
Daily Nut Consumption Helps Reduce Risk of Disease

Could eating nuts every day improve your health and reduce your risk of developing certain diseases? A Dutch study from Maastricht University published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found a positive correlation. In a 10-year study of more than 120,000 men and women between the ages of 55 and 69 years, people who ate at least 10 grams of nuts or peanuts a day had a 23% lower chance of death.

Specifically, there was a decrease of 45% of neurodegenerative disease, of 39% for respiratory disease, and of 30% for diabetes.

“Peanuts showed at least as strong inverse associations as tree nuts, but peanut butter did not,” Piet A. van den Brandt, PhD, and Leo J. Schouten, MD, PhD, wrote. “Meta-analyses showed consistent risk reductions for cancer and respiratory mortality.”

However, a recent study in Nutrition Reviews determined that current evidence of the nut consumption’s disease-prevention role remains inconsistent. Researchers reviewed 36 epidemiological studies and clinical trials that reported an association between nut consumption and type 2 diabetes or specific cancers.

Overall, they determined that nut consumption may play a role in reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, and pancreatic cancer. However, there was no association found with type 2 diabetes or other types of cancers, including breast cancer, gastric cancer, leukemia, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.

“Additional studies are needed to more accurately assess the relationship between nut consumption and the prevention of individual types of cancer, given the scarcity of available data,” the authors said.

However, what is known is that many nuts do supply a great deal of nutrients that our bodies require each day. According to GoodFood, there are varying benefits of nuts, depending upon the type of nut you are eating.

Peanut Health ChartAs far as peanuts are concerned, states “Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Studies of diets with a special emphasis on peanuts have shown that this little legume is a big ally for a healthy heart. In one such randomized, double-blind, cross-over study involving 22 subjects, a high monounsaturated diet that emphasized peanuts and peanut butter decreased cardiovascular disease risk by an estimated 21% compared to the average American diet.”

Following is a table from the USDA National Nutrient database that depicts the nutritional value of peanuts (per 100g):

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 567 Kcal 29%
Carbohydrates 16.13 g 12%
Protein 25.80 g 46%
Total Fat 49.24 g 165%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 8.5 g 22%
Folates 240 µg 60%
Niacin 12.066 mg 75%
Pantothenic acid 1.767 mg 35%
Pyridoxine 0.348 mg 27%
Riboflavin 0.135 mg 10%
Thiamin 0.640 mg 53%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin C 0 0%
Vitamin E 8.33 mg 55.5%
Sodium 18 mg 1%
Potassium 705 mg 15%
Calcium 92 mg 9%
Copper 1.144 mg 127%
Iron 4.58 mg 57%
Magnesium 168 mg 42%
Manganese 1.934 mg 84%
Phosphorus 76 mg 54%
Selenium 7.2 µg 13%
Zinc 3.27 mg 30%
Carotene-alpha 0 µg
Crypto-xanthin-beta 0 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg

Four Common Childhood Illnesses and How to Treat Them

Ricard Canals 'Sick Child'
Ricard Canals 1876 – 1931 Barcelona ‘Sick Child’

You have just welcomed your new born into the world and you do everything possible to keep your child safe. Unfortunately, babies and newborns are bound to catch something, no matter how hard we try to protect them. The idea of course is to protect them from the viruses that lurk out there as much as we can. Here are some common diseases and illnesses faced by children and how to properly treat them.


This is a very common type of illness among children. Even though you may not be familiar with its name, in layman terms, it is a tummy ache. Additionally, it can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain if things are not handled correctly. This type of disease normally comes as a result of the variety of viruses inside the stomach of children. If your child faces this problem, it is suggested that he/she drink water;* however, not very much, as it sickens the child. In this case, it is ideal to give them a tablespoon of electrolyte solution, gradually increasing the amount with every serving. You can also give them fruits to cure this illness.


