestive system is responsible for the excretion of feces, the urinary system is in control of the urine discharge from the body.

Such is the mechanism of the human body that the urinary system works in tandem with the lungs and intestines to ensure that there is balance in the level of water and chemicals found in it. In fact, the average adult emits between 27 and 68 ounces of fluid. This is tantamount to 800 to 2000 milliliters per individual. This calculation is made under the assumption that they drink eight glasses of water daily. Furthermore, the urinary system also deals with the fluid which is lost to perspiration and respiration processes respectively.


The primary organ of the urinary system is the kidneys. A pair of bean-shaped organs, as shown above, they are located in proximity to the posterior wall of the abdomen. The left kidney can be found slightly higher than the right one since the liver on the right side is larger than that on the opposite side.

They are surrounded by a film of adipose which performs the dual functionality of supporting the kidneys and also safeguarding them from potential damage. Additionally, the kidneys carry out the filtration of metabolic waste, excessive ions and extraneous chemicals, all of which forms the urine.


The ureters are also evident in the given diagram. They are a pair of tubes which disseminate urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Once the kidney completes the refining process, the ureters come in to play and transport the urine on to the bladder.

In terms of length, ureters are almost a foot long and they run parallel to each other on either side of the vertebral column. The urine is carried smoothly through the muscle tissue in the walls. The ureters extend on to the point of entry of the bladder where they are sealed by the ureterovesical valves. These valves also ensure that urine does not travel backward to the kidney.

Urinary Bladder

Speaking of the bladder, it has a sac-shaped appearance and is imperative for maintaining proper storage of urine. You may have heard people speak about having an active bladder in jest. This signifies the central function of the bladder. For instance, the more water you drink, the more urine will end up in your bladder.

Located along the body’s pelvic region, urine enters the bladder from the ureters and gradually fills the capacity of the bladder. This stretches the walls of the organ slowly as well. At any given point in time, the urinary bladder can hold between 600 to 800 milliliters of urine.


A tube which allows the passage of urine from the bladder to an external destination is the urethra. When a male individual releases urine, it is the urethra which secretes the urine, thus completing the urinating process, which begins from the kidneys all the way to the urethra.

The female urethra is only two inches long whereas the male organ is eight inches in length and ends at the edge of their genitals. Additionally, for the male, the urethra also delivers the sperm out of the body, which makes it a part of the male reproductive system.

The actual circulation of urine through the urethra is governed by the internal and external urethral sphincter muscles. These muscles open when the bladder full to the brim. This movement creates the sensation of wanting to urinate. The external part of the sphincter is made of skeletal muscle which opens when urine passes through.


Urinary tract infection

There are several issues which affect the urinary system. For instance, urinary tract infection (UTI) transpires when bacteria finds its way into the urinary tract. This makes the urethra, bladder and the kidneys susceptible. Occurring more regularly in women, urinary tract infections are generally treated with the consumption of antibiotics. In the United States, approximately eight million people develop such an infection each year, according to the American Urological Association (AUA).

High PSA

For men, prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. This is normal and a standard measurement of PSA levels can determine if there may be an issue in the urinary system, such as prostate cancer, but a high PSA level can indicate many other conditions, some of which are not serious. A high PSA level might be considered even be considered normal for a particular individual. Only your urologist can make the appropriate determination.


A frequent disease of the urinary system is incontinence. This happens when individuals feel the need to urinate more often than usual. They may be required to urinate in the middle of the night which would result in the emptying of their bladder. This is courtesy of an enlarged prostate in the body and is common among our older population since the prostate tends to enlarge.

Interstitial cystitis

Also known as painful bladder system, it is a chronic condition which usually affects women. They experience considerable agony in their bladder, which is often accompanied by pelvic pain as well. If the case is severe, it can cause the bladder to develop scarring, which makes it less elastic as a consequence.

Kidney stones

The kidney is where the entire process begins and it is also prone to diseases, the most common of which are kidney stones. These are deposits of calcium oxalate which germinate in the urinary tract. When chemicals found in the urine are concentrated enough, they turn from liquid to solid form. These are called kidney stones. They cause excessive pain in the back and sides of the body. Blood may also appear sporadically in the urine. To treat the stone, patients may undergo minor therapy which disintegrates the stone with shockwaves or as the case with many patients, they will urinate them out.

