8 Positive Impacts of COVID-19

Wherever a dark world materializes, there will always be a white lining, no matter how dim the darkness is or how small the white lining may be. The  COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Despite the dreaded current state, some outcomes could have a positive influence on humanity.

In this post, let’s explore some of the positive impacts the coronavirus has had on our lives. 

#1. New Meaning to “Genuine Relationships” 

Older man with young child
Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

We have all been accustomed to living a busy life. But what exactly is the definition of being busy? It was about rushing through the days and running around to meet the ends. Unfortunately, there was no end in sight. If you were one of those lucky few who would go for a vacation once or twice a year, even then, you knew pending emails were waiting for your return. 

With COVID-19, life has slowed down to a crawl and the decrease in our pace is a positive one. While you are all still working and meeting ends, there is a new meaning to genuine relationships. You get time to spend with your family and your loved ones. Now how bad can that be?

Work-from-home arrangements may seem like a nuisance when you have kids and endless chores waiting for you, but on the flip side, you are getting all the time with your family and loved ones that you have always wished for. This proximity has given a new meaning to some precious relationships in life. 

Moreover, you have identified ways to stay connected with the ones that you don’t live with. You may not fly around the world or have get-togethers over the weekends to meet your friends or others in your family, but with virtual options (some extra time), you can connect with them at the click of a button. 

#2. New Levels of Gratitude 

A positive impact of COVID-19 that is seldom highlighted is people experiencing new levels of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the core values that today’s generation seriously lacks. It is only natural to take everything for granted in a digitalized world where you have everything at your fingertips. From connections, relations, work, leisure, friends and family, we never got a chance to question all of these essentials because they were never taken away from us. 

But with the pandemic surging in most parts of the world, there was a crisis that was completely new to us. The pandemic has challenged human’s need as a social animal.  And while it is a severe crisis involving a huge cost, it has undoubtedly played a positive role in teaching gratitude among people and raising it to a new level. 

#3. Improved Hygiene and Lifestyle

Man washing his hands in a sink
Keeping your hands clean with soap or sanitizer is one of the best protection against spreading the COVID virus

Back in the day, we would raise our eyebrows when we meet someone who is a ‘germaphobe’. But now are the days when practicing hygiene was a luxury and not a necessity (although it should always be a necessity).  From frequent hand washing and sanitizing to covering your mouth as you cough or sneeze and disinfecting surfaces, we have come a long way in maintaining a clean and hygienic lifestyle. 

Humans alive on the planet today will likely continue to practice good hygiene throughout their lives and pass it on to future generations as well; indeed, this planet may be the cleanest it has ever been! 

#4. Global Connectedness 

The entire world is devastated by the coronavirus pandemic. The rich European nations, along with the world’s developing countries are facing this crisis together. And governments globally are supporting each other in saving lives and creating opportunities for a better world. The United Nations, too, appealed for an immediate ceasefire across the globe to have the resources to fight the pandemic more effectively.

#5. Remote Working – The New Normal 

Man working on computer wearing a maskAs the entire world executed COVID-19 closures, many companies switched to an entirely new working environment of remote working that gradually became the new normal. Many businesses now are fully functional, with 100% of employees working remotely. From a financial perspective, it means zero costs of physical locations, resulting in higher profits. When companies save cost, they can pass it on to the employees and other stakeholders, including their customers. 

Moreover, with remote work arrangements becoming the new normal, there is a diminishing geographical boundary. People today can get a job based on their skill and not on their physical location. If the current remote working arrangement continues post-COVID, which it is most likely to do, we can expect the trend to take globalization of labor to a whole new level. 

#6. Endless Innovation 

Quarantining may be the most depressing time of the century, but it is also the period of many technological innovations in order to compensate for the employee quarantining. Today, individuals and organizations are coming up with ideas, tips and subsequently getting creative by devising previously unknown techniques to communicate and keep sales going. Whether it is about promoting your business product or service or about connecting with your teams and loved ones, the boredom during lockdown does have its positive points.  

#7. Digitized Education 

Regarding education, the pandemic is indeed one of the bleakest events for us today. But on the brighter side, technology has played an essential role in keeping everyone connected via remote training and other post-COVID health methods to learn but stay distant. 

Physical school and university closures were a saddening event, especially for children, whose physician social interactions have come to a virtual close. How well they have adapted to remote learning is an ambivalent process. Some catch on fast while others have not grasped it well. For those that have gained from remote learning, we salute you and we can say that some positive aspects of COVID-19 education are working. 

For those that are having a difficult time not being able to socialize with their friends, as well as not being able to adapt to remote learning, we say hang in there. The vaccines are coming!

Additionally, the sheer resilience shown by students and their parents around the world is a clear sign that nothing can stop the learning process!

#8. Enhanced Environment 

COVID-19 induced lockdowns and closures have a positive impact on the environment. The global carbon emissions have decreased substantially, which has resulted in a significant improvement in air quality. The air is now cleaner and healthier than years before.

Other aspects of nature have also benefited from curtailed human activity. Reduced mining activities around the world have contributed to reduced seismic noise. With this improvement, we can now expect the seismologists to better detect the waves at a weaker frequency to improve human ability to predict earthquakes. 

Moreover, with less than optimal industrial activity, we can expect a reduction in industrial waste dumped in the water. Furthermore, limited leisure activities in and around water are also likely to contribute to an enhanced environment.  

There is also less driving and airlines have reduced their flights. All adds up to a cleaner environment.

Bottom Line 

business-woman-shakes-handWe hope this article has helped brighten your day just a bit. The amazing connection that the coronavirus has created is indeed one of the most desirable aspects of the disease. And while these positive impacts come at the cost of human lives and global economic and physical depression, it is now up to us on how we want to take it forward.

If we stand united, regardless of our nationalities and personal interests, there is no way humanity cannot win over this virus. And once we survive through it, a new and improved world will be waiting for us with open arms. 



What Was this Experimental Antibody Cocktail that Donald Trump Got?

Illustration of Donald Trump with a maskOn October 2nd, 2020, the White House announced that President Trump will be receiving an experimental treatment for the COVID virus after he tested positive.

