Seven Simple Ways to Boost Energy

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As life gets busy, most people regularly feel tired and drained. Fatigue is a very common condition. People often associate low energy levels with stress, pressure at work or college, or pressure at home. However, many factors affect your energy levels.

If you constantly feel drained and lethargic, you don’t need to gulp down energy drinks. You simply need to make a few lifestyle changes. Below are some simple ways to boost your energy levels:

Get Enough Sleep 

Woman sleeping with blindfold

According to research, 50-70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep is a natural process to restore energy. It is the time during which the body repairs from the wear and tear of daily life. It is also during sleep when the brain processes information and rewires itself. Lack of sleep can make you feel lethargic and tired in the short term. But persistent lack of sleep can have serious consequences in the long run. 

An average person should get between 6-8 hours of sleep. Individual needs may vary and some people need more sleep than others. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, you can try winding up your day in a relaxing way. Try to avoid the use of cell phones, televisions, and laptops in your bedroom. A warm bath, a good read, and a comfortable room temperature will all help you fall asleep easily and more peacefully. 

Eat a Healthy Diet 

Image of fruits and vegetables

You are what you eat. Your diet is one of the biggest influences on how you look and feel. If you have low energy levels, have a look at your diet. A healthy diet is all about having a balanced intake of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. You also need to incorporate dairy products. Relying too much on a certain food group can have negative effects on your energy levels.  

Consuming a balanced diet is important, but you also need to make sure that you do not skip meals. Most people skip breakfast while they are running late for work. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast helps maintain energy levels throughout the day. Another important consideration is adding nutritional snacks in between meals. A handful of nuts, granola, or yogurt will give you an energy boost while you are waiting for the next meal.  

Move More 

Fit Brunette Woman Running on Treadmill with Music

We are all aware of the benefits of exercise. It helps us maintain body weight, improve muscle strength and flexibility, and reduces the risk of various diseases and exercise is one of the best ways to boost energy levels. While exercise burns calories, it gives a boost to your metabolism. An active metabolism, in turn, helps maintain energy levels.  

Lower Your Stress Levels 

Stress is one of the most undesirable effects of today’s busy lives. The constant pressure at work, home, and relationships makes it difficult to concentrate. People today are more stressed, frustrated, and anxious than ever before. 

A certain amount of anxiety can be good. It keeps us moving towards our goals. However, constant high levels of stress can seriously affect a person’s physical and mental health. It is also one of the biggest causes of why people feel drained. Thus, to boost energy levels, it is important to reduce stress. 

Some of the strategies used include lifestyle changes. Sleep hygiene helps lower stress levels. Meditation and spending some time in nature or going for a walk alone are all helpful when it comes to reducing stress. If you want to get rid of troubling thoughts, writing down your thoughts in a journal also helps lower stress levels.    

Stay Hydrated

Water is life. 70% of the human body is made up of water. Throughout the day, we tend to lose water from the body. Loss of water in the form of sweat and urine can cause dehydration. By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. This can have a compound effect on your brain function and energy levels. 

Girl Drinking Water After Aerobics Exercise

A daily intake of ten glasses of water is enough to keep you hydrated. Unfortunately, people are often so preoccupied with work that they forget to drink water. One simple solution to this problem is to drink at regular intervals throughout the day. Make a conscious effort to drink more water every day and you should notice a lift in your energy levels.   

Reduce Sugar Intake 

Humans have a natural inclination towards sugar. When looking for a snack, we automatically reach for something sweet. Though the intake of sugar gives an instant energy boost, its effect is short-lived. This is because the body releases a large amount of insulin to digest the sugar. Thus, people often experience high energy levels followed by a dip. 

To boost your energy levels in a more sustained manner, it is a good idea to rely on complex carbohydrates. They are released more slowly into the bloodstream and are ideal for maintaining energy levels. 

Avoid Smoking 

Doctor breaking cigarette

Smoking can have detrimental effects on your health. While it increases the risk of respiratory problems and heart diseases, it can also affect your energy levels. Regular smoking interferes with the amount of oxygen that flows to the body’s organs. When insufficient oxygen is supplied to your body, this makes you feel tired. Passive smoking can have similar effects on the body. 

If you are a smoker, one of the best ways to boost your energy is to avoid smoking. You can start by reducing the number of cigarettes every day and gradually avoid it altogether.   

Feeling low? You don’t need an energy drink to boost your energy levels. Trying some of the above-mentioned methods will surely help lift your energy. 

Children’s Oral Health – A Few Common Dental Problems in Children

Children, Smile, Eyes, Happy, Smiling, Joy

Childhood is a period of curiosity, growth, and exploration. During these early years of discovery, children often tend to try foods that aren’t necessarily the best selection when it comes to good dental care. Gummy candies, sugar-laden sweets, ice cream, irregular brushing, and missing visits to the dentist all lead to oral health problems. 

As a parent, knowing some of the common dental issues will help you identify the potential problem and improve the oral health of your children. Some of the most common dental health issues in children include the following. 

Tooth Decay 

Around 20% of children in the US between the ages of 5 and 11 suffer from tooth decay. And the untreated and persistent condition continues well into adulthood among 13% of adolescents. In Australia, the problem is much more severe. Half of all 12-year-olds have decay in their permanent teeth. This dental problem accounts for more than hundreds and thousands of lost school days throughout the world. 

Tooth decay is caused by poor oral hygiene. This includes irregular brushing and not seeing a dentist regularly. Unhealthy, carbohydrate-rich diets which include soda, juices, and canned fruit is also one of the main culprits of tooth decay. All these factors allow a certain type of bacteria to thrive in the mouth. As a result, a sticky build-up known as plaque can be seen in the mouth. Over time, when exposed to food, plaque produces acid which erodes the outer layer of the tooth (known as enamel). Eventually, the inner layers of the teeth continue to get affected by the plaque, which gradually leads to tooth decay. 

