
Everything You Need to Know About Choline

basket of eggs
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People love eating eggs because they are delicious, easy to cook, and offer plenty of nutritional benefits. Packed with protein, healthy fats, selenium, vitamin D, and a variety of other minerals and vitamins, eggs are an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.

There is, however, one nutrient that eggs contain that people do not know a lot about –  choline. Note to be confused with chlorine, choline is a B vitamin, which also happens to be an essential nutrient. Choline is a nutrient that plays an important role in the biological processes of the human body. It has an important part to play when it comes to the signaling between cells and nerves, transportation of cholesterol in the body, and even energy metabolism.

Acetylcholine is a chemical produced by the brain, which is part of the processes involved with our memory. This vital chemical compound cannot be made without the intake of choline. Choline also contributes to the production of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine – both of which are vital parts of cell membranes.

The human body can produce choline naturally but only in small amounts. To furnish healthy levels of choline, it is necessary to add nutrients to your diet that contain this essential element. Choline can be found in several different foods and if there is a serious deficiency, you can take choline supplements that are available in retail markets.

Health Benefits of Choline

There are several benefits that you can reap by having this nutrient as a part of your dietary intake. Here is a look at some of the most prominent ones.

Better Liver Health

If the human body does not get enough choline, it can contribute to liver issues. According to a study published by the American Journal of Nutrition in 2007, you need a healthy intake of choline to help your liver function properly.

This study saw almost 60 adults given a diet which contained 550 mg of choline for 10 days. After that, the sample of adults being tested was fed a diet that contained less than 50 mg of choline for up to 42 days. There was a massive difference in how things turned out. Almost half of the women who had not yet undergone menopause developed muscle damage and a fatty liver problem. Similarly, 80 percent of the women who had undergone menopause developed fatty livers and muscle problems. Furthermore, 77 percent of the male demographic in the sample developed similar issues with their livers during the second phase of the test.

Cognitive Function

An observational study suggested that choline played a significant role in the cognitive functioning of men and women. This proves that choline is necessary for the normal development of the human brain and the neural pathways, which are responsible for enhancing memory. The cognitive performance of participants who had lower levels of choline was poor compared to the participants who had proper levels of choline in their systems. Their performance was measured through their speed of perception, global cognition, sensorimotor speed, and executive function.  

Choline and Pregnancy

Building on the necessity of choline for the healthy development of cognitive brain functions, a report was published by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The report stated that increased consumption of foods containing high levels of choline contributed to the development of the brain in the fetus of pregnant women. Studies conducted on animals have shown that if they consume a high choline-based diet in the first year after their birth, they have enhanced memory skills throughout their lives.

How Can You Detect Choline Deficiency?

A person may experience several health issues due to choline deficiency. These include memory problems, muscle damage, insomnia, and excessive fatigue. If an individual has a problem of severe choline deficiency, they might experience nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and significant liver damage.

What Are The Sources of Choline?

Several foods are rich in choline content. Eggs, beef liver, and soybeans are some of the choline-rich foods. Choline can also be found in good quantity in some other foods like mushrooms, potatoes, chicken, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, and whole grain foods.

Here is a look at the example of foods containing choline and the quantity of choline in them:

    • Wheat germ: 51 mg of choline per ounce
    • Broccoli: 31 mg of choline per every half cup
    • Chicken breast: 72 mg of choline per 3 ounces
    • Eggs: 147 mg of choline for every large egg
    • Beef liver: 356 mg of choline per 3 ounces (the highest amount)

Precautions When It Comes to Choline

While choline is an essential part of our diet, there are some considerations that you should keep in mind when consuming it. If taken in high dosage, choline can cause certain adverse effects, including body odor, nausea, vomiting, sweating, low blood pressure, salivation, and liver damage.

According to a study, the deficiency of choline can increase the levels of certain amino acids in the body which are linked to heart disease. This is why having a good intake of this nutrient has also been linked to healthier hearts.

It is important to take notice of the fact that choline supplements should never be solely relied on for the intake of choline. It can cause health concerns. It is always better to rely on regular dietary items to fulfill your choline needs.

Recommended Intake of Choline

While it has still not been established exactly how much choline a person should take in a single day, there are certain guidelines about the recommended intake. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that the proper intake of choline per day for men is at 550 mg. For women, the recommended choline intake should be at 425 mg per day.

Final Thoughts

A lot of people can meet their daily needs for the intake of choline through their regular diet without having to take any extra precautions for it. Of course, there are some cases where a person is unable to fulfill their basic daily requirement of choline intake. If you are worried about the possibility of choline deficiency, it is recommended that you do not start taking supplements of choline on your own.

It is best to go to a certified dietician or your physician to share your concerns about the matter so that if you do need to take supplements, you can get the best possible dosage based on expert opinion.

How Important is Your Mental Health to You?

”Woman holding hands with others
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The mental health of a person plays a major role in the overall health of an individual since in today’s world, everything moves at a faster pace, which can lead to burnout, stress, anxiety, and depression. While a lot of attention wasn’t given to it previously, it has become evident that one’s mental health should be addressed properly, and in some cases, the proper authorities notified if the person appears to be a threat to him/herself or someone else. So let’s take a closer look at how you can maintain a healthy mind and body in this fast-paced, overwhelming environment that we live in today.

First, we must be aware of how easily the growing surroundings around us can make us flustered. Case in point: being ‘busy’ in today’s social circles is considered to be an honorable trait. While it is admirable and healthy to be active, especially in your senior years, it can lead to a decline in your mental stability if you do too much at once. This can lead to a feeling of overwhelmed and subsequent stress, depress or something worse. Employee burnout has quickly become one of the biggest challenges that businesses have experienced. It’s been termed as the new normal because it occurs so frequently.  

Upset woman in front of computer
It doesn’t have to be this way

This has led to the World Health Organization declaring in 2018 that depression is a global crisis with over 300 million people suffering from it. This number consists of people from all age groups, races, socio-economic backgrounds, and more. Around 800,000 deaths per year are attributed to depression. Despite this growing awareness, around 10% of people seek therapy or medication. The number of people with undocumented mental conditions is considered double the number of registered cases.

