Howard Fensterman, sponsored the “Gift of Hope and Life” reception on December 7, 2015, The Chabad of Port Washington Sisterhood, which benefited the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation. Thirty women from all across Long Island came together for wine, cheese, and to hear a special performance by Neshama Carlebach, leading superstar in Jewish entertainment.
The Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation helps all children in Israel who are suffering with cancer, the number 1 killer of children in Israel. It has been reported that 1 in 300 children living in Israel will be diagnosed with this dreaded disease. The mission of the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation is to enhance the level of care for cancer stricken children. Eighty seven cents of every dollar raised goes toward the funding of treatment in six major pediatric centers in Israel. During her performance, Neshama mentioned Harold Blond, President and Founder of the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation, numerous times. “He is my hero,” she said. Neshama asked the audience if she had time for one more song, those in attendance shouted, “ten more!” and “all night”. Alana Bell Shapiro said,” She was amazing! Loved every second. What an uplifting and spiritual event.”

Melissa Leonard, Director of Development for the organization, opened the evening with a welcome and introduction to the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation stating cancer statistics of children in Israel. She then introduced Chair of the event, Elyse Bell, who spoke passionately about her personal bond with the organization as cancer had hit home to one of her family members. Elyse introduced Neshama, and the women were mesmerized by her soulful sound, her amazing voice, and the stories she told in between each song. Orly Calderon of the Port Washington Chabad Sisterhood spoke of the Sisterhood and their mission. The Sisterhood invites all Jewish women, whether members or not, to participate in events and learning. Together, it is their mission to introduce Jewish values into homes of those in the community. Melissa Leonard closed the evening by thanking everyone who came, and mentioned how the evening was a success because of the determination and good will of its sponsor, Howard Fensterman , well known philanthropist throughout Long Island.
“Charities that are focused on treatment, as well as on finding cures for life-threatening and debilitating diseases, are of a particular interest to me, especially when the victims are children,” said Howard Fensterman. “The ICCF’s substantial funding for treatment and cures for pediatric cancer should make contributing to this organization particularly appealing to those looking to make a charitable donation to a worthy cause, especially as the holiday’s approach.”
The evening was a huge success, raising over $2800 for the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation.