
11 Ways to Be a Better Parent of an Autistic Child

Autistic-boy-looking-at-a-river Photo by

This coming April is National Autism Month.  and so we find it prudent to take the time to cover some important aspects of Autism.

A Brief Overview of Autism 

Autism is a spectrum disorder that makes one develop differently in terms of communicating and forming social skills. Everybody falls on a different spectrum. If you are a parent of an autistic child, then it is understandable that every day is a challenge for you.

It’s a responsibility as a parent to make their child thrives in this world, regardless of any conditions they are born with. Autism is not impossible to deal with and once you learn how to manage it, things can become easier for you and your child.

Here are 11 ways on how you can be a better parent:

Have a Fixed Schedule

Autistic children learn better if they have a schedule fixed for them. A highly structured daily routine is just what they need to do their best. Consistency is something they can easily depend on and thrive towards. A regular set of activities such as school, play time, meals and therapy makes autistic children feel safe and something they are familiar with. It will less likely cause any tantrums or outbursts as well. Avoid any distractions or disruptions in their schedule. Anything out of the routine can make them upset. Inform your child in advance for any changes.  

Be Consistent

Autistic children need consistency in order to learn something. It is difficult for them to apply the skills learned in just one setting.  Your child can do one thing at school such as using sign language but doesn’t think he/she has to do it at home. Consistency is the key to reinforcing learning and acquiring new skills.

Creating consistency for autistic children makes their emotional development smoother and easier to manage. You must make your child practice and apply all the skills learned in different environments and settings in order to expand the learning process. Consistency should not only be done for learning but also the way you interact with your child during good and challenging behavior.  

Have a Special Safe Area at Home

Even though your home is a safe place for your autistic child, there will be some challenging times when your child will feel unsafe. This is why you need to create another safe place within your home where your child goes to relax and not feel pressured or disturbed in any way. It should be a private space where he can calm down and feel secure. Make sure that the area is marked for easy recognition. Whenever your child feels uneasy, he can come whenever possible. Safety-proof your entire house so that no place is dangerous for any outbursts or self-injurious behavior.

Connect with Your Child Non-Verbally

Autistic children might not speak or communicate much but you can still connect with them non-verbally. You can communicate and connect with your child through other cues such as the eyes, hand gestures, the tone of your voice and other signs of facial expressions and body language. It can even include the way you touch her. You can create your own mix of language as long as it helps the both of you stay connected. Pay close attention to your child’s non-verbal cues as well so that you recognize what they need to express.

Have Some Fun Time

Both you and your child need to have some fun time together to strengthen communication and connection. There should be more to life than just coming in and out of therapy sessions and special classes for your child. Find out how both of you can have fun through incorporating your child’s favorite activities or introduce new games or recreational pastime. Play is an important part of children’s learning and development, and autistic children are no different.

Know Your Child’s Triggers

Autistic children respond differently to different things. Some are highly sensitive to certain things that can trigger them such as light, touch, sound, smell or anything that they perceive to be uncomfortable or dangerous. It is essential to know what triggers your child so that you can avoid any challenging or difficult behavior and reaction.

Don’t Confine Your Child

Interacting is quite difficult for many autistic kids but that doesn’t mean that they should be left by themselves most of the time in their room. Take your child outside every day, whether it is to a store, a walk in the park or even in your own backyard. Autistic children are part of the community and must participate in their own way, no matter how different or limited it might be.

It’s Ok to Take a Break

As a parent of a child, a break is not only normal but a must. This is true whether your child has special needs or not. Don’t feel guilty if you want to leave your kid with a babysitter and go have some fun time with your friends or spouse. You take on the daily challenges and struggles every day. It’s only natural that you take out time for yourself so that you are better able to take care of your child later on.

Join a Support Group

Interacting with other parents of autistic children will let your mind at ease and you can learn from one another on how to manage your kids.

Take Care of Yourself

This one can’t be stressed enough. If you can’t take care of yourself, then you won’t be able to care for your kid as well. Create a schedule for your own activities such as gym, classes, spa treatments, movies etc. If your whole day revolves around your child, then you will be more likely to get burnt out and exhausted.  A healthy and happy you can definitely make everything for your child so much better.

Split the Responsibility

Don’t let all the responsibility of taking care of your child rest on you. There can be just one parent who the child connects with more but you got to make them learn that there are two people watching out for them. This is important because if either one of you is busy or sick, you have the other to rely on.

Perils of Eating Too Much Salt

Salt on a set of spoons
Sea salt on a spoon

Salt is the central ingredient in the preparation of almost every food item but too much salt can be dangerous. Even though it can be satisfying to our taste buds, we should be aware of a food’s salt content, especially in our later years in life. 

The sodium component of salt is important for the underlying mechanism responsible for muscle contraction and movement. Moreover, sodium also controls the chemical part of the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium and potassium channels maintain the balance of different fluids within the body. In short, the use of salt has many medical implications.

But under and over-consumption of salt are not healthy for the human body and the latter has more detrimental repercussions. In this article, we will discuss what health dangers are involved with the excessive use of salt. We will also talk about the signs that indicate that you are eating too much salt.

But before we move on, it would be apt to talk about the healthy levels of daily salt intake.

Healthy Daily Salt Consumption

Medical professionals and health authorities have been advising people to limit their salt consumption for a long time. It has been estimated that an adult body needs around 200 mg of sodium every day for healthy functioning.

However, it’s nearly impossible to consume this small amount of salt while maintaining the other nutritional requirements of the body. For that matter, the National Academy of Medicine prescribes that healthy adults can consume 1500 mg of sodium every day to prevent any pertaining adverse effects.

The Academy along with the US Department of Health and Human Service also recommends that people should not exceed their sodium intake of 2,300 mg. This recommendation came after several studies that proved that continuous sodium consumption above 2,300 mg can lead to cardiovascular complications.

Unfortunately, the adult US population is consuming way more than the recommended limit. According to figures established by the federal Department of Health, an adult US citizen on average consumes 3,400 mg of sodium in their daily dietary intake.

To be safe, focus on vegetables. Most vegetables are sodium-free or close to it. In addition, the same goes for fruits, but there are some that have some high sodium levels. For information on how to control your sodium intake, click here.

Dangers Involved with Eating Too Much Salt

Excessive use of salt entails many health risks. Let’s have a look.

Cardiovascular Complications

An extensive research body has substantiated the dangers of excessive salt consumption for cardiovascular health. High sodium intake is linked to high blood pressure, which eventually affects every organ of the cardiovascular system. As a result, the affected person suffers from different cardiovascular conditions.