On a positive note, tooth decay is a preventable condition. Proper brushing, flossing, gargling with a germ-killing product, a healthy diet, and regular visits to a dentist can help reduce the chances of a child developing this condition. It is important to brush properly twice a day with a fluoride-rich toothpaste. Also, ensure that children as young as two years old floss their teeth regularly. As a parent, you need to make sure that your child avoids sugary foods, especially before bedtime. 

Bad Breath 

Bad breath is another common dental issue. This is not only common among children but affects people of all ages. Often, bad breath is a result of the foods we consume. Foods with a strong smell such as garlic can lead to bad breath. But if this is a persistent issue, it is an indication of some other underlying issues. 

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is caused by bacteria that resides in the mouth. These bacteria live in colonies and survive on leftover food particles and plaque. As they eat food, they produce hydrogen sulfide which results in bad breath. The problem is most common in children in the morning. But in case bad breath is a cause of concern throughout the day, it is an indication of some larger issue. Sometimes, it can be a result of other oral conditions, such as gum problems, poor hygiene and problems of the digestive system. 

One of the best ways to prevent the problem of bad breath is regular and proper brushing. It is important to brush the tongue as well to remove the bacteria in the mouth. The use of antibacterial mouthwash can also help reduce this problem. If the problem persists throughout the day, you should get a dentist’s appointment for your child. 

Tooth Sensitivity 

Another most common dental issue in children in tooth sensitivity. This happens when the top layer of the tooth gets damaged by bacteria.

This layer is known as enamel which helps to protect the inner parts of the tooth and nerves from getting damaged by the bacteria. When the enamel gets eroded away by this bacteria, it can expose the inner parts and nerve endings of the teeth. As a result, the tooth becomes more sensitive to cold and heat. If a child has tooth sensitivity, hot and cold food and drinks will cause irritation and discomfort. But in more severe cases where teeth are extremely sensitive, even breathing in hot and cold air can cause pain. 

Anyone regardless of age can have tooth sensitivity, but the problem is more common among children. This is because their enamel is thinner compared to adults. Also since their diet includes too many carbohydrates, it results in damage to the enamel along with a buildup of plaque. While tooth sensitivity is primarily caused by damage to the enamel, other problems such as cavities can also lead to tooth sensitivity. 

Just like most other dental problems, tooth sensitivity can be treated. However, this time good oral hygiene practices alone won’t help much and you will need to see the dentist. Dentists often recommend the application of fluoride sealant to the teeth. This helps reduce sensitivity and strengthens tooth enamel. Also, it is recommended that children use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Using a toothbrush with hard bristles can damage the surface of the teeth over time. 

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy 

The solution to all dental issues in children lies in maintaining proper oral hygiene and visiting the dentist on a regular basis. Regular brushing and other oral hygiene practices such as flossing and the use of mouthwash will help you keep dental problems to a minimum. But in case something arises, a visit to the dentist can certainly allow you to diagnose and treat the potential dental problem.    

What You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis

Woman showing pain in her knee


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a commonly occurring chronic joint condition that is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse with time. It’s also known as degenerative joint disease, degenerative arthritis, wear-and-tear arthritis

When two bones come together at a point, they form a joint. The end of each bone is covered with a protective tissue known as cartilage, similar to oil in a car engine, acting as a buffer between the bones. People who suffer from OA have worn out cartilages, which allows the bones to rub against each other. This results in pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints. It can lead to a slow breakdown of the joints as well. 

Older people are usually the ones who suffer from this condition; however, adults of any age can have this condition. Although there’s no cure, regular treatments can be quite useful to reduce the pain and swelling and help a person stay active and mobile.


OA mostly occurs when the body fails to repair the cartilage. The joint is damaged over time, which is why age is a major contributing cause of OA. As people in the old age have joints that have undergone more wear and tear.

At times, genetics can also play a role in the increased risk of the development of this condition. In case the condition is hereditary, even people who are just 20 years old can be victims of OA.

The condition can also occur as a result of a traumatic injury, surgery or overuse of the joints due to certain jobs and sports that require repetitive movements. As this doesn’t allow the body to carry out regular repairs, it eventually leads to OA. It might take years after an injury for the symptoms to be evident. 

Some other diseases and conditions that increase the chances of developing OA are inflammatory arthritis, septic arthritis, Paget’s disease, obesity, poor posture, misalignment of the hip, knee, and ankle, unequal length of the legs, or by birth joint and cartilage abnormalities.

Gender is also among the risk factors, where females are more likely to suffer from OA as compared to males.


OA can occur in any joint of the body, but it typically occurs in the hand, fingertips, spine, hips, and knees. A person suffering from an early stage of OA may not experience any symptoms. They may appear gradually, and the condition might cause pain, stiffness or inflammation in one or more joints.

As the condition develops, the pain and stiffness also intensify due to limited movements of the joint. In addition, swelling, loss of muscle bulk, warmth and tenderness, and difficulty in movement of the joint may occur. You might also observe a grating or crackling sound in the joint, known as crepitus.

It may also cause synovitis – a mild inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint, damage and loss of cartilage, and bone spurs or osteophytes – bony growths that form around the edges of joints.

The condition can be managed more effectively if the symptoms are diagnosed at an early stage of OA.


As OA usually develops over time, it can be quite difficult to diagnose it, unless the pain or impairing symptoms appear. The doctor asks you regarding the symptoms and carries out a physical examination. However, there’s no definitive test that can diagnose the condition.

Some tests can show if the joint is damaged and help rule out other conditions. An x-ray or MRI scan can help to reveal bone spurs around the joints or a narrowing within the joints, which indicates a broken cartilage. An accident that might require an x-ray may help reveal an early-stage OA.

Another test called joint fluid analysis involves drawing fluid from the inflamed joint, which is analyzed. It helps to rule out the possibility of an infection or gout. Blood tests can help reveal whether rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of joint pain.


Even though none of the treatment options can reverse the damage of OA, a number of them can reduce the symptoms and allow movement of the affected joints. This involves medication, exercise, manual therapy, and lifestyle modification.


Several medicines can help to ease the pain. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)is effective for people with mild to moderate symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a stronger pain reliever, which might include aspirin, ibuprofen, or diclofenac. It can be taken orally or topically, applying the medication directly to the skin.

Capsaicin cream contains active compounds found in chilies. It creates a heat sensation that reduces pain. Intra-articular cortisone injections are effective for severe pain, inflammation, and swelling. 

Physical Therapy

There are various types of physical therapies, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which involves passing an electric current through the skin that reduces the ability of the nervous system to transmit pain signals.

Thermotherapy helps to reduce pain and stiffness in the joints with sensations of heat and cold. Physical therapist do manual therapy to keep the joints flexible and supple.

There is also yoga. Studies have been made that show how Yoga improves bone density. It can improve posture and coordination and anxiety. With yoga, there are no side effects, and you can do it for as long as you live.

Assistive Devices

People with OA can use different tools for physical support. Special footwear or insole helps to evenly distribute body weight which is beneficial if the condition affects the feet, hips or knees. Shock-absorbing insoles may also reduce the pressure on the joints.

Using a cane on the opposite side of the body to the affected area, it helps transfer the bodyweight of the joints and limit the risk of a fall. Leg braces, splints and other support materials help to rest a joint.


In case the condition is severe, and the therapy isn’t effective anymore, the doctors recommend surgery. Some of these surgeries are arthroplasty, arthrodesis, and osteotomy.

Make sure to consult for a physician before trying any of these methods. 

Dehydration – How Does It Affect the Body?

What is Dehydration?

Girl Drinking Water After Aerobics Exercise
Everyone on this planet has at some point feel thirsty. This is the body’s way of telling you that you need water to replenish your physical system, but if you go long enough without compensating for your thirst, you can fall into the category of dehydration and that is not a good prospect for your body to be in to. 

Around 70% of the human body is composed of water. Water helps our system to perform all its vital functions, including the transportation of blood. It aids in digestion, lubricates the eyes and mouth, and helps flush out toxic waste from the body. 

Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more water than it replaces. Normally, we tend to lose water from the body regularly. We lose some water in the form of water vapor as we exhale, but most water is lost as sweat, urine, and stool. Along with H2O, the human body contains a certain amount of salt (known as electrolytes).

Water and electrolytes together help the body perform all its vital functions. When excessive water is lost from the body, it can create an imbalance of electrolytes. This, in turn, can affect many all the vital functions of the human body. 

Symptoms of Dehydration 

One of the first symptoms is changes in the color of the urine. Clear urine is an indication that you are well hydrated. While darker urine indicates dehydration. The symptoms of dehydration vary with age. Infants often experience the following symptoms:

      • A sunken fontanel – It is the soft spot in the middle of the skull 
      • No tears when crying  
      • Dry mouth 
      • No wet diaper for more than three hours

Infants are at a much higher risk of dehydration due to their lower body weight. While some of the symptoms of dehydration are the same in adults as in infants, others vary.  Symptoms of dehydration in adults include the following: 

      • Dry mouth 
      • Fatigue/lethargy 
      • Headache 
      • Dizziness 

As the condition progresses, it can lead to the following symptoms: 

      • Low blood pressure 
      • Increased heart rate 
      • Unconsciousness 

Causes of Dehydration

There are many causes of dehydration. One of the most important causes is drinking less water. People are often so tied up with their schedules that they do not drink enough. Athletes or people who spend more time outdoors in warmer climates are also likely to suffer this condition. 

However, there are some medical issues that can lead to this. 

Diarrhea and Vomiting 

In case of severe diarrhea and vomiting, the body ends up losing most of its fluids. This loss of water can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. 


High-grade fever is another important cause of dehydration. The body tends to lose more water in cases such as this.

Increased Urination 

Uncontrolled or chronic diabetes can lead to excessive urination and can cause dehydration. 

How Does It Affect the Body?

Water is an integral part of the human body and there is a reason for it. It allows the body to perform all important functions including transportation of blood, brain function, attention, and excretion of toxic waste. According to research, even slight dehydration can negatively affect your mood, memory, attention, and coordination. Some of the effects of dehydration on the human body include the following: 

Strains the Heart 

Since water is an integral component of the blood, lack of water results in the thickening of the blood. When the blood becomes more concentrated, its volume reduces, and subsequently, your heart needs to pump faster to compensate for the missing liquid volume. This is the reason why dehydration results in a faster heartbeat, which can cause you to become lightheaded and even faint. 

Affects Brain Function 

Electrolytes play an important role in performing cognitive functions, including attention and motor skills. When the body is dehydrated, there is an imbalance of electrolytes and that can affect brain function. 

Can Lead to Kidney Failure 

Kidneys perform an important role in filtering out toxic waste from the body in the form of urine. When the body is dehydrated, it becomes harder for the kidneys to perform their functions. Severe dehydration can lead to a buildup of waste in the body, which can form clogs in the kidneys. This is the reason why dehydration is considered to be a leading cause of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. 

Hampers the Body’s Ability to Regulate Temperature 

The skin is one of the most vital organs when it comes to maintaining the body’s internal temperature. When the body temperature rises due to exercise, the skin allows the body to release excess heat in the form of sweat. When the body is dehydrated, it can affect the skin’s ability to regulate temperature. This can cause a condition known as hyperthermia, which is an overheating of the body. 

Tips for Staying Hydrated 

An average adult in a temperate climate needs between 2-3 liters of water every day. Now that you know how dehydration affects the body, here are a few tips for staying hydrated:

Keep a Water Bottle 

Try and keep a bottle of water along with you all the time. A bottle at your desk, in the car or in your bag, and on the table will remind you to drink frequently throughout the day. 

Add Natural Flavor

If you find plain water tasteless, adding natural flavors can help. A slice of lemon, few mint leaves, or berries can give color and taste to your water. 

Start Your Day by Drinking Water

A few sips or a glass full of water as soon as you wake up will help you stay hydrated throughout the day. It is also one of the best ways to reduce excess body fat. 

Add Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet

Assorted Fruits

Besides being an excellent source of nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables including cucumbers, watermelons, berries, and oranges have high water content. Adding such fruits and vegetables to your diet will help replenish lost water from the body. 

Other Forms of Water

No doubt, pure natural water is the best for your body, but drinking other liquids is not out of the question. Coffee, tea, juice, and milk (an excellent source of hydration) are great sources to keep your system plenished. Soda also, but be careful because they do have negative factors, such as weight gain. 

And alcohol? Now that’s a loaded question (yes, pun intended). Be wary, some alcoholic drinks can cause dehydration, but there is more to it than that. Low alcohol drinks are better at hydration than high alcohol ones, so the best thing to do is make sure you are still gulping down that plain, fresh natural H2O when you go out to drink the happy juice. 

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

The human body is designed in a unique way. The bones are delicately connected through joints while muscles and tendons provide support. Any deformity in the connection of the bones with the tendons can have serious implications on the ability to perform daily tasks and subsequently, the overall quality of life. One such deformity is known as Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH). Let’s take a look at the details of this abnormality and what can be done to correct it. 

What is DDH?

DDH is a problem regarding how the hip bone (known as the ball) is connected with the pelvic bone (known as the socket). The problem arises when the ball does not fit the socket. [Show picture] As a result, the hip does not develop properly. The condition may be present at the time of birth or may develop within the first year of a child’s life. 

DDH affects 1 in 1,000 newborns and is more common among girls. The condition varies in severity. In cases of mild DDH, the ball moves back and forth resulting in a specific clicking sound. This “click” sound when the legs are rotated is one of the first signs of DDH. In more severe cases, the ball does not reach the socket and the condition becomes evident when the child starts walking. 


Some of the most common causes of DDH are: 

Family History 

DDH can be regarded as a genetic condition. If parents or other siblings have this condition, it is highly likely that the newborn will also have DDH. 

Breech Position 

The baby’s position inside the uterus is one of the factors causing DDH. When the rear portion is facing the birth canal, this can exert undue pressure on the pelvic region of the baby leading to DDH.  

Lesser Amniotic Fluid 

Typically in pregnancies where there is less amniotic fluid, the fetus is likely to develop DDH. Due to lesser amniotic fluid, the fetus cannot move. This can also happen when the baby is larger than average in size.  

Tight Swaddling 

Swaddling a newborn too tightly can sometimes cause DDH. This is because the baby does not get enough space for adequate movement of joints and muscles which is essential for healthy development. 

Other Conditions 

A firstborn child is more likely to develop DDH. Children born with other bone deformities including metatarsus adductus, torticollis and flat head syndrome are at a higher risk of developing DDH. 


Some children are born with DDH while others develop this condition during the first year of their life. The condition varies in severity and the symptoms are not always apparent. Some of the common symptoms are: 

  • Clicking sound in the legs during the first medical checkup of a newborn
  • Unusual creases due to skin folds on the thighs
  • The difference in the length of legs 
  • Restricted motion of the legs
  • Achieving milestones like sitting and walking at a later than average age
  • If DDH goes unnoticed at the time of birth, it becomes apparent when the child starts walking. It manifests in the form of an imbalanced walk

In the case of mild DDH, symptoms appear at a very late age. The patient often complains about pain in the hips and lower back. If there are no other symptoms then the pain might be an indication of some other issue. 


DDH can be diagnosed right after birth when the pediatrician performs the first medical checkup. A physical examination of the legs can help in the diagnosis of DDH. An audible clicking sound upon movement is the most obvious symptom. Restricted limb movement and uneven skin folds near the buttocks can also help in diagnosing DDH. 

A follow-up checkup one week after birth is the ideal time for parents to discuss this condition with the medical practitioner.  It is important for parents and caregivers to share information about the family history of DDH with their doctor. In that case, the doctor would recommend an ultrasound of the pelvis at around six weeks. 

The same method is used for diagnosis if the newborn has other conditions like metatarsus adductus. A physical examination and ultrasound are used to identify the condition. 


The treatment for DDH depends on whether the condition was present and diagnosed at the time of birth or not. If DDH is diagnosed at the time of birth, it can be easily corrected by using a brace or harness. If the condition was developed later in the first year of a child’s life, DDH will only be diagnosed when the child starts walking. In that case, the treatment becomes more complicated. A typical treatment for DDH can be classified into two categories.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Treatment often depends upon the age of the child. For newborns, a specially designed harness is used which helps in tightening the ligaments surrounding the hip joint. This harness known as the Pavlik harness also facilitates the development of a normal hip joint. A Pavlik harness also allows parents to safely perform daily activities like diapering and bathing. The length of treatment depends upon the severity of the condition. Usually, this treatment is recommended for six weeks. If there is no significant improvement, the treatment is repeated for another six weeks.  

As the child grows, a stronger harness made from more firm material is used to align the hip ball and socket. A spica cast is usually applied to these children. 


Surgical invasion is required when the ball needs to be fixed in the socket. X-rays during the surgery are done to ensure that the hip joint is properly fixed. After the surgery, a cast is placed to maintain the proper position of the hip joint. The bone growth continues normally after the cast is removed and children are able to walk properly. 

Early and appropriate diagnosis of DDH can help in effective treatment. Children born with this deformity can lead to a normal life if they are treated well in time. Be sure to tell your doctor about any abnormalities within your family or if you suspect that your child may have DDH.

Cellulite – Can We Get Rid of it

What is Cellulite?

Photo of woman's leg wiht cellulite

Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects over 80% of women around the world. It can make your skin appear dimpled or bumpy. It is not a disease but a cosmetic concern for most people. The dimply skin affects certain areas of the body, especially the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. The condition is usually referred to as “orange peel skin” because of the uneven texture. It not only affects women but also men. The condition is a result of fat deposits pushing through the connective tissues under the skin.

