What if there was no one to look after your elderly parents? You considered it but existing circumstances restrict you from taking her into your house. You thought about in-home care, but the costs are financially prohibitive. However, there is something you can do about it. You can take her to a good nursing home, but how do you go about finding the right nursing home for her? Let’s have a look at some common FAQs that you will need to ask in choosing a good nursing home for your elderly.
Is Your Nursing Home a Non-Profit Facility?
Nursing homes often work for for-profit as well as non-profit organizations, But most of them work on a nonprofit basis. In a nonprofit nursing home, the staff members work for the betterment and look after the health of the old people. Such types of organizations are not interested in making money; instead, they exclusively work for the healthcare industry. On the contrary, the nursing homes working for-profit focus and contribute towards the activities they are interested in.
A nursing home is a place where old people are looked after. Credible nursing homes give topmost priority to old people’s care and do not compromise on the quality of care provided to them.
The highest level of care is given to adults unlike in hospitals. From getting in and out of bed to assisting in dressing, bathing, feeding, and even moving, a nursing home provides custodial care at every level to old people.
You must never doubt the level of medical attention that an old person will receive in a nursing home. Though you are just trying to keep the aged person in a safer place you should never doubt the facilities of a nursing home as compared to that of a hospital. Nursing homes have precautionary measures for their safety. They have fire alarms, and different routes to escape from different floors, the staff is trained for evacuation drills, and the representatives take care of the belongings of your loved ones even in the worst of situations. Additionally, President Biden has set reforms for greater safety in nursing homes.
What About the Food?
You would want your loved one to eat healthy and hygienic food, just like you. A credible nursing home always keeps a check on the hygiene of the food. Also, they give variety to their seniors by letting them choose from the menu. The meal is prepared considering their dietary requirements, age, and diet so that it is palatable, as well as healthy for them. If they do not like the food, they can ask for something else and it is served to them, keeping in view their taste and preference.
If you are going to take your loved ones to a nursing home, then you need to properly investigate nursing homes before making the final decision. While there may be many concerns that you would want to ask them about, there were a few to help you out.
Alzheimer’s disease is an aggressive neurological disorder that slowly breaks down brain cells and inhibits bodily function. The main problem materializes when a person starts to forget things as their brain cells gradually die.
For loved ones, it can be very difficult to see how Alzheimer’s is takes away the independence of the person who has acquired it. It can also get frustrating, especially when the individual is unable to communicate their wants and needs. There are a lot of myths about Alzheimer’s, so we are going to provide the proper procedures to follow as if you find yourself in a position to assist someone who has acquired this debilitating disease.
Read Up about It
A good way to help is by doing your research regarding Alzheimer’s disease. This can allow you to understand what you should expect and how you can prepare. In many cases, there are common misconceptions about the condition as well that might mar your plans. Always do your research and ensure that you are educated about the condition. This will mean that as your loved one’s condition worsens, you can still do all in your means to make them comfortable.
Similarly, not all forms of Alzheimer’s cause dementia. Dementia only occurs when Alzheimer’s has progressed to a serious stage. The main goal here for you is to understand the condition so that you can offer better support to your loved ones. If you don’t understand it, you cannot help them in a greater capacity, as they need.
Healthy Exercises
Just because someone has Alzheimer’s does not mean that they have to stop doing the activities that they’ve enjoyed. In fact, it is actually encouraged that they indulge in activities that can keep their brain healthier for longer time. From gardening and yard work yoga, jogging, swimming or walking the dog can improve their mood as well as allow them to keep their cognitive thought processes working.
Remember to offer them healthy snacks and water when they are exercising. Also, continue to encourage and interact with them. Whenever possible, allow them to maintain their independence. Alzheimer’s can cause a person to rely heavily on a caretaker. Until that moment, allow them to retain their activities without your assistance. Be careful in some cases though, such as cooking or other activities where a danger may exist. Accidents can occur if the person forgets they are chopping vegetables or they put something in the oven and then forgot about it.