Deteriorated Brain Health

Hypertension also has an adverse effect on brain health. Scientists believe that the excessive use of sodium can also lead to strokes in the affected people. Some studies have also indicated that the excessive use of salt is detrimental to the cognitive activity of an aging brain. In other words, the neurological perils of excessive use of salt start showing up in old age.


Oedema is a condition in which swelling occurs on joints and limbs because of water retention in body cavities and tissues. It has been studied that high sodium diets lead to the development of this condition. Oedema caused by excessive salt intake usually affects knee joints, hands, and feet. Oedema depends on other medical conditions as well. Nevertheless, physicians recommend oedema patients cut down their salt use regardless of the underlying factors.

Kidney Problems

Kidney is a vital organ responsible for many vital physiological functions. It produces red blood cells and filters out toxins from the bloodstream. Increased sodium intake combined with hypertension also affects the filtration activity of kidneys. Excessive sodium in the bloodstream weakens the kidneys’ ability to get rid of toxins from the body.

Apart from these major health problems, excessive salt intake also increases the risk of stomach cancer. Moreover, it is responsible for occasional bloating.  

Signs of Excessive Sodium Consumption

Salt is the primary source of sodium present in our bodies. There are multiple signs that indicate that you are consuming too much salt or sodium.

Feeling Thirsty All the Time

As mentioned earlier, sodium plays a crucial role in regulating body fluids. The excessive sodium in the body activates a homeostatic response that signals the brain to drink more water to balance the excessive level of sodium. This is the reason why we feel thirsty after eating salty foods. If you feel thirsty all the time, then it is a sign that an excessive amount of salt is part of your daily dietary intake.


When there is too much sodium in the bloodstream, water leaves the cells, causing it to swell. This is shown in the form of belly-bloating. If you encounter this problem frequently, then you may be eating too many salty foods.


Consuming too much salt on daily basis can cause vasodilatation within the brain, which often appears in the form of headaches. If you are feeling heavy-headedness for no particular reason, then excessive salt consumption might be responsible for this.

Another Dangerous Aspect of Excessive Sugar Consumption

Eating too much salt also affects the receptive characteristics of taste buds. They adapt to the excessive use of salt. In this condition, even salty foods are perceived as regular intake by the brain and thus push people to further increase the salt content of their meals. People only come to know about this harmful pattern when it starts affecting their health in any of the above-discussed ways.

Therefore, always remain vigilant regarding your salt consumption so that your taste buds can continue to detect the varying salt levels in foods.

Nearly all processed and junk foods are rich in salt. Relying on these foods to fulfill daily dietary requirements can considerably increase your sodium consumption. Make sure that you eat more home-cooked foods where you can maintain some control of salt consumption. Moreover, try to consciously lower the amount of salt you ingest. In the beginning, you might not like this change, but in a couple of weeks, your taste buds will get accustomed to it and your future self will thank you for it.

In general, if you feel like something is wrong with your health, contact your medical provider. Don’t put it in delay mode!


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – One of the Most Misunderstood Mental Disorders – CDP

Solider with hands on his faceJune 27th is National PTSD awareness day. While there is still a general lack of understanding of mental illnesses, PTSD is one of the most misunderstood mental disorders. Despite the availability of modern research findings, there are still many unfounded beliefs associated with PTSD.

Some of the commonly held myths are:

    • Only soldiers and war veterans can suffer from PTSD
    • PTSD is a sign of weakness
    • There are no treatments for PTSD
    • People who have PTSD are dangerous
    • Every person who experiences trauma develops PTSD

What is PTSD Then?

The American Psychiatric Association defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as “a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, it could be war, a terrorist act, serious incident, natural disaster, and sexual or violent personal assaults, like rape.”

The mental disorder is mainly characterized by extreme fear and anxiety that is often uncontrollable.

In the field of medical science, it is an established fact that anyone who has witnessed or experienced an event that negatively affected their physical and emotional well being or posed a threat to their lives can develop PTSD. Simply put, any incident that induces extreme learned fear can cause post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although it is common for anyone to experience anxiety and emotional issues after going through a trauma, the intensity of the symptoms reduces with time. But people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder are unable to recover from the trauma, and the severity of their symptoms does not reduce with time.

Research has shown that women, children, and disabled people are more likely to develop the disorder.

Factors That Can Increase the Risk for Developing PTSD

While it is impossible to accurately predict if a person is likely to develop PTSD, there are a few factors that researchers believe can increase the risk of developing it. They include:

    • Loss of a loved one
    • Serious injury or harm, either to yourself or to a loved one
    • Isolation or separation
    • Displacement from home or being away from the family as a result of some incident 

New Scientific Discoveries 

It was long believed that war-related PTSD depends on how well a soldier copes psychologically with the constant threat and exposure to violence. A research study published in the Academy of Management Journal in 2016 regarded the view as incomplete and representing only half the story.

As stated on the University of Cambridge website, researchers found that the context through which a person experiences a war may play an equally important role in determining why wars affect people differently; such as, their cultural, organizational, and professional background.

According to Mark de Rond, one of the two researchers who conducted the study, “this understanding of the connection between PTSD and the context of those who suffer from it could change the way mental health experts analyze, prevent and manage psychological injury from warfare.”

Some Common Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

A person suffering from this condition usually experiences and/or exhibits a combination of the following symptoms:

    • Extreme fear or phobia
    • Depression
    • Insomnia
    • Hypervigilance
    • Detachment
    • Flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and nightmares
    • Severe anxiety
    • Irritability
    • Anger issues
    • Inability to concentrate
    • Self-destructive behaviors
    • Lack or loss of appetite
    • Substance abuse

The severity of these symptoms can vary from person to person.

Diagnosis of PTSD

PTSD statistics
PTSD Depression chart Wikipedia
Only a trained healthcare professional can diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder. This is due to the fact that many patients do not experience or exhibit most of the symptoms associated with the disease.

What makes it even more difficult is the fact that many people experience anxiety that is generalized and not associated with PTSD. This is why it is highly recommended to consult a trained and experienced professional for diagnosis and avoid taking any medications on your own.

How is PTSD Treated?

According to PTSD United, about 70% of adults in the U.S. reported having experienced traumatic events at least once in their lives. Out of this, 20% developed PTSD.  The website also stated that around 8% of Americans suffer from PTSD at any given time.