Kidney failure

The final disease we will discuss is an extreme condition. Kidney failure or renal failure can be a temporary condition or become a permanent state of affairs. In case of the latter, the kidneys are unable to perform the filtration process. These may be caused by experiencing trauma or hypertension. Kidney failure requires the patient to undergo elaborate dialysis treatment and in the worst case scenario, a kidney transplant.

If you think you may have urinary problems, speak to your urologist or medical professional with equivalent expertise in this area. Don’t wait. Although the issue may not be serious, you will not know until you are diagnosed properly.

Health Benefits of Hot Water


Cup of Tea
Photo by eskaylim –

Do you like your coffee hot? There may be more benefits to drinking hot beverages than you might be aware of! Aside from air, water is the most abundant element on planet earth. Every living entity on the face of this earth can’t survive without H2O (yes, even camels). For humans, drinking plenty of water is no doubt healthy, for many different reasons.

However, the debate over human water intake is not ending with the amount of daily water consumed, but also its temperature. For some years, there have been discussions by researchers on the benefits of drinking hot beverages. So, in this article, we will focus on the possible health benefits of drinking some H2O in the less than cooler side.

Before we move ahead, however, let’s discuss the ideal temperature and daily intake of hot water.

Recommended Temperatures and Daily Intake

Don’t get carried away by the term ‘hot’ and start drinking water at such high temperature that it burns your taste buds. The temperature of drinkable hot water should be in between 120 to 140 Fahrenheit. Water with temperature exceeding 160 Fahrenheit is dangerous for human ingestion, so keep in mind these readings if you are going to adopt the habit of drinking your liquids hot.

Regarding the amount of daily intake, it depends on every individual as to how to get the benefits of drinking hot water. Some people drink hot water as the very first thing in the morning.

Others have it periodically consumed throughout the day and few imbibe it before going to bed. You can even have your entire daily water intake with recommended warmer temperatures.

However, you only have to take care of one thing i.e. don’t exceed your healthy daily water intake. Adjust the consumption of hot water in your overall daily intake, instead of going extra.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water Aids Digestive System

Bowel movement is a major concern for a large chunk of the adult population, especially seniors. This problem can be addressed with a natural remedy of drinking more water, preferably hot. The small intestine absorbs the moisture content of solid food particles to fulfill the hydration needs of the body.

However, this homeostatic reaction results in difficult bowel movements leading to chronic constipation. Increased consumption of hot water prevents this dehydration of solid food particles in the small intestine.

Moreover, hot water is more beneficial than regular or cold water in breaking down food particles in the digestive system.

So, consumption of hot water over a long period of time can result in a healthy digestive system with agile digestion and swift bowel movement*. Speak to your family physician to get a precise accounting of how much hot water is good for you.

Detoxification and Improved Circulation

Hot water can instigate certain reactions, which leads to detoxification and better blood circulation. Both these phenomena are associated with healthy beings. The ingestion of hot water actually increases the temperature of the body for a brief moment. The resulting sweating and dilation of pores at this increased body temperature help in extracting toxins out of the body.
With a daily habit of drinking hot water, you can actually set a detoxification routine for your body. A detoxified body means good hair, clear skin, and healthy organs.

Even though it’s inconclusive, hot water momentarily does vasodilation i.e. a physiological reaction where blood vessels get dilated to improve blood circulation. Better circulation helps in relieving the muscle stress which aids in getting rid of chronic pain.

A catalyst for Weight Loss

It has been an established fact for a long time that increased daily intake of water helps in shedding some pounds. There are two factors which make increased water consumption a weight losing activity.

Increased feeling of satiation:

With more consumption of water, a person can kill his/her untimely appetites and cravings to reduce excess calorie intake.

Revved Up Metabolism: Increased water intake also helps in the process of thermogenesis within the body.

Moreover, a research study shows that replacing cold or regular drinking water with hot water can increase the metabolic activity by 40 percent for good 40-50 minutes. A revved up metabolism activity helps in efficient burning of calories which ultimately helps in reducing the weight.

Pouring Tea into a Cup

Helps in Improving the Condition of Sinuses and Cold

Have you ever had a cold and drank some hot tea and felt a bit relieved? Regular consumption of hot water can help with better movement of mucus and congested sinuses. This healthy routine will ultimately help you in alleviating the symptoms of seasonal cold and flu. People with chronic sinus issues might also experience improvement in their aggravated condition*.

Might Help in Reducing the Consumption of Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee and tea are the two most popular global caffeinated drinks. They have also been studied for different health benefits. Nonetheless, the research only shows benefits with moderate consumption, but some people use them excessively which can incur the negative effects.