Have Realistic Expectations
Alzheimer’s can make a person rather moody and prone to mood swings so you should expect the unexpected. Keep in mind that these patients can fluctuate between good days and bad days. The good days might make you hopeful but things can definitely take a wrong turn with ease. For this reason, be realistic and take each moment as it comes. Also, keep in mind that the good days are not a sign that the disease is diminishing.
As a degenerative condition, there are treatments available that can slow down the disease but there is no ultimate cure. If your loved one is taking medication for Alzheimer’s, understand that it won’t fix the condition; the medication will just allow them to enjoy their quality of life for longer. It also allows them to adjust to the condition. By understanding and accepting this factor, you can make sure that you have realistic expectations of how the condition will progress.
A Predictable Schedule and Routine
One of the major problems with Alzheimer’s is that it can cause confusion on a daily basis. By having a schedule and a routine that is predictable, you can make an Alzheimer’s patient’s life easier. Have meals consistently at the same time; schedule their bathroom breaks, their activities and bedtime. It might feel like looking after a toddler but it allows your loved one to have a set routine that they will not forget so easily.
The routine and monotony of daily life will also allow them to easily handle much of the anxiety and confusion that comes as their condition progresses. Remember to be patient and avoid deviating from the routine as much as possible. Any unexpected changes can trigger anxiety as they are not expecting the change. Moreover, without a consistent routine, it can be difficult for them to remember what they did during the day.
Don’t Argue
As they lose their memory, your loved ones will often forget something. They might often believe that they are living in the past or have forgotten that someone has passed away. Never try to argue with them because their failing memory means that they cannot remember what has actually happened. The best thing to do is to gently steer the conversation towards the truth.
If they still insist on something, tell them the truth firmly but avoid arguing. Getting angry for forgetting something will only add to their confusion which in turn, will end up making them angry at their inability to remember. Moreover, as the condition progresses, they will forget so you can’t fault them on this aspect.
Emotional Bonds
When a person has Alzheimer’s they can slowly lose their vocabulary as well as their ability to write. They might also forget what certain objects are called and will come up with words for them. An apple could become a red ball. It is very important to read between the lines. When someone with Alzheimer talks to you, you need to listen with your eyes, ears and your heart.
In many cases, the person might not remember an event but they still remember the emotions they felt. Capitalize on this aspect by developing and improving your emotional bonds with them. Listen to music, read out loud to them and try to paint. Moreover, always remember to hug them and let them know they are loved by your actions and your words.
Dementia is an umbrella term for all such instances where a person’s memory and ability of cognitive thinking get severely damaged.
The effect of dementia is so severe that it can interrupt or halt the everyday activities of an individual. Statistics regarding the prevalence and healthcare expenses of this mental concern demonstrate the graveness of the matter.
According to the World Alzheimer’s Report, worldwide healthcare expenses on the treatment of different forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, will reach one trillion dollars this year. Statistics suggest that right now, around five million people are living with dementia in the US, and this number is projected to rocket to 14 million by 2050.
In the conventional healthcare domain, dementia is not considered a preventable medical condition. Therefore, most of the healthcare expenditure exhausted in this domain goes to researching the underlying reasons that lead to this disease and setting out its prevention measures.
Due to the greater prevalence of dementia among our senior citizenry, many people think of it as a pitfall and an unwanted consequence of aging. However, dementia can affect a person from any age group.
The fact that dementia is incurable makes it very vital to get oneself educated with all the factors that have been researched and studied for their role in increasing the chances of acquiring this mental illness in different forms.
For many years, snoring was considered an annoying, involuntary habit of a sleeping individual. However, studies are now associating it with Alzheimer’s disease as well.
According to a study published in the journal SLEEP, obstructive sleep apnea (a principal cause of snoring in many cases) is linked to slowed cognitive functions and increased risks of developing dementia.
The researchers have further substantiated this claim by analyzing the spinal fluid of the patients who participated in this case study. This analysis has shown that people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea go through molecular changes in their spinal fluid, which might become a precursor for the development of dementia.