Although his symptoms are relatively mild, he started a course of Remdesivir, which is an antiviral drug. In addition to Remdesivir, he was treated with an experimental drug cocktail as a precautionary measure, which ultimately resulted in the president being cured within 48 hours.

What Are Antibodies and How Do They Work?

Man getting injectionAntibodies are molecules produced by our body’s immune system to fight against infection. They are being studied to help with the development of a vaccine against COVID-19.

The vaccines essentially induce our body to produce more antibodies, which then assist in preventing the virus from infecting more cells because a high level of antibodies can neutralize the virus. However, these antibodies also differ in their type and therefore, function. Different types of antibodies bind to different parts of the human red blood cells. 

It is through these antibodies that we build immunity to viral infections. For example, the vaccine known as the flu shot was invented to build our immunity against influenza. An antibody test checks for these antibodies in your blood to see if your body has responded to this newly introduced infection. 

Different from the test for coronavirus, which looks for indications of the active virus, an antibody test shows that you may have had the virus in the past and may still be contagious. This is because your antibodies stay in your body for some time even after the infection has been taken care of.

Trump and Regeneron

The antibody cocktail that Trump has received has been made by the biotech company Regeneron, whose CEO knows Mr. Trump personally. He has received this cocktail in addition to several other drugs, including vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, daily aspirin and famotidine, the heartburn medicine, also known as “Pepcid.”

This drug remains unapproved for emergency use by the FDA. However, in cases where there is a danger that the patient might die, this drug can be administered to them, provided that other options have remained unfruitful as per the Right to Try Act.

It was Mr. Trump’s own medical staff that requested the company’s permission to use their drug and Regeneron was more than happy to oblige. Since this is not the first time this drug has been used for compassionate use cases and the decision about whether or not to give out the drug is made on a case-to-case basis, Regeneron was willing to let the President use it. 

The drug that was taken by the President initially, called Remdesivir, is also an unapproved antiviral drug that showed positive results in clinical trials concerning hospitalized patients who were at a later and therefore, more dangerous stage of the disease. However, it is not yet proven to be a safe enough drug to use for this purpose, let alone effective.

Some of the drugs from the antibody cocktail that Trump is using right now have been studied with regards to the coronavirus, but for now, none of them have been proven to be effective. But since Mr. Trump signed the “Right to Try” law in 2018, he can, as a patient, request his doctors to give him an experimental treatment from a company whose products haven’t yet been approved by the FDA. Given that this drug passed the safety trials, it was well within the patient’s rights to request the drug, especially since a law allowing such a request was available. 

Regeneron is one of two companies that have covered the most ground in trying to find a cure for the coronavirus by developing “monoclonal antibodies”. These are basically powerful antibodies that serve to fight infections and produce more antibodies in large amounts. Simply put, they make the body’s own immune system stronger so that it can fight against the viral infection and eradicate it by itself.

Regeneron said that this cocktail of two antibodies has shown results in the form of reduced recovery times and reduced signs of viral infections in the nasal region. Regeneron also reported that the patients they used the drug on were initially not producing antibodies of their own, and their symptoms would improve greatly within a week.

The dose Trump was given, however, was higher than the dose normally given to patients, twice as much to be exact.

The final result and which has been approved by the FDA is Pzifer’s vaccine that is currently being given to first responders and the elderly. This vaccine does not contain Remdesivir but does contain an assortment of other ingredients needed to fight off the disease.





Decluttering During the Pandemic

Cluttered Room
Photo by Humairah L. on Unsplash

Aside from the disruptions the coronavirus has caused, it has given people a lot of free time since many of us are finding ourselves quarantining or just working from home.

Whether that’s a good thing or not is debatable because for many, idle time means an onslaught of unpleasant things, such as anxiety about the future.

Additionally, some are finding that being ‘cooped up’ in the house is causing unexpected issues with relationships, not just husbands and wives, but whole families. Simply put, having so much free time may not be the best thing for a lot of people.

Sadly, there isn’t anything anyone can do about the many available hours the pandemic has granted our planet and the results that this pandemic has perpetuated upon our social lifestyles is something that is going to be researched for many years to come. 

So, what can we do about it? Staying positive is the number one priority, and by utilizing a positive attitude, we can find ways to take advantage of this free time to our benefit. This situation can be analogous to our “Thinking Out of the Box” techniques which would definitely apply here whether you are in a state of depression or not. But there are other methods of keeping busy and can even be added to your short-term bucket list of accomplishments.

If this year has taught us anything, it’s how unpredictable life can be and how meaningless material things are. If you believe that, consider getting rid of all nonessential items in your home and Marie-Kondo-ing your way out of materialism.

Not sure where to start? Don’t fret because we have got you; here are all the essential tips on decluttering your home during the pandemic.

Don’t Think of it as “Getting Rid of Stuff”

Decluttering doesn’t have to be a nerve-racking process that reduces you into a sweating mess for fear of losing items you love. If you step into it thinking that you have to extricate things you once loved from your life, you will be anxious throughout the process and not enjoy the outcome.

You are supposed to feel light and free after going on a decluttering rampage, and if that’s not how you think, then perhaps you don’t have your mind in the right place. To truly benefit from eliminating all the unnecessary items in your house, you should focus on making the right choices instead of the part where you get rid of things. 

For instance, pick up an item and ask yourself, “Will it make me happy?” “Will its absence affect me?”

Another way to go about making the right decision could be asking yourself if you love the item in question. For example, you look at a present you got a few years ago and you can’t decide whether you want to keep it or toss it. To arrive at a conclusion, ask yourself, do I like it? The first answer you hear your mind say will tell you what you need to do.

Give Away Items You Have Many of

There is an endless list of material things that we excessively buy even though we don’t need them, such as shoes or bags or watches, etc. Some people can be passionate watch collectors, while others can be obsessed with buying Air Jordans. In other words, everyone has one particular good that they are guilty of overbuying.

All those products that you have a bunch of, you should give away some of the models. Tossing out prototypes of the same item might be hard for you, but it will be a relatively easier decision because you’ll instantly know which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to throw out.

To get over the initial nerves of getting rid of something you so lovingly bought, think of the process as freeing yourself from unnecessary possessions. This way, you will have a different direction to think in and who knows, it just might work?

Have an Ordered Disorder

Decluttering doesn’t always have to mean you should throw away stuff. You can categorize items and stow them out in an organized way without much hassle.

    • To do that, all you need to do is label the things you wish to sort. Make two piles; keep it and toss it.
    • After you have the two piles ready, begin organizing the items you have categorized as ‘keep it.’
    • Put them in separate boxes based on their urgency of use. Keep the things you will not be needing anytime soon in one container and put it in the garage or any other storage place. For all the remaining items, use organizers to keep them sorted and in reach at all times. 

Focus on Rooms That are the Most Crammed Up 

Storage rooms, garages, and attics are often the most stuffed rooms in a home because most homeowners dump all the ‘not-in-use’ items without any system in place.

Use your available time to sort out the messiest rooms. Don’t just cram things from all over the house in your garage or attic; instead, work out a system. Label all the boxes, keep them in neat piles, and categorize them in whichever way you like. You can use colors or the utilization of things to organize the stacks of storage containers.

Decide What You Want to Do

Just because you don’t want to use something doesn’t mean no one else can. Many times, things we find useless serve others for many years. So, instead of throwing away items you don’t want to use any longer, donate them or sell them to make a profit.

The internet is bursting with buyers looking for stuff at reasonable prices. Avail the opportunity and put up your belongings for sale on social media or websites to earn a little. And if you are feeling generous, consider donating the thing you have decided to get rid of.

To donate, try the local Goodwill Center or Salvation Army donation center. If those are closed, then look up online sites to give away your things. Online portals such as Facebook Marketplace and the Nextdoor app allow sellers to list items they wish to put up on the market for interested parties to see and contact. 

And thanks to the e-payment system, you don’t even have to worry about receiving payment. Set up a PayPal account or register with Venmo to receive or make payments without fear of fraud.

Take a Breather and Declutter Your Life

Your overthinking or constant worrying isn’t going to change the fact that the world is in the middle of a pandemic. So why exhaust yourself emotionally and mentally over something that’s so completely beyond your control? Instead of getting worked up about the unprecedented circumstances, do something productive. Getting rid of unnecessary possessions is one way of doing it.


COVID-19 Vaccine and the Concerns vs New Optimistic Results


Image of doctor holding globe with injection needlePharmaceutical companies around the world are working towards the development of a vaccine for COVID-19. 

So far, there are more than 150 vaccines in development worldwide, and some are expected to give groundbreaking results in a few weeks with several efforts nearing their final stages. 

The World Health Organization is collaborating on an international level to ensure the delivery of around two billion doses by the end of 2021. However, there are speculations at several levels that need to be addressed. 

Why is There Concern Over COVID-19 Vaccine Development?

Woman being injected with COVID vaccine

While the COVID-19 vaccine development is a significant milestone we all are looking forward to, there is a concern among some communities regarding the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine. 

According to the poll results on August 7, 2020, around 30% of Americans are not likely to take up the vaccine even if it is available without a charge. Moreover, almost 50% of the participants would not take up a vaccine developed outside the U.S; however, among medical professionals, in a recent study, over 80% of physicians polled said they would take the vaccine when it is available.

Here are some genuine reasons why an average American is concerned about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Vaccine Development is a Time-Taking Process

Typically, vaccine development is a long process. On average, it takes around 10-15 years to come up with one to protect against a specific viral disease. If you look at the history, the fastest-ever vaccine developed was the vaccine for mumps and the process took four years. 

When you talk about the vaccine development process, it includes several trials (typically three), which can take up a long time. Initially, the vaccine is tested on a small group to ensure whether it triggers the immune system response. In the next stage, people infected by the disease are added to the pool and the vaccine is administered to see how their bodies react to the dosage. 

Vaccine Research lab
Photo by Trnava University on Unsplash

Finally, there is mass-testing among people of different ethnicities, ages and varying underlying health conditions. And even once the vaccine is approved, there are significant roadblocks that delay the vaccine’s production, distribution, and administration.

With all this information, the general population is concerned about how the vaccine for COVID-19 has already surpassed the initial few stages, given that the outbreak of pandemic is just a few months old.

With that said however, President Trump has initiated Operation Warp Speed which is aimed at cutting through the red tape and testing of the vaccine process without diluting the integrity of the vaccine formula. And great hope is on the way with Pfizer, Mondera and AstraZeneca showing strong promise of a viable antidote. Moreover, they say that their vaccines show a 95% – 100% effective.

Vaccine Preparations

In the first week of September, all hospitals around the country have been notified by the CDC to prepare for the potential delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine in the next two months. 

Given the length of the vaccine development process and how quickly it will be accessible to the general public is another reason why there is a safety concern among the general population.

Lack of Transparency 

Some pharmaceutical companies are not releasing information as quickly as they could. For example, the Oxford vaccine trials in the U.K. have been paused due to an adverse reaction in one of the participants. However, the U.K. authorities allowed the trials to resume. With limited information on why the trials were first halted and then resumed, it has raised speculation in people worldwide. 

The general public needs information. While information about the development process of all the potential vaccines can be overwhelming, people at least deserve to know about the progress details of some of the potentially high-impact vaccines, but the pharmaceutical companies previously mentioned are doing just that.

Final Words 

The COVID-19 vaccine is underway and you can soon expect an announcement from the CDC and FDA regarding its launch. While health officials claim that the vaccine will be critical in preventing the spread of the coronavirus and will soon allow life to return back to normal, its effectiveness is still a concern for some. Moreover, the general population’s reluctance is a more pressing issue that needs to be addressed before the launch of the vaccine. Only when an ordinary citizen is willing to get immunized, the vaccine’s effectiveness can be proved, and we can hope that life would return to normal.

It is our opinion that if 80% of physicians say that they will take the vaccine, that is a worthwhile consideration for non-medical individuals to take into account.