Even if you aren’t experiencing a mental health problem, it is a good idea to actively self-evaluate your mind to ensure that you are in a state of wellbeing. Your mental health is connected with your sense of self and if it didn’t play an important role in your life previously, it should now.

Why Should it be Important?

Mental health doesn’t just contribute to improving your sense of wellness, it also ensures that you are able to go about your life without worries or problems. The following are some benefits that you can get when you pay attention to your mental health and put it first:

Better Productivity

A healthy mind can allow you to be more productive in everything you do. Self-doubt, anxiety, and stress are physically draining and can lead to fatigue, illness, and depression. While the performance at your job is important, by looking after your mind, you can actually boost your productivity. It can also cut down on your absenteeism and help you be more focused on your work. So be sure to take breaks and avoid being chained to your desk.

Improved Interpersonal Relationships

Happy people at a computer
Photo by Fox from Pexels

Interpersonal relationships are built on emotions and if you’re channeling negative energy, your relationships are also going to reflect this factor. You might have shallow relationships or ones that are toxic for all involved.

Take a moment to step back, breathe and evaluate your mental condition. Invest in self-caring activities that allow you to curb your negative, unhealthy behavior or your thinking patterns. By actively monitoring them, you can improve your mindset and in turn, improve your interpersonal relationships.

More Successful

In today’s world, many people define success as material possessions. On the other hand, a person’s definition of success can differ. If giving into the rat race is causing you to feel depressed or anxious, take a step back.

Finding success in something that you are passionate about is a better course of action and when you are mentally healthy, you will understand this aspect more. It will help you come to a decision more easily and allow you to pick a route that you will be more successful at. Thinking with a clear head will play a major role in defining your success.

Better Health

Stress and depression are silent killers that not only affect your mind but also contribute to physical health problems. According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading contributors to disability and physical problems that can severely mar a person’s quality of life.

A study conducted in 2012 by the Health Services Research highlighted how people with mental health problems were more likely to seek treatment if it had impacted their health. The correlation between the two conditions might not seem significant, but subjects who received treatment noted that their physical health improved as their mental health got better.

How to Put it First

A major issue is that many people don’t always consider putting their mental health first and usually have unhealthy habits that are difficult to let go of. For this reason, they’re either hesitant or don’t know where to turn to when looking to improve it. The following are a few pointers that can help you improve their mental health.

Seeking Professional Help

Couple talking to a medical professional

If you feel like it, seek professional help. The stigma associated with going to a therapist or a psychologist is why some people have an undiagnosed mental condition. Even if you don’t have a mental illness, going to a therapist is still helpful for you. They can assist you, particularly if you are experiencing burnout and need someone to talk to, and don’t be afraid to go. You’ll be surprised how many doctors and police visit a psychiatrist every week.

Setting Boundaries

One of the major ways in which someone might seek acceptance from others is by agreeing to what they say. Learn to say no. People are inherently polite and want to please but don’t let this come at a cost to you. If something makes you uncomfortable, if it is unreasonable or if you are just unable to do it, just say no or at least say that you will think about it and contact them later.

Learn How to Chill!

One gentleman told us something that everyone should do. He said when things appear overwhelming, just sit back and confront each issue step by step in contrast to all at once. Write the issues down on paper. Then look at each one and separately and calmly ask yourself ‘how can I fix this issue?’ It may not be one simple fix but may require a number of steps. Either way, organize it so that you have a clear understanding of how to proceed with each step. Once these issues are clearly laid out in front of you, you will feel better on how to approach them, which will help reduce your anxiety and consequently you’re the whole outlook on the situation and yourself. It’s a simple physiological chain reaction and it works!

Put Yourself First

Start putting yourself first. Many people will put everything else first except themselves. From the demands of the job to the wants and needs of their parents, their siblings, their pets, and more, they’re giving so much to others that there is nothing left for themselves. For once, do things that you like and that is better for your mental health. Always remember that putting yourself first is not selfish, even if it might feel like it at the start.  

Remember, a strong mind leads to a strong body. By actively taking measures to improve your mental health, you can make a significant difference in your life and the lives of others around you.

Seven Myths about Crohn’s Disease that Need to Go Away

”Man with stomach pains"
Photo by szefei –

Despite the fact that Crohn’s disease impacts around 780,000 people in the US alone, there is not enough said about it. Due to this reason, there are a lot of prejudices and misconceptions about the condition that can seriously mar your perceptions. Whether you have Crohn’s disease or know someone who is suffering from it, it is a good idea to educate yourself about this condition. 

The following are a few of the most common myths about Chron’s Disease that need to be repudiated: 

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease are the Same

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS is often wrongfully associated with Crohn’s disease because of the similarities in the condition. They’re both gastrointestinal ailments that irritate the gut. While this does mean that both of them are classified under irritable bowel diseases – IDS, IBS is a completely different condition. Crohn’s causes inflammation in the track whereas IBS affects the contractions of the muscles. Treatments and triggers for both of these conditions are also different so it is necessary to understand the differences. 

  • Crohn’s Disease Happens to Overweight People

Due to the fact that Crohn’s disease is a gastrointestinal condition, many people believe that overweight or obese people are more likely to develop it. On the other hand, Crohn’s disease does not occur in people because of the extra weight in their body. Careful research has highlighted that there are other circumstances, apart from a person’s body type, that causes Crohn’s to occur.

It is either inherited through a gene or it happens when the immune system of the body becomes compromised. There are many patients of Crohn’s disease who were healthy, physically fit individuals before the condition emerged.

  • Bad Eating Habits Cause Crohn’s Disease

This is not true at all. Crohns’ disease does not rely on your eating habits. However, your bad eating habits might be contributing to causing distress to your bowel. In this case, if a person is prone to getting Crohn’s disease, it might happen, but the chances for this are rather low.

Nevertheless, eating healthier is better for your gut and you so if you’re thinking of changing your diet, go for it. In rare cases, there have been times when an IDS condition caused by a bad diet can worsen and turn into Crohn’s disease, but this would mean that the immune system of the person has become compromised prior to this taking effect.

Learn more from this video below about proper eating with Chron’s Disease.

  • Crohn’s Disease Flares Up at an Age

No one needs to be a certain age to get diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The condition can occur in children and teens, as well as adults. Data shows that around 20% to 30% of patients were diagnosed with Crohn’s disease before the age of 20. In fact, the number of children getting diagnosed with the disease is growing with each passing year.

In many teens, Crohn’s can occur because of complications in their bodies during puberty. Similarly, others inherited the gene from their parents or there is a family history of the condition. The silver lining here though is that early detection of the condition can allow for early treatment. This allows the possibility of the condition to go into remission faster.

  • It is Only a Stomach Condition

One of the worst misconceptions is the belief that Crohn’s disease is only a stomach condition. This downplays the impact that this disorder actually has on the day to day life of the patient. For many, it is not just a stomach condition. Crohn’s disease can cause a wide array of symptoms including:

  • Causing anemia or malnutrition
  • Pain in the body
  • Unexplainable fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Ulcers and bleeding sores
  • Fever and inflammation of the joints
  • Inflammation of the eyes and skin

All these make it difficult to just consider Crohn’s to be a stomach condition. A person can experience some of all of these symptoms based on the severity of the condition. Luckily, when in remission, a person can experience next to none of the symptoms listed above.

  • It’s Not a Disability

Any condition that greatly mars a person’s ability to perform certain basic actions or go about their daily routine is a disability. Crohn’s disease definitely comes under this definition. Considering how debilitating the symptoms of this disorder can be, Crohn’s is a disability. This is particularly true when it is affecting the physical health of the person to such a large degree that they are unable to leave the house.

Many patients of Crohn’s disease dread leaving their homes for fear that the condition might flare-up. They also have to actively plan their day out in order to ensure that they are near a bathroom or other private area in case of an emergency. While some people might not have symptoms that cause such a huge problem, this isn’t always the case.

  • You Have to Get Your Colon Removed

A common misunderstanding is that if you get Crohn’s disease, the way to cure it is to remove all or part of your colon. However, this is not the case. First of all, there is no cure for Crohn’s disease so getting operated on to cure it is a myth. Secondly, removal of your colon only occurs when the condition has started to cause the walls to thicken and cause the passage to close. This prevents the passage of waste and also contributes to continued inflammation, muscle cramps, and abdominal pain.

While 70% of patients with Crohn’s disease do opt for this operation, it is not necessary for all patients. Moreover, for people who have severe Crohn’s, removal of the diseased part of the colon can allow the condition to go into remission. This doesn’t mean that the condition is cured. Care needs to still be taken to ensure that it goes into long-term remission and they still need to continue their treatment plan for Crohn’s disease.

Five Misconceptions about Drug Addiction and Substance Abuse

Assortment of medication on a tableDrug addiction and substance abuse have the most misconceptions against them. Societal prejudice, improper representation in the media and other myths all contribute to painting a bleak picture and misconstruing facts. In this case, if anyone even wants to seek help, they are unable to do so because of the stigma associated with drug addiction and substance abuse.

Hesitance to seek help for drug addiction is prevalent, which has allowed a significant number of individuals struggling with drug addictions to increase drastically. In 2015, around 24.6 million people in the US alone were dealing with drug dependence and substance abuse and this number has more than doubled in recent years.

To ensure that proper help and treatment is being made, you need to let go of many of the misconceptions that could be clouding your perception.

  • Addiction is a Conscious Choice

Opioid pillsMany people believe that staying addicted is a conscious decision made by the person. They can cite examples of people who used drugs occasionally and stopped when they wanted to. On the other hand, addiction is different. It might start out voluntarily but by the point, an addiction has developed, it is not easy to stop. In fact, the individual might not even realize it until it’s too late. Just look at all the smokers around us who say they’re are going to quit, only to come back to it a few weeks later. Nicotine, the part of the cigarette that is addictive does not make it easy on them.

According to the NIDA – National Institute on Drug Abuse, an addiction is a mental disorder that changes the chemistry of the brain over time. It develops a tolerance for the substance that makes one crave more and more amounts of the drug to get the same high or reaction from it. As the brain chemistry changes, the person’s ability to control impulses are also greatly impacted. Addicted people will exhibit reckless, compulsive and harmful behaviors which are difficult for them to control, regardless of how damaging it might be to them.

  • It is a Personality Flaw

Another common misconception is that drug addiction occurs because a person’s moral compass is wrong. They must already have questionable values to make use of drugs. Fortunately, this is not true at all. Drug addiction and substance abuse doesn’t discriminate and can affect people from all socioeconomic backgrounds, regardless of their moral compass, values, mores and norms, their gender or race.

The following are some common social and psychological factors that increase the chances of drug addiction and substance abuse:

  • Environmental Factors – Peer pressure, isolation, boredom, and escapism can lead to substance abuse and drug addictions. In this instance, these are factors that are outside someone’s control.
  • Exposure – Being around individuals with addictions and substance abuse can increase the chances of someone developing an addiction because they become normalized to this aspect.
  • Other Disorders – Addiction and substance abuse are higher in people who have PTSD, depression or anxiety.
  • Trauma –Anyone who has experienced a traumatic incident might also turn to drugs as they are looking to mentally escape the trauma, even when they are in a safe environment.

Contrary to popular belief, the financial background of a person has no impact. In fact, people who earn more have surplus income to buy hard drugs like cocaine. Needless to say, we are unfortunately hearing about Hollywood stars who have succumbed a drug habit and subsequently die. Judy Garland, Heath Ledger, and River Phoenix are just a few celebrities who have paid the ultimate price from drug addiction.

  • Addiction can only happen with Hard Drugs

Media representation of addictions has led to a prevalent misconception that substance abuse can only occur with the use of hard drugs. From Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting to Scarface you will see the protagonists struggle from one bad decision to another while using hard drugs such as cocaine, meth, heroin, and alcohol.