Human cells have three major components – dermis, epidermis, and fat cells. The fat cells are present beneath the top layers of the skin known as the epidermis and dermis. These fat cells store excess energy. Between the fat cells and the top layer of the skin, there are connective tissues. These tissues run vertically between the fat cells and the top layer of the skin. The vertical bands create chambers that can accommodate fat. When the fat cells expand, the chambers fill up and begin to bulge. This forms a small bump over the skin. When the same thing happens to most of the chambers under the skin, there are small bumps all over. This appearance of bumps gives an uneven texture to the skin causing a dimpling effect. This condition is known as cellulite

According to its severity, the condition can be ranked in three grades. It ranges from grade 1 which is mild to grade 3 which is the most severe form of cellulite. 

Risk Factors 

The exact cause of this skin condition is not known. However, there are a few risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing cellulite. 


Cellulite can affect both men and women. But the condition affects more women than men. According to estimates, 80-90% of women around the world get cellulite at some point in their lives. On the other hand, it only affects 10% of men globally. The reasons are multiple. To support childbirth, the physical structure of women is such that they have stronger thighs and pelvic regions. Therefore they tend to carry more fat cells in their lower body. But they also have fewer connective tissues in that region. This is the reason why active women with an ideal BMI and a healthy lifestyle can also develop this condition. Additionally, female hormones are a major reason why more women are affected by this condition. 


Women are more prone to this condition as they age. This is due to the changes in hormones. As they age, women tend to produce less estrogen. This hormone is responsible for the smooth flow of blood in the vessels. As estrogen in the blood decreases, there is poor circulation, and the formation of new collagen results in the breakdown of the connective tissues.  


Cellulite affects the lower body of women. It is the same region that grows during pregnancy. Also, hormonal changes during pregnancy can trigger the condition or make your cellulite appear worse. However, with sufficient weight loss post-delivery, most women can overcome the severity of cellulite. 


Cellulite may run in families. If other women in the family have it, you have a higher chance of developing the condition. However, since most women develop cellulite, having a family history is not much of a concern. 

Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise is one of the potential risk factors. Regular exercise helps strengthen the connective tissues. It also burns excess fat stored under the skin. Therefore strength training targeted towards the lower body can significantly reduce your risk of getting cellulite. 


Tobacco smoke leads to reduced blood flow in the vessels. It also hampers the process of collagen formation. This results in damage to the connective tissues which makes your skin look drier. It also causes premature aging and can contribute to cellulite. 


A diet rich in fats, carbohydrates, and salts is likely to contribute to this condition as well. 

Treating Cellulite 

Cellulite is not a disease. Therefore it does not require any treatment. But since it is a cosmetic concern for most women, many opt for invasive and non-invasive treatments. This may include laser therapy and the use of a filler injection. It is a widespread misconception that liposuction can treat cellulite. In fact, the best way to treat cellulite is to adopt certain lifestyle changes. This includes incorporating a regular and targeted exercise regime. It also involves making a few dietary changes and quitting habits like smoking. 


If you want to get rid of cellulite, you need to keep your body moving. Highly-priced moisturizers and serums will not produce the dramatic effect they claim but exercise will. 

Squats, lunges, and high-intensity strength training not only affect your lower body but will also boost your metabolism. This will tone the thighs and lower abdomen but it will also burn the excess fat stored under the skin. 

Foods Which Can Help Get Rid of Cellulite 

The strength of the connective tissues and fat deposits in the cells are the two primary concerns in this condition. There are various foods that can help improve the integrity of connective tissue and skin layers. Incorporating these foods on a consistent basis can help in reducing cellulite. Some of these foods are 

    • Eggs
    • fish 
    • Brown rice 
    • Olive oil 
    • Avocado 
    • Nuts 
    • Flaxseeds 
    • Carrots and 
    • Berries

In all, food rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help reduce the condition. However, since the body also needs nutrition from carbohydrates, limiting the intake of carbs can be very effective in treating cellulite. 

Motherless Birth – The Future of Human Reproduction

Imagine having children from your bloodline but were never nurtured within your womb! Some people may be shocked, but others may be thrilled. Especially those who cannot have children. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this new breakthrough research.

How Did Motherless Birth Technology Materialize?

New advances in genetics and stem cell research have transformed childbirth to significantly improve the possibility of saving the lives of premature babies, as well as helping those who can’t conceive a child naturally. 

Researchers are now approaching a 21st-century incubation technology analogous to those futuristic sci-fi movies we see – the artificial womb, which is a biotechnological breakthrough, called ectogenesis that will change the course of human reproduction forever. 

The word was coined in 1924 and describes pregnancy occurring outside the womb. The scientist who labeled this word predicted that by 2074, more than 70% of the fetuses will grow in an artificial environment. His prediction might be right on target. Today, a preterm fetus with a gestational (the period of time between conception and birth) age of 22 weeks can survive outside the mother’s womb. With a little more than halfway through the pregnancy, sophisticated medical equipment with replicated womb-like conditions will allow the fetus to continue to grow in an artificial environment. 

Studies are still underway to push back the minimal gestational age. Eventually, this technology will take over the natural pregnancy and childbirth process completely. But will society accept this artificial birthing process? Is the technology 100% safe and risk-free? Here are some answers to the artificial womb and motherless birthing. 

The Technology 

TImage of an Embrohe research on ectogenesis began earlier in the last century. However, there has been rapid progress over the last 20-30 years. It is during this time that the world has experienced marked improvements in neonatal intensive care. 