Like all other mental illnesses, many conventional treatments are available for it. However, they may not work for everyone. Patients who do not find relief from conventional medicines find it very difficult to deal with the disease, and they sometimes end up harming themselves; there are some cases where patients even committed suicide or committed harm to others.  

Due to the inefficacy of first-line medications (for some patients) and serious negative consequences, researchers have been continuously trying to find alternative treatments for PTSD.  

Can Cannabis be an Alternative Treatment for PTSD?

According to research published in Molecular Psychiatry, certain compounds that are present in cannabis can provide some relief to patients of PTSD.  

There are many other studies that have led scientists to consider that cannabis may offer help in managing the disease by providing symptomatic relief. However, the research is still in its preliminary stages and there is a long way to go before the drug can be approved as a treatment for PTSD.

How Can Cannabis Help with PTSD?

According to the research, cannabis can provide symptomatic relief by removing associations to painful memories. This can help patients who experience flashbacks whenever they see or hear something that is somehow associated with the event that initiated the disease.

A study was conducted to understand the neurobiological mechanisms that initiate the development of PTSD. It was found that people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder have a deficiency of anandamide. Anandamide is an endogenous (not attributable to any external or environmental factor) cannabinoid compound that triggers certain brain receptors that are called CB-1. These receptors are responsible for mediating many psychological functions.

When they are normally functioning, they help people overcome traumatic incidents by deactivating the bad memories.  The research also found out that cannabinoids may help remove the deficiency of endocannabinoids that contribute to PTSD. However, the drug may cause many side effects. Hence, it should not be used unless prescribed by a registered healthcare practitioner.

Climate Change and Its Impact on Our Health


Illustration of the effects of climate change, showing grass and then barren ground
Photo: iStock

Climate Change – An Overview

The phenomenon of climate change has existed since the beginning of time. However, the way it has evolved since the late 19th century is really

On the one hand, the industrial revolution has truly transformed how we live today, but on the other hand, it has affected our climate. The exponential rise in greenhouse emissions was caused by rapid industrialization, which is the main culprit behind climate change, also termed global warming.  

The progression of technology has helped us to better discern the evidence of this environmental effect. We are now able to see a clearer and bigger picture of the consequences of climate change, all thanks to Earth-orbiting satellites and many other similar technological developments. This is posing a real threat to the existence of life on planet earth and it is substantiated by a compelling body of evidence.

Heat map of the earthGlobal Temperature Rise:  The average temperature of the planet has risen about 1 degree Celsius in the last 100 years or so. Scientists have inferred that most of the warming has predominantly occurred in the last four decades. The rise of a single degree Celsius might not sound bad when we consider it as a localized temperature change. But globally, this temperature rise has already instigated many problems.

For instance, the ice covers in Antarctica, Northern Hemisphere, and Greenland are now shrinking at exceptional rates. In the last decade only, the rate of ice mass loss in Antarctica has increased threefold. On the other hand, glacier territories everywhere in the world are quickly receding. Whether it’s the Himalayas, Alps, Alaska or Andes, glaciers are melting at rapid rates.

All this snow melting has exacerbated flooding events. Moreover, the sea level has increased by 8% in the last hundred years due to that. The continuously increasing sea levels are posing a direct danger to many coastal parts of the world. It is estimated that if global warming continues at the same pace, then the entire country (Islands of Maldives) will be completely submerged in the water in the next 30 to 50 years. Climate change has also disturbed the acidity levels of oceans which has put marine life in great jeopardy.  

Climate Change and Our Health

Apart from affecting us indirectly, climate change, if not abated, will soon start to impact us directly by inflicting different health problems. Scientists believe that the fallout of climate change has already started affecting our health in multiple ways. Let’s have a look at the impending health threats posed by climate change.

Cardiovascular Health

Heat waves have already become an element of peak summers in many parts of the world. Moreover, its effect is compounded by increasing environmental pollution. For instance, Ozone is a toxin that protects our ecosphere from harmful UV component of sun rays. This toxin has now permeated into breathing air in the form of smog.

A new research study has substantiated concerns regarding the lethal combination of pollution and high temperatures. The research suggests this rising temperature in the resultant ozone effect might be acting in tandem to worsen cardiovascular health in the US. The study has concluded that the heart rate of US citizens variably drops during those high-temperature summer months.

The decreased heart-rate might not have immediate implications, but it increases the chances of a heart attack. Scientists haven’t found a direct link between rising temperatures and heart-rates; however, the ozone and high temperature likely affect the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for heart-rate regulation.  

Allergies are on the Rise

It has also been noted that allergies are on the rise in every part of the world. Experts believe that rising carbon dioxide levels in the environment combined with warming temperatures are the main reason behind the prevalence of allergies.

The increased instances of allergies are also linked to the detrimental effects of climate change on botanical growths. Multiple studies point out that plants are flowering earlier than normal. Moreover, the total pollen production has increased in the last couple of decades. These distorted patterns have subsequently aggravated human allergy symptoms.

Vector-Borne Disease Spread

Vector Deseases are caused by insects and microorganisams

The propagation of different vector-borne diseases is facilitated by climate change. Increased temperatures and rising rainfall rates have created an ideal landscape for many vector-borne diseases to proliferate all across the globe. It is a scientifically proven fact that many insects responsible for spreading vector-borne diseases nourish better in hotter temperatures and damp environments.

Food Safety 

Food safety is directly threatened by climate change. Warm air temperatures promote the growth of food-related bacteria. This means the instances of food poisoning will only increase over time. Additionally, the high traces of carbon dioxide can have adverse effects on the levels of macro and micronutrients in staple crops of rice, wheat, and potatoes. Lastly, the acute droughts derived by global warming will make the availability of food a big challenge in different parts of the world.

Global warming has increased sea surface temperatures. It is believed that warmer sea surfaces eventually culminate into increased mercury levels in marine life. In other words, if the recent climate change continues, then very soon we will no longer be able to devour on favorite seafood. A fish naturally contaminated with a high mercury level is not edible.  

Climate Change also Affects Mental Health

Rising temperatures also worsen the condition of individuals who are already suffering from mental illness. A study has found that having a pre-existing mental ailment increases the risk of death during heat waves by three times. People on medications with disturbed temperature regulations are more at risk of fatal results of heat waves.

It is blatantly clear that climate change is affecting our existence on this planet from many aspects. It is high time that we change our lifestyles in individual and collective capacities to minimize greenhouse emissions. Increasing our dependence on renewable energy and recycled material can bear fruits through the means of reducing the effects of destructive human activity on the climate.