Dining Out: A Major Contributor in COVID-19 Transmission

Man with mask eatingOh how we all love to eat! And going out to our favorite restaurants makes it all the more fun, but now we have COVID and this is one situation that we cannot turn our heads and pretend that it is not there.

This omnipresent virus has turned the world upside down and by the looks of it, things are not going to change anytime soon. The rapid spread of the coronavirus continues to steadily infect people in nations worldwide. But between the intractable virus and healthcare professionals struggling to concoct an antidote, the public is desperately looking for some solace.

And what better way to gain some well-deserved comfort than gorging on delicious food? Owing to the widespread uncertainty and suffocating restrictions due to the pandemic, people are running out of patience and doing things they shouldn’t be, such as dining out any chance they get.

Eating at Bars and Restaurants: A Big No-No

Who knew that the seemingly unimportant saliva would become such a threat to the simple pleasure of eating out? But sadly, that’s what the world has come to because now the dribble that is ever ready to drizzle down at first sight of appetizing food can take lives.

And whether you like it or not, restaurants and bars are its main attacking arenas, which is why dining out is extremely dangerous these days.

A study conducted in September revealed that people who tested positive for the coronavirus are twice more likely to have eaten at a restaurant than those who tested negative. This means that no matter how quickly you devour a chocolate pie at a swanky café or gobble down the ever-popular succulent hamburger at your favorite fast food joint, you are equally at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus.

Mask or No Mask: The Threat Remains

Illustration of people wearing masks for the United NationsThe unfortunate circumstance about eating is that it requires you to open your mouth, which means you will be exposed to respiratory drops one way or another.

So even if you are one of those honorable people who always abide by COVID policy, you will have to compromise on your principles and go against the mandated restrictions when having a meal. Unless you find a way to consume food without removing your facemask, you will increase the odds of acquiring the virus, as well as endangering others by eating outside of your home.

According to the Center for Disease Control, eating at restaurants is a chief risk factor in spreading the SARS-Cov-2. Just thirty minutes of exposure to someone carrying the virus can leave you infected. Moreover, sharing dips and dishes is also a veritable source of COVID-19 transmission. You never know if a sauce you are sharing with someone carries droplets from an infected person’s mouth, which can, in turn, give you the infection.

And since not all COVID patients exhibit symptoms, someone can transmit the virus without ever knowing that they had the disease in the first place (asymptomatic). Simply put, there is no way you can dodge the coronavirus bullet at an indoor eating place.

Can You Wheedle Your Way Into the Dining Out Fun?

The coronavirus pandemic has been going on for quite a while now, prompting restaurant and bar owners to shut down business every few weeks during the past year to control the disease’s transmission. But without an end in sight, bistro owners are forced to look into ways to keep the business up and running despite the health threat. And that is why many restaurateurs are employing creative techniques to stay afloat.

Long story short, you might be able to enjoy dining out after all, but not without a slew of restrictions.

Taking Inspiration from the Italians

Italian Restaurant
Photo by sterlinglanier Lanier on Unsplash

Just as Italy was beginning to recover from the coronavirus’s first wave, a second tide washed over the country. Businesses were only starting to open up again, but as the biting winter winds rolled around, people began falling sick again.

A second wave of the pandemic meant lockdowns in cities and restrictions on social gatherings. In the wake of which, restaurant owners had to find a way to keep their diners in business without taking any drastic measures such as doubling their prices. And that is what the owners of VagInUfezzi Bologna did.

To survive the resurgence of the coronavirus, Antonella De Sanctis and her husband, MircoCarati decided to follow the post-war Bolognese osterie, a tempo’s lead to save VagInUfezzi Bologna from a loss. Now, the diners are coming to satiate their hunger by paying by the hour instead of the dishes being served. So the less time someone spends inside the restaurant, the less they pay.

A table at VagInUfezzi Bologna costs $21.00 per person for one hour and $31.44 for two hours, excluding wine, liqueurs and coffee. And adhering to the social distancing rules, the restaurant has gone from catering to 25-30 people at a time to just 10-15.

Antonella and Micro didn’t want to suddenly shoot up the prices of their dishes because they thought that would be unfair on the eaters. Hence, they chose to charge people by the hour; this way, visitors get to enjoy the experience of dining out while minimizing the risk of COVID transmission.

In order to pay as little as possible, diners eat quickly and vacate the tables, which in turn reduces the duration of exposure. In short, the less time spent at the bistro equals less cost and minimal chances of contracting the coronavirus.

However, putting a time constraint on diners eating out doesn’t completely eliminate the possibility of catching the virus, but that seems to be the only viable option to save eatery businesses. 

Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?

According to the guidelines published by the CDC, it’s safer to stick to pick-ups, drive-throughs and delivery services to satisfy your taste buds during the pandemic. And if you still choose to go to a restaurant to eat, be sure you wear a mask at all times, maintain a six-foot distance from fellow diners and not touch anything unnecessarily. You should also keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on you and avoid sharing dips, sauces, or any food.

Additionally, the vaccine is coming and will be here hopefully by the end of the year, but until then, follow all COVID policies and work out a plan for eating out so you can minimize getting infected while also helping to keep restaurants financially alive.  


Recovering from COVID-19 – What to Expect?

Female doctor with mask on holding a globeNow that the President of the United States has been infected with the COVID-19 virus, people are more than ever taking a closer look at what would happen to them should they get infected. Of course, the ‘cocktail’ that is being used for the president is most likely not what the average citizen would receive, so we will be concentrating on the commercial recommendations from the doctors and scientists for the general public.

If you look at the numbers, as of September 24, 2020, more than 23 million people have recovered from COVID-19. But the road to recovery is not always the same. Since COVID-19 affects people differently, every coronavirus patient recuperates at a different pace. Moreover, their recovery rate depends on the severity of their symptoms and a prior history of their medical conditions.  

In this post, we will be focusing on people that are considered healthy (those that are not immune-compromised, have existing illnesses or are seniors). Discussing recovery for people in the compromised category demands a completely different article of which we will post soon. For people in the healthy category, you will find information about what to expect if you recovering from the COVID-19 and some of the essential things that you need to know once you have recuperated from the infection. 