Thus, people suffering from excessive snoring and obstructive sleep apnea must focus on the treatment of their condition to limit the risks of dementia.
Diet Soda and Artificially-Sweetened Drinks
Use of soft drinks and other artificially processed drinks is detrimental to health in general. However, a research study from the previous year suggests that people with high use of such drinks become more vulnerable to acquiring dementia.
The study was conducted on more than 3,000 participants aged 45 and above who shared their lifestyle details to gauge the risk factors of getting this cognitive degenerative disease.
According to the study, people who have an increased average intake of diet sodas become two to three times more vulnerable to acquiring dementia. Even though the study is not conclusive, it shows that people who are already suffering from unhealthy physiological conditions and drinking diet sodas become more vulnerable to this mental health problem as well.
For that reason, our brain health needs to eat and live healthily.
Unhealthy Lifestyle and Behavior
Another interesting study has been conducted to identify the risk factors for dementia. A comprehensive piece of research suggests it might be possible that unhealthy lifestyles and behavioral choices prompt one-third of cases of dementia.
For instance, the study has pointed out that hearing loss at a young age, social seclusion, and lack of education after the 15-year stage can increase the chances of a person suffering from dementia in later years.
All these mentioned conditions and situations have a strong connection with the brain.
Calcium Supplements Can be Detrimental
Experts advise not to use nutritional supplements without any critical reason because scientific studies are constantly revealing the harmful side effects of these OTC drugs. A study that underlines the detrimental effects of calcium supplements has established its link with dementia.
According to the study, people suffering from cerebrovascular diseases and have ever suffered from stroke become vulnerable to dementia with the administration of calcium supplements.
The study doesn’t provide a direct cause and effect of this phenomenon. However, it can be deduced that calcium can affect blood supply to the brain by altering the stiffness or contraction of vessels.
So, people who are already suffering from brain diseases must consult their physician before the administration of any nutritional supplement.
Compromised Cardiovascular Health
The field of medical science has already established a connection between the health of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system through different studies.
A research study, which was presented at the International Stroke Conference last year, suggested that health issues such as blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking, which affect the heart’s health, are also responsible for increasing the risk of dementia. So, it can be said that by keeping your heart healthy, you can simultaneously reduce the risk of dementia.
Less Amount of REM Sleep
REM (rapid eye movement) is a part of the sleep cycle highlighted by increased brain activity. Therefore, most of the dreaming sequences occur during REM sleep. Now, science tells us that this dreaming phase of sleep can also protect our brain from the torment of dementia. According to a research study from the last year, older people with less amount of REM sleep become more susceptible to acquiring dementia over an extended time period.
The study has only established a connection between reduced REM sleep and dementia instead of furnishing the binary of cause and effect. However, initial inferences of this study suggest that increased activity of the brain during sleep can help rejuvenate the neuropathways that become fragile with aging and can lead to the onset of dementia.
Cranial Injuries
Severe repetitive and non-repetitive head injuries can also be one of the risk factors for dementia. Studies have concluded that people who suffered from a serious head injury in the past are 60 percent more at the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
In Summary:
If you snore, find the cause. It might just be nothing (which is common) or may be the result of something that may need attention.
Soda tastes good, but for the most part, is not very healthy. Dring it sparingly if at all.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Have daily fruits and vegetables and exercise regularly.
Be wary of calcium supplements.
Make sure you are getting 7-8 hours of good sleep.
If you acquire a head injury. Don’t manage it yourself. Seek treatment from a medical professional.
See your doctor on a regular basis.
It is always best to consult with your physician regarding this disease and any diseases in order to better prepare for your underlying health, now and in the future.
Wordcloud illustration of antioxidants. BigstockFree radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells if left unchecked, potentially contributing to poor health and the development of various diseases.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells if left unchecked, contributing to poor health and the potential development of various diseases.
They are produced by your body, which naturally makes them when they turn food into energy. Free radicals also develop from environmental factors such as pollution and sunlight.