How to Get out of the Bad Habit of Overeating – Part II

Man eating a sandwichDisrupting your regular diet and going overboard with overeating is pretty easy. However, its implications can be far-reaching. For instance, it can waste all the progress you made through exercise. Moreover, it can make you more vulnerable to many unwanted health conditions.

In Part 1, we discussed different steps you can take to stop yourself from overeating. Here, we will extend our discussion to more measures that one can help in cutting the excessive part of your dietary intake.

Keep Stress Out of Your Eating Routine

Chronic stress leads to several unwanted health conditions and behaviors and one of them is overeating. It has been scientifically proven that cortisol–the stress hormone–also catalyzes our appetite. So, a person suffering from chronic stress will also experience frequent spurts of overeating. Relieving stress, in general, requires many different measures. You can increase physical activity, practice yoga, and meditation, and add more outdoor expeditions to your daily routine to suppress chronic stress.

Dealing with Emotional Eating

Stress and emotional eating/overeating can be dealt by employing several measures. First, accept that you are eating under the influence of certain psychological distress. This will help you to address the issue directly. Stress eating is often highlighted with hasty wolfing down food. The affected person is eating just for the sake of it. So, try to enjoy and feel every bit of what you are eating. This might take you out from the spell of stress eating.

Also, try to identify the triggers of your stress eating. Some people overeat when they feel lonely. Some overeat when they are angry and agitated. Whenever you experience these triggers, try to neutralize them with non-dietary measures. You can talk to friends or go for rounds on a punching bag to sublimate your anger and stress.

Refrain from Distracted Eating

All of us are guilty of distracted eating behavior. We have eaten on our workstations and have had eaten meals while enjoying our favorite TV shows. Some of us even scroll through our social media feeds during meals. Eating while performing other chores is considered multitasking and required in today’s hectic schedules.

But it has also been noticed and formally studied that distracted eating mostly leads to overeating. If you can avoid and afford it, refrain from distracted eating particularly if you are already suffering from weight issues. Try to focus on your meal and you will eventually reduce your calorie intake without putting in any concentrated effort.

Eat from Servings Instead of Containers and Packets

Eating directly from packaging is yet another seemingly harmless habit that can actually develop a strong overheating problem. For instance, if you are eating directly from the ice cream bowl, bag of chips or any other container, then you will most certainly eat more than what you have planned.

Make a serving size for yourself depending on the items you are going to eat. By making portions, you can cut down the size of your calorie intake that will eventually help you in shedding the extra pounds as well.

Don’t Complement Your Food with Soda

Many people have the habit of sipping sodas with their regular meals. The decades of aggressive marketing from cola giants (you know their names) have played an integral part in the development of this habit. Apart from giving a sharp, satisfying fizz, soda drinks also add lots of sugar to our systems.

Moreover, a study has found out that people who eat their meals with sugary carbonated drinks eat 8% more than those who take water with their meals. If you have a well-developed habit of eating your daily meals with soda beverages, then we don’t recommend you to cut off your entire consumption all of a sudden as this can also lead to a harmful relapse.

Replace your sweet sodas with seltzers. The latter is simply carbonated water with no artificial flavors and sweeteners. Later on, you can move to water to make your meals completely free of artificial drinks.

Increase Healthy Fat Content in Your Diet

Fats are generally considered bad for health and responsible for obesity. However, a significant body of research has debunked this alleged characteristic of fats. Not all fats are bad for health. In fact, their smart consumption can also help in reducing weight and getting rid of the habit of overeating.

It has been studied that people who regularly eat high-fat and low-carb foods experience fewer cravings, which protects them from overeating. In the long run, this strategy can turn out more effective in shedding weight than any episodic diet plan.

However, make sure you don’t consume fatty foods comprised of bad fats. Nutritionists across the board consider Trans fats and unsaturated fats bad variants of this macronutrient. To keep bad fats away from your diet, avoid hydrogenated oils, margarine, and meat fat. You can consume more healthy fats by adding nuts, avocados, butternut and olive oil to your daily diet.

Feast on Proteins

Increased intake of protein is also considered good to deal with the instances of overeating. It has been studied that people who eat protein-rich breakfasts feel more satisfied and satiated throughout the day. It has also been studied that protein-rich foods lower the level of the hormone ghrelin in the blood, which is responsible for revving up a hunger. Greek Yogurt is a dairy product that has become quite popular among diet-conscious people lately. It is rich in proteins and can be added as a dessert to your daily diet.

Overcoming the habit of overeating is possible by making little changes in your daily dietary regimen, as evident by the detailed discussion in these two articles. Nevertheless, you might find it hard to adopt these changes especially if you have a well-developed habit of overeating.

If you can’t get out of the habit of overeating after exercising self-help techniques, then it will be suitable to consult professional nutritionists, physicians, and even psychological experts. These professionals will help you in dealing with this detrimental habit that eventually leads to obesity.

I Have No Sleep Illnesses So Why Do I Feel Tired During the Day?

Student sleeping in computer lab
Photo: Graphic Stock

In our previous article, we discussed sleep deprivation and its associated symptoms. Now, let’s look at why you feel sleepy during the day if you don’t have sleep deprivation illnesses.

Other circumstances must be evaluated if this happens regularly and does not appear to be due to sleep-deprived illnesses or external situations (e.g., athletic workout, long day at the office, stress, etc.).

How is Your Heart?

Human heart, 3d rendering, medically accurate illustration of the human heart anatomy
 with venous system

Several heart conditions can lead to fatigue and affect energy levels. If your heart weakens, it will try harder to pump the blood. This reduces oxygen to your organs, leaving you tired even after minimal activity. 

If your fatigue is related to your heart, here are some of the common ailments that you may have:

    • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Blocked or narrowed arteries restrict blood flow to the heart, hampering this organ’s ability to function normally. This can lead to chest pain (angina) and fatigue, especially during physical exertion.
    • Arrhythmias refer to Irregular rhythms in the heart that can disrupt the normal flow of blood, depriving the body of necessary oxygen and nutrients and subsequently causing fatigue and possibly dizziness.
    • Congestive Heart Failure: Has your doctor ever looked at your ankles during your visit for a check-up? The reason is that he/she is checking to see if they are not swollen, which could be a sign of a heart defect. Congestive heart failure refers to the build-up of fluid in your lungs and lower limbs if your heart is not pumping blood properly, which can lead to shortness of breath and swollen legs. Consequently, this additional strain on your body can exacerbate fatigue.
    • Valvular Heart Disease is different from clogged arteries. It refers to leaky heart valves that can cause blood to flow back into the heart chambers, increasing pressure and leading to fluid build-up and tiredness.
Graph of a heart rate
Heart Rate Vector Design Element. Bigstock

In general, the severity of your fatigue, if it is related to your heart, can vary depending on your specific heart condition and how long the condition has progressed. Some people may experience general tiredness during the day, while others may feel sluggish after minimal activity. The condition can also worsen with exertion, emotional stress, or certain medications.