In reality, your prescription pain medication is more likely to create an addiction. Opioids such as hydrocodone, fentanyl, and oxycodone are known for this aspect. In fact, there is a current opioid crisis happening with over 54 million people making use of prescription medicine for non-medical reasons. Even low-risk medication is problematic as people have even developed addictions with repeated use of cough syrup for non-medical purposes.

  • Addicts are Identifiable

Another misconception is that an addict is easily identifiable. This is one of the worst misconceptions as it hinges on stereotypes. The common belief is that if someone has a criminal background or comes from a certain background, they are either addicts or on their way to becoming addicts. In general, they are considered to be problematic people who are unable to hold down jobs, not very well dressed or are careless or have no money.

On the other hand, nothing can be further from the truth. High functioning addicts are ones who are able to hold steady jobs, earn well and are generally loved and respected by their peers. Understanding the stigma associated with drug addiction and substance abuse, they actually go to bigger lengths to hide this dark secret. It is only when their addiction has progressed to an extreme point that they are unable to maintain their high functioning status.

  • Alcohol Addiction is Different

Man fell asleep with bottle in handSince it is usually consumed in social settings and for recreational purposes, many people don’t consider how easy it is to develop an addiction to alcohol. Alcohol addiction is also not considered to be as harmful or damaging as a drug addiction. In fact, the NIAAA – National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported that alcoholism is more prevalent and is largely untreated and undetected.

Due to the fact that alcohol is more easily available and so socially consumed, alcohol addicts are more likely to indulge in their addiction without any problems. Unfortunately, this fact makes alcohol addiction more difficult to identify which delays treatment.

Maybe it is partially due to the fact that it can be obtained legally, but when alcohol was made illegal, look at what happened. And now there is the question about marijuana and if it should be legalized? There are practical and legitimate reasons to argue this on both sides and the only way to officially determine if it should be legalized would be to allow it to become so. Maybe for just six months until enough statistics can be measured. With that said, some will say that many people will become a statistic by just dying from the result of being high on pot (e.g. car accidents). This is a wait and see dilemma, but one thing is for sure at this time. Relapses are also more common with recovering addicts. Nearly 88,000 deaths in the US occur on an annual basis because of alcohol addiction.  

By setting aside misconceptions about drug addictions and substance abuse, you can offer your loved ones more support and help them seek out the treatment they need. Keep in mind that it will be an uphill battle, but with persistence and perseverance, the addiction can be battled.

Prevailing Reasons for Obesity in the Female Population After 40

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Although there are a variety of reasons why a person may be overweight, a decline in physical activity and unhealthy dietary habits have contributed a great deal in turning obesity into an epidemic.  According to recent statistics, more than 150 million US citizens are suffering from the issue of weight gain.

If we particularly talk about the female population, it has been found that more than 60% of the adult women in the country are suffering from obesity. Despite the increasing public awareness of obesity, a large number of women are still dealing with this health issue.

40 and Obesity

40 is generally considered an important milestone in one’s life. Some people find a new meaning of life at this point of age. On the other hand, a midlife crisis is also typically experienced after 40. And interestingly, it has also been found that women are more likely to gain weight after 40 years.  Medical scientists and nutritionists have deduced multiple reasons behind obesity in the female population, particularly after 40. Let’s have a look.

Before we move on to discuss those reasons in detail, it is imperative to clarify that the intent of sharing this information is just to spread awareness regarding the unhealthy repercussions of obesity. We don’t approve of the socially construct taboo of obesity particularly for women by any means.

Hormonal Imbalance

Stating the obvious, the most prevalent reason for weight gain after 40 is the hormonal imbalance within the female body. The time between ages 40 and 48, also known as pre-menopause phase, is highlighted by the reduced production of estrogen from ovaries. With reduced estrogen levels, the body starts to retain more fat than before, thereby leading to weight gain.

On the other hand, reduced levels of progesterone also contribute to gaining weight. Reduced progesterone levels don’t have any effect on the fat retention characteristics of the body. However, its reduced production can set off bloating, which actually adds up to the net weight of the affected person.

Slower Metabolic Rate

Irrespective of gender, age most definitely plays a key part in obesity. However, women bear the greater brunt of aging because of the natural phenomenon of menopause. Due to menopause, the metabolism of females turning 40 becomes slower than the men of the same age. A slower metabolic rate slows the rate at which the body burns calories. As a result, all the excessive and leftover calories show up in the form of weight gain.  

Increased Stress Levels

Women aged 40 and above also become more vulnerable to higher levels of stress. Balancing professional and personal life, taking care of children while worrying about finances and jobs at the same time— all of it can take a great toll on their mental health.  

The coping mechanism of the body to deal with stress is to release the cortisol hormone. The constant proliferation of this hormone within the body affects its natural capability to lose weight. So, chronic stress, among many another issues can also result in excessive weight gain.     

Loss of Muscle Mass

Many people might not be aware of this but a body with more muscle mass actually has a better metabolic rate. Even though the reduction of muscle mass is one of the unwanted consequences of the natural process of aging, women are likely to be more severely affected by this phenomenon because of menopause.

It has been observed that after turning 40, women start to lose their muscle mass more rapidly as compared to men. As a result, the basal metabolic rate of the body significantly drops. Slowed metabolism, reduced muscle mass with more fat retention can only mean one thing – increased weight.

Apart from these internal and natural reasons behind the obesity after 40, some external factors can also contribute to weight gain among women. Let’s take a brief look at them.

Lack of Physical Activity

As mentioned earlier, our modern lifestyle has already cut down our physical activity to a great extent. Many women become negligent of this aspect after crossing 40. There is so much going on in life during this phase of age that women can’t focus on their bodies when it comes to maintaining an active physical lifestyle. The importance of physical activity increases when age starts to take its toll on the body.

So, women should proactively manage a better routine of physical activities to counterbalance the detrimental side effects that happen as they grow old.

Unhealthy Dietary Habit

This is another harmful factor that develops as one ages. Due to their hectic and multifaceted professional and personal life, some women do not pay attention to what they eat. Untimely eating, not taking into account the total calorie count of the daily diet and feasting on bad carbs and unhealthy fats—all these things are a recipe for obesity particularly if a woman has crossed 40. Women who are near menopause must take extra care of what they eat. Eating carelessly and unhealthy will not help the already ailing body and mind.  Of course, there are loads of diet plans that you can follow and after 40 is highly recommended.

Way Forward

Apart from taking care of one’s diet and physical activity, meditation can also help to deal with obesity by relieving stress and balancing hormones. There are many ways in which one can meditate. Try different methods and stick to the one that suits you the most. In addition, it is imperative to frequently visit your physician just to get better guidance on maintaining the wellbeing of your mind and body.


Five Healthy Fats You Need in Your Diet

Avacodes and Salmon on a plate
Photo by Alex9500 –

When people think of fats in their diet, they tend to demonize them. Fats are linked to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer, diabetes (type 2) and more. In fact, foods that have fat in them have been vilified to the point where you can now find fat free or low-fat versions of them.

On the other hand, before you shun them from your diet, you should consider that they are needed by your body for various functions. In fact, following dietary guidelines, you have to make sure that you get 20% to 35% of your calories from fats. The lowest that you can opt for is 10% fat in your food but it is usually not recommended.

Unusually, the average diet gives one 34% to 40% of calories from fats. Couple this with poor exercising habits or a sedentary lifestyle and this fat is not burnt off but stored. With each meal, you keep adding to the stored fats and this creates a surplus that is unhealthy for your body.

Differentiating Between Good Fats and Bad Fats

To better understand these nutrients, you need to take a closer look to see that not all fats are equal. There are good fats and bad fats in your diet that make a major impact on you. Take a closer look to understand them here:

Bad Fats

There are actually two types of bad fats that you can find in your diet. Both of these are harmful to your cardiovascular health. Another distinguishing factor is that they are usually in solid form at room temperature.

  • Saturated Fats – These are usually animal-based fats and are typically found in certain meats and dairy products. High amounts of saturated fats can increase the cholesterol level in your body and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. If your diet is high in refined carbohydrates as well, you can amplify your chances of developing diabetes (type 2) as well.
  • Trans Fatty Acids – These are usually plant-based fats but and are wrongfully assumed to be healthier. Present in hydrogenated vegetable oils, these are extremely harmful to you. With trans fatty acids, your risk for cardiovascular disease is drastically magnified because these fats inhibit the production of good cholesterol and raise the level of bad cholesterol more than saturated fats.

If you eat junk food and fast food on a daily basis, it is very likely that your diet is high in saturated fats and trans fatty acids because these are present in high amounts in fried foods, dark meats such as pork, beef, and lamb, lard, shortening, baked goods, processed foods and snacks such as popcorn, crackers and more.

Good Fats

Like the bad ones, there are two types of good fats in your body and they are healthier for your heart. Unlike the bad fats, these are usually in liquid form at room temperature.

  • Monounsaturated Fats – These are found in a number of different foods and oils and when taken in moderation, they can improve the level of cholesterol in the body and also reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. They also boost production of high-density lipoprotein – HDL in the body that is good for your body.
  • Polyunsaturated Fats – Largely found in plant-based oils and foods, polyunsaturated fats are also good for your body. They also contain Omega 3 fatty acids which improve coronary health by boosting the health of your cardiovascular system. They can also boost heart function and prevent heart arrhythmia.

Eating healthy organic food items can help you introduce monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats into your diet. Again, care needs to be taken since these fats have to be eaten in moderation to benefit your body. Anything in excess can harm your body.

The Good Ones You Need in Your Diet

Now if you are thinking of adjusting your diet, you need to ensure that you include the following items in order for you to be healthier:

  • Coconut Oil – Extra Virgin

Good for your skin and your hair, coconut oil is also good for your heart. It contains high amounts of antioxidants that improve your cardiovascular health. The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil can also improve joint health and reduce the chances of developing arthritis.

  • Olive Oil – Extra Virgin

Extra virgin olive oil is extremely good for your heart since it has high amounts of monounsaturated fats. It also protects cells from damage and improves cognitive function and memory. In many cases, it has also been found to help improve chronic inflammation. Take care when buying it to ensure that you aren’t using fake olive oil.

  • Ghee and Butter

While butter is usually skipped, it has good amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids that improve brain function, skin condition and also helps improve your hair too. Moreover, both these fatty acids are not naturally produced in the body so they should be included in your diet. Similarly, ghee, also known as clarified butter, is high in vitamin A, D, E and K2. It improves bone health, boosts cardiovascular health and is also naturally lactose-free.

  • Avocados

Extremely rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, avocados boost good cholesterol in your body. They also have high levels of vitamin A and E and have antioxidant properties that boost your immune system. It also has good amounts of proteins and folic acids, which improves the health of your reproductive system, effectively minimizing birth defects.

  • Fatty Fish – Omega 3 and 6

Fatty fishes are oily ones such as sardines and salmon and are very high in Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. They also have healthy amounts of vitamin A and E that improve your skin, hair, and nails. They also improve brain function and definitely contribute to keeping you younger.

Making Any Changes in Your Diet

Before you make any changes in your diet, always remember to consult with your physician or a proper dietician. Make allowances for your special dietary needs, particularly if you are allergic to certain foods. For example: Nut allergies can mean that you cannot consume coconut oil. You will have to use a substitute for it.


Why are More People Suffering from Vitamin D Deficiencies Each Year?

Woman and child in a park
Photo by Anna Om –

Considering the number of ailments that are being resolved with medical breakthroughs, it is surprising to see that the number of people suffering from vitamin D deficiency is rising each year. Moreover, it is a vitamin that is naturally produced in the body, so this aspect can be a little disconcerting. Whatever the reason, let’s take a look at what happens if you are not up to par with your daily vitamin D intake.

What is Vitamin D good For?