But in the last decade, there was extensive research on how a human fetus can grow outside the human body. A fetus develops vital organs like lungs, liver and kidneys well in advance of its birth. This is the reason why a minimal gestational age of 22-24 weeks is required for the survival of premature babies. Until this time, the fetus has developed vital organs required for cleansing the blood. Only then can the fetus manage to survive in artificial conditions like an incubator.  

there was extensive research on how a human fetus can grow outside the human body. A fetus develops vital organs like lungs, liver and kidneys well in advance of its birth. This is the reason why a minimal gestational age of 22-24 weeks is required for the survival of premature babies. Until this time, the fetus has developed vital organs required for cleansing the blood. Only then can the fetus manage to survive in artificial conditions like an incubator.  

A few years ago, a review published by the New York Academy of Sciences highlighted significant medical achievements. It showed two major developments in ectogenesis. One is the development of an artificial amniotic fluid which provides the right environment for the fetus. The other is the transfer of an embryo from the laboratory to the uterus of the mother. Both these technologies will allow the transfer of an embryo to a system which includes the placenta and the umbilical cord. These two organs provide nourishment to the fetus and remove all types of waste from the blood. 

So far, the survival of the premature baby born at the gestational age of 22-24 weeks depends upon the optimal functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and liver. Further research in this field will substantially improve the survival of premature babies. It is expected that it will lead to the complete development of a fetus in an artificial setting. This means that a fetus can grow without the need of a uterus even in the early stages. 

Who Benefits from this Technology?

This is advantageous to many segments of society. Those who are most likely to benefit from this technology include:

Couples Who Cannot Have Children

The artificial womb is the perfect technology which can help couples who are unable to have children naturally. It is a step ahead of in-vitro fertilization and is equally beneficial for both men and women. This advancement allows couples to rent artificial wombs so that they can have children. Though the children grow in an artificial setting, they would genetically and legally be the offspring of the donor couple.    

Survival of Premature Babies 

The artificial womb, known as the Biobag, is far better than the conventional incubators. The environmental conditions are much closer to conditions inside a mother’s womb. This would significantly improve the survival rate of premature babies. Researchers will be able to push down the minimal gestational age necessary for survival. 

LGBT Parents 

By eliminating the need for a real womb, ectogenesis can allow gay couples to have children without the need of a surrogate mother. Instead, they only need an egg donor. The same applies to transgender people who wish to have a child. 

Societal Implications 

It is theorized that children grown in an artificial womb are likely to be smarter and less prone to diseases. In fact, they might be perfect kids with a limited risk of genetically transmitted conditions. Will it possible to handle such perfect humans? How it will affect the future of humankind still remains a mystery. 

As mentioned. motherless births have the potential to develop living human beings without the need of a human carrier. But the role of the mother is not only limited to providing nourishment and the right environment. It has an emotional aspect as well. Fetal growth outside the womb will deprive both the mother and the child of this emotional bonding. No one knows how this will alter relationships in the future. 


Ectogenesis will have numerous medical benefits. Artificial wombs can save the lives of premature babies, can help infertile couples and enable older people to have children. It gives a chance for high-risk pregnant women to have a child without risking their lives. In the coming years, it could offer a safer alternative to conventional pregnancy and childbirth. However, it can alter our ideas about intimacy, relationships, and human nature. 

The technology of the artificial womb has come far but it still needs to be perfected through further research and accepted in today’s society. People may be skeptical. Will it be possible to handle such (theoretical) perfect human beings? Is there more research related to the mental health of children through ectogenesis required? What will religious groups say? What if unscrupulous groups try to exploit this development in a nefarious manner such as the perfect ‘soldier’ or ‘superhuman’? How it will affect the societal, religious and political future of humankind still remains a mystery. 

Even when science develops to perfection the physical aspect of ectogenesis, society may take a much longer time to accept its consequences from a psychological perspective. 

Genetic Disorders

“meduza”Illustrative diagram of tools used for studying genetics by Natasha Dzhola is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Ever wonder why some people have disabilities? Might be from an accident or they could have been that way since birth, but if they were born that way, the question would be why did this happen?

People from around the world fall victim to different birth defects, also known as genetic disorders. Some of the more common diseases are: Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Sickle Cell Anemia

But what is a genetic diesorder exactly and what can be done about it? Let’s dwelve into this more closely.

What Is a Genetic Disorder?

Illustration of molecules and DNA

A Genetic disorder is a condition caused by a mutation in the DNA or the abnormality in a person’s genome or genetic makeup.

There are about 6000 genetic disorders, which can be categorized by the following four types:

  • Single-gene mutation
  • Multiple genes mutations 
  • Chromosomal abnormalities
  • mitochondrial mutations

Single Gene Mutation

Single-gene mutation, (AKA Mendelian disorder, or monogenic inheritance) is the type of abnormality which occurs in a single gene’s DNA sequence. There are thousands of known single-gene disorders, but these diseases are not too common. Four examples follow.

  • A condition caused by acquiring a single defective gene from any one of the parents called Autosomal Dominant Inheritance.
  • A condition caused by acquiring one defective gene from each parent, forming a pair, called Autosomal Recessive Inheritance.
  • A condition caused by acquiring the defective gene from the female or x-chromosome, called X-Linked Inheritance. It is further divided into dominant or recessive.

Some common examples of a single-gene mutation are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, fragile X syndrome, Huntington’s disease, hemochromatosis, and Marfan syndrome.

Multiple Genes Mutation

The second category consists of genetic disorders caused by multiple genes mutations, (AKA polygenic inheritance, or multifactorial inheritance). This mutation occurs when more than one gene is altered and environmental factors also play a role. Some chronic diseases like heart conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease are multifactorial disorders. Fatal diseases, like Breast cancer, are found to have genetic symptoms when mutations exists on the chromosomes. Each human has 23 pairs of chromosomes and they are numbered. In this case, if chromosomes 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 22 are defective, the diseases mentioned above can occur.

Normally, a child often inherits characteristics and traits like hair, eye, skin color, height, and facial features due to multiple gene inheritance.  

Chromosomal abnormalities

Chromosomes contain genetic information and any abnormality in its structure can cause genetic disorders as mentioned. These abnormalities occur during the process of cell division. 