If you suspect your fatigue is related to a heart condition, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and proper management can significantly improve your health and energy levels.

Additionally, lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management can help to combat fatigue and improve your overall well-being.

It is important to emphasize that persistent fatigue should not be ignored, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or swelling.

Summary: There are constant advances in the study of heart health, but the bottom line is you should always consult a doctor who can help determine the cause and guide you toward appropriate treatment to boost your energy and address any underlying heart concerns.

Excessive Salt Intake and Disrupted Acid-Base Balance

Salt on a set of spoons
Sea salt. Bigstock

Your heart health is related to the food you eat, and salt can be a major culprit. Excessive salt use is often associated with the development of cardiovascular conditions.  

Salt can also disrupt the acid-base equilibrium in the body, which scientists consider one of the reasons behind one’s sluggish disposition.

Processed and junk foods are inherently rich in salt because it enhances and preserves the taste. Most people today rely on these bad food choices to replenish their calorie count. Therefore, it has become common not to feel fresh even after sleeping enough hours.

Cut junk food from your diet and try to decrease the amount of salt in your home-cooked dishes. Cutting down the excessive salt in your diet is a gradual process, but once you succeed, you will feel more energetic and productive throughout the day.

Selenium Deficiency

Selenium is one of the micronutrients a human body needs in trace amounts. A person not eating a balanced diet might face a selenium deficiency. The trace amounts of selenium in the body are part of various physiological functions. An adequate amount of selenium is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid. Selenium is also vital for brain and immune functions.

Scientists have found that a selenium deficiency has a direct link with the feeling of exhaustion and cognitive confusion. A person not taking the recommended amount of selenium through their daily diet can develop this problem of feeling sleepy all the time. Seafood, nuts, beans, and eggs are rich in selenium. So ensure they remain part of your regular diet to prevent selenium deficiency. Selenium supplements are also available on the market, but we recommend you fulfill your selenium requirements from natural sources.

Zinc Deficiency and Slower Metabolism  

Zinc is another trace mineral with a more critical physiological role than selenium. It acts as a catalyst in various metabolic reactions so that zinc deficiency can slow down the normal progression of metabolic reactions. A slow metabolic regimen is not just bad for weight management; it also lowers the energy levels of the affected person, resulting in tiredness. The World Health Organization says over one billion people worldwide suffer from zinc deficiency.

Any person with acute zinc deficiency can experience the condition discussed in this article. Meat, dairy products, and legumes are good sources of the recommended zinc intake. However, please don’t go overboard with meat because it can lead to other problems. Similarly, make sure you use dairy products with minimal fat content.

Weight Gain

Sandwich with measuring tape around it

Gaining four pounds might not sound like a big deal. However, scientists have found that gaining this kind of weight can instigate a feeling of undefined exhaustion. If you can’t get rid of the atmosphere of tiredness after completing the recommended sleep amount, check your weight.  

Excessive Sugar and Slowed Down Metabolism

It is primarily believed that sugar intake restores our energy levels. That’s true. However, excessive sugar intake is counterproductive for the body. The surplus sugar stored in the body converts into acid, which lowers the metabolic rate. In normal circumstances, vitamin B1 neutralizes this sugar-driven acid. However, in the case of excessive intake, vitamin B1 can’t neutralize all of it. As a result, the person starts feeling low and drowsy.

Excessive Sugar Can also Affect the Quality of Sleep

Spoon spilling sugar onto a cup
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Some recent studies have suggested that excessive sugar in the bloodstream also increases the back-and-forth between REM and deep sleep stages. A sleeping duration with so many underlying disruptions doesn’t ensure quality sleep. Thus, the affected person can feel the lingering feeling of exhaustion even after sleeping for enough hours.

Protein and Amino Acid Deficiency

Protein is one of three essential macronutrients our body needs to perform its regular functions. People eating fewer proteins can eventually face their acute deficiency. In such cases, the homeostatic mechanism directs the body to fulfill its protein needs from muscles (muscle fibers are primarily made of proteins).

This protein redistribution within the body also uses metabolic amino acids. The depletion of amino acids in the metabolic subsystem can slow down its rate and give rise to the feeling of undefined tiredness.

A Cluttered Space and Overworked Brain

Not every undefined instance of tiredness is the function of physiological processes. Researchers at Princeton University have studied that the human brain is wired to sort everything in a particular order in the subconscious. When the brain perceives visual signals from cluttered and untidy spaces, it takes more time to categorize all the information.

As a result, the brain starts feeling tired even when it has not engaged in any cognitive activity.  This unproductive brain activity is also why many feel tired regardless of how much sleep they get.

Regular exercise can also help us combat the feeling of lethargy. Even 20 minutes of daily exercise can have an energizing effect on the body. Scientists also believe that listening to too much music can create physiological and psychological conditions similar to stress, leading to sleepiness and exhaustion for no apparent reason. A healthy diet that takes care of every macro and micronutrient need of the body can help eliminate the undefined feeling of exhaustion.


There could be many reasons why you feel tired. The first thing to do is to see your doctor and have him/her run a thorough workup to see where the problem exists. Standard blood tests can help determine why you are tired. If it is not an illness, the blood tests can determine if you lack nutrients or other factors, such as insufficient sleep habits. There can be many remedies to help you feel more alive and active again, so why wait? Do some homework and get lively again! 

How to Get Out of the Bad Habit of Overeating—Part 1

An overweight man devouring a sandwich while sitting on the sofa and watching TV
Photo by tomwang –

Note: Article updated: 120620

Obesity has aggravated into an epidemic in the last couple of decades.

In the US, more than one-third of the adult population are suffering from this condition. Besides its social and mental repercussions, being obese makes one vulnerable to a range of diseases and medical conditions and now with the COVID pandemic, the situation worsens for those with eating disorders.

Apart from falling food quality and modified dietary choices, the majority of overweight people are lacking the necessary discipline to control their diets. It’s not due to poor metabolisms or genetics for most people, although this is a factor for some, but because they often indulge in overeating.