Flu can really make your child weak as it gives chills to the body, makes the throat sore, causes a headache and may also result in diarrhea. Children often suffer from Influenza during winter times but your child always comes back to their normal routine if you schedule annual flu vaccines to cure it. You can administer it as a shot as well as spray if your child is over 2 years old. Doctors recommend visiting them in case children are facing symptoms of Influenza, just to be on the safe side.


Normally, the symptoms of Roseola among children are really minor and it might be difficult for you to understand if they are under the weather. This illness usually comes with coughing, congestion, high fever and itchy rashes on the chest. In addition, Roseola remains for at least a week. If you see things going out of hand, you should always visit your doctor. In the meantime, you can give your child ibuprofen to relieve them of the pain temporarily.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

We see children putting their hands and feet in their mouth routinely. They usually do this because they have a habit of taking things in mouth, unintentionally acquiring germs by doing so. As children, they do not know this, but this can cause serious problems in their mouth, which can be in form of sore. Those sores in their mouth come along with red blisters and usually last for a week or so. These sores can be really painful for the children but like other diseases, can be cured by acetaminophen or children’s ibuprofen. You can also give your child ice pops in this case but avoid giving them acidic juices as they can be harmful.

Time to Visit the Doctor

Nowadays, even the smallest diseases among children can become serious; so, you need to be really attentive and careful when it comes to your child’s health.

If your child is facing any of the diseases listed above, you must not wait; you should immediately make an appointment for your nearest pediatrician and start following the recommended instructions and prescription given by the physician.

*Disclaimer. This article is for information purposes only. Any information provided here should be confirmed by a qualified medical professional at all times.

The Links Between Smoking and Cancer

Smoking and Cancer Risks
                  Smoking can affect many parts of the body

In the 20th century, tobacco was responsible for an estimated 100 million deaths in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if people do not stop smoking, then it is likely that billions more will die in the future.

We have all been hearing for generations that smoking is dangerous to your health and can cause cancer. With so much research done on the direct links between cancer and smoking, the reasons to stop smoking are clearer than ever before. Smoking is killing countless people all over the world. Let’s read more about smoking and cancer in detail below.

Which Body Part is Affected Most by Smoking?

When we smoke, chemicals in the cigarette enter the bloodstream, directly affecting the whole body. This is the main reason why smoking is dangerous to health as it affects almost all the body parts. Also, it causes fourteen types of cancers, lung diseases, and heart diseases. Unfortunately, people do know about it but still continue to smoke, due to the addictive nicotine which is present in it.

How is Cancer Caused by Smoking?

A DNA adduct (at center) of benzo[a]pyrene, the major mutagen in tobacco smoke
A DNA adduct (at center) of benzo[a]pyrene, the major mutagen in tobacco smoke

Cancer is caused when smoking damages our DNA and genes that guard us against this disease. Cigarettes contain several chemicals such as polonium 210, nitrosamines, benzo (a) pyrene and benzene that damage our DNA. There is also acrolein is an organic compound in cigarette smoke. It’s a toxic compound and associations have been made between acrolein and the development of lung cancers. It is a known DNA mutagen, and this, in turn, could lead to carcinogenic effects. Acrolein has also been linked to heart disease.

How Much Time Does It Take for Smoking to Cause Cancer?

The time duration which it takes for smoking to cause cancer is not defined. Usually, it can take decades or even years for smoking to affect your DNA. Fortunately, our bodies are designed in a way that they can deal with these damages, but when dangerous chemicals come into the body because of smoking on a continuous basis, it becomes difficult for the body to deal with them. Our body can fight against these elements for a time, but will not be able to keep them away indefinitely, especially if an individual is addicted to smoking. Ultimately, there will be a time when it these toxins will completely damage the internal organs.

Which Cancer is Caused by Smoking?

Smoking can directly affect the lungs in the body and research reports that lung cancer has one of the least survival rates among all cancers and consequently, many have died because of this serious illness.