Risks or Side Effects of Drinking Hot Water

We have covered that drinking water that is too hot can have several repercussions. We are mentioning these side effects here so that one should carefully maintain the aforementioned levels of temperatures for healthy warm water.

Oral Scalding

In early days of enthusiasm, many people went overboard and drank hot water without caring much about its temperature. This reckless activity can lead to oral scalding and can affect your dietary routine for many days.

Injury to Inner Lining of the Digestive Tract

Consumption of hot water over a long period of time with temperatures exceeding healthy levels can damage the lining of the digestive tract. A damaged lining can lead to the onset of ulcer and other digestive complications.

So make sure that you are drinking warm water instead of boiling hot water. Don’t consider consumption of hot water as a medicinal remedy. However, if you are suffering from any serious medical condition, then don’t start drinking hot water without consulting your physician first to avoid any of its counterproductive effects.

*Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!

A Short Guide for the Use of Antibiotics

Open bottle of pils
Photo by

Antibiotics, the ‘cure all drug’. Or is it? Today it is a household name. Everybody is aware of this class of drug and we all have used them at some point in time. Even a vigorous, healthy individual can’t claim that he or she hasn’t taken an antibiotic sometime in their lives. But what do you really know about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are necessary but their excessive and non-recommended use can be harmful. In this article, we will discuss the different aspects associated with the use of this wonder drug. Let’s start with a simple and precise definition of the term antibiotic.

What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotic is a generic term used for a wide variety of antibacterial medications, although Amoxicillian is probably the most widely known. These drugs are prescribed and used to treat the symptoms of diseases that occur due to bacterial infections, but they remain ineffective against diseases initiated by viruses.

What is the difference between bacterial and viral infections?

Both are living organisms, called microbes and both can cause diseases, although viruses are more known to do so. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and cannot live without attaching to a host (human, animal, insect, etc.).

With that said, the most important distinction between the two is that antibiotics will not be effective against viruses; henceforth, other means of medical attention is necessary if you have a viral infection. Your physician will make the final decision as to what you are infected with and most likely, it will be after a blood or urine test. You can learn more about the distinction between viruses and bacteria here.

Overuse and Antibiotic Resistance

Even in our healthy state of being, we get attacked by bacteria all the time. This detrimental bacterial activity is taken care of by the white cells of the immune system. But in some cases, the bacteria can expand to an extent where the immune system has difficulty fighting alone. In such cases, antibiotics can assist the body’s natural defense mechanisms to fight these bacterial invaders. But how much antibiotic medicine should you take?

As one wise man once said, “Too much of anything is not good for you”. And subsequently, even excessive use of these beneficial products is not considered healthy.

Over the years, antibiotics have been used extensively for even minor bacterial infections. People have become self-experts in the use of these drugs. Some stores sell antibiotic medicines without prescriptions. Even physicians dash out antibiotic prescriptions without much consideration. Consequently, this high usage has resulted in some bacteria becoming more resistant.  

A report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is very eye-opening in connection with the overuse of antibiotics. According to the report, in 2015 alone, around 270 million prescriptions were doled out from different outpatient establishments.  Among this number of prescriptions, 30% were unnecessary. That means around 80 to 90 million prescriptions shouldn’t have been dispensed.  

Downsides of Antibiotic Resistance

pills in human hand
How Much is Too Much?

All this unneeded use of antibiotics leads to the development of increased bacterial resistance. Antibiotic resistance is not a good thing and can culminate into many problems:

  • With increased antibiotic resistance in the body, many prescribed medicines fail to work against a disease
  • Disease can prolong in the presence of antibiotic resistance because bacteria are stronger than ever

Both of the above-mentioned complications result in more visits to a physician. Through all of this, you have to continually suffer from the effects of the disease and have to spend more on your healthcare treatments.  

Side Effects of Using Antibiotics

Aside from the major issuer of bacterial resistance, excessive use of antibiotics is also bad for many of its side effects. A constant feeling of sickness, disruption of the digestive system and fungal infections are some common side effects associated with its use.  

In rare cases, blood clot irregularities, stone formation and increased skin sensitivity also occur as the side effects of administering too much of this drug continues.

Antibiotics can also provoke allergic reactions in individuals with some peculiar health conditions. These reactions are demonstrated by swellings, difficult breathing and rashes. Patients with reduced renal and liver activity often experience allergies with the use of antibiotics. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can also make expectant mothers more vulnerable to such allergies.