From the outside, it looks rather easy that one can deal with this obesity-causing habit by restricting the amount of food intake.  But it is actually easier said than done. Altering overeating behavior can be quite challenging and not an easy task at all.

In this two-part article series, we will share with you a list of some simple steps* that can be taken to get rid of this seemingly harmless but eventually detrimental habit.

Stop Stashing Your Favorite Snacks

We love snacks and go overboard with our consumption if they are readily available. People love to stash their favorite snacks for untimely cravings. Having multiple bowls of your ice cream in the fridge and loads of cookies and chips in the pantry is surely a convenient way to deal with late-night food cravings. It simply becomes quite difficult to keep your hands off when you are devouring your favorite dietary item. Cutting down on these high sugary items is an essential first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Put together a plan where you can gradually weed yourself off of them. In the beginning, it will definitely irritate you when you can’t get these snacks while badly craving for them. But eventually, you should get used to it.

Try to Maintain the Feeling of Satiation

Apart from our taste buds, overeating is strongly connected with the psychological and physiological feeling of satiation. It entails the state when we nutritionally feel satisfied and full. A satiated person is less likely to overeat. To develop this feeling within your body, there are some recommended foods you can choose from. Here is a list of some of the most satiating ones:

Batch of Eggs

  • Boiled Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Fish
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Vegetables
  • Quinoa
  • Cottage Cheese

Don’t Skip Regular Meals

Some diet plans, such as intermittent fasting, calls for dropping the number of regular meals. Skipping a meal every day can have beneficial implications for weight management for some people but largely, it’s the precursor of overeating.  Research studies also advocate for keeping the routine of regular meals for a better dietary regimen.

One research shows that eating prescribed portions throughout the day has an overall good effect on our health. It also decreases cumulative food intake. In contrast, skipping a meal increases the chances of overeating in the subsequent meal.  

Add More Fiber-Rich Items to Your Diet

Gluten Free Breakfast

Fiber-rich foods are good for gut health. Moreover, they have a good value of satiation that helps in protecting oneself from overeating.

Whole wheat, vegetables, fruits, beans and oats are low-calorie and fiber-rich that can help you a lot in dealing with overeating.

A study has concluded that people who eat oat-based cereals in breakfast eat less at lunch as compared to those who eat cornflakes in the morning. Ensure that vegetables make up a large portion of your meals. Also, add fruits and nuts in the place of carb-based desserts. With these small changes, you can get rid of the bad habit of overeating. Moreover, it will also help you to fight obesity through other means like lower calorie count and increased anti-oxidant intake.  

Be Aware of the Choices of Your Dining Partners

Whether it’s friends or family, the people with whom you choose to eat with also affect what and how much you consume. You tend to overeat with those who overeat. Similarly, you are more likely to order unhealthy options if other people at the table are doing it.

In short, the habits of your dining companions can impact your own dieting routine. So, make sure the entire family is on the same page when they come to the dining table. Moreover, try to eat out with friends who have the same attitude as you when it comes to the perils of overeating.

Become a Sloth While Eating

Sloth is one of the deadly sins, but so is gluttony. However, it’s not a transgression to deliberately slow down while eating. Take your time to thoroughly chew each and every bite of your meal. It has been studied that quick eating also leads to overeating. In contrast, people who eat at a slow pace tend to eat less and develop a feeling of satiation more quickly.   

Overeating and Binge Eating Disorder

Woman eating unhealthy
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Binge Eating Disorder is a severe but treatable eating ailment where the affected person starts devouring exceptionally large quantities of food with an involuntary urge and subsequently, they start feeling guilty and distressed.  

It is important to mention that Binge Eating Disorder is not an episode of overeating. So, it is strongly recommended to get professional help if you are affected by this disorder.

Bottom line – Diligence and common sense is a good start to losing weight. Of course, there are people who cannot lose by just watching what they eat, such as Binge Eating Disorder and there are others who may require a medical resolution such as laparoscopy and bariatric surgery, but if you are overweight and have not pursued a healthier alternative yet, why not start here? You never know what your mind and body can do!

* Note: You should always confer with a health professional prior to beginning any weight loss program!

Implications of Marijuana Legalization: The Pros

Is legalizing marijuana the right thing to do?

As part of our series on marijuana use, we will explore this contentious issue. There was a time when the public, medical industry, politicians, and law enforcement agencies were on the same page regarding the status of marijuana. This cannabis strain was considered a dangerous drug and on par with heroin and cocaine. It was the proliferation of marijuana from that laid the foundation of a long drug war in Mexico and the US.

However, progress has been made in the last three decades with respect to the legal status of marijuana in the US. As of now, 10 US states have legalized marijuana for all its uses. Moreover, 30 states allow its medical uses. In short, the greater part of a statewide jurisdictional area in the US is now covered with marijuana legalization laws.  

The last midterm election has also shown that public support is increasing for recreational marijuana. Amid all this, it seems as if the federal government is completely oblivious of these developments. As per federal law, marijuana is still classified as a Class I substance alongside dangerous synthetic drugs. Even though few voices in Congress advocate legalization, the federal echelons largely incline towards maintaining marijuana’s current status.

It’s also interesting to note that both proponents and opponents of marijuana legalization use its implications to prove their points. The authorization of recreational marijuana is not a matter that can be seen in black and white. In this two-part article series, we are going to discuss both the pros and cons of marijuana legalization. In this piece, we will discuss some of the proven and supposed benefits of marijuana legalization.

The Black MarketQuandary

Recreational marijuana became a legal commodity in California last year. Before that, all the pot users in the state procured their stuff through the black market, but those states that still maintain a ban on recreational marijuana has sowed the seeds for an ongoing and thriving criminal pot enterprise.

By legalizing cannabis for recreational use, states can exterminate the unique selling point of marijuana black markets, or at the very least, decrease their pforits by a substational margine, as no pot user willingly goes to illegal drug dealers with the ever-looming risk of getting arrested by law enforcement personnel.   

There may even be a reduction in crime; albeit, most drug crime is from addicated addicts, which is usually not associated with marijuana absorbtion, but those that (non-addictively) crave for pot on a daily baises, some call ‘pot heads’, may be inclined to acquire more money when they are financially strapped, even if they have to steal.   

Quality Assurance Becomes Possible

You can’t implement quality and safety control on illegal wares. Unregulated marijuana can be laced with combinations of other more dangerous drugs and even insecticides that can be detrementral to the user.

A recent case of deaths caused by fentanyl-laced heroin highlight the dangerous implications of buying drugs off the street.