While smoking affects the lungs, there are many more types of cancers that are associated with smoking. It can cause damage and create tumors in such organs as the bladder, larynx, mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, liver, kidney, pancreas, bowel, ovary, sinuses, cervix, nose, leukemia and breast cancer. It can actually destroy the whole body, once someone has acquired any of the cancers out there.

However, there is good news, as the best way to prevent such deaths is to give up smoking altogether. There are many cancer prevention organizations available. One popular service is Here you can learn the details of prevention methods for each of the cancers that can affect your body, as well as volunteering and donating to the cause.

Five Common Symptoms of Diabetes

Do you know that approximately 24 million people in the United States are a victim of diabetes? It is a serious and lifelong condition that can take some people towards certain death. Given that diabetes is a very dangerous disease, many people may not be aware of the symptoms; therefore, we are providing some symptoms that are commonly associated with diabetic patients.

Strong Hunger

When you are suffering from diabetes, your cells do not get energy. Due to this, insulin is not at all present in your body or it is not in its proper working condition. Since your body is drained of energy, your body reacts to finding more energy, generally in form of food. Ultimately, it causes intense hunger. This is the reason why we see so many diabetic patients getting hungry and eating promptly.


This point is associated with the previous one. When you eat too much, it causes weight gain and a person becomes obese. In addition to that, obesity is mostly found among people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes. This is commonly seen in them because patients having type 2 diabetes suffer from insulin resistance. So, if such patients want to control obesity, exercising would be one consideration.

Frequent Urination

If you feel that you go to the bathroom more often than you should, consider consulting your doctor. Going to the bathroom frequently is not a normal condition. When your body has an excessive amount of glucose in your body, then you urinate more often. Additionally, when you urinate abnormally, you will also have to compensate for that lost liquid. For that, you will surely require drinking more water to keep yourself hydrated.

Dry Mouth

Your body would be using more than the normal amount of fluids causing the frequent urination mentioned above, so you must work to keep yourself hydrated. If you don’t or even if you do, you could get dehydrated (not a good thing) and your mouth will feel dry. Dry mouth also leads to faster tooth decay and possibly bad breath.

Unclear Vision

When you suffer from diabetes, blurry or unclear vision is also one of the common symptoms that you might face. Research predicts that retinal disorders are normal in case of diabetes. This is normally caused because the tissue is being pulled out from your eye lenses, thus affecting your ability to focus. If you take actions beforehand, then it can be treated properly and can save you from prolonged vision issues.    

Bruises Take Time to Heal

When a person is free from diseases, their bruises and cuts cure timely. However, the injuries of those suffering from diabetes usually take longer to heal and cure than that of other healthy humans. This again happens because of the excessive amount of glucose in your body which undermines the ability to cure the marks.

If you are facing any or all of these issues, it is time to visit your doctor. Normally, diabetes is detected by carrying out a urine test followed by a blood test to see whether or not excess glucose is present in your body. Most people live normal lifespans with the proper treatment and medication. If you feel you might be contracting this disease, you should go for a checkup so you can be properly diagnosed and if the results are positive, you can get the appropriate treatment.

How Can You Determine If You Have Heart Disease

Heart AttackWhat if you have a heart problem and you are not aware of it? Well, it can happen. All of us are not aware of what is happening inside our body and hence, we live a peaceful life.

All heart problems do not come with clear symptoms; though, some common things may occur in your body if you have heart problems. To confirm or deny that you have a heart problem, you must always get regular checkups from your doctor and if you are facing any of the issues listed below, then you must contact your physician immediately or go to the nearest emergency room, especially if you are over 40*.

Chest Pains

Man grabbing his chest

Chest problems are one of the common signs faced by people suffering from heart disease. Chest problems often occur when you are either having a heart attack, feel some sort of pressure, feel pain or tightness in the heart, or have a blocked artery. Everyone cannot define this situation, attributing it to other reasons of their own. This kind of feeling is not normal and lasts more than a few minutes. Chest problems can occur either when you are doing some physical activity or you are at rest.