Sensible Use of Antibiotics

Antibiotics were invented with the intention of curing diseases. Although for these drugs, in general, a couple of pointers can be stated here (but consult your physician if you are unsure):

  • Complete the entire course of antibiotics administration as prescribed by your physician. Leaving it in the middle as the symptoms disappear is not a good habit because it can make the remaining bacteria resistant to the drug which can lead to the relapse of the condition.
  • Follow the exact instructions of consuming antibiotics. Some have to be ingested after meals while others have to be administered with an empty stomach.  

Regardless of the possible side effects of antibiotics, they are still the top choice in fighting bacterial infections and diseases and complying with the instructions is important to increase the effectiveness.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle where a strong immune system can naturally take care of most of the bacterial invasions. When it comes to antibiotics, the main idea is to avoid them if you can by keeping yourself healthy. This, in turn, will help to reduce the risk of building drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

Start with washing your hands frequently.  As per the CDC, “Reducing the number of these infections by washing hands frequently helps prevent the overuse of antibiotics”.  But don’t just stop there. Have you walked your 10,000 steps today? If not, what are you waiting for?  Exercise can play a major role in keeping yourself healthy.  Additionally, look into taking the vitamins that help build a strong immune system and don’t forget to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is well known for helping to maintain a healthy immune system.

Most importantly, if you do have to take antibiotics, make sure you have consulted with your doctor first and follow all instructions.

Some Unfiltered Facts About Raw Water

Overview: What is Raw Water?
Raw water is a commodity not treated like bottled or tap water and comes directly from rivers, streams, and lakes of fresh water.  According to its advocates, it contains all the minerals and micronutrients removed in the treatment process of domestic water supplies. In so doing, it is claimed that raw water has no contamination and extra chemicals are added from the treatment of public water supplies.

Raw Water: A Lucrative Industry

Within a very short time period, the supply of raw water has transformed into a lucrative industry. 2.5 gallons of untreated spring water is available for around $37 and comes along with fancy packaging. The affluent strata of big urban cities are the major consumers of this new booming industry, which is selling this essential commodity at such inflated rates.  

Fulfilling the Idea of Independent Living?
The trend of consuming raw water is also gaining traction because it demonstrates the illusion of independent living without relying on the ‘system.’ The trend is very similar to the idea of going ‘off the grid’ where households generate all the energy they need on their own.

Alleged Benefits of Raw Water

There are some supposed benefits of raw water, which are extensively marketed. Since raw water doesn’t pass through the municipal pipelines, it’s free of any lead contaminants. Raw water is also being sold with a USP that contains only those nutrients that nature supplies in the form consumed by our forefathers.  Chlorine and fluoride are used to treat the water supply, while raw water is entirely free.

Benefits and Harming Effects of Raw Water

A strong refutation of the benefits of raw water has come from different quarters, terming it as a product of pseudoscience with no significant research to make a solid conclusion. For instance, water supply lines are now properly sealed, and no lead content seeps into the supply. Insignificant amounts of fluoride in the water don’t have any detrimental effects on the human body, and fluoride-treated water helps in the prevention of tooth decay.  

Experts are also highlighting some other harmful aspects of the consumption of raw water. Let’s look into some of them.

No Natural Source of Fresh Water is Free of Contaminants

According to the Director of waterborne disease prevention of the CDC, even the purest spring in the country can’t be free of contaminants. Moreover, not all natural ingredients are always beneficial for human consumption.  

Therefore, no natural water source can be directly supplied to the households without rigorous testing and quality assurance. There is a reason why the Environmental Protection Agency imposes a stringent quality guideline for domestic water supply.  

Moreover, there is a chance that groundwater might be exposed to the poisonous elements of radon and arsenic, which are present naturally in soil and rock formations in many geographical places. Raw water can look crystal clear to the naked eye, but one can’t be sure if it’s free of viruses and bacteria before lab tests.

What’s the Need?

Aerial view of modern water cleaning facility
Water Cleaning Facility

According to a report from the CDC, the domestic water supply in the US is the safest in the world. Three basic steps of water treatment are employed for public water supplies across the United States:

    • Sedimentation: A procedure through which heavy particles of dirt and soil are filtered
    • Filtration: Removal of every harmful microparticle
    • Disinfection: Killing of waterborne bacteria through chlorine and other chemical treatments

Apart from these treatment steps, local municipalities employ their measures of making domestic water healthy to drink. So, what’s the point of spending large sums of money on a potentially harmful commodity when you can get the safest type from your tap?   