Note: Even if you are healthy, you may still bear the effects of those that are compromised. There are no guarantees when it comes to COVID-19. At least not yet! Additionally, the information provided here is for general information only from reliable sources, but is not based upon any scientific data. For more information on the information provided on this website, please see our disclaimer. 

Recovering from COVID-19: What to Expect?

a-male-patient-smiles-while-holding-the-hand-of-a-friendPerhaps, the most critical factor that affects the recovery process is the severity of its symptoms.

How quickly and how well you recover depends on whether your case is mild, moderate or severe.

Let’s look at each of the three scenarios and find out how the recovery looks. 

In Case of Mild Symptoms 

According to statistics, 80% of the people who get infected by COVID-19 experience mild symptoms. Moreover, a certain percentage of patients are asymptomatic, which means that they do not experience any symptoms. However, this does not mean that they are entirely healthy.

In mild infections for healthy people, the average recovery time can take up between seven and ten days, maybe more, depending upon how your body reacts to recovering. In general, you can expect the recovery to be similar to other viral infections, such as the common flu.

And while the symptoms may completely subside within two weeks, patients may continue to experience weakness and shortness of breath (especially after performing the strenuous activity) for another few weeks. However, these after-effects can improve on their own. Therefore, a healthy diet, mild exercise and a lot of rest are generally recommended for almost every patient infected by COVID-19.

In case of Moderate Symptoms 

In case of moderate symptoms, you can expect the recovery process to be longer compared to those with milder symptoms. Since moderate symptoms may warrant ER visits and possible hospitalization, you should keep in mind that these conditions may persist for a period. While the average recovery period is two weeks and the fever usually subsides within that time, you still may have a cough, fatigue and shortness of breath which could continue for several more weeks.

An infected person with moderate symptoms can take up to six weeks to completely recover.

In Case of Severe Symptoms 

Severe symptoms of COVID-19 mean that the infection has affected the lungs which have led to the development of pneumonia or an autoimmune response to tackle the virus that has damaged the lung tissue, a condition known as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Therefore, the patient would require hospitalization and intensive care with the possibility of a ventilator as well. 

In that case, the recovery process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or longer. And if you spend time on a ventilator, you can expect a lot more time when it comes to recovery. Once off the ventilator, you will need a lot of time to regain your strength. Moreover, a lot more time will be required for the pulmonary function to return to normal.

An important thing to remember is that a person with severe symptoms may continue to be contagious for a while. While the average recommended period for isolation is two weeks, this does not apply to people with severe symptoms. Therefore, it is highly recommended that even if you have recovered from severe symptoms, you should continue to wear a face mask and repeatedly wash your hands using soap and water. This will protect those around you and keep you safe as you recover from this viral infection.

Recovering from COVID-19 with a Prior History of Medical Conditions

According to statistics, people with a prior history of medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiac problems, experienced more severe symptoms than those who do not have any such medical condition. And since such people experience more severe symptoms, it is only natural to expect a longer recovery time. The risk factors highlighted below can significantly lengthen your recovery period. 

  • Age 60 and more 
  • A history of disturbed lipids (such as high cholesterol and triglycerides) and cardiac problems,
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  •  Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Cancer or
  • Any other person in an immunocompromised state (whether due to recovery from an infection or cancer, organ transplant or any other medical condition that can weaken your immune system) 

Long-term Impact of COVID-19

So far, there is limited information on the long-term impact of COVID-19. Since the infection affects the lungs, it is expected that patients who have recovered from COVID-19 may develop lung and heart diseases in the future. Moreover, some research in preliminary stages indicates that the infection may have an impact on the brain as well. However, a lot of research is required, and in the next five years, the medical practitioners will be in a better position to figure out the long-term impact of COVID-19. One thing is for sure that even patients with mild symptoms complain of fatigue, which is considered a long-term impact of the infection.

Can I Get Infected Again?

The answer is possible. Research indicates that it is possible to get infected with COVID-19 for a second time months after recovering from the infection. However, according to statistics, those who are infected again experience milder symptoms. This is because the immune system is better equipped to deal with the virus when it attacks the body for the second time.

How Can You Help Others When You Have Recovered? 

In most cases, people infected with COVID-19 have a smooth recovery. And with a recovery rate of 99%, there is a good chance that you will recover without any significant problems. Since there is no vaccine yet, you can help others once you have recovered. Health professionals are using a blood-transfusion therapy, called convalescent plasma therapy, to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients.

The plasma is drawn from the blood of recovered patients  and transfused into critically ill COVID-19 patients.  Since the plasma is rich in antibodies, it can be used to help another person fight COVID-19. While there is no guarantee that the plasma therapy will always work, it is one possible way to save lives when you have recovered from the disease. 

Bottom Line 

When fighting against COVID-19, always remember that every patient has a unique recovery process. But when you keep your spirits high, the road to recovery may become a lot easier and better. And once you have recovered, you have the power to treat others, so make sure you get well soon and help others fight COVID-19 more effectively.

Kill Coronavirus with These at Home DIY Soaps and Hand Sanitizers

Do this. Don’t do that. Dr. Fauci said do it this way. CDC said don’t do it that way. Politicians, oh how the politicians complicate the matter. One can lose their mind listening to all this news (or as some say, fake news, depending upon your particular point of view). Well, let’s try to break through all this confusion by providing some undisputed facts!



Man washing his hands in a sink
Keeping your hands clean with soap or sanitizer is one of the best protections against spreading the COVID virus. Photo by Mélissa Jeanty on Unsplash

In order to contain this disease, we should wash our hands for a good 20 seconds, but if you don’t have soap immediately available, use hand sanitizers and you should be carrying these cleansing items with you at all times. 

As we know, COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that spreads through our eyes, nose and throat. Often, this virus enters your body through your hands by touching an object infected and then touching your face which is a leading cause for the virus to get into your body. So make sure you wash your hands frequently. This will minimize your chance of catching infections. (Wearing a mask is also just as important!).  