If you are feeling pain, pressure, or discomfort in the center of your chest or your arms, back, jaw, neck, or stomach, go to the nearest emergency room or call 9/11 for assistance. Do not ignore these symptoms.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is another way your body is alerting that it could be a sign of heart trouble as a response to extra stress on your heart. Fatigue and shortness of breath are more common in women and may begin months before a heart attack


You may think that nausea is common and can occur due to an upset stomach. Well, it is possible that you can have an upset stomach for countless reasons, such as eating something that you do not normally eat or something else along those lines. Even though it may have nothing to do with your heart, these are really serious matters and you need to be careful about them. Sources report that people often feel nauseous when they have heart diseases. If you vomit often, then you need to consider this matter and inform your doctor about it.    


Is your significant partner irritated because of your snores? Although it is normal for some people to snore while they are sleeping, when you snore more loudly than usual, then that can be a symbol of sleep apnea. This actually puts in extra stress and pressure on your heart. If you think that this is becoming a common occurrence, then you need to consult your doctor.

Arm Ache

Doctors consider that when you feel pain in your left arm, you might have heart issues. Normally, this pain starts from your chest and spreads outwards, but sources report that people who have arm pains have had minor heart attacks in the past. Nowadays, even the smallest and normal pains in your body require attention; so, you must get them checked instantly if you are facing them.

Weariness and Exhaustion

Do you often feel weary, tired, and exhausted? Then, it is time to set up an appointment with your doctor. Things that never made you tired or exhausted and now affect you can be a clear symptom of a heart disease. If women face this, they should take it seriously and ask their doctor to prescribe them medicines to cure it.

In Summary:

You may experience any of the following that precedes a heart attack:

    • mild pain or discomfort in your chest that may come and go
    • pain in your shoulders, neck, and jaw
    • sweating
    • nausea or vomiting
    • lightheadedness or fainting
    • breathlessness
    • Anxiety or confusion

Please see our heart disease infographic for more information.

Now that you know the symptoms of heart disease, we are sure that you will be able to determine the cause and act in time before things get worse.

*This article is for information purposes only. It is highly recommended to seek the advice of an experienced medical professional or your physician regarding any concerns or abnormalities you may be experiencing.

Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease is inherited in nature and it causes the brain cells to degenerate. It adversely affects one’s ability to function and leads to a number of disorders. The impairment may be psychological, physical, or cognitive. Unfortunately, it is fatal and no treatment has been developed yet to cure this disease.

According to Huntington’s Disease Society of America, there are about thirty thousand symptomatic patients of Huntington’s disease and more than 200,000 are at the risk of inheriting it. It has also been described as having Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Parkinson disease – all at the same time. The symptoms of Huntington’s disease usually surface in the 30s or 40s, but the onset of the disease can be much later or earlier in life. This means that one can be diagnosed with Huntington’s even in their 20s and before, or 50s and later, all depending upon the patient’s genetic makeup. In case of the onset of the disease in the teenage years, the symptoms can be different and the disease can progress much faster.


The symptoms progress over a period of ten to fifteen years, and eventually, the patient loses the battle with heart failure, pneumonia, or some other fatal complexity. Huntington’s is caused due to the genetic makeup of an individual, that is why that despite everyone having Huntington’s gene, only some have its expansion gene which causes the gene to develop. The chance of a Huntington’s patient’s child to inherit and develop the disease is positively present by 50%.

Symptoms include:

  • Changes in personality
  • Changes in mood
  • Feeling depressed
  • Weak memory
  • Difficult to maintain balance while walking and jerking of limbs
  • Difficulty in speaking, swallowing
  • Loss of weight
  • Disturbed sleep pattern
  • Geocentrism
  • Anxiety
  • Compulsive behavior


For an adult, having tested for Huntington’s is a personal choice. Many people feel reluctant to get tested as they see no point in knowing what kind of future lies ahead of them if they do have an active Huntington’s gene. Others do want to know so that they can make plans for future accordingly; plans concerned with family in particular.