Mitochondrial Mutations

Each cell contains small round, rod-like structures called organelles. Some organelles are the nucleus, nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endosomes, and peroxisomes. Confused? Don’t worry. Just know that there are different parts of a cell called organelles.  

The diseases caused by a mutation such as a defection in the mitochondria would include Leber’s hereditary optic atrophy (LHON), myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF), mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS).

Some Common Genetic Disorders 


Normally, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes present in the nucleus of a cell. A person suffers from Down syndrome when out of these 23 pairs, a part or the entirety of the 21st chromosome gets copied an extra time. Prenatal screening tests, like blood tests, are carried out during pregnancy to study the chromosomal material present in the mother’s blood. This is an effective method of finding out whether or not the newborn will have Down syndrome. 

This disorder causes physical and cognitive growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and special facial features. Small body frame, upward tilted eyes, and a low muscle tone are also some signs of Down syndrome. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that out of every 700 babies born in the U.S. at least one will suffer from this disorder. This disease also depends on the age of the mother: the greater the age, the higher the chances of this disorder.


It is a genetically inherited blood disorder in which the quantity of red blood cells in a person’s body is lower than normal and the body naturally produces a lesser amount of hemoglobin. This disease is caused by mutations in the DNA of cells that make hemoglobin. This disease hinders the flow of oxygen within the body. If both the parents contribute with a Thalassemia gene, there will be a 25% probability of the newborn acquiring this disease. The severe anemia necessitates regular blood transfusions and chelation therapy.

The symptoms of the disease may include slow growth, weakness, pale or yellowish skin, facial bone deformities, fatigue, dark urine, and abdominal swelling. 


This genetic disorder adversely affects the lungs, digestive tract and other vital organs of the body. Screening for cystic fibrosis is carried out in newborns and is diagnosed in the first month. The disorder targets the cells that are responsible for the production of mucus, digestive juices, and sweat. These secretions are generally slippery and thin, but the defective gene causing cystic fibrosis turns them thick and sticky. The lubricating juices start clogging the passageways, thus causing severe difficulties in the lungs and pancreas.


The genetic defects that cause Tay-Sachs disease are similar to that causing Down syndrome. In this disease, the 15th chromosome is repeated, making this disease fatal for children diagnosed with it.

Tay-Sachs is a rare genetic disorder which destroys the neurons in the brain and spinal cord. The newborn suffering from this disease will show no sign of abnormality during the initial three to six months. However, soon the infant starts losing his/her motor skills. The disease worsens with time and the patient suffers from seizures, vision and hearing loss, intellectual disability, and paralysis. Another characteristic sign of this disease is the cherry-red spot in the eye. This condition is fatal and most patients do not survive past their early childhood.

Eight Effective Ways to Prevent the Flu

The flu (AKA influenza) is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system. That is, your nose, throat, and lungs are affected. It is a very common disease. This is a significant concern because the flu is sometimes a symptom of a much more dangerous condition. 

When the flu gets worse, it can cause pneumonia or a secondary bacterial infection. Both of these conditions can be fatal. This is especially true for people who are in high-risk groups. These include the elderly, very young, pregnant women, people who have asthma, and those who suffer from other conditions such as immune deficiency. 

The flu can’t really be cured – it just goes away on its own, but it can be prevented. If you follow the given steps, you can reduce your chances of getting the flu and thus, can lead a healthy, happy life.

Take Flu Shots

Don’t listen to anti-vaxes. Getting a flu shot is harmless. These shots help you in defending yourself from bacteria and other flu-causing nasties that can cause you to get sick. When you go for a flu vaccination, your body develops antibodies that protect you from viruses.  Even after a flu shot, you can develop the flu, but it will not lead to something dangerous to your health. The peak season for the flu is from November to March. Therefore, it is ideal for you to get your flu shot in October.  You should plan all your health vaccinations today, so you do not forget it later. 

Stay Away from People with the Flu


The flu virus can travel much faster than you think. The infection develops as a parasite that hangs around your respiratory secretions. Then it moves through the air in the form of small droplets. In this form, it is easy for this virus to transfer through a cough or sneeze. 

This is how easy it is for a virus to get to you before you know it. Our advice is to build proactive behavior and maintain a distance from those who may display the symptoms of the flu. 

Keep Your Environment Clean

It is crucial for you to be in a clean environment at all times. If you take all the necessary measures to keep your place clean, then there is less than you need to worry about when it comes to airborne viruses. 

It is a different case if you are someone who rarely cleans his or her surroundings. In such circumstances, the chances for you to get the flu are high if you do not wipe down the surfaces that are commonly used, like your phone, door handles, and switches. 

Always Wash Your Hands

You’ve probably heard since your childhood that washing your hands is essential. Yet you choose to ignore it, thinking that it does not make much of a difference. Well, that is not the case. Washing your hands is a habit that can help you prevent the flu.

Wash your hands with a bar of soap or antibacterial sanitizer for at least twenty seconds. Afterward, make sure you have a clean towel to dry up your hands. Alcohol is also a very good deterrent to use on counter surfaces and other such areas.

Stay Away from Infected Fluid

People in relationships can contract the flu from their partners if they kiss their partner while he or she is sick. So if your significant other is unwell and is exhibiting flu-like symptoms, it’s best to avoid direct contact for a while until they get better.

Maintain Distance from Infected People

business-woman-shakes-handsExpanding on the previous point, do not get too close to people who have been infected with the flu, even if it is your child or your partner. This makes sharing beds out of the question. If you know someone who currently has the flu, then do not offer to share your food with them.  The purpose of this is not to use the same utensils as the infected person until the virus has been dealt with completely. 

Do Not Compromise on Your Sleep

Getting inadequate sleep every night affects your immune system. Consequently, it increases your chances of getting the flu. This happens because your body cannot fight any virus on its own as it could with the right amount of sleep. While you sleep, your body organs get time to rest and prepare for another day, which is very important for your overall health.