Vitamin D is a nutrient that is fat soluble, and runs a wide array of vital functions in the body including the following:

  • Maintaining Healthy Bone Density and Strength – Vitamin D can help with better absorption of phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium in the body. This helps improve bone strength and density, effectively keeping conditions such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia, or rickets at bay.
  • Supports the Immune System – You can also get a healthier immune system with the help of vitamin D. In children, it reduces the risk of developing influenza by at least 40% whereas adults are less likely to catch the flu. It also reduces the risk associated with cancer and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Improves the Nervous System – Healthy amounts of vitamin D in the body can also help keep your nervous system in good condition. It improves neuromuscular function and reduces muscle pain which in turn, end up reducing your risks of developing conditions such as fibromyalgia.
  • Keeps the Brain Healthy – Brain health and brain function are enhanced by vitamin D. It promotes healthy activity, which reduces depression and anxiety. It has also been linked with reducing the chances of someone developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or schizophrenia.
  • Supports Healthy Cardiovascular Function – Conditions like hypertension and high blood pressure can also be reduced or prevented with the help of vitamin D. Healthy heart health also means that you are not at risk from other cardiovascular conditions that could afflict you and are related to hypertension and high blood pressure.
  • Regulates Insulin – Conditions such as diabetes can be prevented with healthy levels of vitamin D in the body. Insulin production, as well as release and breakdown, are regulated and stay in check with a good amount of this nutrient in your body.

With so many tangible benefits and more, it is easy to see that vitamin D plays an essential role in maintaining good health.

A Little Sunshine Wouldn’t Hurt

Man by Sun representing vitamin D
Sr. Airman Michael Cossaboom pretends to eat the sun in Asheville N.C., April 18, 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Jensen Stidham)

Vitamin D, also known as the Sunshine Vitamin, is naturally produced when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Around 50% to 90% of vitamin D in the body is made through sun exposure.

While you can take supplements or make sure you are eating foods that have vitamin D in them, it is usually not enough and cannot even cover 50% of your body’s daily requirement. For this reason, spending time in the sun is a better option. A recent study has shown that the best time to allow your body to create vitamin D is early morning and between 11:00 and 1:00 under direct sunlight. Unfortunately, many people do not spend as much time in the sun as they should. 

Given the risks you face, it is troubling to see why there is such a major deficiency of Vitamin D on a global level. The main reason is that people no longer spend as much time in the sun as they previously used to. 

Three Reasons Why People Don’t Spend Time in the Sun

Unfortunately, despite all the data pointing to this factor, people are still avoiding time in the sun. The following are four major reasons why people don’t spend time indoors:

    • Spending More Time Indoors

We have slowly crafted our lives to spend them indoors. Whether one is at work, school university, or even shopping, your time in the sun is extremely limited. Even when someone is at home, our hobbies are such that we would much rather watch television or play video games than go outdoors.

    • Skin Cancer and Sun Exposure

Sun exposure has been linked with increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, which is why many people actively avoid sun exposure. While you only need to spend 15 to 30 minutes in strong sunlight to make vitamin D, many people are not keen on spending time in the sun. Even if they are outdoors, they will have sunscreen on, which inhibits UVB rays from being absorbed by the body.

    • Beauty Standards

Sun exposure has also been linked with skin damage and increases the appearance of fine lines which makes people more hesitant about going outdoors. Even when they do, they will make sure to keep the skin covered and apply sunscreen.

These reasons might appear small, but avoiding the sun at all costs can cause a vitamin D deficiency in a person. At a global level, it is estimated that more than a billion people have a deficiency when it comes to this vitamin.

Four Major Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

Another surprising factor is that the symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency can often be overlooked as some other ailment. The following are some major signs that can point to a deficiency in the body:

    • Weak Immune System

From the flu to pneumonia, influenza, and more, if you are constantly falling ill, you might have a vitamin D deficiency.

    • Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome or unexplained tiredness, even when you aren’t overworked, can point to a vitamin D deficiency.

    • Pain in the Bones

Pain in your bones can occur when they are brittle or soft. Before the condition worsens, the pain can be the only major factor regarding it.

    • Depression and Moodiness

Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked with moodiness, depression, and anxiety. It is also the reason why many people often experience SAD – seasonal affective disorder during the winter.

If left unchecked, your vitamin D deficiency can cause serious complications to your health. If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the signs of a deficiency, be sure to get some tests done to determine this factor. Never self-diagnose to avoid any further complications. Contact your physician for a vitamin D checkup.

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Wild salmon is one of the best sources of vitamin D, as well as light tuna. Mushrooms, milk, and orange juice are also great sources of this nutrient. And don’t forget about egg yolks. In addition, you may want to consider taking a vitamin D supplement. Speak to your doctor for professional advice if you think you are vitamin D deficient. 

How You Can Help When a Loved One has Alzheimer’s Disease

Woman Taking Care of an Elderly ManAlzheimer’s disease is an aggressive neurological disorder that slowly breaks down brain cells and inhibits bodily function. The main problem materializes when a person starts to forget things as their brain cells gradually die.

For loved ones, it can be very difficult to see how Alzheimer’s is takes away the independence of the person who has acquired it. It can also get frustrating, especially when the individual is unable to communicate their wants and needs. There are a lot of myths about Alzheimer’s, so we are going to provide the proper procedures to follow as if you find yourself in a position to assist someone who has acquired this debilitating disease.  

Read Up about It

A good way to help is by doing your research regarding Alzheimer’s disease. This can allow you to understand what you should expect and how you can prepare. In many cases, there are common misconceptions about the condition as well that might mar your plans. Always do your research and ensure that you are educated about the condition. This will mean that as your loved one’s condition worsens, you can still do all in your means to make them comfortable.

Similarly, not all forms of Alzheimer’s cause dementia. Dementia only occurs when Alzheimer’s has progressed to a serious stage. The main goal here for you is to understand the condition so that you can offer better support to your loved ones. If you don’t understand it, you cannot help them in a greater capacity, as they need.

  • Healthy Exercises

Just because someone has Alzheimer’s does not mean that they have to stop doing the activities that they’ve enjoyed. In fact, it is actually encouraged that they indulge in activities that can keep their brain healthier for longer time. From gardening and yard work yoga, jogging,  swimming or walking the dog can improve their mood as well as allow them to keep their cognitive thought processes working.