People under 18 years are recommended not to be tested as they cannot entirely comprehend the consequences and conditions of this disease. Though, in case of Juvenile Huntington’s Disease, tests can be conducted after extensive neurological examination has been done. Prenatal tests can also be done to see if the expected child has the Huntington’s gene and the one that can activate its development.

The diagnosis can be done clinically, through predictive genetic testing, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, prenatal testing, and differential diagnosis.

Though there is no clue to Huntington’s disease as of yet, but it can be managed with medicines and physical therapy. Educating people about the disease and its development can also help them prevent through family planning, care management and genetic testing. The advancements in genetic research and genetic engineering can hold answers to the questions regarding this disease that still remain a myth.

Donations can be made to the Huntington Disease Society of America.

Donate to Change the World

Illustration of hands up in the air
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

With open hearts and open hands, we gave what we could, and a little became a lot”, said Wendy Smith in her book Give a little: “How your small donations can transform our world”.

People donate money to different causes for a variety of reasons. These include personal satisfaction, tax deductions, and social reasons that can bring change in our society for the better.

Philanthropy on a Personal Level

Although Howard Fensterman donates to a variety of causes, he has chosen two major organizations on which he mainly focuses. One is the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. A non-profit organization devoted to finding the cures for Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis and to improving the quality of life of children and adults affected by this disease.

Advancing the quality of life of all communities is of primary importance to Howard and as such, he is a contributor to his local Chabad, which is an organization that assists folks by uplifting their social environments in locations all over the world.

How You Can Help

Group of Hardworking Volunteers Preparing Donated Free Food Rations

Depending on the reason for donating to charity, people may choose different ways to help. Volunteering to work for a charitable organization is a great way to be directly involved in helping others.

If you want to contribute funds, you will find many organizations to choose from. Many people make choices by keeping in mind how their money will be utilized and the impact it will have in the area they are concerned about, as well as potential tax deductions.

Many individuals do feel compelled to donate to organizations for a cause that is likely to bring social change,* but they end up giving money to establishments, like hospitals and universities, whenever they can make donations. According to research, only 20% of big donors follow their desire to donate to organizations that are working to bring social change.

This may be because of two major reasons, as identified by the same research.

    1. People do not know about such organizations and second, they do not find it rewarding to donate to small organizations.
    2. There could be a lack of trust. Established and traditional recipients of donations enjoy a certain level of people’s trust because of a history of using donations for the intended purposes. Also, making big donations to established organizations and big names is a way to earn respect and admiration in society.

But, there are folks, especially philanthropists, who do not follow the traditional route. In order to satisfy their strong desires to help bring in social change, they make non-traditional choices and look for organizations that are working on innovative projects to change society’s practices, and norms or to address real problems of society.      

Some philanthropists believe that organizations that may be small but are at the forefront of research are the most worthy recipients of their donations. 

Additionally, you may want to consider going beyond donating to medical research and consider contributing directly to hospitals and other organizations. St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital which was founded by Danny Thomas, is a cancer center for children and is a great place to donate, as well as the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital.

Hungry children in Africia
Hunger is an area that we must all consider lending a helping hand. No one should ever go hungry anywhere in the world. Whether that be physically volunteering or sending money. Save the Children is just one of many charities we highly recommend considering.

You may also want to consider helping our veterans and first responders. Tunnel to Towers provides state of the art housing for injured soldiers and first responders. It was founded by Frank Siller, who lost his brother, a firefighter in the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in NYC. Wounded Warrior Project is another charity that assists our veterans.

How We Help

This website is devoted to bringing awareness to many illnesses, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as discussing mental health issues and domestic lone-wolf shooting attacks.

In addition to learning what these diseases are, we offer suggestions, based on the studies from researchers in the fields, on how you can use preventative measures to stay healthy, and what to do if you feel you may be at risk.

We provide charitable organizations you can contact but we obviously can’t list all the charities here. We do have a plethora of information available with links to sources that you can follow up on. Forbes provides the top 100 charitable organizations and you can use their guide as well.