By taking marijuana in a legal ambit, authorities can maintain a quality assurance regimen for the sake of public safety. Some states have employed seed-to-sale tracking for a legal cannabis crop to assure its quality and safety aspects.

Canada has already set an example of quality assurance of legal cannabis products. In November, Health Canada recalled two dried cannabis products over fear of contamination. Such vigilance can be only maintained when a product is being sold and controlled within a legal environment.

An Additional Tax Revenue Stream

There is no second opinion regarding the economic implication of marijuana legalization. The majority of pro-legalization lawmakers often talk about how legal marijuana can turn around the fortune of states with an additional tax revenue stream.

Tax data from legal states also substantiate this assertion.  In Colorado, the pioneer legal state, the Department of Revenue collected more than $200 million in cannabis taxes in the fiscal year 2017-2018. On the other hand, California generated over $60 million in the first quarter after the blanket legalization.

When other tax sectors are stale or showing little growth, legal weed offers a hefty tax revenue. This incentive is also the major reason why many politicians have a change of heart on marijuana in the last couple of years.

Easy Access to Medicinal Cannabis

Medical research has shown many therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids present in marijuana. It has been studied that CBD and THC (cannabinoids) has had an advantage impact on the symptoms of many diseases. This is the reason why the majority of US states have decided to allow at the very least, the medicinal use of cannabis.

CBD extracts have become a leading alternative medicine for treating rare epilepsy conditions, especially in minors. By putting blanket legalization in place, administrations can make it easy for patients and their caregivers to procure their medicinal requirements.

Relief for Law Enforcement Entities and Judiciary

No doubt law enforcement has been inuaded with drug crimes, much of it associated with marijuana. Adding insult to injury, the police and courts are working on strained budgets. The legalization of marijuana can have advantageous implications for police and courts in two ways.

More Funds: State and federal administrations can improve the funding of policy and judiciary with the help of additional income coming from legal marijuana taxation.

Better Focus on Serious Crimes:  Many states spend their valuable resources on dealing with petty marijuana crimes. A simple marijuana possession case wastes many working hours of both law enforcement bodies and courts.  And in many cases, people apprehended for the ‘crime’ don’t have any criminal background. So, apart from wasting law enforcement and judicial resources, such cases also stain the records of individuals who are leading a regular life otherwise.

With marijuana out of the equation, police will be able to focus on curbing more the serious and violent crimes. Prisons will not face the issue of overcrowding and the number of pending cases in circuit courts will lessen.

The above discussion makes a strong case for the legalization of marijuana. However, it is necessary to have the same thorough analysis of the other side of the picture before reaching any conclusion. In our next article, we will focus on the disavanges of selling marijuana legally.

A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis

What is it about marijuana that fascinates so many people? Recently, there has been a high demand for its legalization across the country today. As the knowledge regarding the medicinal and therapeutic benefits that cannabis is believed to offer becomes prevalent, there has been an outcry for its legalization, both for medical and recreational use.

As a result, the drug has been legalized in many countries – some have attached conditions to its distribution and usage, while others have completely authorized its usage unconditionally. Many other countries are in the process of making amendments in laws regarding the drug’s status and usage.  

An Introduction to Cannabis

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is one of the most popular drugs in the world. While there are claims that certain strains of this plant can help treat and manage a number of health conditions – including the ones that medical science has not been able to find cures for – marijuana use still falls under the Schedule I category of controlled and illegal substances.

Where Does Cannabis Come From?

Cannabis comes from the buds, flowers, stems, leaves, and seeds of the Indian hemp plant, also called Cannabis plant. While there are many different varieties of the plant, the drug is derived from the only two varieties – Indica and Sativa.

A dried mixture of marijuana seeds, flowers, stems, and leaves is used to experience the effects. It is usually brown, green, or gray in color.

Alternative Names for Cannabis

There are a lot of different names for the cannabis drug. Some of the commonly known ones are: marijuana, pot, weed, dope, hash, joint, gunja, yarndi, stick and cone.

Cannabis’ Effects on the Human Body

How cannabis interacts with the human brain and body depends upon a variety of factors. These include the strain of the plant, dosage, method of consumption, the biology of the person’s body, and even their age.

This is why the drug affects every person in a different manner – some people find it highly effective in relieving symptoms of certain diseases, while others find it ineffective or even counter-productive.

Research has shown that Cannabinoids – the chemicals found in the cannabis plant – have a chemical structure similar to some naturally occurring compounds in the human body. Due to this, when cannabinoids enter into the body, they get attached to the brain receptors looking for similar compounds and provide relief from certain health problems.

Most Important Chemicals in Cannabis Plant

The cannabis plant contains around 400 different types of chemicals, 80 of which are known as cannabinoids. But only two of the cannabinoids are known for producing the effects that the drug is widely known for. The chemicals – Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – produce contrasting effects on the human mind and body.

CBD is known to help manage and treat various health issues whereas TCH has been found to produce psychotropic and mind-altering effects. THC is responsible for causing the ‘high’ that is associated with cannabis.

Some Commonly Used Forms and Methods of Cannabis Consumption

Cannabis is available in a variety of forms and people use different methods to consume the drug. Some of the commonly used ones are:

  • The most common way to consume cannabis is smoking the dried plant i.e. marijuana in a bong or joint.
  • The dried plant resin is often mixed with tobacco and smoked. However, it can also be added to various foods and baked. Known as Hashish, it is widely used in brownies and cookies.
  • Hash oil

As evident from the name, this is the liquid form of the drug. It is often consumed by adding it on the tip of a cigarette.

Cannabis produces immediate effects when smoked, but it takes an hour or so to show results when eaten. The time taken by the drug to show its effects is proportional to the increased likelihood of over-dosage.

Health Benefits Cannabis Can Provide

Research shows that CBD which can be referred to as the good chemical, is safe and well-tolerated when consumed as prescribed. Also, it can provide relief from many health conditions. Some of the health issues CBD are said to help with are:

  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea caused due to chemotherapy
  • Muscle spasms or stiffness due to multiple sclerosis
  • Seizures caused due to epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and Dravet syndrome
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

There is also limited evidence that cannabis can benefit people experiencing from:

  • Sleep problems due to sleep apnea, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and long-term pain
  • Extreme weight loss and reduced appetite due to AIDS

Effects of Recreational Usage

When used for recreational purposes, cannabis can cause any of the following effects:

  • Nausea
  • Increased appetite (‘the munchies’)
  • Altered thinking
  • Slight hallucinations
  • Increased heart rate
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced psychomotor coordination
  • Increased breathing rate
  • Mood alteration, such as relaxation or euphoria
  • Altered sense of time
  • Altered sense of distance
  • Impaired memory and coordination
  • Difficulty focusing

When marijuana is consumed in high quantities, cannabis can also cause delusions.