Remember to offer them healthy snacks and water when they are exercising. Also, continue to encourage and interact with them. Whenever possible, allow them to maintain their independence. Alzheimer’s can cause a person to rely heavily on a caretaker. Until that moment, allow them to retain their activities without your assistance. Be careful in some cases though, such as cooking or other activities where a danger may exist. Accidents can occur if the person forgets they are chopping vegetables or they put something in the oven and then forgot about it.

  • Have Realistic Expectations

Alzheimer’s can make a person rather moody and prone to mood swings so you should expect the unexpected. Keep in mind that these patients can fluctuate between good days and bad days. The good days might make you hopeful but things can definitely take a wrong turn with ease. For this reason, be realistic and take each moment as it comes. Also, keep in mind that the good days are not a sign that the disease is diminishing.  

As a degenerative condition, there are treatments available that can slow down the disease but there is no ultimate cure. If your loved one is taking medication for Alzheimer’s, understand that it won’t fix the condition; the medication will just allow them to enjoy their quality of life for longer. It also allows them to adjust to the condition. By understanding and accepting this factor, you can make sure that you have realistic expectations of how the condition will progress.

  • A Predictable Schedule and Routine

One of the major problems with Alzheimer’s is that it can cause confusion on a daily basis. By having a schedule and a routine that is predictable, you can make an Alzheimer’s patient’s life easier. Have meals consistently at the same time; schedule their bathroom breaks, their activities and bedtime. It might feel like looking after a toddler but it allows your loved one to have a set routine that they will not forget so easily.

The routine and monotony of daily life will also allow them to easily handle much of the anxiety and confusion that comes as their condition progresses. Remember to be patient and avoid deviating from the routine as much as possible. Any unexpected changes can trigger anxiety as they are not expecting the change. Moreover, without a consistent routine, it can be difficult for them to remember what they did during the day.

  • Don’t Argue

As they lose their memory, your loved ones will often forget something. They might often believe that they are living in the past or have forgotten that someone has passed away. Never try to argue with them because their failing memory means that they cannot remember what has actually happened. The best thing to do is to gently steer the conversation towards the truth.

If they still insist on something, tell them the truth firmly but avoid arguing. Getting angry for forgetting something will only add to their confusion which in turn, will end up making them angry at their inability to remember. Moreover, as the condition progresses, they will forget so you can’t fault them on this aspect.

  • Emotional Bonds

When a person has Alzheimer’s they can slowly lose their vocabulary as well as their ability to write. They might also forget what certain objects are called and will come up with words for them. An apple could become a red ball. It is very important to read between the lines. When someone with Alzheimer talks to you, you need to listen with your eyes, ears and your heart.

In many cases, the person might not remember an event but they still remember the emotions they felt. Capitalize on this aspect by developing and improving your emotional bonds with them. Listen to music, read out loud to them and try to paint. Moreover, always remember to hug them and let them know they are loved by your actions and your words.

Amazing Health Benefits of Palm Oil

Oilpalm trees malaysiaIf we are careful of what we eat and in what oil our food is made, we can reduce the risk of many kinds of health issues. One such cooking oil that holds benefits for us is palm oil.

Palm oil is a popular vegetable oil derived from different types of oil palms. The core varieties that are used in its production are American oil palm (Elaeis oleifera) and African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). The natural color of palm oil is reddish-orange because of its high beta-carotene content. It is also among very few naturally saturated vegetable fats.

Although palm oil is most commonly used for cooking purposes, not many people know that it is very versatile. It is also used in the manufacturing of many beauty products around the world and palm oil’s nutritional benefits are the reason it is used in the production of many edible and non-edible products.  

Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of palm oil.  

  • Improved Energy Level

Beta-carotene has been proven to improve energy levels in a person and also boost hormonal balance.

  • Better Vision

In addition to boosting energy levels, beta-carotene is very significant in improving vision. Many antioxidants are present in palm oil, which provide the body with powerful defensive mechanisms. These antioxidants are byproducts of cellular metabolism and can effectively protect the body from free radicals that can lead to vision issues.

  • Healthier Cardiovascular System

The content of both HDL and LDL cholesterol is very high in palm oil. Although one is beneficial (HDL) and the other one is bad (LDL), palm oil can still provide a healthier balance to your body. If you ensure a healthy balance of both types of cholesterol that are needed for the body, your cardiovascular system can improve.

  • Cancer Prevention

Palm oil is rich in Vitamin A and E. Vitamin E contains natural antioxidants and Vitamin A contains retinol. Tocopherols are such natural antioxidants that can activate a powerful defensive mechanism in the body by producing compounds to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can inject cancer into healthy cells, therefore, high levels of tocopherol are necessary to prevent cancer.

  • Prevents Vitamin Deficiency during Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often faced with complications arising due to vitamin deficiency that does not only pose threat to them but their unborn child too. Palm oil contains good quantities of Vitamin A, D, and E. Since our bodies are not capable of naturally retaining these vitamins, it is essential to consume them through our diet. If pregnant women include palm oil in their diet, they can prevent vitamin deficiencies from occurring.

Using palm oil for cooking purposes is generally considered as a good health choice due to the above-mentioned benefits. Interestingly, palm oil can also help prevent premature aging.

Seven Ways to Stay Healthy

Which vitamins are good for me? What’s the best way I can lose weight? When should I get a flu shot? And on and on… So we decided to provide a guideline that is straightforward and simple to follow. If you should you feel you want to learn more, just click the links provided.

See Your Doctor on a Routine Basis

Doctor with ChildYou don’t avoid bringing your car in for routine maintenance, right? Then you should do the same thing with your body. With that said, the older you are, the more this should apply.

Bottom line: Make routine visits to your physician. At the very least, make it a point to have yearly checkups where they can do a complete workup and confirm that everything is alright. 

If there are issues, that doesn’t mean that you have reached your end-of-life cycle. But it does mean that you might need some extra nutrients or some other non-threatening additions for you to have a healthier lifestyle. And if you are told that there is a need for follow up (e.g. X-Ray, MRI or to see a specialist). Just do it. Many times, it is just to confirm there is nothing wrong. 

Woman Brushing her TeethAnd we don’t mean just your doctor. Make sure you visit your dentist for checkups as well. Dental checkups and cleaning is an essential part of staying healthy for not just your teeth but your heart as well. 

Wash Your Hands!

One person told us (but this applies to millions of others who do the same thing) that he washes his hands many times a day and he attributes that to not having a cold or similar illness for years. This doesn’t mean that you need to turn into a germaphobe, but even if you do, so what?

Howie Mandel is one and so is Jennifer Lawrence and there is nothing wrong with being a little obsessed with keeping clean (although Mandel is a little more on the extreme side).

Carry some of those $1.00 anti-bacterial bottles or wet wipes, but the bottles may be more practical since you can get more cleaning done with them.

Hand Soap

While we are on the subject of obsessive cleaning (which we are saying is a good thing), wash your hands after touching a door handle, especially one of those restroom door handles. Just because you washed your hands before leaving doesn’t mean that you won’t get contaminated with bacteria on your way out. Who knows what germs are on those things?

When you leave public transportation, wash your hands. That’s where these antibacterial bottles come in. And those airline tray tables! Clean them before with anti-bacterial solution or wipes before you eat on one. 

Have kids? If yes, you need to raise the bar and keep your house as clean as possible. Kids, especially the younger ones are magnets when it comes to dirt and bacteria and schools are notorious for breeding these magnets.

Teach your children when they are young the importance of keeping clean and why. Carry antibacterial cleansers with you. Going to a restaurant? Give them the wipes to wash prior to eating. Do the same everywhere you go with your kids. Start them early and they will be doing this on their own by default before you can say “dirt”.

What Are the Healthists Foods to Eat?

FruitsWe are not talking about dieting, although much of what is discussed here can apply to  a healthy diet.

You know what they say: “An apple a day…”, and that is so true as you can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, oranges, bananas, avocados, broccoli and garlic, just to name a few. These are some of the most nutritious foods you can eat.

Then there is fish. Salmon is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin D, but just about any fish, even tuna will be a boost to your body’s health. Some seafood such as lobster and crab provide zinc which helps keep the immune system working properly and they are not big weight gainers. All these foods help enrich your immune system, keep your heart healthy and your bones too. Some even help keep the wheels in your brain moving like a well-oiled machine.

Don’t forget to go nuts! That’s right. Find some packages of cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans or any nuts from this family of super nutrition. Macadamia nuts are said to contain some of the highest concentration of nutritional items.

Dark Chocolate Almonds
Dark Chocolate Almonds are a great source of nutrition for your heart and health in general

Let’s not forget about dark chocolate and there are many combinations of foods that contain both dark chocolate along with other nutrients. On the con side, it does contain a certain amount of sugar, but the antioxidant content in dark chocolate is extraordinary and the main idea is to find foods that are rich in antioxidants. By absorbing these vitamins and antioxidant-rich foods, you will be moving in the right direction towards a healthy body and mind.

Want to go further? Try organic foods. They contain fewer pesticides and since some pesticides can be destructive to your immune system, they can be an added benefit.

Best vitamins to help fight off diseases are vitamin C and vitamin D. Make sure your body gets the recommended dosage every day and keep an eye out for those foods that have a high level of antioxidants and there are many, some mentioned here.

As far as avoiding colds, follow what is mentioned in this article as well as these guidelines which provide more detailed information.  

Drink Right

Eight ounces of water a day is still the recommended dosage. Water is the most natural liquid you can put in your body and by doing so, it helps to clean out those elements that don’t belong there. It is a great weight reducer too!

Glasses of Red Wine on a TableGreen tea is a winner. Great for the heart and has loads of antioxidants.

What not to drink: Soda which has many non-nutritional factors is not recommended to be your daily drink, as well as other drinks high in sugar. Drinking alcohol doesn’t have many benefits either, but red wine can be advantageous for your heart and help prevent cancerous diseases as well.

Get Vaccinated

Flu season is among us now. Don’t go without a shot, especially if you are a senior or have young children. But in general, taking precautions for any of the recommended vaccinations is of extreme importance. Besides the flu, there are vaccines for pneumonia, shingles, and Pneumococcal conjugate to name a few. If you are traveling, definitely find out what medical precautions you need to take before leaving. Speak to your doctor about what vaccines are needed for you.

Get that Body Moving

Woman doing yogaDid you really think that we were not going to let you read this article without the mention of exercise? Well, here you go! Make those 10,000 steps a daily routine. Getting the blood pumping is vital! 

Those Eight Hours Do Mean a Lot

Just about every sleep study has concluded that humans need a good seven-eight hours of sleep every night.

Sleep apnea

Many people who have this sleep apnea, also called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) don’t know it, but their partner might. That is because snoring is a common sign that you might be one of those individuals who have this illness. We’re saying ‘illness’ because technically that’s what it is. For the most part, it is not life-threatening for most people, but if an oxygen denial event termed hypoxia develops, it can become dangerous and life-threatening.

With that said, sleep apnea can be a destructive element to your body and mind, because you can walk around tired for different times of the day and subsequently, your cognitive abilities may be diminished. Additionally, if you don’t get the recommended 7+ hourse of noghtly sleep, your body loses its chance to replenish and recuperate, especially if you already have an illness or injury. 

What does sleep apnea do exactly?

Student sleeping in computer labOSA consists of the complete obstruction of the airway while sleeping. This obstruction prevents air from entering the lungs. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is characterized by recurrent episodes of airway collapse during sleep. A critical issue with an apnea event is how long oxygen is cut off. When the airway is blocked for more than ten seconds oxygen loss begins to occur.

Bottom line: Your body needs at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you do not get it, you can be prone to tiredness during the day and more importantly, you are not giving your body the ability to heal or strengthen. To learn more about sleep apnea, go here.

If you don’t feel you are getting enough sleep, regardless if you have sleep apnea or not, see your doctor.

Stay Calm

We all can get a little stressed out now and then, but if you are finding that you are more stressed than you should be, this will have a negative impact on your body. There are many ways to reduce stress. Work on it and do your best to stay stress-free.

Bottom line: Stay clean. Eat right. Dring right and sleep the recommended hours for a healthier lifestyle. See your doctor and dentist on a routine basis even if it is just for a checkup.