Antioxidants are the best defense against free radicals. In this article, we discuss how free radicals affect our health and how we can alleviate their harmful effects with the help of antioxidants.
What are Free Radicals?
Chemical Illustration of an atom with a missing electron, causing it to become a free radical. Photo: CC Wikipedia
Electrons, when not paired in their atomic orbits, are highly unstable. A free radical is a name given to an atom that possesses an unpaired electron, meaning a missing electron, and subsequently produces unstable cells that can damage our cell membranes.
The process by which atoms lose electrons is called oxidation,and this is not a healthy process for us humans (or any animal), and it can result in a variety of illnesses. When the free radicals are successful, they set off an oxidative chain reaction that can affect hundreds of millions of molecules and consequently, inhibits the cells that work to keep our bodies healthy.
Let’s see how free radicals operate.
Reactions of Free Radicals in Our Body
As mentioned, when free radicals are formed, they try to obtain electrons from different molecules, be it proteins, fats, cell membranes, or genetic molecules; in other words, they try to steal electrons from the atoms of the nutrients that work to keep us healthy. The removal of an electron from any such molecule changes its basic state and triggers an oxidative chain reaction. This phenomenon caused by free radicals is known as oxidative stress.
What is the Free Radical Theory of Aging?
According to the free radical theory of aging, organisms age because their biological cells accumulates oxidative damage of free radicals over time. Even though the debate on the authenticity of this theory is still ongoing, research studies have agreed on the fact that oxidative stress can lead to this degeneration.
For instance arthritis, heart problems, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, and many other health complications can be caused by the prevalence of free radicals.
According to the free radical theory of aging, if oxidative destruction caused by free radicals can be capped, then it can provide longevity to any living being.
So, have we found the fountain of youth? Most likely not, but have we found a way to keep us healthy to the point that we may live longer? Absolutely.
Sources of Free Radicals
To counter the effects of free radicals, it is imperative to know how they originate. They can be produced within the body or we get exposed to them from external sources. Whatever the case, knowing where they come from, holds the key to getting rid of them!
Internal Sources of Free Radicals
The human body needs the energy to survive and grow. This energy comes from breaking down the food that we eat into ATP molecules with the help of oxygen. This chemical reaction also produces free radicals as a byproduct.
Free radicals are also produced when the body undergoes severe stress levels or inflammation (the process by which the body moves to protect itself against harm; e.g. cutting yourself while shaving – white blood cells run to protect from the injury).
There are a host of other ways that free radicals can occur. Our job is to keep them at bay by exercising, eating the right foods, and avoiding unnecessary stress.
Sources of Free Radicals
Do you really want this kind of nicotine in your body? Photo: Pxhere
What should we stay away from? Let’s start with fried foods. Not only are they bad for your weight, but how they are cooked causes free radicals to develop.
There are lots of harmful external resources that can expose the human body to free radicals as well, as indicated below.
Industrial pollution (including chemicals and smoke)
It is practically impossible to get rid of external free radicals altogether since they are all around us, in the air we breathe and in the food and water we consume. The best practice is to try and minimize their levels in your body.
How to do this? Read on for more information.
Antioxidants: Crusaders Against Free Radicals
Antioxidant donates a missing electron to a Free radical. Now all electrons are paired. Photo: Bigstock
Antioxidants stop free radicals from inflicting damage by donating the electron they are looking for.
Like free radicals, some antioxidants are produced within the body, while others can be consumed through dietary products and supplements. Fruits and vegetables are some of the best sources of antioxidants, but there are other foods as well.
There are several other antioxidants, which although not as vital as the ones mentioned above are also necessary for combating the negative effects of free radicals.
Vitamin C and E
What Foods Contain the Highest Amounts of Antioxidants?
Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to gain antioxidants. Photo: Maxpixel
Coffee has been known to contain high levels of antioxidants, but here’s a short list of some other foods that contain antioxidants:
Antioxidants are free radical killers. They reduce the formation of ions or free radicals and work towards donating an electron. Once the cell has its missing entity – the electron, the free radical is neutralized. The idea is to maintain the availability of antioxidants by eating the right foods and avoiding external resources such as smoking and alcohol.
In general, you can make sure that your body has access to antioxidants by adjusting your dietary habits around fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods are one of the richest sources of micronutrients and antioxidants, and both of these substances are necessary to rid the body of free radicals.
Bottom Line
Cells that have missing electrons in the body are bad news. If these guys are allowed to accumulate, they can become very harmful to us. There are many ways that oxidation can occur within our bodies. But there is a hero – Antioxidants – molecules that search for and neutralize these free radicals. We can obtain antioxidants by consuming foods and drinks rich in antioxidants daily.
Alzheimer’s is an untreatable progressive brain disease that slowly devastates the memory and conceptual skills of the affected individual. The disease was first identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 after he noticed remarkable changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died after suffering from a mysterious mental disease.
Her symptoms included language problems, memory loss, and erratic behavior. Today, persons showing these symptoms are said to be suffering from Alzheimer’s. Around 5.4 million people in the US suffer from Alzheimer’s. The majority of the affected individuals are aged 65 and older. Persons suffering from the disease have abnormally tangled bundles of fibers known as neurofibrillary and clumps called amyloid plaques in the brain. No cure for Alzheimer’s has been found yet. The drugs that had looked promising when tested on animals failed when used on humans at the great expense of money and time. While there are certain similarities, the human brains are not the same as mice or other animals on which the drugs are tested. In a bid to accelerate the development of a cure for Alzheimer’s and other mental diseases such as Parkinson’s, scientists at the John Hopkins University have developed ‘minibrains’ that imitate the functions of a human brain.
How Minibrains Can Help in Development of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Human Brain
The minibrains developed by the researchers at John Hopkins consist of clusters of human neurons and other cells that mimic the structure and function of the brain. They are the tiny models of the real human brain that can help scientists in the ongoing research to provide a cure for the brain disorders including Alzheimer’s.
The miniature model of the brain that is about the size of an insect’s eye and could be produced on a large scale. This will make it easier for the researchers to test the effectiveness and safety of the new drugs in a laboratory setting. The minibrains show evidence of electrical activity that the researchers can measure during clinical trials of the drugs for the Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers could obtain much better information about the effectiveness of the drugs through the minibrains as compared to testing them on rodents. These brains could one day replace the thousands of animals particularly mice that are used in the neurology laboratories.
The team that had developed the minibrains had said that brain cells of people with a particular genetic trait could also be taken to provide a model for examining different neurological diseases.
One thing remains is whether the public will accept the idea of growing ‘human brains’ inside the lab. But the researchers that had developed the minibrains said that there would be less fear of the use of these brains if people understood that the lab-grown miniature brains can never match the functions or structure of the real human brain.
The human brains have billions of cells while the minibrains stop growing after only about 20,000 cells. And these miniature clusters of cells have no way of becoming conscious or making decisions, according to the researchers that developed the minibrains; however, miniaturization is becoming a key factor in the advancement of the sciences and we hope that this will be a breakthrough in medical science that will take the cure for Alzheimer’s to the next level.
No matter how close you are to your loved one, eventually most people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease do require the additional care provided at a nursing home. This is because the disease worsens with time, requiring 24/7 surveillance. Nursing homes ensure that the people suffering from Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia are secure and in good, well treatable environment.
It may feel like being stabbed by a thousand knives at once having to leave behind an Alzheimer patient in a nursing home, but it is the only appropriate solution for the advanced stage of the disease. Knowing that you are making the right decision for your loved one. Below are some suggestions on how to find the appropriate nursing home for Alzheimer’s afflicted patients.