If there aren’t any soap or hand sanitizers available, fret not. You can prepare antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers at home. Here are a few simple ways to make them in next to no time. 

DIY Antibacterial Hand/Body Soap


  • Green soap – this is the most essential ingredient in this soap recipe. It is made from glycerin and vegetable oils and acts as a superb disinfectant. 
  • Distilled water – if not distilled water, use cold water. 
  • Neem oil – works brilliantly on dry skin. It restores moisture and enhances the skin.
  • Essential Oils (tea tree essential oil, clove essential oil, rosemary essential oil, clove essential oil, oregano essential oil) – use all or any of these essential oils for refreshing smell and skin nourishment and enhancement. 
  • Vitamin E oil (optional) – for extra skin nourishment. 
  • Optiphen Plus – this soluble acid helps preserve the soap solution for good.


  • Soap dispenser 
  • Hand or electric blender
  • Large mixing bowl


  1. First, transfer the distilled water in a large mixing bowl. 
  2. Add in the green soap, neem oil, essential oils, Optiphen plus and vitamin E oil (optional).
  3. With the blender, whip the ingredients until they combine well and become foamy. 
  4. Pour the content into a soap dispenser and tada! The soap is prepared for everyday use. 


  • Green soaps are easily available in stores. 
  • There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to using the essential oils listed here. You can use any essential oil according to your preference. 

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
Making your own hand sanitizer is simple and quick. Photo by Amr Serag on Unsplash


  • 1 cup of 99% pure isopropyl alcohol 
  • 1 tablespoon of 3% of stabilized hydrogen peroxide 
  • 1 teaspoon of 98% glycerin
  • ¼ cup of sterile distilled water (or cold water) 


  • Measuring cup 
  • 1 pour spout 
  • Spray bottle(s) 
  • Clean spoon
  • A medium-sized container


  1. Using the measuring cup, measure the alcohol, and pour it into the container with the pour spout. 
  2. Mix in the hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Add in the glycerin and stir the mixture using the clean spoon. 
  4. Now, pour in the water, making sure to measure it first. 
  5. Transfer the prepared mixture into a spray bottle. Shake well before use. 


  • Keep in mind that when you mix the glycerin with alcohol, the mixture will be thick and it will take some time to mix everything together. 
  • If you prefer gel sanitizer, you will need to combine 1 cup of 91% isopropyl alcohol, ½ cup of aloe vera gel, and 15 drops of tea tree oil or any of your favorite antibacterial essential oil. 

Note: If you think that vinegar is a good disinfectant, be careful. Although it is a great cleaning agent, it does not kill many viruses or bacteria. Disinfectants, which vinegar is not, is the agent that will do the job when cleaning away surfaces that may contain viruses, so if you are shopping for disinfectants besides soap and sanitizer, make sure the item specifically states ‘disinfectant’. .

DIY Disinfectant Spray


  • 4 tablespoons of chlorine bleach 
  • 4 cups of water


  • Spray bottle 
  • Pour spout


  1. Add the chlorine bleach in the spray bottle using the pour spout.
  2. Mix in the water. 
  3. Shake thoroughly and spray on disinfected areas. 


  • Bleach is extremely strong, so you should never mix it along with other chemicals when preparing a disinfectant spray for household commodities. 
  • When cleaning affected areas/spots using this DIY disinfectant spray, make sure to wear gloves. 

DIY Disinfectant Cleaning Wipes


  • ½ cup of vinegar – does a brilliant job at cleaning germs, molds, etc. 
  • ¼ cup of water
  • ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol 
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap
  • 10 drops of antibacterial essential oil (optional)


  • 1 paper towel roll (better if eco-friendly)
  • Knife 
  • Scissors 
  • Needle 
  • 1 spare coffee canister (with a lid)
  • Bowl


  1. For creating cleaning wipes, you will need to cut the paper towels in half using the knife. 
  2. Adjust the paper roll into the empty coffee can. 
  3. Now, in the small bowl, mix the vinegar, dish soap, water, and rubbing alcohol. You can also add in your favorite essential oil for a fresh smell. 
  4. Next, gently pour the prepared solution over the paper towels. 
  5. Carefully remove the cardboard center and slightly pull the paper towel from the middle. 
  6. Make a small hole in the middle of the lid, place the lid over the container, and pull out the paper towel from the hole.


  • You can also paint the coffee container to make it look attractive.
  • Use the DIY antibacterial wipes to clean tables, decorative pieces, etc. 


With the outrageous spread of coronavirus, retailers are facing a hard time keeping up with the persistent demand for soaps, hand sanitizers and other purifiers. But there’s nothing to worry about if you can’t get your hands on them. You can prepare the home-made soaps, hand sanitizer and others by following our above-mentioned recipes and make it safe through the current pandemic. 

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Poor


Microscopic view of the COVID virus
Microscopic view of the COVID virus

COVID-19 has taken the world into its merciless grip, causing illnesses, untimely deaths, and global despair. Everyone – whether poor or rich – is living in constant fear due to the existing pandemic. However, the deadly virus has proven cruelest to poverty-stricken people and families. 

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), four out of five people have been impacted by workplace restrictions around the globe. The organization further stated that approximately 1.6 billion temporary employees are at risk of losing their livelihood completely. These low-income families face absolute hunger and poverty now. They can’t stay at home despite the lockdown, as they have to look for temporary work for their next meal. We followed the stories of 4 people around the world to explain to us how the coronavirus pandemic has affected them and their families.

New Delhi, India

Since the Indian government went into a shutdown to flatten the coronavirus curve, stories of hunger deaths and suicides have emerged. A large percent of the Indian population has no access to work, food, and are emotionally unstable since the lockdown has taken place, forcing them to commit suicide in their homes. 

For example, about 80 people killed themselves due to the fear and loneliness of being affected by the life-threatening virus. Some coronavirus deaths were also reported due to exhaustion and hopelessness caused by traveling long distances for rations and facing violence while collecting them. 

