Amazing Health Benefits of Palm Oil

Oilpalm trees malaysiaIf we are careful of what we eat and in what oil our food is made, we can reduce the risk of many kinds of health issues. One such cooking oil that holds benefits for us is palm oil.

Palm oil is a popular vegetable oil derived from different types of oil palms. The core varieties that are used in its production are American oil palm (Elaeis oleifera) and African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). The natural color of palm oil is reddish-orange because of its high beta-carotene content. It is also among very few naturally saturated vegetable fats.

Although palm oil is most commonly used for cooking purposes, not many people know that it is very versatile. It is also used in the manufacturing of many beauty products around the world and palm oil’s nutritional benefits are the reason it is used in the production of many edible and non-edible products.  

Let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of palm oil.  

  • Improved Energy Level

Beta-carotene has been proven to improve energy levels in a person and also boost hormonal balance.

  • Better Vision

In addition to boosting energy levels, beta-carotene is very significant in improving vision. Many antioxidants are present in palm oil, which provide the body with powerful defensive mechanisms. These antioxidants are byproducts of cellular metabolism and can effectively protect the body from free radicals that can lead to vision issues.

  • Healthier Cardiovascular System

The content of both HDL and LDL cholesterol is very high in palm oil. Although one is beneficial (HDL) and the other one is bad (LDL), palm oil can still provide a healthier balance to your body. If you ensure a healthy balance of both types of cholesterol that are needed for the body, your cardiovascular system can improve.

  • Cancer Prevention

Palm oil is rich in Vitamin A and E. Vitamin E contains natural antioxidants and Vitamin A contains retinol. Tocopherols are such natural antioxidants that can activate a powerful defensive mechanism in the body by producing compounds to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can inject cancer into healthy cells, therefore, high levels of tocopherol are necessary to prevent cancer.

  • Prevents Vitamin Deficiency during Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often faced with complications arising due to vitamin deficiency that does not only pose threat to them but their unborn child too. Palm oil contains good quantities of Vitamin A, D, and E. Since our bodies are not capable of naturally retaining these vitamins, it is essential to consume them through our diet. If pregnant women include palm oil in their diet, they can prevent vitamin deficiencies from occurring.

Using palm oil for cooking purposes is generally considered as a good health choice due to the above-mentioned benefits. Interestingly, palm oil can also help prevent premature aging.