One man who lived a healthy 100 years in New York City had this to say about the municipality’s water “There is nothing cleaner than New York City water”.  Well, when you hear words spoken by a true centenarian, maybe, just maybe, we should take heed of his comment!  

Sleep Apnea and Its Consequences

Have you been feeling tired at work, losing concentration or having memory issues? These are signs that you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Although these symptoms could also be the result of a variety of ailments, we should not rule out this sleeping disorder.

If you get an hour or two less sleep than your normal routine, then you may be spending the rest of the day in a bad mood with an exhausted body. Consequently, fatigue affects your work performance and interaction with others and clouds your thought processes, not to mention that your driving ability can become severely impaired. Bottom line: Sleep disorders can be detrimental to your health.

One experience’s these negative effects whenever he or she is subject to a reduction in the quality or quantity of their sleep.  The specific amount of mental and physical issues that a person will be affected with would be the result of the amount of lost sleep, diet, lifestyle and the individual’s own metabolism.

We all experience loss of sleep at one time or another; whether due to staying up late to study for final exams, going out until the wee hours of the morning or an anxiety-prone issue that keeps you awake at night. But there are also medical disorders that can keep us awake. Sleep apnea is one of them. It is the result of a disrupted breathing pattern while you are asleep. This pause in breathing is called apnea. On average, affected individuals experience around 30 apneas within an hour and most of us will not even be aware that we have it until we see a medical professional who needs to conduct specific apnea tests to confirm this is what we have.

Student falling asleep by computer
Are you sleeping during the day because you are staying up late cramming for finals or is it something else? If you think it is something else, you might want to get checked out by a physician.

As per a report from the American Sleep Apnea Association, there are more than 22 million US citizens suffering from this illness. Among these cases, 80% of them go unnoticed.

Physicians and researchers classify sleep apnea into two categories.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when the air passage within the respiratory system gets blocked. There are several reasons which result in a partial or full blockade of the airway:

    • Expanded and relaxed muscles of the tongue and throat
    • Enlarged tonsils as compared to the windpipe
    • Obesity is the other reason which blocks the air to lungs because being overweight constricts the inner diameter of the windpipe

A blocked air passage means the lungs are not able to oxygenate the blood. This anomaly activates a homeostatic response of the body which directs the brain to stir up the affected person from sleep in order to resurrect the air passage.

However, this awakening is very instantaneous and short. One doesn’t remember it in the morning. The resumption of breath is usually highlighted with a choking sound or a snort.

Central Sleep Apnea

This is a rare type of sleep apnea where the nervous system fails to communicate with the muscles responsible for breathing. Central sleep apnea can develop as a side effect of other health complications such as cardiovascular diseases, brain stem damage, and Parkinson’s disease.

Very few patients suffer from both of these simultaneously. This rare condition is called mixed sleep apnea.

Signs of Sleep Apnea

During Sleeping Hours

There is a widespread misunderstanding that snoring is the main sign of sleep apnea. However, this is not the case. Snoring can be the result of other issues, but sleep apnea should not be ruled out, especially if other symptoms materialize such as those listed below. Moreover, gasping and choking are also signs of sleep apnea. Frequently waking up during the night to urinate might be another sign of this sleep disorder; although this could be the result of other conditions, such as an enlarged prostate.

Post-Sleeping Hours

Businesswoman feeling fatigued. Getting tired at work or during the day could be the result of sleep apnea.

There are some other symptoms of sleep apnea that can be experienced throughout the day.

    • Fatigue
    • Severe headaches in the morning
    • Failing to concentrate on any given task
    • Feeling a sore throat and dry mouth after waking up

People who suffer from central sleep apnea suddenly wake up from sleep, feeling shortness of breath.

Many times sleep apnea goes undiagnosed because its symptoms appear at a time when it’s difficult to notice them.

Professional diagnosis of the problem is possible through a lab and home-based tests. If you are frequently encountering any of the aforementioned symptoms, then consult with a physician for better guidance.

Treatment is Available*

Woman Sleeping
If you are suffering from moderate levels of sleep apnea then you may be able to manage it by making some lifestyle changes or improvements to your lifestyle. Let’s find out the self-help measures you can take to get reduce these interruptions of your sleep. *

    • Maintaining a healthy BMI index is important for many reasons and protecting yourself from sleep apnea is one of them.
    • Eating healthy food containing only good fats and carbs, lean proteins and regular physical activity prevents obesity to kick in.
    • Smoking affects the muscles responsible for breathing. By reducing and quitting this habit, one can experience a decrement in the severity of sleep apnea.
    • Sleeping on the side instead of the back also helps in preventing obstructive sleep apnea.
CPAP Device
CPAP Device (Looks a lot scarier than it really is)

For severe cases of this disorder, a device is usually recommended by physicians called continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). It pushes air through the nose and/or mouth via nose plugs or a mask, opening up the airflow to the lungs during sleep. There are other devices that can be used, but they are not for everyone. Medical technology is constantly changing and we recommend to Google sleep apnea devices (or equivalent search terms) to find out the latest state-of-the-art devices that can be used for helping you with sleep apnea.