As a rule, an adult needs to get anywhere from seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Avoid Stress

The flu is already tough to deal with, and by stressing yourself out, your condition will only worsen. If you have psychological stress, then it is difficult for protective antibodies to develop. These antibodies usually help you deal with the flu and other similar viruses. Try to do things that relax your mind and make you a happier person. It will result in reduced stress and more positivity.

When you adopt all these ways mentioned above, you will realize that you are more able to deal with the flu (and any other disease) than before. You are not doing something extraordinary. In fact, you are just creating an enabling environment for your body to do what it is supposed to do. According to you, the flu might be one of the most manageable diseases. Little do you know that it can turn fatal if you do not take the necessary steps to prevent the flu. If you fall into the high-risk group, then you should be extra cautious about these factors.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Sleeping Early and Getting Enough Sleep

Woman sleeping with alarm clock showing 7:00 AMThe fact that most people in the US do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep is well known. Most of us have trouble not because we cannot fall asleep but rather because we are engaged in other activities and delay those ZZZZZ.

Social gatherings, watching TV or just mindlessly scrolling through social media news feeds keeps many of us up late into the night. Missing those hours of sleep can come at a hefty price, on the opposite end of the spectrum getting enough sleep (seven to eight hours) yields many benefits.

In a previous article, we discussed some of the issues regarding lack of sleep. Let us elaborate a bit more on this connection and what it can do to you, as well as realizing the many benefits that you can gain from a better sleeping cycle.

Benefits of Sleeping Early

Reduces Anxiety

When we have a bad day, our mom would tell us to just go to sleep and things will be better in the morning. Well, she was right! Compared to those who sleep early, people who go to bed late are more prone to repetitive negative thoughts and feelings anxiety the next day.

The same study that concluded the above-mentioned effects of sleeping late also mentioned that an abnormal sleeping cycle also leads to the development of a pessimistic mood. On the other hand, sleeping early and having a normal sleep cycle can help tackle this issue. Sure, going to bed early doesn’t really solve the issues you face in life, but it sure helps you in addressing them in a better way and makes you better prepared for the next day. A well-rested mind is better at dealing with stress and problems faced in daily life.

Your Social Skills Take a Turn for the Better

Little or less sleep leaves people feeling more irritated and more prone to having arguments with others. Short temper, feelings of irritability, and anxiety are all heightened if you fail to get enough sleep. All this leads to lesser productivity. You might mess up that big promotion that was heading your way as sleep deprivation leads to misunderstandings with those around you.

On the bright side, being adequately rested leads to a calmer demeanor. A person with a rested mind can gather their thoughts and reassess their relationship with their colleagues and loved ones clearly. Individuals who have had enough sleep feel more optimistic and tend to be more patient in dealing with people.

Increases the Likelihood of a Safer Commute

Roughly 60% of the older drivers claim to have driven their cars in a drowsy state and more than 30% say that they have actually fallen asleep behind the wheel. This can be as dangerous (or even more dangerous) than driving drunk!

It is scary when you realize that sleep deprivation increases the chances of a road accident due to the driver being in a less alert state. Given the statistics by government agencies and foundations, people who sleep six hours are twice as likely to cause road accidents relative to those who sleep for eight hours or more. And the picture gets even grimmer if an individual sleeps for less than five hours; then, the risk of an accident increases by five times!

Your Productivity at Work Will Increase

Student sleeping in computer labHow many of us get so tired at work that we actually start falling asleep at the desk?

The dilemma staring blankly at your desk after a late night waiting for a miracle to happen is something everyone can relate to. Sleep deprivation adversely affects your cognition and it becomes harder for your brain to perform basic tasks such as alertness and concentration, not to mention raising the odds of getting fired when your boss walks by. 

Lack of sleep also hampers creativity. A recently conducted study found that people who slept enough performed 30% better on the same puzzle that was done in a sleep-deprived state. There is enough scientific research to point out the relation between better sleep and an improved cognitive ability that can help an individual deal with complex issues both at work or elsewhere.

Weight Loss Is Tackled Better

When an individual is deprived of sleep, they are prone to eat foods that are high in sugar content (caramel lattes, chocolates, etc) and have less willpower and energy for exercise.

In addition, studies have shown that the later you stay up, the more calories you will consume. Our body’s biological setup is hardwired to crave fatty, salty, and sugary foods after 8 p.m. People who tend to stay up till or past 4 a.m. consume 500 calories on average more than people who sleep by 10 p.m.

How to Get Better Sleep

You might be tempted to go for sleeping medications to help you fall asleep early but do not fall into the prescription drug snare. These drugs interfere with the natural sleep cycle and come with side effects such as nausea, night sweats, and a constant need to go to the bathroom. Sleep medications are made to have early benefits, within the first two weeks, and are not designed to be a long-term solution. In fact, continued use increases tolerance and a higher dosage is required to have the same effect which leads to adverse results on health.

Try going to sleep and rising up at the same time every day including weekends. This helps your body optimize the quality and timing of your sleep. And sleeping in on the weekend just offsets the balance of the body’s internal clock. If you need to make up for a late night, then you can take a nap during the day instead of sleeping in. Daytime naps do not interfere with your sleeping cycle or internal body clock regulations.

Factors Affecting Your Sleep

Man-having-trouble-sleeping-squeezes-a-pillow-around-his-earsIf you do have problems sleeping, it may be due to a physical factor, such as sleep apnea or insomia. If you think you may have this disease, you should contact your doctor who can set up sleep tests for you. Or if you think it you sleep is being deprived due to other than sleep apnea, you still should consult a physician. Other causes of a lack of sleep could be worry and anxiety. If so, there are methods that can help you control these factors as well.

Bottom Line: Try to maintain a consistent sleep cycle and make sure you get a good 7-8 hours of sleep every night. You will feel better and your body and mind will thank you for it!