In our previous article, we discussed what human food our canine buddies like to eat. Now let’s focus on the healthiest meat products they can enjoy and you’ll be surprised to see that a lot of these foods are still the same food that we humans eat!
Oh, the Meat Eaters in Us and Our Pets!

Dogs are natural carnivores, and that’s why their diet should consist mostly of meat. But not just any kind of meat. Dogs need to eat high-quality protein from animal sources to remain healthy.
The right diet can help your dog avoid common diseases such as hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, and even cancer. A dog’s diet should also contain the right amount of nutrients for optimal health. However, most commercial dog food doesn’t meet these standards because it contains too many carbohydrates and not enough protein from animal sources.
If you want to feed your dog a healthier diet to avoid chronic diseases and live a longer life, consider switching from commercial dog food to home-cooked meals with human-grade meat as the primary ingredient.
These are some of the best meats for dogs:

Beef is one of the best sources of protein for dogs. It’s rich in iron and B vitamins and can help prevent anemia in dogs with low red blood cell counts. Since dogs can’t break down certain amino acids found in beef, over-consumption of beef can cause high levels of uric acid in the dog’s blood, leading to the formation of kidney stones. In addition to being high in protein, beef is also a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, and zinc.

Give the dog a bone! We didn’t make up that phrase, but it sure is popular. Maybe because bones are a dog’s favorite and a chicken bone is definitely on their taste list.
Chicken is a popular source of protein for dogs. Many commercial dog foods are made from chicken because it’s inexpensive and rich in amino acids and minerals. Chicken is also one of the best sources of protein for humans, so it’s a great choice for dogs too. It’s rich in vitamins B3 and B6 as well as selenium, a mineral that protects dogs against heart disease and certain types of cancer. Unfortunately, raw chicken is prone to bacterial contamination. Cooking it thoroughly can prevent this.
Lamb is another high-quality source of protein that can help puppies grow larger and adult dogs maintain their ideal weight. Like other types of meat, lamb is rich in amino acids and minerals that dogs need to stay healthy. Lamb is also a good source of vitamins B3 and B12, which are important for healthy blood cell production. Like other red meats, lamb is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, so it’s best to feed it in moderate amounts.
Pork is an excellent source of protein for dogs, but it’s high in cholesterol, so you should feed it in moderation. Pork is also rich in B vitamins and minerals that are essential for a dog’s health. It also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that promotes relaxation. Pork is a good choice for dogs with certain allergies or sensitivities because it is less likely to trigger an allergic reaction than other types of meat.

Salmon is a great source of protein for our canine friends and an excellent alternative to red meat. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help prevent heart disease, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases. Salmon is also rich in vitamins B6 and B12 and minerals like selenium and zinc. Salmon is moderately high in protein, but it’s also high in mercury, so feed it sparingly and avoid feeding it to dogs who are pregnant or lactating.
Fodo’s Teeth

While we’re on the subject of keeping your pet healthy, don’t forget about their mouth! As mother always said regular brushing is important, but start with the right foods such as bones, fruits, and vegetables (great for us humans also!), dental chews (ask your vet for them), and another human favorite – yogurt.
Canines should have meat in their diet, but it must be the right type of meat so that they can get the high-quality protein and nutrients they need. We hope this article will help you get a foothold on providing a healthy diet for your dog and one that he/she will love. But before you change any food sources for your best friend, make sure you clear it with your veterinarian first!