Also, reportedly, a woman jumped off in the Ganges River along with her five children because of starvation; and an Indian migrant also hung himself after being severely wracked by hunger and poverty during the shutdown. 

Jakarta, Indonesia

Restaurants across the world have been hit the most due to the coronavirus pandemic in comparison to other businesses. Lockdown restrictions have ensued people to quarantine and avoid public places at all costs. Many restaurants can’t afford to stay in business with a lack of regular customers. As a result, many chefs and waiters have lost their jobs. 

One such case is of Budi Santosa, who was a cook in a Chinese fast food restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 32-year-old man is the sole breadwinner of his family. He has a wife and two young children. So, he worries about them the most. With him and his wife forced to stay at home, Santosa is worried that they won’t have food to eat and will die out of hunger. However, poor circumstances have not deterred Santosa from going out and finding work. For the time being, he has borrowed money from his friends to make ends meet.   

Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi Kenya is counted among the world’s poorest cities. The living conditions over there are below par and have gotten worse since the pandemic. Stories of hardships are countless in Nairobi. 

The one that touched our hearts the most was Judith Andeka – a middle-aged mother of five. She lost her husband two years ago. Since then, she has been earning her livelihood by washing clothes. Before the pandemic, she could earn about $2.50 – $4 per day. But now, she is out of work with the looming pandemic threat. Many people in Kenya’s capital city have lost their jobs and can no longer afford her services. Even if they can pay, they no longer want Andeka to touch their clothes because they are worried about catching the virus. 

Owing to her poorest state of life, Andeka has sent her five children off to live with her relatives until she finds a sustainable job. What’s more is that Andeka suffers from the worst kind of treatment at food distributions. Police officers and law keepers often use sticks and tear gas to keep back large crowds from hovering over the place. She fears losing her few valuable possessions, but despite that, she has to step out and find work daily.  

Islamabad, Pakistan 

As the coronavirus outbreak has spread in this South Asian country, affecting hundreds and thousands of people, a daily wager – Shireen Khan – in the capital city of Pakistan shared that he has not earned a single rupee since the pandemic has forced the countrywide lockdown. The daily wager sits every day by the road in the hope someone will stop by and offer him work. 

The 46-year-old man does this daily out of hunger and illness. He has been suffering from typhoid for over five or six months and needs money for the treatment. Sadly, this is not just a story of Shireen Khan, but a story of hundreds of daily wagers like him who are struggling to find work and fend for themselves in these tough times. 

Final Word

The global economic crisis due to the coronavirus outbreak has worsened the lives of many lower-income people around the world. They are living in constant emotional and financial instability due to the lack of proper food, housing and employment. Specific focus is needed to reach out to the poor and provide them with the necessary means so they can afford the basics. Governments and NGOs should curate actionable plans and programs that can ease the financial hardships of the poor in these COVID-infested times.  

Image Credit: 



How to Stay Safe as an Essential Worker During a Pandemic

Female doctor with mask on holding a globeDo you know the saying “don’t bring your work home with you”? Well, it is a healthy way for you to remember that you should keep work disconnected from your personal life. 

While it has been traditionally used to make sure that you take a break once in a while, it has definitely taken a new meaning during the pandemic. Essential workers who are required to continue working during the coronavirus outbreak need to take extra precautions to ensure that their work does not affect their personal life, especially their health. 

Essential workers are at an increased risk of getting infected with COVID whenever they come into work. They also risk-taking the virus back home to their families after each day. It is a concern that can increase the stress you may already have because of the pandemic. There are employees like doctors, nurses, delivery persons, grocery store workers and more that are at increased risk of infection. 

This is why it is so important for all first responders ensure they are taking extra precautions to secure their safety. With that said, if you are one of these heroes, you may find the following tips helpful. 

While at Work 

Man working on computer wearing a maskHere are some tips that can help you stay safer while you are at work. 

  • Keep personal items separate from your workstation. Items like your rings or cell phones should be kept in the break room, locker or office. This will decrease the chance of any of such items being contaminated. Before you use any of these items again, make sure that your hands are properly washed and sanitized. You should also sanitize these items at least once every day.
  • Clean Your Work Area

    Don’t take for granted that the cleaning staff that comes in at night did a thorough job of disinfecting your office, specifically your desk and the items on it. Clean it yourself. Use anti-bacterial wipes or put soap and water on a cloth and wipe down the areas you use most, even places you may just rest your arms or hands.

  • Check Your Inner Feelings

    As a first responder, especially if you are in the healthcare industry, it can feel quite overwhelming. Pause for a moment or two to recollect can be important. Keeping a straight and clear mind will make sure that you don’t make any mistakes that can lead to you getting infected.

  • Maintaining Social Distancing

    While it can be hard to maintain a good six feet away from everyone at all times, you should still do your best to try to do just that. If you are working in an indoor space, such as a grocery store, it can increase the risk even more. This is why you may want to talk with your employer to make sure that not too many people enter the store at a time so that there isn’t crowding in the aisles.

  • Wash and Sanitize Your Hands Frequently

Illustration of human hands facing up
The more frequent you wash your hands, the less likely you are to contract the disease (Photo: Tim mossholder)

Your hands are the biggest cause of transferring the virus to your face. You may be coming in contact with plenty of contaminated surfaces, but if you regularly continue to sanitize and wash your hands, you will be safer.

You should carry a sanitizer around and regularly use it during the day. After your shift is done, you should make sure to wash your hands with water and soap thoroughly.

  • Face Covering

Illustration of people wearing masks for the United Nations
“The power of togetherness, using images people from different COVID19 impacted countries. Image created by Laura Makaltses. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives – help stop the spread of COVID-19.” (Photo via Unsplash)

Having a mask on can greatly decrease the risk of infecting another person in case you are asymptomatic.

Masks are the best shield against the virus since they stop your hands from touching your face too. 