*Note: The advice contained within this article is suggestive and is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this article should not be followed without the prior consultation of a medical professional!






Leaky Gut Syndrome – What is It?

Man with stomach issue
Photo by –

Leaky Gut Syndrome is an unproven condition that advocates say can result in rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, migraines, multiple sclerosis and autism. Even though there are no official statistics available on the prevalence of leaky gut syndrome among the US population, there are some physicians and healthcare specialists who suggest around 80% of the population is suffering from this condition to some extent.

One study reports that two-thirds of the human immune system is represented by the gastrointestinal tract and the associated lymphoid tissues, which means a healthy stomach and associated organs are necessary for an optimally working immune system.

What Leaky Gut actually is?

The gastrointestinal tract inherently has a high permeability to allow the absorbance of healthy molecules of vital nutrients into the bloodstream.  This activity plays an important role in maintaining the well-being of humans and animals. Cells covering the intestinal wall need to remain permeability so that a person can get all the healthy constituents of ingested food.

Things can go wrong when the cells in this area start to produce a regulatory protein called zonulin by the reaction of gluten. Zonulin affects the permeability of the digestive tract by cutting up tight junctions of the intestinal lining.

When junctions in the wall of the digestive tract get loose, you actually get a leaky gastrointestinal tract,  which allows even unhealthy and toxic substances, bacteria and undigested food particles to escape into the bloodstream and subsequently, travel throughout the body.

White blood cells mark all these leaked molecules and substances as foreign bodies and prompt an immune response. Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome are basically the consequences of those immune system reactions.

Why One Gets Leaky Gut Syndrome?

As mentioned earlier, gluten is the leading cause of the leaky gut syndrome. Most people face complications due to the excessive consumption of gluten-rich foods. The use of refined sugar and alcoholism also leads to this condition.

Other than excessive gluten consumption and consequent zonulin reaction, overgrowth of intestinal parasites, fungus and bacteria also lose the junction of the gastrointestinal tract. This abnormal production of microorganisms in the gut is prompted by toxins coming from different substances.

Antibiotics, steroids, other medications and environmental pollutants such as pesticides, mercury, arsenic, etc., are also responsible for the growth of these dangerous microorganisms. Aging and higher levels of stress also catalyze the problem in the stomach and associated organs.

Identifying Leaky Gut

The majority of the population suffering from the problem of leaky guts are not even aware that they are facing a digestive health issue. Therefore it is necessary to know the signs and symptoms of a leaky gut syndrome so you can have it addressed in time.

  • Gas, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies and bloating are the most common symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome.
  • Due to increased activity of the immune system, people suffering from leaky syndrome might acquire more seasonal allergies.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the form of premenstrual syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome also affects women having the leaky gut syndrome.
  • Leaky gut also leads to the development of autoimmune diseases.
  • Mood disorder and mental ailments such as anxiety, depression and hyperactivity can also be the unwanted consequences of leaky gut syndrome.

Dealing With Leaky Gut

After the diagnosis of leaky gut, one must try to address the problem with the help of healthy healing diets and other supplements. The goal of doing this is to reinstate the gut junctions of the intestinal wall into their original shape and to restore the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut.

Raw Dairy Products

Raw cheese, unprocessed milk and yogurt contain healthy bacteria and short-chain fatty acids which help in restoring the original shape of the gut lining.

Bone Broth

To repair the damaged cell wall of the digestive tract, consuming bone broth is considered beneficial because it contains amino acids and collagen essential for the repair works of the gut.

Fermented Vegetables

Fermented soybeans, cabbage and a variety of pickles are also helpful in treating irritable bowel syndrome. They help in maintaining the acidic environment of the gut at healthy levels, which facilitates the growth of probiotics.


Supplements in the form of digestive enzymes and probiotics also help in the speedy recovery, but it is advisable to consult your physician before administering any of these supplements.

To prevent the onset of leaky gut syndrome, a healthy diet and healthy environmental conditions are the key. It is also important to note leaky gut syndrome doesn’t only affect the digestive system, a whole lot of health complications can be acquired from it.

Energy Drinks – Are They Good for You?

A wise man once said “Too much of anything is not good for you!” and energy drinks are a prime example of this, as they are loaded with an abundance of sugar and caffeine.  According to some reports, although rare, these caffeine-high drinks can even cause death, so if you are looking to lose weight and/or have cardiac issues, stay away! For the others, read on.

Energy drinks have become the current trend for young adults. Several statistical reports and surveys suggest that a significant amount of our young population consumes these drinks on a regular basis. According to one survey, roughly 20 percent of the adult US population, aged below 40 consumes energy drinks on a daily basis.

In 2016, energy drinks worth $2.8 billion were sold, five percent more than the previous year. These figures clearly show the growing popularity of these beverages which are also sold as shots, sport drinks and energy mixes. This trend is based can be dangerous for some individuals, as it is not indicative of a healthy lifestyle, although many manufacturers of energy drinks would tend to differ. Here, we will discuss the detrimental effects that these ‘energy boosting’ beverages can have on your body.

Composition of Energy Drinks

Most of the energy drinks marketed (about 500 different brands) are sold  have some common ingredients. As per one database, these five common ingredients are found in almost every energy drink brand:

  • Caffeine
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B12
  • Taurine

Sugar and other permissible psychoactive substances are also used in the making of energy drinks. All of the energy drinks ingredients are not prohibited by the FDA, but collectively, they can become dangerous when consumed regularly.

Common Reason Given to Consume Energy Drinks

In their ads, brands boast about the energy-boosting ability of their drinks. The regular consumers of these beverages also mention some similar reasons to drink them.

  • It helps in staying awake longer.
  • Some people think energy drinks enhance their cognitive performance and improve their mental abilities.
  • Some energy drink aficionados are of the belief that their concentration spans stretched by consuming these beverages.
  • Peer pressure also plays important role in directing more people towards this unhealthy habit. When four out of five friends are drinking the same drink, it becomes difficult for the remaining one to keep his or her hands off it.
  • Many people also consume these drinks to survive tight schedules (e.g. cramming for a college final) in this competitive environment of our time.

Reasons to Stop Consuming Energy Drinks

Various substantial reasons can be given to the unhealthy consumption of energy drinks.

Sugar and More Sugar

Sugar on SpoonA regular 8.4 Oz can of an energy drink contains approximately about 12 teaspoons of sugar per can. Now that is a lot of sugar! Not only that, this sugar is highly processed and leads the body to store more adipose tissues.

Some energy drinks contain artificial or fake sugar known to have no caloric value and this fake sugar can increase the appetite of an individual. Regular consumers of energy drinks say that they feel hungrier more often, which leads to eating food more often, which then leads to weight gain.

Caffeine Booster – Maybe Too Much?

Chart of man and caffeine side effects
Some of these drinks contain well over the 400mg of caffeine that is considered the safe limit for most adults to consume. According to this chart, some of these are sky-high in caffeine, while others come close to the 400mg limit or near it.

People with heart disease and even those who don’t have heart problems should be careful, as drinking anything in the 400mg level of caffeine or above can cause arrhythmia problems or worse.

Detrimental to Dental Health

It has been found that energy drinks have adverse effects on dental health. Besides sugar, there are other ingredients in energy drinks that increase its acidic content to exceedingly high levels, which is dangerous for the teeth enamel. Damaged teeth enamel can lead to a number of oral health complications.

Not a Good Tradeoff

Energy drinks are known to give an adrenaline rush for a couple of hours. It might help people with a slight increment in cognitive ability but this temporary uplift can result in increased levels of anxiety that could culminate in panic attacks. So, having a momentary brain boost is not a good exchange to make.

Disrupts Your Sleep Cycle

Did you know that lack of sleep can be as dangerous as driving drunk? By staying awake for long hours from energy drinks, you can definitely fall into this category. Bad sleep patterns and insufficient sleep hours will counterbalance all the supposed positive impacts of energy drinks on your mental health.

An overabundance of Vitamins and Minerals is Not Always Healthy

There is a reason vitamin and minerals are called micronutrients. For healthy functioning, the body needs them in very small amounts. So all the excess vitamin energy drinks that brands brag about are counterproductive for the body. For instance, an excess of Vitamin B complex, a part of nearly every energy drink can cause nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, numbness and hypertension. Several skin allergies can also be acquired with an excess consumption of vitamins.