Possible Side Effects

The reason why it is recommended to always use cannabis under the supervision of a healthcare expert is because you need to be careful about the strain and dosage. The use of the wrong strain or overdose can cause a number of negative effects, some of which are:

  • When consumed for a long period of time, it can weaken the immune system. This makes a person more vulnerable to catch different types of infections and diseases.
  • When used without supervision, it can increase the risk of developing psychosis
  • Increases the risk of gum-related diseases
  • According to research, regular consumption of cannabis for a long time can negatively impact the functioning of the brain and can even lead to memory loss


Cannabis is a unique drug. On one hand, there is a significant amount of evidence that it can help to manage or treat a variety of health problems. On the other hand, there is research that does not support the use of cannabis due to its potential negative effects.

What makes the situation even more complicated is the fact that even though the medicinal use of the drug has been legalized in about 60% of the U.S., the Drug Enforcement Administration still classifies it as a Schedule I drug. Due to these opposing views, the legalization of cannabis has been one of the most debated issues lately.

To sum up, it can be said that pot use shouldn’t be freely consumed by anyone. Since there are a number of factors that need to be considered to gain the benefits, using cannabis without consulting a doctor is not recommended.  Even when intended to use for medical purposes, cannabis should always be taken under the supervision of a healthcare expert.

Medical Advancements of 2018

Robot touching computer screen
3D rendering 3D illustration medical artificial intelligence robot working in a future hospital.

There is an expression termed Moore’s Law that states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. What this means in layman’s terms is that the processing power of computers increases 100% every two years; hence, modern science has become the benefactor of this continuous increase of power. And medical technology is no stranger to this occurrence.

For as long as the human race has existed, we have been fortunate enough to have people who dedicate their lives to the well-being of others and when you combine these heroes of science with the ongoing medical breakthroughs, we have seen remarkable advancements in medicine in 2018.

As 2018 has come to an end, we think it is fitting that we spread the news of the notable advancements this year has brought us.

An Incredible Breakthrough with Cancer Vaccine

Illustration of Distance Perception

In February 2018, the researchers at Stanford University announced that they’ll begin testing their new cancer vaccine. The medical team led by Dr. Ronald Levy came up with a novel cancer therapy that managed to work its wonders on mice. When injected with it, all traces of cancerous tumors in mice were eliminated.

Like Dr. Levy said, “Our approach uses a one-time application of very small amounts of two agents to stimulate the immune cells only within the tumor itself.”

The vaccine includes immune-stimulating agents that are strong enough to kill cancerous cells in mice. This test result was extremely positive, and it was time to test it on humans.

15 Lymphoma patients are currently being treated with this vaccine.  If this incredible shot works, it could be the end of Lymphoma cancer as we know it.

A Strategy to Lower LDL Cholesterol

For decades, medical researchers have been fighting tooth and nail to lower LDL cholesterol levels and save people from the number one killer of Americans – heart disease.

They came up with statins that were effective, but not effective enough. However, in 2015, the researchers were able to come up with PCSK9 inhibitors. These new drugs were able to attack the nasty LDL particles in the extracellular fluid.

When medical practitioners came up with the strategy to pair statins with PCSK9 inhibitors, it showed mind-blowing results. It saw a decrease in LDL levels by 75%. To control the LDL levels, the drug was also made more accessible to the common masses.

In 2018, trials and tests began to find out the ideal LDL level to prevent heart disease. With that figured out, and with a way to reach that level, treatment for heart disease doesn’t seem too far off in the horizon.

Discovery of Scalp Cooling to reduce Hair Fall after Chemotherapy  

It takes an incredible amount of courage and strength to fight a disease like cancer. Anything that could be done to help the patients fight it with even more is always encouraged.

One of the nastiest side effects of chemotherapy is extreme hair loss in patients. In 2018, researchers discovered that reducing the temperature of the scalp right before, during, and after chemotherapy is an incredibly effective method to preserve hair in patients.  

Gene Therapy for Retinal Disease

Another groundbreaking advancement in medicine this year was the approval of gene therapy by the FDA in 2018 –more specifically, gene therapy for inherited retinal disease.

This therapy delivers new genes in the targeted cells of the body and treats inherited blindness. In March 2018, a 13-year-old boy was the first patient to receive this treatment for his inherited blindness called Luxturna.  The update on the patient, Jack Hogan, is that he has better vision in low light, he can play basketball outside in the evening with his friends, he can go to the movies, and he can even read 40 percent in smaller print.

This is just one patient who saw a drastic change in his life because of this medical advancement in 2018. We can safely say that there will be many more in the years to come.

New Vaccines for a Large Population

2018 has seen rapid development in the production of new and improved vaccines. These vaccines with innovative mechanisms have made it possible to deliver them to a vast population.

The medical modernizers are working on edible, oral, and mucosally delivered vaccines. They are also coming up with vaccine chips and intranasal vaccines.

All these innovations are making it easier and possible for the vaccines to be stored, shipped, and delivered to patients regardless of the complexity of the situation.

Artificial Ovaries

After chemotherapy, many women are at risk of becoming infertile. For that reason, they remove their ovaries— partially or completely— before the treatment.

After the treatment, they get it transplanted back. However, the returned ovary often carries traces of cancerous cells in it, putting the patient at the risk of contracting the disease again.

The latest research in 2018 has seen progress with artificial ovaries. The Danish scientists, with the help of technology, have come up with a way to grow ovarian follicles on an engineered portion of the tissue. This tissue only contains proteins and collages and all the cancer cells are removed.

The mice have already accepted these artificial ovaries successfully and humans will be tested as well in the next few years.  

Marijuana for Epilepsy

Discount Medical Marijuana cannabis shop, Denver, Colorado
Discount Medical Marijuana cannabis shop at 970 Lincoln Street, Denver, Colorado

Non-administered use of marijuana is still as dangerous as before. However, medical researchers were able to discover that it helped treat two rare forms of childhood epilepsy.

Groundbreaking news was the approval of Epidiolex by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This drug is derived from cannabis, but it does not contain the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes people use it for recreational purposes.

These are just some of the medical advancements of 2018.  All these minor and major medical advancements give hope to patients and are one of the reasons why medical researchers around the world are always hard at work.