While At Home 

Keeping the germs away from the home is also important. Here are some tips you can follow to ensure that you stay safe as an essential worker during a pandemic and so does your family: 

  • Leave a pair of shoes near a door that you can wear. A place should also be set up to isolate anything you can’t wash and don’t want to take into the house. 
  • Remove your clothes and place them in a hamper by your door. You should use a garbage bag to line the hamper and wash your clothes at once using the warmest temperature possible. 
  • Wipe the phone down or any jewelry you wore during the day
  • Sanitize and wash your hands frequently
  • If you work in a high-risk environment or have people who are at high risk in the home, you should shower immediately too. 
  • Make sure to drink, sleep and eat with the essential nutrients so that your immune system is never compromised 
  • Monitoring your health is also very important. Taking your temperature twice a day to make sure that you don’t have a fever is vital. Do not go to work if you have a fever or you don’t feel well.
  • Girl Drinking Water After Aerobics Exercise
    Drink lots of water! The most natural ingredient your body can use. Avoid dehydration at all costs.


Our first responders are our essential workers. If you are one of these heroes, we salute you but it is vital you stay strong and healthy. Taking these precautions will ultimately keep you and your family safe as well as reduce the risk of you infecting others.  

Best Foods to Eat and Vitamins to Take to Stay Healthy!

Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels
You can never go wrong with fresh fruit! (Photo: Trang Doan/Pexels)

Feeling tired, sluggish, or getting sick a lot? Maybe you’re not eating the right foods!

Proper nutrition and hydration are important to maintain a robust immune system, which helps avoid viruses and diseases.

People who maintain a well-balanced and healthy diet have a lower risk for infectious diseases and even chronic illnesses. 

Here are the best foods to eat and vitamins to take to strengthen your immune system and lower the risk of developing serious complications.

Note: Some individuals may have specific health conditions impacted by the foods mentioned below. It’s always advisable to consult a healthcare professional to ensure these foods won’t adversely affect your mental or physical well-being.

Eat Fresh Foods and Avoid Processed Ones

Among the best foods to eat and vitamins to take is fresh foods. Eating vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and foods sourced from animals is a great idea. You can make lots of meals out of beans, lentils, potatoes, wheat, oats, rice, eggs, milk, fish, meat, eggs, etc. 

The daily recommended intake is two cups of fruits, 2.5 cups of vegetables, 160g (~3 oz) of beans and meat, and 180g (~5.5 oz) of grains. For snacks, you can choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables rather than foods high in salt, fat, or sugar. Avoid overcooking fruits and vegetables since they can strip away vital nutrients. If you are going for dried or canned fruits and vegetables, you should try varieties that don’t have a lot of added sugar or salt. 

Staying Hydrated by Drinking Enough Water 

Girl Drinking Water After Aerobics ExerciseWater is the most important nutrient you can have. It helps regulate the body’s temperature, transports compounds and nutrients, and cushions and lubricates the joints. Everyone needs to drink eight to ten cups of water daily to ensure their immune system works in optimum condition. 

Many people don’t like the plain taste of water, but you can incorporate fruits, drinks, and vegetables that also contain water. Lemon juice mixed with water can be nourishing for the body, too. You should remember that many beverages do not hydrate you. Having too many caffeinated drinks or sweetened drinks can be worse for you. Try some of those real fruit smoothies! 

Fast and Oils are Important in Moderation 

It is better to eat unsaturated fats like avocado, fish, nuts, soy, olive oil and sunflower oil is better than saturated fats like butter, fatty meats, cheese, cream, lard, ghee, or coconut oil. Avoiding red meat. Having white meat like fish and poultry is better since it is lower in fat. Processed meats can also have a high content of salt and fat, such as deli meats. Even dairy and milk that have reduced or low fat can be great options. 

One thing that you should absolutely avoid is trans fats, which are often found in snacks, fast food, processed food, cookies, spreads, pies, and frozen pizza. 

Eat Less Sugar and Salt 

Can of sugar cubesWhile preparing and cooking food, you should reduce the amount of high-sodium ingredients and salt. Going easy on the fish or soy sauce can be a good idea. The daily intake of salt should be less than 5g or a teaspoon. It is also better to use iodized salt and avoid snacks that have a lot of sugar and salt. 

Limiting the intake of your sodas and soft drinks with a high amount of sugar like syrups, flavored milk, and juice concentrate, not to mention the weight gain! Selecting fresh fruits instead of eating sweet things like chocolate, cakes, and cookies can go a long way. 

Vitamins and Minerals 

Eating healthy foods is one of the best ways to go

The best foods to eat and vitamins to take during the pandemic (and during normal times as well) include the following. 

  • Vitamin D: Probably the most important vitamin you can take (either via natural foods or over-the-counter). This nutrient is filled with important benefits, which include the following:
      • Supports lung function
      • Supports your heart
      • Strengthens bones and teeth
      • Supports your immune system
      • Supports the brain and nervous system
      • It may help to reduce some cancers

And the foods you should eat that contain vitamin D are:

      • Fish, especially tuna and salmon
      • Orange juice, soy milk, and some cereals (read the ingredients on the box)
      • Cheese
      • Egg yolks

Other important vitamins for your body’s health are:

      • Vitamin A: This can help maintain the health of your respiratory system and intestines. Foods rich in vitamin A include spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, red bell peppers, and broccoli.
      • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is best known for keeping your bones in good shape and building your immune system. You can have kiwis, red bell peppers, and citrus fruits to up your vitamin C intake. The recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) per day.
      • Vitamin E: Helps to neutralize free radicals by acting as an antioxidant. Vitamin E exists in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and avocados.
      • Zinc: Many enzymes in the body are dependent on zink, and a deficiency can lead to a dysfunction in the immune system. Foods rich in zinc include nuts, seeds, beans, poultry, meat, and seafood.
      • Protein: Amino acids are a good protein and are needed for the T-cell function that protects cells from pathogens, like the COVID-19 virus. Items like seeds, nuts, beans, eggs, seafood, poultry, and meats have plenty of protein that can benefit you. 


Two Men Exercising on MatAt the end of the day, you have to remember that foods aren’t the only thing that will keep you safe. While the items mentioned here are considered the best nutrients and vitamins to take, especially during this pandemic, good exercise is also highly recommended.