When you see the impact your money is bringing to society, it gives you the satisfaction that you have played your part in making this world a better place.  

*Social change in this article refers to anything that benefits society, including medical advances as well as social ones.

Please note: This website does not ask for any financial contributions directly or provide any forms to donate to a cause. Please refer to the sources provided and/or you can find them on the Web via Google or other resources.

Coronary Artery Disease

Described as the deadliest disease out there by some, Coronary Artery Disease is the most common heart disease in United States. Men and women both are victims to this disease. It is the leading cause of death in USA. If the blood vessels that are responsible for supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart are damaged or diseased, it eventually leads to development of Coronary Artery Disease.

Often, plaque (deposits made up of cholesterol) builds up in these blood vessels and blocks coronary arteries. This decreases the flow of blood to the heart and in turn one experiences chest pain, shortness in breath and many other symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease. In worst case, a complete blockage of blood flow can occur which can cause a heart attack and permanent heart damage.

Causes of CAD

As discussed above, plaque that eventually builds up due to accumulation of cholesterol deposits, leads to Coronary Artery Disease. This process can take years, and one may not even notice unless symptoms like chest pain, etc, start to surface. This process of plaque being built up on the insides of arteries is termed as atherosclerosis. The most common causes of having a coronary heart condition include smoking, continuously having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and resistance diabetes or insulin, and a laid-back daily routine. The dietary habits are also great contributors to this disease.

The risk of having coronary heart disease increases with time. If someone has a family history of this disease, the likelihood of inheriting it increases substantially. People who have a habit of smoking or have high blood pressure, higher levels of blood cholesterol, or have been diagnosed with obesity or diabetes, are prone to Coronary Artery Disease. Similarly, sedentary lifestyle and stressful life conditions are also strong triggers.


Over time, symptoms of Coronary Artery disease start to show up.

  • The most common is angina, or chest pain. Though it is felt for a few minutes when doing a stressful task, one feels discomfort or pressure in the middle or left side of the chest.
  • Shortness of breath is another symptom which occurs during an exertive task. It may also be accompanied with fatigue.
  • Many people also have a heart attack, which is severe pain in the chest extending till the left arm, and till neck and jaw line in case of women.


Coronary Artery disease is diagnosed through a physical exam, considering medical and family history, evaluating the risk factors, and performing diagnostic tests like electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, cardiac catheterization, etc.

Treatment is usually done through medication and considering the factors which have caused the disease to occur in the first place. Measures are taken to remove those risk factors. In much complicated cases, surgeries and other procedures are also done. Other options include Angiogenesis and Enhanced External Counterpulsation.

The risk of developing complexities in this disease is very high, hence the high death toll. Therefore, doctors usually suggest keeping a healthy and active lifestyle to patients who show the earliest symptoms.

Parkinson’s Disease: Medical Facts

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder which has affected 60,000 Americans and approximately 10,000 million people globally. The famous boxing legend Muhammad Ali who passed away recently was a victim of this illness. The disease affects the nervous system and makes physical body movement very difficult.

If you are a victim of this disease or know someone who has been diagnosed with it, here are some facts that you need to know: 

  • Not Only for Old People

According to Rachel Dolhun (VP of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research), the Parkinson’s disease is not just for the old people. It may be mostly diagnosed in people aged 60 or above but it can also affect the younger generation. She gives the example of the famous Back to the Future star Michael J. Fox who was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 29. When the disease is diagnosed at a younger age, it means that it is a young-onset Parkinson’s disease.

  • A lot More than Outward Symptoms and Tremors

Usually, Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed on the basis of outward symptoms. But according to Dolhun, the condition has much more to it that the doctors are unable to see. There are other symptoms like constipation, sleeping habits, mood problems, slurred speeches and depression issues that can point towards a possible case of Parkinson’s.  