Types of Nursing Homes
With the progress of the disease, there are increase physical and mental challenges individual caregivers have to tackle (at home) with each passing day. Therefore, the nursing homes are a safe haven where the patient will obtain the proper healthcare and treatment. There are two basic types of nursing homes available for people suffering from Alzheimer’s:
Basic Care:This type of care covers personal care such as dressing, bathing, using toilets, laundry, eating and simply moving around the place.
Professional Care:The professional care requires the services of skilled professionals such as nurses, occupational and physical therapist who will monitor the health condition of the afflicted individual. The professional healthcare specialist will provide treatments.
Services Provided at Nursing Homes
Even though the services at different nursing homes vary, you will commonly discover the following facilities being provided:
Emergency services round the clock for critical situations
Lodging and boarding services
All sorts of personal care along with supervision
Fun filled activities to keep the patient engaged
What should you look for in a nursing home facility for people suffering from Alzheimer disease?
Fees and Insurance
The fee structure for nursing homes is quite high for long-term care facilities, but you must analyze the differences in the levels of services offered on different packages. Find out about billing structures, acceptance of medical insurance coverage and the exact services that are a part of the quoted fees.
Facilities and Level of Care
Taking a deep look at the facilities is also extremely crucial. Your quest for the best nursing home should not end until you have discovered an Alzheimer’s care facility that will completely provide all the services that you think that your loved one will require. Level of care should never be compromised upon. Knowing the visiting schedule is also important.
Assessment and Admission Requirement
Find out if there is a designated waiting period before the admission of the patient. Find out how the care plans of individuals are devised—are they the same or are they customized? How often an assessment is conducted to determine the services that a particular resident requires?
Visit the nursing home prior to the admission and meet other patients. Looking at their condition will let you know whether the rights of the residents are violated or not. If you can manage to talk to volunteers and staff, it would help in shaping an opinion.
Alzheimer’s is one of the irreversible diseases which deteriorates the memory and mental condition of the person, subjecting them to phases of memory loss, followed by complete loss and damage of cognitive skills over time. The disease is part of the more commonly known mental state called dementia, which is the generic term for those who lose their cognitive abilities. Alzheimer’s is a chronic, neurodegenerative disease and is one of the most dreaded, due to the fact that the person gradually loses their mental capacity until they cannot think of take care of themselves.
Apart from the commonly known facts, there are some myths surrounding the Alzheimer’s disease, which needs to be addressed, in order to obtain a better understanding if you are with a person suffering from it.
Alzheimer’s disease only happens to people of old age
This is one of the widely known misconceptions about Alzheimer’s disease. If someone is experiencing symptoms, then they shouldn’t put off the doctor’s appointment until their 50th birthday. This disease doesn’t wait to strike people in their senior years only. Although most of the patients of Alzheimer’s disease are above the age of 60 years on average, it doesn’t restrict the disease to old age and can be prevalent among young people as well. Due to not being considered under threat of the disease in midlife, many people aren’t tested for it, thus delaying the diagnosis. This results in major progression of the illness in old age. The early onset is usually genetic, so if someone has a family history of it, it’s better to get a thorough check up on a more frequent basis.
Alzheimer’s disease isn’t deadly
Often people do not take the disease too seriously, which results in failing to acknowledge the fact that it is one of the top 10 diseases leading to death in the U.S. Alzheimer’s patients go far beyond regular forgetfulness which is a part of the aging process, often forgetting to eat and drink even, if living alone. This could easily lead to the danger of starvation. The disease can also lead to breathing problems, pneumonia and trouble swallowing and chewing food which may be fatal.
There isn’t a current cure of Alzheimer’s disease
Although many stories have been published and there have been many claims by nutritionists about the cure of Alzheimer’s disease; there isn’t anything that could stop it from progressing. A healthy lifestyle, medicines and proper diet may improve the general health of an Alzheimer’s patient, subsequently slowing down the progress of the disease, but the illness does grow with time, leaving no other option but to accept it.
Getting mindfully engaged in mental exercises, like puzzles may lower the risk or slow the growth of Alzheimer’s disease, but no person should accept the claims made about medicines, diet regimen or exercise plans to cure it completely.