If you want a wakeful mind, improved cognition, and feel well, adopt a lifestyle underlined with healthy eating habits, meditation, and physical exercise instead of utilizing energy drinks as your major form of brain food.

An Overview of Liver Transplantation

Anatomy_of_liver_and_gall_bladderLiver transplantation is a life-saving treatment that is part of the standard healthcare practices to treat many end-stage liver diseases. It is the surgical process of removing the malfunctioning liver and replacing it with a healthy liver from a deceased or living donor.

In case of regular liver infections and diseases, the liver can heal itself with a unique process of regeneration.

What is liver regeneration?

Liver regeneration is a complex process of liver homeostasis which activates when part of the  liver is surgically removed or chemically damaged. Studies have proven that 25% of the original liver volume can regenerate itself.

Liver regeneration starts with cell proliferation, which begins with the replication of hepatocytes (the main cells of the liver). The proliferation then completes with the replication of endothelial and epithelial cells.

Conditions when liver transplantation becomes necessary

Human beings are gifted with this innate ability of the liver to regenerate. However, there are instances where the liver is damaged beyond its capacity to self-heal. When this happens, you need help through medical means which provide you the option of a liver transplant.

The disability of liver cells to function normally, the loss of liver cells and the scarring of liver is referred to as cirrhosis. When a significant part of liver is affected by cirrhosis, then there are no other viable options other than going for a liver transplant.  

There are several medical conditions that can lead to dangerous levels of cirrhosis.

Hepatitis B

When hepatitis B becomes chronic and can’t be treated with conventional treatments, patients are recommended liver transplants.

Substance abuse of alcohol

Long term and excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. The disease jaundice is one of these can can be attributed to a defective liver. In addition, overdose of certain pain medications that contain acetaminophen can be damaging to the liver.

Autoimmune hepatitis

Unlike other classes of hepatitis which are caused by different viruses, autoimmune hepatitis is the condition in which a person’s immune system mistakes its own liver cells as harmful foreign invaders. Autoimmune hepatitis is chronic in nature and can lead to liver failure and cirrhosis.

Liver cancer

Liver cancer is mostly diagnosed in old people. In its advances stages, it can only be treated with a liver transplant.

Acute liver failure

Overdose of certain drugs can lead to sudden liver failure. Liver transplant is recommended in fast-acting acute liver failure.

Types of Liver Transplant

There are different types of liver transplants that are offered to a person fighting of dangerous liver diseases.

Orthotopic transplant

An orthotopic transplant is the most common type of liver transplant surgery in which the person undergoing surgery gets the replacement of the whole liver organ from a deceased donor. Orthotopic transplants are done with the help of people who pledge to donate their healthy organs prior to their death.

Living donor transplant

There has always been a big difference between the number of deceased donors and the people who await liver transplantation and it is nearly impossible to facilitate every patient with orthotopic transplant.

With technical advancements in surgical procedure, it has become now feasible to transplant a part of liver in the person which is donated by a willing liver donor.

The success of living donor transplant is based on the concept of liver regeneration. If body does not reject the transplant, then the transplanted part of the liver can regenerate itself to the original size within week or two and the donor’s removed portion of the liver also grows back to its actual size.

Since this type of transplant is complex in nature, there are certain criteria that need to be met.

    • The donor must be in between 18-60 years of age, with good mental and physical health
    • The donor must have a BMI of less than 35
    • The donor and recipient must have a compatible blood type
    • The donor must be free from significant organ diseases and transmissible diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis
    • The donor must not be an active substance abuser

Prevention of liver diseases

It is an old cliché, but there is no doubt that prevention is better than cure. Therefore make sure that your liver remains healthy by keeping in mind the following guidelines.

    • Keep your consumption of alcohol low or moderate
    • Get regular vaccinations for hepatitis if you are more susceptible to the hepatitis virus
    • Take medications cautiously – don’t mix medications with alcohol and non prescribed supplements
    • Practice safe sex
    • Obesity is the major reason behind non alcoholic fatty liver disease, so adopt healthy eating habits

Remember that a liver transplant is the last resort to treat a faulty liver and it is better that you make a conscious effort to maintain a healthy liver first. A standard lifestyle should be sufficient in maintaining a healthy liver. Doing things like heavy drinking or overdosing on OTC or prescription drugs are some of the causes that would cause your liver to acquire a disease.

Most importantly, nothing beats getting regular check ups with your doctor! You get your car maintained. Make sure you do it with your body as well!