  • Diagnosing Parkinson is Difficult

When it comes to diagnosing the Parkinson’s disease, there is no specific test for it making it difficult to diagnose. Usually, doctors look for cardinal features of movement disorder. They have their own way of diagnosing the disease in the following four ways.

  • Analyzing the tremor and shaking of body parts such as the arm, chin, entire hand, thumb, feet, and lips.
  • Inspecting the rigidity on rotating the wrist or elbow of the patients.
  • Checking the movement of the arm i.e. Akinesia
  • Looking through the postural instability while holding onto something to maintain balance.

On the basis of these four elements, doctors diagnose the disease. Also, they ask the patient if they feel shaky, stiff or slow while doing daily tasks to evaluate their condition. At times, this becomes difficult as these symptoms are common with some other diseases but competent doctors try best to diagnose the issue.

Common Symptoms

If you or anyone you know is suffering from any of the following symptoms, then it is time you visit a doctor before things go out of hands.

  • Slowed movement
  • Tremors
  • Loss of automatic movements
  • Rigid muscles
  • Impaired posture and balance
  • Writing changes
  • Speech changes

Is There a Cure for Parkinson Disease?

According to researches, there is no standard cure, but there is treatment available.  The common treatments include surgical therapy and medication. The most important cure for this disease is to incorporate permanent lifestyle changes in the patient’s life.



Caring For a Person with Dementia

Dementia PatientCaring for people suffering from dementia, a broad term for a variety of mental health conditions that include loss of memory, impaired reasoning, personality changes and cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s Disease, the most common form of dementia can be challenging and difficult both for caregivers and patient’s families. The inability of people suffering from any form of dementia to remember things, to communicate effectively with others and to take care of themselves, as well as their mood swings can be disconcerting. However, if such people are not taken care of, they may get injured, harm themselves or become depressed due to the feelings of loneliness.  To help caregivers and families assist senior citizens who suffer from dementia, we have listed down some ways to help them cope.

Ensure effective communication

People suffering from dementia often find it hard to effectively communicate with other people due an array of reasons. This may be due to the inability to find suitable words, speak fluently, to recognize and remember a person, to understand what the other person is saying, and the inability to read and write. They may also repeat sentences or stories several times. Following are some tips to overcome these communication barriers:

  • Get the person’s attention by limiting as many distractions as possible
  • Always introduce yourself first and address the person by his/her name
  • Communicate slowly in simple language using short sentences
  • Be patient if they do not understand you and slowly repeat your message or question
  • Give them time to process and understand your words
  • Do not get agitated and/or raise your voice
  • Listen carefully to them and try to understand what they are saying
  • Try not to argue with them or force them for anything. Instead, try to convince them by using compassionate behavior.   

Take care of their diet

While dementia affects a person’s memory, people who are losing their memory cannot take care of their diet and nutrition needs. Therefore, the family, friends and/or caregivers of such people need to make sure they are taking regular healthy meals, since the lack of nutrition can lead to several other health problems. To ensure this, provide them with multiple small meals throughout the day, opt for finger food if they have difficulty in handling the food, eat with them so that they do not feel alone and can also see and copy you.   

Monitoring their Medicine

Dementia patients many times will forget to take their meds. It is imperative that you make sure that your caretaker or other guardian is aware and prepared to assist the patient in taking their prescription medicine at the appropriate time.

Dealing with aggressiveness and troubling behaviors

The behavioral and personality changes that come with dementia are most difficult to handle. Patients can have sudden outbursts and get really aggressive at times, which makes it really difficult for the family and caregivers to handle them.   To deal with such issues, the foremost step should be to find out their causes and triggers and try to avoid such situations as much as possible. Consult the patient’s doctor in case of fierce behavior or reactions. Also, make sure nothing is within the patient’s access where they can use to harm themselves or others in case of a sudden anger attack.

Following the above-mentioned suggestions may help you be able to take care of dementia patients easier, but it is also highly suggested that you stay in touch with a doctor or other medical professional to confirm what you are doing with this particular person is the correct action to take.